How to draw a Russian folk holiday. How to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil step by step: step-by-step description and recommendations

On the territory Ancient Rus' in the tenth century paganism gave way to Christianity. Despite this, a number of holidays inherent to old beliefs have been preserved, including Maslenitsa. Although, of course, some temporary shifts occurred and a different ideological justification appeared, subordinated to the new faith. The celebration of Maslenitsa was attributed to the beginning of Lent and was included in the list of obligatory celebrations.

For most artists, this delightful and cheerful celebration is a truly serious challenge to embody and convey the mood of Russian Maslenitsa. And if, despite the complexity of the work, you decide to depict a party, then first you will need to think through the plot. Don't forget about the characters who personify Maslenitsa.

This traditional holiday with centuries-old customs symbolizes the transition from cold to warmth, from winter to spring, from boring and dark colors to the cheerful and bright colors. The celebration is usually accompanied by performances, folk jokes, laughter, treats and games.

Drawing the Maslenitsa holiday is not easy. In order to convey its atmosphere with many details, characters, objects, the skill and experience of the artist is necessary. However, do not despair and become despondent. You can convey a festive, spring mood by drawing only the most important symbols of Maslenitsa. Thus, the main attributes of the holiday are considered to be a scarecrow, the sun, fire (bonfire) and, of course, pancakes.

Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine future drawing, think through its details and plot. Holiday symbols are the main aspect that the artist focuses on.

Required tools and materials

But before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you need to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following office supplies:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Multi-colored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Markers, paints.

How to draw Maslenitsa: draw a scarecrow

The main attribute, which has remained mandatory since pagan times, is a straw effigy mounted on a pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a round-faced woman in Russian folk attire. During the festivities, you can see a flaming scarecrow and round dances around it.

To make the image of a stuffed animal look like a real artist’s, follow the step-by-step description:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a pole with a crossbar for the arms.
  2. Draw the external outlines of the robe and headdress (scarf).
  3. Draw the clothing in detail, highlighting holes and patches.
  4. Draw straw that should show through the clothes. The face of the stuffed animal must be drawn crudely or not shown at all.
  5. The flame in the fire should be non-uniform. Contain lighter and darker areas. Draw large and tall flames first. Then add secondary, smaller tongues that give volume to the fire. At the end, draw sketches of the firewood. Label the size and texture of the wood logs.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Sun of Maslenitsa

The sun can be displayed as the main object of the drawing or as an addition. It conveys the holiday atmosphere.

By the way, sometimes he is depicted on a pole instead of the entire scarecrow or Maslenitsa head.
The image of the Maslenitsa sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Used for drawing folk motives, and also duplicate the symbolism of other holiday attributes (flames, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted as several circles or spirals inscribed within each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fiery snakes, tongues of fire or splashes of oil.
  • Shades of red, yellow, and orange are used for the image.

Fire is an integral attribute of Maslenitsa

The most striking part of the celebration is the burning of the effigy. Separate flames or a bonfire are often depicted next to it. You can also depict a burning effigy. In this case, it is easier to draw fire in stages.

First you need to identify the main flames. Don't forget about the shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than the other. Draw such a transition on each fiery tongue. To make the shadow look continuous and realistic, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working.

Add secondary flames and apply shading. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. Using a thin pencil, trace the outline of each tongue. Draw a circle of light and highlights of the flame if you only need fire.

To depict a fire, complete the sketch of the firewood. Outline the wood grain, size and shape. Now all you have to do is draw the final shading and light and shade. The drawing can be left in pencil or painted.

Let's try to draw the Maslenitsa holiday, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked for various holidays, including Maslenitsa.

It's not easy to depict a stack of pancakes. To make it look realistic and not look like a pyramid of paper circles, focus on drawing details and light and shade:

  1. Initially, make markings and draw the future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out oval, with uneven edges.
  3. Draw the outline of the stack. The pancakes cannot be the same; their edges must be uneven.
  4. Mark the boundaries of the plate - they should copy the contours of the pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be covered with pancakes.

The final stage is drawing out the details. The realism of the picture will be created by drops of oil or honey flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack. Mark and draw shadows to add dimension to the image.

Final stage

The provided article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil, in an accessible and lightweight way.

A color drawing better conveys the warm and joyful atmosphere of the holiday. Therefore, you can colorize the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in your work, but dilute them a little with cool shades, since contrast is also needed. Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa, as a rule, turn out to be cheerful and bright.

You can come up with many different themes with Maslenitsa motifs, but it is better to choose ordinary themes. A festive mood it will be possible to emphasize using folk patterns.

Carnival. Still life in gouache. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Carnival. Still life. Master class on drawing.

