When the mind can be stronger than feelings. What literary works do you know where reason takes precedence over feelings? Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

1. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”:

Reason has given way to feeling, and Igor, instead of making a reasonable decision to save the army and his life, after all the omens, decides to die, but not to disgrace his honor.

2. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin “Minor”:

Reason is completely absent in the actions of Prostakova and Skotinin; they do not even understand the need to take care of their serfs, since all the well-being of these “masters of life” lies in them. Mitrofan demonstrates complete control over his feelings: when his mother is needed, he sucks up, says that he loves her, and as soon as his mother has lost all power, he announces:

Get off it, mother!

He has no sense of responsibility, love, devotion.

3. Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov “Woe from Wit”:

Main character– Chatsky, at first glance, is a model of reason. He is educated, understands his place well, determines the political situation, and is literate in matters of law in general and serfdom in particular. However, his mind refuses him in everyday situations; he does not know how to behave in a relationship with Sophia when she says that he is not the hero of her novel. In relation to Molchalin, Famusov and everyone secular society he is brave and daring and, in the end, ends up with nothing. A feeling of frustration and loneliness squeezes his chest:

My soul here is somehow compressed by grief.

But he is not used to obeying feelings and does not take the discord with society seriously, but in vain.

4. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”:

Onegin with teenage years accustomed to subordinating feelings to reason: “the science of tender passion” is already proof of this. Having met Tatyana, he “didn’t give in to his sweet habit,” he didn’t take this feeling seriously, deciding that he could cope with the feeling, as always, when he could “show off an obedient tear.” Reverse side Tatiana. In her youth, she obeyed only her feelings. Onegin read her a sermon in which he recommended: “learn to control yourself.” The girl took these words into account and began self-development. By the time of the next meeting with Onegin, she already masterfully controls her feelings, and Evgeny could not see a single gram of emotion on her face. But happiness is no longer possible...

5. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”:

The main character, Pechorin, is a man consisting of reason and feelings. When he is alone with nature, with a diary or with a person with whom he does not have to pretend, it is a naked nerve, an emotion. A striking example is in the episode when he drove his horse along the road in pursuit of Vera. He cries with grief. This state lasts for a moment. But a moment passes, and another Pechorin rises above the “crying child” sobbing on the grass and soberly and sternly assesses his behavior. The triumph of reason does not give happiness to this person.

Sample essay abstracts

Mind and feelings. These words will become the main motive one of the topics on graduation essay in 2017.

You can select two directions, which should be discussed on this topic.

1. The struggle of reason and feelings in a person, requiring mandatory choice: act in accordance with surging emotions, or still not lose your head, weigh your actions, be aware of their consequences both for yourself and for others.

2. Reason and feelings can be allies , blend harmoniously in a person, making him strong, self-confident, able to react emotionally to everything that happens around him.

Reflections on the topic: “Reason and Feelings”

  • It is human nature to choose: to act wisely, thinking through each step, weighing your words, planning actions, or to obey your feelings. These feelings can be very different: from love to hatred, from anger to kindness, from rejection to recognition. Feelings are very strong in a person. They can easily take possession of his soul and consciousness.
  • What choice to make in a given situation: to submit to feelings, which are often selfish, or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two “elements”? Everyone must answer these questions for themselves. And a person also makes a choice independently, a choice on which sometimes not only the future, but also life itself can depend.
  • Yes, reason and feelings often oppose each other. Whether a person can bring them into harmony, make sure that the mind is supported by feelings and vice versa - this depends on the will of the person, on the degree of responsibility, on those moral guidelines which he follows.
  • Nature rewarded people greatest wealth- with the mind, gave them the opportunity to experience feelings. Now they themselves must learn to live, aware of all their actions, but at the same time remaining sensitive, able to feel joy, love, kindness, attention, and not succumb to anger, hostility, envy and other negative feelings.
  • One more thing is important: a person who lives only by feelings is essentially unfree. He subordinated himself entirely to them, to these emotions and feelings, whatever they may be: love, envy, anger, greed, fear and others. He is weak and even easily controlled by others, by those who want to take advantage of this human dependence on feelings for their own selfish and selfish purposes. Therefore, feelings and reason must exist in harmony, so that feelings help a person to see the whole gamut of shades in everything, and the mind helps to react correctly, adequately to this, and not drown in the abyss of feelings.
  • Learning to live in harmony between your feelings and your mind is very important. Is capable of this strong personality living according to the laws of morality and ethics. And you don’t need to listen to the opinion of some people that the world of the mind is boring, monotonous, uninteresting, and the world of feelings is comprehensive, beautiful, bright. Harmony of mind and feelings will give a person immeasurably more in understanding the world, in self-awareness, in the perception of life in general.

