What is the last name of Natalya Andreevna from Gum. Natalya Andreevna: personal life. Natalya currently

The face of this miniature, fragile girl is familiar to quite a few people. Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan - artist, screenwriter, television producer, founder of the humorous stand-up show " Comedy Woman" A lot of people talk about her, but only a close circle of people know what she really is like.

Her personal life is hidden from prying eyes. And I would like to dedicate this article to a short girl who vaguely resembles a child - Natalya Andreevna. After reading the article, you will learn about life and creative success, personal life, family and her relationship with children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Andreevna

Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan became one of famous women in comedy circles. Fans began to become interested in his personal life and creativity. One of the frequently asked questions among forfeits is: “What is Natalya Andreevna’s height, weight, age, how old?” Natalya Yeprikyan from Gum is a woman of short stature, who is 152 centimeters and weighs only 46 kilograms. It can be compared to a crystal vase, just as fragile, delicate and pure. At 39 years old, Natalya Andrevna is in excellent physical shape. According to her zodiac sign she is Aries, according to the eastern calendar she is Horse. The combination of Aries and Horse fully shows her character: the screenwriter is hardworking and stubborn.

Biography of Natalya Andreevna

The biography of Natalya Andreevna, which you will learn about in this block, has Armenian roots origin. Natalya Araikovna Yeprikyan was born on April 19, 1978 in a Georgian town. The girl studied well at a mathematical gymnasium in the city of Tbilisi. They predicted her future as a mathematics teacher.

At the age of 14, Tatula (as she was called at home) moved to Moscow permanently with her parents and brother. There, he entered the Plekhanov Academy with a degree in mathematician and economist. While studying at the academy, the girl realized that mathematics was not her thing, and began playing in the KVN student team. My father also played in KVN in his youth.

In 2004, KVN "Megapolis". For KVN players, 26 years is considered a late age, but Yeprikyan looked so harmonious in her image. At first, the audience did not understand the image of the girl: she was dressed in fairly simple clothes with an arctic fox around her neck and introduced herself as Andreevna. But over time, fans recognized her talent, and she became an integral part of this team. “Elite one and a half meters,” that’s what the screenwriter jokingly called herself. The KVN team with her participation became champions Major League.

The girl dreamed of creating her own female comedy team. And soon, Natalya Andreevna decided to make her dream come true, creating her own project called “Made in Woman” from former members KVN. She didn't expect that audiences would immediately fall in love with the show.

After 2 years, Natalya Yeprikyan changes the name of the show to “Comedy Woman”, which was released on the first Russian humor channel TNT. The show brought together all the flavor of the female half of KVN members. She was not only a lady boss on stage, but also in life. Yeprikyan demanded that her students constantly work on themselves and their images. The women's show was diluted by three men: Dmitry Khrustalev, Alexander Gudkov and Oleg Vereshchagin. The jokes in this program are written by men, believing that this is an “unwomanly matter,” but Yeprikyan broke these stereotypes, since most of skits for comedy show were written by her.

Her talent was appreciated, and Natalya Andreevna was invited to be one of the screenwriters of the television series “Univer”.

In particular, Yeprikyan is a star guest in many projects, for example: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Intuition”, etc.

Natalya Andreevna loves solitude. When she is alone, she creates her most funny jokes. IN summer period Natalya Yeprikyan spends time outdoors, in the forest.

Personal life of Natalya Andreevna

Natalya Andreevna’s personal life is hidden behind seven locks. She is credited with many novels, but the humorous actress herself does not comment on these rumors. After the release of “Comedy Woman”, she was the presenter along with Dmitry Khrustalev. Fans immediately dubbed them that there was a romantic relationship between them. But in fact, only work connects them.

She told the press that she had been married for a long time and was happy in this marriage. Journalists and fans tried to find out who her husband was. But all attempts were in vain. Also, fans and the yellow press often attribute Natalia’s romances with her invited famous guests. But Yeprikyan says one thing: “Work should remain work, but relationships do not fit into the work plan. And her only, beloved man is always waiting for her at home.”

Natalya Andreevna's family

Natalya Andreevna’s family comes from the city of Tbilisi. And the girl herself and her younger brother were born in Georgia. My parents were mathematicians, so from childhood they instilled a love for the exact sciences. In 1992, the parents were offered a job in Moscow, so without thinking twice they moved there to live. Natalya even enrolled in mathematics, but she didn’t understand the exact sciences. Her younger brother Garik did not follow in the footsteps of his parents; he is passionate about music. Garik graduated from the conservatory and plays the piano and organ.

