Mayan calendar by date of birth. Calendar of the ancient Mayan Indians

All sources agree that this day-sign symbolizes the sacrificial knife, and it is a painful reminder for us of the Aztec passion for human sacrifice. Unfortunately, we have to admit that almost all traditional societies and priestly civilizations practiced some form of human sacrifice. This was as common to the Druids with their sacrifices in sacred groves or to the Hindus with their practice of sati (Sati is the self-immolation of a widow in a funeral pyre along with her husband’s body.), as it was to the peoples of ancient Mexico or Peru. However, the civilizations of Mexico showed particular enthusiasm in this matter, since the sources that have reached us talk about massive, multi-thousand human sacrifices that took place in last days existence of the Aztec Empire. However, this was not only the case recent years Aztec rule. As empire builders, the Aztecs cynically manipulated Mexico's ancient spiritual traditions for their own political ends, initiating bloody sacrificial orgies. But they themselves paid in full in the bloody orgy of destruction of the empire.

Due to the fact that the Aztecs were so bewitched by the magic of sacrifice, Flint, or Etznab, was considered their happiest day. In its extreme manifestation, it is not so much a day of conflict and violence as a sign of human pain and awareness of suffering.

IN symbolic sense the sacrificial knife symbolizing this day-sign is not so radically different from the symbol of the sword in other traditions, including Christian (remember: “I brought you not peace, but a sword”). The cutting knife condemns human consciousness to the painful duality of good and evil, “yes” and “no.” Therefore, at one time Flint was associated with the number 2 in ancient Mayan numerology. Having been deprived of our original internal unity, the integrity of our consciousness, we come to the awareness of opposite principles, and this is always a very painful act. Awareness of opposites is essential. This is the sacrifice we must make to achieve a certain level spiritual consciousness. All spiritual traditions speak of a primordial heavenly unity that is lost when the awareness of duality, good and evil, emerges from the primordial womb of the unconscious. It is in this world of opposites that we act, for opposites are the precondition for our actions in the real world.

Each of us strives to restore this pristine heavenly unity, and if we devote our lives to the hard work of "soul formation", we may achieve some semblance of this unity, although we will never return to the infantile uterine wholeness. We live in a world of duality, sacrificing the state of childhood innocence, and if we ever merge with the cosmos again, it must happen on a completely different level. We grow up and live in a world of “yes” and “no,” in a world of a sword that cut our original cradle in two. Like the Buddha, we can move beyond suffering and sacrifice, but we will always be aware of the fact of their existence. This is the lesson that the day-sign of Flint teaches us.

A knife can be used by a warrior or a healer - it is the same tool of a surgeon as a fighter. Thus, as the Chipam-Balam of Kahua tells us, this day-sign symbolizes the Kurdndero healer, whose knife cuts off disease. Indeed, it is only when we recognize the duality of human existence that we awaken to the colossal healing potential that lies hidden in the depths of us all. The sword of consciousness, which makes us feel duality, is capable of not only wounding, but also healing.

(based on the book "The Wisdom of the Jaguar" by K. Johnson)

The God of War is a “sharp scalpel of truth.”

Flint is a potentially difficult birth sign, because it is aware of the duality of existence - it sees the world as an arena of struggle. To choose between two realities means to become a crusader warrior.

Most often, representatives of this sign see the world in two colors - black and white. The innate warrior spirit (on the day of Flint was the holiday of the Aztec god of War) tells them to join one of the warring parties and begin to act. Flint people often find themselves at the forefront of battles or at the center of scandals.

The physical equivalent of Flint is the mouth (like Incense). This also has its own duality: the words we pronounce can express inspiration (Incense) and can provoke quarrels, fights, wars.

The Mayans consider representatives of this day-sign to be bullies and arguers. Flints take opposites too seriously: life for them can be defined in terms of love and hate. Nothing can stop them. For example, in order to defend their position, they may resort to deception and slander. “The end justifies the means” is Kremny’s saying.

Thus, President Lyndon Johnson started the war in Vietnam “in best traditions» Flint - his speeches were harsh and insulting, as were his military policies.

But still, the inherent duality of the day-sign also applies to people born under the sign of Flint. Not only wild warring crusaders are born on this day, but also excellent healers. A killing knife can also be a surgeon's scalpel. And awareness of conflict gives rise to a thirst for harmony.

Harmony is the key word here. All those born under the sign of Flint should try to fight for harmony. If they can learn this, they will become healers of society, not troublemakers. To do this, Flints need to peer into the future, and not into the past, turning to the transformative energy of the day-sign of Death, and not to the restless and changeable Dog (a symbol of the karmic past). Moreover, their support is Strength Right Hand and Road.