Since ancient times, reason and feeling have completely different effects on us. Reason relies on logic and cold calculation, forcing us to weigh the pros and cons, while feelings, on the contrary, guide us, relying only on the emotions that we experience. Such a contradiction has always been and will always be. What choice should you make in a given situation: obey your feelings or listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict and find harmony between these two “elements”? It's difficult to answer this question. Therefore, Russian literature will help us understand it - a kind of textbook on life.

Many works have been written from which the reader will draw the right conclusions. Thus, in A. S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” the author exposes the vices that still exist in each of us to this day. Using the example of the main characters, Griboyedov makes us think: is it always worth acting according to the will of the heart, or is cold calculation still better? The personification of commercialism and sycophancy is Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin.

With his obsequiousness, the hero successfully makes his way into high society. Molchalin is a staunch conservative who depends on the opinions of others. Adulation and servility to superior people - that’s life principle Molchalina. In this hero, “reason” prevails in love affairs. Having strong feelings for Lisa, he tried to buy her love, promising to give her “a toilet of exquisite workmanship.” But still he is forced to look after Sophia. Molchalin’s love desire for her clearly outweighs calculation. It is beneficial for him to live in the Famusovs’ house, next to his boss. Only one mind moves this hero.

The opposite example in this comedy is A. A. Chatsky. In him, Griboyedov embodied many of the qualities of a leading man of his era. Chatsky proclaims humanity, respect for to the common man, freedom of thought. He is driven only by feeling; he feels sincere and ardent love for Sophia. Neither the departure to Moscow nor the separation cooled his feelings. For him, love is sacred. That is why Chatsky bears with pain the news that Sophia loves someone else. Loyalty in friendship and sincerity in love - this is what is important for our hero. He opposes the Moscow “aces” who live, honoring only wealth and rank. But the result of all this is quite sad. Chatsky is lonely. There is no one among the people who shares his position. The whole society ridicules him and recognizes him as crazy.

Another striking example is the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, is a man of remarkable intelligence, feels deeply and subtly, and is capable of constant analysis of his own and others’ actions. He shining example struggle between mind and feeling. Raskolnikov hesitates for a long time to commit a crime, plunging into his own thoughts, he is sure that knowing all the intricacies of murder and, considering himself one of the “unusual” people who are allowed to cross any boundaries that distinguish a crime from the norm, he will be able to step over himself and continue a calm And happy life. But the dream on the eve of the crime contradicted his reason, his atmosphere was heated with strong feelings - the unbearable despair of little Rodion, shaking his little heart with pity for the “poor horse.” All this speaks to the unnaturalness of murder. However, this does not stop Raskolnikov. Having committed a crime, he begins to experience mental anguish. If he had acted not at the behest of his mind, but had listened to the voice of his heart, then the crime would not have been committed. Raskolnikov takes as a basis only the results of his thoughts, completely forgetting about feelings.

Should reason prevail over feelings?.. Definitely not. Sometimes feelings are so strong that a person simply does not notice how he is falling into the abyss, succumbing to them. But still very important

learn to reconcile feeling with reason. Learning to live in harmony between these two forces is very important, it makes a person strong and self-confident.

