How to cook stewed cabbage with pork. Stewed pork with cabbage will never get boring. How to cook pork stewed with fresh or sauerkraut. How to cook stewed sauerkraut with pork

Step-by-step recipes for preparing delicious and satisfying stewed cabbage with pork

2018-10-29 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

7 gr.


3 gr.

92 kcal.

Option 1. Classic recipe for stewed cabbage with pork

Cabbage goes well with any vegetables, sausages and meat. Seasoned with spices, the dish turns out incredibly aromatic and juicy. You can cook from both fresh cabbage and sauerkraut.


  • 120 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • half a kilogram of pork tenderloin;
  • 10 g pork seasonings;
  • a kilogram of fresh cabbage;
  • 75 g tomato paste;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • purified water - half a liter.

Step-by-step recipe for stewed cabbage with pork

Rinse the pork tenderloin, cut off the membranes and divide into small pieces. Pour oil into the pan and place the meat in it. Fry until the liquid has evaporated. The pork pieces should be golden brown.

Transfer the meat to the cauldron. Pour in vegetable oil, salt and stir. Peel the onion, chop it into thin half rings and place on top of the meat. Wash the peeled carrots and chop into small cubes. Place on a layer of onions.

Pour in purified water and bring the contents to a boil over medium heat. Simmer for half an hour. Finely chop the cabbage and knead it thoroughly with your hands so that it releases the juice. Place in a cauldron, cover with a lid and simmer without stirring. After forty minutes, add tomato paste, season with spices and mix well. After ten minutes, remove from heat.

To prepare stewed cabbage, use young meat. It is advisable that it is not frozen. The dish will turn out juicy if you use pork with layers of fat.

Option 2. Quick recipe for stewed cabbage with pork in a frying pan

This recipe uses sauerkraut for cooking. Thanks to this, the dish cooks faster and its taste is spicy. Chili sauce will add a slight spiciness.


  • 50 g Chili sauce;
  • pork fillet - half a kilogram;
  • refined oil - 100 ml;
  • sauerkraut - 500 g;
  • bay leaf;
  • onion;
  • spices for meat;
  • tomato paste - 50 g.

How to quickly cook stewed cabbage with pork in a frying pan

Wash, pat dry with a napkin and cut the pork fillet into pieces. Peel the onion and chop it into half rings. Cut the peel from the carrots, wash the vegetable and chop into large chips.

Pour oil into the pan and heat it. Add meat and onions. Fry over medium heat until the meat is golden brown and the onions have a caramel color.

Place the cabbage in a colander and rinse under running water. Leave to allow excess liquid to drain. Place in the pan with the meat. Add chili sauce and carrots. Stir. Pour a glass of boiling water over the contents of the frying pan, cover with a lid and simmer for ten minutes. When the cabbage becomes soft, add tomato paste. Season with spices and add bay leaf. After ten minutes, remove from heat.

You should definitely try sauerkraut before cooking. If it is too salty, be sure to rinse it. To ensure cabbage cooks evenly, cook it in a cast iron skillet.

Option 3. Stewed cabbage with pork and potatoes

Cabbage can be stewed with meat and potatoes. This is a hearty dish for lunch or dinner. This recipe uses fresh cabbage, but you can use sauerkraut for cooking.


  • fresh cabbage - a small fork;
  • fresh parsley;
  • pork pulp - 650 g;
  • hot boiled water - liter;
  • large carrot;
  • refined oil - 120 ml;
  • onion - two heads;
  • four bay leaves;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • large potatoes - 13 pcs.

How to cook

Peel one onion and place it whole in hot oil in a cauldron. Fry until golden brown. Then remove and discard.

Rinse the meat, remove veins and films. Cut into small pieces. Place in a cauldron and fry until the liquid evaporates.

Peel the carrots and grate coarsely. Peel the second onion and chop into small cubes. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into large slices. Chop the cabbage into not too thin strips.

As soon as the pork is browned, add the carrots, stir and simmer for about five minutes. Add chopped onion and continue cooking until browned. Add tomato paste, stir, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

Add cabbage and potatoes. Pour in hot water, stir, pepper and salt. Place bay leaf. Cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour, slightly reducing the heat. Place the finished cabbage on plates, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

Serve stewed cabbage with pork as a separate dish or as a side dish. To prevent the vegetable from turning into a homogeneous mass, chop it not too finely.

