Kamal galiaskar. How did the Tatar theater begin?

Tatar State Academic Theater named after Galiasgar Kamal

Theater named after Kamal
Founded December 22
Director Yakupov, Ilfir Ilshatovich
Chief Director Bikchantaev, Farid Rafkatovich
Website kamalteatr.ru

The interior of the theater. G.Kamala


Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, the first Tatar amateur theater groups, who staged performances based on plays by Russian and foreign playwrights. The first Tatar play “Bichara kyz” (“Unhappy Girl”) was written in 1886 by Gabdrakhman Ilyasi (-). The emergence of a professional Tatar theater is associated with the Tatar Academic theater named after Galiasgar Kamal. The birthday of the TGAT named after Kamal is considered to be December 22, 1906, since it was on this day that the first public performance in the Tatar language took place. The first professional Tatar group, which became the embryo of TGAT, was “Sayar” (“wanderer”, “traveler”). The name for the group was proposed by the outstanding Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai. During these years, the development of the Tatar theater was influenced by the actor and director Ilyas Kudashev-Ashkazarsky, Suleiman Valeev-Sulva, outstanding Tatar playwrights Galiasgar Kamal, Karim Tinchurin, actor and director Zaini Sultanov, actress and director Sakhibzhamal Gizzatullina-Volzhskaya, artists Ashraf Sinyaeva, Shakir Shamilsky, Gulsum Bulgarian, Kasym Shamil, Mukhtar Mutin, actor and director Nuri Sakaev, actor and director Bari Tarkhanov. You can also name the artist and director Gaziz Aidarsky, the writer Fatih Amirkhan.

But the greatest contribution to the development of the Tatar professional theater rendered by Abdulla Kariev, whose real name is Minibay Khairullin. He began his stage activity in 1907 in the Sayar group, played many roles, and directed dozens of performances.

It is also necessary to note Galiasgar Kamal, or “Tatar Ostrovsky,” as Tukay called him. His first drama “Bakhetsez Eget” (“Unfortunate Youth”) was written in and published in 1899. Before the revolution, he wrote such works as “Berenche Theater” (“First performance”), “Bulak ochen” (“For the sake of a gift”), “Beznen shaһarnen serlare” (“Secrets of our city”), “Bankrupt”. He translated the plays “Pitiful Child” by Namik Kemal, “Marriage”, “The Government Inspector” by N.V. Gogol, “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky, “At the Depth” by A.M. Gorky and other plays by Russian and foreign authors.

The founders of Tatar musical drama were playwright Karim Tinchurin and composer Salikh Saidashev. These are the legendary “Zәңgәr shәl” (“Blue Shawl”), “Kandyr Bue” (“On the Kandra River”), “Sүngәn yoldyzlar” (“Faded Stars”), “Kazan solgese” (“Kazan Towel”), “Alar өchәү ide" (“There were three of them”). Over the 100 years of the existence of the Tatar professional theater, dozens of composers wrote music for performances, among them - Sara Sadykova, Dzhaudat Fayzi, Alexander Klyucharyov, Khusnulla Valiullin, Fasil Akhmetov, Masgut Imashev, Nazib Zhiganov, Almaz Monasypov, Enver Bakirov, Louise Batyr-Bulgari, Batu Mulyukov.

In the second half of the 20th century, directors Shiryazdan Sarymsakov, Prazat Isanbet, Abdulla Yusupov, Khusain Urazikov, Gumer Devishev, Valery Bebutov, Alexander Mikhailov, Rafkat Bikchantaev, Marcel Salimzhanov worked at the theater. In 1991, Farid Bikchantaev became the theater director. Now he - chief director Theater named after G. Kamal.

