What feelings did the young king manage to express? “My attitude to the action of the merchant Kalashnikov. Other works on this work

Sections: Literature

Concept of the work. Setting diagnostic goals, distributing material among lessons.

Age of students, program recommendation, literary analysis allow you to create a general methodological concept: by reading and analyzing the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, we can reveal connections fiction with the historical past of Rus' and folklore, showing the meaning of the paintings life XVI century and the reflection of folklore traditions in the author's representations of the characters and the form of the work.

The focus will be on the issue of duty, honor and human dignity. We will consider this problem as a test of man, traditional for Russian fiction. Let us reveal the position of the author, who admired a simple man from the people, before whose feat both time and power are powerless.

Based on the concept of the poem and its features artistic form Taking into account the characteristics of students, we formulate diagnostic goals by answering the questions:

  1. What can students learn from our lessons?
    They learn that the fate of M.Yu. Lermontov is similar to the fate of A.S. Pushkin not only in terms of intransigence with autocracy and the arbitrariness of the authorities, but also in terms of the attitude of the authorities towards them. They learn that M.Yu. Lermontov is the only one in XIX literature century - recreated the image of Ivan the Terrible and his era based on folk songs; about the role of oral folk art in creating the characters and form of a work. Learn about life, way of life, morals Rus' XVI century; that the poet, dissatisfied with modern reality (19th century), takes us to the distant past in order “to look for life there, which he does not see in the present.”
  2. What concepts will students learn or continue to learn in class?
    Will continue to improve literary concepts: theme, idea, composition work of art, features of the poem. They will master the concepts: lyric-epic genre; author's attitude and ways of expressing it in the poem; continues to master artistic media expressiveness (epithets, comparisons, repetitions), epic verse.
  3. What will they learn? What skills will they learn?
    Working with the text of the poem, they will learn:
  • compare the characters not only with each other, but also with the works of artists, and on this basis penetrate into the depths of the characters’ characters, taking into account the author’s point of view;
  • determine the character of the characters by their actions and attitude towards other characters;
  • determine the author's attitude towards the characters.

They will improve:

  • the ability to visually concretize the images of characters and the location of the action;
  • the ability to determine the theme, problematic, idea of ​​a work; correlate the title of the work with its idea;
  • the ability to read expressively and in reading intonationally convey the feelings of the characters and their attitude towards each other.
  1. In what independent activities will students demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills? What can they do during and after school at home?
    As a result, students will be able to:
  • answer the questions: “Why M.Yu. Lermontov called his work “Song...”? “Why are the names in the title arranged in this order?”, “Why couldn’t the conflict between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich be resolved peacefully?”, “Is the Tsar’s court fair?”;
  • create verbal portraits heroes;
  • convey in verbal form the idea of ​​the work and explain which plot elements help Lermontov express it;
  • highlight the elements of the poem’s composition, its features and explain their role;
  • explain why there are so many old words in the poem, constant epithets, comparisons, repetitions;
  • read the characters’ dialogues expressively;
  • accurately characterize each character, reveal their relationship to each other.

System of lessons on the topic:

  1. Secrets of Ancient Rus'.
  2. “Yes, there were people in our time, a mighty, dashing tribe...”
  3. Folklore traditions in "Song..."

The first lesson in the system plays the role of creating a reading mindset. Since M.Yu. Lermontov is a regular author in school textbooks; students know many facts about his biography. By the 7th grade, they are already familiar with such works as “Borodino”, “Three Palms”, “Cliff”, “Leaf”, which present the main motives of his work: a feeling of loneliness and melancholy, a thirst for struggle and freedom, the love of an exiled poet for leaving the homeland, admiration for the feat of the Russian warrior. Now the students have to get acquainted with historical song, revealing the conflict between power and common man doomed to death.

TO first lesson Students were offered a story about the life of M.Yu. based on memoirs and memories of contemporaries. Lermontov and answer the questions: “What is the similarity of Lermontov’s fate with the fate of Pushkin? How can we explain this similarity? (facts of despotism and autocratic tyranny that caused angry protest from poets).

