How to win a large sum of money in the lottery. Biggest lottery win

November 5 resident Voronezh region 506 million rubles in the lottery, this is the largest win in the entire history of Russia, the Stoloto lottery operator company reported on Sunday.

November 2 resident American state North Carolina Kimberly Morris in one day, the amount of winnings exceeded a million dollars. The woman was offered to receive the entire amount in the form of payments of 50 thousand dollars over 20 years, or take 600 thousand immediately. Morris chose a lump sum payment and after deducting all taxes, she took home almost 420 thousand.

August 24 winning ticket American lottery Powerball with a jackpot of $758.7 million in Massachusetts, the exact location has not been announced.

On April 11, a family from the French city of Dijon entered the EuroMillions lottery, receiving 83.4 million euros with a lottery ticket price of 2.5 euros. The lucky ones' chances of winning such a prize were 1 in 116 million.

On October 15, a resident of Baden-Württemberg Eurojackpot maximum prize of 90 million euros. The Eurojackpot lottery is popular among residents of 17 European countries. To win the jackpot, players need to match five numbers out of 50 and two additional numbers out of ten.

On August 12, a resident of Estonia won 1.155 million euros during the Eurojackpot international lottery draw. According to the state company Eesti Loto, this win is the largest in the history of lotteries in Estonia.

On July 29, a resident of Hesse, Germany won 84.8 million euros in the Eurojackpot lottery. The lucky winner managed to guess all the winning numbers

On May 8, the winning ticket in the Powerball lottery with a jackpot of $429.6 million in the US state of New Jersey. Odds of winning: 1 in 292.2 million.

March 5, brothers James and Bob Stoklas from the American state of Pennsylvania. However, the winnings were not distributed quite evenly: the lottery ticket brought James 291.4 million, and Bob won $7.

On February 27, a resident of Novosibirsk, a participant in “Gosloto “6 out of 45”, “Gosloto” worth 358 million 358 thousand 466 rubles. He took part in three draws. His lucky bet, which the winner made at one of the lottery kiosks in the city, cost 1800 rubles. The record came in the 1885th edition.

On 15 February, UK lottery operator Camelot confirmed that the UK had filed almost £25 million in Europe's largest lottery Euromillions.

On February 12, a group of friends from Dublin won the European EuroMillions lottery in the amount of 132 million euros with a resident of France. The winners received 66 million euros.

On September 19, a winning ticket for the major American lottery Powerball worth $399.4 million was played at a gas station in the US state of South Carolina.

On August 25, media reported that a resident of Switzerland contributed 93.6 million euros to the popular European lottery EuroMillions. This is the biggest win for Switzerland.

On August 8, the organizers of the American lottery Powerball announced that three tickets with lucky numbers were sold in the states of New Jersey and Minnesota, in the amount of $448 million.

On June 5, the organizers of the Powerball lottery in May. She became 84-year-old Gloria McKenzie from Florida. She bought a lottery ticket at a supermarket in Zephyrhills, Florida, where only 13 thousand people live. She had the option of choosing annual payments or a lump sum payment. By choosing the latter, Mackenzie received only $370.8 million instead of the $590.5 million that was her nominal winnings. Mackenzie became the owner of the largest win in US history by one person.

On June 1, in the 585th draw of “Gosloto “6 out of 45””, the accumulated super prize equal to 121 million 835 thousand 582 rubles was shared by two participants - a resident of Perm Valery (60 million 917 thousand 821 rubles) and a resident of Volgograd Olga (61 million 518 thousand 163 ruble).

On May 28, a UK resident won more than 81 million pounds (almost 95 million euros) in the pan-European EuroMillions lottery. The anonymous winner immediately became 908th on the list of the richest Britons.

On April 26, media reported that a resident of the American state of New Jersey, 44-year-old Pedro Quezada, received a Powerball lottery ticket. After paying all the necessary taxes, Quezada was left with about $152 million.

On April 6, two residents of Belgium shared 26.5 million euros in the European lottery EuroMillions.

On November 29, the organizers of the American Powerball lottery reported that two US residents who bought winning tickets amounted to $580 million.