Women of this sign are often unusually beautiful. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Goldie Hope and Sophia Loren were born under the sign of Flint. Each of them learned that at times it is necessary to use the “sharp scalpel of truth” - after all, they were all faced with opposition and struggle on a truly grandiose scale.

Mayan Tzolkin calendar

The sequence of numbers shows the flow of 260 kin of the constituent Tzolkin. The source of the cycles shown in the 13 Moon Calendar is the 260-day Tzolkin cycle and the 365-day cycle of the year. The 260-day Tzolk'in cycle helps us access the cycles of the mind and energy of the fourth dimension. The 365-day cycle of the year helps us move through the cycles of the physical and biological realms of the third dimension. By following the New Time Calendar day after day, we weave these two dimensions together!

The Tzolkin calendar integrates two cycles - a 13-day cycle of Movement (Galactic Tones - they correspond to states of being) and a 20-day cycle of Measure (Solar Seals - special signs, each of which has its own name and image, and embodies certain qualities of being ): 13 Tones of Creation and 20 Solar Seals. When the waves pass through all 20 qualities, from the Dragon to the Sun, they again return to the beginning of the harmonic series, and so at each turn the combinations of Seals and Tones turn out to be different. This creates a peculiar rhythm, reminiscent of a pulsating fractal spiral. The Mystic Column is the basis of Tzolkin. As the central axis of various levels of symmetry, it represents a field of pure potentiality, infinite possibilities - the connection of past, present and future - true emptiness. Tzolkin is a cosmic code; it reveals any sets of forms moving in time. This is a map of the endless corridors of time, and the key to them is the Law of Time, discovered by José Arguelles:

T (E) = Art, Energy organized by time turns into art.

Radial view of the Tzolkin table of kin

Each of the 260 Tzolkin cells represents a unique energy, the intersection point of the energies of the Solar Seal and the Tone of Creation. The Tzolkin can be read as a graph showing the vertically rising Solar Seals and the horizontally running Tones of Creation. The sequence of days starts at the top left corner - Kin 1 and proceeds vertically down to the last cell of that column in the lower left corner of Tzolkin - Kin 20. Kin 21 is at the top of the second column, etc. all the way to Keene 260 in the farthest lower right corner. The central, mystical column of Tzolkin symbolizes emptiness, a field of pure potentiality and limitless possibilities.
The Tzolk'in Cycle is also called the "Galactic Revolution". After you have completed the complete journey of the Tzolkin from Kin 1 to Kin 260, you will experience all possible permutations of the 20 Seals associated with the 13 Tones. And since you know the names and properties of the 13 Tones and 20 Seals, you come to the secret knowledge of a whole 260-element bank of information!
There are many cycles within the sacred 260-element matrix, including the 1-day Kin cycle, the 4-day Directional cycle, the 13-day Galactic Tones cycle, the 20-day Solar Seals cycle, the 52-day Lock cycle, and the 65-day Galactic Seasons cycle.
52 Galactic Activation Portals

The 52 dark Tzolk'in cells, called the Mayan Loom, are also "Portals of Galactic Activation." On these days, specific combinations of Tones and Seals come together and create frequencies that facilitate the transition into states of deeper awareness. Portal days enhance our ability to open doors and enter other dimensions, strengthen our intuition and understanding of the flow of energies of the 4th and 3rd dimensions.
Watch how the accelerating energy of these days affects you. Check your calendar for Portal days.
Fractal and Radial

Since Tzolkin is 4-dimensional, it is naturally fractal and radial. Fractality means that the Tzolkin mathematical model can represent 260 days, 26,000 years, and other multiples of time. The whole is contained in the part. And if it expands, the proportions remain intact.

Radiality means that Tzolkin is a matrix of nonlinear energy flows emitted from the center. Although the Tzolk'in image appears to be a linear lattice structure, if you examine the deeper levels of the complex energy flows within this matrix, you will find it to be the exact opposite of every type of energy being considered.
Tzolkin is more than a calendar

Like the Periodic Table of all 144 chemical elements, Tzolkin characterizes all 260 frequencies of galactic energies. In this context we use the Tzolkin as the Calendar, but in reality it is much more than that.

The Tzolk'in is a living system, and its relationships and proportions describe our evolutionary journey as a planetary civilization. Development of all human history amazingly accurately fits Tzolkin and reminds that main task Tzolkin is "to help us in two cases - in the return of galactic information and in achieving galactic synchronization."

The Tzolkin is a harmonic module filled with codes that correlate not only with the laws of 4-dimensional time, but also with the keys of Interdimensional Travel and the codes that build our Light Body and the Light Body of the Earth, activating the telepathically unified mental field of our planet.