Many fundamental questions that arise again and again in every generation among the majority of thinking people do not and cannot have a concrete answer, and all reasoning and debate on this matter is nothing more than empty polemics. What is the meaning of life? What is more important: to love or to be loved? What are feelings, God and man on the scale of the universe? Reasoning of this kind also includes the question of in whose hands is the supremacy over the world - in the cold fingers of reason or in the strong and passionate embrace of feelings?

It seems to me that in our world everything is a priori organic, and the mind can have some meaning only in conjunction with feelings - and vice versa. A world in which everything is subject only to reason is utopian, and the complete dominance of human feelings and passions leads to excessive eccentricity, impulsiveness and tragedies, which are described in romantic works. However, if we approach the question posed directly, omitting all sorts of “buts,” then we can come to the conclusion that, of course, in the world of people, vulnerable beings who need support and emotions, it is feelings that take on a managerial role. It is on love, on friendship, on spiritual connection that a person’s true happiness is built, even if he himself actively denies it.

Russian literature presents many contradictory personalities, unsuccessfully denying the need for feelings and emotions in their lives and proclaiming reason as the only true category of existence. This, for example, is the hero of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Pechorin made his choice towards a cynical and cold attitude towards people as a child, when faced with misunderstanding and rejection from the people around him. It was after his feelings were rejected that the hero decided that the “salvation” from such emotional experiences would be the complete denial of love, tenderness, care and friendship. The only sure way out defensive reaction Grigory Alexandrovich chose mental development: he read books, talked with interesting people, analyzed society and “played” with people’s feelings, thereby compensating for his own lack of emotions, but this still did not help replace simple human happiness for him. In pursuit of mental activity, the hero completely forgot how to make friends, and the moment when in his heart sparks of a warm and tender feeling of love lit up, he forcibly suppressed them, forbidding himself to be happy, tried to replace it with travel and beautiful scenery, but eventually lost all desire and desire to live. It turns out that without feelings and emotions, any activity of Pechorin reflected on his fate in black and white colors and did not bring him any satisfaction.

The hero of the novel I.S. found himself in a similar situation. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The difference between Bazarov and Pechorin is that he defended his position in relation to feelings, creativity, faith in a dispute, formed his own philosophy, built on denial and destruction, and even had a follower. Evgeniy persistently and fruitfully engaged in scientific activities and devoted all his free time to self-development, but the fanatical desire to destroy everything that is not subject to reason turned against him. The entire nihilistic theory of the hero was shattered by unexpected feelings for a woman, and this love not only cast a shadow of doubt and confusion on all of Eugene’s activities, but also greatly shook him ideological position. It turns out that any, even the most desperate attempts to destroy feelings and emotions in oneself are nothing compared to the seemingly insignificant, but such a strong feeling of love. Probably, the resistance of reason and feelings has always been and will be in our lives - this is the essence of man, a creature that is “amazingly vain, truly incomprehensible and eternally wavering.” But it seems to me that all the beauty lies in this totality, in this confrontation, in this uncertainty. human life, all her excitement and interest.


MIND is the ability that can comprehend and conclude correct sequential thoughts, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
FEELINGS are a person’s stable emotional experiences, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
The behavior of an individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It’s not for nothing that we are so often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to manage them if they are negative, but they still break through. Either they get the better of us, then we cope and pull ourselves together, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.