In order to create a certain emotional mood before studying the topic and orient children towards the perception of the poem, we will introduce them to historical material: “The History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin, “A course of lectures on Russian history” by V.O. Klyuchevsky, excerpts from “Domostroy” and works of “related” art: paintings by I. Repin “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son”, V. Vasnetsov “Ivan the Terrible”, illustrations depicting old Moscow by I. Bilibin, B. Kustodiev, P. Korovin , depicting the harsh ruler of Rus' and his unforgettable time, important for understanding ideological content and images of “Song...”.

Before we start reading the poem, let's find out the meaning and role of ancient words and expressions. Next, we need to determine the educational task, which will dictate to us the methods of working with the text and the types of activities of the students. As problematic issue Let’s choose the following: “Could the conflict between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich be resolved peacefully?” Children's reflection on this question will lead students to the idea for the work.

What episodes and artistic elements will works help us come to his idea? First of all, we must identify the conflict and the features of its artistic embodiment. To do this, we highlight the elements of the composition: exposition, the beginning of the action, episodes of the development of the action, the climax and denouement. The author’s attention first turns to Ivan the Terrible, then to his faithful guardsman Kiribeevich, followed by Alena Dmitrievna, the merchant Kalashnikov, and then again to the Tsar, Kiribeevich, Kalashnikov. At the climax, Kiribeevich dies, at the denouement - Kalashnikov. But there is more in the poem characters- guslars, with the mention of which each chapter begins and ends. Although they are conventional narrators, it is their feelings and relationships that help determine the author’s position in relation to the characters and the genre of the work.

In the poem, in addition to the conflicts “Kiribeevich - the Kalashnikov family” and “Kalashnikov - the Tsar”, there is one more - the conflict between a worthy person and the crowd, which took in this case a form of historical social psychology. The fact that the head of a dishonored family killed the “offender of his own free will” should be known to everyone. This is what will wash away the stain of shame from the family.

Our task is to understand what qualities the author values ​​in people, what unites the Kalashnikov family and what distinguishes them from the world of people in power. Thus, the focus of the second lesson is the analysis of the images of the “Song...”

2nd lesson. Lesson project “Yes, there were people in our time, a mighty, dashing tribe...”

Created on the basis of the literature program for the 7th grade, ed. V. Ya. Korovina, textbook-reader and methodological recommendations. In the 1st lesson, students became familiar with historical materials, paintings depicting the life of old Moscow, as well as facts from the biography of M.Yu. Lermontov, which largely explain why he turned to the distant past. We got acquainted with the text of “Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov”

Lesson objectives:

  • During the lesson, students will continue to develop and improve their ability to compare characters, determine the characters’ personalities by their speech and actions;
  • will understand the role composition plays in the implementation author's position and what means help the author in creating heroes;
  • intonationally convey the feelings of the characters and their relationships to each other; compare literary images with images of artists.

Lesson progress

1. Stage of identifying perception (conversation).

What feeling did you have after reading the poem?

What pictures of old Moscow and its life does the poet paint? Do they help explain the characters' behavior?

Who is the real hero in “Song…” and why?

Why are the heroes of “The Song…” arranged in the title in this order: “about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov”?

What do you see main problem poems?

Examination homework . (For the lesson, the children had to re-read the poem again, highlighting the elements of the composition in it and create a slide show of the work, using illustrative material and Internet resources).

Reproduce the content of the poem with a slide show in strict accordance with the development of the action (Figures 1-9), highlight the elements of the composition (Appendix 1), and identify conflicts.

Why couldn’t the conflict between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich be resolved peacefully? (this will be a learning task).

2. The stage of analyzing the work, or working with the text. (Pattern analysis).

In the exhibition “Feast in the Royal Chambers” central place assigned to the king. How does M.Yu. show it? Lermontov and how artists see him?

a) Comparison of the descriptions of Tsar Lermontov and V. Vasnetsov, I. Repin. (Verbal drawing).

What comparisons and epithets does the guslar use to characterize the king?

Which artistic details, in your opinion, are especially expressive? Can Ivan the Terrible be called wise and fair?

In Lermontov, the Tsar smiles, he seems to be cheerful... but let’s take a closer look: aren’t “blue clouds” too often running into the “red sun”?