On November 14, a French resident won one of 169.8 million euros in the pan-European Euro Millions lottery.

On November 6, Australia's biggest jackpot was shared by four winners. The OZ lotto winnings totaled AUD 112 million.

On September 18, in the 477th draw of Gosloto “6 out of 45”, the accumulated super prize for detailed bets, equal to 152 million 723 thousand 884 rubles, was divided among four participants.

On August 11, a UK resident won the pan-European lottery Euromillions, which amounted to £148 million (€190 million).

On March 31, one of the largest Mega Millions jackpots was $656 million, shared by three people from Illinois, Kansas and Missouri.

On March 7, 81-year-old resident of the American state of Rhode Island, Louise White, played the popular US $210 million Powerball lottery. The night before the drawing, she put the winning ticket in the Bible and slept with it.

On February 29, a resident of the Croatian city of Dubrovnik lost 13.4 million kuna (about $2.3 million) after buying lottery tickets every week for 30 years and marking the same numbers on them.

On February 15, local media reported that a resident of the Chinese province of Sichuan won almost $42 million in the lottery. The Chinese Fuli Caipiao lottery center reported that a resident of Chengdu, the administrative center of Sichuan Province, won 200 million yuan ($41.3 million) in the Bicolor Ball lottery. The lucky winner of the prize had to pay a tax of 50 million yuan ($7.9 million), and he voluntarily donated another 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) to charity.

On January 27, a lottery prize of 4.872 million euros was drawn. The lucky one guessed a combination of seven numbers and an additional number. Payment for the ticket was made in the city of Maribor.

The material was prepared based on open sources

In Russia, people also win large sums in lotteries, I wonder how their lives are changing?

6th place.
In 2001 big jackpot picked by an unemployed family from Ufa. Nadezhda and Rustem Mukhametzyanov won 29 million rubles in the Bingo Show lottery. The bet was made spontaneously. It would seem that a large sum should have changed the lives of the spouses in better side, however, fate decreed otherwise. Or rather, the winners themselves made a dubious choice.
Having received the money, the couple began to lead a reclusive life, and alcohol became their main entertainment. The couple spent part of the winnings on real estate - they bought two apartments in the city center. The rest of the money was managed, according to neighbors, “according to their mood”: they gave loans, paid off loans for friends and acquaintances... Five years later, the fortune was completely spent. In an interview with the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda“Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova admitted that winning the lottery did not bring her happiness.
“It would be better if we didn’t win anything,” the woman said. In 2006, Nadezhda died. For the last few months before the tragedy, the couple lived in complete poverty.

5th place.

The owner of 35 million rubles in the spring of 2009 was a 51-year-old mechanic from Moscow, Evgeniy Sidorov. The lucky bet on Gosloto cost him 560 rubles. The man did not spend the money he won on apartments in the capital, travel and entertainment. Instead, the newly made millionaire took his family and left for small homeland– to the Lipetsk region. In his native village, Evgeniy built new home, repaired the road and started a small farm. Today the man is engaged in carp breeding.

4th place.
In August 2013, a 42-year-old living in Voronezh won 47,368,520 rubles in Stoloto. The bet cost the man 120 rubles. Most of According to the lucky man, he distributed the sums to relatives and best friends and decided to help the dreams of loved ones come true. The winner spent the remaining money on apartment renovations and household expenses. For some reason, the man did not want to change his life radically. However, according to him, he does not lose hope of hitting the big jackpot again.

3rd place.

In 2009, 36-year-old resident of the Leningrad region Albert Begrakyan won 100 million rubles in the lottery - he guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in the game of the same name from Gosloto.
Before purchasing the lucky ticket, the man was engaged in a small business - he owned several retail kiosks - and lived with his family in a rented apartment.
After receiving the money, the lucky man's life changed dramatically. Albert fulfilled his long-time dream - he acquired his own housing (he bought several apartments in the center of St. Petersburg) and expensive car Lexus brand. The man also purchased a plot of land in Krasnodar region for the construction of a hotel. Albert lent a considerable sum - almost 12 million rubles - to acquaintances and friends.
Despite the impressive size of the amount won, according to the winner himself, not a penny was left of it after two years. Moreover, today the man owes the state 4.5 million rubles. And all because he did not pay the full tax on the amount he won - 13 million. Because of this incident, the bailiffs seized part of Albert's property. He is also prohibited from traveling abroad.
According to the former lucky winner, if he had a winning ticket for 100 million rubles again, he would have used the money differently, would not have spent it in this way, but would have taken his family and gone to live in the USA.

