What kind of fairy tales are short with a moral? Fairy tales for the formation of moral qualities. The history of the creation of a fairy tale about two quitters

What do you think of when you hear the word "parable"? Many of you think that parables, which are very difficult to understand, have a strong philosophical meaning, you need to think a lot to delve into the text in order to understand the essence of the parable. Others, on the contrary, like to learn something useful and kind. By reading wise parables, we can become aware of the smallest aspects of our lives. Learn to get along with people, understand each other and change in better side. Therefore, in this post we have collected the most instructive short parables that make us think about the future, life and relationships between people. For each parable we have selected an illustration or picture to make it easier for you to understand what it is about. we're talking about. These short stories will definitely help in any life situation.

Parable about happiness: The tearful old woman

One old woman cried all the time. The reason was that her eldest daughter married an umbrella seller, and her youngest daughter married a noodle seller. When the old woman saw that the weather was good and the day would be sunny, she began to cry and thought:
"Terrible! The sun is so huge and the weather is so good, no one will buy an umbrella from my daughter in the store for the rain! How can this be? So she thought and involuntarily began to groan and lament. If the weather was bad and it was raining. then she cried again, this time because of her youngest daughter: “My daughter sells noodles, if the noodles don’t dry in the sun, they won’t sell them. How can this be?
And so she grieved every day in any weather: either because of her eldest daughter, or because of her youngest. The neighbors could not console her and mocked her with the nickname “tearful old woman.”
One day she met a monk who asked her why she was crying. Then the woman laid out all her sorrows, and the monk laughed loudly and said:
- Madam, don’t kill yourself like that! I will teach you the Path of Liberation, and you will cry no more. The “tearful old woman” became extremely happy and began to ask what kind of method this was.
The monk said:
- It's very simple. Just change your way of thinking - when the weather is good and the sun is shining, don’t think about the eldest daughter’s umbrellas, but think about the younger daughter’s noodles: “How the sun shines! The youngest daughter’s noodles will dry well, and the trade will be successful.”
When it rains, think about your eldest daughter’s umbrellas: “Now it’s raining!” My daughter’s umbrellas will probably sell very well.”
After listening to the monk, the old woman suddenly received her sight and began to do as the monk said. From that time on, not only did she not cry anymore, but she was cheerful all the time, so that from a “tearful” old woman she turned into a “cheerful” one.

Parable about work: Burning desire

One day a student asked the Teacher: “Teacher, tell me what to do: I never have enough time for anything!” I'm torn between several things and as a result I don't do any of them well enough..."
- Does this happen often? - the Teacher asked.
“Yes,” said the student, “it seems to me that much more often than my colleagues.”
- Tell me, do you have time to go to the toilet in these cases?
The student was surprised:
- Well, yes, of course, but why did you ask about this?
- What will happen if you don’t go?
The student hesitated:
- Well, how do you mean “you’re not going”? This is a need!…
- Yeah! - exclaimed the Teacher. - So, when there is a desire and it is really great, you still find time for it...

Parable: Father, son and donkey

One day, a father with his son and a donkey were traveling through the dusty streets of the city in the midday heat. The father sat astride a donkey, and his son led him by the bridle.
“Poor boy,” said a passerby, “his little legs can barely keep up with the donkey.” How can you lazily sit on a donkey when you see that the boy is completely exhausted?
His father took his words to heart. When they turned the corner, he got off the donkey and told his son to sit on it.
Very soon they met another person. In a loud voice he said:
- Shame on you! The little one sits on a donkey like a sultan, and his poor old father runs behind him.
The boy was very upset by these words and asked his father to sit on the donkey behind him.
- Good people, have you seen anything like this anywhere? - the woman cried. - Torture an animal like that! The poor donkey's back is already sagging, and the old and young idlers are sitting on it as if it were a sofa, oh unfortunate creature!
Without saying a word, father and son, shamed, got off the donkey. They had barely taken a few steps when the man they met began to mock them:
“Why is it that your donkey doesn’t do anything, doesn’t bring any benefit, and doesn’t even carry any of you?”
The father gave the donkey a handful of straw and put his hand on his son's shoulder.
“No matter what we do,” he said, “there will definitely be someone who will disagree with us.” I think we should decide for ourselves how we travel.

A parable about love and anger

Once the Teacher asked his students:
- Why, when people quarrel, do they shout?
“Because they are losing their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally he explained:
- When people are unhappy with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the louder they scream.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They don’t speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love.
In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.
This happens when two loving people are nearby.

So, when you argue, do not allow your hearts to move away from each other, do not utter words that further increase the distance between you. Because a day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find your way back.

Motivation Parable: Elephants

One day, while walking past the elephants at the zoo, I suddenly stopped, surprised that such huge creatures as elephants were held in the zoo by a thin rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cage. It was obvious that the elephants could easily free themselves from the rope with which they were tied, but for some reason, they did not.
I approached the trainer and asked him why such majestic and beautiful animals just stood there and made no attempt to free themselves. He replied: “When they were young and much smaller than they are now, we tied them with the same rope, and now that they are adults, the same rope is enough to hold them. Growing up, they believe that this rope can hold them and they do not try to escape.”
It was amazing. These animals could have gotten rid of their “shackles” at any moment, but because they believed they couldn’t, they stood there forever without trying to free themselves.
Like these elephants, how many of us believe that we can't do something just because it didn't work out one day?

Parable: Past, future, present

Three wise men argued about what is more important for a person - his past, present or future. One of them said:
“My past makes me who I am.” I can do what I have learned in the past. I believe in myself because I was good at the things I did before. I like people with whom I had a good time before, or who are similar to them. I look at you now, see your smiles and wait for your objections, because we have argued more than once, and I already know that you are not used to agreeing with anything without objections.
“And it’s impossible to agree with this,” said another, “if you were right, a person would be doomed, like a spider, to sit day after day in the web of his habits.” A person is made by his future. It doesn’t matter what I know and can do now, I will learn what I need in the future. My idea of ​​what I want to be in two years is much more real than my memories of what I was two years ago, because my actions now depend not on what I was, but on what I'm going to become. I like people who are different from those I knew before. And the conversation with you is interesting because I am anticipating an exciting struggle and unexpected turns of thought here.
“You completely lost sight,” a third intervened, “that the past and future exist only in our thoughts.” The past is no more. There is no future yet. And whether you remember the past or dream about the future, you act only in the present. Only in the present can you change something in your life - neither the past nor the future is under our control. Only in the present can you be happy: memories of past happiness are sad, anticipation of future happiness is anxious.

Parable: The Believer and the House

A man died and came to God's judgment. God looked at him for a long time in bewilderment and remained thoughtfully silent. The man could not stand it and asked:
- Lord, what about my share? Why are you silent? I deserve the kingdom of heaven. I suffered! — the man declared with dignity.
“Since when,” God wondered, “suffering began to be considered a merit?”
“I wore a hair shirt and a rope,” the man frowned stubbornly. - He ate bran and dry peas, drank nothing but water, and did not touch women. I exhausted my body with fasting and prayers...
- So what? - God remarked. “I understand that you suffered, but what exactly did you suffer for?”
“For your glory,” the man answered without hesitation.
- I have a pretty good reputation! - The Lord smiled sadly. - So I starve people, force them to wear all sorts of rags and deprive them of the joys of love?
Silence hung around... God still looked at the man thoughtfully.
- So what about my share? - the man reminded himself.
“I suffered, you say,” God said quietly. - How can I explain it to you so that you understand... For example, the carpenter who was in front of you. All his life he built houses for people, in heat and cold, and sometimes went hungry, and often got himself in the wrong, and suffered through this. But he still built houses. And then he received his honestly earned wages. And it turns out that all your life you have done nothing but hit your fingers with a hammer.
God was silent for a moment...
-Where is the house? WHERE IS THE HOUSE, I ASK!!!

