Who does Bazarov call a ladybug? Who calls whom “a retired man” and “a ladybug.” To whom is the dedication of the novel “Fathers and Sons” addressed?


1. To whom was I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” dedicated?

A) N.G. Chernyshevsky

B) N.A. Nekrasov

B) N.A. Dobrolyubov

D) V.G. Belinsky

2. The inconsistency of Bazarov’s views is revealed:

a) in ideological disputes Bazarov and P. P. Kirsanov

b) in love conflict with Odintsova

B) in dialogues with Arkady Kirsanov

d) in relations with Sitnikov and Kukshina

3. To what class did Bazarov belong?

4. How did the duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov end?

a) the death of Bazarov b) the death of Kirsanov c) Kirsanov was wounded

d) the heroes abandoned this method of resolving disputes

5. I. S. Turgenev is deservedly called “the master of Russian landscape.” What is the nature of the landscape in final scene(at Bazarov’s grave)?

a) romantic b) social

c) psychological d) philosophical

6. Indicate what type of COMPOSITION the author used in the novel “Fathers and Sons.”

a) ring or cyclic

b) consistent

c) parallel

7. What does I. S. Turgenev mean by “nihilism”?

a) complete denial of the knowledge accumulated by humanity

b) revolutionary-democratic worldview

C) denial of the political system, state system

d) natural science theories

8. Which hero of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is essentially an exponent of the author’s point of view?

a) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

b) Evgeny Bazarov

c) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

d) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

9. Identify the hero from the portrait.

She struck him with the dignity of her bearing. Her naked arms lay beautifully along her slender figure, falling beautifully from shiny hair light fuchsia branches on sloping shoulders; calmly and intelligently, precisely calmly, and not thoughtfully, the bright eyes looked from under a slightly overhanging white forehead, and the lips smiled with a barely noticeable smile. Some kind of gentle and soft power wafted from her face.

a) Fenechka b) Evdoksiya Kukshina c) Katya Lapteva d) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova10. Why didn’t A.S. Odintsova reciprocate Bazarov’s feelings?

a) she did not feel love for Bazarov

b) she despised Bazarov because he was of low birth

c) she was afraid of Bazarov’s love and decided that

d) Bazarov was just curious about her

11. Which critic makes the following statement about Bazarov?

« To die the way Bazarov died is the same as accomplishing a great feat.”

a) V. G. Belinsky b) N. G. Chernyshevsky

c) M. A. Antonovich d) D. I. Pisarev

12. What is the fate of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov after the duel and death of Bazarov?

a) continues to live on the estate with his brother

b) goes abroad

c) returned to St. Petersburg I lead secular image life

d) took up farming and improvement of the estate and became a good owner

13. In I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”, household items play an important role in characterizing the hero. Find a match between an household item and the hero of the novel.

a) a silver ashtray in the shape of a bast shoe

b) a volume of poems by A. S. Pushkin

c) checkered hoodie with tassels

d) hair monogram in a black frame and a diploma under glass

A) Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov

B) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

B) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

D) Evgeny Bazarov

14. To what literary direction does the work of I. S. Turgenev belong to?

a) classicism b) sentimentalism

c) romanticism d) realism

15. Indicate the name of the family estate of I. S. Turgenev?

a) Karabikha

b) Yasnaya Polyana

c) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo

d) Muranovo

16. By origin I. S. Turgenev was:

a) a nobleman

b) tradesman

c) commoner

17. At the heart of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is a conflict:

a) father and son Kirsanov (generation conflict)

b) landowners and serfs (social conflict)

c) commoners-democrats and liberal nobles (ideological conflict)

d) Bazarov and Odintsova (love conflict)

18. In what year does the novel “Fathers and Sons” begin?

a) January 1840

b) March 1849

c) May 1859

d) September 1861

19. In disputes, Bazarov denied art, love, and nature. Which of the novel's heroes was Bazarov's main opponent on aesthetic issues?