BECAUSE HE HAD A STRONG FEELING TO NOT SURRENDER TO THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE FORCES WERE NO LONGER THE SAME, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, TRIED TO DECEIVE HIM, and the boy played along with him out of sympathy. BUT WITH TIME, THE OLD MAN BEGINS TO REALIZE THAT HE IS NO LONGER THE SAME AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY ENTERS HIS SOUL IN A WAY THAT DOESN’T DEMILIATE HIS CREDO OF LIFE: “Never give up and fight until the very end.” Gradually, the old man begins to feel more calm about his inevitable old age, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved shore; save your life and be glad that you didn’t die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in your sleep.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to examine a topic where feelings still won, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person for a long time cannot recover from his experiences, as from similar blows of fate. In his story “Telegram,” K. Paustovsky describes how a girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, spinning around in the bustle of vanities, helping organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is dying; and her daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and her mother is buried without her.
In the last letter, the mother writes, addressing her daughter: “My dear, my beloved,” and asks you to hurry up to her... it’s clear how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving late, not finding her mother alive, the daughter, in agony of conscience, cries all night in an empty house; Burning with shame, he sneaks through the evening village and leaves unnoticed. And this heaviness in her heart remains with her for the rest of her life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some already irreparable situation that they could not overcome, and in their thoughts they constantly return to it. Such mental pain can endlessly deprive a person of strength and energy to live on, rejoice in what is and calm down about what can no longer be changed.
And here we can cite as consolation the prayer of the Optina elders:
“Lord! Give me the strength to change what I can change in my life, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
“Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, one is dead and insignificant without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, and the heart responds in time to the call to be close to those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of your mind and stop futile attempts to fight where you are powerless to change anything, but rather learn to live in harmony with the world around you.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The author talks about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet - he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that this is what she dreamed about. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, and cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason takes precedence over her feelings, and she refuses Onegin.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often do we come across the fact that our mind tells us one thing, but our feelings tell us something completely different.

What will the feelings-passions submit to, and how will the prince’s mind become clearer? After all, the constant debate between the heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of a family, the prince was worried and bright feeling joy, and dull melancholy, but still a ray of hope shone from time to time that the presence in future spouses Katerina will save him. An internal struggle arises, and at the beginning of the work it is difficult for the reader to imagine what will prevail - the reason or the feelings of the protagonist, and only chance meeting with a young monk they save the prince’s life from complete corruption and final death: the nun calls on the dying man to change his lifestyle.
“Morality is the mind of the heart,” said Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty without succumbing to temptation. “The main reason for the mistakes a person makes lies in the constant struggle between feelings and reason,” Blaise Pascal said, and I completely agree with him.
In some situations you should listen to the voice of your heart, and in other situations, on the contrary, you should not give in to your feelings, you need to listen to the arguments of your mind. Let's look at a few more examples.
Thus, V. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons” talks about the teacher Lydia Mikhailovna, who could not remain indifferent to the plight of her student. The boy was starving and, in order to get money for a glass of milk, he played gambling. Lidia Mikhailovna
tried to invite him to the table and even sent him a parcel of food, but the hero rejected her help. Then she decided to take extreme measures: she herself began to play with him for money. Of course, the voice of reason could not help but tell her that she was violating the ethical standards of relations between teachers and students, that she was overstepping the boundaries of what was permitted, that she would be fired for this. But a feeling of compassion prevailed, and Lidia Mikhailovna violated the generally accepted rules of teacher behavior in order to help the child. The writer wants to convey to us the idea that “good feelings” are more important than reasonable standards. However, sometimes it happens that a person is possessed by negative feelings: anger, resentment. Captivated by them, he commits bad deeds, although, of course, with his mind he realizes that he is doing evil. The consequences can be tragic.
The story “The Trap” by A. Mass describes the action of a girl named Valentina. The heroine dislikes her brother’s wife, Rita. This feeling is so strong that Valentina decides to set a trap for her daughter-in-law: dig a hole and disguise it so that Rita, when she steps, will fall. The girl cannot help but understand that she is committing a bad act, but her feelings take precedence over reason. She carries out her plan, and Rita falls into the prepared trap. Only suddenly it turns out that she was five months pregnant and could lose the baby as a result of a fall. Valentina is horrified by what she has done. She didn't want to kill anyone, especially a child! “How can I continue to live?” - she asks and finds no answer. The author leads us to the idea that we should not succumb to the power of negative feelings, because they provoke cruel actions, which we will later bitterly regret.
Thus, we can come to the conclusion: you can obey your feelings if they are good and bright; but the negative ones and those that interfere with living in harmony should be curbed by listening to the voice of reason. But you cannot be guided only by reason when living among people. IN human society necessary human feelings, to give warmth, love, and intelligence is given to us in order to nurture and develop these feelings, to direct them in the right direction. It is the intellect, warmed good feelings, makes a person a Human.
I would also like to add in conclusion that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the thought from Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, conversely, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but the only true thing is that feelings and reason in human relationships cannot exist without each other.