Parable: A Pack of Wolves and Three Hunters

IN wolf pack The old Leader decided to appoint a successor for himself. He approached the bravest and strongest Wolf and said:
- I'm getting old, so I appoint you as the New Leader of the pack. But you must prove that you are worthy. Therefore, take the best Wolves, go hunting and get food for the whole pack.
“Okay,” said the New Leader and left with 6 wolves to hunt.
And he was gone for a day. And he was gone that evening. And when night fell, the flock saw 7 wolves proudly carrying the food they had caught. All were targets and unharmed.
“Tell me how it all happened,” asked the Old Leader.
- Oh, that was easy. We were looking for prey, and then we saw 10 hunters coming from the hunt with prey. We attacked them, tore them to shreds, and took the spoils for ourselves.
- Well done. Tomorrow you will go again.
The next day, 6 wolves and the New Leader went hunting again. And they were gone for a day. And evening. And night. And morning.
And only during the day one emaciated wolf appeared on the horizon. It was the New Leader - covered in blood, with tattered fur, lame and barely alive.
- What's happened? - asked the Old Leader.
- We went far into the forest and searched for prey for a long time and saw three hunters coming from the hunt with prey. We attacked them, but they were stronger than us. They killed all my warriors, I somehow managed to escape.
- But how can that be?! - the Old Leader was surprised, - Yesterday you easily defeated 10 hunters, but today you couldn’t cope with three?!?!
- Yes, but yesterday it was just a group of 10 hunters, and today it was 3 best friends.

A parable about life: A simple life

The clerk, leaving the office, looked at the emperor's palace with its sparkling domes, and thought: “What a pity that I was not born into a royal family, life could have been so simple...” And he walked towards the center of the city, from where the rhythmic knocking could be heard hammer and loud screams. These workers were building a new building right on the square. One of them saw a clerk with his papers and thought: “Oh, why didn’t I go to study, as my father told me, I could now do light work and rewrite texts all day, and life would be so simple...”

And at that time the emperor approached the huge bright window in his palace and looked at the square. He saw workers, clerks, salesmen, customers, children and adults, and thought how nice it must be to be in the fresh air all day, doing manual labor, or working for someone, or even being a street vagabond, and absolutely don't think about politics and others complex issues.

- Which one, probably? simple life, these ordinary people“,” he said barely audibly.

Parable of Anger: Genghis Khan's Falcon

One morning Genghis Khan and his retinue went hunting. His companions armed themselves with bows and arrows, and he himself held his beloved falcon in his hand. No shooter could compare with him, because the bird looked out for the victim from the sky, where a person is not able to climb.
And yet, despite the excitement that possessed the hunters, none of them got anything. Disappointed, Genghis Khan returned to his camp, and in order not to take out his bad mood on his comrades, he retired from his retinue and went alone.
He stayed too long in the forest and was exhausted from fatigue and thirst. Due to the drought that happened that year, the rivers dried up, and not a sip of water could be found anywhere, but suddenly - lo and behold! - he noticed a thin stream of water flowing from the rock. He immediately took the falcon from his hand, took out a small silver bowl that was always with him, placed it under the stream and waited for a long time until it was filled to the brim. But when he was already raising the cup to his lips, the falcon flapped its wings and knocked it out, throwing it far to the side.
Genghis Khan was furious. But still, he loved this falcon very much and also understood that the bird was probably thirsty too. He picked up the bowl, wiped it and put it under the stream again. Before it was even half full, the falcon knocked it out of his hands again.
Genghis Khan adored the bird, but he could not allow himself to be treated with such disrespect. He drew his sword, and with his other hand he lifted the cup and placed it under the stream, with one eye watching the water and the other the falcon. When there was enough water to quench his thirst, the falcon flapped his wings again, touching the bowl, but this time he killed the bird with his sword.
And then the trickle dried up. Determined to get to the source at any cost, he began to climb the rock. He found it surprisingly quickly, but in it, right in the water, lay a dead snake - the most poisonous of all the snakes living in those places. If he had drunk the water, he would not have lived.
Genghis Khan returned to the camp with the dead chip in his hands and ordered his statue to be made from pure gold, engraving on one wing:
“Even when your friend does things you don’t like, he remains your friend.”
On the other wing he ordered to write:
“What is done in anger does not lead to good.”

Parable: Buddha and the villagers

A wise parable about insults and how to respond to them:
One day, Buddha and his disciples walked past a village in which opponents of Buddhism lived. Residents poured out of their houses, surrounded them and began to insult them. The Buddha's disciples became angry and were ready to fight back. After a pause, the Buddha spoke, and his speech confused not only the villagers, but also the disciples.
First he addressed his disciples:
- These people are doing their job. They are angry, it seems to them that I am the enemy of their religion, their moral principles. So they insult me, and this is natural. But why are you suddenly angry? Why do you have this reaction? You behaved as these people expected, and thereby allowed them to manipulate you. If so, it means you are dependent on them. But aren't you free?
The people from the village also did not expect such a reaction. They fell silent. In the silence that followed, Buddha addressed them:
-Have you said everything? If you haven't spoken out yet, you'll have the opportunity when we head back.
The puzzled villagers asked:
- But we insulted you, why aren’t you even angry with us?
Buddha replied:
- You are free people, and what you did is your right. I don't react to this. Therefore, no one and nothing can force me to react the way he wants, no one can influence me and manipulate me. My actions flow from my inner state, from my awareness. And I would like to ask you a question that concerns you. In the previous village, people greeted me with treats. I told them: “Thank you, we have already had breakfast, take these fruits and sweets with my blessing for yourself. We cannot carry them with us because we do not carry food with us.” And now I ask you: What do you think they did with what I did not accept and returned to them?
One person from the crowd said:
“They must have taken those fruits and sweets back and distributed them to their children and families.”
“And today I do not accept your insults and curses,” said the Buddha. I'm returning them to you. What will you do with them? Take them with you and do whatever you want with them.

Parable of Love: Woman and Bird

Once upon a time there was a bird. A bird with strong wings and sparkling multi-colored plumage. A creature created to fly freely in the skies, born to delight the heads of those who watch her from the ground.
One day a woman saw her and fell in love. Her heart was pounding, her eyes sparkled with excitement as, with her mouth open in amazement, she watched this bird fly. And she called her to fly with her - and they set off across the blue sky in perfect harmony with each other. The woman admired the bird, revered and praised it.
But one day it occurred to her that this bird would probably someday want to fly into distant distances, to unknown mountains. And the woman was afraid - afraid that she would never be able to experience anything like this with another bird. And she was jealous - she was jealous of the innate gift of flight.
And I was also afraid of loneliness.
And I thought: “Let me set a snare. Next time the bird will fly, but it won’t be able to fly away.”
And the bird, which also loved this woman, flew in the next day, fell into a snare, and then was put in a cage.
All day long the woman admired the bird, showed the object of her passion to her friends, and they said: “Now you have everything.” But strange things began to happen in the soul of this woman: she got the bird, there was no longer a need to lure it and tame it, and little by little the interest in it faded away. The bird, having lost the opportunity to fly - and this and only this was the meaning of its existence - faded and lost its shine, became ugly, and the woman stopped paying attention to her altogether: she only made sure that there was plenty of food and that the cage was cleaned.
And one fine day the bird died. The woman was very sad, she only thought about her and remembered her day and night, but not how she languished in the cage, but how she saw her free flight under the clouds for the first time.
And if she had looked into her soul, she would have realized that she was captivated not by her beauty, but by the freedom and power of her outstretched wings.
Having lost the bird, its life and meaning were lost. And death knocked on her door. “Why did you come?” - the woman asked her.
“Then so that you can fly with your bird across the sky again,” answered death. “If you allowed her to leave you and always return, you would love her and admire her more than ever.” But now, in order for you to see her again, the matter cannot be done without me.”

Parable about the power of words

A little parable from Anthony de Mello:
Once the Master spoke about the hypnotic power of words. Someone from the back rows shouted:
- You're talking nonsense! Will you become a saint because you keep saying:
"God, God, God"? Will you become a sinner because you endlessly repeat: “Sin, Sin, Sin”?
- Sit down, bastard! - the Master snapped.
The man was overcome with rage. He burst into obscene language, and it took a long time before he came to his senses.
With an air of remorse the Master said:
- Forgive me... I got excited. I sincerely apologize for my unforgivable attack.
The student immediately calmed down.
“Here’s your answer,” summed up the Master. - From one word you became furious, from another you calmed down.