a) Arkady Kirsanov

b) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

c) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

d) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

20. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” did D.I. Pisarev call “little Pechorin”?

a) E. V. Bazarova

b) P. P. Kirsanova

c) Arkady Kirsanov

d) N. P. Kirsanova

21. Arkady Kirsanov tells E. Bazarov the life story of his uncle, P. P. Kirsanov, in order to:

a) satisfy Bazarov’s curiosity

b) keep a bored friend busy

c) place Bazarov in favor of his uncle

d) justify the sybarism of P. P. Kirsanov

22. Which word in E. Bazarov’s vocabulary is considered abusive?

a) progress

b) liberalism

c) romanticism

d) "principles"

23. What role do they play? female images in the works of I. S. Turgenev?

a) introduced to develop the plot

b) they are used to check personal qualities hero

c) they inspire male heroes to take action

d) they are opposed to the main character

24. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov are contrasted with each other in their way of life, thoughts, and appearance. Are there any similarities in the characters of these heroes? Indicate the similarities between these characters.

a) “satanic pride” b) low origin

c) cynicism d) pragmatism

25. Why did I. S. Turgenev place the democrat Bazarov next to one of the best representatives of the nobility, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov?

a) in order to show the inconsistency of Bazarov’s views

b) in order to show the failure of the noble class and the moral superiority of a democrat over an aristocrat

c) in order to humiliate the democrat Bazarov

d) in order to emphasize the aristocracy of P. P. Kirsanov

a) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov are useless

b) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov are premature, ahead of their time

c) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov would bring nothing to Russia except harm

d) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov are unique and not typical for Russia

27. To what class did Bazarov belong?

a) nobility b) philistinism c) commoners d) peasantry

a) the hero is despised

b) the hero evokes sympathy

c) the hero is depicted ironically

29. What function does the following landscape serve in the novel “Fathers and Sons”?

The places they passed through could not be called picturesque. Fields, all fields stretched right up to the horizon... There were rivers with dug-out banks, and tiny ponds with thin dams, and villages with low huts under dark, often half-swept roofs... As if on purpose, the peasants were all shabby, on bad nags; Like beggars in rags, roadside willows with stripped bark and broken branches stood...

a) aesthetic

b) social

c) philosophical

d) psychological

Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

  1. a- b b- c c-d d- a

“Bazarov Fathers and Sons” - Critics about the novel. -At the present time, the most useful thing is to deny - we deny. Not only art, poetry... but also... it’s scary to say... What a luxury “Fathers and Sons”! I don't agree with you, Evgeny Bazarov. “Raphael is not worth a penny.” A.P. Chekhov. Just at least shout guard. Lesson-Seminar. A.V. Lunacharsky.

“Turgenev Fathers and Sons” - Collect information about Evgeny Bazarov. 2nd group. Yu.V. Lebedev. P. Weil, A. Genis. “Fathers and Sons” is perhaps the most noisy and scandalous book in Russian literature. Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov. 3rd group. Social-philosophical, polemical. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 4th group. Pavel Petrovich Nikolai Petrovich Old men Bazarovs Arkady, Kukshina and Sitnikov.

“Turgenev the Writer” - Until August 1839, Turgenev lived in Berlin. Creativity of I.S. Turgenev. Question: Literature lesson in 10th grade. In 1880, Turgenev took part in the celebrations in honor of the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow. Connection with Russian revolutionaries. Recent years life. Early years writer. Life abroad. Turgenev and pan-European literature.

“Mumu lesson” - Lesson summary. 2004 – 2009 studying at the Faculty of Philology of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. T.G. Buchugina. Key manager – Masagutova N.A. Russian teacher Language and Literature – Madanova G.D. 1994 – 2002 studying at Staromainskaya secondary school No. 1. Technical means: use of MMD presentation; use of audio recording. A group of researchers led by Ph.D., Assoc.