Option 4. Stewed cabbage with pork and sour cream

Cabbage stewed with pork and sour cream is a tender, juicy, filling dish with a pleasant creamy taste. For cooking, you can use pork tenderloin or ribs.


  • 50 ml sour cream;
  • 350 g pork tenderloin;
  • 100 ml refined oil;
  • 500 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 5 g of a mixture of dried herbs and vegetables;
  • 100 g of carrots and onions.

Step by step recipe

Remove the top wilted leaves from the cabbage fork. Chop the vegetable into thin strips and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in half a glass of water, lightly salt and put on low heat. Simmer for a quarter of an hour from the moment it boils. Place the cabbage in a colander.

Peel the onion and chop it into half rings. We clean and wash the carrots. Grind on a coarse grater.

Heat half the oil in a deep frying pan. Place carrots and onions in it and fry, stirring, for about ten minutes. Add cabbage, stir and continue cooking for the same amount of time. Wash the pork tenderloin, dry it with paper towels and cut into thin strips.

Fry the meat in a separate frying pan in the remaining oil until an appetizing crust. Transfer to vegetables, season with a mixture of dried herbs and vegetables, pepper and salt. Add sour cream, mix and simmer under the lid over low heat for about ten minutes.

The calorie content of the dish depends on the fat content of the sour cream. If desired, it can be replaced with heavy cream. When serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.

Option 5. Stewed cabbage with pork and mushrooms in a slow cooker

A multicooker frees housewives from having to stand at the stove and constantly monitor the process. Thanks to slow simmering, the pork turns out very tender and soft, and the dish is juicy.


  • half a kilogram of pork;
  • purified water;
  • carrot;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • champignons - 250 g;
  • fresh cabbage - 600 g;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • bulb.

How to cook

Rinse the pork tenderloin, remove membranes and cut into thin slices along the grain. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and finely chop the vegetable. Peel the onion and chop into thin half rings.

Wash the peeled carrots and grate coarsely. Rinse the mushrooms, dry and cut into thin slices. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press.

Pour some oil into the multicooker pan. Start the baking program. Add chopped onion and fry, stirring, for two minutes. Add the mushrooms and continue cooking for another ten minutes.

Place pieces of pork and carrot shavings into the pan of the device. Stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, fry for the same amount of time. Switch the device to the “quenching” mode. Lay out the cabbage, season everything with spices, add tomato and salt. Pour in half a liter of water and simmer, closing the lid, for an hour.

Stewed cabbage will acquire an unusual flavor if the tomato paste is first diluted with half a glass of tomato brine.

This is a hot second course with a contradictory character. Cabbage stewed with pork can surprise with its light sourness and captivate with its spiciness and rich aroma. It can be low-fat and tender, suitable for diet and children's meals. The taste will depend on little tricks and secret ingredients.

Apart from cabbage and pork you will need almost nothing. Just onion, salt and pepper to taste. If you use lean meat, then add a little oil for frying. When deciding on the amount of ingredients, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you should get: stewed cabbage with pork or pork with cabbage.

Typically, vegetables are used twice as much as meat.

This will make the dish light and juicy.

The preparation will take a little time. All products must be washed, cabbage and onions finely chopped, pork cut into pieces as for goulash or beef stroganoff.

The meat is lightly fried in a hot frying pan so that it does not cook and does not lose its individual flavor during the cooking process. Two to three minutes is enough to form a thin crust. To dirty less dishes, you can use a cauldron. The meat will be fried in it and the rest of the ingredients will fit.

Onions are added to the pork and everything is sautéed over high heat for a few more minutes. When the characteristic aroma of fried onions appears, cabbage is poured into the container. There are two important details at this stage.

  • The onion should not darken too much, otherwise the taste of the dish will be spoiled.
  • The cabbage needs to be salted and peppered in advance and mashed a little with your hands. It will quickly give juice, and there is no need to add liquid to the cauldron.

The dish simmers under the lid on the lowest heat for 40-50 minutes. During this time, the pork pieces will absorb the aroma and tenderness of the stewed vegetables and become soft and juicy. They determine the readiness of the dish.

Hearty option with potatoes

For an ideal result, pork, cabbage and potatoes should be taken almost equally. A small carrot will add a sweetish note to the taste. Onions in this recipe, the more the better, as the root vegetables will absorb a lot of liquid. Salt and pepper are required, other spices, such as cumin, are optional.