Dyakova Olga Sergeevna teacher of the Fine Arts class MBOUDO "DSHI" Okhansk
Description: this master class will be useful for art teachers, teachers additional education artistic and aesthetic orientation, students starting from grade 4 can easily cope with this work.
Maslenitsa - ancient Slavic holiday with numerous customs and traditions, which have survived through the centuries to the present day.
I would like this master class to help us preserve the memory of this bright and bright holiday.
The work is done in stages; step-by-step drawing will help you avoid the most common mistakes and give you confidence in your own abilities.
The work is performed without preliminary drawing.
Purpose: Use in drawing classes, interior decoration or as a gift.
Target: performing a still life - Maslenitsa.
Tasks: improve your skills in working with gouache
promote the development of creative abilities
develop a sense of composition, the ability to analyze the shape of depicted objects, deepen the sense of perception of color and color harmony
cultivate interest in the objective world and natural painting, develop accuracy in work
Whatman paper, A-3 format.,
nylon brushes numbered 2, 3, 5.

Execution sequence:

Place the sheet of paper horizontally. We draw a line for the far edge of the table - this is the line where the vertical plane of the wall and the horizontal plane of the table meet. The line is located significantly below the middle of the sheet. More pencil we won't need it.

We divide the vertical plane of the wall into three zones - light (the lightest part) in yellow-white color, half-light (darker part) in ocher (sand) color, and penumbra (the darkest part of the background) in yellow-brown color. You should pay attention to the direction of movement of the brush: on a vertical plane the stroke is vertical and inclined, and on a horizontal plane the stroke is horizontal and inclined.

We blur the boundaries between light, half-light and half-shadow, making tone transitions smoother.

We divide the horizontal plane into two parts - light and half-light, since the horizontal plane is lighter than the vertical.

We blur the boundaries between light and half-light, making tone transitions smoother.

It should be borne in mind that when the gouache dries, it becomes significantly lighter.

Let's start making the lid. We outline the main volume of the belly of the lid.

We draw the bottom of the jar.

Draw the neck of the jar.

Fill the jar with color.

Draw shadows on the belly and neck of the jar.

Slightly blur the shadows along the inner contour, softening the edges.

We draw light on the belly and neck of the jar.

Slightly blur the light along the outer contour, softening its boundaries.

Draw the fabric on the neck of the jar. Draw the top of the fabric white, the edges blue.

Draw folds on the fabric.

We work on the light and shadows on the top and bottom of the fabric. Draw shadows under the fabric on the neck of the jar.

We outline the silhouette of the dish.

We draw falling shadows under the dish and the jar, slightly blurring the shadows along the outer contour, softening their boundaries.

Using ocher (sand) color we outline the outline of the stack of pancakes.

Fill the contours with color.

Using thin wavy strokes, we divide the stack of pancakes into individual “pancakes.”

We work on the light and shadows on the top and side of the stack of pancakes.

Using small dots we give the pancakes the effect of a porous structure.

Perhaps Maslenitsa is one of the brightest and most cheerful folk holidays. It is customary to celebrate Maslenitsa with merry festivities, burning effigy and, of course, eating pancakes. To understand how to draw Maslenitsa, it is enough to consider the works of the best domestic painting masters. The subject for their wonderful paintings was often the festivities of the Russian people during Maslenitsa! Of course, you can also depict a completely modern holiday, either from life or from photographs.
Before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you should prepare. So, you will need the following office supplies:
1). Paper;
2). Multi-colored pencils;
3). Liner;
4). Eraser;
5). Pencil.

The easiest way to figure out how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil is if you do everything step by step:
1. Work on the drawing must begin with a schematic sketch. Mark the approximate location of snowdrifts and main objects. It is best to place a stuffed animal and children in the center of the composition. And on the side you can outline the contours of a woman with pancakes and a cat rubbing at her feet;
2. Draw a scarecrow and depict firewood under it;
3. Draw more clearly the figures of cheerful children;
4. Draw a woman. Draw a plate of pancakes in her hands. Draw the cat that stands next to her;
5. Draw houses and a church in the background. Also depict horses harnessed to a sleigh. After all, sleigh rides are a traditional holiday entertainment. Draw people walking in the distance;
6. Draw a dog next to the child;
7. In the foreground, outline the outlines of a buffoon sitting on the snow;
8. Draw a buffoon playing the pipe;
9. Now you know how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. To make the drawing clearer, it should be carefully outlined with a liner;
10. Now you need to use an eraser to remove the preliminary pencil sketch;
11. Having learned how to draw Maslenitsa step by step, you can move on to coloring of this image. Color the sky with a blue pencil, and the clouds with lilac and pink;
12. Use a blue-green pencil to color the outlines of the forest in the distance. Brown color paint the houses, and gray and yellow shades- church. Color the roofs and pipes with a red pencil, and shade the snowdrifts on them with a blue tint;
13. Pencils bright colors paint the Maslenitsa scarecrow;
14. Color the horses, sleighs and people in the distance;
15. Now color all the characters located in the foreground;
16. Shade the snowdrifts with a blue pencil.
The drawing of a merry Maslenitsa is ready! Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa always turn out bright and cheerful!