2nd place.
In February 2014, a 48-year-old builder from Omsk named Valery won 184,513,512 rubles on Gosloto. The Siberian spent 800 rubles on lottery tickets, among which the lucky one was.
For several days, the lottery organizers could not find the lucky winner; the man simply did not get in touch. As it turned out later, he was so stunned by the news of the win that he locked himself at home and did not communicate with anyone for three days. Later, in a short interview with the Gosloto press service, Valery asked not to tell anyone his last name and other details. It is only known that the man lived all his life in Siberia and has three children. The lucky winner, in his own words, is going to spend the winnings on moving and buying a new home - somewhere by the sea.

1st place.
To date, the largest lottery winnings in Russia are 202,441,116 rubles. The owner of this condition was a 45-year-old man from Nizhny Novgorod Michael. He became a millionaire in the fall of 2014. The lucky bet cost the man 700 rubles.
He applied for his winnings a couple of months later, and after receiving the money, he went “underground.” Journalists only managed to find out that he has a wife and two children. Mikhail, who never declassified his last name and profession, did not tell, in his own words, even to his relatives about his winnings. According to the man, he will keep everything secret for some time.

Believe me, there are such huge winnings in the lottery that the numbers just don’t fit in your mind. Another question is whether the data on winnings is true, whether fake persons received them, whether they received them at all, etc.

Such stories are needed, at a minimum, so that people continue to buy lottery tickets, feeding the founders of the business.

Today we will talk about the most big wins in lotteries.

Just recently I heard on TV that a Russian family (mother and adult daughter) won 500 million rubles in the lottery, they were photographed for the media, smiling (we are talking about the November 2017 win, Voronezh). And evil commentators echoed - “they are stupid, they will be found and robbed, it’s clear that they are from the village,” “ ex-husband Now he finds out about the situation that has befallen his head and will supposedly come to restore the family, new relatives will appear.”

But I had other thoughts: “well, a person can’t win 500 million rubles in our country... and he can’t win abroad either... especially a billion dollars. And if anyone got such a prize, then they were probably “dummy people,” but they look too simple to be dummies.”

Do you believe that a person on the street who buys a random lottery ticket can win huge sums of money, hit the jackpot, as they say?

We see many stories on TV where mere mortals have won lotteries; neighbors give interviews, confirming that these same “Petya and Vasya, Masha and Sasha” from the first floor, always unemployed and cheerful, won a couple of million rubles. And no one expected it, but it got lucky. Usually, no one tells us, the audience, where the newly-made millionaires spent their money, or they provide meager information... However, few details are known about several families, especially those that squandered great wealth for nothing. For example, about the family of Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova.

But this is all on the screen, but have you personally had examples when your neighbors “hit the Jackpot”?? I have no. Except that I myself have won several thousand rubles in competitions a couple of times, but this is not a lottery. Among my friends, including those who actively buy lottery tickets, there is not a single one who has won. I don’t know whether it’s true or fiction that it’s possible to win, but a person, especially a Russian, will always hope for chance and luck more than anything else.

Let's talk about the largest lottery winnings among Russians.

Yuri Ivanov from Tolyatti won about 1 million rubles. As the hero says, he has been buying tickets regularly for 23 years, and he dreamed of the winning ticket numbers in a dream. What a story that is quite capable of cheering up those who have spent several salaries on lottery tickets and half their lives waiting for a prize - wait, perhaps there is still more to come!

A resident of the village of Vargashi, Kurgan region, won 1 million rubles, and became the luckiest villager who hit the jackpot in lotteries, because before that, residents of the outback had not received more than 200 thousand rubles.

