What questions to ask the club when organizing a concert. How to organize bands to perform at concerts? Female or male profession

Let's assume you have idea to organize a party or a concert. And now you are faced with questions about how you can save money for their implementation or even earn money.

So, to get money from a party, you need the idea of ​​organizing a concert. You have thought about the plot, outlined the main star of the event... What to do next? Remember the main points:

  • Find a concert venue (be sure to inspect it and study the equipment of the hall)
  • Determine the audience (who will go?)
  • Set price range
  • Learns to persuade

So, to choose a concert venue, estimate how many people will come to the concert. Definecapacitysites. Based on the number of seats - we print the required number of tickets for the concert. Inspect possible entrances (especially cunning security guards or hall workers can let in “leftist” visitors or their relatives for next to nothing, or even for free). If you don’t trust the local security, place your own guards at all entrances and exits.

Don't forget about machinations of grandmothers-ticketeers- when the aunt checking tickets is given a small amount of money and she lets everyone through. And at the concert the hall will be crowded, and few tickets will be sold. You yourself (or your friends) can try to go to the concert by giving her, for example, 500 rubles instead of a ticket. If she missed it, we replace her with our person.

Another trick is fake tickets. To fight them, put neon stamps on them, emboss them, and perforate them.

Warn that only you and no one else will withdraw the cash register. Decide on a price range: VIP , average, budget and tickets for partners.

A very good move - to organize VIP -zone. Place guards near the tables or in the front rows for especially “dear” clients. Many are flattered by this, and even the inflated price for such tickets does not deter them.

In the era of modern technology, in order to invite a star, you don’t have to look for it second-hand. Nowadays on the Internet you can find a connection with any artist through the website. Learning to persuade. Everyone has their own prices, but it’s cheaper to invite an artist on tour (this way you’ll save on travel costs). But on average, when organizing an event, all the money earned is divided approximately like this: the artist 70%, the organizer 30% of the proceeds. When starting negotiations with an artist, the main thing is not to worry and do not forget to bargain (there is nothing wrong with that).

In order to bring a star, consider concert expenses: fee, road share, household rider, technical rider – sound rental, hall rental, concert staff, security payment. If you're afraid you can't do it alone, hire personal assistant- one or two thousand per event, but you have someone to rely on. Because during your concert, you can simply be torn apart over all sorts of little things.

When printing posters and tickets, use offset printing to save money. Because it is the cheapest. And on one sheet of paper you will place posters, and tickets along the edges. Best colors for posters black, white, red. In the largest letters we indicate the artist and the date of the performance, in a smaller font - the rest of the information - venue, price, points of sale, partners, name of the concert, and so on.

The placement of posters can be commercial or free. Or activists who are ready to work for a ticket to this concert. You distribute 30–100 posters per person (depending on the price of a ticket to the party) and explain that each poster posted must be photographed. Moreover, it’s important to photograph not the poster itself, but the place where it was glued. Usually posters are hung up one month before the concert.

The legal side of the issue is taxes. They make up five percent.

When drawing up a contract with the venue, be sure to indicate the name of the venue, its address and the time of the concert with a reserve of at least five hours. We register the technical staff of the site - the presence of an electrician, cleaner, water and thermal conditions throughout the entire event. We discuss issues regarding tickets in the contract: who prints, who sells, mode of sale, percentage of the transaction. We indicate the cashier’s working hours (only 30% of visitors arrive on time, the rest arrive later, so the cashier must sit almost until the end). This means that you decide when to stop selling tickets. Even if there are no numbers and the concert has started, you should be asked if it is possible to stop selling tickets. We indicate who has the right to withdraw money from the cash register.

In the contract with the artist we indicate how many songs he performs and for how many minutes. Payment procedure – prepayment, refund if the concert is canceled due to the artist’s fault, payment after arrival.

Remember that payment for damage caused goes to the protection account, and not to yours. The arrival of the police is always free.

I hope these tips will help you organize your event!

Organizing concerts as a business may seem very difficult. But if there is a desire to make money from music in this way, we will describe where an entrepreneur should start and show the profitability of the project.