White cabbage can be finely chopped, and carrots can even be grated. Potatoes, on the other hand, are cut into large cubes so that they retain their shape. The onion will be boiled in any case, so it is also chopped coarsely.

The cooking principle is the same as in the traditional version. Lightly fry the meat, add vegetables. Potatoes will require 200-250 ml of water per 1 kg of vegetables. Simmer until the pork is done for a little less than an hour.

Spicy version with tomato sauce

Lovers of bright taste prepare this dish from meat with fat. Neck or brisket would work great in a hot sauce recipe.

Pork and cabbage will be needed in a 1:1 ratio. For example, 0.5 kg for three to four servings of the finished dish. In addition, you need onions, carrots and bell peppers (one each) and a little garlic. For the sauce: two tablespoons each of tomato paste and sugar, a teaspoon each of vinegar, salt and flour. Pepper and bay leaf to taste.

All the vegetables are added to the fried pieces of pork one by one, and they are also lightly browned. Cabbage is laid last. Simmer everything over low heat until almost done. If the vegetables are not juicy enough, you can add 50 ml of water.

Hot sauce will prevent the vegetables from getting soggy, so it is added at the very end. All ingredients are mixed in a small bowl, the flour is heated until light yellow in a dry frying pan. The cabbage mixed with the sauce should simmer for two to three minutes.

It is not necessary to add vinegar. Without it, the sauce will give the cabbage a slightly sour taste, highlighting the aroma of the stew.

Vegetables stewed with pork in sour cream sauce

Per kilogram of cabbage you will need 700-800 g of meat, 2 carrots and onions. Small cubes of pork are browned separately. Finely chopped carrots and onions are added to them. To prevent the dish from turning out watery, it is better to simmer the cabbage for this recipe in a separate pan. It is brought almost to readiness, excess liquid is drained and transferred to a cauldron with meat.

A pinch of flour is heated in a dry frying pan and added to a glass of rich sour cream. How many minutes before it is completely ready, pour the sauce into the cauldron, salt and pepper the dish.

Sour cream will give the cabbage a soft, delicate taste, and the pieces of pork will turn out very juicy.

Cabbage stewed with pork in a slow cooker

Anyone who strictly follows their diet and counts calories should use modern kitchen devices. Delicate processing of products in a multicooker will preserve their beneficial properties, and the taste will be the same as when steamed. No roasting!

Ingredients: cabbage and lean pork in a 2:1 ratio. For an appetizing color, you can add one carrot. Onions, herbs and seasonings - Provençal herbs or bay leaf and pepper - will add piquancy and aroma to the dish. Salt - to taste.

To reduce cooking time, the products are chopped finely, but without fanaticism. Otherwise, the cabbage and carrots will turn into puree, especially if you use early vegetables. Be sure to mash the cabbage with salt, as in the traditional recipe. You will have to add a little water or broth to the slow cooker. For 1 kg of cabbage, 200 ml is enough.

All ingredients are loaded simultaneously, alternating layers of meat, vegetables and seasonings. The extinguishing mode is set for 1.5-2 hours. During the cooking process, you need to stir the contents of the bowl a couple of times. Fresh herbs are added to the finished dish and left to brew under the lid.

Sauerkraut stewed with pork

Sauerkraut has a very special taste - rich and bright. For this dish, you can take any pork - with streaks of fat, lean pulp or ribs. The main thing is that there should be equal amounts of meat and cabbage.

The pork is pre-fried a little. Carrots and onions are sautéed separately. Sauerkraut is washed, very sour cabbage is lightly soaked. To get rid of excess brine, vegetables should be kept in a colander or squeezed by hand. The cabbage is separately fried in vegetable oil over high heat for 5-7 minutes, and then simmered under the lid until almost done, usually at least half an hour. For 1 kg of cabbage, you can add 50 ml of liquid (water, broth or even brine to taste).

All ingredients are combined in a deep frying pan. At this point you should taste the dish to determine if salt is needed. Different fermentation methods give different results in terms of pungency and salinity. Heat treatment also greatly changes the taste. Before cooking, add pepper and bay leaf to the dish. If it’s not spicy enough, a couple of spoons of tomato paste and a pinch of sugar won’t hurt. All additives are optional.

