How to boil rice for rolls in a slow cooker. How to Make Delicious Sushi Rice Using a Slow Cooker. Preparing rice for sushi. Videos for multicookers from different manufacturers

In addition to learning how to make sushi, you need to purchase all the necessary ingredients, in particular rice. But costs can be reduced if you have a multicooker at home. After all, today we will talk to you about how to cook sushi rice in a Redmond multicooker? In any case, such rice will be no worse than store-bought or stove-cooked rice.


  1. 280 gr – Rice;
  2. 370 gr – Water;
  3. 50 ml – Rice sauce;
  4. 1/4 tsp. – Salts;
  5. 1/2 tsp – Sugar;

How to cook sushi rice in a Redmond slow cooker

1) Below we will look at a detailed step-by-step photo recipe. To prepare sushi and rolls at home, we need short-grain rice - 2 multi-cups. Pour the rice into a bowl and rinse with water several times until the water runs clear.

2) Pour the rice into the multicooker bowl and fill it with 2.5 multi-cups of water.

And here's the question:

– how long to cook sushi rice in a slow cooker?

We install the program "BUCKWHEAT" or "COOKING/EXPRESS" on 40-45 minutes.

3) While our rice is cooking. We add salt and sugar to the rice vinegar and mix thoroughly.

  • Note: If you are using ready-made rice vinegar, taste the vinegar before adding sugar and salt. The reason is that the taste of rice vinegar varies greatly among different manufacturers of rice vinegar - some have it too sour, while others have it sweeter. Therefore, adjust the taste of vinegar at your discretion.

4) As soon as the rice is ready, we will add our seasoning to it and mix gently so that the structure of the rice is not disturbed. Next, let the rice cool to room temperature, after which we use it to make sushi.

Sushi and rolls- Japanese traditional food. They appeared in Russia recently, but immediately gained enormous popularity. Fans of Japanese cuisine have access to many restaurants with a variety of types of rolls and sushi, but more and more people prefer cook them at home and there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, Japanese cuisine is not a cheap pleasure; lunch in a restaurant with the whole family will cost a significant amount. Secondly, you will definitely be sure of the quality of the rolls and sushi prepared at home. And thirdly, it’s just interesting! You can involve the whole family in cooking, and children will find this process especially interesting.

If a few years ago products for Japanese dishes could only be bought in narrow-profile Japanese-themed stores at a high price, now they are available in almost every supermarket. The fillings in rolls and sushi can be very diverse, from fish to vegetables, but the constant components of rolls and sushi are nori and rice. It is the wrongly chosen and cooked rice that can ruin the entire dish. Properly cooked rice should be sticky but not mushy. Typically, sushi rice is fine-grained, round, and white.

It is best to choose rice whose packaging says that it is suitable for Japanese dishes, so you definitely can’t go wrong with the variety.

Before the appearance multicooker Cooking rice for sushi could be a serious problem, because you had to choose the right dishes, temperature, and time. The rice most often turned out “not as it should be,” and disappointed housewives no longer wanted to repeat the masterpieces of Japanese cuisine on their own. Now that there is a multicooker in every modern kitchen, you can cook it at home sushi rice Everyone can do it. There is no longer any need to be afraid that the rice will overcook or run away and burn to the bottom of the pan - the multicooker will do everything itself.

Like all cereals, sushi rice can be made in multicookers using “Cereals”, “Porridge” or “Buckwheat” modes. Redmond and Polaris multicookers have a special “Rice” cooking mode. The main key to preparing high-quality rice for sushi is maintaining the amount of rice and water. The entire cooking process can be divided into several parts: washing, cooking and combining rice and dressing.

Cooking sushi rice in a slow cooker. Recipe with video from the chef

Rice for sushi on the “Rice” mode


  • 2 cups rice
  • 500 g water
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp soy sauce


Rice for sushi in the “Stew” mode


  • 200 g rice
  • 300 g water
  • 30 g rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp Sahara


The resulting rice can be used to cook about 5 servings of rolls.

Preparing rice for sushi. Videos for multicookers from different manufacturers

Rice for sushi in the “Multi-cook” mode


  • 200 g rice
  • 325 g water
  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • Pinch of salt
  • A pinch of sugar


Cooked rice will yield approximately 5 servings of rolls.