Parable: Sultan, magician and talent

An Eastern parable about talent and genius.
One magician showed his art to the Sultan and his courtiers. All the spectators were delighted. The Sultan himself was beside himself with admiration.
- My God, what a miracle, what a genius!
His vizier said:
- Your Majesty, it’s not the gods who burn the pots. The art of a magician is the result of his diligence and tireless practice.
The Sultan frowned. The vizier's words spoiled his pleasure from admiring the magician's art.
- Oh, you ungrateful one, how dare you claim that such art can be achieved through exercise? Since I said: either you have talent or you don’t, that means that’s the way it is.
Looking at his vizier with contempt, he angrily exclaimed:
- At least you don’t have one, go to the dungeon. There you can think about my words. But so that you don’t feel lonely and so that there is someone like you next to you, a calf will share your company.
From the very first day of his imprisonment, the vizier began to exercise: he lifted a calf and carried it every day along the steps of the prison tower. Months passed, the calf turned into a mighty bull, and the vizier’s strength increased every day thanks to the exercises. One fine day the Sultan remembered his prisoner. He ordered the vizier to be brought to him.
When he saw him, the Sultan was amazed:
- My God! What a miracle, what a genius!
The vizier, carrying a bull in his outstretched arms, answered with the same words as before:
- Your Majesty, it is not the gods who burn the pots. You gave this animal to me out of mercy. My strength is the result of my diligence and exercise.

Parable: The Broken Precious Cup

Parable of Wrath: The Girl and the Cookies

The girl was waiting for her flight at a large airport. Her flight has been delayed and she will have to wait for the plane for several hours. She bought a book, a bag of cookies and sat in a chair to pass the time. Next to her was an empty chair with a bag of cookies on it, and on the next chair sat a man reading a magazine. She took the cookies, and the man took them too! This infuriated her, but she said nothing and continued reading. And every time she took a cookie, the man continued to take it too. She was furious, but did not want to cause a scandal in a crowded airport.
When there was only one cookie left, she thought, “I wonder what this ignoramus will do?”
As if reading her thoughts, the man took the cookie, broke it in half and handed it to her without looking up. This was the limit! She got up, collected her things and left...
Later, when she got on the plane, she reached into her purse to take out her glasses and pulled out a packet of cookies... She suddenly remembered that she had put her packet of cookies in her purse. And the man she thought was ignorant shared his cookies with her without showing an iota of anger, just out of kindness. She was so ashamed and had no opportunity to correct her guilt.
Before you get angry, think about it: maybe you are the one who is wrong!

A parable about mutual understanding: Two families

Two people live in neighboring houses different families. Some quarrel all the time, while others always have silence and mutual understanding.
One day, envious of a peaceful neighbor's family, the wife says to her husband:
- Go to your neighbors and see what they do, that everything is always fine with them.
He went, hid and watched. Here he sees a woman washing the floors in the house, suddenly something distracted her, and she ran to the kitchen. At this time, her husband urgently needed to go to the house. He did not notice the bucket of water, caught it and the water spilled.
Then the wife came, apologized to her husband, and said:
- Sorry, dear, it's my fault.
- No, I'm sorry, it's my fault.
The man got upset and went home. At home my wife asks:
- Well, did you look?
- Yes!
- Well?
- I understand everything! We are ALL RIGHT, and they are ALL GUILTY.

Parable: A wise man and the same joke

One wise man, speaking to his audience, told them an anecdote. The entire audience shook with laughter.
A few minutes later he told people the same joke again. Only a few people smiled.
The sage told the same joke for the third time, but no one laughed.
Old wise man smiled and said: “You can’t laugh constantly at the same joke... So why do you constantly allow yourself to cry about the same thing?”

Parable about happiness: The wise man and the unhappy man

Once a sage was walking along the road, admiring the beauty of the world and enjoying life. Suddenly he noticed an unfortunate man hunched over under an unbearable burden.
- Why do you condemn yourself to such suffering? - Asked the sage.
“I suffer for the happiness of my children and grandchildren,” the man answered.
“My great-grandfather suffered all his life for the happiness of my grandfather, my grandfather suffered for the happiness of my father, my father suffered for my happiness, and I will suffer all my life, only so that my children and grandchildren become happy.”
- Was anyone happy in your family? - asked the sage.
- No, but my children and grandchildren will definitely be happy! - answered the unhappy man.
“An illiterate person cannot teach you to read, and a mole cannot raise an eagle!” - Said the sage. - First learn to be happy yourself, then you will understand how to make your children and grandchildren happy!

Parable: A boy and faith in miracles

The boy loved to read kind and clever fairy tales and believed everything that was written there. Therefore, he looked for miracles in life, but could not find anything in it that would be similar to his favorite fairy tales. Feeling somewhat disappointed in his search, he asked his mother if it was right that he believed in miracles? Or are there no miracles in life?
“My dear,” his mother answered him with love, “if you try to grow up kind and good boy, then all the fairy tales in your life will come true. Remember that they don’t look for miracles - they come to good people on their own.

Jewish parable: Moishe and the crushing shoe

Moishe comes to the rabbi and says that he wants to divorce his wife. The rabbi begins to persuade him not to do this.
- Moishe, why do you want to get a divorce, it will be worse for you.
- No, I'll feel better. Well, they argue for a long time, and finally the rabbi says:
- Listen, Moishe. Your wife is so beautiful, so pleasant, she pleases the eye, everyone dreams of her. Everyone knows her merits, but you want to leave her, why?
Moisha silently takes off her shoe and places it in front of the rabbi.
- Why are you sticking your shoe at me? - Rebbe, look at this shoe.
- Why should I look at this shoe? What does this have to do with the shoe?
- Rebbe, this is a wonderful shoe. Everyone sees how beautiful she is, how pleasant she is, how pleasing to the eye she is, everyone wants to have such a shoe, but only I know how much this bastard presses me!

Parable: The Dispute of the Disciples

One day the Teacher saw students who were passionately arguing, and everyone was sure that they were right, and it seemed that this dispute would never end. Then the Teacher said:
“When people argue because they strive for the truth, then this dispute must inevitably stop, because there is only one truth, and both will eventually come to it.” When those disputing strive not for truth, but for victory, then the dispute flares up more and more, for no one can emerge victorious in a dispute without his opponent being defeated.
The students immediately fell silent and then apologized to the Teacher and each other.

Parable of the Sacrifice

The new teacher, coming to class, discovered that one boy was being teased by Moishe the Fool. During recess, he asked the guys why they called him that name.
- Yes, he really is a fool, Mr. Teacher. If you give him a large coin of five shekels and a small one of ten shekels, he will choose five because he thinks it is larger. Here, look...
The guy takes out two coins and asks Moishe to choose. He, as always, chooses five. The teacher asks in surprise:
- Why did you choose a coin of five shekels and not ten?
- Look, she’s bigger, Mr. Teacher!
After lessons, the teacher approached Moishe.
- Don’t you understand that five shekels is bigger only in size, but ten shekels can buy more?
- Of course I understand, Mr. Teacher.
- So why do you choose five?
- Because if I choose ten, they will stop giving me money!

Parable about life: The Master and the Waitress

Returning from the trip, the Master told about a story that happened to him, which, as he believed, could become a metaphor for life itself:
During a short stop, he headed to a cozy cafe. The menu included mouth-watering soups, spicy condiments and other tempting dishes.
The master ordered soup.
-Are you from this bus? — the venerable-looking waitress politely asked. The master nodded.
- Then there is no soup.
- What about steamed rice with curry sauce? - asked the surprised Master.
- No, if you are from this bus. You can only order sandwiches. I spent the whole morning preparing the dishes, and you have no more than ten minutes left to eat. I cannot allow you to eat a dish whose taste you cannot appreciate due to lack of time.