At first, dealing with organizational issues will be very difficult. After all, in large cities there is high competition between such companies, and in small cities it is difficult to provide the required conditions for artists. It is quite possible that at first you will have to work without profit or even invest your own money until you create a name for yourself in certain circles.

Registration questions

Of course, to become a concert organizer it is not necessary to register with the tax service. But the fact is that artists will be more willing to enter into an agreement and make a deal if you represent legal entity or registered at least as an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, the company inspires more confidence among sponsors, singers and club owners. But individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to pay less tax to the state using a simplified system. And the paperwork process turns out to be much cheaper and faster.

If several people come together to organize such a project, then they have to open an LLC. This will make it much easier to deal with the many issues that confront the concert organizer. It is important to indicate the correct OKVED code. IN in this case suitable 93.29 – services in the field of entertainment and recreation.

Market analysis

Where to start first? You can choose two directions:

  1. Focus on your own tastes, invite those artists that you personally like and hope that someone else will want to attend a similar event.
  2. But to make money, it is advisable to conduct a survey among city residents, acquaintances, on forums and find out which groups and trends in music others prefer. If you are going to hold a concert with those performers that most people are waiting for in the city, with proper organization you can earn large sums.

Before dealing with all the issues, draw up a business plan and decide what you need, what is missing, how much money you have and what you will focus on.

Artist selection

When thinking about the upcoming event, decide how best to do:

  • Invite only one artist or group and offer to the public solo concert.
  • Or gather several performers in one hall and provide the audience with something like a festival.

It is worth noting that it will be difficult for a beginner to get a “star,” so it makes sense to focus on beginning singers who may not even have their own producer yet. In this case, they will be ready to cooperate for a small fee and present minimum requirements. Sometimes such groups perform at the club even for free, just for an idea or advertising.

To clarify the conditions and cost for a performance, it is advisable to conduct preliminary negotiations with the producer or the singer himself. It would be useful to clarify the tour schedule in order to offer a performance at a time that is convenient for him.

What do you need to prepare?

Organizing an artist’s concert on your own is quite difficult. This will require taking into account many details. Start with the site and equipment. So, depending on the group, its popularity, and the number of people wishing to attend the event, you need to find a suitable place in the city for this.

Typically chosen for concerts:

  1. Clubs that already have all the equipment, lighting and space for the public.
  2. Stadiums where there is enough space for large number people.
  3. Houses of culture or others concert halls.

It is important to agree with the owner of the establishment about acceptable prices, dates, possible discounts, ticket distribution and advertising. Don’t forget that performers need certain technical equipment to perform, and in each case it will be something different.

U famous groups a technical rider is posted on the official website, that is, a list of those tools and other equipment that will be required for their performance. But you can personally discuss this point with the producer or artists and rent equipment in advance. This can be done through special agencies, studios, rehearsal rooms, cultural centers, etc.

Sometimes it makes sense to pay a little more to rent a club for a concert rather than separately looking for a room and the required equipment. After all, such establishments usually already have everything for performances. In addition to music, you need to prepare lighting, as well as hire specialists responsible for setting up sound, lighting, etc.

Almost no concert is complete without attracting sponsors. They are needed for financial support, assistance in organizational matters, or for advertising and ticket sales. There are two main forms of cooperation:

  • Financial - it can be profitable, but usually this is done rarely and only with already well-known companies. Nobody directly allocates money to novice organizers.
  • In the form of barter - that is, you place a company logo or advertisement on posters, tickets, walls and on stage, and the sponsor offers some kind of help in return. This could be disseminating information about the concert, organizing a press conference for artists, providing them with a place to live, a performance hall, equipment, printing products, etc.
  1. Print flyers and distribute them in crowded places, leave them in youth cafes, educational institutions, etc.
  2. Post posters all over the city.
  3. Use the services of special agencies that will not only help sell tickets, but also create advertising.
  4. Make a page on the Internet or on social sites, provide information about the concert on a local forum.
  5. Organize a press conference and invite journalists.