“The Story of I.S. Turgenev Mumu” ​​- Gerasim and Mumu. But the authorities forbade mentioning Gogol’s name in the press. Unlike Andrei, Gerasim did not forgive his mistress for Mumu’s death and went to the village. From the history of the creation of the story “Mumu”. It was under such conditions that the story “Mumu” ​​was written. R. Kasimov: “Gerasim is the non-fictional hero of I.S. Turgenev’s story. And Gerasim, it seems to me, eventually rebelled.

“Asya Turgenev” - The Tale “Asya” (1858). Portrait of I.S. Turgenev. 1872. V.A. Nedzvetsky. Municipal educational institution Tominsk secondary school. 2009 – 2010 academic year. V.G.Perov. Prepared by Chuiduk N.A., teacher of Russian language and literature of the first category. TURGENEV Ivan Sergeevich (1818-83), Russian writer. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich Tale "Asya".

There are a total of 43 presentations in the topic

In the novel, the main opponent in his ideological disputes.

Life story

Pavel Petrovich was brought up in the page corps. Having become an officer, he enjoyed great success in the world: Kirsanov was self-confident, mocking and “amusingly bilious.” Women liked him, easily had affairs, and aroused the envy of men. At twenty-seven he was already a captain, waiting for him brilliant career. And suddenly everything changed. A woman appeared in St. Petersburg society who became fatal for Kirsanov.

Pavel Petrovich fell passionately in love with Princess R., who was known in the world as a frivolous coquette. However, love did not bring Kirsanov happiness: having initially reciprocated his feelings, Princess R. soon lost interest in him. However, this obstacle did not stop the hero. For many years he tried to maintain this relationship; for many years this withering, debilitating passion did not give him peace.

Having become painfully attached to Princess R., Kirsanov could never understand her; he was struck by her strangeness, imbalance, something cherished and inaccessible” in her soul, where no one could penetrate. After tender meetings, he felt only “tearing and bitter disappointment” in his heart. Having parted with Princess R., Kirsanov tried to live his old, familiar life, but he could no longer get back into the old rut. He grew old, turned grey, and no longer thought about novels. Soon Pavel Petrovich and his brother settled in Maryino. At the end of his life he moved to Dresden, where he lived out his life alone.

Kirsanov has a number of advantages: he is intellectual, insightful, noble, has a strong-willed character (Pavel Petrovich does not have a truly strong-willed character - his high liberal principles about freedom and equality remain in words (although who said that a person with a strong-willed character must be a liberal?), but in terms of the strength of his character he is truly a worthy rival to Bazarov).


E.V. Amelina Preparing for the literature exam -: Onyx 21st century, 2005. - 0 p. ISBN 5-329-01102-7

See also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov” is in other dictionaries:

    Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov in the role of Pavel Kirsanov Creator: I. S. Turgenev Works: “Fathers and Sons” Gender: male nationality: Russian Role played by: Evgeny Pavlov ... Wikipedia

    The central character of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” (1862). P.P. Kirsanov, along with his brother Nikolai Petrovich, is a representative of centuries-old noble culture. Personality of P.P. no less contradictory than the personality of the “new... Literary heroes

    Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also 2) According to Antonovich, K. is still not as empty and limited as Pavel Petrovich; all the same, her thoughts are turned to objects more serious than fezzes, ties, collars, potions and baths; and she apparently neglects this. She… … Dictionary of literary types

    Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also... Dictionary of literary types

    Latin Produc. forms: Pavlik, Pashka, Pasha, Pavlusha, Pashenka, Pakha, Pashok, Pavlyan, Pashulya Foreign analogues: English. Paul Arm. Պողոս belor. Paval, Pauluk bolg ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov Creator: I. S. Turgenev Works: “Fathers and Sons” Gender: male Nationality: Russian Family: brother ... Wikipedia Laureates of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods - Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods, a form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for significant services in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization... ... Wikipedia

Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

Option 1.