In 1961, graduates of the Moscow Theater School named after. Shchepkina and who became famous artists. These are Shamil Bariev, Renat Tazetdinov, Azgar Shakirov, Nail Dunaev, Nazhiba Ikhsanova, Gulsum Isangulova, Firdaus Akhtyamova, Ravil Sharafeev, as well as the famous playwright Tufan Minnullin - the author of more than fifty plays. Many of them were put on theater stages not only Tatarstan, but also other regions of Russia. These are “Without kitebez, sez kalasyz” (“We are leaving, you are staying”), “Ay bulmasa, yoldyz bar” (“Without the moon, a star shines for us”), “Avyl ete Akbay” (“Village dog Akbay”), “Monly ber zhyr" ("Conscience has no options"), "Milәүshәn tugan kөne" ("Milyausha's birthday"), "Uzebez saylagan yazmysh" ("Fates chosen by us") "Aldermeshtan Almәndәr" ("Old man from the village of Aldermysh") , “Anilәr һәm әbilәr” (“Daughters-Mothers”), “Khushygyz” (“Farewell”), “Kankay ugyly Bәkhtiyar” (a play about Emelyan Pugachev’s associate Bakhtiyar Kankaev “Bakhtiyar Kankaev”), “Shulay buldy shul” (“Here is it happened”), “Җankisәakkәem” (“Light of my eyes”), “Gorgori kiyaүlәre” (“Gergeri’s sons-in-law”), “Ezladem, bagurem, sine” (“I was looking for you, beloved”), “Galiyabanu, syluym-irkәm” (“Galiyabanu, my beloved”), “Shәҗәrә” (“Pedigree”), “Alty kyzga ber kiyaү” (“Six brides and one groom”), “Dilәfruzgә durt kiyaү” (“Four grooms of Dilyafruz”), “Ilgizәr+ Vera" ("Ilgizar + Vera").

In 1972, according to a project by a group of architects consisting of G. Gorlyshkov, Yu.A. Korneeva, F.M. Evseeva, M.G. Evseeva, G. Khadzhin, N. Shebalina, construction of a new theater building began. It was completed in 1986, and the stage opened in January 1987.

In 1995, young theater actors International festival theater schools received in Moscow main prize for the play “The Seagull” by Anton Chekhov. Director - F. Bikchantaev.

In 2001, the main director of the Kamal Theater, Marcel Salimzhanov, was awarded the highest Russian award - the national Theater Prize « Golden mask" in the nomination "For honor and dignity."

Over the years, the performances were designed by artists S. Yakhshibaev, G. Kamal, P. Benkov, E. Helms, P. Speransky, M. Sutyushev, A. Tumashev, R. Gaziev, A. Knoblok, A. Zakirov and S. Skomorokhov .

In 2002, after the death of Marcel Salimzhanov, his student, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan and Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after G. Tukai, professor Farid Bikchantaev, who has headed the Union of Theater Workers of the Republic of Tatarstan since 2011. The theater actively tours throughout Russia, near and far abroad and wins great success among audiences in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia , Estonia, Germany, Finland, Turkey, Great Britain, Colombia, Spain, China, Hungary, etc.

Tatar Soviet writer, classic of Tatar drama and public figure.

In June 1923, one of the founders of Tatar drama and the Tatar theater, Galiaskar Kamal (Kamaletdinov), was awarded the honorary title “Hero of Labor”; a little later he was awarded the title of People's Playwright of the TASSR. He was born into a handicraftsman's family in Kazan. He spent his childhood in his mother's native village, T?b?n Masra (present-day Arsky district). He studied at the Kazan madrasah "Gosmaniya", 1889-1897 at the madrasah "Muhammadiyya". In 1901 he published the newspaper "Terakky" ("Progress"), organized publishing house "Magarif" ("Enlightenment"). From 1906, he worked in the newspaper “Azad” (“Freedom”), then in “Azad Halyk” (“Free People”), where articles promoting the ideas of Marxism were published. He was the publisher and editor of the satirical magazine “Yashen” (“Lightning”, 1908-09), worked in the newspaper “Yulduz” (“Star”, 1907-17). Published since 1900. The most important works are the drama “The Unhappy Young Man” (1907, 2nd version), the comedies “Because of a Gift” (1908), “The Mistress” (1911), “Secrets of Our City” (1911), “Bankrupt” (1912, Russian translation 1944) - sharply castigated the vices of bourgeois society. After October Revolution Kamal wrote satirical poetry, collaborated in the newspaper “Esh” (“Labor”), “Kyzyl Bayrak” (“Red Banner”). Telsez kuke performance Translated into Tatar language“The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol, “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky and “At the Depth” by M. Gorky.

The theaters of Kazan are famous not only in the Republic of Tatarstan, all of Russia knows and loves them. They offer classical repertoire And modern performances, productions for adults and children.

City theaters

Kazan theaters (list):

  • Opera and Ballet Theater named after Musa Jalil.
  • Youth Theater named after Gabdulla Kariev.
  • BDT named after V.I. Kachalova.
  • "Boom show" (art studio).
  • Theater named after G. Kamal.
  • "Ildan-Lik".
  • (Youth).
  • "Izumi."
  • Theater of Drama and Comedy K. Tinchurin.
  • "Premiere Kazan" (theater and production center).
  • "BraVo"
  • "Theater-fan" (creativity laboratory).
  • "Jiva" (show of light and fire).
  • Youth experimental theater.