What else should you pay attention to?

In order for the expected event to take place and be carried out at a decent level, you need to do the following:

  • When inviting artists, ask about their requirements and wishes. Organize their accommodation, meals, and rehearsal.
  • A few days before the concert, you can hold a press conference or interview on a local TV channel with the performers.
  • When drawing up a club lease agreement, note in writing all the details and features of the premises after a thorough inspection with the owner. After all, any damage will have to be compensated by you as the event organizer.
  • Payments are made after the performance, although some artists require a deposit of a certain amount before their arrival.
  • Don't expect your first profit to make you a rich person. You may have to work for several gigs for free or even at a loss. It will take some time to create the company's image and gain credibility in musical environment.
  • Take care of the security of the premises or stadium, because there will be a lot of people at the event. It is convenient to do this with the help of special private companies.
  • Think through the entire scenario, and also hire a presenter. It is important to write down in advance what to say and when, the order in which the artists will appear, etc. Some performers provide their texts for such cases.
  • Before the concert, give the technicians the opportunity to set up equipment and lighting, and allow the performing group to rehearse on stage. It’s better to set aside a whole day for this.
  • Keep in mind that when renting a club, it is much more profitable to occupy it on weekdays. Then the cost will be lower, and it will be easier to carry out preparatory work, since at this time there is low attendance at such establishments.


To calculate at least approximately your expenses and expected profit, you need to think about how much a ticket costs, how many people are expected at the concert and clarify the prices for everything listed above organizational issues. Let's give some approximate numbers.

If you set the ticket price at 250 rubles and sell 500 of them, your income will be 125,000 rubles. With the indicated expenses for organizing the event, you can earn a net 50 thousand. Thus, from the first concerts you can achieve full business return.

Video: lecture - Vladimir Filippov, organization of concerts and tours.

The ability to organize an event is an important skill for everyone modern man. For a musician, a concert is the main format of his work and a source of income. Many creative people resort to the help of professionals. Agents and managers know how to properly organize an advertising campaign, find resources, and sell tickets. And the artist’s task is to light up the hall with his inspired creativity. In the history of art, a natural symbiosis of musician and manager has developed.

I see the goal, I believe in myself

The simplest option is that you want to introduce your music to your friends. How to organize concerts in this case? The easiest way is to carry out an apartment building. Home concerts were very popular in the USSR in the second half of the last century. Moscow and St. Petersburg rockers did not get along with official culture and were forced to perform in secret.

Home concert, or Back to the USSR

In those days, apartment building traditions developed. Several musicians played acoustic instruments. No sound equipment was used. There were few spectators. They could talk freely with the musicians, and often the concerts turned into a feast or just friendly communication.

Today, within the framework of apartment buildings, it is possible to use sound recording equipment. And speakers and amplifiers will disrupt public order and disturb neighbors. The exception is private households. To hold an apartment party, you do not need official permission, hall rental, advertising, or any expenses at all. There is enough free space, which will be provided free of charge by one of your friends. There is only one downside to apartment living - lack of income.

Help for a non-profit organization

How to organize concerts if you need to raise money for a good cause? Need a small amount urgently? Reach out to friends and acquaintances. But instead of simply asking for a loan, organize a concert-feast in your apartment. Let it be a small party. Tell the audience about your problem or give a presentation of your project. Set up a collection box. It should look bright and attract attention. For those who prefer electronic payments, you should print out your bank details. Hang the sheet in a visible place and distribute it to everyone present.

Consider ways your friends can control your spending. They must understand where their money will go. How to organize concerts for charities and non-profit organizations? You can't get by with a simple apartment owner here. It is necessary to raise a lot of funds. Therefore, a competent advertising campaign is needed.

What to show the viewer

Determine your target audience. Research shows that people of all ages and social classes donate to charity, but most of all - young men and women over forty. Both categories of citizens belong to the middle class. Unfortunately, these are completely different target audiences. It is not possible to create a general advertising campaign for them.