1. “To accurately and powerfully reproduce the truth, the reality of life, is the highest happiness for a writer, even if this truth does not coincide with his own sympathies.” Who does I. S. Turgenev sympathize with:

1) Democratic revolutionaries. 2) Commoners. 3) Liberals. 4) Monarchists.

2 What is Bazarov’s future specialty.1) engineer, 2) doctor 3) teacher 4) military

3. Whose portrait is this?: “... a tall man, in a long robe with tassels... a bare red arm... a lazy but courageous voice,” a face “long and thin, with a wide forehead...”?

4. Whose portrait is this?: “...a man of average height, dressed in a dark English suit, a fashionable low tie and patent leather ankle boots... He looked about forty-five years old: his short-cropped gray hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver...”?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

5. Whose portrait is this?: “...It was a young woman of about twenty-three, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childishly plump lips and tender hands. She was wearing a neat cotton dress; the new blue scarf lay lightly on her round shoulders?

1) Fenechka. 2) Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina, “emancipated woman.” 3) Landowner Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. 4) Katya, Odintsova’s sister.

6. The disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” revolved around various issues, worried social thought Russia. Find the odd one out:

1) About the attitude towards the nobility cultural heritage. 2) About art, science.

3) About the system of human behavior, about moral principles.

4) About the situation of the working class. 5) About public duty, about education.

7. Giving a general assessment of the political content of “Fathers and Sons,” I. S. Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against...” (choose the correct one).

1) The proletariat as an advanced class. 2) The nobility as an advanced class.

3) The peasantry as an advanced class. 4) Revolutionary democrats as the advanced class.

8. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” can be called a “little man”:

1) Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov.

4) Fenechka.

9. In what circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes?: 1) Peasantry.2) Noble aristocracy.3) Russian patriarchal nobility. 4) The intelligentsia.

10. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” corresponds to the given characteristics:

1) Representative of the young noble generation, quickly turning into an ordinary landowner, spiritual limitations and weakness of will, superficiality of democratic hobbies, a tendency to eloquence, lordly manners and laziness.

2) An opponent of everything truly democratic, an aristocrat admiring himself, whose life has been reduced to love and, unfortunately, about the passing past, an esthete.

3) Uselessness and inability to adapt to life, to its new conditions, the type of “outgoing nobility”.

4) Independent nature, not bowing to any authority, nihilist.

a) O Evgeny Bazarov b) Arkady Kirsanov c) Pavel Petrovich d) Nikolai Petrovich

11. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote: “He did not experience, like Onegin and Pechorin, an era of idealization and sympathetic exaltation.” Why was Bazarov negatively received by both the progressive magazine Sovremennik and liberal and democratic circles:

1) Because of its extremes, unacceptable for some and futile for others.

2) Because of the atypical character and time.

3) Because of the hero’s attitude towards the people and his role in the democratic movement.

4) Because of differences in the question of the paths of the liberation movement.

12. Why E. Bazarov was especially distant from the author of the novel:

1) Misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement.

2) Nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia.

3) Exaggeration of the role of the intelligentsia in the liberation movement.

4) Separation from any practical activity.

13. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons”: “... dreamed that in the biography of his son there would be a phrase: “the son of a simple staff doctor, who, however, managed to figure him out early and spared nothing for his upbringing "? 1) Governor of the city***. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 4) Bazarov's father.

14. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” “...called Bazarov predatory, and Arkady Kirsanov tame”? 1) Fenichka. 2) Katya, Odintsova’s sister. 3) Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina. 4) Landowner A. S. Odintsova.

15. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” ... “stands up for the peasants”, but “when talking to them ... frowns and sniffs cologne”? 1) Governor of the city***. 2) Son of the tax farmer Sitnikov. 3) Evgeny Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

16. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” ... gives the following characterization to another: “Your brother, a nobleman, cannot go beyond noble humility or noble boiling, and this is nothing... You are a glorious fellow; but you’re still a soft, liberal gentleman...”?