Natalya Yeprikyan lives in Moscow with her husband; they have no children. But she does not lose hope that she will become a mother.

Children of Natalya Andreevna

Her fans often spread rumors that the former KVN girl is pregnant. And they draw such conclusions because of the artist’s loose outfits. But, after a couple of months, these rumors dissipate. Do Natalya Andreevna's children really exist? On at the moment The television producer has no children and no plans in the near future. Many fans are convinced that Natasha is infertile, but these are just rumors, there is no medical report. Let’s hope that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan will soon please her fans with her “interesting position.”

Natalya Andreevna's husband. Young people's wedding

In 2011, news appeared on the Internet resources of Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan with her husband, photo of the wedding. These pictures prove that our comedy star is married after all.

Natalya Andreevna’s husband does not meet his wife from work, does not appear with her at social evenings. But quite often you can meet Natasha and her husband in supermarkets and shopping centers. The man hides his appearance in every possible way. Colleagues say that the husband always supports his wife in all her endeavors. Perhaps in the future, our heroine will show her lover to people.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalya Andreevna

The artist is registered in many social networks. For example, she is on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. The producer of the Comedy Woman show tries not to talk much about these networks, as he says that there are a lot of fakes about her this page. Natalya Andreevna’s Instagram and Wikipedia are some of the most accurate informants for you.

Yeprikyan does not actively update his Instagram feed; there are 89 posts in total. All these photographs are from professional filming, you will not find a single personal photograph where she could be with her husband. 125 thousand subscribers have subscribed to her updates on Instagram. We can conclude that she is one of the most popular artists in the humorous genre. You can subscribe to her updates on Instagram using the nickname eprikol.

Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan is probably the most secretive person on earth. Her personal life is inviolable. It is hidden under a lock with seven seals. Natalya Yeprikyan’s husband is just some kind of mythical personality. Fans are very upset that nothing is known about their beloved celebrity. No yellow press could find out anything, no matter how hard they tried. All the secrets of Natalya Yeprikyan’s family are exclusively inside her.

This is, of course, how it should be, although in the present time it is quite difficult to do this - “not to wash dirty linen in public,” so to speak, especially for the more popular and world-famous personalities. Probably an isolated incident occurred when journalists finally “sniffed out” that Natalya was in a romantic relationship with some presenter. Then showman Dmitry Khrustalev came under the guns of the fans. However, the disappointment of KVN fans was not long in coming. Soon Natalya and Dmitry denied this fact– they were not in any relationship, especially romantic.

Natalia Yeprikyan's husband photo

Moreover, Natalya Yeprikyan told the most curious people in the world - the press, journalists and, of course, dear fans - that she has a husband and has been married for a long time. Only she didn’t say her name, or even who her husband is, or whether there was a wedding. Natalya Yeprikyan and her husband have never appeared anywhere. One can only guess who the husband of the famous Natalya Andreevna is and what he does. Secrets, complete secrets! As they say, caution is a good idea - this is about Natalia Yeprikyan. Nothing is known about the children of the KVN girl either. No one will find a photo of Natalya Yeprikyan’s husband on the Internet.

There was a time, maybe even now, when fans began to closely monitor Yeprikyan’s figure for the presence of pregnancy. For years! Even if the family’s house is already full of children, no one except the closest and most reliable people knows for sure. Unfortunately, this is a fact. All fans are furiously watching the biography and personal life of the famous KVN girl.

What is known about Natalya Yeprikyan? The girl’s family is her beloved mother, father and brother. That's all the curious tabloid press knows. Whether the celebrity actually has a husband or children is not proven. The public is completely confused, and how can we do without grief?

In fact, there is only Natalia Yeprikyan’s confession that she is married. Apparently the artist religiously adheres to folk wisdom that happiness loves silence. The less the public knows about you, the more soundly you sleep. You never know how many envious people there are on the planet. Fans can only resign themselves to ignorance and at least be a little happy for Natalya and wish them further happiness.

Periodically, news appears on social networks that Natalya Yeprikyan is pregnant. The figure and outfits change. They become wider. However, the rumors were never confirmed. Who doesn't get fat? Celebrities are people too - they don’t have to be the ideal of beauty, they can give a little slack! Journalists and fans constantly monitor information on various networks, if only there was news about who Natalya Andreevna’s husband is, what if she’s pregnant? For now they can only hope. Now the riddle has no answer.