The colors of the 20 horizontal rows of Tzolkin - red, white, blue and yellow - correspond to the colors of the Solar Seals.

Peer into Tzolkin. Realize every opportunity to comprehend the variety of details and details of Tzolkin. Just honor it as a matrix of Codes. Open yourself up to his information. Get visual activation.
Tzolkin and the Mayan Loom

The structure of the Mayan Loom has bilateral symmetry and is divided into 3 zones. Symmetry is also observed in the upper and lower halves, which defines this structure as having perfect symmetry. You will notice that each quarter also has the same pattern or pattern, containing 13 units: 13 = 6 + 4 + 3; 6 - long diagonal; 4 - vertical; 3 - short diagonal.

Thus, the structure of Tzolkin is so multifaceted that it has symbolism at the most different levels and layers of existence. This is a mathematical Encyclopedia of Time with a very concentrated essence, and it is the source of the 13 Moon calendar.

In fact, if we look at the 52 units of the Mayan Loom, we see another very interesting feature this structure. Let's denote Kin Tzolkin with the letter K and the number next to the letter K is Kin's serial number. We can get 13 combinations from the Mayan Loom pattern. This pattern is completely meaningful and consistent, and the sum of the tones of each such combination is always 28.

These relationships demonstrate that the 13-moon, 28-day calendar is fully encoded in the Mayan Loom. We received 13 combinations of 28, i.e.: 28 x 13 - 364 + 1 Day Out of Time = 365 days.

Indeed, the pattern of 52 units is a Code. This is why we say that the calendar of 13 Moons of 28 days is truly a perfect calendar that synchronizes our biology with the Telepathic Order of the 4th dimension. And the entire calendar is located in this structure.

The Tzolkin table consists of colored, green and central gray squares.

Three-dimensional model of Tzolkin

Imagine that you are looking at the table from above and lowered your gaze and looked at it from the side, so that the bottom row of the yellow sun lines up in one stepped line consisting of 13 squares.

In fact, the Tzolkin has 1 more dimension and is not visible in the schematic view from above.

If you look at this pyramid you will see the top - this is the 7th gray row of the Tzolkin.

Row 7 is the most mystical. It is compared to the Heart of Heaven and Through the Looking Glass. It balances up and down and left and right in the Calendar. This is the backbone of the universe. That's why it's highlighted.

Green day is the cells on the Loom, these days when the Gods descend to Earth. All spiritual forces, energies and sensations are doubled, the inner essence is freed. These days, talents are born, people who are not of this world.

Where to start synchronizing?

Just as air is the atmosphere for the body, so time is the atmosphere for consciousness. If the time we live consists of unequal months and days, governed by mechanistic minutes and hours, then our consciousness becomes like that - mechanistic disorder.

Since everything is created by consciousness, it is not surprising that the atmosphere in which we live is becoming more and more polluted, and everyone around us complains: “I don’t have enough time!” Whoever controls your time controls your mind. Master your time and you will master your mind!

Jose Arguelles

Natural and mechanistic time.

The perception of the time in which we live is based on the testimony of two instruments whose power over our lives has never been comprehended. This is the Gregorian calendar, consisting of 12 unequal months, and a clock built on the principle of mechanical division of space into 60 equal parts. Thus, the time in which our consciousness exists reflects the predominance of three-dimensional mechanistic spatial perception, which is also defined as the frequency of 12:60.

Natural time is four-dimensional. It is not a measurement of duration, but acts as a synchronization factor. Its frequency is 13:20. 13 corresponds to the thirteen Galactic Tones, or Forces of Creation. 20 is the 20 Solar Frequencies represented by twenty signs or seals. Based on this frequency Tzolkin- 260-kin “Sacred Calendar” of the Mayans.

Natural time calendar -
Thirteen Moon calendar of 28 days.

The Thirteen Moon Calendar is a tool that helps you reconfigure your own consciousness to natural time. It consists of Thirteen Moons of 28 days each - a total of 364 days, plus one “green day” - the Day Out of Time.

The purpose of the Thirteen Moon calendar is to synchronize the solar-lunar annual cycle with the 260-element galactic cycle, an endless spiral vortex of time that synchronizes precisely with the Thirteen Moon calendar every 52 years.

The galactic cycle, Tzolkin, consists of twenty thirteen-kin wave structures. Kin is a universal unit of time that can correspond to one day, one moon, one year, etc.

Each day in the Thirteen Moon calendar corresponds to one kin of the 260-element Tzolk'in. Thus, each day has certain energetic characteristics, represented by a pair of Galactic tone and Solar seal (frequency).

The entrance ticket to the Thirteen Moon Calendar is your Kin corresponding to your birthday. This is your galactic seal, your galactic signature, your galactic code.