How to organize a charity concert and determine your target audience? Do your own research. Start with an experiment. Try holding an advertising campaign in the main square of the city. It may look different. Hand out brochures and free artist demos to passersby. Entertain people walking around and they will be grateful for it. You can arrange a small auction. Selling handmade toys, unpretentious drinks, calendars, magnets and all sorts of other little things will attract the attention of city residents.

Target audience and repertoire

Notice who donates the most. A special observer may be involved in the study. This way you will determine your target audience. Such an advertising campaign requires the investment of considerable funds. To avoid this, try to involve volunteers.

Studied. But how to organize a concert? The next step is the image and repertoire of the artists. Explore musical tastes your future viewers. To do this, it is enough to monitor social networks. Pay attention to specialized communities. For example, ladies gather in groups dedicated to family, children, culinary recipes. Check what other communities they are in and whether they post music. Bikers, hipsters, yuppies, as well as representatives of other subcultures and social strata of society have their own groups.

Structure of the speech

The musical tastes of the target audience have been studied. Before organizing a concert, introduce the artists to the repertoire. Together with the musicians, make a list of songs in a certain sequence. Do not forget that concert numbers should be contrasting - a fast piece will certainly be followed by a slow one. Include performances by artists of other genres: dancers, comedians, circus performers. Men's numbers must alternate with women's. Do not forget that such an event does not last more than one hour. Don't take breaks between sections. Otherwise, after intermission you will not have enough spectators.

The image of musicians and the tasks of a producer

Attention should be paid to the appearance of the artists. If you are interested in learning how to organize concerts, take care not only of the band's costumes and makeup, but also of their stage presence. Sudden movements and extravagant appearances are appropriate for young audiences. appearance musicians. Older viewers won't like it. They will appreciate the calm and contemplative mood of the event. In addition, you need to take care of renting high-quality sound equipment, hiring professional lighting technicians, and even supervise the cleaning of the auditorium.

How to organize concerts correctly? It's quite difficult. Popular among managers and organizers catchphrase: “If you want everything to be good, do it yourself.” This wise aphorism captures main problem all managers. Finding responsible executors is one of the most difficult tasks. Therefore, the organizer needs assistants to control different areas of the work. It is advisable that you completely trust these people.

As you know, creativity and discipline are incompatible concepts. Exceptions to this rule are rare. Artists can cause a lot of trouble. Want to know how to organize concerts in your city? Achieve success in the field of production. Earn money for yourself and the artists. And then they will contact you the best musicians. The most talented and disciplined should be selected from among them. Then success is guaranteed.

Where to hold the concert

A separate problem is renting a hall. It’s good if the city has a Palace of Culture, a club, a stadium, a philharmonic society or something similar. And you have money for rent. If there is no professional concert hall, you need to use your imagination. Do you want to know how to organize a concert for a rock or pop band? needs rehearsal space. Most likely, the group already has a spacious garage or warehouse where they regularly meet. You can decorate this room and hold a concert there. Every city has a large warehouse or production workshop. It needs to be cleaned thoroughly. And then it will be ideal for a rock performance.

The experience of holding festivals will tell you how to organize a band concert. contemporary art. They often visit the territory of abandoned factories and factories, decorated in a loft style. The huge rooms have almost no partitions. Functional areas are distinguished only by sparse decorations. Musical performances take place in a small hall. There are also exhibitions of installations, souvenir stalls and fast food awnings. Try adopting this practice. Rent out part of the premises to traders. To do this you must have official permission. To get it, you have to work hard. But you are guaranteed profit.

To lead means to foresee

It’s good to organize the sale of CDs with the band’s recordings at the entrance to the hall. If the band is known only in your city, it is likely that their music is not yet available on the Internet. It's just that no one had time to upload it. Therefore, fans will be happy to buy their favorite songs. Holding a concert in an abandoned industrial space can cause some problems. For example, there may be no sockets for connecting audio equipment. All possible problems must be carefully studied long before the concert begins. And try to eliminate them. A good manager anticipates all possible difficulties in advance.

