What is the name of the fairy of flowers from the cartoon fairies. Fairies are kind magical creatures. Pictures and photos of fairies

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Tinker Bell is described by the author as a fairy who loves to repair all kinds of copper things (cups, pots, etc.) from which, in fact, she comes from original name Tinker Bell. Tinkerbell's character is sometimes vengeful and evil, but in general, she is the first friend and assistant of a character named Peter Pan (probably the result of her romantic feelings for Peter). Like all fairies, Tink can die if people (more precisely, children) stop believing in fairies.
From the point of view ordinary person, the flying Tinkerbell looks like a bright golden dot, instead of a human voice she has the ringing of a bell. However, the author depicts her as a young girl. This version changes slightly in Fairies: Magical Rescue, as Lizzie Griffiths and her father Martin Griffiths see her (and all her friends) in all her glory.
Disney's take on Tinkerbell: Walt Disney's interpretation of Tinker Bell, wearing a lime green short dress and pom-pom shoes. In this form, scattering fairy pollen, Tinkerbell became a kind of logo - the image of the Walt Disney company itself.
In fairy stories, comics and books until 2009, Tinker Bell has several friends: for example, a sparrow man named Terence, the water fairy Reni, as well as other fairies with whom she is often depicted in comics: Prilla, Beck, Bess, Lily, Dulcie, Fira. In the official continuation of the fairy tale by J. Barry, Tinker Bell falls in love with an elf named Flying Light. After Flying Light accomplishes the feat, Tinker Bell and he get married. In the films, she is very friendly with a sparrow man named Terence, who has feelings for her, which she does not notice.
Nowadays, the image of Tinker Bell can be found on numerous posters, clocks, bedroom doors, hats, T-shirts, umbrellas and even on rings, pendants and necklaces. A number of products for girls with an emblem in the form of the Tinkerbell fairy are also produced. Unlike others female characters Disney, Tinker Bell is not a princess, but a fairy (but she was nevertheless included in the Disney Princess line). As you know, the Walt Disney company released the cartoon "Fairies" about Tinker Bell and her newly invented fairy friends, who, of course, appeared earlier in the stories, but did not appear as the main characters. In this feature-length cartoon, released in 2008, and subsequent films, the fairy Tink finally spoke like a human (up until that point she had only made a quiet ringing sound).
Tinkerbell herself is ardent, rebellious, impatient, impulsive, decisive, persistent, temperamental by nature... and yet, with all these traits, she remains charming and attractive. He loves to lose and is braver than most fairies when it comes to approaching people. She tends to blame everything around her when she is upset, even if it is her fault. Of course, her temperament can often get the better of her, but she always proves herself to be a selfless and loyal friend when the crunch comes.
Tink loves hard work, and especially enjoys fixing things with metal - her workshop is even made from a real human teapot. She tends to work all the time, but sometimes likes to play games, such as Fairy Tag. Before the books began, Tinkerbell spent a long time away from pots and pans to be with a boy named Peter Pan. However, when Peter brought Wendy to Neverland, Tink, very sad after this adventure, returned to fairy society and continued her previous activities.
She is the main fairy in the films (both Peter Penovsky and the fairy cycle) and appears in one way or another in every book.
Also, Tinker Bell, based on the fifth film about fairies, "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest", has a twin sister named Forget-Me-Not.

A little interesting about Tinkerbell:

My talent is...
I am the Fairy of Pots and Teapots. I love repairing pots, kettles and frying pans.

My friends say that I:
temperamental, cheerful and brave
I can easily quarrel and quickly make up
faithful friend, you just have to get to know me

Fairy Mary says:
Although she's a bit on her own, Tinkerbell charms everyone with her sparkling smile and kind hearted. Sometimes willful, she is fiercely loyal and is capable of anything for the sake of the one she loves. There is no better friend than Tink!

My best friend...
Peter Pan (of course, in the Old Fairy cycle, and even then - a cartoon; in the books this is by no means the case)

My favorite flower...
Lily of the valley flower

My favorite color...
Copper (in Novofeisky - green)

My hammer

My favorite place...
My workshop inside a teapot

My favorite game...
Fairy tags

My favorite dish...
Pumpkin cupcake

I love...
Adventures, Peter Pan and Fixing Things (see above, below and side)

I don't like...
Things I Can't Fix and Gossip

Let someone down
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Forget-me-not - winter fairy. First appears in the cartoon "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest". In the original, her name is Periwinkle - Periwinkle (a flower that very vaguely resembles a forget-me-not; in fact, it was the one that was given to this fairy when she visited the Fairy Valley). Lives in the Winter Forest. She wears a dress that sparkles like a piece of ice in the sun, and fashionable hairstyle. Curious, airy and cheerful, she draws beautiful frosty patterns and loves to ride on frozen waterfalls with her best friends named Hairpin and Ice. Her talent is freezing, freezing objects.
Although Forget-Me-Not loves winter, she always wanted to know what was hidden outside the Winter Forest. When Forget-Me-Not meets Tinkerbell, a special bond is instantly formed between them: Tinkerbell and Forget-Me-Not learn that they are sisters.
Forget-me-not loves to read fairy tales about summer, butterflies and the Fairy Pollen tree.
She and Tinkerbell are very similar: both love to collect lost things, although Forget-Me-Not prefers to call them “found things” (found things).
They love chamomile tea, only she has ice, and Tink is hot.
Despite the similarity of their wings, they are similar in appearance only in their noses: Forget-me-not’s skin and hair are much lighter.
Both wear pom-poms on their shoes, although Forget-Me-Not only wears them at home.
Both use similar phrases (“Ching-chime!”).