A parable about work: a restless youth

One high Chinese official had an only son. He grew up as a smart boy, but he was restless, and no matter what they tried to teach him, he showed no diligence in anything, and his knowledge was only superficial. He knew how to draw and play the flute, but artlessly; studied the laws, but even the scribes knew more than him.
His father, concerned about this situation, apprenticed him to a famous martial arts master in order to make his son’s spirit strong, as befits a real husband. However, the young man soon got tired of repeating the monotonous movements of the same blows.
He turned to the master with the words: “Teacher!” How long can you repeat the same movement? Isn't it time for me to study the present martial art what is your school famous for?
The master did not answer anything, but allowed him to repeat the movements after the older students, and soon the young man knew many techniques.
One day the master called the young man and handed him a scroll with a letter.
— Take this letter to your father.
The young man took the letter and went to the neighboring town where his father lived. The road to the city skirted a large meadow, in the middle of which an old man was practicing a punch. And while the young man walked around the meadow along the road, the old man tirelessly practiced the same blow.
- Hey, old man! - the young man shouted. - The air will beat you! You still won't be able to beat even a child!
The old man shouted back that he should try to defeat him first, and then laugh. The young man accepted the challenge.
Ten times he tried to attack the old man, and ten times the old man knocked him down with the same blows. A blow that he had been tirelessly practicing before. After the tenth time, the young man could no longer continue the fight.
- I could kill you with the first blow! - said the old man. - But you are still young and stupid. Go your own way.
Ashamed, the young man reached his father's house and gave him the letter. Unrolling the scroll, the father returned it to his son:
- This is for you.
In the teacher’s calligraphic handwriting it was written on it: “One strike, brought to perfection, is better than a hundred half-learned.”

Parable: Envy and lemons

My wife once sent me to the store to buy lemons. Well, the flu, you understand. And she said - buy big ones, but not rotten ones, as usual. Well, I went up to the tray with lemons and sorted through them. All crooked, rotten, thick-skinned.
I look out of the corner of my eye: there’s another tray on the right, and in it another guy is scissoring lemons. And his lemons are large, ripe, appetizing. Well, I think the guy is leaving right now - I’ll immediately pick up some lemons.
So, for the sake of appearance, I sort through the fruit, and I glance sideways at the man’s hand - waiting for him to finally take what he needs and leave. And he, the brute, keeps poking around and poking around. He waited for five minutes - and he didn’t like it, even though he had lemons to choose from. Well, I couldn’t stand it - I turn to him to say what I’m thinking about him, and on the right... a mirror.

Parable: The wise pig and manners

The wise Pig was asked:
- Why do you stand with your feet while eating?
“I love to feel food not only with my mouth, but also with my body,” answered the Wise Pig. “When, when I’m full, I feel the touch of food on my legs, I get double pleasure from it.”
- But what about the manners inherent in a decent upbringing?
- Manners are for others, but pleasure is for yourself. If the basis of pleasure comes from my nature, then pleasure itself brings benefit.
- But manners are also useful!
“When manners bring me more benefit than pleasure, I don’t put my feet in food,” the Pig answered proudly and went about her business.

A Parable about Work: Mathematician George Danzig

When the future mathematician George Danzig was still a student, something happened to him next story. George took his studies very seriously and often worked late into the night.
One day, because of this, he overslept a little and came to Professor Neumann's lecture 20 minutes late. The student quickly copied two problems from the board, thinking that homework. The task was difficult, it took George several days to solve them, he brought the solution to the professor.
He didn't say anything, but a few weeks later he broke into George's house at six in the morning. It turned out that the student found the correct solution to two previously unsolvable mathematics problems, which he did not even suspect, since he was late for class and did not hear the preamble to the problems on the board.
In just a few days, he managed to solve not one, but two problems that mathematicians had been struggling with for a thousand years, and even Einstein could not find a solution to them.
George was not limited by the fame of these problems as insoluble, he simply did not know that it was impossible.

Parable about motivation: Get up!

One student asked his Sufi mentor:
Master, what would you say if you knew about my fall?
- Get up!
- And next time?
- Get up again!
- And how long can this continue - keep falling and rising?
- Fall and rise while you're alive! After all, the one who fell and did not rise is dead.

Parable about truth and parable

Truth used to walk the streets naked. Of course, people didn’t like this, and no one allowed her into their house. One day when sad truth wandering through the streets, she met Parable, dressed in beautiful clothes, pleasing to the eye.
The parable asked the Truth:
- Why do you walk the streets naked and so sad?
Truth sadly lowered her head and said:
- My sister, I am sinking lower and lower. I am already old and unhappy, so people move away from me.
“It cannot be,” said the Parable, “that people move away from you because you are old.” I’m also no younger than you, but the older I get, the more they find in me. I'll tell you a secret: people don't like simple, open things. They prefer things to be a little hidden and embellished. Let me lend you a few of mine beautiful dresses, and you will immediately see how people will love you.
Truth accepted the advice of the Proverbs and dressed in her beautiful clothes. And here’s a miracle - from that day no one ran away from her, and she was received with joy and a smile. Since then, Truth and Parable have not separated.

Krivin Felix Davidovich

Tales with morals

Felix Krivin

Tales with morals

Hey, you're falling behind, you're falling behind! - Big Arrow urges Little Arrow. - I’ve already walked so far, and you’re still marking time! You serve our time poorly!

Little Arrow stomps around and doesn’t have time. How can she keep up with the Big Strelka!

But it shows hours, not minutes.


Near the very shore lay two stones - two inseparable and old friends. All day long they basked in the rays of the southern sun and seemed happy that the sea was rustling to the side and did not disturb their calm and peaceful comfort.

But then one day, when a storm broke out at sea, the friendship of two friends ended: one of them was picked up by a wave running ashore and carried away with it far out to sea.

Another stone, clinging to a rotten snag, managed to stay on the shore and for a long time could not recover from fear. And when I calmed down a little, I found new friends. These were old, dried out and cracked lumps of clay. From morning to evening they listened to the Stone's stories about how he risked his life, how he was in danger during the storm. And by repeating this story to them every day, the Stone eventually felt like a hero.

Years passed... Under the rays of the hot sun, the Stone itself cracked and was almost no different from its friends - lumps of clay.

But then the oncoming wave threw a shiny flint onto the shore, the likes of which had never been seen in these parts.

Hello, buddy! - he shouted to the Cracked Stone.

Old Stone was surprised.

Sorry, this is my first time seeing you.

Eh, you! First time I see it! Have you forgotten how many years we spent together on this shore before I was carried out to sea?

And he told his old friend what he had to endure in the depths of the sea and how very interesting it was after all.

Come with me! - suggested Kremin. - You will see real life, you will recognize real storms.

But his friend. The Cracked Stone looked at the lumps of clay, which at the word “storm” were ready to completely crumble out of fear, and said:

No, that's not for me. I’m perfectly settled here too.

Well, as you know! - Flint jumped onto the approaching wave and rushed off into the sea.

Everyone remaining on the shore was silent for a long time. Finally the Cracked Stone said:

He was lucky, so he became arrogant. Was it worth risking your life for him? Where is the truth? Where is the justice?

And the lumps of clay agreed with him that there is no justice in life.


They don't give the Hedgehog any rest.

As soon as he curls up, settles down in his hole to sleep for a month or two, until the cold weather passes, and then there’s a knock.

May I come in?

The Hedgehog will look over the threshold, and there will be a furrier Hamster, a fur maker.

Sorry to bother you,” Khomyak apologizes. - Would you mind borrowing a needle?

What will you answer him? Hedgehog hesitates - it’s a pity to give, and he’s ashamed to refuse.

“I would be glad,” he says, “I would be glad.” Yes, I don’t have enough of them myself.

“Just for the evening,” asks Khomyak. - The customer needs to finish his fur coat, but the needle is broken.

With pain, the Hedgehog pulls out a needle for him:

I just ask you: finish your work and return it right away.

Of course, but of course! - Hamster assures and, taking a needle, hurries to finish the customer’s fur coat.

The hedgehog returns to the hole and lies down. But as soon as he begins to doze off, there is another knock.

Hello, are you still awake?

This time Liska the milliner appeared.

