What secrets does the Novodevichy cemetery keep? Novodevichy Cemetery - Peace of the Great (55 photos) What famous people are buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is no less famous than the Kremlin; it is a burial place for the dead. The territory of seven and a half hectares of land is the whole history of the Russian people.

History of origin

The Novodevichy cemetery arose next to the monastery of the same name in 1898, which is located on the peninsula in Luzhniki. The monastery was founded by the prince Vasily III and is dedicated to the liberation of Smolensk from the Lithuanian invasion.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the monastery. According to one of them, it came from the field on which it is located. Once upon a time, the Tatars selected Russian girls for themselves. Another version connects the name of the monastery with its first nun, Elena Devochkina.

One way or another, this place has a rich history: the monastery burned down more than once, moved from hand to hand, was used as a laundry, a gym, and a kindergarten.

A cemetery was founded next to the monastery for the rest of the nuns. One of the first to be buried here was the author of the Novodevichy Convent, N. E. Efimov.

For a long period there were few burials in this place. However, over time, the Novodevichy cemetery became one of the most expensive and elite burial places. The graves of celebrities of national and cultural-historical levels are there at every step.

Who was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery?

People from high circles found their last refuge under the Novodevichy Convent. These were statesmen- military leaders and ministers, artists and sculptors, poets and writers, academics and scientists. Buried at Novodevichy Cemetery personalities are known to many. These are (poetess), V. Bryusov (playwright), A. Chekhov and N. Chukovsky (writers), artists and sculptors A. Bubnov, N. Zhukov, V. Svarog, V. Shestakov. There are many relatives of famous politicians here - the wives of Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Dzerzhinsky.

There were no cheap, let alone free, places at the Novodevichy cemetery. It was and remains one of the richest and most comfortable burial places. In this regard, the graves were repeatedly subjected to abuse and vandalism. After the revolution, in 1917-1920, most of the tombstones, crosses, sculptures and fences were destroyed or taken away.

History of Russia in burials

After October Revolution It was decided to make the Novodevichy cemetery a burial place for “persons with social status" In 1930, the graves of N.V. Gogol, D.V. Venevitinov, S.T. Aksakov, I.I. Levitan, M.N. Ermolova and other public figures were moved to the Novodevichy Cemetery. Celebrity graves take center stage here.

Geographically, the churchyard consists of three parts: old cemetery (1-4th sections), new (5-8th) and newest cemetery(9-11th). During its history, it was expanded three times. About 26,000 people are buried in the necropolis.

Many historical figures buried in the old site. Among them are M. Bulgakov and his wife, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Mayakovsky, I. A. Ilf, S. Ya. Marshak, V. M. Shukshin, V. I. Vernadsky, P. P. Kashchenko, A.I. Abrikosov, I.M. Sechenov, L.M. Kaganovich, V.M. Molotov, V.S. Chernomyrdin, N.S. Alliluyeva (Stalin’s second wife) and many others.

The "new" territory of the cemetery is a columbarium for urns with ashes, which contains about 7,000 urns. There are the ashes of writers A. Tvardovsky and S. Mikhalkov, aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev, and the grave of the great actor of all times - Yuri Nikulin. Politicians B. Yeltsin and N. Khrushchev rest in these places.

The “newest” site is the burials of figures Russian culture, among whom are E. Leonov, L. Gurchenko, M. Ulyanov, N. Kryuchkov, S. Bondarchuk, A. Schnittke and hundreds of other people.

Novodevichy Cemetery - a tourism destination

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is one of the ten most beautiful and unique burial grounds in the world. It is a cultural and memorial property of Russia, and is also included in the UNESCO heritage list.

It is not surprising that this burial place is on the list of many travel companies in Moscow. Indeed, in addition to the graves of celebrities, the Novodevichy cemetery is filled with works famous sculptors and architects. Tombstones The Novodevichy Cemetery was completed by such creators as M. Anikushin, E. Vuchetich, S. Konenkov, V. Mukhina, N. Tomsky, G. Schultz. The works were made in the New Russian style; neoclassicism and modernism were also used.

Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow: secrets and mysticism

The land of the Novodevichy cemetery has absorbed a lot of human tears and grief throughout its history. And although it may sound paradoxical, the churchyard gave healing and hope to many women. Perhaps this is all because his fate, like the fate of the monastery, was largely determined by the feminine principle. Here lie many female individuals who were deeply unhappy during their lifetime. They loved and suffered, believed and hoped, but did not find happiness. Now the “sufferers” are in better world, and their energy is capable of healing and healing. She helps to find female happiness - to meet your destiny, get married, give birth to a long-awaited child...

More than one eyewitness claims that strange silhouettes and shadows were seen during walks around the burial sites. Perhaps this is Abbess Devochkina, who has been protecting these lands for centuries. Maybe it’s Stalin mourning at his wife’s grave. Or maybe Gogol is looking for those who violated his grave? They say that when the writer was reburied, his body lay on its side and without a head. According to one version, the head was stolen by an unknown collector.

The most visited monument at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Many famous people rests at the Novodevichy cemetery. However, not all tourists are attracted to such gloomy places. This churchyard is an exception. There are hundreds of people who want to visit the burial places of great cultural and political figures.

Urns with the ashes of stratonauts

Cemeteries speak better about the history of Russia than all the textbooks and howls of propagandists. Novodevichye is a cemetery where the founders of the state lie, their graves are the foundation of Russia.

Novodevichye is the second most important cemetery in Russia. The first is the Mausoleum and the Kremlin wall. But today Novodevichye is becoming the main burial place for distinguished persons.

There are never many people at Novodevichy (unless someone important is being buried, but there are very few significant people these days). During a 4-5 hour tour of the cemetery, it’s good if you meet 30-40 people. This is not counting foreign tourists- they are brought in in large groups, but they are taken to see only 10-15 “main” graves - Yeltsin, Chaliapin, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, etc. Most of the tombstones, fences and monuments are unkempt, rickety, areas are overgrown with weeds, and the inscriptions have been erased by time. There are a lot of thrushes and starlings in the tree branches, but for some reason there are no crows at all.

Alfred Schnittke

Arkady Raikin

Belaa Akhmadullina

Artyom Borovik, journalist

Nobel laureate, academician Ginzburg

Legendary personality - Ari Abramovich Sternfeld. Dry lines of biography about him:

He calculated and theoretically studied many space flight trajectories, determining the energetically optimal ones. These trajectories, with a preliminary distance from the target, allowing significant fuel savings, are called “Sternfeld”. He introduced the concept of cosmic velocities and calculated their starting values. Formulated the problem of the existence of “space navigation seasons.” The terms “cosmonautics” and “first cosmic velocity” were introduced by him for the first time in his book “Introduction to Cosmonautics” (1934; in Russian - Moscow, 1937). For the first time, he applied the theory of relativity to analyze interstellar flights, to improve the accuracy of trajectory calculations, and proved that reaching the stars is, in principle, possible during a human lifetime.

Back in 1932, Sternfeld, at the invitation of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry, came to Moscow to formalize his project on an android robot. Android, like two other inventions: devices for recording the movements of human organs and a screw press with controlled force, Sternfeld proposed using when performing labor-intensive and dangerous work on earth and in space.

In 1934, through the USSR Trade Representation in Paris, Sternfeld transferred a copy of his typewritten manuscript to French“Initiation à la Cosmonautique” (“Introduction to Cosmonautics”) in Moscow.

A year later, in June 1935, having left almost all of his scientific and personal archives with his parents in Lodz and taking only the essentials, he and his wife came to the Soviet Union for permanent residence.”

Well, then the theoretical and practical work in closed research institutes for astronautics. Interestingly, it was Sternfeld who first introduced Europe to Tsiolkovsky, whom he considered his teacher, corresponded and was friends with him until his death. In 1932, he translated and published part of Tsiolkovsky's works in the French communist newspaper L'Humanité. At the same time, Tsiolkovsky sent him his photograph, and the world saw the face of the Russian cosmologist for the first time on the pages of Western media.

Surgeon Bakulev

Poet Velimir Khlebnikov and his relatives

General Eternal and his wife. And what is Pyotr Zigmundovich “Vernon Kress” (writer Demant) doing in this grave?

He is a subject of Austria-Hungary, lived in Bukovina. After the collapse of the empire, he graduated from universities in Brno and Aachen, Germany, and served as an officer in the Romanian army (Bukovina then went to Romania). In 1940 he became a Soviet citizen. On June 13, 1941, among a large group of Chernivtsi Jews, he was arrested by NKVD officers and on June 18, deported to Siberia (Narym region).