What does it mean to become a Planetary Kin?

Entering the path of the Thirteen Moon Calendar, you find yourself in New World Time, into the world of waves, pulsars, harmonics, chromatics and galactic vortices. The Thirteen Moon Calendar helps transform the materialistic three-dimensionality of space into the four-dimensionality of Galactic Time. Realizing yourself as a part of the Planetary Mind, overcoming the paralyzing power of the fear of death, you become a Planetary Kin - a representative of the Galactic Civilization, traveling on the Time Ship “Earth”. Understanding the multidimensional nature of existence, Planetary Kin, free and equal with all other Planetary Kins, continues the process of Planetary Evolution and Universal Enlightenment.

How to find out your Kin?

There are several ways to determine your Kin.

Firstly, it is best to use the Galactic Compass - a special tool that allows you to establish a correspondence between a date according to the Gregorian calendar and one of the Tzolkin kin.

If you do not have a Galactic Compass, then you can use the table below for calculating kin.

How to start using the Thirteen Moon Calendar?

Find your sunny birthday.

Using the Thirteen Moon Calendar, find the day corresponding to your birthday according to the Gregorian calendar. (Gregorian dates are listed at the bottom of each day's cell of the Thirteen Moon Calendar in month/day format.) Note which day of which Moon the date falls on.

For example, the date September 22 always corresponds to the 3rd day of the Electric Moon, and July 19 always corresponds to the 23rd day of the Cosmic Moon.
The characteristics of the Kin corresponding to your birthday are decisive for you until your next birthday.

Find your galactic birthday

Find your Kin on the calendar field of the current year of the Thirteen Moon Calendar. Note which day, corresponding to the Gregorian date, your galactic birthday falls on. On this day, your energy is synchronized with the galactic time cycle.

For example, Kin 210, Moon Dog, falls on the 15th day of the Planetary Moon of the Yellow Sun Seed year. This corresponds to April 18, 2002 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Find your Kin in your body.

Each Solar Seal corresponds to one of the 20 fingers and toes. Find your Kin in the Human Holon. For example, Blue Storm corresponds to the little toe of the left foot.

Determine your Earthly family.

Each kin belongs to one of the five Earth families: Polar (one line:), Cardinal (one point), Central (two points), Signal (three points) or Input (four points:).

Each of the families performs a specific task:
Polar family - issues a Call,
Cardinal - roots Genesis,
Central - builds tunnels,
Signal - reveals the Secret,
Entrance - unlocks Portals.

Pay attention to what family the people around you belong to.

Create a motto for today. To do this, use the instructions for composing the Song of the Day.

By daily tracking energy flows according to the 13 Moon Calendar, you will be able to pay attention to the fact that all the processes occurring around you are clearly synchronized in time. As you realize your true nature, You will receive all the necessary information in order to follow the path of Galactic Evolution and Universal Enlightenment.

Mayan symbol is calculated on the basis of the Tzolkin calendar, which is based not on a year or a month, but on a completely incomprehensible cycle of 260 days - 20 periods of 13 days. More precisely, this 260-day cycle is the result of the superposition of two cycles - a 20-day and a 13-day.

These ideographic symbols were called Twenty Solar Seals. Twenty Solar Seals describe the stages of development of our consciousness: from birth - the first seal (Dragon) to enlightenment - the twentieth seal (Sun). Each of the seals has basic key characteristics and a specific color, in accordance with the color code constant: red, white, blue, yellow. These colors, associated with the four cardinal directions (East, North, West, South), expand the ability to perceive the meanings of each seal.

When all fields are filled in, your Mayan symbol. Meaning Mayan symbol you can find out by clicking on your result or using the links below.

Meaning and characteristics of the Mayan symbol

Below are the main characteristics of the 20 seals.

Yes- Red Dragon (Aztec. Crocodile, World Tree) - sign deep instincts.

Keywords: Birth. Being. Nutrition. Memory.

Guide to action: Open up to the energies of Birth and Hope, the highest faith in the omnipotence of existence, and let them express themselves in your life. Focus both on independence and on gratefully accepting the necessary nutrition from the Universe. This is the only way life will help you fulfill your deepest needs. Let the energy of birth initiate and bring all your endeavors to life!

Direction - East - initiates. Throat chakra - Vishuddha. Correspondence - Index finger of the right hand.

Motto: I nourish the birth of my being with primordial trust.

Iik- White Wind is a sign of self-will and self-thinking.

Key words: Spirit. Breath. Communications and connections.

Guide to Action: Receive and express the energies of Spirit and Connectedness. Focus on the presence of the Spirit in all you do. Be in tune with your natural inspiration! May the Spirit help you express the innermost Truth of your being! The Movement of the Spirit is the omnipotent Breath of existence itself, uniting all things.