Distinguished guests

How to organize a star concert? And what is the limit on the amount of the fee? Such questions are often asked by young art directors of numerous nightclubs, which today appear in every city like mushrooms after rain. Aspiring managers should know that the costs will not be limited to the star's fee.

Large amounts of money will be spent on moving the artist and his team, as well as on accommodation. The star will not stay in a cheap hotel and eat in a canteen. There is no guarantee that you will make a profit. It is more likely that there will be losses. Another difficulty is drawing up a contract. It should be entrusted to an experienced lawyer who has worked with such documents before. This is another expense item.

Artist fees may vary depending on circumstances. Great value has the date of the concert. For example, the amount of payments increases several times. Much depends on the time the artist spends on stage and the number of songs he must perform. The number of spectators and density are taken into account tour schedule stars. The larger they are, the more expensive the concert will cost the customer. If you decide to invite a star, you should book the performance dates in advance and coordinate them with the musician. Clear organization is the key to the success of the event.

Spotlights, stars on stage, excellent sound, happy listeners and, of course, fabulous fees - this is how many people imagine the work of an organizer of concerts of popular pop groups and performers. Indeed, what could be better than creating all the conditions for holding show programs, inviting famous musicians, enjoy their performance, and even make decent money from it?

The dreams of many novice managers and businessmen collapse like a house of cards when faced with a number of difficulties: finding performers, renting concert venues, carrying out promotions, selling tickets, fulfilling the conditions of riders for the stars. Meanwhile, such a type as organizing concerts of groups, pop singers, rock festivals and other shows can bring in very decent income.

How to start a concert organizing business?

It’s easy to guess that organizing concerts of famous bands and pop stars from scratch is practically impossible for a person who has decided to make money in show business, but who forbids “promoting” musical groups and rising stars pop singers who don’t have big names and have too high an opinion of themselves?

It is known that the organization of the concert programs with the stars musical Olympus Famous companies and production centers are involved. Even if we assume that you can interest the managers of the stars and offer interesting terms of cooperation, nothing will come of this venture.

This is primarily due to the reluctance of band leaders and pop performers to get involved with little-known organizers, since there is a lot of money at stake, and disruption of a concert for any reason is fraught with trouble.

If you want to organize concerts and do this on a professional level, then start hosting own business follows from cooperation with unknown musical groups who wish to perform at big stage. Even an unknown manager can achieve tangible results in this field with a skillful approach.

First of all, you should understand that in this business everything depends on your organizational abilities and certain knowledge. At first, you will have to work hard and offer your services to musicians yourself. You need to learn how to convince pop groups and performers that you will be able to provide the concert and the necessary technical equipment for the stage. Remember that musicians are also businessmen, they are also interested in providing them with services that will allow them to hold an impressive concert and earn a decent fee.

Business registration

First of all, you need to register your enterprise, and this can be either an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. It is preferable to register your company as a limited liability company, since in this case the degree of trust among potential clients increases many times over. Please note that in both cases there is a simplified system for paying taxes for the organization concert activities. In this case, you will need to pay an amount of only 6% of the profit received.

Office rental

As for the representative office of your business, it is necessary to furnish it with modern furniture and create all the conditions for receiving potential clients and business partners. By the way, over time you will be able to provide professional services that will generate additional income.

Attracting groups and pop performers

Now let's talk about how to organize a meeting with musical groups and negotiate with performers about holding concerts. Like every entrepreneur, artists are interested in the issue of profit (we are not altruists, we can only work for free as part of charity concerts), so first of all it is necessary to interest singers in the amount of payment for a performance. Next, it is necessary to discuss the conditions of the rider, including provision of living conditions for the musicians (hotel accommodation, classy rooms, food, etc.) and the technical equipment of the stage. Here you should take into account the lighting of the venue, electrical equipment and networks for connecting instruments, the sound of the concert and the placement of spectators in the concert hall. If necessary, specialists can be hired to provide technical equipment for concert venues. Many musicians have their own websites, which contain contact information for communicating with the director or manager of the group (performer). The team management (and little-known groups this role can be played by a soloist or one of the musicians) it is necessary to attract interest with a carefully thought out commercial proposal in advance. In show business, as in any type of business activity, there are practically no verbal agreements on cooperation, so you should worry about drawing up an appropriate agreement, which the interested parties will have to sign. It is imperative to clearly define the obligations of the parties, actions in the event of force majeure, the form of payment for services, the amount of the fee, etc.