“Lend me a needle,” he asks. - Mine got lost somewhere. I searched and searched, but I can’t find it.

Hedgehog this way and that - nothing works out. I have to lend a needle to Fox too.

After this, the Hedgehog finally manages to fall asleep. He lies there, watching his dreams, and at this time the Hamster has already finished his fur coat and hurries to the Hedgehog, bringing him a needle.

The Hamster approached the Hedgehog's hole, knocked once, twice, and then looked inside. He sees: The hedgehog is sleeping and snoring. “I won’t wake him up,” thinks Hamster. “I’ll stick a needle in his place so as not to bother him in vain, and I’ll thank him another time, if necessary.”

I found a free place on the hedgehog’s back and stuck the needle there. And how the hedgehog will jump! I didn’t understand it, of course, because I slept.

Save! - shouts. - Killed, stabbed!

“Don’t worry,” Hamster says politely. - I returned the needle to you. Thank you very much.

The Hedgehog tossed and turned for a long time and could not sleep from the pain. But he still fell asleep and, forgetting about the Hamster, went back to his dreams. How suddenly...

Ay! - yelled the Hedgehog. - Save, help!

He came to his senses a little, looked - Liska the milliner was standing next to him, smiling.

I think I scared you a little. I brought the needle. I was in such a hurry, in such a hurry, so that you wouldn’t worry.

The Hedgehog is curled up in a ball, quietly grumbling to himself. Why grumble? He gave with pain, and with pain he receives back.


I wrote and put a blot on the paper.

It’s good that you decided to write about me! - said Blob. - I am so grateful to you!

“You’re wrong,” I replied. - I want to write about a drop.

But I’m also a drop! - insisted the Blob. - Only ink.

There are different types of ink drops, I said. - Some write letters, exercises in Russian and arithmetic, stories like this. And others, like you, only take up space on paper. Well, what can I write good about you?

The Blob is thinking.

At this time, a small Ray appears near her. The leaves of the trees outside the window are trying to keep him out of the room. They rustle after him:

Don't you dare hang out with this slut! You'll get dirty!

But Luchik is not afraid to get dirty. He really wants to help the ink drop that landed so unfortunately on the paper.

I ask Klyaksa:

Do you really want me to write about you?

I really want to,” she admits.

Then you have to earn it. Trust Ray. He will take you, free you from the ink, and you will become a clean, transparent drop. There will be a job for you, just make sure you don’t refuse any work.

“Okay,” agrees Drop. Now you can call it that.

I stand at the window and look at the clouds that float into the distance.

Evening comes, darkness falls over the city and the children go to their beds to fall asleep sweetly. But before enjoying pleasant dreams, every child likes to listen fairy tales that remain in your heart for the rest of your life. Then why not combine business with pleasure and read to your child at night? useful and instructive parables for children.

The parable is short story, which contains the wisdom of our ancestors. Often parables for children are instructive stories on some topic. moral theme. Previously, they were used as one of the ways to raise children, since they are understandable to every child, easy to remember and as close to reality as possible. In this way, parables differ from fables, which are very allegorical and not always understandable to young listeners. Children's stories talk about friendship, family and family values, about good and evil, about God and much more.

Biblical and Orthodox parables for children

For many centuries the Bible has been the most famous book all over the world. These are not only sacred texts for Christians, but also greatest monument cultural heritage humanity. Biblical parables are found on the pages of the Old and New Testaments. Of course, it will be difficult for young children to understand all the sacred meaning that is hidden in the biblical texts, but with the help of their parents, the child will be able to understand them. The most famous Orthodox parables for children include the parables “About the Prodigal Son”, “About the Publican and the Pharisee”, which tell children about mercy and forgiveness, the parable “About the Good Samaritan”, which teaches kids kindness and compassion, and many others. Jesus Christ very often communicated with his followers in parables, since they help to understand the meaning of all hidden things.

Short parables for children

Some children, especially very young ones, do not like long stories; it is much easier for them to understand short texts with simple conclusions. In this case, you can read short parables for children to your child every evening. And every time an instructive and interesting story, which will remain in memory.

We especially recommend parables about friendship for children- for example, the parable of the nails. Very often children say something angry and bad to their friends and family. This parable will help them understand how important it is to value loved ones and not offend them with careless words.

Children's parables about good and evil are probably the most useful for our younger generation. After all, the child does not have life experience, so it is difficult for him to distinguish bad from good, good from evil, white from black. You need to teach your child this basic concepts, and parables about good and evil will be most useful for children. We recommend reading: “The Good Little Fox”, “Grandfather and Death”.

Parables can teach you everything. The most important and useful little stories are parables about family and family values, because there is nothing more important in our lives. It is especially useful for children to read parables about mothers, about love, about good and bad, about truth and lies.

Teach and raise your child with early childhood, then in the future he will grow up good and kind person, responsive to the suffering of others, merciful and honest. This is the only way our world will become kinder and cleaner!