Like everything mysterious in the life of Natalya Yeprikyan, her husband is also hidden from the world of popularity. It exists, but no one has seen it or knows it. It looks somehow strange and not believable. Not even the slightest detail is known. Fans still don’t understand this - why is Yeprikyan’s husband hiding like that? It’s better to live in secret, because it’s impossible to please all the people in the world at the same time. Natalya prefers to live her own life own life, and so that everyone doesn’t judge her or something like that existing person. A photo showing Natalya Yeprikyan with her husband and children has not yet appeared on the Internet.

Participant's name: Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan

Age (birthday): 19.04.1978

City: Tbilisi

Education: REA im. Plekhanov, Faculty of Mathematical Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Height and weight: 152 cm

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Natalya Yeprikyan is well known to fans of humor - short in stature, slightly reminiscent of a child.

She used her special appearance back in KVN, and now she shines in the show “Comedy Woman”.

However, as a child, her parents made big bets on her future, because she was born into a deeply respected family in Georgia, where her father and mother were mathematicians.

Tatula, as her family called her, also inherited abilities in the exact sciences, so she went not to a simple school, but to a mathematical school.

Success in subjects made parents and teachers proud, but she herself Natalya was more drawn to performances - not a single performance took place without her participation.

In some productions she got several roles, and the future artist coped brilliantly with each role.

Natalya moved to Moscow with her parents when she was 14 years old - her mother and father were given good positions in the capital. And if the adults were happy about the move, their daughter spoke out for a long time about the inconvenience and unnecessary fuss.

However, a year later she was already drawn into the new rhythm of life and entered the Economic Academy.

However, having received an education, she never became either a mathematician or an economist. Interesting, but brother Natalia Yeprikyan, Garik, also could not connect his life with science, he became a musician. And Natalya realized that she more wanted to escape into a separate world, and KVN became an outlet for her.

The artist joined the Megapolis team when she was already 26 years old.. This is a fairly advanced age for the participants in the game, but Tatula managed to win the love of the audience.

She was called the elite one and a half meters, and she herself took the stage name Natalya Andreevna, under which she still performs.

In 2004, “Megapolis” literally blew up the hall; this year was a breakthrough for the team, and in many ways this is the merit of the little Georgian girl.

But Natalya was not going to sit idle for a long time and be content with what had been achieved - she decided to create a club in which only girls would perform, proving that their jokes could also be funny.

“Made in Woman”, a project that later turned into a television format, became Natasha’s brainchild, which she is working on to this day.

The comedian took everything into her own hands, even the image of the “hostess of the show” was assigned to her, and no one doubts that this is so. Demanding and stubborn, she is in many ways similar to her heroine, but this is how her parents raised her - otherwise the goal cannot be achieved.

And soon Natalya was invited to write scripts for the series “Univer”. This was followed by offers to participate in various shows and television programs.

Natalya Yeprikyan takes her personal life completely seriously- she never, under any circumstances, comments on rumors or answers questions.

Only once did she break the silence - in 2012, they started saying that she was having an affair with Dmitry Khrustalev, her stage partner. She did not say much, only announcing that she had been married for a long time. But who her chosen one is and what he does, Natalya Andreevna never confessed.

Photo by Natalya Andreevna

She runs Instagram, where you can find footage from the filming of the show and from photo shoots.

Career: Awards:
  • Champion
    KVN Premier League
  • Champion
    Major League KVN
  • Small KiViN in light 2005

Natalya Andreevna, real name Natalya Araikovna Yeprikyan(born April 19, 1978, Tbilisi, Georgian SSR) - participant and author of the television project “Comedy Woman”, humorous actress, television producer. Member of the KVN team “Megapolis” (2004-2007).


She took part in the creation of the series “Univer” as the author of dialogues, and appeared in one of the episodes as the director and participant of the show “Comedy Woman”. She was the host of the NTV Morning program from August 27 to September 10, 2012.

In July 2015, she starred in the video for the Record Orchestra group - “Lada Sedan”.


  • Champion of the KVN Premier League -
  • Champion of the KVN Major League -
  • Winner of the “Small KiViN in Light” award -

Participation in TV shows

  • "Comedy Woman" (since 2008).
  • “Who wants to become a millionaire? (2008, 2009)."
  • “Evening Urgant” (issues 148 and 324)
  • "Explorer" (2016)

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Excerpt characterizing Yeprikyan, Natalya Andreevna