Choosing a venue for a concert

This is one of the key issues that must be resolved first in order to organize a quality concert for a group or performer. Select several options for venues and stages that you think will be suitable for the performance and also technically equipped with everything necessary. You should also consider the amount of rent you need to pay to host the show. If site owners charge too much, your income may be affected. There is one trick that experienced organizers successfully use in their activities - if a group is planning to perform on weekdays, then you can get significant discounts. Please note that sites must be looked for in places in the central part of the city or near metro stations where daily events take place. large number people. This greatly increases the likelihood of spectators attending the concert, and your advertisement will be seen by a large number of music lovers.

How to properly run a business organizing concerts?

Let's consider the important nuances in the work that will allow you to professionally organize concerts of groups and solo performers.

Project advertising and sponsorship

Having resolved all the issues with renting a concert venue or hall, you need to start looking for sponsors. We will not focus on the importance of this issue, but will talk about how to attract a potential patron of the arts who is ready to allocate some of their “hard earned money” to promote your project. As you know, advertising drives the processes of trade and the provision of services, so you can offer the prospective sponsor to advertise his company (services). This could be banners in the concert hall, holding all kinds of promotions, distributing flyers with relevant content. In addition, sponsors should be drawn to the fact that posters for the upcoming concert of a musical group will contain advertising material indicating a specific patron of the arts. Provide potential sponsors with the concert program and explain what will ensure the success of your enterprise, as well as how it will affect the advertising campaign.

Getting ready for the concert

As practice shows, the greatest effect in attracting visitors to a concert can be achieved by distributing flyers. It is easy to guess that the bulk of the people who will come to the concert are young people. In this regard, promotional materials should be distributed nearby educational institutions, shopping centers, metro stations, schools. It is advisable to organize a press conference for journalists a few weeks before the concert, as well as a buffet reception (of course, at the expense of sponsorship funds raised). You should also take care to provide the “masters of the pen” with promotional materials that will allow journalists to write articles and disseminate information about the upcoming event. It is mandatory to provide them with invitation tickets to the concert. Establish yourself as a social media professional. On the Internet you can easily find information about Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and other popular sites. It would be a good idea to create a web resource about your activities, to which visitors to your public pages from social networks will go.

It is also necessary to organize security for people who come to the band’s concert, and for the musicians themselves. In this case, it is better to contact security companies who can ensure order in the hall and prevent the concert from being disrupted. You need to meet the performers yourself on the day of arrival for the concert, escort them to their hotel rooms and take care of their accommodation. At the end of the concert, you will need to arrange payment of fees, the amount of which is discussed in advance with the manager of the musical group.

What does a novice organizer need to know?

To organize a concert professionally musical groups and pop artists, it is necessary to learn how to organize bright, memorable shows, because this is what the audience expects. It is important from the first days to declare yourself as an organizer capable of resolving any issue and organizing an unforgettable holiday. In addition to posters and other promotional materials, the project will need to be advertised on radio and television (this is another powerful argument for attracting sponsors).

It would be useful to get acquainted with the technical workers of concert venues. Make friends with sound engineers, directors, lighting technicians and other people who will help (for a fee, of course) organize the show. If possible, it is necessary to get a job as a manager in concert halls, palaces of culture and other venues where show programs are often held. This will allow you to resolve organizational issues with minimal loss of money and time.

Advice: To scale your business of organizing concerts for groups and artists, you need to gradually increase the number of partners, find new connections and expand the scope of your activities. Think carefully about commercial proposals and contract terms that will be mutually beneficial, and success will not be long in coming.