Maslenitsa is a holiday with centuries-old traditions. It symbolizes the transition from winter to spring, from cold to warmth, from dark and boring colors to bright and cheerful colors. The holiday is accompanied by folk festivities, laughter, jokes, performances, games and treats.

Drawing Maslenitsa is not easy. In order to create a picture with many characters, objects, details, you need the experience and skill of the artist. However, do not be discouraged. You can convey the spring, festive mood by depicting the main symbols of Maslenitsa, one or more. Its main attributes are the sun, pancakes, scarecrow and fire. Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine the future picture, think through the plot and details. Central location should be occupied by holiday symbols.

Scarecrow Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is not only a holiday. This is the name of the effigy that is burned on the last day of the holiday week, on Forgiveness Sunday. Most often, Maslenitsa is made from straw, in the form of a woman in a scarf and a worn sundress, and secured on a pole. Her clothing is dominated by folk motifs, her facial features may be absent or crudely drawn.

Taking into account the above points, you can start drawing Maslenitsa.

You need to draw a pole with a crossbar for the arms and a head.

Outline the outer contours of the dress and scarf.

Draw details of clothing, patterns, patches, holes.

Draw the straw base of the stuffed animal: face, arms, legs.

Since it’s not difficult to draw Maslenitsa step by step, creative process shouldn't cause any problems. The stuffed animal can be painted: it is better to choose bright and warm shades. Be sure to use red, orange and yellow colors. Folk motifs in patterns, rough and simple lines of the design are welcome.


The most colorful part of the holiday is considered to be the moment of burning the effigy, so next to Maslenitsa a bonfire or individual flames are often depicted. You can draw a burning scarecrow.

It is more convenient to draw fire in stages. First you need to outline the main flames. You should remember about chiaroscuro: one side of the fire is always darker. Draw transitions on each fiery tongue. In order for the shadow to appear realistic and continuous, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working and shade tightly.

Add secondary flames and apply shading.

If necessary, add fire from below and increase the volume of the fire. Trace the outline of each tongue with a thin, sharp pencil.

If you only need fire, then outline a circle of light, reflections of the flame. To depict a fire, add sketches of firewood. Outline the size, shape, texture of the wood.

The last stage is the final shading, the transfer of light and shade.

The drawing can be colored or left in pencil.


The sun can be depicted as the central object of the picture or as an addition. Sometimes he is painted on a pole instead of the head of Maslenitsa or the entire effigy.

The image of the Maslenitsa sun has its own characteristics:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, repeating the symbolism of other attributes of the holiday (pancakes, flames).
  • The sun is often depicted as a spiral or several circles inscribed within each other.
  • The rays resemble tongues of flame, splashes of oil or dancing fiery snakes.
  • Shades of yellow, orange and red are used for the image.

The photo shows examples of colorful and symbolic sun designs that reflect the holiday atmosphere. The pictures vary in complexity, so any novice artist can find a suitable image.


Pancakes are not a simple dish of Russian cuisine. They symbolize the sun, eternity, birth and death, warmth and comfort. Pancakes were baked for various holidays: funerals, weddings and, of course, Maslenitsa.

Drawing a stack of pancakes is not easy. In order for it to look like a real one, and not resemble a pyramid of paper circles, you should pay attention to the drawing of details and light and shade.

First you need to make the markings. Draw a rectangle - the future stack. Then draw the top pancake. It should not be round, but oval, with uneven edges.

Outline the outline of the stack. Since the pancakes cannot be the same and do not lie along a ruler, the edges must be different, uneven. Draw the pancakes, leaving some torn, protruding, hanging. Mark the boundaries of the plate; they should follow the contours of the pancakes. The back edge of the dish will be blocked by the pancakes.

The last stage is applying the details. Drops of honey or oil flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack will add realism to the picture. The final step is to outline and draw shadows and highlights; they will add volume to the image.

Real Maslenitsa

In order to depict real Maslenitsa, you do not need to paint a complex, multi-faceted picture with many characters. It is enough to come up with a simple plot with holiday symbols. You can draw Maslenitsa with a pencil or paints, it all depends on the preferences and skill of the artist. A painting in color better conveys the atmosphere of Maslenitsa, the cheerful mood of people, and the warmth of the approaching spring. It is advisable to use bright, warm colors and shades, not forgetting to add calm and cold ones for contrast.

Most often, a simple plot is taken for a drawing:

  • Winter landscape, in the center of the picture is a scarecrow, next to it is a fire. There is a bright sun in the sky.
  • Several mummers carrying plates of pancakes and poles with ribbons and the sun in their hands.
  • A still life in the center of which is a samovar and a stack of pancakes, and around there are tea cups, vases with jam, bagels and crackers.

You can come up with many other paintings with Maslenitsa motifs. It is better to choose traditional plots. In any case, you should start with marking the sheet, sketching the contours, and do not forget about perspective and light and shade. Items should be harmoniously grouped. The festive mood is well emphasized by folk patterns. They can be depicted on dishes, clothes, fabrics.

Learning to draw: Maslenitsa with pencils and paints.