Peter Demant managed to escape from the settlement (Pudino), but after 5 months of taiga wanderings he was caught, accused of spying for Austria and sentenced to 5 years in the camps and 5 years of loss of rights. Soon after his release, he was arrested again and convicted on charges of counter-revolutionary activities. From September 1946, he served time in the Asino camp in the Tomsk region, then worked on a pig farm in the Usvitlovsky invalid camp, at the New Pioneer mine.

Released in 1953 under an amnesty, he worked for 23 years as a loader in the trading office of the labor supply department in the village of Yagodnoye, Magadan Region. In 1975 he received a passport.

In 1978, he was allowed to move to Crimea. Having married Irina Petrovna Vechnaya, the daughter of a prominent Soviet military leader, he got the opportunity to go to Moscow with her. At the same time, without hope of publication, he began to write prose of a memoir nature. In 1992, a small edition of the publishing house published a book of the writer’s memoirs about camp life"Zekameron of the 20th century."

A number of mass graves are victims of the crashes of airships and the Maxim Gorky plane in 1936-38. The ashes of these people are mounted in the wall of the Novodevichy Convent:

Director Dziga Vertov

Several thousand urns containing ashes are built into the walls of the cemetery. These are mainly burials from the 1930s-60s. Very often epitaphs, poems, and parting words are engraved on the slabs there.

The grave of the first president of Russia - Yeltsin. There are very few flowers from fans of his work. Ironically, he is buried next to the grave of the magician Kio

And here is Kio’s grave itself:

Young Guard Zhora officially died three times. The first time Zhora was confused with another underground fighter, thrown into a mine in Krasnodonsk by the Germans and Cossack collaborators. The second - at the end of 1944 on the battlefield, confusing him with another fighter. And both times the mothers sent funeral messages for George. The third death turned out to be real - he died of cancer.

Pyotr Andreevich Zalomov is the prototype of the hero of Gorky’s novel “Mother” by Pavel Vlasov.

Born into a working-class family, a mechanic by profession. Organizer of an anarchist circle in Nizhny Novgorod. He was one of the leaders of the May Day demonstration of 1902 in Sormovo, carrying a red flag with the inscription “Down with autocracy!” During the demonstration he was arrested and at the trial he made a speech directed against the monarchy. He was sentenced to lifelong exile in Eastern Siberia.

In March 1905, with the assistance of A.M. Gorky, who sent 300 rubles to organize the escape, he escapes from exile. Together with the Bolsheviks, he participated in the Moscow December uprising of 1905, and organized military squads.

It is interesting that he joined the CPSU(b) only in 1925. ABOUT later life it is reported briefly - “on economic and party work”:

Alexander Zinoviev, philosopher and dissident

Academician Igor Tamm

The graves of the numerous Ilyenkov clan, the founder of whose dynasty is Vasily Pavlovich Ilyenkov (1897-1967), writer. Laureate Stalin Prize. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. Father of the philosopher Evald Ilyenkov.

V.P. Ilyenkov was born in 1897 in the village. Shilovo-Smolenskoye (now Dorogobuzhsky district, Smolensk region) in the family of a priest. After four classes at the Smolensk Theological Seminary, in 1915-1917 he studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of Yuryev University (did not graduate). In 1917 he was drafted into the army. In 1928-1930, editor of the newspapers “Our Village” and “Bryansky Rabochiy”. In 1930 he moved to Moscow, until 1932 he was the organizational secretary of RAPP. In Moscow, he lived with his family in the famous “writer’s house” on Kamergersky Lane:

Journalist and writer Ilya Erenburg

Joseph Hamburg, one of the famous militants of the RSDLP. There are the following lines about his time in the royal prison:

“The friendship between Hamburg and Frunze was cemented in the Alexander Central, where they were transferred in August 1914.

Politicians were placed together with criminals. The barracks were densely packed with prisoners, but there were three times as many bedbugs in it. Bedbugs shared food, people shared space. Clashes broke out constantly.