Registration number 0365314 issued for the work: TOPIC - WHAT WILL WIN, REASON OR FEELINGS?
Mind and feelings: harmony or confrontation?
It seems that there is no clear answer to this question. Of course, it happens that reason and feelings coexist in harmony. However, there are situations when reason and feelings come into conflict. Probably every person at least once in his life felt that his “mind and heart were not in harmony.” An internal struggle arises, and it is difficult to imagine what will prevail: the mind or the heart.
MIND is a spiritual force that can comprehend and conclude correct, consistent thoughts, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Feelings are stable emotional experiences of a person, always subjective, sometimes contradictory; stable feelings determine the worldview and value system.
“Our reason sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions,” argued Chamfort. And indeed, grief from the mind happens. When making a decision that seems reasonable at first glance, a person can make a mistake. This happens when all a person’s feelings protest against the chosen path, when, having acted in accordance with the arguments of reason, he feels unhappy.
The behavior of an individual depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. It’s not for nothing that we are so often advised not to give in to our feelings and emotions. We try to suppress them if they are negative, but they still come to light. Either they control us, then we control them, transforming anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.
Let's turn to literary examples. In his story “The Old Man and the Sea,” E. Hemingway soulfully described the case of an old man’s unwillingness to come to terms with his old age, which led him into a state of constant struggle with the elements, symbolizing his feelings that are not subject to reason.
BECAUSE HE HAD A STRONG FEELING TO NOT SURRENDER TO THE ELEMENTS OF THE SEA, EVEN DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE FORCES WERE NO LONGER THE SAME, AND HOW HE PLAYED WITH HIS MIND, TRIED TO DECEIVE HIM, and the boy played along with him out of sympathy. BUT WITH TIME, THE OLD MAN BEGINS TO REALIZE THAT HE IS NO LONGER THE SAME AS BEFORE, AND HUMILITY ENTERS HIS SOUL IN A WAY THAT DOESN’T DEMILIATE HIS CREDO OF LIFE: “Never give up and fight until the very end.” Gradually, the old man begins to feel more calm about his inevitable old age, and he still has dreams: to see his beloved shore; save your life and be glad that you didn’t die at sea; dream of meeting imaginary lions in your sleep.

In the next story by K. PAUSTOVSKY "TELEGRAM" I want to examine a topic where feelings still won, and this turned into a tragedy or loss, when a person for a long time cannot recover from his experiences, as from similar blows of fate. Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, they cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not foresee in time and then overcome, and even in their thoughts they always return to it.
In his story “Telegram,” K. Paustovsky describes how a girl has been living in Leningrad for several years, spinning around in the bustle of vanities, helping organize exhibitions, but at this time the old mother is far from her daughter and is dying; and her daughter should be next to her, but she is late to arrive, and her mother is buried without her.
In the last letter, the mother writes to her daughter, addressing her: “My dear, my beloved,” and asks her to hurry up to her... it’s clear how the old woman loves her daughter, no matter what. Arriving late, but not finding anyone alive, the daughter, in agony of conscience, cries all night in an empty house, burning with shame, sneaks around the evening village, and leaves unnoticed. And this heaviness in her heart remains with her for the rest of her life.
Sometimes people cannot get up and move on, cannot come to terms with some situation that they could not overcome, and even returning to it in their thoughts all the time, such mental pain can endlessly rob a person of the strength and energy to live on, to enjoy it , what is and to calm down about what you can no longer change.
And here we can cite as an example the prayer of the Optina elders:
“Lord! Give me the strength to change what I can change in my life, give me courage and peace of mind to accept what is not in my power to change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
“Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, are dead and insignificant without the other,” said V. G. Belinsky, and I completely agree with him. I also came to the conclusion that it is good when the mind follows the feelings, the heart responds in time to the call to be close to those who need you. It is equally important to overcome your feelings in time with the help of your mind and stop futile attempts to fight where you are powerless to change something, but rather learn to live in harmony with the world around you.
I think it is important to emphasize that reason allows us not to make irreparable mistakes and gives us the opportunity to manage our feelings in order to preserve energy and fortitude.