Maslenitsa – ancient Slavic holiday, accompanied by a cheerful mass celebration of the people.
Burning effigy, delicious gingerbread and pancakes, various competitions with traditional ice climbing - these moments were captured by many famous artists in his paintings.
These traditions have not been forgotten in the modern era.
Many children's and adult drawings are undoubted confirmation of this.

How to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil?

Since farewell to winter involves bright and colorful festivities with many characters, we will depict a small plot in our drawing.
The easiest way to do this is with pencils.

  • Let's get started from sketch sketch
  • In the background we do outlines of snowdrifts
  • In the center we have stuffed animal and figures of children
  • Let's sketch out some features a little to the side traders, holding a plate with pancakes
  • At her feet we pretend to be pleased cat

drawing farewell to winter

Clearly circle circuit central figure, add underneath it firewood.

Draw bold sketches kids.

Let's move on to drawing clear contours traders, pancakes and a cat.

  • Add in the background: buildings, horses and sleighs, people having fun
  • Not far from the boy we draw dog
  • Not a single Russian celebration is complete without buffoon. Let's post it with a pipe, to the foreground

Let's do clear contours merry fellow.

  • Let's circle all sketches with a fine marker
  • We erase extra lines with an eraser

Since Maslenitsa is a bright and colorful holiday, coloring drawing to your taste.

Video: Drawing Maslenitsa

How to paint Maslenitsa with paints?

We learned to draw with pencils.
You can move on to a more complex stage - working with gouache.
Let's try to draw without a preliminary sketch still life.

Maslenitsa: gouache drawing

To work you will need:

  • Gouache
  • Sheet of paper - A-3
  • Brushes sizes: 2, 3, 5

Let's get started:

  • On a horizontal sheet draw with a pencil damn stepping back a little from the bottom edge.
  • Divide the drawing into light zones: yellow-white, ocher (sand), yellow-brown.

  • The remaining, unpainted share we share in light and half light, yellow and brown paint
  • To make transitions smooth, blur boundaries between them
  • Making sketches jar width

  • Add bottom
  • Let's draw neck

  • Shading vessel
  • Darken some areas
  • Transition boundaries blur
  • We highlight light spots
  • Blurring highlighted borders
  • To prevent debris from getting into the milk bottle, we close it cloth
  • Draw the top of the rag white, edging blue
  • Dark highlight folds in fabric

  • Let's draw dish base
  • Selecting shadows and highlights shapes on and under the fabric as shown in the picture

  • We formalize shadows from the dish and the jar
  • Don't forget blur shadow contours along the outer borders
  • Sketching the basis of the contours pancakes
  • Paint over basis
  • In small strokes we share stack, onto individual pancakes
  • We formalize light and shadow parts
  • We add porosity to the pancakes neatly dots
  • Add a spoon sour cream for pancakes
  • Drawing contours bowls in the foreground
  • Add main details bowls
  • Sketching shadows on the bottom, rim and main part of the bowl
  • Let's highlight same details on the bowl
  • Making a sketch scoop spoons
  • Add pen spoons
  • Add light and shade on the details of the spoon
  • We highlight shadow part spoon scoop rim
  • Execute carefully ornament on the scoop and bowl
  • Drawing shadows under the spoon and cup
  • Blurring the shadows, softening their boundaries
  • Adding light shadows behind the central objects

  • Divide the plane table and wall on “wooden” dies
  • We decorate with wavy, light strokes tree structure on the table and wall
  • Separate the dies with a dark color apart from each other
  • A little blur tinting along the inner contour

How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil?

Let's start with a sketch pole to depict arms, torso and head.

Making contours outerwear and headdress.

  • Complementing clothes various details: buttons, check, patches.
  • We depict the wrists, shape of the legs and face of the stuffed animal as straw rods.

scarecrow for Maslenitsa: pencil drawing

How to draw the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa?

No winter farewell is complete without straw doll and fire.
We start the drawing with main characters Maslenitsa

  • Next we add baby figurine who admires the stuffed animal
  • Let's sketch more two funny kids
  • We bring the doll to life - we draw for it: eyes, mouth, nose
  • So that your friends don't get bored, let's draw one more boy
  • Add sun, clouds
  • Shading yellow pencil internal tongues of fire, bright sun and pigtails at the scarecrow
  • Orange tone we shade exposed body parts kids
  • Coloring blue palette clouds
  • Red tone add to bows, dress and outdoor fire moments
  • Add shading and edging in blue tone
  • Green color the suit next child
  • Pink draw it up with a pencil next hero costume
  • Dress make the remaining baby aqua blue
  • Shoes all children are shaded brown
  • Add three funny ones birds, snowdrifts
  • Let's draw: luck to the doll, bright lips And cheeks kids and stuffed animals

Video: Drawing on the theme of Maslenitsa with children from 3 years old

How to draw Maslenitsa for school for children?