North - cleanses. Heart chakra - Anahata. Correspondence - Middle finger of the right hand.

Motto: Breathing inspiration, I build a spiral of creation.

Akbal- Blue Night (Aztec. Dream, Darkness) - a sign of deep concentration.

Key words: Abundance. Intuition. Dream.

Guide to action: Accept and express the energies of Dreaming and Abundance. Enter the sanctuary of your heart, its innermost darkness - the arena of your inner mysteries. Become one with your unbreakable peace and intuition. Tune in to the natural abundance surrounding you and dream!

The direction - West - transforms. Solar plexus chakra - Manipura. Correspondence - Ring finger of the right hand.

Motto: Intuition opens the doors of my dreams to the sanctuary of abundance.

Kaan- Yellow Seed (other Lizard, Iguana) - a sign of ripening.

Key words: Flowering. Mindfulness. Determination.

Guide to action: Receive and express the powers of Awareness and Bloom. Focus on the omnipotence of your intentions. Aim your desires, and then they will come true. Plant seeds essentially important phenomena with utmost precision. Nourish and nurture them, watching them grow. Feel like a living flower!

Direction - South - expands. Root chakra - Muladhara. Correspondence - Little finger of the right hand.

Motto: My awareness allows the seeds of creation to blossom.

Chikchan- Red Snake is a sign of spontaneous activation.

Key words: Life force. Instinct. Survival. Sexuality.

Guide to Action: Receive and express the forces of Vitality and Instinct. Listen to the primal wisdom of your physical temple and honor its perfection. Tune in to your passion, vitality, sensuality and sexuality. Feel how your kundalini awakens and blossoms!

Direction - East - initiates. Crown chakra - Sahasrara. Correspondence - Big toe of the right foot.

Motto: The basis of my life force is the instinct of my passion.

Kimi- White Connector of Worlds (other Road, Wanderer, Skull) - a sign of cautious firmness.

Key words: Death. Opportunity. Alignment.

Receive and express the power of Death and Self-giving. Focus on allowing the inevitable deaths and separations to happen. This way you will open the gates to renewal and new favorable opportunities. Let go and goodbye! Take control of the urges of your lower nature to experience the Grace of the Divine Plan! The power of balance and impartiality will help you build bridges between worlds.

North - cleanses. Throat chakra - Vishuddha. Second toe of the right foot.

Motto: I am humbled by my opportunity.

Manik - Blue Hand(other Deer) - a sign of good luck and acquisition.

Key words: Accomplishment. Healing. Knowledge.

Guide to action: Receive and express the powers of Accomplishment and Healing. Fill your life with accomplishment, in the very in a deeper sense this word. Heal all levels of human existence! Hone your skill in bringing into your life what you want. Bring to perfection and completion those areas of your life that will help you reach the next, unknown level of existence.

The direction - West - transforms. Heart chakra - Anahata. Correspondence - Middle toe of the right foot.

Motto: I am here to heal the Planet.

Lamat- Yellow Star (other Rabbit, Shining Star, Moon, Rising) - a sign of concrete decisions.

Key words: Grace. Art. Creation of Beauty.

Guide to action: Receive and express the powers of Beauty and Grace. Focus on entering the flow of supreme refinement, natural lightness, fluidity and peace. Participate in creating and spreading harmony in the world! Free yourself from all self-judgment and understand that your life is a work of art!

Direction - South - expands. Solar plexus chakra - Manipura. Correspondence - Ring finger of the right foot.

Motto: I am awakened to beauty, breathe grace and radiate art.

Muluk- Red Moon (others: Water, Rain) - a sign of accumulation of strength.

Key words: Primordial Water. Flow. Cleansing

Receive and express the power of the Universal Stream of Purification. Focus on cleaning the instrument of your perception - the unity of body and mind. This is possible due to his constant relationship with the Higher Self. Nourish your body, the foundation of your world, with the vibrations of your own integrity. Reconnecting with yourself leads to complete awakening in every moment of your life. By awakening your fluidity and flexibility, you will allow events to fully flow!

Direction - East - initiates. Root chakra - Muladhara. Correspondence - Little toe of the right foot.

Motto: I am the stream of purification that has flowed into the multidimensionality of my being.

Ook- White Dog is a sign of a change of place.

Key words: Heart. Devotion. Love.

Guide to action: Receive and express the powers of Love and Devotion. Focus on overcoming limiting complexes in the emotional sphere, activating your spiritual strength and desire for interaction. Tune in to the One Heart of the Universe! Find new levels of reconnection with your companions on life path! Be committed to the innermost truth of your being, your path and purpose.