The dispute between reason and feeling... This confrontation has been eternal. Sometimes the voice of reason is stronger in us, and sometimes we follow the dictates of feeling. In some situations no the right choice. By listening to feelings, a person will sin against moral standards; listening to reason, he will suffer. There may be no way that will lead to a successful resolution of the situation.
Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The author talks about the fate of Tatyana. In her youth, having fallen in love with Onegin, she, unfortunately, does not find reciprocity. Tatyana carries her love through the years, and finally Onegin is at her feet, he is passionately in love with her. It would seem that this is what she dreamed about. But Tatyana is already married, she is aware of her duty as a wife, and cannot tarnish her honor and the honor of her husband. Reason takes precedence over her feelings, and she refuses Onegin.
A Russian proverb says: “You can’t build your own happiness on misfortune.” The heroine places moral duty and marital fidelity above love.
Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that, reflecting on the dispute between reason and feelings, it is impossible to say unequivocally what should win - reason or feelings. Tatyana's tragedy is that, neglecting her feelings, she deliberately abandoned her desires.

But sometimes feelings are not controlled by consciousness and reason. How often do we come across the fact that our mind tells us one thing, but our feelings tell us something completely different.
A.N. Tolstoy also writes sensitively about a person’s internal struggle with his passions in his novel “The Lame Master.” The author skillfully lets the reader know that you can change your sinful lifestyle, and there are all the conditions for this, but it is not so easy to do this without the help of your neighbors. In the novel, the young, pure-hearted wife Katya and her husband, Prince Alexei Petrovich, who has already seen life and is mired in his passions, are contrasted with each other; his soul is in a painful struggle in its impulses to return to old connections, despite the marriage; the prince suffers from this and goes on a heavy drinking binge. IN in this case the author describes all the torments that occur at the behest of feelings, which a person cannot cope with on his own, and even reason is not an assistant here.
What will the feelings-passions submit to, and how will the prince’s mind become clearer? After all, the constant debate between the heart and mind inevitably leads to trouble. In connection with the creation of a family, the prince experienced both a bright feeling of joy and dull melancholy, but still a ray of hope shone from time to time that the presence of his wife Katerina would save him in the future. An internal struggle arises, and at the beginning of the work it is difficult for the reader to imagine what will prevail - the reason or the heart of the protagonist, and only a chance meeting with a young monk saves the prince’s life from complete corruption and final death: the nun calls on the dying man to change his lifestyle.
“Morality is the mind of the heart,” the words of Heinrich Heine. It is not for nothing that it is customary to remain faithful to marital duty without succumbing to the feeling of temptation. “The main reason for the mistakes a person makes lies in the constant struggle between feelings and reason,” Blaise Pascal said, and I completely agree with him.
I would also like to add in conclusion that human coexistence is constantly in the unity and struggle of opposites, according to the thought from Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” that sometimes there can be a reconciliation of feelings with reason, or, conversely, there is an eternal struggle and contradictions of which; but the only true thing is that feelings and reason in human relationships cannot exist without each other.