Classic Polish bigos

This is an old recipe from Slavic cuisine, especially popular in Poland. The basis of the dish is an assortment of meat, game and smoked meats. It is advisable to use fresh and sauerkraut in equal parts. Wild mushrooms, onions, carrots, tomatoes, apples and prunes are used as additives. Traditional spices are cumin, coriander, bay leaf and pepper. The dish is seasoned with Madeira. Properly prepared bigos is slightly sour and has a rich smoked aroma. When heated, it does not lose its taste. On the contrary, it is believed that it acquires its best taste on the third day. Usually large quantities of bigos are prepared for future use.

Approximate composition of products, which can be adjusted depending on the contents of the pantry:

  • 400 g of fatty pork, traditionally pork chops;
  • 400 g beef or rabbit meat;
  • 200 g chicken, duck, turkey or a little of everything;
  • 400g smoked pork ribs;
  • 700 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 700 g sauerkraut;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3 carrots;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons can be used);
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • prunes 5-6 pcs;
  • sour apple;
  • 3 large spoons of tomato paste;
  • pepper, cumin, coriander;
  • a glass of Madeira or dry white wine;
  • sugar and salt.

Raw meat, cut into large cubes, is browned over high heat for 2-3 minutes. Onions, carrots, mushrooms, tomato paste and wine are added to it. Simmer everything together for 20-30 minutes. Fresh shredded cabbage should be mashed with your hands, you can add salt, and sauerkraut should be squeezed out of the brine. Place cabbage into meat. All ingredients are simmered for another half hour. Then soaked prunes, diced apples, salt, sugar, spices, and smoked meats are added. After 40 minutes the cabbage should be very soft. Garlic is added to the finished dish.

Red cabbage stewed with pork

This exotic recipe is for connoisseurs of subtle flavors.

Equal amounts of red cabbage and lean pork are cooked separately. Small pieces of meat are browned over high heat.

Cabbage is stewed for 20-30 minutes in apple juice and wine. For 0.5 kg of cabbage you will need:

  • 200 ml juice;
  • 50-70 ml dry white wine;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • cinnamon, cardamom, anise;
  • salt and pepper.

Hot vegetables are placed at the bottom of the stewpan, and meat is placed on top. To soften the taste add a couple of tablespoons of butter. Cover the saucepan with a lid or foil. The dish is cooked in the oven for 15 minutes in the oven at 1700C.

You can serve a salad of fresh tomatoes at the table. Their taste will highlight and complement the unusual dish of red cabbage.

My five-year-old child is a passionate fan of stewed cabbage and pork (which I am sincerely surprised at - my childhood relationship with cabbage cannot be called simple). To please my son, I often combine these dishes and cook cabbage and pork stew. And with this I kill two birds with one stone - I spend less time on cooking (there is no need to “invent” a side dish), and I prepare a satisfying and healthy dish.

Meet: stewed cabbage with pork - a recipe with photos for you!

You will need:

1 kg of fresh cabbage;
500 g pork;
1 medium or 2 small carrots;
1 large onion;
50 g sour cream;
2-3 tbsp. spoons of ketchup to taste (regular tomato, mild or spicy, for example, for barbecue);
salt, ground pepper;
vegetable oil.

Photo recipe for stewed cabbage with pork

Rinse and dry the pork on a paper towel. Cut into large cubes and fry the meat on all sides in a roasting pan with hot vegetable oil.

Peel, wash and chop the vegetables: cut the onion into medium cubes, grate the carrots - not very finely. Add to roasting pan with meat and stir.

Simmer the pork with vegetables over low heat for 40 minutes (do not forget to stir the dish periodically to prevent it from burning). If the vegetables are not very juicy, add a little more oil and water to the pan.

Chop the cabbage into strips about half a centimeter thick, place in the resulting bowl, add salt and pepper.
Now you are out of competition, you just need...

Stir again. Cook everything together for 50 minutes. If the roasting pan is not very deep, add the cabbage to the vegetables in batches. I usually add half the cabbage, simmer it a little under the lid until it settles, then add the rest.

15 minutes before the end, stir ketchup mixed with sour cream into the stewed cabbage.

Let the dish sit for a while under a closed lid - a quarter of an hour will be enough, arrange on plates and serve, garnished with herbs and garnished with fresh bread.

That's the whole simple recipe for stewed cabbage with pork in step-by-step photos.