Tales with morals

Felix Krivin
Tales with morals
- Hey, you're falling behind, you're falling behind! - Big Arrow urges Little Arrow. - I’ve already walked so far, and you’re still marking time! You serve our time poorly!
Little Arrow stomps around and doesn’t have time. How can she keep up with the Big Strelka!
But it shows hours, not minutes.
Near the very shore lay two stones - two inseparable and old friends. All day long they basked in the rays of the southern sun and seemed happy that the sea was rustling to the side and did not disturb their calm and peaceful comfort.
But then one day, when a storm broke out at sea, the friendship of two friends ended: one of them was picked up by a wave running ashore and carried away with it far out to sea.
Another stone, clinging to a rotten snag, managed to stay on the shore and for a long time could not recover from fear. And when I calmed down a little, I found new friends. These were old, dried out and cracked lumps of clay. From morning to evening they listened to the Stone's stories about how he risked his life, how he was in danger during the storm. And by repeating this story to them every day, the Stone eventually felt like a hero.
Years passed... Under the rays of the hot sun, the Stone itself cracked and was almost no different from its friends - lumps of clay.
But then the oncoming wave threw a shiny flint onto the shore, the likes of which had never been seen in these parts.
- Hello, buddy! - he shouted to the Cracked Stone.
Old Stone was surprised.
- Sorry, this is my first time seeing you.
- Oh, you! First time I see it! Have you forgotten how many years we spent together on this shore before I was carried out to sea?
And he told his old friend what he had to endure in the depths of the sea and how very interesting it was after all.
- Come with me! - suggested Kremin. - You will see real life, you will experience real storms.
But his friend. The Cracked Stone looked at the lumps of clay, which at the word “storm” were ready to completely crumble out of fear, and said:
- No, that's not for me. I’m perfectly settled here too.
- Well, as you know! - Flint jumped onto the approaching wave and rushed off into the sea.
...Everyone remaining on the shore was silent for a long time. Finally the Cracked Stone said:
- He was lucky, so he became arrogant. Was it worth risking your life for him? Where is the truth? Where is the justice?
And the lumps of clay agreed with him that there is no justice in life.
They don't give the Hedgehog any rest.
As soon as he curls up, settles down in his hole to sleep for a month or two, until the cold weather passes, and then there’s a knock.
- May I come in?
The Hedgehog will look over the threshold, and there will be a furrier Hamster, a fur maker.
“Sorry to bother you,” Hamster apologizes. - Would you mind borrowing a needle?
What will you answer him? Hedgehog hesitates - it’s a pity to give, and he’s ashamed to refuse.
“I would be glad,” he says, “I would be glad.” Yes, I don’t have enough of them myself.
“Just for the evening,” asks Hamster. - The customer needs to finish his fur coat, but the needle is broken.
With pain, the Hedgehog pulls out a needle for him:
- I just ask you: finish your work - return it right away.
- Of course, but of course! - Hamster assures and, taking a needle, hurries to finish the customer’s fur coat.
The hedgehog returns to the hole and lies down. But as soon as he begins to doze off, there is another knock.
- Hello, are you still awake?
This time Liska the milliner appeared.
“Lend me a needle,” he asks. - Mine got lost somewhere. I searched and searched, but I can’t find it.
Hedgehog this way and that - nothing works out. I have to lend a needle to Fox too.
After this, the Hedgehog finally manages to fall asleep. He lies there, watching his dreams, and at this time the Hamster has already finished his fur coat and hurries to the Hedgehog, bringing him a needle.
The Hamster approached the Hedgehog's hole, knocked once, twice, and then looked inside. He sees: The hedgehog is sleeping and snoring. “I won’t wake him up,” thinks Hamster. “I’ll stick a needle in his place so as not to bother him in vain, and I’ll thank him another time, if necessary.”
I found a free place on the hedgehog’s back and stuck the needle there. And how the hedgehog will jump! I didn’t understand it, of course, because I slept.
- Save me! - shouts. - Killed, stabbed!
“Don’t worry,” Hamster says politely. - I returned the needle to you. Thank you very much.
The Hedgehog tossed and turned for a long time and could not sleep from the pain. But he still fell asleep and, forgetting about the Hamster, went back to his dreams. How suddenly...
- Ay! - yelled the Hedgehog. - Save, help!
He came to his senses a little, looked - Liska the milliner was standing next to him, smiling.
- I seem to have scared you a little. I brought the needle. I was in such a hurry, in such a hurry, so that you wouldn’t worry.
The Hedgehog is curled up in a ball, quietly grumbling to himself. Why grumble? He gave with pain, and with pain he receives back.
I wrote and put a blot on the paper.
- It’s good that you decided to write about me! - said Blob. - I am so grateful to you!
“You’re wrong,” I replied. - I want to write about a drop.
- But I’m also a drop! - insisted the Blob. - Only ink.
“There are different types of ink drops,” I said. - Some write letters, exercises in Russian and arithmetic, stories like this. And others, like you, only take up space on paper. Well, what can I write good about you?
The Blob is thinking.
At this time, a small Ray appears near her. The leaves of the trees outside the window are trying to keep him out of the room. They rustle after him:
- Don't you dare hang out with this slut! You'll get dirty!
But Luchik is not afraid to get dirty. He really wants to help the ink drop that landed so unfortunately on the paper.
I ask Klyaksa:
- Do you really want me to write about you?
“I really want to,” she admits.
“Then you must earn it.” Trust Ray. He will take you, free you from the ink, and you will become a clean, transparent drop. There will be a job for you, just make sure you don’t refuse any work.
“Okay,” agrees Drop. Now you can call it that.
I stand at the window and look at the clouds that float into the distance.
Somewhere there, among them, is my Drop. And I wave to her:
And far, far away, in the sultry steppe, Kolos sways in the wind. He knows that he must grow big and that for this he needs moisture. He knows that without rain he will dry out in the sun and will not repay the people who look after him so carefully. There is only one thing Kolos does not know: our agreement with the Drop.
And the Drop flies to his aid, and hurries, and the wind pushes him:
- Hurry up, hurry up, we may not make it in time!
What a joy it was when she finally arrived! The drop did not even think that it could break, falling from such a height. She immediately rushed down to her Kolos.
- Well, how are you? Are you still holding on? - she asks, landing.
And the courageous Kolos answers:
- I’m holding on, as you can see. Everything is fine.
But Drop sees that not everything is in order. With great difficulty she gnaws through the stale soil and reaches the very root of the Spike. Then she starts feeding him.
The ear comes to life, straightens, and feels much more energetic.
“Thank you, Drop,” he says. - You helped me a lot.
- Nonsense! - answers Drop. - I'm glad I was useful to you. And now - goodbye. They are waiting for me in other places.
In what places they are waiting for her, the Drop does not say. Now try to find it, how many rivers, lakes, seas and oceans there are on earth, and you can imagine how many drops there are in them!
But I have to find my Drop! After all, I myself sent her on a long journey, and even promised to write about her.
The locomotive, breathing heavily, stops at the junction station. Here he needs to rest, stock up on water and fuel in order to move on with renewed vigor.
The water gurgles, filling its cauldrons. And look: something familiar appeared in the stream of water. Well, yes, of course, this is our Drop!
It's hard for a drop in a locomotive boiler! It's a hot job here! The drop not only evaporated, but completely turned into steam. And yet she does a good job at her job.
Other drops even begin to listen to her opinion on various issues, turn to her for advice, and she, having gathered her comrades around her, commands:
- One, two - they took it! Come on, push it some more!
The drops press again, and the locomotive rushes, leaving behind one station after another.
And then Drop says goodbye to her comrades: her shift is over. The locomotive releases steam, and she leaves the boiler, and her comrades shout after her:
- Don't forget us. Drop! Maybe we'll meet again!
It's a harsh winter, the ground is frozen and can't get warm. And she can't be cold. She needs to retain her warmth in order to give it to trees, grasses, and flowers in the spring. Who will protect the earth, who will cover it and who will not be afraid of the cold?
Of course, Drop.
True, now it is difficult to recognize her: from the cold, the Drop turned into a Snowflake.
And so she slowly sinks to the ground, covering it with herself. Snowflake can cover a very small space, but she has many comrades, and together they manage to protect the earth from the cold.
Snowflake lies pressed closely to the ground, like a fighter in a white coat. Frost cracks angrily, he wants to get to the ground to freeze it, but the brave Snowflake does not let him in.
- Wait a minute! - Frost threatens. - You will dance with me!
He sends a strong Wind at her, and Snowflake actually begins to dance in the air. After all, it is very light, and it is not difficult for the Wind to cope with it.
But only Frost, triumphant in victory, lets go of the Wind, when Snowflake again falls to the ground, falls to her, and does not allow Frost to take away the warmth from the earth.
And then Spring comes to her aid. She gently warms Snowflake and says:
- Well, thank you, you saved my land from Frost.
It's very nice when you are praised. The Snowflake literally melts from this praise and, turning into a Drop again, runs with her comrades in the noisy spring stream.
- What a shame! Again I put a blot on paper! Well, tell me why you're smiling. Blot?
- Now will you write about me, as you promised?
- Oh, it's you again! But I warned you that you should do something useful. And you, as you were, remain a Blob.
- Well, no! Now I am a real Drop. And I was doing something useful.
- Why did you become a Blob again?
The blot winks at me slyly:
“Otherwise you wouldn’t recognize me and wouldn’t write about me.”
This time I wink at the Blob:
- But I wrote about you. So you needn't have worried. Listen here.
And I read this story to Klyaksa.
- Well, is everything right?
“That’s right,” Klyaksa agrees with pleasure. But she doesn’t have time to add anything else: our mutual friend Luchik appears and begins to bother her:
- Let's go, Drop! There is no point in sitting here on paper!
And they fly away.
And I again stand at the window and look at the clouds floating into the distance.
Somewhere there, in these clouds, is my Drop. And I wave to her:
- Goodbye, Drop! Have a nice trip!
Goose went into the garden to see if everything was okay there. Lo and behold, someone is sitting on the cabbage.
- Who are you? - asks Goose.
- Caterpillar.
- Caterpillar? And I am Goose,” Gus was surprised and cackled. - That’s great, Goose and Caterpillar!
He cackled and flapped his wings, because he had never encountered such an interesting coincidence. And suddenly he fell silent.
- Why don’t you clap? - he asked almost offended.
“I have nothing,” explained the Caterpillar. - Look: you see - there is nothing.
-You don't have wings! - Gus guessed. - How do you fly in this case?
“But I don’t fly,” admitted the Caterpillar. - I'm just crawling.
“Yeah,” Goose recalled, “one born to crawl cannot fly.” It’s a pity, it’s a pity, especially since we are almost namesakes...
They were silent. Then Goose said:
- Do you want me to teach you to fly? It's not difficult at all, and if you have the ability, you'll learn quickly.
The caterpillar readily agreed.
Classes started the next day.
- This is the earth, and this is the sky. If you crawl on the ground, then you are just crawling, and if you are crawling in the sky, then you are no longer crawling, but flying...
That's what Goose said. He was strong in theory.
Someone's head poked out from under the cabbage:
- Can I do it too? I will sit quietly.
- Are you also a Caterpillar?
- No, I'm the Worm. But I would like to fly... - The worm hesitated and added, a little embarrassed: - This has been my dream since childhood.
“Okay,” Gus agreed. - Sit and listen carefully. So, we stopped at the sky...
They studied every day from morning until noon. Worm tried especially hard. He sat motionless and looked the teacher in the mouth, and in the evenings he diligently prepared his lessons and even repeated the material he had learned. Less than a month had passed before the Worm could accurately show where the sky was.
The caterpillar was not so diligent. During lessons, she did God knows what: weaving a web and wrapping herself around herself until she turned from a living, mobile Caterpillar into some kind of wax doll.
“This won’t work for us,” Gus reprimanded her. - Now I see that you, Caterpillar, will never fly. Once the Worm flies, I’m calm for him.
The worm diligently listened to the teacher here too. He was pleased that he was being praised, although he had no doubt before that he would fly: after all, he had A’s in all subjects.
And then one day, coming to class. The Goose caught the Worm alone.
-Where is the Caterpillar? - asked Goose. - Is she sick?