For the purpose of consolidation in memory the brightest children moments of any holiday, at school for a certain topic they ask you to bring handmade drawing.
To depict a farewell to winter in a school drawing, you can use drawing technique.

  • By selecting your favorite picture, postcard or coloring book, carefully transfer all the details of the drawing on a blank sheet.
  • Coloring paints or pencils.

We offer some examples for drawing.

draw Maslenitsa

  • Drawing farewell to winter is very interesting.
  • After all, this holiday Very diverse.
  • Can be depicted various motives: funny little animals, themed drawings on dishes, still life, a fairy-tale town, a walk in the forest, pancakes, sweets, bagels, a samovar, the sun and much more.
  • The most important thing is that the drawing expresses cheerful, festive mood.

A simple but colorful drawing will help you draw the short video lesson below.

On the territory of Ancient Rus' in the tenth century, paganism was replaced by Christianity. Despite this, a number of holidays inherent to old beliefs have been preserved, including Maslenitsa. Although, of course, some temporary shifts occurred and a different ideological justification appeared, subordinated to the new faith. The celebration of Maslenitsa was attributed to the beginning of Lent and was included in the list of obligatory celebrations.

For most artists, this delightful and cheerful celebration is a truly serious challenge to embody and convey the mood of Russian Maslenitsa. And if, despite the complexity of the work, you decide to depict a party, then first you will need to think through the plot. Don't forget about the characters who personify Maslenitsa.

This traditional holiday with centuries-old customs symbolizes the transition from cold to warmth, from winter to spring, from dull and dark colors to cheerful and bright colors. The celebration is usually accompanied by performances, folk jokes, laughter, treats and games.

Drawing the Maslenitsa holiday is not easy. In order to convey its atmosphere with many details, characters, objects, the skill and experience of the artist is necessary. However, do not despair and become despondent. You can convey a festive, spring mood by drawing only the most important symbols of Maslenitsa. Thus, the main attributes of the holiday are considered to be a scarecrow, the sun, fire (bonfire) and, of course, pancakes.

Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine the future drawing, think through its details and plot. Holiday symbols are the main aspect that the artist focuses on.

Required tools and materials

But before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you need to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following office supplies:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Multi-colored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Markers, paints.

How to draw Maslenitsa: draw a scarecrow

The main attribute, which has remained mandatory since pagan times, is a straw effigy mounted on a pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a round-faced woman in Russian folk attire. During the festivities, you can see a flaming scarecrow and round dances around it.

To make the image of a stuffed animal look like a real artist’s, follow the step-by-step description:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a pole with a crossbar for the arms.
  2. Draw the external outlines of the robe and headdress (scarf).
  3. Draw the clothing in detail, highlighting holes and patches.
  4. Draw straw that should show through the clothes. The face of the stuffed animal must be drawn crudely or not shown at all.
  5. The flame in the fire should be non-uniform. Contain lighter and darker areas. Draw large and tall flames first. Then add secondary, smaller tongues that give volume to the fire. At the end, draw sketches of the firewood. Label the size and texture of the wood logs.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Sun of Maslenitsa

The sun can be displayed as the main object of the drawing or as an addition. It conveys the holiday atmosphere.

By the way, sometimes he is depicted on a pole instead of the entire scarecrow or Maslenitsa head.
The image of the Maslenitsa sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Folk motifs are used for the design, and they also duplicate the symbolism of other festive attributes (flames, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted as several circles or spirals inscribed within each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fiery snakes, tongues of fire or splashes of oil.
  • Shades of red, yellow, and orange are used for the image.

Fire is an integral attribute of Maslenitsa

The most striking part of the celebration is the burning of the effigy. Separate flames or a bonfire are often depicted next to it. You can also depict a burning effigy. In this case, it is easier to draw fire in stages.

First you need to identify the main flames. Don't forget about the shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than the other. Draw such a transition on each fiery tongue. To make the shadow look continuous and realistic, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working.

Add secondary flames and apply shading. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. Using a thin pencil, trace the outline of each tongue. Draw a circle of light and highlights of the flame if you only need fire.

To depict a fire, complete the sketch of the firewood. Outline the wood grain, size and shape. Now all you have to do is draw the final shading and light and shade. The drawing can be left in pencil or painted.

Let's try to draw the Maslenitsa holiday, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked for various holidays, including Maslenitsa.

It's not easy to depict a stack of pancakes. To make it look realistic and not look like a pyramid of paper circles, focus on drawing details and light and shade:

  1. Initially, make markings and draw the future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out oval, with uneven edges.
  3. Draw the outline of the stack. The pancakes cannot be the same; their edges must be uneven.
  4. Mark the boundaries of the plate - they should copy the contours of the pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be covered with pancakes.

The final stage is drawing out the details. The realism of the picture will be created by drops of oil or honey flowing down and a berry at the top of the stack. Mark and draw shadows to add dimension to the image.

Final stage

The provided article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil, in an accessible and lightweight way.