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It is worth remembering that concert organizers can both earn a lot of money and incur considerable losses (unfortunately, these are the realities of show business). Therefore, it is recommended to start your own business in this field if you have solid start-up capital.

It's no secret that there is always competition in the world of music. But despite this, people still appear who are interested in organizing concerts and music festivals. And if you also sometimes wondered how to organize a concert, then it will not be superfluous for you to familiarize yourself with a simple scheme for organizing concerts for beginners.

To get started you will need:

  • Any budget
  • Knowledge local groups or contacts through which you can invite stars
  • Friends willing to offer help
  • Sociability, nothing without it
  • A designer who will be involved in artistic design issues
  • Computer with Internet access

Instructions for organizing a concert

  • Before organizing a concert, you need to do a little analysis of music venues and teams. To do this, you will need a computer with Internet access, thanks to which you can go to specialized sites, where you will learn a lot of information about groups and can even find contacts to communicate with them.
  • It is necessary to carefully consider the genre of the concert itself, and which venues for it will be more relevant, because organizing concerts of stars has a completely different focus.
  • Decide on the groups that will directly perform at your event. Prepare a list of teams that are most interested and write them a letter of offer asking them to perform at your concert.
  • Next, when you already have a list of groups and some performance venues, you need to decide on the date of the concert. Weekends are considered the most best time for absolutely any concert.
  • Promotional materials are simply indispensable for organizing any concert. These include flyers, posters, posters, etc. And the designer will help you develop them, because who can know better how to make a concert poster. You should make sure that you give the designer accurate information about the teams, dates, name and location of your event.
  • The bands that will be participating in the concert can also help you. It is enough to simply give them a certain number of tickets for resale, and of course offer them a percentage for the tickets sold. This will help attract as many people as possible to the event.
  • Events should be promoted as actively as possible using posters and a variety of leaflets. They can be distributed to musicians, who in turn will distribute them to their friends and fans. Also, don’t forget to hang a poster at the venue of the concert itself.

Important points in organizing concerts

Safety is probably the most important thing important point regarding the organization of concerts. That is why all the organizers’ thoughts on how to properly organize a concert should first of all be aimed at organizing all the necessary security measures for this event. And all because conducting any kind of mass events carries a certain hidden threat, because there is a very large amount of equipment at the concert, which makes you think at least about fire protection.

In addition, even the decorations are dangerous, because if their fastenings are not of high quality, they can collapse at any moment, which can subsequently harm the guests themselves. Often, in staging their concerts, organizers use fire and light shows, which require greater caution and compliance with special safety rules.

Organization of a group concert

If you are thinking about how to organize a band concert, then you should know two main points that concert visitors do not know, but you, as the organizer, must know.

  • The first is the fee, namely, how much the work of this or that group on stage will cost you.
  • The second is the rider, or in simple words technical and living conditions. Usually it depends on the popularity of the group.

Classification of performing groups

  • Widely popular in wide circles. Groups of this type fill stadiums, their fees are very high, the conditions of the rider are almost impossible to fulfill, but they will undoubtedly attract a full audience, from babies to pensioners.
  • Widely popular in narrow circles. These are mostly successful bands that work in any style other than POP. Their fees are usually quite reasonable, and riders include several items.
  • Narrow popularity in wide circles. They have less success than the groups from the first point, but their fees are higher than those of the groups from the second point, and the riders are listed on several sheets.
  • Narrow popularity in narrow circles. Almost no one knows about them, although they may have two released albums and one video clip, which was shown a couple of times on music channels.

And if you are thinking about how to organize a concert with the participation of groups, then first you should use the services of groups that are widely popular in narrow circles. And if the event is similar to a fest or session, then groups that have a narrow popularity in narrow circles will be suitable.

Of course, to ensure that your event does not consist of mistakes and shortcomings, it is better to turn to trusted organizers - professionals in their field. The cost of organizing a concert may not reach $1,000, or may exceed a million, so before starting work on organizing the holiday, you will need to decide on that amount from the very beginning cash that you are willing to spend.