Direction - North - cleanses. Crown chakra - Sahasrara. Correspondence - Left thumb.

Motto: One heart, love and devotion are the companions of my destiny.

Chuen- Blue Monkey (other Master) - a sign of the awakening of talents.

Key words: Magic. Illusion. Game.

Guide to action: Receive and express the power of Magic and Game. Focus on the fact that your life is a celebration of your divine inner child, whose nature is innocence, play and spontaneity. Laugh at yourself, dissolving all pomposity and seriousness! Enjoy your weightlessness and colorful illusions! Humor and laughter will help you become invulnerable.

The direction - West - transforms. Throat chakra - Vishuddha. Correspondence - Index finger of the left hand.

Motto: My game is the magic of my pristine innocence.

Ab- Yellow man (others: Grass, Fog, Stairs) - a sign of the desire for order.

Key words: Free will. Wisdom. Influence.

Guide to Action: Receive and Express the Power of Free Will and Influence. Align your free will with integrity and self-respect. Awaken the abilities that lie dormant in your human form, becoming in tune with the highest, shining wisdom. Feel and express your openness to all humanity! Honor the wisdom of your companions walking with you along the path of life.

Direction - South - expands. Heart chakra - Anahata. Correspondence - Middle finger of the left hand.

Motto: I reap the harvest of the wisdom of my free will.

Ben- Red Heavenly Wanderer (other Maize, Shaman, Reed) - a sign of the desire for growth.

Key words: Space. Awakening. Study. Prophecy.

Guide to Action: Receive and Express the Power of Prophecy and Awakening. Actively participate in the revival of the Earth according to the Prophecy. Help her return to her pristine state of the Garden of Eden! Bring to the world the sacred news of the reunification of Heaven and Earth! As you boldly enter the unknown, remember that your strength lies in non-attachment to reference points. Dissolve established opinions about yourself! Explore the outside and interior space!

East - initiates. Solar plexus chakra - Manipura. Correspondence - Ring finger of the left hand.

Motto: In full awakening I explore the unknown.

Yeesh- White Wizard (another Jaguar) - a sign of the awakening of the will.

Key words: Timelessness. Susceptibility. Magic.

Guide to Action: Receive and express the power of Timelessness and Enchantment. Discover in yourself the receptivity of the radial nature of time - the eternal “Now”! Your heart is the gate of Divine Enchantment. Become a sage, transparent to the entire spectrum of energies, and the magic of life will be freely created through you.

Direction - North - cleanses. Root chakra - Muladhara. Little finger of the left hand.

Motto: The charm of timelessness exudes from my receptive heart.

Men- Blue Eagle - sign awakening the intellect.

Key words: Vision. Intelligence. Creation.

Guide to Action: Receive and express the powers of Vision and Reason. Focusing on contemplating the Great Plan will help you soar like an eagle! May your vision be clear and sharp! By creating with the power of your mind, you will find inspiration in dedication to your vision. Strengthen your interaction with the Planetary Mind!

The direction - West - transforms. Crown chakra - Sahasrara. Correspondence - Big toe of the left foot.

Motto: I am committed to my vision of Planetary Intelligence.

Kiib- Yellow Warrior (other Owl, Wax, Vulture) - sign separation of chaff.

Key words: Intelligence. Fearlessness. The ability to question.

Guide to Action: Receive and express the powers of Fearlessness and Intelligence. Listen to your inner voice while walking along the path of Cosmic Milestones - from Contestation to Certainty. Feel free to face your fears! Do not blindly believe in anything and explore the phenomena of life with the help of Divine Intelligence. Become a true Warrior of Grace!

Direction - South - expands. Throat chakra - Vishuddha. Correspondence - Second toe of the left foot.

Motto: I am the warrior of light with the shield of intellect and the sword of compassion.

Kaaban- Red Earth (other Movement, Incense, Earthquake) - sign sensory shock.

Key words: Navigation. Synchronicity. Evolution.

Guide to Action: Receive and Express the Power of Navigation and Development. The course of your space-time reality is spiritualized by synchronicity with your higher path. Feel free to unlock the gates of Evolution. Treat our planet with love; honor and glorify her pristine holiness.

Direction - East - initiates. Heart chakra - Anahata. Correspondence - Middle toe of the left foot.

Motto: I chart the course of my Planet in synchronicity with galactic evolution.

Etznab- White Mirror (other Flint, Sword, Knife, Spear) - sign independence and sharpness.

Key words: Infinity. Orderliness. Reflection. Meditation.

Guide to action: Receive and express the powers of Reflection and Infinity. Become a mirror reflecting the light of the Divine World Order. Learn to see your reflections in the mirrors of people and events, distinguishing the true from the illusory. When you come face to face with your shadow sides, let go of everything that reflects you distortedly. Open up to the perception of the experience of infinity!