- And you!
Anna Mikhailovna did not listen to him.
- Let me in, I tell you. I take everything upon myself. I'll go and ask him. I...enough of this for you.
“Mais, mon prince,” said Anna Mikhailovna, “after such a great sacrament, give him a moment of peace.” Here, Pierre, tell me your opinion,” she turned to the young man, who, right up to them, looked in surprise at the embittered face of the princess, which had lost all decency, and at the jumping cheeks of Prince Vasily.
“Remember that you will be responsible for all the consequences,” said Prince Vasily sternly, “you don’t know what you are doing.”
- Vile woman! - the princess screamed, suddenly rushing at Anna Mikhailovna and snatching the briefcase.
Prince Vasily lowered his head and spread his arms.
At that moment the door, that terrible door that Pierre had been looking at for so long and which had opened so quietly, quickly and noisily fell back, banging against the wall, and the middle princess ran out of there and clasped her hands.
- What are you doing! – she said desperately. – II s"en va et vous me laissez seule. [He dies, and you leave me alone.]
The eldest princess dropped her briefcase. Anna Mikhailovna quickly bent down and, picking up the controversial item, ran to the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasily, having come to their senses, followed her. A few minutes later, the eldest princess was the first to emerge from there, with a pale and dry face and a bitten lower lip. At the sight of Pierre, her face expressed uncontrollable anger.
“Yes, rejoice now,” she said, “you have been waiting for this.”
And, bursting into tears, she covered her face with a handkerchief and ran out of the room.
Prince Vasily came out for the princess. He staggered to the sofa where Pierre was sitting and fell on it, covering his eyes with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and that his lower jaw was jumping and shaking, as if in a feverish trembling.
- Ah, my friend! - he said, taking Pierre by the elbow; and in his voice there was a sincerity and weakness that Pierre had never noticed in him before. – How much do we sin, how much do we deceive, and all for what? I’m in my sixties, my friend... After all, for me... Everything will end in death, that’s it. Death is terrible. - He cried.
Anna Mikhailovna was the last to leave. She approached Pierre with quiet, slow steps.
“Pierre!...” she said.
Pierre looked at her questioningly. She kissed your forehead young man, moistening it with tears. She paused.
– II n "est plus... [He was gone...]
Pierre looked at her through his glasses.
- Allons, je vous reconduirai. Tachez de pleurer. Rien ne soulage, comme les larmes. [Come on, I'll take you with you. Try to cry: nothing makes you feel better than tears.]
She led him into the dark living room and Pierre was glad that no one there saw his face. Anna Mikhailovna left him, and when she returned, he, with his hand under his head, was fast asleep.
The next morning Anna Mikhailovna said to Pierre:
- Oui, mon cher, c"est une grande perte pour nous tous. Je ne parle pas de vous. Mais Dieu vous soutndra, vous etes jeune et vous voila a la tete d"une immense fortune, je l"espere. Le testament n"a pas ete encore ouvert. Je vous connais assez pour savoir que cela ne vous tourienera pas la tete, mais cela vous impose des devoirs, et il faut etre homme. [Yes, my friend, this is a great loss for all of us, not to mention you. But God will support you, you are young, and now you are, I hope, the owner of enormous wealth. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough and I am sure that this will not turn your head; but this imposes responsibilities on you; and you have to be a man.]

Name: Natalya Yeprikyan
Date of birth: 19.04.1978
Age: 39 years old
Place of birth: Tbilisi city, Georgia
Weight: 46 kg
Height: 1.52 m
Activity: artist, producer
Marital status: Married


In 2017, rumors resumed that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan was pregnant. Fans are constantly looking for facts about the personal life of the famous Armenian comedian. But in return, the public becomes aware of only another fact about her career.


Natalya Yeprikyan was born in Tbilisi on April 19, 1978. Her parents were firmly connected to the world of exact sciences and planned the same future for their children. Younger generation, trying not to disappoint adults, tried to maintain good performance at school.

Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan
It is known that she once had to play several roles at once within the framework of one performance.

1992 was a turning point in the life of Natalya Yeprikyan. Her parents were offered a well-paid job in Moscow, the family decided to exchange life in sunny Georgia for career opportunities in the capital. The daughter did not like her parents’ decision, but she could not influence it. Therefore, the future actress graduated from school in another country.

Turning point

Like many other applicants, it was not easy for Natalya Yeprikyan to decide on the direction that her destiny would take. After much thought, she followed in the footsteps of her parents and her brother Garik. After studying at the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, she received her diploma in economics, but never used it.

During her studies, the future actress became completely tired of mathematical problems. Using the example of her brother, who became a musician, she realized that she could find an outlet in art. KVN caught her attention.