Someone poked Hamburg in the side: “Go to the bucket, you little guy!” Joseph, a militant convicted of barricade fighting, did not remain in debt, and many reached out for sharpening. A stabbing was brewing. Frunze jumped off the bunk and shouted to the criminals: “If you start a fight, we’ll kill you, you won’t get any bones.” Remember these words! It sounded pretty impressive. The classes fell silent, and since then quarrels have become rare, and the new “authority” was chosen as the headman: everyone understood that no one could protect the interests of the prisoners before the administration as well as this man.”

An interesting monument for 1962, especially since the one lying under it is an ordinary teacher

Academician Landau and his family

General Lebed, Yeltsin's failed successor

A rare case in Soviet era when the deceased is memorialized with an artifact of his or her field of activity

Chairman of the Communist Party of South Africa, adhered to the Stalinist version of communism, for which he was expelled from the party by his comrades-in-arms

Writer Yuri Nagibin

Actor Anatoly Papanov

Writer Panferov

Writer Yuzovsky

Directed by Ptushko (Ptushkin). The monument in the form of driftwood is 37 years old and has begun to collapse. A rare domestic director whose films received two international awards at once - in 1935 the prize of the Venice Film Festival for “The New Gulliver” and in 1953 the Silver Lion of the same film festival for “Sadko”

Monument to Raisa Gorbacheva; perhaps the most large number flowers - precisely on her grave. But it’s sad that the thujas have dried up around the monument, and the caretakers don’t pay attention to it

English orientalist and, apparently, English intelligence officer Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich. He studied at three universities - the School of Oriental Studies at the University of London, the American Harvard and the University of Paris. He spent almost his entire life on expeditions in British India and Tibet. In 1941, he turned to London with a request to enlist him in the Red Army, received the rank of colonel of the Red Army, and served in the Himalayas during the Second World War. In 1957 he returned to the USSR

Old Bolshevik Alexey Isidorovich Rudenko. In 1939 he was sentenced to 5 years in the camps and 5 years in exile, and in 1954 he was rehabilitated. It is believed that he is the first author of an anti-Stalin poem on the death of Stalin, here it is:

So, that's the end. Fuller, friends, glass.
Forever, historian, mint this date:
Today the Cockroach lay down in the coffin,
And only the mustache threatens us out of habit.

Let the name of God not leave your lips yet,
And, harnessed to a gun carriage,
High priests guide
Funeral march,

Let the cannon muzzles roar,
And an expert in spicy dishes
Russia, fed up,
The last one gives the salute,

Let there be no end to false chants
And crocodile tears, -
He's dead. And no balm
Its rot will not be drowned out.

Monument to traveler and TV presenter Yuri Senkevich

Monument to film director Sergei Gerasimov.
Monument to the artist Sergei Vasilievich Gerasimov -

Satirist Smirnov-Sokolsky. The first director of the Variety Theater. Owner of the largest private library in the USSR - about 15 thousand volumes. After his death, the library was valued at 6 million rubles

The wife of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky was born Sofia Mushkat. Auditor of the RSDLP cash desk in Geneva. She spent 8 years in Siberian exile. After the death of her husband - a major functionary of the Comintern and party historian

Monument pop singer Leonid Utesov

One of the most revered graves by fans is that of CDKA football player Fedotov. True, fans are too lazy to pull out the numerous weeds on the grave

Urns with the ashes of a family of Indian communists and intellectuals

Burial places of the large Khrushchev family

The modest grave of the former prime minister and “president for an hour” (he served as acting president during Yeltsin’s heart surgery) Viktor Chernomyrdin

Monument to the writer Yulian Semyonov, with reverse side- to his relatives Lyandres

Son of Felix Dzerzhinsky. Worker of the Comintern, since 1943 - in the apparatus of the CPSU (b)

Vagankovskoe cemetery- this is one of the largest and most famous necropolises in Moscow. Given memorial complex covers an area of ​​50 hectares of land. Its location is the northwestern part of the capital.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow has become one of the monuments of history and culture.

Necropolis - last refuge

In the capital of our country there are three cemeteries where it is customary to bury national idols: Novodevichye, Vagankovskoe, and Kuntsevo cemetery.

The first is the most prestigious; people who officially made history are buried here. The Vagankovskoe cemetery is a kind of alternative; those who “didn’t make it to Novodevichy for some reason” are buried here, mostly public figures surrounded people's love, rumor and fame. Surprisingly, the word “vagant” is translated as “wandering artists,” so the necropolis seems to tell in advance about the type of activity of those who found their last refuge here.