Direction - North - cleanses. Solar plexus chakra - Manipura. Correspondence - Ring toe of the left foot.

Motto: I contemplate the endless reflections of the Divine.

Cauac- Blue Storm (other Thunderstorm, Bad Weather) - sign overflow of feelings.

Key words: Self-generation. Energization. Acceleration of all processes.

Guide to Action: Receive and express the power of Self-Generating Energy. By releasing it, you awaken your inner Thunderer! Accelerate the processes of transformation and initiate the cleansing of your life! Self-generation of your own liberation is entirely within your power.

The direction - West - transforms. Root chakra - Muladhara. Correspondence - Little toe of the left foot.

Motto: I carry within me the self-generation of the freedom of my energy and the energy of my freedom.

Ahau- Yellow Sun (other Lord, Lord, Flower) - sign balanced force.

Key words: Universal Fire. Life. Enlightenment. Ascension.

Receive and express the powers of Ascension and Enlightenment. Your goal is ascension by the power of the Universal Fire of Enlightenment! The radiance of your inner sun illuminates and energizes every moment of your life. The awareness of your integrity and freedom is revealed to you. Enjoy the experience holistic perception the matrix of life through the lens of unconditional love.

Direction - South - expands. Crown chakra - Sahasrara. Correspondence - Thumb of the right hand.

Motto: I am the universal fire - the fuel for the ascension of my Planet.

For the ancient Mayan people, the calendar was just as important in everyday life, as for our contemporaries.

The Mayan civilization originated in Mesoamerica (Central America). This region lies between Mexico and South America, and was home to many other cultures, including the Aztecs, Olmecs, Teotihuacan and Toltecs. The Mayans lived in what are today the states of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador and in the south of Mexico (Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Chiapas).

Mayan history consists of three periods:

1. Preclassic - 2000 BC to 250 AD

2. Classic – from 250 to 900

3. Postclassical - from 900 to the Spanish Conquest in 1400

Writing in Mesoamerica arose in the middle of the Preclassic period. The Mayans were the first to create historical records and keep a calendar. For this purpose steles or stone monuments, on which events were cut civil life Maya, calendars and astronomical knowledge. They also depicted their religious beliefs and mythology on ceramics.

The Mayans attached great value records of the history of his people. They were not the first civilization to use a calendar, but they did develop four separate calendars that lasted for discrete periods of time. Depending on their needs, the Mayans used different calendars or a specific combination of two calendars to record each event. Their calendar Long Count, which we will learn more about later, expired in 2012, resulting in what some believed would be an apocalyptic event.

But in order to decipher these different calendars, you will have to learn first short lesson in Mayan Mathematics.

Mayan Numbers and Mathematics

Along with their calendars—the Tzolkin, the Haab, the Round Calendar, and the Long Count—the Mayans also created their own systems of calculation. They used a series of dots and lines to represent numbers. One dot represented one unit, while one line represented five units. The shell symbol represented zero.

The Mayans wrote numbers vertically, while we do this horizontally. For example, we write the number 27 as the number 2, denoting tens, and the number 7 to the right of it.

The Mayans wrote 27 vertically. Their number seven (a line representing five units with two dots above it) was at the bottom, and their number 20 (a dot one line above) was located directly above it.

The same is true for other numbers, such as 29.

Numbers were important in Mayan culture. For example, the number 20 means the number of digits a person has - 10 fingers and 10 toes. The number 13 concerns the major joints of the human body where disease occurs: one neck, two shoulders, two knees, two wrists, two hips, two knees and two ankles. The number 13 also represents the levels of heaven where the sacred rulers of the Earth are located. It was these two numbers, 20 and 13, that were used to create the Tzolkin calendar, the first calendar used by the Mayans.

Tzolkin calendar

Like many Mesoamerican calendars, Tzolkin, or Sacred Circle, the calendar is designed for a 260-day cycle. One theory about the meaning of this particular cycle length states that 260 days symbolize pregnancy. Another theory suggests that the calendar represented the length of time needed to cultivate corn. However, it is more likely that it was based on the Mayan reverence for the numbers 13 and 20.

In the Gregorian calendar, we have seven days in a week and, depending on the month, 28 to 31 days in a month. The Tzolkin calendar consists of a set of 20 day names, symbolized by images called glyphs and 13 rooms. As a result, each day has a number from 1 to 13, in addition, the days have names that repeat with a period of 20. Each day name has its own symbol, the so-called Solar Seal.

The Tzolkin calendar begins on the first day, under the glyph Imish and number 1. The days continue in order - on the second day there will be a combination of the glyph Ik with number 2 and so on until all 13 numbers have been used.