After cooking and seasoning, the rice will acquire a pearly hue and become slightly transparent, it will easily fall into a lump, but will not be mushy. To prevent rice from sticking to your hands, you can wet them in water, or better yet, rice vinegar during cooking.

For those who like to prepare sushi and rolls at home, our recipe on how to cook rice in a slow cooker for sushi and rolls will help. Using this miracle technique, preparing sushi rice is simply a pleasure.

How to cook rice in a multicooker for sushi: step-by-step cooking recipe

Before cooking rice in a slow cooker for sushi, it is very important to choose the right rice for this. It should be sticky. Most often, round and fine-grained rice or special Japanese sushi rice, which can be easily found in any supermarket, is used for sushi. The main thing is that it forms the sushi well.

So, the ingredients for cooking rice in a slow cooker:

  • 2 cups rice;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 50 ml rice vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soy sauce;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.


1) Rinse the rice thoroughly;

2) Place the washed rice in the multicooker bowl and add water;

3) Turn on the “Rice/Grains” mode for 25 minutes (you can keep it under the lid for an additional 5-10 minutes);

4) To prepare the marinade, you need to mix lemon juice, rice vinegar, soy sauce, salt and sugar. Heat it until it boils and let it cool;

5) When the rice is ready, pour the marinade over it.

How to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker: a quick recipe

Now let's figure out how to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker; there are also subtleties and nuances in cooking.


  • 2 cups rice;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 50-60 ml rice vinegar.


1) Rinse the rice very thoroughly;

2) Place it in a multicooker bowl and soak for 30 minutes in cold water;

3) Place the bowl in the multicooker and turn on the “Buckwheat” mode;

4) Once cooked, open the lid and add rice vinegar while stirring the rice gently.

Cooked rice for rolls must be used immediately after cooking, otherwise it becomes hard and tough.

Now that the rice is ready, you can start preparing the rolls themselves.

Sushi rice in a Redmond multicooker: cooking features

The recipe for preparing rice for sushi and rolls in multicookers is approximately the same. To prepare sushi rice in a Redmond multicooker, here are our tips and recommendations.


  • 200g rice;
  • 325 ml water.


  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear.
  2. Pour 325 ml of hot water (boiling) into the rice and place in the multicooker on the “Multi-cook” mode for 5 minutes.
  3. Don’t open the lid for another 10 minutes - let the rice finish.
  4. Open the lid and let it sit for another 15 minutes.
  5. Then add the marinade and mix gently - that’s it, the sushi rice is ready!

Strict proportions are the key to preparing good rice for sushi and rolls.

Cooking rice in a slow cooker is much easier than cooking it yourself. Therefore, enjoy the cooking process and please your loved ones with delicious and so popular sushi. Bon appetit!


Japanese cuisine has long won love and appreciation in our country. Restaurants are opening everywhere, food is being prepared for take-out and delivery. But not only a chef can prepare rolls and sushi; it is accessible to any cook. The main thing in this matter is properly cooked rice!

How to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker?

To prepare real masterpieces of Japanese cuisine yourself at home, you need to pay special attention to preparing the rice. Most importantly, this product cannot be digested, otherwise it turns into an unappetizing porridge. The ideal option would be to choose the Japanese variety of rice. The fact is that this product has the necessary degree of stickiness, which plays an important role in the process of creating truly tasty and tender rolls.

How to choose the right rice for making rolls?

In order for rice for rolls prepared in a multicooker Polaris to be tasty, you need to choose the right variety of this cereal product. It is worth using the following tips:

  1. It must have the required degree of viscosity necessary for the correct formation of rolls.
  2. The ideal option would be cereals with small and round grains, which should be the same opaque white color. During cooking, such grains perfectly absorb liquid and do not stick together.
  3. It is best to choose a variety that contains a lot of starch. Thanks to this quality, the grains do not turn into porridge during the cooking process.
  4. Today, most companies produce a special type of rice intended directly for making rolls. This product has special markings on the packaging.
  5. It is advisable to purchase fresh cereals. Connoisseurs of Japanese food say that the ideal option would be cereals from the latest harvest.

The Japanese claim that rice grains need to be washed in no less than seven different waters. By observing this rule, all impurities and husks that entered the product during transportation or storage are removed. Water removes all excess starch that prevents the grains from sticking together. You need to rinse the cereal until the liquid is clear and clean.