What makes Ivan Vasilyevich frown?

To whom does the king pay more attention at the feast? Why?

What do you know about the guardsmen? How does the king treat them? How does this show up in the poem?

b) Oral history about Kiribeevich.

What is the guardsman sad about?

Why does he tell the Tsar about Alena Dmitrievna, but does not say that she is a married woman?

Would the king help him if he knew this?

c) Characteristics of Alena Dmitrievna using illustrations by P. Korovin.

Does Alena Dmitrievna love her husband?

Why was Kalashnikov surprised when he didn’t find his wife at home? How to explain the words with which a husband greets his wife? What do you remember about Domostroy?

How do Alena Dmitrievna’s character reflect popular ideas about an ideal woman – a wife?

How do Kiribeevich and Kalashnikov show their love for Alena Dmitrievna?

G) Benchmarking. Kiribeevich - Kalashnikov (slide demonstration: “Merchant Kalashnikov in the shop”, “Fist Fight” (art. I. Bilibin, B. Kustodiev), “Death of the Oprichnik”, “Kalashnikov answers to the Tsar”, “Farewell of the merchant to his brothers”) .

Why did each of them come out to fight? Who do heroes bow to before battle? Why?

e) Expressive reading based on the roles of the dialogue between Kiribeevich and Kalashnikov before the battle.

Do pictures of the harsh life of the 16th century matter for revealing the characters’ characters? What qualities do you think a person should have in order to dare to defend his honor in front of all the people under these conditions? Are the final lines of “Borodino”, included in the title of the topic of our lesson, applicable to the heroes of the “Song…”?

Expressive reading of lines about the death of Kiribeevich and Kalashnikov.

What feeling are they imbued with? How do you explain this feeling?

How did Kiribeevich and Kalashnikov die? What memory does each person leave behind?

f) Comparison of an excerpt from Lermontov’s poem with an excerpt from a folk song about Stepan Razin “Bury me, brothers...”, “They buried him beyond the Moscow River...”

What are the similarities? Which passage is more poetic? What are they convincing of?

3. Final stage.

In the third chapter we meet the king again.

What is his role in the poem? After all, the main clash is between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich.

Why did the king order the execution of the winner of a fist fight? Did he act fairly?

What is the genre of this work? Why M.Yu. Lermontov calls it “Song...”? Does this clarify the author's position?

The theme and plot of “Song...” is associated with the 16th century.

Why did the poet turn to the distant past?

Did he manage to convey the flavor of that era? What?

What folklore traditions does the poet continue in his work?

4. Homework:

  • memorize an excerpt from the poem “The Rising of the Dawn...”;
  • pick up musical themes to the images of “Song...”;
  • write down examples of figurative means, ancient words, and expressions on cards. (for the game).

On final lesson, dedicated to folklore traditions in “Song...”, it is important to find out what M.Yu. Lermontov did not imitate oral folk poetry, he imbued with its spirit and, relying on its features, created a unique, original work, where every image, every scene of the poem is marked by Lermontov’s powerful talent. Comparisons of the “Song...” with epics (about Stavr Godinovich) will help us with this. folk songs. Literary game, with the help of which we will show the features of the use of tropes in the poem, its connection with folklore, discuss the problem of duty and honor, will be the final chord in the lesson system, after which the children will write essays on the poem.

Children, young, adults and elderly - most of us know many of the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. One of the most famous, beloved and fascinating works of Pushkin is. The plot of this verse is quite simple to understand, but very captivating. A child and an adult, reading this work, imagine a bright picture where actions are transformed in their own way, and the character’s appearance emerges in their own way. But absolutely everyone identifies for themselves evil and good actions and, therefore, a bad and a positive character.

Positive characters include:

Tsar Saltan- the sovereign of his kingdom. On the one hand, the king is a real warrior, courageous and strong, who is ready to fight for his state. On the other hand, he is a kind character who has a gentle character. From the actions that this hero performs, it becomes clear that he is an unforgiving and even simple, naive character, and because of this, some readers may think that he is a weak-willed king. In fact, this is absolutely not the case. Simply because of his good nature, he did not punish the evil and treacherous sisters, but, on the contrary, forgave them.