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Terence is a sparrow man (the so-called male fairies). One of the few characters that made it into films. His talent is quite rare (rare for books): he is the keeper of Fairy Pollen. Rare because many fairies are allergic to it large number Fairy pollen, which Terence works with every day (and in films, fairies with such talent have little contact with the pollen itself. Therefore, the rare talent is lost).
Terence loves to play pranks, he is very kind, considerate and has true wisdom. Terence clearly has a thing for Tinker Bell. He is very busy important work in the Fairy Valley. Every day Terence gets up at dawn to distribute fairy dust to the other fairies. The other fairies find it strange, but he doesn't like to get up late. He is very friendly and has many friends. He sparkles more than most other fairies because of his contact with pollen.
Tink means a lot to Terence. And all the fairies see this, except Tink herself. He comes to her every day and helps if needed. Sometimes he looks for lost things for her. In fact, Terence is the only one who has the courage to talk to Tinkerbell when she is irritated or something is not working out for her. He and Tink are best friends in the films and books.
Because of his unrequited crush on her, he receives constant ridicule from the other pollen guardian fairies. Loves strawberry pie and various trinkets.
Terence sprinkled fairy dust on Tinker Bell's head the moment she arrived. His role is quite large in the movie "Fairies: The Lost Treasure". But he hardly appears in the film "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest". Appears in eight books.

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Serebryanka (from the English Silvermist - Silver fog, like Haze-over-a-waterfall) is one of the fairies from the cartoon about Tinker Bell, and from the fairy magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland.
She is a water fairy, she knows how to control water, and is very friendly. In the cartoon, Serebryanka appears instead of the wingless fairy Reni, who is also her best friend, in addition to the fairy named Iridessa.
Appears in the cartoon "Fairies", but before that he often appears in magazines (but only under the name Silvermist), and also appears in books, sometimes even as main character.
In the books, her friends sometimes call her "Seal". She has fair skin brown eyes and black hair. She is very original and has an optimistic outlook on everything around her. Dreamy, she often listens to her heart more than her mind. Calm by nature, wants everyone around to be happy. She makes friends easily. Her sense of loyalty is unparalleled, and has a noticeable effect on Tinkerbell. Not the best trait about Serebryanka - she loves to listen to rumors and gossip from the Murmuring Brook and the Singing Fountain.
Fauna helps Serebryanka learn the language of fish in order to teach them various tricks, such as blowing bubbles. She is the second youngest of Tink's friends, after Fauna. And she really doesn't like loud noise.
Loves watermelons, water chestnuts and salt water toffees.

A little interesting about Serebryanka:

My talent is...
I am the Water Fairy. I can influence and control water.

friendly, optimistic and trusting
I always calm my friends down and resolve disputes
Very frank with Tinkerbell

Fairy Mary says...
"Silver always looks at things with the best side. She is a peacemaker trying to reconcile Tinkerbell and Iridessa. When Tinkerbell is in trouble, Serebryanka always comes to her aid."

My best friends...
Iridessa, Reni

My favorite flower...

My favorite color...

What I value most...
Little magic fountain in my bedroom

My favorite place...
Ponds with Pools

My favorite game...
Glide across the water surface

My favorite dish...
Cucumber soup

I love...
Take a bath, watch the water flow

I don't like...

Upset others

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Rosetta (from the English Rosetta) is one of the fairies from the cartoon about Tinkerbell, and from the fairy magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland, in the Valley of Fairies.
It is believed that she is a fairy of gardens, but by definition, Rosetta is almost a replacement for the “old” fairy Lily - the fairy of flowers, who is her best friend, except for a fairy named Fauna.
Rosetta loves everything beautiful.
The first time we see her is in the movie "Fairies", but in the old comics she is seen once as a fairy tending a garden. Also found in seven books.

Rosetta is charming and well-mannered, like many of the other garden fairies who live in the Valley. She always tries to look great and loves to give beauty and manners advice to her friends and flowers. She is also a close friend of a fairy named Serebryanka.
Rosetta is very amorous: once upon a time, in the books, she was in love with a sparrow man named Herc (talent - harvesting) and a sparrow man Blaze (talent - fast flight), but in at the moment she likes the sparrow man Frost (talent - winter animals). She is the main character in the film Fairy Valley Tournament.

Rosetta arrived in Fairy Valley before most of her friends. Accordingly, she is supposed to be a little wiser than other fairies. As shown in Fairies: Magical Rescue, she does not like dirt, despite being a garden fairy. This topic will be further developed in the film about the Tournament. She often judges a book by its cover. Rosetta wears pink or red dresses that resemble flower buds. She has brown hair to the shoulders, laid in bouffant hairstyle. Rosetta actively uses cosmetics.
It was thanks to Rosetta that in the film "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest" the fairies were able to save the Fairy Pollen tree: Rosetta gave a fairy named Forget-Me-Not a flower during her visit to the warm side. Forget-me-not froze this flower, which later allowed Tinker Bell to come up with a way to save the Tree. Also, at the end of the film, Rosette and Frost are shown confessing their feelings to each other.
Since the fourth film, Rosetta's face has changed slightly.

Some interesting things about Rosetta:

My talent is...
I am the Garden Fairy, I take care of plants.

My friends say that I...
I love everything catchy and beautiful
very generous
I bring beauty into their lives

Fairy Mary says...
"At first glance, Rosetta may seem superficial and obsessed with beauty, but she is very generous and enjoys sharing beauty with others."

My best friends...
Fauna, Lily

My favorite flower...
Wild Rose

My favorite color...

What I value most...
My lipstick made from berry juice

My favorite place...
Buttercup Gorge

My favorite game...
Apply makeup and sew beautiful dresses from flowers

My favorite dish...
Candied apples

I love...
Look good and grow beautiful flowers

I don't like...
Getting dirty and being teased by Fauna

Shhh... what I'm most afraid of is...
If suddenly I can never take a bath again
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Fauna is one of the fairies from the cartoon "Fairies", and from the fairy magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland.
Fauna is a lively fairy who loves to play with animals. She understands them, as does the "old" fairy Beck, with whom she is supposed to be friends.
Animals treat her well, which is not surprising, because communicating with animals is her talent.
In English, her name is Fawn (pronounced Fawn); this name can be translated as “fawn”, “funny little animal”, “yellow-brown (color)”. And Fauna herself is most often dressed in these colors.
He first appears in the book "Beck and the Great Berry Battle", and in general very often appears in books along with previous fairies (in Russian translations - under the name Fon).
She is very cheerful and mischievous. She is always ready to play, and the more active the game, the better. Fauna is a born joker. She loves to play pranks on the fairies named Iridessa and Beck, and Tinkerbell loves her for her mischievous nature. Fauna is fluent in all animal languages, but toad is her favorite.

Fauna was also one of the guardians of the Dove Mother (see Mother Dove). Considered one of the best fairies her talent. She is the best friend of a fairy named Rosetta. Fauna also has some sympathy for a sparrow man named Buck, who was her partner in games in the film "Fairy Valley Tournament".

She is the youngest of all her fairy friends.

A little interesting about Fauna:

My talent is...
I am the Animal Fairy, I understand their language and can talk to all living creatures, big and small

My friends say that I...
lively tomboy girl
energetic and brave
revered by all animals

Fairy Mary says...
"The life of the party, Fauna does everything so quickly that her friends can barely keep up! On top of that, she is very caring and all the animals adore her."

My best friends...
Rosetta, Beck

My favorite flower...

My favorite color...
Earthy tones

What I value most...
My pine cone

My favorite place...
Quivering Forest

My favorite game...
Make fun of Rosetta

My favorite dish...
Clover salad

I love...
Play games with animals, play pranks on fairies, play whatever!

I don't like...
When you have to sit quietly.

Shh... what I'm most afraid of is...
To offend some animal.

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Iridessa (from the English Iridessa) is one of the fairies from the cartoon about Tinker Bell, and from the fairy magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland.
It helps to distribute correctly sunlight, so that it would be enough for every plant, even a small sprout. This fairy is very smart and disciplined, but is easily irritated over trifles. Likes to have fun creating rainbows and arranging other light shows.
Iridessa is a fairy of light who knows how to control light and give it the desired shape. In the cartoon, she is “instead” of the fairy of light named Fira, with whom she is very “friends”. She is also best friends with a fairy named Serebryanka.
Iridessa is very organized.
She can be seen for the first time in the cartoon "Fairies", but Iridessa was mentioned more than once in old comics about fairies, books, where she was Fira's friend.

The dress she wears represents yellow sunflower petals. The dress is strapless and has a sunflower seed as a clasp. Iridessa is a perfectionist and is very passionate about her work. Can see the bright side of things even when others cannot.
She hates making mistakes, but this rarely happens: she is usually always right. It is for this reason that she rarely gets into trouble, because she does not agree to any risky actions. In the end, however, she will always do anything to help her friends. She is one of Tinkerbell's best friends and best friend to a fairy named Fauna (sometimes).

Appears in four books. Friends sometimes call her Dessa.

Some interesting things about Iridessa:

My talent is...
I am the Fairy of Light, I control its shape and create the right lighting.

My friends say that I...
wonderful, smart and disciplined
I'm inclined to think that Tink is messing around
sometimes too irritable

Fairy Mary says...
“The top student in my class, Iridessa sometimes doesn’t trust Tink. Of course, Tink is messing around while Iridessa is working hard, but at the decisive hour she will always come to the aid of her friend.”

My best friends...
Serebryanka, Fira

My favorite flower...
Sunflower and Aster

My favorite color...
Lemon yellow

What I value most...
My beautiful shimmering crystal

My favorite place...
Meadow of Morning Light

My favorite game...
"Iridessa" - magnificent light show

My favorite dish...

I love...
Know the right answer

I don't like...
To be wrong and shadow

Shh... what I'm most afraid of is...

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Vidia is one of the fairies living in Neverland. One of the earliest fairies; appears in Fairy Pollen and the Enchanted Island. Being bright and an unusual character, appears in almost every book of the fairy series and goes into cartoons.

Vidia is a fairy with the talent of fast flight. Flying as fast as lightning is what she strives for. Even her wings are longer than those of other fairies. Vidya is willful, selfish, cruel and generally shuns good manners. Her favorite word in relation to others is “darling” (sarcasm). In general, she has difficult relationship with all the fairies, including Queen Ree. In the books, Vidia is not friends with anyone, except for a very small relationship with a fairy named Prilla.

In the books, Vidia has long black hair, but in the films it takes on a wild plum shade.
She has pale skin and a perpetually pouty appearance that exudes arrogance. She is very proud of her talent, and believes that not all fairies are made to fly. But in reality, she is smart and can even be kind when she needs it.

To obtain special “super-powerful” fairy pollen, which allows her to fly even faster, Vidia plucked several feathers from the main creature in the Valley - a bird named Mother Dove. Upon learning of this, Queen Clarion forbade Vidia from approaching Mother Dove.
This powerful - so-called Vidia kept the “live” pollen in a cache; now official sources say that she simply has a habit of storing more pollen than she needs.

In the books, Vidia is the only fairy in the Valley who does not live in the Tree House. She lives in the sour (or wild) plum tree. Actually, the rest of the fairies only welcome this decision.

Vidya's character, being invariably difficult in the books, softens in the films. If in “Fairies” she is asocial and insidious in the book, then by “Winter Forest” she becomes quite sweet and pleasant, on which basis she joins the company of the main heroines.

Vidia's name is similar to Latin word INVIDIA, which means "envy". However, "Vidia" is a real name Indian origin; means, among other things, “wisdom.”

Unlike other main fairies, she only has 3 outfits.
Some sources say that in the films her friend is also Serebryanka (a controversial statement).

A little interesting about Vidia:

My talent is...
I fly very fast

My friends say that I...
I like to call everyone “darling” - but I don’t mean it!
not very kind
selfish and mean

Fairy Mary...
"Vidya is only interested in one thing - speed. She is already the fastest fairy around, but she is determined to become even faster. She can be very sneaky if she wants, no wonder she lives alone... in the sour plum tree !"

My best friends...
I'm not friends with anyone. Well, maybe a little bit with a fairy named Prilla

My favorite flower...
Cactus Flower

My favorite color...

What I value most...
My stash of fairy dust

My favorite place...
In the air

My favorite game...
Fly in a race

My favorite dish...
Lemon Pie

I love...
Fly fast, feel superior

I don't like...
Poppy seeds, dandelions and almost all other fairies

Shh... what I'm most afraid of is...
Show any weakness.

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Queen Klerion
Clarion (eng. Queen Clarion, Queen Ree) is the queen of the fairies living in Neverland, in the Fairy Haven.
Clarion is the leader of the fairies who live in Neverland. She observes and is responsible for all events occurring in the Fairy Haven. She is wise, dignified and sedate. In addition, Clarion is very caring. She also worries about the spiritual and moral part of fairies’ lives. Clarion is very fond of all kinds of small fairy things - beautiful leaves, beads, ribbons. She also has a middle name - Queen Rea, and in the books she was sometimes affectionately called that way.
In the books, she wears a pink shift dress, and in the films (like Vidia, she remains in them) the Queen wears a golden pollen dress.
She also lives longer than any other fairy or ruler of the Fairy Valley.

Despite his great wisdom and strength, the queen does not seem to take her high position too seriously. She is loving and sociable but can be firm in her decisions when needed.

As the ruler of the Fairy Valley, Queen Clerion sometimes acts as a mediator and helps solve problems. In the films, her job is to make sure that preparations for the seasons are done in a timely manner (with the help of the Ministers of the Seasons). She also meets new arrivals at the Fairy Pollen Tree and helps them find their innate magical talent.

In the films, Queen Clerion has honey-blonde hair, very large golden wings, a tiara, and a dress made of pollen. In the books, her wings are normal size, her hair is usually quite blonde, and she wears a dress made of layered rose petals. Illustrations often show her without her tiara. In addition, in the films, her and the ministers’ outfits are transparent at the very bottom and nowhere are they shown how they walk, only hover above the ground. In the books, however, it appears as if she has legs. An example is an excerpt from the book "Rosetta's Day of Courage". There, at dinner, the queen, when Fauna complains that her dress is scratchy, answers her: “But my shoes are too tight.”

In the film "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest", the story of her love with a winter character named Lord Milori is woven into the plot.

Queen Clarion is believed to have all the faerie talents.

Every little princess is waiting for a magical gift in New Year's Eve. Among the variety of toys with which you can please your daughter, fairy dolls occupy a special place. Thin wings, extraordinary capabilities, bright appearance - with such dolls, any girl will feel like a sorceress and magician!

But so that the holiday does not cause negative emotions, you should carefully consider the purchase, choosing an original branded doll from the fairy kingdom from well-known manufacturers. Such toys are more expensive than their analogues on the market, but they are high quality and safe.

What toys are now popular among girls? Top 7 fairy dolls from the blog"" will help you choose a wonderful gift for a girl for any occasion: New Year, Birthday, March 8.

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell and Her Friends

Description of prototypes: The main character of the cartoons is the resilient fairy-master Tinker Bell (Bell or Tinker Bell). She lives in the Fairy Valley (English: Pixie Hollow), on the magical island of Neverland, where she has many cheerful girlfriends, each of whom has her own wonderful abilities.

Brands and manufacturers: Disney company under the Disney Fairies Jakks brand.

Based on cartoons:

- “Peter Pan”;

— “Fairies: Tinkerbell”;

— “Fairies: Lost Treasures”;

— “Fairies: Great Magic Rescue”;

— “Fairy Valley Tournament”;

— “Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest”;

- “Fairies: The Mystery of Pirate Island.”

Fairy names:

- Rosetta - garden fairy, fairy of flowers,

— Fauna is a fairy, patroness of animals,

- Serebryanka - water fairy,

- Iridessa - fairy of light,

— Zarina – pirate fairy,

— Vidia – fairy of the wind,

— Spike (Shine).

Description of the dolls: Each collection of dolls is created on the basis of a particular cartoon, so the dolls may differ in clothing, hairstyle, and accessories.

The handles can be either articulated at the elbow joint or rigid. The wings can be removable (attached to clothing using Velcro) or non-removable (being integral with the back of the doll and set in motion using a button located between the wings). The doll's legs are half bent at the knee joint.

Flying or soaring fairies

Flying fairies Flutterbye Fairies

Description of prototypes: these dolls are the embodiment of both famous cartoon characters, for example, Tinker Bell fairies, and independent toys.

Brands and manufacturers: Spin Master, Flutterbye, Disney Interactive Studios.

Doll names: Dawn, Sunset, Tinker Bell.

Description of the dolls: a floating fairy doll flies up from a special platform using a hidden motor and the rotation of a propeller skirt. The flight height is adjusted by hand.

A gift for a little dreamer in the form of a flying fairy is unusual and original; you just need to teach your child a little how to control the doll.

Flying fairies Flitter Fairies

Brands and manufacturers: William Mark.

Doll names:

— Eva — Fairy of Lakes;

— Daria – Fairy of the forests;

— Alexa — Fairy of the fields;

— Mara — Fairy of Fire;

— Aerioth (Eriot) - night Fairy of the caves.

Description of the dolls: The fairy's flight is carried out with the help of a magic wand and thin threads invisible to the eye.

Winx Club fairy dolls

Description of prototypes: The plot of the animated series tells the viewer about the adventures of fairy girls from magical world Magix. They are forced to save the world all the time and solve their girl problems. The Winx Club was founded by a princess from the planet Domino.

Brands and manufacturers: Mattel; Giochi Preziosi; the Witty Toys company, which produces Winx dolls under the Rainbow Toys label; Simba; JAKKS Pacific; Vitty Toys B.V.

Based on cartoons:"Winx Club: School of Sorceresses."

Names of fairy dolls:

— Bloom is the founder of the club;

- Tekna (Tekna, Tekna) - an expert and lover of computers and technical innovations;

— Stella is the princess of the planet Solaria,

— Music lover muse,

- shy Flora,

— Roxy is the princess of earth fairies;

— Leila is the princess of Andros (in the original — Aisha, Russian Aisha).

Description of the dolls: Winx fairy dolls, depending on the manufacturer and collection, can have various modifications - movable or fixed wings, arms with or without joints, different outfits, hairstyles and accessories.

Barbie fairy

Description of prototypes: The Mariposa Fairy Butterfly who lives in Fairytale Land, goes to the Lost Land to find an antidote to the spell of the evil sorceress Henna.

Another Fairy Barbie goes with Raquel to find Ken (The Fairy's Secret).

Brands and manufacturers: Barbie by Mattel.

Based on cartoons:“Fairy: Flower Transformation”, “Barbie: The Mystery of a Fairy”, “Barbie: Mariposa and the Fairy Princess”.

Names of fairy dolls: Barbie Mariposa, Barbie Catania.

Description of the dolls: Depending on the collection, Barbie fairy's wings differ: from thin textile ones, which can turn into a dress, to movable plastic ones.

Steffi-fairy and Evi — Steffi & Evi Love

Description of prototypes: 2 sisters - the older beauty Stefi and the younger Evi (Evi). Kind, smart and fashionable girls with their own interests and hobbies.

Brands and manufacturers: Simba.

Names of fairy dolls: Steffi, Evi the Flower Fairy.

Description of the dolls: Steffi-fey has movable bright wings, legs bend at the joints. Evi's arms and legs are solid.

Magic fairies PopPixies (PopPixie)

Description of prototypes: Little fairies PopPixie live in the magical city of Pixieville along with gnomes and little animals. They are friends with the Winx fairies and also fight evil elves.

Brands and manufacturers: Bandai.

Based on cartoons:"Winx Club: School of Sorceresses", "Magic PopPixies".

Names of fairy dolls:

— Lockette is cautious and stubborn, a poppixie of secret passages and portals;

— Chatta is a curious joker, a pixie of conversations;

— Fixit is an inquisitive and hardworking pixie of technology magic;

— Caramel is a cook and a smart girl, a pixie of physical strength;

— Cherry is an impulsive rich girl, a weather pixie;

— Martino is Caramel’s twin brother, an acrobatics pixie.

— Cupid is romantic and naive, a pixie of love.

Description of the dolls: miniature fairy dolls with removable wings that can be changed.

Moxie Fairy Dolls

Description of prototypes: bright, modern and fashionable teenage girls planning their lives and thinking about their future profession.

Brands and manufacturers: M.G.A.

Names of fairy dolls: Fairies Avery, Sophina, Lexa.

Description of the dolls: Moxie Girlz fairy dolls have light, removable wings (they move when you press the button), and the legs bend at the ankle and knee joints. The butterfly head decoration glows.

Even if the young know-it-all has already guessed what kind of gift Santa Claus gives her at the end of each year, there is no need to deviate from tradition - let the little one find her fairy fairy under the Christmas tree!

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Among the creatures, there are very often those that are hostile to people, so a separate category is considered to be those that tend to help people, do not cause harm, and are generally very friendly. Probably the most a shining example Such creatures can serve as cute creatures from German-Scandinavian myths, which are called by the common name - fairies.

Fairies are credited with a variety of appearances. Sometimes they appear in the same size as humans. Sometimes these are small, mischievous creatures that can fit in the palm of a child. They are often also credited with wings that are similar in appearance to the wings of a butterfly. But all descriptions agree on one thing - no matter what size a fairy is, she always looks like a person. And in all the descriptions there is another common detail - fairies are magical creatures and they master magic either perfectly or simply very well.

Good and evil fairies

Yes, these creatures are divided into good and evil. But if we compare them with other creatures, for example, with vengeful spirits, then all fairies are definitely kind. Fairies always come to the aid and rescue of people, sometimes they act openly, and sometimes they hide and help secretly. So what is it evil fairies? These are fairies who, pursuing good motives, can play dirty tricks and pranks. For example, such a fairy can break a family vase that is dear to the whole family, and fortunately the family will never know that that evening this vase was supposed to fall from the shelf onto the child and end his life. Behind the petty pranks of fairies, who are considered evil, there are actually only good motives hidden, and the whole problem here is people’s misunderstanding of magical and wise creatures.

Types of fairies

The subspecies of this creature are described huge amount. In a single attempt to systematize them, a book randomly appeared entirely dedicated to these marvelous creatures. The fact is that in the original mythology, fairies meant all good spirits, without exception, who easily make contact with people - from brownies to trail keepers. But in the established stereotype there is room for a couple of unique fairies, it would be a shame not to mention them.

Tooth Fairy

Very secretive and very kind. In attempts to understand the motives of her actions, volumes have been written and many hours of films have been shot. This fairy takes away children's baby teeth and leaves money in return. Initially, by the way, this fairy stole children’s memories in this way, so the teeth were hidden. But then humanity changed its attitude towards it and came to the decision that it would be better if the magical creature protected the bright memories of children, especially since it regularly pays for them.

Fairy Godmother

Heroine and participant in many fairy tales. A kind aunt who helps gray mice turn into princesses. A collective image that arose at the intersection of pagan and Christian mythologies and was firmly entrenched in folklore. It is viewed differently. Sometimes even when talking about a fairy godmother, they mean a guardian angel, and vice versa. But the fact that in difficult times she provides magical help and support to her charges is undeniable. By the way, this particular type of fairy is similar in size to a human - all other types are very tiny.

Dream fairy

Just like godmother is collectively and has many similarities with the sand man, the creature that gives children dreams. But this opinion is actively disputed in classifications. Dream fairies are primarily guardians of night dreams. They themselves can put a person to sleep, but they do this extremely rarely. Their whole life is a constant war, and they are probably the only fairies who use magic as a weapon. And they fight with fiery-maned nightmares, whose appearance entails the beginning of terrible and frightening dreams, because of which you simply don’t want to fall asleep anymore. These fairies, although the smallest, are the bravest, because they constantly win victories in their war.

Take the Fair Face of Woman…, Sophie Anderson

Fairies- in Celtic and Germanic folklore - women with magical knowledge and power. As a rule, fairies help or simply do good deeds, and also become godparents to princes and princesses, bringing them some magical gifts or abilities as a baptismal gift. A fairy usually always has a magic wand in her possession, with which she works her miracles.

The popular imagination endowed fairies with a rather complex character: they are crafty and mischievous, sometimes cruel, and sometimes kind-hearted; very touchy and vindictive; have an aesthetic sense - they love dancing and music; They honor marital fidelity and chastity.

IN Scottish fairy tale“The Fairy and the Cauldron” says the following about these magical creatures:

“A shepherd once lived on this island. His wife's name was Marired. She was friends with one “peaceful woman,” as fairies were called in the old days. (And the fairy tribe was also called: “good neighbors” and “ little people“.) This fairy was a tiny woman with a sharp face, sparkling eyes and dark, nut-colored skin. She lived in a green, grassy hillock that rose not far from the shepherd’s house.”

This is how Lydia Charskaya describes fairies in her collection “Tales of the Blue Fairy”:

“Fairies walked there, airy and gentle, like a dream. Their long hair shimmered with gold, scarlet lips smiled; their light dresses, woven from rose and lily petals, were of the most delicate shades. Light and airy, they rushed, dancing in the air, slightly rustling with their light wings, which seemed silver in the shine of the May day... Not a bird, not a moth, but a cheerful tiny blue girl. She has silver wings behind her back and curls as light as feathers. I know her - she is the fairy of blue air and spring sky, the fairy of the golden sun and the May holiday.”

Indeed, the image of fairies almost coincides with the image of elves - kind, gentle and beautiful creatures. But unlike fairies, who exist only in Western European mythology, elves are not always good creatures, and they appeared in Scandinavian mythology.

  • Melusine- according to medieval legend, the fairy of water sources.
  • Morgana- fairy in medieval narratives of the Arthurian cycle. First mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth in The Life of Merlin. In oral form, legends about Morgan existed in Brittany, where miraculous sea maidens were called Morgans.
  • Christina is the pavement fairy, the most beautiful of the road fairies, a modern mythological character with a real prototype. Unlike the fairies who patronize springs and plants, it has its own, simple beauty of a roadside stone, striking people with the perfection and grace of form despite the seeming roughness of the material. Endowed with the ability to pave the way - people of simple origin happily travel where the fairy Christina walked, gradually trampling paths and roads. Patronizes commoners who have shown kindness and mercy - endows them with extraordinary courage and fortitude. She spreads and reports news - the word spoken to her along the road will be heard by everyone who comes towards her. The fairy Christina turns the hearts of travelers who meet on her way and fall in love with her into road stones in order to save the unfortunate from the torments of love.

Other: Fairy in KST

Places and beliefs associated with fairies

See also

Fairies in literature

  • One of the most famous good fairies is Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell) from James Matthew Barrie's Peter Pan.
  • Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. An image used many times in later literature and cinema, became a household name.
  • Villina and Stella are fairies of Volkov's cycle about the Emerald City.
  • Fairies participate in the animated series School of Sorceresses.


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See what “Fairies” are in other dictionaries:

    In the lower mythology of peoples Western Europe supernatural creatures, sorceresses, living in forests, springs, etc. As a rule, they look like beautiful women, sometimes with wings, capable of shapeshifting. Spend time having fun and dancing... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    In the folk beliefs of the West. Europe, fantastic female creatures who appeared to selected individuals at certain moments in their lives; had a bad or beneficial influence; ruled by the queen. Dictionary of foreign words included in Russian... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    FAIRIES- International Equestrian Federation French: FEI, Federation Equestre Internationale organization, sport, French. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 pp.... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    fairies- fėjos statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas gentis atitikmenys: lot. Feia rus. fairies ryšiai: platesnis terminas – grundalinės siauresnis terminas – fėja … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

    Fairies- in the lower myth. peoples of the West Europe's superfood. creatures, sorceresses living in forests, source. etc. As a rule, they have the appearance of beautiful women, sometimes with wings, and are capable of werewolves. Spend time having fun and dancing... Ancient world. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fairies- (West - European) - supernatural creatures, sorceresses, living in forests, mountains, springs, etc. They look like beautiful young women, sometimes with wings, and are able to change appearance. Spend time having fun and dancing... Mythological dictionary

    Fairies English Tinker Bell ... Wikipedia

    English Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure Cartoon type Computer animation... Wikipedia

    English Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue Cartoon type ... Wikipedia

What are the names of all the fairies from the cartoon "Fairies"?

    Very interesting cartoon, and it can only be watched with pleasure by both children and adults.

    The main character of this cartoon is a fairy. Tinkerbell .

    Fairy Ting-ding

    Fairy Iridessa

    Naughty fairy girl Fauna

    Beauty Fairy Serebryanka

    Gorgeous Rosetta, red-haired beauty.

    Fairy Forget-me-not

    All girlfriends Fairies

    Fairies, names

    fairy Iridessa

    fairy fauna

    fairy Serebryanka

    fairy Rosetta

    fairy Vidia

    Fairy Queen Clarion

    Fairy Terrence

    The cartoon was released in 2008, and several sequels were made based on it.

    The cartoon turned out to be so popular that it remained to make fairies in the form of dolls so that every girl could have her own fairy.

    The main character and, without a doubt, the most beloved is the fairy Tinkerbell. She is distinguished by her ardent, slightly rebellious and impulsive character, while she is charming and very sweet. Tinker Bell is braver than other fairies, loves to make crafts and do housework. But, probably, her strongest side is that she is a selfless and devoted friend.

    Other fairies:

    Tinkerbell- This is a charming fairy, by nature ardent, impatient, impulsive, stubborn, persistent.

    Forget-me-not- this cute fairy lives in the Winter Forest, she is curious and cheerful by nature.

    Terence- a sparrow man, as fairies are called, is male and he really likes Tinkerbell. By nature, Terence is calm, kind, attentive and wise. He is the keeper of Fairy Pollen, to which fairies are allergic.

    Serebryanka- friendly water fairy.

    Rosetta- A well-mannered fairy who tends the garden and loves to give advice on beauty and manners.

    Fauna- a lively and confident fairy who loves to play with animals, because communicating with animals is her talent.

    Iridessa- This is a very smart and disciplined dark-skinned fairy, sometimes she gets irritated over trifles.

    Vidia fairy of fast flight. Vidia considers her talent to be the best of all talents, so she is a little arrogant and not very kind.

    Queen Clarion a very caring leader of fairies living in Neverland.

    This beautiful fairy is wise and majestic.

    There are 6 main fairies:

    Tinker bell






    But secondary roles also appear in the cartoon:

    Forget-me-not (Periwinkle)


    Minister of Winter

    Minister of Summer

    Cartoon Fairies, created by DisneyToon Studios, tells the story of the magical skills and amazing adventures of the fairy Tinkerbell and her friends.

    The main characters of the full-length computer animated film Fairies are, of course, the fairies themselves:

    • Ding_ding ( main character fairy craftswoman);
    • Iridessa (fairy of light);
    • Rosetta (garden fairy);
    • Fautna (animal fairy);
    • Serebryanka (water fairy);
    • Clarion (queen of fairies);
    • Vidia (fairy of fast flight);
    • Terence (sparrow man - fairy).
  • I will not list all the characters in this cartoon, I will focus only on the main ones. Of course, the first number will be the fairy Tinker Bell, voiced by Mae Whitman, and the Russian dubbing was done by Anna Begunova

    fairy Iridessa, voiced by Raewyn Simone / Nadezhda Mikhalkova

    fairy Fauna, voiced by America Ferrera/Anastasia Tsvetaeva

    fairy Serebryanka, voiced by Lucy Liu, and in the Russian translation she spoke in the voice of Olga Arntgolts

    fairy Rosetta, voiced by Kristin Chenoweth/Irina Rakhmanova

    Fairy Vidia, voiced by Pamela Edlton/Elena Velikanova

    Fairy Queen Clarion - Anjelica Huston/Oksana Fedorova

    Fairy Terrence, voiced by Jesse McCartney/Igor Bychkov.

    In the film Secrets of the Winter Forest, Tinkerbell's sister, the fairy Forget-Me-Not, appears in the plot, voiced by Yulia Dovganishina.

    in the film The Mystery of the Pirate Island is new fairy- Zarina, voiced by Christina Hendricks/Elena Katina

    And finally, in the film Legend of the Beast, a fairy named Nyx appears, a scout voiced by Rosario Doyson and Irina Slutskaya.

    Almost all fairies have leading roles in cartoons, but the main fairy is Tinker Bell.

    E fairy friends: Iridessa (swarthy), Fauna (animal fairy), Serebryanka (water fairy), Vidia, Rosetta, and the fairy queen is Clarion.

    New fairies appeared in new series, these are:

    Forget-me-not in the series about winter forest- Tinkerbell's sister;

    Zarina in the series about the pirate island;

    Nyx (looks like a boy) in the monster series.

    The Fairy cartoon is very colorful and bright. From a technical point of view, it is well thought out, the characters are very beautiful and many girls begin to imitate them and their character. Since the cartoon is about fairies, the characters there are fairies, and there are so many of them, it’s impossible to list them all. The main characters are the fairy Tinker Bell, Rosetta, Fauna, Iridessa, Vidia and Serebryanka.

    Also in the cartoon there are the following characters:

    1) Fairy Masters

    2) Fairies of the winter forest

    3) Pollen Keepers


    Iridessa (interesting name=)


    Clarion (in the cartoon she is the queen)

    Every fairy is special. This cartoon was released back in 2008. But he still has a lot of fans. Primarily among girls, of course. And yes - this cartoon has a lot of sequels. So if you liked this cartoon, then watch the rest. These cartoons can be found on the Internet.