1) P.P. Kirsanov - Bazarov. 2) Kukshina - Sitnikov. 3) Peasants - to Bazarov. 4) Bazarov - Arkady.

17. Match the characters in the novel social status:

1) “Emancipe”. 2) Russian aristocrat. 3) Regimental doctor. 4) Baric student. 5) Democratic student

A) Evgeny Bazarov B) Kukshina C) V.I. Bazarov D) Arkady Kirsanov D) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

18. What moment in the biography of Evgeny Bazarov became a turning point in his awareness of his personality:

1) Love for Odintsova. 2) Breakup with Arkady. 3) Dispute with P. P. Kirsanov. 4) Visiting parents.

Answers to the test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Answers to test option 1

1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 4 - 4 5 - 1 6 - 4 7 - 2 8 - 1 9 - 4

10 - 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a 11 - 1 12 - 2 13 - 4 14 - 4 15 - 4 16 -4 17 - 1b, 2d, 3c, 4d, 5a 18 - 1

Creativity test I.S. Turgenev. Novel "Fathers and Sons".

Option 2.

1. To whom is the dedication of the novel “Fathers and Sons” addressed:

1) A.I. Herzen. 2) V. G. Belinsky. 3) N. A. Nekrasov. 4) Pauline Viardot.

2. Which hero of the novel is essentially the exponent of the author’s point of view?

1) P.P. Kirsanov 2) E. Bazarov 3) N.P. Kirsanov 4) A.S. Odintsova

3. The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is:

1) Quarrel between P. P. Kirsanov and E. V. Bazarov. 2) The conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and N.P. Kirsanov. 3) The struggle of bourgeois-noble liberalism and revolutionary democrats. 4) The struggle between liberal monarchists and the people.

4. Whose portrait is this?: “... a gentleman of about forty years old, in a dusty coat and checkered trousers... we see him in the month of May 1859, already completely gray-haired, plump and slightly hunched, he is waiting for his son, who, like himself once, received the title candidate"?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

5. Whose portrait is this:“He was always fussing and in a hurry; in the morning he put on a tight uniform and an extremely tight tie, didn’t eat enough and didn’t drink enough, was in charge of everything”?

1) Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Governor of the city***. 4) Son of the tax farmer Sitnikov.

6. Whose portrait is this?: “...a man of short stature, in a Slavophile Hungarian dress... An alarming and dull expression was reflected in the small, however pleasant, features of his sleek face...”? 1) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. 3) Governor of the city***. 4) Son of the tax farmer Sitnikov.

7. Whose portrait is this?: “On a leather sofa there was a lady reclining, still young, blond, somewhat disheveled, in a silk, not very neat dress, with large bracelets on her short hands, with a lace scarf on her head...”?

1) Fenechka. 2) Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina, “emancipated woman.”

3) Landowner Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. 4) Katya, Odintsova’s sister.

8. Which of the characters in the novel owns the words: “We know approximately why physical illnesses occur, and moral illnesses arise from bad upbringing... from the ugly state of society, in a word, correct society, and there will be no illnesses.”

1) Arkady Kirsanov. 2) N. P. Kirsanov. 3) E. V. Bazarov. 4) P. P. Kirsanov

9. “Bazarov” wrote a critical article:

1) I. S. Turgenev. 2) V. G. Belinsky. 3) A. I. Herzen. 4) D. I. Pisarev.

10. Typing is:

1) Image of the general through the individual, i.e. the combination of the characteristic and individual in a single artistic image.

2) A frequently recurring nature or situation that is widespread.

3) Literary creation experience art world, accumulated by many generations of authors.

11. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” “...lived very well and quietly: they almost never parted, read together, played four hands on the piano, sang duets; she planted flowers and watched the poultry yard; he occasionally went hunting and did housework”?

1) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and his first wife. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Princess R..

3) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and Fenechka. 4) Bazarov and Odintsova.

12. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” “... having fallen in love with a woman with a mysterious look, lived for ten years “colorless, fruitless and quickly”, gradually grew old, remained single and began to live in the village, “he settled his whole life on English taste"?

1) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Chairman of the city treasury chamber***. 4) Viktor Sitnikov, son of a tax farmer.

13. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” “... extremely loved nature, especially on a summer day when, in his words, “every bee takes a bribe from every flower”?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Governor of the city***.

3) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 4) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

14. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons”: “... groveled before his wife only because she was born Princess Durdolesova”?

1) Father of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 2) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

3) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. 4) Son of the tax farmer Sitnikov.

15. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons”: “...claimed that “all people are similar to each other, both in body and soul... small changes do not mean anything”?

1) Fenechka. 2) Governor of the city***.

3) Son of the tax farmer Sitnikov. 4) Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.

16. People close to Evgeny Bazarov in spirit are called:

17. Determine which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” belongs to the given “words and catchphrases”:

1) “The scientists there”, “others will say the truth, I agree”, latin words, “you, tea, have you heard...”

2) “...Without self-esteem”, “there is no solid foundation for society”, “principles” and French words, “I want to prove it”.

A) Pavel Petrovich. B) Evgeny Bazarov

18. When creating a novel, I. S. Turgenev widely uses the technique of antithesis. What does this term mean:

1) Character confrontation literary work.

2) A doctrine that places man at the center of the universe, considering man to be the “crown of nature.”

3) Artistic contrast of characters, circumstances, concepts, phenomena, compositional elements.

Answers to the test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Answers to test option 2

  1. What was the idea behind the novel Fathers and Sons? How was the socio-political struggle of the 60s of the 19th century reflected in it? Did they coincide in in this case the writer’s intentions and the objective meaning of his work?
  2. “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class,” argued I. S. Turgenev. In Bazarovo he pictured an extraordinary, titanic figure, growing from the soil of the people, but lonely and therefore doomed to death. The author conceived the main conflict of the novel as a conflict of ideologies: the moderate liberal position of the “fathers” and the extreme left views of nihilists (read revolutionaries, the author notes). The writer wanted to show the triumph of democracy over the aristocracy, but was sure of the defeat of the revolutionaries. Therefore, he categorically objected to the revolutionary conclusions made by Dobrolyubov after reading Fathers and Sons, and because of this he broke with his dear Sovremennik. The writer, who served “the revolution with the heartfelt meaning of his works” (from the proclamation of the People’s Volunteers), turned out to be wrong: the objective meaning of his novel outgrew the concept and turned out to be broader and more convincing than Turgenev had imagined.

  3. What is the main conflict in Fathers and Sons? Does the novel show the struggle of two generations or two ideologies?
  4. Which of the characters in the novel immediately attracts attention and evokes sympathy? Who can be called a hero of his time? Why do you think so?
  5. What does the generation of “fathers” (the Kirsanov brothers, Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov) look like in Turgenev’s image? What do you think about their attitude towards to the younger generation? Does the author sympathize with them or despise them?
  6. What is the essence of ideological disputes between “fathers” and “children”? Whose side is Turgenev on?
  7. Why do you think Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov became Bazarov’s main opponent? What does the duel scene characterize each of them?
  8. What are Bazarov's views? What attracts (or repulses) him? Why does Turgenev show him alone not only in the camp of the “fathers”, but also among the “children”?
  9. Prove that Bazarov is a fighter and thinker. What is the essence of Bazarov's nihilism? Does he have the moral right to call himself self-destructive?
  10. Bazarov has the character of a fighter. He never backs down in an argument with ideological opponents, does not change his beliefs, most often developed through experience. His aphorisms, often controversial, are the result of a lot of mental work. Bazarov's nihilism is not denial for the sake of denial, but firm belief that “science “in general” does not exist at all,” that one must look at everything critically, check the results of one’s research in the laboratory, etc. Bazarov is confident that “every person must educate himself,” and cites himself as an example . He has the right to call himself “self-deluded” because he never gives in to his weaknesses and fearlessly defends what he considers true.