Prince Guidon- son of the queen and king Saltan. Throughout the entire verse he shows himself to be brave and strong hero. This character prefers to prove his courageous character with actions rather than actions. In addition to courage, strength and masculinity, he shows hospitality and determination, which readers really like.

Swan Princess- a sensible and beautiful sorceress, sister of 33 sea heroes and at the end of the fairy tale becomes the wife of Prince Guidon. Being one of the main characters, she also belongs to the kind characters, because she personifies generosity, wisdom and honesty.

Queen- This is one of the first girls the reader meets in the first lines of the fairy tale. In the future, become a queen and the mother of a beautiful hero. Like the king himself, she is a very positive character, because she is kind, honest, patient and kind-hearted. Thanks to these qualities, the queen sympathizes with many readers.

Negative heroes:

Weaver- sister of the Queen and cook. Her actions indicate that she is a very envious, angry and negative character. In addition, she is very touchy and vindictive, which is why she carries out insidious actions.

Cook- sister of the weaver and the Queen. Like the weaver, the cook is a bad character, because she has such qualities as envy, rancor, deceit and selfishness.

Matchmaker Babrikha– refers to a negative character, as he has such negative character traits as hatred, harshness and vindictiveness. Because of these qualities, many readers dislike her.

What feelings of the young king were able to express the actor In the words of Peter I turn to the politician


What story? I didn't understand anything

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The story “Shulamith” consists of 12 parts. Its main characters were King Solomon, his wife Astis and Shulamith, a commoner with whom the king fell in love.

First, the author talks about the reign of the great king, his wisdom and wealth, for which he was famous far beyond the borders of his country. Then it talks about what kind of women Solomon preferred. He had huge amount wives and concubines, as well as many dancers and slaves. In addition, Solomon entered into a close relationship with Queen Balkis, who was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. God gave the great king not only wisdom, fame and riches, but also a beautiful body and some extraordinary abilities. No woman could resist Solomon.

One day the king fell in love with a simple, but very beautiful girl, named Shulamith. The girl worked in one of the royal vineyards, helping her brothers. It was there that Shulamith and Solomon met and immediately fell in love with each other. Solomon introduced himself to his new acquaintance as the royal cook, and then made an appointment with her that night. When their meeting finally took place, Solomon confessed to his beloved who he really was. Shulamith moves to the palace.

While the king is enjoying love with his new concubine, one of his wives, Astis, is present at the sacrifice in the temple of Isis. The legitimate wife is furious that the king chose a commoner over her. Astiz wants to kill the girl. For these purposes, she chose the head of the royal guard named Eliav. The prudent queen knows that Eliav has been in love with her for a long time, which means he will do what she demands of him. Astiz promises the chief of the guard to make him king over himself. It doesn't take long to persuade Eliav. The assassin goes to the royal chambers.

On her last night, Shulamith is sad and does not respond to the king’s caresses. When Solomon tries to find out what is happening to her, the girl admits that she feels death approaching. Shulamith tries to get up from the bed, but at that moment she is pierced by Eliav's sword. The killer was found and executed. The king found out who ordered the crime and expelled Astiz from his country. Having punished the conspirators, Solomon could not be consoled. He was next to his beloved’s body all the time and did not talk to anyone.


King Solomon

The great king is certainly a historical figure. What this man really looked like and what his character was like, modern historians can only guess. Solomon is traditionally described using superlatives: the most beautiful, the most powerful, the richest. Kuprin did not depart from this tradition.

The image of Solomon is ideal. The king was a fair ruler and judge, did good deeds, understood the languages ​​of animals and birds, and had the gift of healing. In addition, he knew how to seduce women and be a skilled lover. The author sympathizes with his character, talking about him with pleasure, looking at him from different sides, like a precious stone. Solomon managed to please both God and people.

The king's young lover is only 13 years old. The girl's character changes as the plot develops. When Solomon first sees Shulamith, he sees a naive, slightly frightened girl.

But love changes the main character. Her first “adult” act is the sale of silver earrings, which were the girl’s only wealth. With the proceeds, she bought myrrh, an aromatic resin, to anoint her body with it for her first date with her lover. This small sacrifice testifies enormous power a new feeling for Shulamith, to which she surrendered completely, without thinking about the consequences. The girl was rewarded for her sacrifice with a week of love in the arms of the king.