“She flew away,” said the Worm. - Look, look. Do you see?
The Goose looked where the Worm was pointing and saw a Butterfly. The worm insisted that it was the Caterpillar, only now it had grown wings. The butterfly fluttered easily in the air, and even Goose himself could not keep up with it, because although he was strong in theory, he was still a poultry.
“Well, okay,” Gus sighed, “let’s continue our studies.”
The worm looked intently at the teacher and prepared to listen.
“So,” said Goose, “what did we talk about yesterday?” It seems we stopped in the sky?..
Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother.
One day he went for a walk in the forest - to see the animals, to show himself off. And towards him - wolves.
- Hello, old man! - They say. -Where are you going?
The goat got a little scared, but he was pleased that such adult wolves were talking to him as an equal, and this gave him courage.
- Hello, guys! - he said, following the example of the wolves, clinking his teeth. - I went out to get some air.
- Shall we hang out? - the wolves ask.
Kozlik didn’t know what “Let’s hang around” was, nor did he guess that the wolves were inviting him to join the company.
- It's possible! - he shook his barely visible beard.
“Then wait here,” say the wolves. - There is one thing here. We'll be there in a jiffy.
They stepped aside and consulted on what to do with the goat: should he eat it now or leave it for tomorrow?
“That’s it, boys,” says one. - There is no point in eating it. It’s not enough for everyone’s teeth. And he has decent connections in the village, they will always be useful to us. Let's let him go. It's good to have your own scapegoat.
The wolves returned to the goat.
- Listen, old man, I need help. Go to the village, bring one of your friends.
The goat went and brought two rams.
“Here, meet me,” he says, “these are my friends.”
The wolves began to get acquainted with the rams - only the wool from the rams flew away. The goat wanted to stop the wolves, but he was afraid that they would laugh at him, that they would say: “Oh, you, grandma’s little goat!”, and he did not stop, but only angrily butted the lamb carcass.
- Look, how bloodthirsty you are! - the wolves noted with respect and thus finally conquered the goat.
- Just think - two sheep! - he said. - I can bring even more if necessary.
- Well done, old man! - the wolves praised him. - Come on, drive some more!
The goat ran.
But as soon as he ran into the village, he was grabbed and thrown into a barn: someone saw him leading the sheep into the forest.
The grandmother heard that her goat had been imprisoned, and - on the collective farm board.
“Let him go,” he asks, “he is still small, underage.”
“Yes, he killed two sheep, your goat,” they answer the grandmother on the board.
Grandma cries, begs, doesn’t go home. What to do with her - give her the goat.
And the goat, before he even had time to set foot on the threshold of the house, went back into the forest. The wolves were already waiting for him.
- Well, where are your sheep? - they ask.
The goat was ashamed to tell how his grandmother helped him out.
“I’m here now,” he says to the wolves. - Just wait. I'll bring them, you'll see.
Brought him again, got caught again. And again his grandmother helped him out. And then the rams became smarter: they don’t want to hang out with the goat, they don’t trust him.
The wolves get angry and tighten their stomachs. Laughing at the goat:
- Also, a hero has been found! It is said - grandma's goat!
The goat is offended, but he doesn’t know what to do.
“Take us to your grandmother,” the wolves offer. - Maybe she’ll at least treat us to cabbage. And it’s inconvenient that we still don’t know each other.
- And that’s right! - the goat was happy. - My grandmother is good, you will like her.
“Of course,” the wolves agree. - You’ll like it so much!
“And you’ll like the cabbage,” promises the goat.
“Well, you know better,” the wolves answer evasively.
The goat brought them home.
- For now, you get to know your grandmother, and I’ll run to the garden and pick some cabbage.
“Go ahead,” say the wolves. - We will find our own way here.
The goat ran. I didn't return for a long time. It's a well-known thing - let the goat into the garden!
When I brought the cabbage, the wolves were no longer there. They didn't wait - they left. There was no grandmother either. The goat ran around the house, looked for her, called - but where is it!
All that remains of my grandmother are horns and legs.
The Mouse is running along the corridor, suddenly someone grabs her by the collar! The Mouse squinted her eyes, and lo and behold, the Cat. Don’t expect any good from the Cat, and the Mouse decided to pretend that she didn’t recognize the Cat.
- Tell me, please, have you seen the Cat?
The cat narrowed her eyes:
- Do you need a cat?
“Y-yes,” the Mouse squeaked.
“Something is not right here,” thought the Cat. “But in every case the truth should not be told.”
“The cat is sitting in the office,” the Cat cheated. - She always sits there... She has work there.
- Maybe I should look for her there? - suggested the Mouse, not quite sure that they would let her go.
“Well, look,” the Cat allowed, but thought to herself: “Run, run, that’s how you’ll find her. That’s how they teach fools!”
The Mouse ran. The Cat is sitting, grinning: “Oh yes I am, oh yes the Cat! Well, I pulled the Mouse by the tail!”
And then she realized: “How can this be? It turns out that I let her go for dear life? Okay, I’ll catch you another time!”
And another time the Mouse was caught.
- Well, did you find the Cat then? - asked the Cat, angrily rejoicing.
“Yes, yes, don’t worry,” the Mouse hurried, and she herself was looking for where to sneak away.
“Well, just wait,” the Cat decided. “Now I’ll catch you!”
- So the Cat is sitting in the office?
- In the office.
- And can you bring her?
- M-I can...
- Well, bring me.
The Mouse ran.
An hour passed, and two, and three - no Mouse. Of course, where can she bring the Cat when the Cat is here! - sits here.
Well, the Cat outwitted the Mouse!
The Hare got tired of his need and decided to sell his tail.
He came to the market, climbed a hill and waited for buyers. The foxes saw the Hare and lined up. Those in the back press on those in front and ask each other:
- What do they give?
- Yes, the tail was thrown away. I just don’t know if there will be enough for everyone.
“Look, don’t give too much,” they shout to the Hare. - So that there is enough for everyone!
“Yes, I won’t do much,” the Hare glances sideways at his tail, “just don’t press like that, please!”
The foxes squeeze, knead each other's sides, each one is afraid that she won't get it.
“It’s difficult with tails these days,” the foxes complain. - Have you ever heard of it - two carrots by the tail!
“No, I haven’t heard of that,” agrees the Hare. “It’s just that this tail is dear to me as a memory.” I received it from my parents... Oh, please don’t press!..
But no one listened to him anymore. Buyers huddled together, each trying to grab the tail. And when the heap dispersed. The hare disappeared somewhere and only its tail remained on the ground.
Only the tail - and no queue near it.
The Fool bought the Truth at the market. I bought it successfully, nothing to say. He gave her three stupid questions and received two more blows in change and off he went.
But it’s easy to say - go! Walking with the Truth is not so easy. Anyone who has tried it knows. She's big. True, it's hard. If you ride on it, you won’t go, but if you carry it on yourself, how far will you carry it?
The Fool drags his Truth and toils. It's a shame to quit. After all, it was paid for.
I got home barely alive.
- Where have you been, Fool? - his wife attacked him.
The Fool explained everything to her as it was, but he couldn’t explain one thing: what this Truth is for, how to use it.
The Truth lies in the middle of the street, does not enter any gates, and the Fool and his wife hold advice on how to deal with it, how to adapt it to the household.
They played it this way and that, but didn’t come up with anything. There’s nowhere to even put the Truth. What are you going to do - there is nowhere to put the Truth!
“Go,” says the wife to the Fool, “sell your Truth.” Don’t ask too much - as much as they’ll give, that’s fine. There's no point in it anyway.
The Fool dragged himself to the market. He stood in a conspicuous place and shouted:
- Is it true! Is it true! Who wants the Truth - come on!
But no one attacks him.
- Hey, people! - shouts the Fool. - Take the Truth - I’ll give it back cheaply!
“No,” the people answer. - We don’t need your Truth. We have our own Truth, not bought.
But then one Trader approached the Fool. He hung around Pravda and asked:
- What, guy? Are you selling the truth? Are you asking too much?
“A little, just a little,” the Fool rejoiced. - I'll give it to you for thanks.
- Thank you? - Trader began to wonder. - No, it's too expensive for me.
But then another Trader arrived and also began to ask the price.
They dressed up and dressed up and decided to buy one Truth for two. That's what they agreed on.
They cut the Truth into two parts. It turned out to be two half-truths, each easier and more comfortable than the whole one. Such half-truths are just a sight for sore eyes.
Traders are walking through the bazaar, and everyone is jealous of them. And then other traders, following their example, began to make up half-truths for themselves.
Traders cut the truth, stock up on half-truths.
Now it is much easier for them to talk to each other.
Where it should be said: “You are a scoundrel!” - you can say: “You have a difficult character.” An impudent person can be called a naughty person, a deceiver - a dreamer.
And now no one will even call our Fool a fool.
They will say about a fool: “A man who thinks in his own way.”
This is how they cut the Truth!
This is where Arrogance lives, and across the street from it - Stupidity. Good neighbors, although they are dissimilar in character: Stupidity is cheerful and talkative. Arrogance is gloomy and taciturn. But they get along.
One day Stupidity resorts to Hubris:
- Oh, neighbor, what joy I have! For many years the barn was leaking, the cattle were sick, and yesterday the roof collapsed, the cattle were killed, and so I got rid of two troubles at once.
“Hmm, yes,” Arrogance agrees. - Happens...
“I would like,” continues Stupidity, “to celebrate this event.” Invite guests or something. Just someone to call - advise.
“What to choose,” says Spes. - Call everyone. And then, look, they will think that you are poor!
- Isn't there a lot of everyone? - Stupidity doubts. - Well, I need to sell everything, take everything out of the house to feed such a crowd...
“Do that,” instructs Arrogance. - Let them know.
Stupidity sold all her goods and called guests. They feasted, walked around in joy, and when the guests left, Stupidity remained in the empty hut. There is nothing to bow our heads to. And then there’s Arrogance with your grievances.
“I advised you,” he says, “for the sake of it.” Now they only talk about you, but they don’t notice me at all. I don't know what to do. Maybe you can advise?
“You set fire to the hut,” advises Stupidity. - They will all come running to the fire.
That’s what Arrogance did: she set her hut on fire.
People came running. They look at Arrogance and point with their fingers.
Arrogance is enough. She lifted her nose so high that you couldn’t reach her from the fire tower.
But she didn’t have to rejoice for long. The hut burned down, the people dispersed, and Arrogance was left in the middle of the street. She stood, stood, and then - there was nowhere to go - she went to Stupidity:
- Take it, neighbor. Now I have nowhere else to live.
“Come in,” invites Stupidity, “live.” It’s a pity that there’s nothing to treat you with: the house is empty, there’s nothing left.
“Okay,” says Arrogance. - It’s so empty. Just don't show it!
Since then they have been living together. A friend without a friend - not a single step. Where there is Stupidity, there is necessarily Arrogance, and where there is Arrogance, there is certainly Stupidity.
You, of course, have heard about the Box, about a simple plywood Box, which for a long time was on everyone’s parcels, and then, covered with addresses on all sides, he improved his education so much that he was transferred to the storeroom to the position of chief storekeeper.
The work, as they say, is not dusty. True, if you take a closer look, there was always enough dust in the closet, but the Box here, even in complete darkness, had such a prominent position that it immediately became the center of attention. On the shelves, on the window, on the table and on the stools - everywhere the Box had friends.
- You've traveled so much! - the friends rattled. - Please tell us where you have been.
And the Box read out to them all the addresses that were written on its lids.
Gradually the conversation became livelier, and now Box, completely comfortable in the new company, began to sing his favorite song:
When I worked as a mailbox at the post office...
Everyone has long since moved on, and of course there was nothing special about the fact that Ticks, taking the Box aside, asked him in a completely friendly way:
- Listen, Box, do you have an extra carnation?
No, the Box didn’t have an extra stud, but friendship, you understand.
- How much do you need? - Box asked generously. - I’ll pull it out now.
- Don't worry, we'll handle it ourselves...
- By yourself? Why do it yourself? For my friends I...
The box strained, trying to pull the nails out, but in the end the Pincers still had to intervene.
When I'm at the post office...
- sang the Box, lounging in the middle of the closet. He had lost half the nails, but was still holding up well. Even the Pliers noted this.