Alexander Osterenko from Samara region won 2.5 million rubles in 2011.

A Russian Railways passenger once won 11 million rubles on a passenger ticket, they searched for him for two weeks. Yes, according to the media, this is possible - winning a multimillion-dollar sum just by buying a Russian Railways ticket. A little later, another lucky person from Russian Railways won 8 million rubles.

On December 30, 2001, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, with her husband and children, won 29 million rubles in the Bingo Show. At the same time, as sources say, the spouses bought two apartments and two cars with the winnings, but they spent a lot of money on drinking and slot machines. The cars broke down after accidents, the apartment burned down in a fire, the wife died a few years later from a trophic ulcer, and the husband lives unsociable in the second apartment with his sons.

In 2009, Moscow resident Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles in the Gosloto lottery. The man spent his winnings very wisely: he left with his family for his homeland, in the Lipetsk region, and organized his own farm and production for breeding carp.

100 million rubles went to Albert Begrakyan from St. Petersburg in 2009 (“Gosloto 6 out of 45”), Of these, the lucky one built a hotel for 16.5 million rubles, bought real estate, a car, and helped his relatives.

In 2015, a resident of Kaliningrad won 126.9 million rubles in the mobile phone lottery.

In 2014 (“Gosloto 6 out of 45”) Omsk resident Valery T won 184 million rubles. His lottery bet was 810 rubles.

In the same 2014, a certain Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won 200 million rubles.

In 2016, a resident of Novosibirsk hit the jackpot in the Gosloto lottery with as much as 358 million rubles, The lucky guy kept his name secret.

At the end of autumn 2017, a pensioner from Voronezh won 506 million rubles in the Stoloto lottery(although earlier they said it was a man). And this is the most big win to the lottery in Russia. People comment on this event in different ways, and that now the grandmother will have to hide, otherwise, out of stupidity, she appeared on TV, that they will be persecuted, and others write:

“Don’t worry, no one will hide anywhere, because there was no woman from Voronezh who won 500 million rubles. This lottery is promoting itself so that fools1 buy tickets more actively. Do you really think that an ordinary person can win 500 million rubles?”

“They found a grandmother from a remote Siberian village, gave her 50 thousand or whatever she needed, called her by a different name and now, buy our tickets to NG, what kind of PR we did for ourselves throughout the country, how sales will increase2.

“Yes, there is no 500 million. And this grandmother was paid 20 thousand. For this number on TV. Now she sits in the village of Glukharevo and no one will find her....”

There were several well-known cases when big winnings(26 million rubles) were not given to the Russians, for example, one person has been trying to get his winnings released for several years to no avail.

And now about the biggest lottery winnings in the world.

In 2000, the American received $363 million.

In 2002, a West Virginian ripped off D jackpot of $314.9 million.

Colombian Juan Rodriguez, who worked as a watchman, won $149 million in 2004.

In 2004, a US citizen won $209 million.

In 2005, the American won $340 million.

In 2006, the American won $230 million.

In 2006, again in America, the winnings were $365 million.

In 2008, an 84-year-old Missouri retiree won $254 million.

In 2007, Mega Millions gave away $390 million.

In 2013, three US residents won $488 million, the prize was divided among three.

In 2014, a California retiree hit a $425 million jackpot.

In 2012, two US residents won $587 million each, the prize was divided in half.

A Florda resident won $590 million in 2013. At that time, such a jackpot became a record.

In 2012, Mega Millions gave away as much as $640 million!! The prize was shared by two lucky winners.

Well, now this is an unrealistic amount!! And to be honest, I don’t believe that it went to ordinary people.

In 2016, the world's largest winnings occurred in the Powerball lottery - $1 billion 586 million, which went to three lucky ones, half a billion dollars each.

So far the records for the world and for Russia are as follows: in Russia the biggest win was 500 million, in the world 1.5 billion dollars for three.

In Russia, only 1% of the population plays lotteries, while for example in France, the USA, 65-70% of the population plays.