After spending very little time with the wise Solomon, Shulamith changed. She acquired the wisdom characteristic of her lover and the mystical gift of divination. In just a week, from a naive girl main character turned into an experienced, sensual woman, becoming even more desirable for the king.

Queen Astiz

Astiz is the owner of unnatural beauty, which Solomon quickly became bored with. The author describes it as follows: whitened, rouged, blue hair, eyes, “like those of an animal.” Only the eyes, which cannot be hidden under paint, reveal the essence of the queen. Greedy, cruel and depraved, Astiz does not tolerate rivals.

Beauty and age

New lover the wife is much younger than the queen. Astiz can surpass Shulamith in origin and upbringing, but not in age. No amount of jewelry can bring back her youth.

Solomon had many concubines and wives. But Astiz was jealous of Shulamith. The commoner received rare beauty and so much attention from the greatest of kings. In order to get rid of her rival, the queen is ready to become the mistress of the head of the royal guard. For Astiz, the ends always justify the means.

Love is the treasure of our life. The author develops this idea throughout the entire narrative. Solomon inherited all the riches of this world. The king had so much gold that he gave it to make shields for the guards. During his reign, silver was worth no more than an ordinary cobblestone. The king could allow himself any whim.

However, Solomon's main wealth was the ability to love and be loved. Many great kings, having gained power and wealth, stopped appreciating simple human joys. The terrible rulers became hardened in soul. Women became ordinary objects of carnal pleasures for them. Solomon is able to respect every woman, regardless of her origin. This is what attracted the fair sex to the king. Each of Solomon's lovers felt unique and unique in his arms.

Analysis of the work

Kuprin's "Shulamith" was inspired by biblical verses and legends. Summary This work can be retold in just a few words. However, the meaning inherent in “Shulamith” by the author can only be understood after complete reading.

The development of the plot does not begin at the very beginning of the story. The beginning of the drama occurs only in the fourth chapter. Before this, the author describes the life and deeds of King Solomon, talking about his tastes and preferences. Target first three chapters is to acquaint the reader with the personality of the greatest of kings as best as possible.

The story very realistically depicts everyday life in the army, injustice towards junior ranks and general inhumanity and cruelty in the army.

Our next article is devoted to the story, the main theme of which is eternal, pure and selfless love.

Kuprin does not strive for historical accuracy. While the names Shulamith (Sulamite) and Solomon can be found in the Bible, the name Astiz is not found in the sources. The author wanted to create a work about love and jealousy. He chose the legendary king as the main character. The biblical story inspired Kuprin to create a continuation of the story. He moves Shulamith to the palace, dresses her in silk and gold and gives her a prophetic gift, thanks to which the girl has a presentiment of her death. Astiz was sent to the temple of Isis, where, during the sacrifice of the priests, she plotted the murder of her rival.

The falsification of facts that the author allowed himself not only does not distort the meaning of the story, but on the contrary, makes it even more fascinating. Perhaps there was no Astiz. However, the role of this character is to create a tragedy that could touch the reader's soul.


Thus, even having accepted death, the hero of the poem won a victory over dishonor, preventing his beloved woman from being disgraced. This is the act of a real man.

Lermontov often drew ideas for his works from oral folk art. At the age of twenty-two, he created the “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov”; its style is similar to a folk tale.

And is it possible to talk about a sublime feeling here if Kiribeevich, having managed to waylay Alena Dmitrevna on the street in the evening, in front of all the chatty neighbors, offers her clothes and jewelry in exchange for her love?! However, a selfish boyfriend cannot get away with impudence and permissiveness.

However, the king's decision was unequivocal. Kalashnikov ascended the scaffold proudly and with dignity, remaining in the memory of the people who knew him as an example of honor, nobility and deep decency: It will pass old man- he will cross himself, a fine fellow will pass - he will become poised, a girl will pass - he will become sad. M. Yu.