History of origin

The Vagankovskoe cemetery was founded in 1771 by order of Count Grigory Orlov. Catherine II personally sent him to Moscow to prevent the consequences of the plague epidemic.

The formation of a new burial place was a necessary measure due to the many who died from the terrible disease. There was a catastrophic shortage of land in old cemeteries.

Over the following years (until the mid-19th century), this place was the last refuge of peasants, minor officials, and ordinary residents of Moscow.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow gained its popularity after the burial of the fallen soldiers of the Russian army in 1812 in the Battle of Borodino. After that, the graves of people who wrote their names in history began to appear here: politicians, writers, poets, scientists, military personnel, actors and others.

By the end of the 20th century, the Vagankovsky graveyards had become famous and prestigious burial places.

Today there are no places for new graves in the necropolis, but related burials and burials of urns are allowed (in closed, open columbariums and in the ground).

They spend here once a week sightseeing tours. People visiting the Vagankovskoe cemetery take photos here quite often, photographing the graves of their idols.


At the entrance to the territory of the necropolis there is a complex of buildings: on one side there is a church, on the other there are administrative premises.

In 1772, a small wooden church named after John the Merciful was erected. Instead, in 1824, the stone Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built, its architect was A. Grigoriev. Funds for construction were provided by Moscow merchants. The historical bells have been preserved in the Temple to this day.

In memory of old church They built a rotunda chapel, which is still there today.

The doors of the Temple were always open, even in Soviet times.

Mass graves at the Vagankovskoe cemetery

The tragic moments of our history can be traced through local burials.

Here are the mass graves of soldiers of the Battle of Borodino, the burials of those who died during the stampede on the Khodynka field.

On the territory of the famous necropolis there are:

  • a memorial dedicated to the victims of repressions of Stalin's times;
  • mass grave of the defenders of Moscow who died in 1941-1942;
  • monuments to those killed during the 1991 coup, defenders of the White House and child actors who were victims of a terrorist attack in 2002 during the musical “Nord-Ost”.

Vagankovskoye Cemetery: graves of celebrities (photos)

Not all people come to the Moscow necropolis to visit the burials of their deceased relatives. Most visitors are looking for burial places of famous people, for whom the Vagankovskoe cemetery became their final resting place.

Photos of celebrities, forever immortalized in stone, have always attracted attention. For some, this is comparable to going to historical museum. On the territory of the Moscow necropolis there is a map that will help you navigate the area.

One of the most popular burials is the grave of Archpriest Valentin Amfitheatrov. It is considered miraculous; many pilgrims come here every day and pray at the cross on the grave. In the 20th century, they tried to destroy it twice; the first time they could not find it, and the second time no remains were found.

Thus, the Vagankovskoe cemetery preserves its “quiet tenants”. Not everyone dares to take a photo of this grave, for fear of disturbing the archpriest’s peace.

The starting point for visiting the most famous burials is the columbarium. Right from the entrance, along the alley, there are chains of burials of athletes, actors, musicians, and poets.

Following the directions on the map, you can easily find the most visited graves - the poet Sergei Yesenin, the poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. The Vagankovskoe cemetery keeps many legends about them.

At the burial site of Yesenin, according to rumors, the ghost of a girl is seen. A year after his death, G. Benislavskaya committed suicide at the poet’s grave. In total, 12 people said goodbye to their lives here.

Vladimir Vysotsky rests in someone else's grave. Contrary to the order of the authorities to bury the poet and actor in the far corner, the director of the Vagankovsky cemetery gave other instructions, allocating a place at the entrance. Previously, relatives of one of the deceased removed the remains from the artist’s burial place for reburial, after which the grave was vacated. There is an opinion that those who visit his monument receive inspiration in creativity.

Keeps the Vagankovskoe cemetery graves of celebrities and famous artists, such as A.K. Savrasov, V.A. Tropinin, V.I. Surikov.

Tombstones of folk idols of the late 20th and early 21st centuries

Many monuments amaze with their architectural design. You can see the majestic statues of the deceased themselves in full height, such as Leonid Filatov.

Others have tombstones made in the Slavic style, for example, Igor Talkov’s - a large cross was built in memory of him, and at the head under a wooden visor there is his photo. This is one of the few graves with fresh flowers all year round.