Pork dishes with sauerkraut are popular in Slavic and German cuisine. From the many variations of this tasty and satisfying dish, you can always choose and implement the simplest recipe. In general, sauerkraut has an amazing property; it can neutralize fatty meat. Stewed sauerkraut with pork is good as an independent dish. But it can also be served with side dishes, such as mashed potatoes or boiled rice. Hot and aromatic spices go well with it. The recipe is incredibly simple, so be sure to try this dish to diversify your daily menu.

Taste Info Vegetable main courses / Stewed cabbage


  • fatty pork – 300 g;
  • sauerkraut – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garam masala seasoning – 1 tsp;
  • ketchup-lecho – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • red hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook stewed sauerkraut with pork

Take the pork flesh and trim off most of the fat from the pieces.

Rinse the sauerkraut under running water and let it drain.

Cut the pork into medium-sized cubes, and the skins and lard into small pieces.

Place the skins with lard in a deep frying pan and melt out all the fat on which we will fry the meat. You can remove the cracklings from it, and place the pieces of meat and fry on all sides.

Add all the sauerkraut to the meat and pour in half a glass of boiling water. Stir, turn the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the contents for 35 minutes. During this time, look under the lid a couple of times and stir; you may need to add a little more water.

Cut the peeled and washed onion into half rings, cut the hot red pepper into thin slices. You will also need ketchup-lecho, which contains chopped sweet peppers, and a little complex Indian seasoning “Garam Masala” (if necessary, it can be replaced with a mixture of seasonings and spices such as “Khmeli-Suneli”).

Add all the prepared ingredients to the pan, stir and continue to simmer for another 5-7 minutes until the liquid begins to noticeably boil away.

During this time, cut the garlic cloves into small pieces.

Add the garlic when there are 1-2 minutes left until the dish is completely done. Stir everything again. Remove the frying pan from the heat; there should be no excess liquid in the stewed cabbage with pork.

Sauerkraut with pork is ready, if desired, sprinkle it with chopped fresh herbs, as in the photo. The prepared dish will go perfectly with lean millet porridge (it will slightly balance out the cabbage acid).

Some useful tips:

  • even well-washed sauerkraut gives the finished dish a slight spicy-sour taste, which can be improved with one teaspoon of sugar;
  • Along with the garlic, just before the end of cooking, you can add a couple more bay leaves;
  • it will be better if, instead of water for stewing cabbage, add pre-prepared meat broth;
  • You can replace ketchup-lecho with tomato paste and chopped bell pepper.

Increasingly, most housewives give their preference to stewed cabbage. And this is not surprising! Cabbage goes well with any meat, vegetables, spices: the dish turns out to be satisfying and very tasty. The dish can be prepared not only from fresh cabbage, but also from sauerkraut: in this case, it will acquire a subtle sourness.

You can stew cabbage in any container with thick walls: a cauldron, saucepan or frying pan are suitable for this. And using a multicooker will allow the housewife not only to save time, but also to preserve the juiciness and nutrients of the products.

Do not forget that cabbage contains large quantities of vitamins C, B, A, manganese, iodine and magnesium.

Classic recipe

Step-by-step preparation of stewed cabbage with pork in a saucepan:

  1. Rinse the meat, cut off the films from it and divide into pieces. Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan and fry the pork. After some time, juice will begin to release from the meat, in which it should be stewed;
  2. When the liquid has evaporated and the meat pieces begin to crust, they need to be transferred to a pan: it must have thick walls. Pour sunflower oil;
  3. Peel and cut the onion (in half rings) and carrots (in cubes);
  4. Salt the meat to taste. Spread an even layer of onions, then carrots. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan and bring the contents to a boil. After this, the meat and vegetables should be stewed for about thirty minutes;
  5. Meanwhile, chop the cabbage finely and mash it well with your hands to release the juice. Place a layer of cabbage, close the lid and simmer (do not stir). By this time, the meat and vegetables will be almost ready;
  6. Add tomato paste and spices after about forty minutes, mix well. Cook for ten minutes.

Stewed cabbage with pork and potatoes


  • small cabbage fork;
  • 650 g ribs or pulp;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • 13 large potatoes;
  • tomato paste (2 tbsp) or tomatoes (5 pieces);
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 120 grams of refined oil;
  • liter of hot boiled water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • fresh parsley.