To rinse the cereal, you need to use only cold water - the cereal is transferred to a fairly deep bowl, liquid is poured in and rubbed well with your fingers to remove all impurities and dirt. Then the water is drained and new water is added. After the cereal is washed for the last time, it is transferred to a sieve so that the rice can dry. This procedure should be carried out approximately half an hour before the start of cooking.

The next step is to cook the rice cereal using a multicooker. This device greatly simplifies the entire cooking process. The water does not boil away, the grains of rice do not stick to the bowl of the device, and now you no longer have to constantly monitor the cooking time.

It’s quite enough to simply purchase a certain type of rice, and the multicooker will do the rest. Experts advise giving preference to varieties that grow in Asian countries, because they contain a larger amount of starch. This is due specifically to the climatic characteristics of the region.

The final part is the dressing, which must be used if rice is being prepared for rolls. In most cases, simple rice vinegar is used, which is seasoned with a small amount of sugar and salt. If desired, noria seaweed can be added, but this is not a required component.

For dressing, sugar and salt are poured into vinegar, after which the mixture is slightly heated until the crystals are completely dissolved. As soon as the dressing is ready, it is added to the already boiled and cooled rice. You don't need to use too much vinegar, otherwise the rice will turn out very crumbly and forming rolls will be problematic.

To avoid making rice porridge, you must try to strictly observe the proportions of water and cereal. In this case, there are serious differences from simple rice porridge, which can also be made in a slow cooker.

You will need to use the following components:

  • water – 2.5 tbsp.;
  • rice groats – 2 tbsp;
  • rice vinegar – 45 ml;
  • white sugar – 2 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Rice is prepared in a slow cooker according to the following scheme:


In just a few years, sushi - one of the traditional dishes of Asian countries - has become very popular in Russia, and many housewives quickly learned to cook it themselves, or began to try to master this technology. In reality, sushi is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but there are many requirements for all its components. For example, for rice: it must be boiled so as to keep its shape, and not everyone understands how to do this.

Experienced housewives claim that the main problem with sushi is not that in many cities it is difficult to find special products for this dish - you can even take “Krasnodar” rice, which is quite inexpensive and affordable. It is much more important to rinse it correctly, choose the right ratio of water and cereal, and also take care of the presence of marinade. It is compliance with these conditions that guarantees you the ideal consistency of the finished product. A universal recipe for sushi rice in multicookers Panasonic, Polaris, Redmond, etc. is in front of you, but keep in mind that if your device has low power (below 800 W), the cooking time needs to be increased.


  • round white rice - 2 cups;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • rice vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

Sushi rice in a Redmond slow cooker - how to make it correctly?

There are no significant differences between appliances from different brands when it comes to cooking rice for subsequent preparation of sushi. However, the new multicookers from Redmond have an interesting “Multicook” function, which can be used to cook almost anything. And it requires getting used to it, so below the professionals reveal the features of creating the right rice for sushi in this particular mode. An alternative version of the marinade will also be a bonus here.


  • round white rice – 200 g;
  • boiling water – 325 ml;
  • soy sauce – 1 tsp;
  • rice vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Combined preparation of sushi rice in the Polaris multicooker

There is another interesting method for creating good sticky rice for rolls and sushi, according to which the multicooker programs alternate. First, the grains are baked a little, after which they are cooked until fully cooked. Some chefs claim that this way rice does not turn into porridge, although most professionals are sure that it is not the multicooker mode that is responsible for the consistency, but the selected proportion of liquid and cereal.


  • Short grain rice – 1 tbsp.;
  • cold water – 100 ml;
  • boiling water – 200 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • marinade for rice – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice washed in several waters should be poured into a multicooker bowl and filled with cold water.
  2. Select the “Baking” mode, do not lower the lid. Set the timer for 10 minutes. and stir the cereal a couple of times during this time.
  3. After the signal, salt the rice, stir again, add the remaining water (be sure to bring it to a boil) and change the program to “Stewing”. Lower the lid.
  4. After 20 minutes, lift the lid and let the rice cook in the open slow cooker for another 10 minutes. Then mix it with any marinade (you can use the compositions given in previous recipes).