After the calendar reaches the 13th day (indicated by the glyph Ben and number 13), the day numbers start again at 1, but the day names continue forward, from the 14th glyph, Ik.

Thus, we get 260 unique combinations of the name of the day and its number. Combination 13 Ahab marked the end of the year.

It is easy to understand the significance the Mayans placed in the Tzolkin calendar. For example, they believed that your birth date determined the characteristics you would be able to perceive in your personality, just as some people consider the astrological symbol for your birthday today.

Holy men could also schedule certain events throughout the year, based on the Tzolkin calendar. At the beginning of each unial(a period of 20 days), the shaman could determine the religious and ceremonial events that would take place during this time. In addition, he chose dates that would be most fortunate for the prosperity of the community.

Despite its many useful functions for society, the Tzolkin calendar could not measure Solar year, the time it takes for the Earth to make a complete revolution around the Sun. Because of this, the Mayans needed a more accurate calendar.

Haab calendar and Round calendar

Haab calendar very similar to the Gregorian calendar we use today. It is based on the cycle of the Sun and was used for agricultural, economic and accounting activities. Like the Tzolkin calendar, it also includes unial (periods of 20 days), and each day has its own hieroglyph and name. However, instead of 13 unials in 260 days in the Tzolkin calendar, in the Haab calendar there are 18 unials in 360 days.

Mayan astronomers noticed that 360 days was not enough for the Sun to complete a full cycle of solar activity. They argued that the calendar should follow the solar cycle as closely as possible. But the Mayan mathematicians disagreed. They wanted to keep the calendar simple, in increments of 20, just like their mathematical systems.

Astronomers and mathematicians eventually agreed to an 18-unial of 360 days, but with five "nameless days", which were called Wyeb.

This five-day period was considered a very dangerous time. The Mayans thought that the gods rested during this time, leaving the Earth unprotected. The Mayans performed rites and rituals during the Wayeb, hoping that the gods would return to them once again.

While the Haab calendar was longer than the Tzolkin, the Mayans wanted to create a calendar that would reflect even more time. For this reason, the Tzolkin and Haab calendars were combined into Round calendar.

In the Round Calendar, the 260 days of the Tzolkin calendar are combined with the 360 ​​days and five unnamed days of the Haab calendar. This Round Calendar works on the principle of the Tzolkin calendar and gives 18890 unique days with a time period of about 52 years.

At that time, the Round Calendar was the longest calendar in Central America. Mayan historians, however, wished to record Mayan history for future generations. To achieve this, they needed a calendar that would be relevant hundreds, even thousands of years from now.

Long Count calendar

Mayans developed Long Count calendar for 5125 years, a period of time to which they treated as Great Cycle. The Long Count calendar is divided into intervals:

1 day - kin

20 days - unial

360 days - tun

7200 days - katun

144,000 days – baktun

2880000 days – pictun

57600000 days – kalabtun

1152000000 days – kinchilbtun

23040000000 days - alautun

English anthropologist Sir Eric Thompson created a technique for converting the Long Count dates of the Mayan calendar into a Gregorian date known as Thompson correlation. Events that occurred during the Spanish rule were recorded in the Long Count and Gregorian calendars. After this, scientists compared the dates in both calendars and compared them with Dresden Code, one of four Mayan documents surviving from Spanish times. This codex confirmed the start date of the first Great Cycle - August 13, 3114 BC, which ended on December 21, 2012.

Now we have the start date of the Great Cycle, let's look at the Long Count calendar in practice. We'll take a date that's familiar to many: July 20, 1969, the day Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. In the Long Count calendar, this date is written as You will notice that the date contains five digits. Reading from left to right, we get the number of baktuns since the beginning of the Great Cycle. In this case, there were 12 baktun, or 1,728,000 days (144,000 x 12), since August 13, 3114 BC. The second number means the number of katuns. Then come tun, unial and kin.

As the calendar's Long Count ended, doomsday theorists predicted the worst. The Gregorian date December 21, 2012, is designated as on the Long Count calendar, signaling the end of the current Great Cycle.

However, the Mayans and scientists who rejected apocalyptic theories noted that the end of the calendar would be seen as a time of celebration, similar to modern New Year's holidays. There are no Mayan inscriptions that predict the end of the world when the Great Cycle ends.

The most notable event that occurred on the 2012 winter solstice was that for the first time in 25,800 years, the Sun was aligned with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Although the event sounds impressive, it had absolutely no effect on Earth, just as astronomers had claimed. Therefore, the next Great Cycle was calmly started anew.

Currently time goes by second Great Cycle or New Era, which will continue for another 5125 years.