Is it true. That's how long I don't go to the post office - half the line is buying lottery tickets. I can’t imagine how things are going in France then, if there are 70 times more lottery fans there than here.

One of the problems with quick wins is that they are ephemeral. Gifts of fate, “freebies” disappear as quickly as they appear. And the millions that have fallen on our heads sometimes bring more troubles than joy. For example, a person who did not know the value of earning money does not know how to behave with it, he begins to spend everything chaotically or is afraid of it. Families break up, people become greedy and evil. But, of course, there are good examples. When people used their winnings in a profitable business, but for this it was necessary that the person initially had business experience and knew how to earn money. And everyone who lived by drinking and partying - they spent it all on them...

« A person has a material threshold: the amount of money that he is used to managing. It is installed subconsciously. As a rule, income increases gradually: the salary is increased - the psyche has adapted to the increase. And when a huge sum falls from the sky, it is too much work for the body. A person simply does not know how to manage that kind of money. Doesn't know what to do with them. It becomes a burden rather than a happiness.

Plus, distant relatives and old acquaintances begin to show up. This is additional stress. And here mechanisms that are not subject to consciousness come into play. You're just trying your best to get rid of money. That is why such winnings often simply go down the drain. Or even worse - they get drunk very quickly. This makes it easier. It is almost impossible to cope with such stress on your own. It’s better to seek help from professional psychologists.”

Of course, I would like to say - someone is lucky, I wish it were like that, at least a couple of million just like that!!! But as the sage said, it is better to teach a person to fish than to give it to him... Those who do not know how to catch will eat and be hungry again, and those who know how to catch will always be full.

An excerpt of dialogue from an old Soviet film, when a Sportloto ticket cost 60 kopecks and the maximum win was 20 thousand rubles:

“Win or win, what difference does it make? That's not the point! And the fact is that for 60 kopecks I have hope of winning 10 or 20 thousand rubles!!!”

A resident of Novosibirsk won 300 million rubles in the lottery. This is reported on the distributor's website state lotteries in Russia "Stoloto". Such a large prize was won for the first time at Gosloto “4 out of 20”. The winner purchased his ticket on the website for 100 rubles. After receiving the winnings, the winner is required to pay taxes in the amount of 13 percent of the winnings and as a result will receive 261 million rubles. talks about other big lottery wins in Russia.

2017 - 364 million rubles.

This win was recognized as a record for Russia. The ticket cost the owner 700 rubles. The winner has not yet claimed his rightful winnings.

2016 - 358 million rubles.

In March 2016, a resident of Novosibirsk won 358 million rubles in the Gosloto “6 out of 45” lottery. The winner took part in three draws. His lucky bet, which he made at one of the city's lottery kiosks, cost 1,800 rubles. The 47-year-old doctor only applied for his winnings a few weeks later. He came to collect his winnings with his best friend. After receiving the prize, the winner said that he would move to Moscow, buy a big house and start developing own business, and will also help those who need financial support.

2015 - 126 million rubles.

On May 29, 2015, a resident of the Kaliningrad region won a super prize equal to 126,925,038 rubles. The 37-year-old engineer said he would use the money to build a house and a playground. According to him, he has been interested in lotteries since childhood. Together with his grandfather, he bought tickets and dreamed of becoming famous throughout the country as a lottery winner.

In the same year, during the drawing, more than 200 million rubles were divided between residents of the Murmansk region and the Stavropol Territory, who guessed 6 numbers out of 45. A resident of the Murmansk region won 102,293,526 rubles, while his bet was 2.8 thousand rubles. A lottery participant from the Stavropol Territory won 101,587,947 rubles, his bet was 1.8 thousand rubles.

2014 - 202 million rubles.

On August 9, 2014, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod won 202,441,116 rubles. The winner came to claim his winnings only a month later. He refused to comment on his incredible luck in the form of the largest win in the country, citing a state of shock.

At the beginning of 2014, during the super prize drawing, a resident of Omsk received 184,513,482 rubles. He bought his lucky ticket at one of the retail outlets sales and placed a multi-circulation bid worth 810 rubles. He planned to use the prize to buy a large house near the water in a country with a warm climate.

