Paintings by Evgeny Kuznetsov. Fantastic flowers and loving couples in the tender paintings of the romantic artist Evgeny Kuznetsov. Romanticist and philosopher of art - Evgeny Kuznetsov

The rationalization thinking of Evgeny Kuznetsov does not displease the artist to be a utopian who believes in the miracle of art. Evgeniy consciously adheres to the position of humanity, looking for support in the audience’s value system different levels perception. Thanks to the vast boundaries of figurative art, the artist travels horizontally through history, looking for compromise ways to find his own style, a kind of author's plastic language that combines the spirit of romanticism and objective academic research.

The feeling of mystery and mirage that is created when viewing his romantic picturesque paintings arises thanks to a subtle, rational approach to rhythmic organization canvas surface. While initially the plot lacks any ambiguity and mysticism.

The world of aesthetic dreams, in which Kuznetsov constantly resides, introduced the romantic timelessness of what is happening into the artist’s work, thereby encouraging the viewer to participate - to actively immerse himself in the history of world fine art. The viewer can actively wander, immersing himself in Russian modernism or Italian transavantgarde. In addition, it practically opens up before him. limitless possibility will set off on a free flight to a new world created by rhythm and color. That's just the way he is romanticism in the painting of Evgeny Kuznetsov!

Artistic creativity of Evgeny Kuznetsov in a unique way conveys how nature finds ways to reconcile chaos and organization. The artist is very fond of flowers, in particular irises and lilies; among bouquets he prefers sunflowers and daisies. Evgeniy considers their shape absolutely ideal, but appreciates the uniqueness in each flower.

Many people fail to notice the difference between an initially stunning image and an image of an object that has become beautiful through workshop and painstaking work over it. According to the artist, flowers and women are a kind of secret red button that turns on the process of aesthetic pleasure naturally. That is, these two subjects of research do not need artificial confirmation of their beauty. Of course, what is beautiful by definition has enormous potential when given as a gift.

When drawing women and flowers, Kuznetsov tries to use the treasured button extremely carefully, without abusing it. The combination of color and sustained rhythm must accurately express the desired shade of feeling even before the moment when it becomes clear what is depicted on the canvas. Extreme and meticulously orchestrated chaos in their combination gives birth to such extraordinary art.

Biographical information

Modern Russian artist Evgeny Kuznetsov was born in 1960 in Stavropol. Graduated from Stavropol art school(1979) and the Faculty of Art and Graphics of Kuban State University (198, which is located in Krasnodar.

In 1991 he became a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. He is considered one of the founders of the International Public Organization of Artists “Sunny Square”.

Today, the artist’s paintings are valued at the level of fine art museums and state exhibition halls many cities in the world. Kuznetsov's works have been exhibited in famous galleries around the world - Mountcastle (Sri Lanka), Mountcastle (France), Goerz (Luxembourg) and many others.

Romanticism in the paintings of Evgeny Kuznetsov is always filled with the spirit of beauty. The author's paintings are capable of conveying aesthetic depth of the highest level, evoking the love and admiration of the audience. Enjoy watching!

Romanticism in fine arts in all centuries it has been very attractive to masters; it has always manifested itself very clearly both in painting and in graphics. Speaking about modern romantic artists, first of all it is worth noting the painter from Stavropol Evgenia Kuznetsova, who has a bright multifaceted talent, deep philosophical thinking, an original style and an extraordinary vision of beauty.

In contrast to classicism, which glorifies the power of the human mind, the romantics always sought to convey to the viewer feelings: love and tenderness, violent passion and trepidation, dreaminess and euphoria, which can absorb a person entirely, taking over thoughts and actions. Therefore, viewers of all eras have always treated romanticism in a special way...

Romanticist and philosopher of art - Evgeny Kuznetsov

Evgeny Kuznetsov is a hereditary artist, originally from Stavropol. To say that he “followed in his father’s footsteps” is not enough: while paying tribute to the academic direction of his father’s handwriting, the son still went his own way. And you can’t say that Evgeniy was fond of drawing from childhood: it was only in the 7th grade that the teenager took his first steps in painting. And later the Art School hometown and Kubansky state university painting and graphics gave the young man a good start.

Since 1981, Evgeny Kuznetsov has been a regular participant in various exhibitions in the country. And a little later, international art forums taking place in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Vietnam, Egypt, Korea, India, Nepal, the USA...

In the early 90s, Evgeniy Georgievich was accepted as a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. A little later he received membership in the International Public Organization of Painters “Sunny Square”. And in 2012 the master was awarded a gold medal Russian Academy arts

Evgeny Kuznetsov as an artist is incomprehensible and unpredictable. He uses abstract fiction and mysticism, allegory and symbolism in various combinations, subordinating them to his own out-of-the-box thinking. He is artistic and intelligent, slightly mysterious and well-educated, he is always ready to experiment and create something new that would never occur to another person. Having conceived the main plot of the picture, the master almost always, by the end of the work, changes it beyond recognition: new ones appear artistic images, the mood and sometimes the visual means and methods change.

In addition, the artist is constantly searching for new techniques and materials in his work. Thus, gluing paper and using transparent gels creates the effect of volume and texture, which is a special feature of all the master’s works.