Cooking time: 80 minutes.

Calorie content: 120 kcal/100 grams.

How to cook:

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron over low heat, put a whole small onion in it, fry until golden brown and remove. After this, the oil will not taste bitter and will acquire an unusual smell;
  2. Remove film and veins from meat or ribs, rinse and cut into pieces. Fry in a cauldron until the liquid evaporates and a golden crust appears;
  3. Peel the carrots and grate coarsely;
  4. Chop the onion into small cubes;
  5. Peel, wash and coarsely chop the potato tubers;
  6. Chop the cabbage head;
  7. If tomatoes are added to the dish, they need to be cut into cubes;
  8. First, add carrots to the cauldron, stir and simmer briefly over high heat;
  9. Add chopped onion. When it turns golden brown, add tomatoes or tomato paste. Stir the contents of the cauldron well, cook for twenty-five minutes without removing the lid;
  10. Throw in potatoes and cabbage, pour in hot water. Mix the ingredients, add salt and pepper. Throw in bay leaf;
  11. Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer the dish without turning down the heat. When steam appears from under the lid, reduce heat and cook for another thirty minutes;
  12. The finished stewed cabbage needs to sit for about fifteen minutes, put on plates and garnish with fresh parsley.

Sauerkraut stewed cabbage with pork in a frying pan


  • 500 grams of pork loin;
  • ½ kilogram of sauerkraut;
  • onions;
  • tomato paste;
  • seasoning for meat;
  • bay leaf;
  • refined sunflower oil;
  • Chili sauce.

Cooking time: 90 minutes.

Calorie content: per 100 grams 200 kcal.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. Wash and cut the meat into pieces;
  2. Peel and cut a medium onion into half rings;
  3. Pour a large spoonful of oil into the pan. When it's hot, add the onions and meat. To prevent the meat from burning, it is better to fry it over medium heat. Cook until a crust appears on the meat and the onions become golden;
  4. Rinse the cabbage with water and use a colander to drain excess liquid, then place in a frying pan. Add a tablespoon of chili sauce;
  5. Pour a glass of boiling water over the contents of the frying pan and simmer under a closed lid for about fifty minutes;
  6. Add tomato paste or fresh tomatoes only after the cabbage is soft. Various seasonings and a spoonful of sugar will add an unusual taste to the dish. After a few minutes, you can add a bay leaf and two cloves of crushed garlic;
  7. The dish will be finally ready when all the water has boiled away.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker


  • 500 g meat;
  • carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 600 g fresh cabbage;
  • onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 250 g champignons;
  • odorless vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt;
  • water.

Cooking time: 70 minutes.

Calorie content: 130 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook stewed cabbage with pork in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash a piece of meat and cut into thin slices in the direction of the grain;
  2. Wash the head of cabbage, remove bad leaves and finely chop;
  3. Peel the onion and thinly slice it into half rings;
  4. Peel the carrots, grate coarsely;
  5. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small slices;
  6. Grind the garlic cloves using a press;
  7. Pour some odorless oil into the multicooker. Turn on the “Baking” mode and fry the onion for a couple of minutes. Add the champignons and cook for another ten minutes;
  8. Place grated carrots and pieces of meat. Fry for no more than ten minutes with constant stirring;
  9. Selecting the “Stew” mode, add cabbage, add spices, two tablespoons of tomato paste and salt to taste. Pour ½ liter of water into the bowl and simmer the food for one hour;
  10. The finished dish can be decorated with fresh herbs if desired.

  1. Stewed cabbage can be served as a side dish or a separate dish, hot or cold. Mashed potatoes, boiled rice and cabbage complement each other well;
  2. To make the cabbage softer faster, you need to chop it as finely as possible;
  3. Salt, spices and tomato paste are added at the very beginning, otherwise the cooking time will increase significantly;
  4. Stewed cabbage will have an unusual taste if you mix the tomato paste with ½ cup of tomato brine before adding it;
  5. If desired, you can add prunes, broccoli, asparagus, potatoes, beans, eggplant or zucchini while stewing the cabbage.

Stewed cabbage with pork is a very tasty and inexpensive dish that can be prepared in a short time. It does not require a lot of time and skills, so even an inexperienced housewife can stew cabbage. If you follow the cooking rules, the dish will ultimately turn out juicy and satisfying.