The guides say that one girl wanted to bury herself alive next to famous singer, but she was not completely covered with earth, and the young woman was saved.

Many similar stories preserves the Vagankovskoe cemetery. The graves of celebrities, photos of which are presented in this article, attract living people to themselves like magnets.

You can always meet someone at the graves of Andrei Mironov and Vlad Listyev. The first has a monument in the form of scenes, and the famous journalist and a bronze angel-girl with one broken wing is crying over the grave.

The unusual tombstone of the actor Mikhail Pugovkin is like a film containing footage from the films in which he played.

Alexander Abdulov, who died from a serious illness in 2008, has been diagnosed with white monument in the spirit of constructivism, in the form of a rock with a large cross, a photograph of the actor and three-dimensional letters with his name.

Many athletes are also buried here: the Znamensky brothers, Inga Artamonova, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Lev Yashin, Stanislav Zhuk and others.

Monuments of “ordinary” people

“Vagankovskoye Cemetery” means “celebrity graves”; for some, these phrases have long become synonymous. However, when you walk along the narrow alleys of the necropolis, the tombstones of “mere mortals” catch your eye, whose loved ones tried to decorate the burial place in an unusual way.

It is impossible to pass by some of the tombstones, they are so striking in their architecture. Thus, a golden angel was erected on the grave of the artist A. Shilov’s daughter.

Here you can see family crypts, moments from life literally carved from stone, and sculptural sketches. There are also graves with simple crosses or monuments erected almost 200 years ago.

Vandals and other horror stories

Unfortunately, not all people treat cemeteries with respect; vandals often appear here. Most often they steal precious metals. Thus, an easel disappeared from the grave of the artist N. Romadin, copper strings were stolen from the harpist M. Gorelova, and a fence disappeared from A. Mironov. However, most often photos of idols disappear.

Not far from the entrance to the Vagankovskoye cemetery there is a statue of a headless woman - this is a monument erected to Sonya the Golden Hand. Its pedestal contains many handwritten inscriptions. She lost her head by accident - drunken vandals tried to kiss the monument and accidentally broke it.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to bury on the territory of the Moscow necropolis, since here the holy cemetery land was desecrated with the blood of suicides, and murders took place here. There are also many crime bosses buried here.

At A. Abdulov’s grave they often see a glow and feel the warmth coming from somewhere below. Against this background, the actor’s photo seems alive.

There is another strange burial - A. Tenkova. Those who linger near it may fall into a trance, after which they suddenly find themselves near another grave.

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is one of the most famous necropolises in Russia, which appeared in the 16th century and was officially rebuilt in 1898 at the Novodevichy Convent according to the designs of architects S.K. Rodionov, I.P. Mashkov. Today the pantheon occupies a significant territory of the Moscow district of Khamovniki in the Central Administrative District (about 7.5 hectares) and is divided into the Old (1904-1949), New (1949-1970) and Newest (1970-2000) Novodevichy cemetery.

Playwright Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov
Artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan
President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin
Engineer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev
Singer Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina

More than 25 thousand people are buried on the territory of the cemetery. In the tombs of the Smolensk Cathedral at the monastery there are the graves of Anna Ioanovna (daughter of Tsar Ivan the Terrible), Princess Sophia Ioanovna and Tsarina Evdokia Lopukhina (sister of Tsar Peter I and his first wife), the Obolensky princes.

On the territory of the Old Novodevichy Cemetery there are graves of heroes of the war of 1812, including the poet Denis Davydov (1784-1839), the Decembrist princes S. Trubetskoy (1790-1860), A. N. Muravyov (1792-1863), M.I. Muravyov-Apostol (1793-1863), revolutionary A. N. Pleshcheev (1825-1893), historical writers and philosophers I. I. Lazhechnikov (1790-1869), A. F. Pisemsky (1821-1881), S. M. Solovyov (1820-1879), General A. A. Brusilov (1853-1926).