Theater named after the writer Galiaskar Kamal

The Galiaskar Kamala Theater (Kazan) was opened in 1906. The troupe's first performances were "Trouble Because of Love" and "Pitiful Child". They were played in the Tatar language. The first troupe was assembled by Ilyas Kudashev-Ashkazarsky, a teacher from Orenburg. In 1907, Sakhibzhamal Gizzatullina-Volzhskaya was accepted into the theater. She was the first Muslim woman to become an actress, and subsequently created her own troupe in Ufa.

In 1908, the theater was named "Sayar", which translated into Russian means "Wanderers". It was a hotbed of democratization of the people.

In 1911, the theater received premises in the Eastern Club. In 1926 he was awarded the title "Academic".

In the 30s, the basis of the repertoire were plays by Russians and foreign classics, translated into Russian.

In 1939, the name Galiaskar Kamala appeared in the name of the theater. This year the writer's anniversary was celebrated.

During the war, artists went to the front line and performed for the defenders of the Motherland.

In 1957, the theater was awarded the highest award Soviet Union -

In the 1960-80s. The repertoire included the following plays: “Faded Stars”, “Mom Has Arrived”, “American”, “Invasion”, “Mirkai and Aisylu”, “Three Arshins of Land”, “Kazan Towel”, “Dowry”, “The Old Man from the Village of Aldermesh” , "Milyausha's Birthday", "Runaways".

In 2001, M. Salimzhanov (chief director of the theater) was awarded the Golden Mask Award in the nomination “For Honor and Dignity.”

A year later he died, and his place was taken by his student Farid Bikchantaev. He heads the Union of Theater Workers of Tatarstan.

Today the troupe often goes on tour to Russia and foreign countries. He visited Colombia, China, Turkey, Finland, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, etc. The theater is also popular among viewers of the former Soviet Republics: Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia.

In 2014, a play called “One Summer Day” based on the play by Jon Fosse became a nominee for the Golden Mask Award.

The theater not only takes part in festivals, it is also the organizer of such events. His brainchildren are “Craft” and “Nauruz”. The first of them is held among young directors. The second is among the theaters of the Turkic peoples.

Repertoire of the Galiaskar Kamal Theater

The Galiaskar Kamal Theater (Kazan) offers the following repertoire:

  • "Awesome dancing."
  • "Young Hearts".
  • "Blue Shawl"
  • "Waiting."
  • "Outlaw"
  • "Bankrupt".
  • "Late Summer"
  • "Don Juan".
  • "Mulla."
  • "Gergeri's sons-in-law."
  • "Galiyabanu."
  • "The smell of wormwood."
  • "Summer Season"
  • "Richard III".
  • "Playing with a monster"
  • "You love it, you don't love it."
  • "Let's talk about love."
  • "Village dog Akbay."
  • "Goat, sheep and others."
  • "My name is Red."
  • "One Summer Day"
  • "Khoja Nasreddin."
  • "To the music of the wind."
  • "Hello, mom, it's me."
  • "Dilafruz - Remake".
  • "Immortal Love"
  • "Mahabbat FM".

Theater troupe

There are wonderful actors in the theater.

  • I. Akhmetzyanov.
  • A. Galeeva.
  • N. Ikhsanova.
  • A. Abasheva.
  • G. Minakova.
  • A. Arslanov.
  • A. Garayev.
  • I. Zakirov.
  • A. Kayumova.
  • R. Bariev.
  • G. Gaifetdinova.
  • Z. Zaripova.
  • I. Kashapov.
  • S. Aminova.
  • N. Dunaev.
  • G. Isangulova.
  • R. Vaziev.
  • A. Mudasirova.
  • R. Akhmaddulin.
  • Kh. Zazilov.
  • M. Gabdullin.
  • Kh. Iskanderova.

And others.

Biography of Galiaskar Kamal

Galiaskar Kamala ( real name Kamaletdinov) - Tatar writer, born in 1878. His father was a handicraftsman. The writer received his education at the Kazan madrasah.

In 1901, Galiaskar Kamala organized a publishing house called “Magarif” and published the newspaper “Progress”. He also worked in the editorial offices of “Azat Halyk”, “Azat”, “Yoldyz”. He was the editor and publisher of the satirical magazine Molniya.

Galiaskar Kamala was not only a writer, he translated the works of Russian classics into Tatar. Streets in Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga and Kazan are named after him.

Works by G. Kamal:

  • "Because of the gift."
  • "Red Banner".
  • "Unfortunate young man."
  • "Bankrupt".
  • "Secrets of our city."
  • "Work".
  • "Mistress".