It is quite deserved that Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak can be called the “Russian Andersen”, because his contribution to the development of national children’s literature is as great as the heritage of the famous Danish storyteller. More than a generation has grown up with the writer’s works, which teach goodness and condemn human vices, and they have not lost their popularity to this day. His pen belongs to everyone’s favorite “The Tale of stupid mouse", "Cat's House", "Twelve Months" and "The Tale of Two Quirks", the history of which goes back to the distant 17th century - the heyday of Russian funny literature.

The history of the creation of a fairy tale about two quitters

The story of the creation of a fairy tale about two brothers, accustomed to constantly being lazy and procrastinating, is incredibly simple, but at the same time very exciting. It is known that Samuel Marshak respected work and people who take their responsibilities responsibly. He once wrote: “I love working people—those who do their work skillfully, cheerfully, generously.” Therefore, it is not surprising that he was touched by the topic of laziness. Being a talented satirist, he not only ridiculed lovers of idleness, but also showed that such behavior would not go unpunished - as a result, lazy Thomas and Yerema were eaten by wolves and no one even cried for them.

History does not know in what exact circumstances Samuel Marshak wrote his fairy tale, but when reading the work one cannot help but notice many ancient and unusual words in modern speech, and the poems themselves are very similar to traditional Russian ditties. The fact is that the story of the lazy Thomas and Erema is not an invention of Marshak, but an ancient Russian ballad, known back in the 17th century. The writer by no means appropriated someone else’s work: his goal was to retell an instructive story in order to preserve the traditions of folk humorous literature for future generations, which, however, he succeeded in doing very well.
Knowing Marshak's passion for folk art different countries: the writer is world famous as a translator of English ballads, for which he is an honorary citizen of Scotland, it is not surprising that he decided to give new life and ancient Russian history, and once again condemn all those who constantly put off work until later.
It’s interesting that Marshak wanted to convey the authenticity of the ancient work as much as possible, so he didn’t even change the names of the characters. By the way, one of the versions of the poem was called “Thomas and Erema.” It was published in 1929 in a book of the same name. But for the first time, the fairy tale in verse was published a year earlier in the magazine “Friendly Guys” under the title “Let’s Run and Let’s Lie.” Final version with the well-known title “The Tale of Two Quirks” was published much later - already in 1957 in full meeting the author's works.

The tale of two quitters teaches us to be more responsible, and is also a clear example of how laziness contributes to degradation and indifference to others: the brothers’ behavior did not change even when their father got into trouble. And the history of its writing gives us an excellent example for inheritance: we need to cherish the traditions of our people and not lose the opportunity to give them a new life in order to preserve them for our children and future generations.
If you are not yet familiar with a work of genius Samuil Marshak, don’t be lazy to do this in the near future, because both adults and children have something to learn from this fairy tale.

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