And only Stepan loved his wife so much that he gave up his life for her sake, just so as not to disgrace her good name a second time. He went up to the scaffold without fear, full of determination that he was dying for a just cause. After all, he placed honor and human dignity above all else. And even in the last seconds of his life, he thought not about himself, but about his family, ordering people to take care of their children. People were delighted with the merchant's courage and often visited his grave. “If an old man passes by, he will cross himself, a young man will pass by, and he will become poised; a girl will pass by, and he will become sad” - with these lines Lermontov expressed his attitude towards the action of the merchant Kalashnikov.

of the daring merchant Kalashnikov,” we encounter two dissimilar views on life, two completely different people. One of them is an honest and worthy, successful merchant and owner respected by his neighbors, a hard-working and faithful husband, Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov. The Tsar's favorite guardsman, Kiribeevich, fell in love with his young beautiful wife Alena Dmitrevna. This is a man of completely different principles. Thinking only about himself, he, without any remorse, is ready to ruin someone else’s life and happiness, destroy his family and bring shame on the head of his beloved.

The merchant once again proved his honesty and decency by admitting to the king, enraged by the death of his beloved fighter, that he had deliberately killed Kiribeevich, but did not explain the reasons. With this noble act, he kept the oprichnik’s dishonest behavior a secret and protected his wife’s good name from gossip and omissions.

Stepan Kalashnikov himself stands up for the honor and good name of his wife and his own family. Without hesitation, he is ready to challenge the offender to death, knowing in advance that if he wins, he will incur the wrath of the king himself. However, nothing can stop the brave merchant striving to defend justice. Hearing the name of his opponent and his accusations, Kiribeevich trembled and turned pale, but there was nowhere to go: once he came out, he had to fight. And the boastful guardsman lost this battle, struck by the mighty blow of Kalashnikov.

The merchant was famous for his strength and easily defeated Kiribeevich with a blow to the temple. This blow turned out to be fatal, which greatly angered the king. But when he asked Kalashnikov why he killed his servant, the merchant remained silent. He remained silent so as not to reveal his wife’s name to shame. And the king ordered his execution. So Lermontov, with great skill, turned an ordinary everyday situation into a love story full of drama.

Price human life determined by what is considered the most important in it, what is of the greatest value. In the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Song about ...

Merchant Kalashnikov nobly defended the honor of his wife. Apart from him, Alena had no more defenders. Her father and mother died, her older brother went missing in a foreign country, and her younger brother was just a baby.

In the poem, the author describes a life incident. The Tsar's oprichnik Kiribeevich fell in love with the wife of the young merchant Stepan Kalashnikov. He waylaid Alena Dmitrevna on the street and stood in front of everyone honest people hug and kiss, seduce with expensive gifts. People looked out of the windows and laughed. Kalashnikov, having learned about his wife’s shame, decided to fight the offender in a fist fight in order to defend her honor. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich himself was present at the battle.

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Lermontov “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov” Expression of the people's ideal in “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov” My favorite piece The image of the merchant Kalashnikov as a bearer of the national traits of the Russian people Folklore motifs in “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” by M. Yu. Lermontov The duel of honor and dishonor in the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Song about... the daring merchant Kalashnikov” The image of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich in Lermontov’s poem “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” Folklore and historicism in “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov” by M.Yu. Lermontov Kalashnikov is a bearer of the best features of the Russian national character “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, and the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” by Lermontov What is the meaning of contrasting the image of Kalashnikov with the images of Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible in the poem "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov" Whose side is the truth on in “Song about the Tsar...” by M. Yu. Lermontov The uniqueness of “Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...” Philosophical meaning of “Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...” Lyricization of the poem “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” Image of the era of Ivan the Terrible (based on the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Song about... the daring merchant Kalashnikov”) (3) The connection between “Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” with oral folk art. True Russian characters in “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich” "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich..." Lermontov Romanticism in Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" and "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" My attitude to the action of the merchant Kalashnikov (based on the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Song about... the daring merchant Kalashnikov\ Folklore traditions in the Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov M. Yu. Lermontov The daring merchant Kalashnikov (based on "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov") Artistic originality of "Songs about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich..." What are the best female qualities reflected by M. Yu. Lermontov in the image of the heroine of the poem “The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov”