What is Jamala's name? Biographies, stories, facts, photographs. Future singer Jamala as a child with her parents

Why does the current Eurovision winner Susana Jamaladinovna - the same singer Jamala - not like to talk about her family, which completely refused to move to Kyiv?

She insists that her father does not want to give up his house in the expensive resort village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta: “We were one of the first Crimean Tatars to buy a house in Crimea. My mother taught piano, and my father was a conductor by profession. But he realized that he would not be able to provide for his family if he studied music, and began to grow vegetables and fruits. We have there large garden“There are figs, persimmons, and pomegranates...”

I spent a long time trying to persuade my parents to leave. But they said no,” says Jamala. - They with my own hands built a house and grew a garden, and now I asked for a second to give up all this…. They are, of course, in Crimea. All my attempts and conversations came to nothing. Mom can't leave dad, dad can't leave grandfather... It's very painful and difficult. I understand that they cannot go. That pomegranate tree that grows in our yard, the persimmon, the fig... This house, it’s impossible to abandon everything like that. They are not even afraid, say, to die, no matter how scary it may sound, but they refuse to leave this house.

To put it mildly, Jamala is being a hypocrite. None of her relatives are going to die at all. On the contrary, the family is really thriving. All relatives of the “Ukrainian patriot” received Russian citizenship and are quite happy with life. Moreover, they unanimously issued the so-called “Putin’s certificates” of rehabilitation and now receive crazy benefits on utility bills - 50% discounts on water, electricity and gas, and enjoy free vouchers to a sanatorium.

The only problem for Jamala’s parents is that the Tatar neighbors themselves reproach the father: “Why did your daughter decide to sing such a song?”

This is all at the level of market conversations. “I keep telling them not to pay attention,” Susana reassures.

Although no matter what the crazy daughter sings, no one throws grenades or Molotov cocktails into the parents’ yard. Normal, adequate people live here. This is not a Maidan-era Ukraine; Crimeans do not suffer from “brain embroidery.”

A few months ago, the Bandera blockade hit the singer’s family hard. So, according to Jamala herself, her father was ready to heat the house with wood on his own, just so as not to leave his native Crimea. However, today all Ukrainian villagers are offered to drown with dung. Remaining in the “Moscow occupation”, Jamaladinov Sr. was spared such a prospect.

In Alushta and Simferopol they provided light for at least a couple of hours, but my father was told that there would be no light for two months. The father replied that he had firewood and coal... The only problem was communication. This is difficult. Mom missed me very much. And when we met her, my mother was crying...,” the “Eurostar” shared.

Fortunately, my mother comes to see me often. She helps her sister look after the children and takes care of the big house. So I try to give her a rest, to entertain her. We are like two friends: we walk a lot, go to the movies and shopping.

No one in Crimea prevents such contacts. The singer said that she managed to see her family after the energy blockade of the peninsula. However, for some reason she refused to comment on the current situation on the South Coast. Otherwise, we would have to talk about the frantic influx of Russian holidaymakers. And one would have to compare the well-being of one’s own Crimean elderly with the nightmare of Ukrainian reality.

Here is another characteristic revelation from Jamala:

Every autumn and winter, my dad sends me fruits from our garden to Kyiv. Persimmons, figs, pomegranates. Now, on the so-called border with Crimea, he has to pay a bribe in order for these fruits to be allowed through - he leaves a box of persimmons or figs for the border guards. He always tells me about this with tears in his eyes, because he collected these boxes for me with such love! I answer him: “Baba, this is such a small thing! The main thing is that they allowed us to transport it anyway.” We rejoice in the little things that should be the norm for everyone.

It remains to add that the Ukrainian border guards are robbing the old Tatar. One box for yourself - and a whole container forward to Kyiv, not caring about the “Poroshenko-Islamist” blockade.

However, today the Jamala family has a very specific reason to hate the Russian administration. The Jamaladinov clan suddenly lost an illegal tavern on the coast! Like many Majlis establishments, the resort tavern did not meet any sanitary standards, operated without taxes and was closed. As they say, quote without comment:

Now new government“ennobles” the coast using inhumane methods. All cafes and restaurants in the coastal strip are being demolished. A tractor comes and razes to the ground what people have invested money in for many years. It leaves you without a piece of bread, because everyone is living the dream of summer and tourists.

And I, for example, it was thanks to such an institution that I received higher education. We had a family cafe with four tables: mom cooked, for example, manti, dad cooked pilaf, I washed the dishes, and my sister served and counted people in the hall. If it weren't for him, neither I nor my sister would have had the opportunity to study at the conservatory.

Jamala's sister Evelina married a Turkish citizen and moved to live in Istanbul.

Susanna Jamaladinova or Jamala - famous Ukrainian pop singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. girl with early years showed creativity, stood out for her extraordinary vocal abilities.

Early manifestation of creativity

Jamala was born in a small village in the Kyrgyz Republic. Father of a future star Ukrainian stage a descendant of the Crimean Tatars deported in 1944, Jamal’s mother is Armenian. The family sought to return to their historical homeland - the Crimean Peninsula. To make their dream come true, the girl’s parents even had to use a trick - file for divorce. This made it possible to register the house without any problems. maiden name mother.

Future singer Jamala as a child with her parents

At a new place of residence in the resort village of Malorechinsky, located near Alushta. Here Jamala’s parents built a small boarding house and were engaged in the resort business. The girl herself began to amaze with her abilities from an early age. When she was not yet a year old, she learned to swim, and soon her vocal talent emerged.

Jamala became famous while still at school, she won a local vocal competition and recorded her first collection of songs. Compositions from it often appeared on radio stations on the peninsula. It is noteworthy that the parents were against their daughter’s desire to become a professional singer. This did not stop 14-year-old Jamala from entering the Simferopol music school. Here a talented girl developed her skills in classes classical singing, and after class she sang jazz compositions along with your group.

After college, Jamala continued her studies at the Kyiv Music Academy. Here she was the best student. The girl wanted to become a classical singer and make a solo career, but her love for vocal and musical experiments turned out to be stronger and Jamala became a pop performer.

Successful singing career

Jamaladinova's first serious success took place in her teens. The talented performer was noticed and began to be invited to various competitions, which she won. Jamala’s participation in the jazz festival, held in Italy. Here she received an invitation to take part in musical production and show yourself at the prestigious competition of young talents " New wave».

Jamala in Jurmala on music competition

Jamala in the video "Smile"

Jamala prepared intensively for the performance, which was rewarded with general admiration and recognition. The young performer received a standing ovation from Alla Pugacheva herself. It was on the “New Wave” that the singer acquired the pseudonym Jamala. Success at the competition was the starting point from which Susanna’s career took off. Her tour schedule became very dense.

Jamala loves to transform into different characters

In 2011, Jamala took part in the selection for Eurovision. But the singer did not pass the closed vote and believes that it was an unfair decision of the jury.

Victory at Eurovision 2016

The second attempt to qualify for the prestigious music competition was successful. Jamala performed here with a song, which she dedicated to her great-grandmother and all the deported Crimean Tatars. According to the results of the audience voting, Jamala lost Russian performer Sergei Lazarev, but the jury gave the victory to the performer from Ukraine.

Jamala won Eurovision in 2016

Personal life

The Eurovision winner does not like to talk about her personal life; she refers to being busy and complains that she does not have time for relationships and starting a family. But in 2016, the singer got married. Became her chosen one Crimean Tatar Beykir Suleymanov.

Jamala and Bekir Suleymanov

The wedding was organized according to Muslim traditions. It is known that Jamal, bright and energetic on stage, is a modest, shy girl in her life.

About the lives of others famous musicians read

Name: Jamala (Susanna Jamaladinova)

Age: 35 years old

Height: 173

Activity: singer, winner of Eurovision 2016

Marital status: Married

Jamal: biography

Jamala - Ukrainian singer and actress of Crimean Tatar-Armenian origin, People's Artist of Ukraine since 2016. The singer performs in the musical genres of jazz, soul, funk, folk, pop and electro. In addition, Jamala has repeatedly taken part in opera productions.

Jamala represented Ukraine at the international music competition Eurovision 2016. The second attempt to perform at the prestigious competition turned out to be.

Jamala is a creative pseudonym (the initial letters of the singer’s surname), her real name is Susanna Jamaladinova. The future singer was born on August 27, 1983 in a small town in Kyrgyzstan. The singer's childhood and teenage years were spent in Malorechenskoye, not far from Alushta.

Jamal's nationality Crimean Tatar on her father's side and Armenian on her mother's side. Her great-grandmother and children were deported from Crimea in May 1944, but the singer’s father always wanted to return to his historical homeland - he managed this by cunning. In one of her interviews, Susanna Jamaladinova said that in the 1980s in Crimea there was an unspoken ban on the sale of real estate to relatives of deported Tatars. And her family found nice house, and in 1986 they registered it in his mother’s maiden name: to do this, the parents had to get a fictitious divorce.

Jamala's parents, like many residents of the resort village, were involved in the tourism business - they have a private boarding house near Alushta. The singer’s mother played the piano beautifully and often accompanied soloists during pregnancy. Perhaps that’s why Jamala started singing at the age of one and a half - this was in a nursery group. In general, she developed quickly: at nine months the baby learned to swim, and at nine years old she already knew for sure that she would become a singer.

The girl studied at a music school and participated in many children's competitions. She won the “Children's Rain” competition and, as the winner, recorded an album, songs from which were often played on Crimean radio.

Loving parents did not want their daughter to become a professional musician, but they did not dissuade her either. At the age of 14, Jamala entered the music school in Simferopol. In class she studied classics and opera music, and after classes in the basement she played in her own jazz group, “Tutti.”

At the age of 17, Jamala entered the National Academy of Music in Kyiv. The selection committee did not want to accept the girl until they heard her range of four octaves. Jamala was the best on the course, she dreamed of solo career at Milan's LaScala. Maybe this would have happened if not for her passion for jazz and experiments in this direction.


Jamala's creative biography began in childhood. The singer's debut on big stage took place at the age of 15. Then there were performances at European, Russian and Ukrainian competitions, victories, prestigious awards and special prizes. One day, the famous Ukrainian choreographer Elena Kolyadenko heard a demo version of Jamala’s performance at a jazz festival in Italy. She offered the singer main party in the musical “Pa” and advised me to participate in the “New Wave”.

Susanna Dzhamaladinova spent a long time preparing for the festival in Jurmala in 2009, and it was then that her creative pseudonym appeared. The singer passed the Kyiv selection, then the Moscow one. From her first performance she loudly announced herself. After performing the composition “Little Son,” the contestant gave a standing ovation. Jamala received the Grand Prix at New Wave 2009 - the victory became a powerful impetus for her career. After the festival, the singer gave two solo concerts in the Ukrainian capital, took part in many television programs. Her touring schedule was busy and intense.

In mid-2009, Jamala was invited to the main role in the opera The Spanish Hour. The following winter, she sang in an opera play on a Bond theme - then an English actor was delighted with her voice.

In 2011, Jamala participated in the selection for Eurovision. She performed with the song Smile, but lost in the final. The singer does not believe in the integrity of the closed vote and believes that she was judged unfairly.

In the same year, the singer released her debut album, which included compositions written by her. On March 9, 2013, Jamala's second studio album, All or Nothing, was released. And in 2015, the singer presented the album “Podikh”, the first album with a non-English title. The disc includes songs written by Jamala independently and in collaboration: “Promise”, “Sister’s Lullaby”, “Bolshe”, “Drifting Apart” and others.

"Eurovision 2016"

Five years later, Jamala again participated in the national selection for Eurovision from Ukraine. The singer says her father was rooting for her with all his heart. He specially went to his grandfather and said that Jamala had written a song that would definitely win. The first semi-final of the Ukrainian casting took place on February 6, 2016, the second semi-final took place a week later - based on the results of these selections, five contestants qualified for the final.

In the final of the competition, the singer performed the composition “1944” on English. In one of her interviews, she said that the song is dedicated to the memory of her ancestors, her great-grandmother Nazylkhan, who was deported from Crimea in May 1944. The woman never returned to her native Crimea.

The final took place on February 21, 2016 at live two Ukrainian TV channels at once. The jury members - , Ruslana and - had to determine the winner. They gave points from 1 to 6 collectively. Jamala received 5 points, losing to The Hardkiss. But the audience, who cast their votes for Jamal, also had to vote.

The singer admitted that participation in the competition was not easy for her - it was easier to give several concerts. This time the final was open, so the contestants could follow the progress of the voting.

Jamala won Eurovision 2016, which took place in Sweden in May. According to the audience vote, the leader became, but the outcome of the competition was decided by the jury, which rated the act low Russian singer. As a result, Lazarev ended up only in 3rd place.

After winning the music competition, Jamala first released a mini-album, which included the song that brought the girl victory and four more compositions, and then a full-fledged fourth studio album with the same name. The album was released on June 10, 2016 in Europe, the album was released by the Universal Music Group label. The release in the United States took place on July 10 of the same year under the Republic Records label. In addition to the title track, the album includes 11 more songs in English.

Also in 2016, Jamala received the title People's Artist Ukraine.

Personal life

On stage Jamala is bright and emotional, but in life she is calm, reserved, punctual and smiling. She hardly talks about her personal life, joking that she doesn’t have enough time for it. As the singer admits, she wants to have a family, but what kind of husband can withstand her busy schedule.

Jamala travels a lot, communicates with interesting people, falls in love. Soon she began to hint that she was in love and, perhaps, would soon get married. She wanted to see her chosen one kind and attentive. The singer invests the money she earns in the development of creativity so that her music and videos can adequately compete with the hits of world stars.

April 26, 2017 Jamala. Her chosen one was Bekir Suleymanov, with whom the singer had maintained a relationship since 2016. Jamala's wedding took place in Kyiv on Tatar traditions- the newlyweds underwent the nikah ceremony in the Islamic cultural center, which was held by the mullah.

Already in May, journalists and colleagues of the artist noticed Jamala’s rounded belly and decided that the singer was pregnant. But Jamala denied these rumors, saying that such an optical illusion was created by the white loose suit in which the singer appeared at the concert.

Jamala now

Thanks to Jamala's victory music festival Eurovision 2017 took place in Kyiv.

As the semi-finals approached, the singer began making semi-political statements. In an interview with Reuters, Jamala spoke about some kind of Russian provocation and called on society to “not let Russia spoil Eurovision.” About what provocations we're talking about, the artist did not specify, but asked Ukrainians to be careful. At the same time, the Russian Eurovision participant did not even make it to the competition. A singer with disabilities was unable to cross the border due to a performance in Crimea.

In the final of the competition on May 13, Jamala, as the winner of last year, performed her own new song “I Believe in U”, the premiere performance of which took place just the day before, on May 12, at the Kiev Sports Palace on solo concert singers. The song was also soon released as a single in support of the concert program of the same name.

Jamala wrote the words and music for the composition “I Believe in U” herself. The artist dedicated this song to those people who support and inspire the singer.

Also in 2017, a video clip for this song was released. The video was filmed over three days, filming took place in Portugal, in the Lisbon suburbs of Sintra and Ericeira and in the Alentejo region. The director was Igor Stekolenko, familiar to music fans from videos for the rock group Okean Elzy and the group Brutto.

Main roles in music video performed by popular Portuguese actors. The role of the adult protagonist of the video clip went to Bruno Lagrange, who is familiar to television viewers in Portugal and the world from his participation in the popular Portuguese series “Queen of Flowers.” The main character as a teenager was played by Gonçalo Vilardebó, and the roles of the boy's parents were played by the actor couple Fabio Taborda and Vanessa Taborda, husband and wife in real life.

The video premiered on May 17 at official YouTube channel Jamals.

In the same year, Jamala showed herself as an actress. The singer played the role of a maid of honor in the film “Polina”. Also in 2017, Jamala appeared as a cameo in the television film “Jamala’s Struggle” and the documentary “Jamala.UA”.

Also, 2017 became a year of awards for the singer. Jamal received music award“YUNA” in the nominations “Best Solo Artist”, “ Best Song"(1944) and "Best Duet" for the song "Lured." The singer performed this composition together with “DakhaBrakha”. In addition to the above, the artist has the all-Ukrainian award “Woman of Ukraine 2017” in the “Culture” category and the “Viva! The most beautiful 2017” in the “Pride of the Country” category.


  • 2011 –For Every Heart
  • 2012 – For Every Heart: Live At Arena Concert Plaza
  • 2013 – Allor Nothing
  • 2014 – Thank You
  • 2015 - “Pidih”
  • 2016 – “1944”

32-year-old Ukrainian singer of Armenian-Tatar origin Jamala became the winner of the Eurovision 2016 contest. How is Jamala’s biography and personal life?

Jamala's real name is Susanna Alimovna Jamaladinova. The pseudonym “Jamal” was formed from the first part of her last name.

Susana Jamaladinova - Ukrainian opera and jazz singer(lyric-dramatic soprano), performing original music at the intersection of jazz, soul, world music and rhythm and blues, electronic music and gospel.

Jamal's first fame came from his performance at International competition young performers "New Wave 2009" in Jurmala, where she received the Grand Prix.

In May 2016, Jamala became the winner from Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm with the song “1944”, dedicated to the topic deportation of Crimean Tatars.

Susanna Jamaladinova was born on August 27, 1983 in the city of Osh (Kyrgyz SSR, USSR). Father - Alim Ayarovich Jamaladinov, Crimean Tatar, mother - Galina Mikhailovna Tumasova, Armenian, whose family comes from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Her childhood was spent in Crimea, in the village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta, where she and her family returned in 1989 from the places of deportation of the Crimean Tatar people.

Parents met in Kyrgyzstan within the walls music school. Her mother is a pianist and her father is choral conductor, which had its own ensemble performing the Crimean Tatar folk music and music of the peoples of Central Asia.

Her sister married a Turkish man and lives in Istanbul. Jamala herself professes Islam.

WITH early childhood Jamala started playing music. She made her first professional recording at the age of 9, performing 12 children's and folk Crimean Tatar songs in the studio.

After graduating music school No. 1 in piano class in the city of Alushta, she entered the Simferopol Music College named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Then Jamala graduated with honors diploma Kyiv National Music Academy named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky in opera vocal class.

Jamala planned to devote herself classical music and went to work as a soloist of the famous Milanese opera La Scala, but a serious passion for jazz and experiments with soul and oriental music changed her plans.

Jamala first performed on the big stage at the age of fifteen. Over the next few years she took part in dozens of vocal competitions Ukraine, Russia and Europe and received a number of prestigious awards.

After performing at the jazz festival of young performers Do#Dj junior 2006, where she received a special award, the famous choreographer Elena Kolyadenko invited her to perform the main role in the multi-genre musical “Pa”.

An important event in her career was her performance at the International Competition of Young Performers “New Wave” in Jurmala in the summer of 2009.

Contrary to the statements of the main director of the competition about the “unformatted” participant, she not only made it to the finals, but also received the Grand Prix, sharing first place with the Indonesian performer.

Despite a busy touring schedule, Jamala continues to study classical music.

In the summer of 2009, she performed the main role in Maurice Ravel's opera The Spanish Hour, and in February 2010 she took part in Vasily Barkhatov's opera production based on Bond, where her performance was noted by the famous British actor Jude Law.

Jamala lives in Kyiv. Parents live in the village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta. They have a private boarding house. The singer’s grandfather lives in Crimea.

Little is known about Jamala's personal life. But it is reported that Jamala is not married.

According to the singer, she is not amorous and has not yet experienced a great feeling in her life. Only once was there a young man, without whom Jamala, as she put it, felt very bad.

The singer said that her mother more than once wondered when she would fall in love. The girl does not have any special criteria for the future candidate for her heart; the main thing is that the young man is sincere.

Susanna grew up in a family professional musicians. Her mother is a wonderful singer and music school teacher, and her father is a conductor by training, they began to teach their daughter from early age everything they know about music. Now my parents run a small boarding house in Crimea.

Jamaladinova showed her extraordinary vocal abilities at the age of three, and already at the age of nine she recorded an album of 12 children's songs. To the amazement of the sound engineer, she showed true professionalism, spending only an hour in the studio recording.

Susana went to the Alushta music school, where she studied piano. Later she became a student at the Simferopol Music School, where she already studied opera vocals.

Having moved to Kyiv, full of opportunities, Jamaladinvoa continued her music education, entering the National Academy of Music. While studying there, she actively attended various festivals and competitions. Her first notable victory was the third prize at the Crimean Spring.

Over time, Jamala caught the eye of the famous Ukrainian choreographer Elena Kolyadenko, who eventually became the singer’s producer and made her the main soloist in her musical “Pa,” which premiered in 2007. The singer became known to a wide audience of listeners thanks to the New Wave competition, where she not only took first place, but also showed herself to be a bright and memorable singer.

In 2009, Jamala took part in the production of the opera "The Spanish Hour", and a year later she played in opera performance based on Bond. In 2011, the artist’s debut album For Every Heart was released on iTunes, and in 2012 she won the “Stars in the Opera” show on the “1+1” channel.

In the spring of 2013, Jamala's second album, All or Nothing, was released. In the same year, she broke her contract with producer Elena Kolyadenko, wanting to be not just a popular performer singing songs in Russian, but to experiment with different musical genres. She is interested in expressing herself in soul, jazz, classical and blues.

Personal life

Not married. No children. He carefully hides the details of his personal life from prying eyes and the media.

Interesting facts

Real name - Susana Jamaladinova

In 2012, she took part in the 1+1 channel show “Stars at the Opera”, paired with Vlad Pavlyuk. In the end, the duo won

Learned to swim at nine months using the Swim Before You Walk program.

From 2001 to 2007 she was a soloist of the vocal quintet Beauty Band

Being a Crimean, she does not publicly recognize the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula and the Republic of Crimea to Russia

In 2010, she starred in the film "The True Story of scarlet sails", and in 2013 the singer in the film "The Guide, or Flowers Have Eyes"

In 2010, she took part in Vasily Barkhatov’s opera production based on Bond, where her performance was noted by the famous British actor Jude Law

Her father is Crimean Tatar and her mother is Armenian


2011 - For Every Heart (on iTunes)

2011 - Live At Arena Concert Plaza (on iTunes)