A colored drawing better conveys a warm and joyful atmosphere holiday. Therefore, you can colorize the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in your work, but dilute them a little with cool shades, since contrast is also needed. Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa, as a rule, turn out to be cheerful and bright.

You can come up with many different themes with Maslenitsa motifs, but it is better to choose ordinary themes. And you can emphasize the festive mood by using folk patterns.

Maslenitsa is everyone’s favorite holiday of seeing off a long and cold winter. Even in the times of paganism, people cheerfully celebrated the arrival of spring. Orthodoxy slightly changed the meaning of the holiday, timing it to coincide with the beginning of Lent. How to draw Maslenitsa easily, but at the same time beautiful? Be sure to think over the plot of the drawing and do not forget about the most bright images this day!

How to draw a Maslenitsa effigy?

The main symbol of the spring festival is a straw effigy, which is burned at the stake at the end of the festivities. Most often, the scarecrow is depicted as a woman with a round head in elegant clothes.

In order to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil (by the way, this is the name not only for the holiday, but also for the scarecrow itself), take a blank sheet of paper, an eraser and the pencil itself. Start your sketch by sketching out the pillar. There should be a cross beam on it for the scarecrow's arms. Immediately sketch out an oval of the head. Outline general outlines clothes and headdress of the stuffed animal (it is better if it is a scarf). The stuffed animal's clothes should be worn; there is no need to paint them as new and attractive. Draw in detail the outfit of the stuffed animal, it is very good if you use folk motifs. Add to the outfit a few patches and rips on the Maslenitsa skirt. Now it's time to show that the stuffed animal is made of straw. Draw its base: head, arms and legs.

How to draw pancakes?

The question of how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil step by step worries many people, especially parents whose children received a similar task at school. No one can imagine this day without pancakes, but how to draw them with a pencil? Pancakes are a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, and they are eaten at the right time for a reason!

The point is that they are warm and homey. If you want the stack of pancakes you drew to look natural, then pay attention to the play of light and shadow. How to draw Maslenitsa and pancakes correctly? To begin, draw a rectangle on a sheet of paper. Now outline the top pancake. It doesn't have to be perfectly round and even. Then start drawing the pancakes in the stack; they should not be even or straight. Each pancake is individual. Lastly, detail the drawing with a drop of honey or jam and draw in the shadows.

How to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil step by step: depicting fire

At the end of the festivities, the Maslenitsa effigy is necessarily burned, so there must be fire in the picture. You can depict a burning effigy or a free-standing bonfire as another symbol of the holiday. How to draw Maslenitsa step by step? It will be more convenient for a beginning artist to draw fire gradually. Outline the main flames with wavy lines.

Do not forget about the play of light and shadow - one side of the fire should be darker than the other. Hold the pencil at a slight angle and apply dense strokes with it. Then add additional flames to the main ones. Outline each of them on top with a sharpened pencil. If you want, then draw firewood under the fire.

How to draw the sun?

In the Maslenitsa drawing, the sun occupies an important place. They draw it not as usual, but using folk motifs. The sun can be shaped like flames or resemble pancakes. The sun on Maslenitsa is often depicted as a spiral or several circles, alternately inscribed within each other.

Don't forget to draw rays for your sun. They should resemble splashes of oil for frying pancakes or tongues of flame. If you want to color your drawing, use various shades of red, yellow and orange for the sun.

How to depict folk festivities?

You don't know how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil? Don't despair, it's actually not that difficult! There is no need to think through something complex in compositional and plot-wise a picture will be enough simple plot with the obligatory symbols of farewell to winter. Take a simple one as the basis for the picture. Place a scarecrow in the center of the picture, let a fire burn nearby, and let the Maslenitsa sun be in the sky. Depict in your picture several joyful people carrying pancakes and poles with fluttering ribbons.

You can also depict active games, such as climbing a pole to get a gift and so on. If you want to depict a still life, then place a plate of pancakes and a samovar in the center of it. On the side, draw cups, bagels, candies, and so on.

How to draw Maslenitsa with children?

The youngest children also love Maslenitsa and pancakes, but they are not yet able to draw a full-fledged picture. How can we help them? A patient parent can create a very beautiful drawing together with your child. How can this be organized?

  • The parent draws a large yellow pancake on a piece of paper, and the child decorates it with berries using his fingers and scarlet paint. An older child can also use a brush.
  • The parent draws a yellow sun on paper, and the child complements it with bright and cheerful rays that warm the earth.
  • Older children can be asked to express their impressions of the past holiday and folk festivities on paper on their own.

This article describes in detail how to draw Maslenitsa. You can do this with a pencil, or you can take paints. A color drawing will better convey the joyful and warm atmosphere of this day. Use but slightly dilute them with cool shades, because contrast is also necessary. I wish you creative success!

A cheerful, noisy holiday, Maslenitsa, which has been celebrated for a week in Rus' since ancient times. The most interesting, funny, rich in custom. This is a time of dancing, dancing around the fire, an opportunity to test your culinary skills, seven days of jokes, laughter and joy. To get a closer look at how interesting Maslenitsa is, the pictures will so vividly and accurately convey all the festive fuss.

There are three horses with ringing bells, a real bear on a chain, a Maslenitsa bonfire with dancing, and a whole mountain of ruddy fluffy pancakes. Drawings of Maslenitsa will tell you in an entertaining, simple and clear way, without words, about one of the oldest traditional Russian celebrations.

Why is it always such a long-awaited day for both adults and children? All because this is a Russian holiday, saying goodbye to the cold Winter, bitter frosts and blizzards, the time of welcoming Spring, warm sun, clear cloudless days. And this is truly a reason to be happy.

From the first day, everyone starts baking delicious pancakes and preparing warm congratulations on Maslenitsa. These could be photographs of winter farewells, youth celebrations, games, competitions, or an image of a rich festive table.

The traditions and rituals of Maslenitsa are very unusual and fascinating. Every day has its own meaning, its own rules. If Monday was considered preparatory, and people finished the last pre-holiday affairs, then Thursday, according to customs, was a “wide revelry”, when it was necessary to go out into the street, share joy with everyone, ride a sleigh, organize youth entertainment, and feast in a noisy company.

ABOUT Sunday afternoon and at the end of the holiday, bright and colorful pictures on the theme of Maslenitsa will be told. These include round dances, dancing around the fire, the obligatory burning of an effigy and the last pancake feast before Lent.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa using beautiful words, comic poems, and unusual pictures about Maslenitsa are in great demand. They begin to look for them long before the holiday week. Everyone wants to pick up, download, and send to friends something special, original.

Gifts should surprise and delight. An excellent option for animated pictures on the Maslenitsa theme with warm wishes and heartfelt words. They can be prepared not only for close friends and family, but also just for good acquaintances.

Everyone enjoys receiving gifts and everyone will be delighted by a wonderful surprise. And since the week is rich in jokes and humor, you should definitely take advantage of funny Maslenitsa greetings. If you're going to have fun, do it with all your heart.

Pictures depicting pancakes occupy a special place at Russian Maslenitsa. They symbolize the sun, fertility, are identified with prosperity and happy life. The more they bake and eat, the sooner the spring days will come and the hotter the weather will be. Therefore, in the old days it was believed that anyone who tasted at least one pancake during the holiday week would receive a piece of the sun into their soul and would give warmth and light to everyone around them.

This means that congratulations on Maslenitsa must be accompanied by the main symbol of wonderful weather until next winter.

Every child should know the customs of his people in order to pass them on from generation to generation, honor and follow them. A great way to introduce young people to the Maslenitsa holiday with pictures and various drawings of the celebration.

With their help, it is easy to understand, remember, and tell others about the fun and joy with which people greet Spring. And if you use a creative approach, you can invite the children to take their own photos of festivities and a rich table for Maslenitsa, so that they can then post them on the Internet, give them to their relatives, and show them to their children in the future.

Good and happy traditions should live forever, so you should definitely have a selection of Maslenitsa pictures on your computer.

The ancient holiday of the arrival of spring and farewell to winter is Maslenitsa. This article tells you how to correctly draw pancakes, scarecrows and folk festivals for Maslenitsa step by step using a pencil or paints.

Maslenitsa is a wonderful, very tasty and satisfying holiday. On Maslenitsa it is customary to bake pancakes and burn an effigy. It is these two traditions that are “ business card» holiday.

The image of Maslenitsa implies a picture with wide Maslenitsa festivities, stacks of pancakes, and round dances around the scarecrow.

Today we will tell you how to correctly draw the Maslenitsa holiday so that it is easily recognizable.

On Maslenitsa it is customary to cook pancakes in huge stacks.

How to draw the Maslenitsa holiday step by step with a pencil?

As we have already said, the Maslenitsa holiday involves several “rites” or traditions. One of these rituals is the preparation large quantity pancakes to feed family, friends, neighbors and relatives.

Therefore, in this part of the article we will tell you how to draw one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa - pancakes step by step.

Pancakes for Maslenitsa are the main treat

To draw a stack of pancakes, you will need:

  • thick paper
  • eraser
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or pencils of different hardness

So let's get started.

  • First of all, draw a round plate at the bottom of the sheet. At the top, mark the boundaries of the stack of pancakes. The width of the stack is slightly smaller than the width of the plate.
  • Now draw the side of the pancakes. Don't forget that we are drawing a stack of pancakes, so the edges will be uneven.
  • Finish the top part of the pancakes - draw an oval equal in width to the oval of the bottom part of the pancakes.
  • Now erase all the extra construction lines. Make the drawing more voluminous and realistic. To do this, draw the pancakes.
  • It is not necessary to draw every pancake, but keep in mind that there should be enough pancakes. Start at the top or bottom.

Finish drawing the pancakes in the center of the stack.