Here lie the ashes of writers N.V. Gogol, S.T. Aksakov, V.A. Gilyarovsky, A.P. Chekhov, A.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Ilf, M.A. Bulgakov, S.Ya. Marshak, V.M. Shukshin, poets D.V. Venevitinov and V.V. Mayakovsky , artist I. I. Levitan, creators of modern Russian theater K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, actors L. P. Orlov, M. N. Ermolova and V. P. Maretskaya, directors W. B. Vakhtangov, S.M. Eisenstein and V.I. Pudovkin, composers A.N. Scriabin, I.O. Dunaevsky, S.S. Prokofiev and D.D. Shostakovich, singers F.I. Chaliapin and L.V. Sobinov, scientists S.I. Vavilov, I.M. Sechenov, P.P. Kashchenko and V.I. Vernadsky, architects A.V. Shchusev and V.I. Mukhina.

On the new and “newest” territory of the Novodevichy Pantheon the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, N. S. Khrushchev, aircraft designers S. V. Ilyushin and A. N. Tupolev, pilot A. Maresyev, cosmonauts G. Beregovoy and G. are buried. Titov, writers I. G. Erenburg, A. T. Tvardovsky, N. A. Zabolotsky, S. V. Mikhalkov, Yu. Nagibin and Yu. S. Semenov, directors I. A. Pyryev, M. I. Romm, S. Gerasimov, S. Bondarchuk, singers A. N. Vertinsky, L. Utesov, L. G. Zykina, L. A. Ruslanova, M. N. Bernes, K. Shulzhenko, composers O. B. Feltsman, S. T. Richter, M. L. Rostropovich, G. Sviridov, D. Kabalevsky, A. Schnittke, N. Bogoslovsky, J. Frenkel, ballerina G. S. Ulanova, artists Emil and Igor Kio, Yu. V Nikulin, Yu. V. Yakovlev, R. Plyatt, E. Leonov, A. Papanov, I. Ilyinsky, R. Bykov, N. Kryuchkov, I. Smoktunovsky, E. Matveev, E. Evstigneev, M. Ulyanov, O . Yankovsky, announcer Yu. Levitan

Since 1922, the Novodevichy Convent has been turned into a museum under open air, although in the 30s more than two thousand burials were destroyed in its necropolis. In 2007, burials in the cemetery were officially stopped after the funeral of M. Rostropovich. Today the cemetery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

1. Academician Ostrovityanov Konstantin Vasilievich - Soviet economist and public figure.

2. Zykina Lyudmila Georgievna - Soviet and Russian singer, Russian performer folk songs, Russian romances, pop songs.

3. Ulanova Galina Sergeevna - Soviet prima ballerina, choreographer and teacher. People's Artist USSR.

4. Ladynina Marina Alekseevna - Soviet theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR, winner of five Stalin Prizes.

5. Govorov Vladimir Leonidovich - Soviet military leader, army general, Hero Soviet Union.

6. Dovator Lev Mikhailovich - Soviet military leader, major general, Hero of the Soviet Union. Talalikhin Viktor Vasilyevich - military pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 177th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 6th Fighter Aviation Corps of the Air Defense Forces of the country, junior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union. Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich - Soviet military leader, major general, Hero of the Soviet Union.

7. Nikulin Yuri Vladimirovich - Soviet and Russian actor and a clown. People's Artist USSR (1973). Hero Socialist Labor(1990). Member of the Great Patriotic War. Member of the CPSU (b).

8. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich - (December 8 (November 26) 1855, estate in the Vologda province - October 1, 1935, Moscow) - writer, journalist, writer of everyday life in Moscow.

9. Shukshin Vasily Makarovich - outstanding Russian Soviet writer, film director, actor, screenwriter.

10. Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich - Russian Soviet writer and public figure. Brigadier Commissar. Winner of the Stalin Prize, first degree. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. (Novel Young Guard)

11. Durov Vladimir Leonidovich - Russian trainer and circus performer. Honored Artist of the Republic. Brother of Anatoly Leonidovich Durov.

12. Rybalko Pavel Semyonovich - an outstanding Soviet military leader, marshal of armored forces, commander of tank and combined arms armies, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

13. Vavilov Sergei Ivanovich - Soviet physicist, founder scientific school physical optics in the USSR, academician and president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Winner of four Stalin Prizes. The younger brother of N.I. Vavilov, a Soviet geneticist.

January 1860, July 2, 1904) - Russian writer, playwright, and doctor by profession. Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences by Rank belles lettres. He is a generally recognized classic of world literature. His plays, especially " Cherry Orchard", have been staged in many theaters around the world for a hundred years. One of the world's most famous playwrights.”]

14. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (17)