How to draw a drawing about sports with a pencil step by step. Winter sports - how to draw a biathlete

The promised series of articles on the topics “Drawing athletes” or “ Winter views sports" let's start with biathlon. We will consider classic winter biathlon, combined events in cross-country skiing and shooting.

A person can shoot from various positions - lying down or standing. Since our goal is to draw a spectacular and understandable picture, we will not depict the “prone shooting” option - this is work for high school students. All that remains is shooting while standing.

Biathlete shoots

Let's analyze this picture. Firstly, the pose. In general, a skier uses poles while moving; they must lie on the snow while shooting.

The shooter's legs are spread out for balance and support. The left one is set forward, and the right one, the supporting one, is set back.

We understood this, now the torso: in a standing position, also, of course, for balance, the back is thrown back, the shoulders are hunched. The head is tilted, the neck is stretched forward - the shooter looks into the sight, pressing his right cheek to the butt of the rifle (biathletes use rifles of a special system). Now look at your hands: they are both bent, but in different ways. With his left hand, the biathlete supports a large and heavy weapon, and with his right hand he presses the trigger. The hands are located approximately at the same level, but the left arm is more extended forward, and the right is more bent. This is what it looks like in general outline. So, a man stands with his legs apart and at shoulder level holds in his bent arms a horizontally located large and long rifle, which he presses to his right cheek.

Do not confuse anything - for clarity, we have highlighted the rifle in red. This is how our first drawing turned out - a biathlete shoots.

But biathlon is a double event and it’s time to participate in cross-country skiing.

Drawing of a biathlete running on skis

A separate large article will be devoted to skiers, but now let’s take a moment and draw a man with a gun running quickly on skates on skis.

The runner's supporting leg is bent, the other is sharply straightened and moved to the side, the skis are positioned at an angle. In the perspective, one of the skis is greatly reduced. The body is tilted.

It is usually difficult for children to understand how to draw a slope, it is worth paying attention special attention the fact that the skier runs crouched down and, moreover, cannot run quickly straightened up to his full height and accepting air resistance with his chest.

The head is also tilted. Hands with sticks are pulled back, the sticks are raised vertically at the depicted moment. That is, the skier steps with his feet alternately, and acts synchronously with his hands.

A rifle with a scope is visible from behind. We won’t talk too much about the equipment - the biathlete wears a tight suit and a cap. The eyes are protected by glasses.

It is better to guide children to draw in stages:

  • figure diagram - pencil
  • checking balance and proportions,
  • let's draw the muscles - there is a sketch of the figure
  • Let's draw the most important accessories
  • draw the setting (landscape)
  • and then - the color scheme, without getting carried away with decoration and minor details.

Handykids wishes your biathletes success and victories.

From the very early age Every person must instill love and respect for sports, because it not only helps us maintain a healthy and fit body, but also cultivates in a person such character qualities that help him overcome many difficulties in life and become better. One way to enable a child to understand what sports is is through drawing. In preschool and school institutions, you can organize competitions of thematic sports paintings. Children will not only be curious, but also exciting, because they will be able to compete with each other. We have made a selection of sports-themed drawings for our readers. You can show these drawings to children before the competition as an example.

Drawings about sports, step by step

Option #1: Gymnast

  1. We draw several approximately identical circles on the sheet. They should be located in one line at a slight angle.
  2. We depict the contours of the gymnast’s body and the hands with which she holds the ball. Everything should look schematic at this stage:

  1. Now the contours need to be shaped:

  1. When all parts of the body are clearly marked, draw a bold pencil on the face, arms, legs and torso. We also draw the gymnast’s hair:

  1. Add shadows to the drawing and remove all unnecessary lines:

Option #2: Skier

  1. We make sketches of the geometric shapes of a person who is standing on skis in a “half-sitting” position:

  1. Next you need to draw the skier’s suit, his helmet with boots and, of course, his skis:

  1. Now on the costume you need to draw shading and other elements that you consider necessary:

  1. All that remains is to shade in the right places and the skier is ready:

Drawing a sport, step by step

Option #1: Snowboarding

  1. First we draw the snow itself. This is a regular board rounded at both edges. It should be slightly tilted to give the impression that the athlete is performing some kind of maneuver in the drawing. You need to immediately draw the head; it is located at the same level as the upper edge of the snowboard. Please note that the athlete’s legs should also be slightly visible.
  2. Draw the shins. The athlete’s legs will not be completely visible, since in the picture he is depicted in a “half-sitting” position.
  3. We round the knees and draw a helmet with a mask on the head.
  4. We sketch out the markings of how the shoulders and arms should be positioned. Notice that one hand is free, which will reflect how the athlete maintains balance, and with the other he holds on to the snowboard.
  5. We detail the drawing - add facial features and clothing elements.

Option #2: Speed ​​skating

  1. First, draw with regular lines and simple geometric shapes skater's body.
  2. We add additional lines to the lines indicating the athlete’s body so that the arms and legs are clearly distinguished. At the same stage we draw the hat, nose and mouth.
  3. We add eyes on the face, draw ears, as well as lines on the tracksuit of the hero we are portraying. We also draw the skates with simple lines so that their frame is clearly visible.
  4. We detail the drawing with different elements, and then color it at our discretion.