The Cheerful and Resourceful Club accepted Natalia Yeprikyan in 2004. Despite being 26 years old for a participant, she quickly settled into the Megapolis team and became one of its brightest and most memorable members. A miniature figure and short stature have become a weapon against bad mood from the audience and the jury. Thanks to active work comedians "Megapolis" in short terms achieved champion status in the Premier League, and then in the Major League.

Natalya Yeprikyan in the KVN team

But the young actress decided not to limit herself to this. In 2006, as in 2017, there were constantly rumors that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan was pregnant because of her love for loose outfits. But they were not confirmed. Instead of taking care of children, the purposeful comedienne organized her new project.

"Made in Woman" started out as humorous female performances. The participants were not shown on TV, but regulars of Moscow clubs could thoroughly enjoy the performance of former KVN players. Over the next 2 years, the project has undergone many changes. In 2008, it became a permanent program on TNT and changed its name to “Comedy Woman.” It was then that real fame and popularity came to the organizer of the program.

The secret of personal life

Fans knew practically nothing about how relationships with the opposite sex developed. Even in 2017, constant rumors that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan is pregnant are not confirmed. And over the past 10 years the situation has changed little.

At first, the head of Comedy Woman was constantly matched with her co-host Dmitry Khrustalev. But when the pressure from journalists outgrew all boundaries, Natalya announced that she had been married for a long time.
Natalya Yeprikyan and Ararat Keschan

And in 2011, confirmation appeared on the Internet in the form of a photo from the wedding. What’s interesting is that the comedian’s husband cannot be seen at any social events. A man with Natalya can only be seen in supermarkets on evening walks in the park. But Yeprikyan’s chosen one is constantly hiding from the cameras.

Despite the actress’s secrecy, her friends from the Comedy Woman project said that all the rumors from 2017 that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan was pregnant remain false. They praise the beauty's husband and sincerely envy their ideal marriage. But the couple does not have children yet, and are not yet expected.

Natalya hides her personal life from everyone

Instead, the couple constantly support each other and love to spend their free time away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Yeprikyan and her husband love to go hiking. But they have few opportunities for such leisure due to the constant employment of the actress.

New career developments

Natalya worked together with Comedy Woman participants to create scripts for the program. Sometimes it was necessary to make changes right on stage in order for the result to be the most fun and playful. The talent for writing humorous dialogues was realized in another direction. Natalya Yeprikyan is working on scripts for the series “Univer”.

And after one of the main characters of the series spoke in her comedy show, this gave rise to a new surge of imagination among journalists.
With Andrey Bednyakov on the set of the program “Provodnik”

Reporters did not claim, as in 2017, that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan was pregnant. Instead, Ararat Keshchyan was dubbed the brother of the project leader. But, despite the external similarity that arose due to the Armenian nationality of these actors, the rumors were again not confirmed.

In 2012, the popular actress began to appear on screens much more often. She became one of NTV's presenters in a daily morning television program. Natalya is also constantly invited as a celebrity guest at famous talk shows and other projects: “Evening Urgant”, “Intuition” and many others.

2016 became another significant year for Natalia. She took part in the program “Explorer”. Together with Andrei Bednyakov, the actress visited her homeland. The girl showed fans the yard where she spent her childhood, as well as her favorite nooks and crannies of Tbilisi. And by the end of the year, a statement was published that the composition of Comedy Woman was changing.

With Ekaterina Varnava

Natalya Yeprikyan was able to make a real show out of the casting of actresses. New faces constantly appear occasionally in television programs. But the approval of the new composition has not yet happened. The only thing that is certain is that the show will go on. At the beginning of 2017, an anniversary performance “10 years in stiletto heels” was even announced.

The secrecy of the actress

A large number of rumors about Natalya Yeprikyan arise against the background of the lack of any information not only about her personal life, but also about her career. The actress keeps all her plans in such a way that even the ubiquitous yellow press journalists cannot come up with anything new. Therefore, you can constantly see news about changes in the Comedy Woman format, which subsequently do not occur. And almost every year all fans wait for news about the pregnancy of their favorite humor star.

Natalya will turn 40 in 2018. As she said in an interview, refuting another wave of rumors, she has the only love in her life - her husband.
The entire cast of the show "Comedy Woman"

Being an actress, producer and screenwriter all in one, Yeprikyan never cheated on him and did not have affairs at work, separating her personal life and career. But, like any woman, the dream of becoming a mother is kept in the heart of the miniature beauty.

Natalya constantly posts her photos on social networks. There you can see footage from filming and travel. But all the fans are only waiting for confirmation that in the next photo, under baggy clothes, you can see a characteristically rounded tummy.

Do you know who Natalya Yeprikyan is?