Kuznetsov himself describes the process of creating his creations this way: “So many coincidences. Fragments of a mirror that once reflected a beautiful and harmonious world. Everything was crushed and mixed up. But all the parts are still alive, you can try to put them back together. If only we knew the old order. So many possibilities. Those parts that were so far from each other suddenly lay side by side, came together, almost came together, and what was in them revealed a new, ancient-secret connection. Funny and serious minor in major, emphasis on the weak beat, blues, smiles in fragments of tears.”

The painter very successfully uses abstraction in his painting. Moreover, it is not formless and unrecognizable, but rather organically harmonizes with real images and is distinguished by its beauty and persuasiveness. And what is important is that all his creations have positive vital energy, inner glow and philosophical content.

And if the main business of life for Eugene has always been painting. My main hobby is music and collecting musical instruments. The artist is very good at flute, guitar and piano, as if he is an amateur. And from long journeys he certainly brings back various musical instruments for your collection.

Family idyll

It is unlikely that an artist who did not have family happiness would be able to create such amazing romantic paintings, imbued with tenderness and love. His wife Olga is an artist who teaches drawing at school and his son Yegor is the foundation on which not only the artist’s work stands.

Unity of interests and goals from day one family life allowed this couple to be immensely happy. Olga and Evgeny, while still students, traveled all over the city on bicycles with sketchbooks in search of nature. And from the age of nine months, my little son became a full-fledged participant in outdoor plein airs to the dacha and to the mountains.

And when Yegorka turned three years old, at the family council it was decided that he was already an old enough boy to go on a trip to Novorossiysk. The young couple traveled like this - with backpacks, sketchbooks and a son on their shoulders. And where have the couple of artists visited, what roads have they taken in Russia? Each trip brought a lot of new impressions, sketches and creative ideas. And most importantly, it united the family even stronger.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the son followed in the footsteps not only of his father, but also of his grandfather, Georgy Ivanovich, who was famous artist, who once came from Siberia to raise the virgin soil of art in the South of Russia... And the time is not far off when a panoramic display of the work of three generations of Kuznetsov artists will take place in Stavropol.

Evgeny Kuznetsov is an artist whose paintings are so amazing that you want to look at them again and again. Simple, at first glance, plots and bright colors conceal in their depths such a mystery that it seems that if you solve it, the whole meaning of human existence will be revealed to you.

The outstanding talent of Evgeny Kuznetsov is undeniable - the artist, born in 1960, at the age of 31 already became a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. And his paintings are in numerous private collections and in the collections of museums and exhibition halls in many countries around the world. And no wonder! It is enough to look at his works to understand that the artist has his own unique style, which attracts attention and attracts more and more people to his fans.

Evgeny Kuznetsov's paintings are always filled with a special spirit of romanticism and beauty. The aesthetics of his paintings are so high that they cannot go unnoticed even when surrounded by works by the most outstanding masters of the past. It is simply impossible to pass by them - you will definitely stop to take a better look at these amazing works. In his paintings, everything seems simple and at the same time so unusual that it makes you think and reflect on the plot. Here the girl and the boy are standing next to each other, she rested her head on his shoulder - it seems that this couple in love froze only for a moment to tell each other about their feelings. But why then doesn’t he look at her, why does he turn away? And the rose, a constant symbol of love, is not in her hands, but in his. And the girl, clinging to young man, carefully examines the sharp tip of the spear, touching it with a gentle finger. What is the meaning of everything depicted? Does the picture show the secret desires of the people depicted in it or does it symbolize a person’s constant dissatisfaction with what he has, and his eternal desire for something new and unexplored?

And here is another picture - a naked woman touches a sleeping knight. He was tired, he had not been home for a long time, she had been waiting for him for a long time. But why does he sleep in full knightly garb, without taking off his armor and without letting go of the sword? Is he so tired or is this a veiled hint that the woman’s desire will remain unsatisfied? Each work of Evgeny Kuznetsov raises similar questions, which is why they are so attractive to the viewer. After all, any person is interested in uncertainty, understatement and the opportunity to find the solution to a riddle that torments many.

Evgeny Kuznetsov is an artist who has his own recognizable style, combining romanticism and abstraction. In his paintings he creates a new one with color and rhythm, mysterious world fantasies and dreams. Someone compared his colors to fragments of magic mirrors, which the artist collected and harmoniously arranged in a new order.

Evgeny Kuznetsov was born in 1960 in Stavropol. There he graduated from art school, and in Krasnodar - Kuban State University, where he studied artistic and graphic faculty. If we compare early works and work recent years, then a change of emphasis is clearly visible. The artist began to paint the faces of the characters more carefully, and a certain philosophy appeared in the paintings.

The technology for creating paintings has also changed. Evgeniy added additional complicating steps to the classic method of applying paint: adding paper fragments, using transparent gels to increase the feeling of volume in the paintings. Subjects come to the artist's mind first as scraps of images, which are then intricately combined into a single composition.

Evgeniy travels a lot. The main thing he brings back from his trips is a sense of color and new unexpected stories inspired by original countries.