  11. How does Bazarov feel about his parents? Why can’t there be spiritual intimacy between them?
  12. It is known that the test of love is a difficult exam for Turgenev’s heroes. How does Bazarov reveal himself in love? How does Turgenev show the sincerity and strength of his hero’s feelings? Is Anna Sergeevna Odintsova worthy of his love?
  13. “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as having accomplished a great feat.” Do you agree with this opinion of D.I. Pisarev? Why do you think the novel ends with the picture of Bazarov’s death? How does D.I. Pisarev answer this question? Why did Turgenev call Bazarov a “tragic face”?
  14. What is the role of landscape in Fathers and Sons?
  15. Why does Arkady belong to the camp of the “fathers”?
  16. Arkady in the epilogue “has become a zealous owner,” his “farm brings in significant income.” This suggests that the influence

  17. How are the ideological views of the characters revealed in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev?
  18. Bazarov quickly disappeared - after all, Arkady, despite the search social ideal outside the ideology of the nobility, he remained a “liberal gentleman.” He is the keeper of the traditions of the “fathers” not only in relation to culture. The ideological views of the heroes of I.S. Turgenev are most fully revealed in the disputes between the Kirsanovs and Bazarov.

  19. Describe the portrait of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.
  20. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is an aristocrat, which is emphasized by his beautiful white hands “with long pink nails”, “English suit, fashionable low ties”, “amazing collars”. He speaks with emphasized refined politeness, slightly tilting his head.

  21. Which principles of Bazarov cannot stand up to a dispute with life?
  22. Bazarov's nihilistic attitude towards love is shattered by his own feelings for Odintsova. For the first time, he realizes that he is powerless to give up love for the sake of reason, that he becomes dependent on a woman whose words, glance, and manners arouse in him a storm of irresistible passions. After defeat in a love match, Bazarov loses optimism and comes to gloomy discussions about the insignificance of man in the face of eternity.

  23. How do you understand the meaning of the word “nihilist”?
  24. The concept of “nihilism” by I.S. Turgenev introduced into the Russian language as a designation for the system of views of the “new people” who entered the Russian social life from the late 50s of the 19th century. Nihilism is a simplified, crudely materialistic understanding of life, in which rational, experienced knowledge through natural sciences, religion, art, beauty, morality are denied as useless in society. “We act because of what we recognize as useful. At the present time, the most useful thing is denial - we deny.”

  25. What is the weakness of Bazarov’s position?Material from the site

    The weakness of Bazarov's position lies in the total denial of everything that goes beyond the scope of empirical knowledge: art, the beauty of nature, love, religion. Life itself shatters his rejection of love. His materialism is superficial and crude, identifying physiology and morality (“each of us has a brain, spleen, heart, and lungs that are constructed in the same way,” which means that we all have the same “moral qualities”). Bazarov has no loyal supporters, he is alone, and therefore doomed.

  26. Why does I. S. Turgenev end Bazarov’s line with the death of the hero?
  27. I. S. Turgenev believed that the “Russian Insarovs” had come, but their time had not come. Bazarov is a premature person who does not have a close social perspective, which is why he had to die.

  28. What is the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Tour-geneva?
  29. The name has double meaning: confrontation between two social forces - liberal nobles (“fathers”) and democrats-commoners (“children”); the eternal contradiction of generations.

  30. What details of the portrait emphasize Bazarov’s democracy?
  31. I.S. Turgenev in appearance emphasized Bazarov's democracy. His face “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a flat upward, pointed nose downward, large greenish eyes and hanging sand-colored sideburns, was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.” He dresses simply and pointedly casually - in a “long robe with tassels”, and his hands are “red and naked”, never wearing gloves.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Bazarov's attitude towards love
  • what are Bazarov’s views and beliefs
  • what is the idea of ​​the novel fathers and sons
  • union and in the title of the novel fathers and sons
  • fathers and sons questions on the text