2013 - 121 million rubles.

On June 1, 2013, in the 585th draw, the super prize equal to 121,835,582 rubles was shared by two participants: a resident of Perm, Valery (60,917,821 rubles), and a resident of Volgograd, Olga (61,518,163 rubles). Valery purchased his ticket during a business trip to Sochi. He planned to spend the amount of money he won on his children’s long-standing desire: a big house. Olga also wanted to buy her own home on the Mediterranean Sea.

2012 - 152 million rubles.

On September 18, 2012, in the 477th draw, the super prize equal to 152,723,884 rubles was divided among four participants. They all made an expanded bet: they marked more than 6 numbers on the playing field.

2011 - 135 million rubles.

On December 31, 2011, a super prize equal to 135,198,272 rubles was shared between a pensioner from Pyatigorsk and an entrepreneur from Moscow.

2009 - 100 million rubles.

On March 19, 2009, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg won 100,118,974 rubles in the lottery. No one could overcome his record for more than five years. The owner of the winnings stated that he was going to spend the money on buying a home, a summer house and a car.

In the USA, the largest jackpot in the world was won in the popular Powerball lottery - the amount was $1.5 billion! The name of the winner is not yet known, but lottery officials said the winning ticket was purchased in a suburb of Los Angeles, California.

The lottery is held in 44 states across the country, and winning Powerball is always a sensation. The coveted prize goes to the one who correctly indicates the numbers of five white balls and one red, which is called Powerball.

In the meantime, while the name of the lucky winner is being revealed, let's look at other darlings of fortune who won the largest Powerball lottery jackpots, find out how much money they won and what they spent it on.

(Total 12 photos)

In 2014, 75-year-old Emma Duvall won $2 million. She chose numbers that she found in a fortune cookie in a New York store.

A 19-year-old construction worker named Jonathan Vargas won $35 million in 2008. Jonathan chose the numbers using his family's birth dates and ages. He later created the women's wrestling channel Wrestlicious.

In 2001, ex-con David Edwards (who was convicted of armed robbery) won $41 million. David bought a mansion in Florida and a private jet. In just five years, he spent all his winnings and died at the age of 58 in a hospice.

In 2009, 27-year-old Jeffrey Wilson won $88 million. Jeffrey says that after winning, little has changed in his life, except that he began to live in a bigger house. He donated part of the money to a children's hospital.

In 2005, 34-year-old Brad Duke won $220 million. However, after winning, Brad continued to drive his old car and work for another two and a half years. The fitness center instructor used his money wisely - he hired a team of financial advisors and invested his winnings.

In 2009, retired government employee Solomon Jackson won $259 million. Mr. Jackson gave generous sums of money to a variety of educational causes, including Morris College, from which he graduated.

The Hill family won $293 million. A modest and pious family plans to spend money on the education of their children (three sons and one foster girl), grandchildren and nephews.

In 2002, the contracting firm's 55-year-old president, Andrew Whittaker, won $314 million. Andrew donated 10% of his winnings to Christian charities, and he spent the other 14 million to open a fund to help families in need in West Virginia. Unfortunately, life after winning did not work out for the former businessman - he was persecuted by people who wanted to cash in on his luck, and two daughters died of drug overdoses.

In 2013, Pedro Quezada from New Jersey won $338 million. The former store owner used part of his winnings to pay alimony to his family.

ConAgra Foods employees won $365 million. The lucky ones managed their money in different ways - some built a house in Vietnam, some quit their jobs and live on the interest from their investments, some simply enjoy life and do what they love, and two of the winners even got married.

In 2013, 16 employees of a machine maintenance company shared a $448 million winnings. The reaction of the winners was different - some were incredibly happy about the money, especially after the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy, and some expressed dissatisfaction due to the increased attention from the media.

In 2013, 84-year-old Gloria McKenzie of Florida, a retired teacher, won $590 million. We can say that it was the will of fate: the elderly woman was missed in the queue for lottery tickets and she bought a ticket with the numbers already selected.