  • Now draw a triangular piece of strawberry on top and 3-4 stripes of dripping butter on the side of the pancakes. Do this using the same principle as shown in the figure.
  • Shade the dark areas on the pancakes and plate.
  • Draw all the shadows in more detail.
  • The work is almost ready.
  • Now take the softest pencil and highlight the shadows if they do not stand out well, and use an eraser to highlight the light areas.
  • But don't overdo it, or you'll end up with dirt.

  • Add color to your work. And you will get a great drawing of pancakes for Maslenitsa!

How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa step by step?

Burning an effigy is an integral part of the celebration of Maslenitsa. Any folk celebrations have always been accompanied by this ritual, which takes its roots from ancient times.

In this part of the article we will tell and show you how to draw a real Maslenitsa effigy step by step.


  • paper
  • pencil
  • eraser

First draw the base of the scarecrow. It is made up of a long stick curved at the bottom and a stick transverse to it at the top. The vertical stick is the legs, the horizontal stick is the arms. Draw a silhouette of a stuffed animal on top of the frame. He looks like a woman in a long, loose dress.

Step 1

Now draw the details of the dress and scarf. A dress for a stuffed animal is always taken with patches, or they are specially placed on them. The more colorful the dress, the better.

Step 2

Now draw the remaining parts of the straw: the face, arms and legs. The stuffed animal is specially stuffed with straw so that it burns better and retains its shape.

By straw we mean the thin and short branches that stick out from under the dress.

Step 3

The drawing of the stuffed animal is ready. You can decorate it to your taste and color. Here are several children's drawings of a Maslenitsa scarecrow.

Maslenitsa performance

How to draw the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa?

One of the most striking and memorable customs on Maslenitsa is burning an effigy. This ritual symbolizes saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring. It is believed that after the Maslenitsa festivities, spring comes into its own - the sun becomes warmer and the days become noticeably longer.

To draw an effigy burning, you will need:

  • thick paper of any size
  • pencils and colored pencils
  • eraser
  • imagination and patience

Burning an effigy on Maslenitsa

A drawing on the theme “Burning an Effigy” includes two main elements: the effigy itself and the fire.
We have already described how to draw a scarecrow in this article, so now we will tell you how to beautifully draw a fire. Subsequently, you will just need to connect these two drawings and you will get a drawing of burning an effigy.

Drawing a fire.

  • First, mark an oval - the place where the main part of the flame will be located. In the future, this oval will help you draw the boundaries of light and shadow.
  • Inside the oval, draw flames as shown in the picture.
  • Add smaller flames, additional ones.

  • Make clearer contours - outline the fire, add more contrast to the drawing.
  • Now draw the firewood under the fire.
  • Increase the shading around the fire. Make it better soft pencil and don't press it too hard, otherwise the line will be thick and dark.
  • At this stage you can add light and shadow to finished drawing to make the image more realistic. You can also add color to your work if you wish.

The drawing is ready! Draw a scarecrow along with the fire to get a full-fledged illustration of the holiday.

How to draw Maslenitsa for children for school?

For a school drawing of Maslenitsa you will have to try hard. One or even two heroes in the picture will clearly not be enough - create a whole composition of many characters. With our instructions you will succeed.

First, arrange the characters, that is, mark with a pencil the location and sizes of the main and minor characters and objects. In our case, we need to outline the horizon line, a scarecrow, children near it and a woman with a cat in the foreground.

Step 1

Now start drawing each shape in more detail. We recommend starting with the scarecrow itself in order to develop the composition away from it. Draw a head in a scarf, a sundress, hands and firewood below.

Step 2

Children are running around the stuffed animal, and we will draw them now. Try to portray joy and fun on the children’s faces, make the figures more alive and dynamic. In our case, we depict a boy and a girl.

Step 3

Let's take a first shot where we have a woman holding a plate of pancakes and a cat cuddling at the woman's feet. For the cat, draw stripes on the back and a fluffy chest, and for the woman, don’t forget to draw a pink blush on her cheeks and a smile.

Step 4

Next up is the long shot - the church, trees and houses. It can be seen that the holiday is taking place in a large village.

Step 5

Draw a small dog playing next to the child.

Step 6

At the bottom left, depict a buffoon. The same one who entertains people with his jokes during the festivities. The buffoon has a long cap, and the merry fellow himself sits in the snow.

Step 7

Draw the buffoon in more detail. In our picture, he plays a pipe-type instrument.

Step 8

Take a thin marker, felt-tip pen or liner. Outline all the characters. Draw the clouds in the sky, outline them too, as well as the distant plan - the village.

Step 9

Use colored pencils to add color to your work - make the clouds pink and purple and the sky blue. Step 13

Your work for school is ready! The drawing is very lively and bright. The teacher will definitely appreciate your efforts and the efforts of your child.

How to paint Maslenitsa with paints?

In addition to simple and colored pencils, of course, you can also use paints. In principle, any of the above drawings can be drawn using watercolor or gouache paints. Oil paints It is better not to use it for such work. If you choose paints on oil based, then your work must be done professionally.

Here is a picture of Maslenitsa you can draw with paints