Drawing about sports in pencil, step by step

Drawings about sports are not only images of sports attributes, they are also people who have achieved great success in sports. We invite you to draw a champion boxer:

  1. We sketch out the main elements in the figure - these are parts of the body:

  1. Draw the athlete's face. Here you need to remember the main rule - the person’s nose is drawn clearly in the center in relation to the eyebrow line and chin. In other words, the nose is the point of intersection of lines, the extreme points of which are the eyebrows and chin:

  1. After this, we begin drawing the lines of the body. Since this is an athlete, you need to draw every muscle and line in detail:

  1. Only shadows remain on the body. They are necessary so that, looking at the drawing, emotions are evoked:

Drawing of sports at school

Drawing sport is life

Drawing about sports in winter

Sports drawing competition

Every preschool institution can hold the following sports-themed drawing competition:

  • Children can draw on any material, whatever they like best on the topic of sports. There is no need to limit children in anything so as not to lose their interest.
  • The work may also contain some elements of arts and crafts.
  • From each child you can only accept one of the best, in his opinion, work.

When the drawings are ready, they need to be hung in the most visible place, but at the same time difficult for children to reach. Place a ballot box next to the drawings. Let everyone who comes to kindergarten vote. To keep everything fair, do not sign the work on the front side.

Be sure to hold similar competitions in educational institutions in order to promote healthy image life, develop creativity children and form the correct model of behavior for each child. Don’t forget to lead by example so that results can be achieved quickly and efficiently!

Video: “Drawings about sports”

Sport is a great alternative to bad habits. Health needs to be maintained from childhood. So that the child is not tempted bad habits, you need to get used to physical education classes from an early age. This contributes to a healthy lifestyle in the future.

First, introduce your child to different sports. There are summer and winter varieties, horse riding and skiing, as well as some children's sports. Since it won’t be possible to show everything on TV at once, we offer you “Sports” pictures that can be easily printed from the website. This is great propaganda against unhealthy lifestyles.

What is the best way to teach children about sports?

Pictures on a sports theme

Especially for children learning various sports, I suggest printing out pictures and photos on the topic “Sports” with inscriptions. They can be funny or serious, but in any case, they will be useful for children.

Your child will be introduced to sports such as: tennis, basketball, football, horse riding, snowboarding, javelin throwing, rhythmic gymnastics, skating, athletics, skiing, cheerleading or cheerleading, American football, baseball, kayaking, fishing.

Here you can download free drawn cards for children with various sports, including funny ones. The pictures are of children, so it will be easier for your child to remember the images. Some of them contain a hint themselves. For example, horse riding or skiing can be easily recognized by the corresponding attributes, and summer or winter sports can be easily recognized by the weather surrounding the athletes. Some children say: “I like to watch figure skating or equestrian sports.” Use your children’s interest to instill in them a healthy lifestyle from childhood and get rid of bad habits. The image of an athlete is extremely important in raising children.

Drawn pictures and photos with captions on the topic “Sports” for children:

Beautiful cards depicting various sports for children.

How to play?

Print out the pictures, cut them into cards, combine the names of various sports with the images, glue them to each other so that the cards last longer, I advise you to laminate them or cover them with regular tape. Don't be afraid if some of the pictures are funny: children should laugh a little.

  1. If the baby is still very small, show him 2-3 different sports pictures every day several times a day, the next day add a few more cards and gradually change them. When showing cards with sports, name what kind of sport it is, describe and look at what the children are doing in the picture, what they are holding in their hands, what they are wearing, etc. When you understand that the child has mastered the information, you can check and offer the child to choose first from two options, then from a larger number of cards, which is which sport. For example, ask to find summer activities, skiing or horse riding. You can ask older children why physical education is an excellent alternative to addictions. If the guys don’t know, be sure to tell them. Maybe in the future they will tell you: “I love and choose sports in my life!”
  2. You can also use these same sports pictures as an educational poster; you just need to download and print it, and then hang it on the wall at the child’s eye level. When the child becomes interested and approaches the poster, tell him about one of the sports presented.
  3. With the same cards, you can also play memory development games; to do this, you need to download and print two versions of the cards, turn them over and take them out two at a time.
  4. With older children, you can discuss these sports pictures in more detail, dream about what sport your child would like to play and why? You can give a task to come up with short story on the topic “I love and choose...” Let everyone decide what kind of sport he wants to do, and what sports programs loves to watch. Invite your kids to list healthy and unhealthy hobbies, and also think about what alternatives to bad habits might be.
  5. Drawn pictures with inscriptions are intended both for group lessons in kindergartens and in schools of early development, junior primary classes, and for individual lessons Houses. They can be used to promote against bad habits and for a healthy lifestyle.

Other options for thematic images

Winter sports.
Poster on sports theme in Russian and English for children. Pictures with names on English. Cards featuring sports stars.
Poster about sports in English.

At the request of our reader, I prepared a lesson on how to draw an athlete with a pencil. This time I took Vladimir Klitschko as a test subject. Although in lately he is already more of a politician than an athlete. But he definitely was before and deserved the title of champion. In general, sport is a type of human activity that does not require much mental effort. More physical and mental. The sport brings great pleasure to both the participants and the spectators. It is especially useful for us artists. Using their example, you can easily study the anatomy of the human body and train. This is what we will do.

How to draw an athlete with a pencil step by step

Step one. I'm sketching a human body. All main parts can be seen in the figure below: Step two. I begin to draw the face. Eye level is approximately in the middle of the head. The distance from the chin to the nose should be equal to the distance from the nose and eyebrows. Step three. I begin to draw in detail the entire head and take up the body. Step four. Pay attention to your emotions. The shadow around the eyes and the folds in the skin between the lips and nose should be visible. I'll add shadows all over the body. I've also done drawing lessons for other sports, check here.

Drawing a skier step by step for children

Drawing on a sports theme "Skiers". Master class on drawing a skier with children 6-7 years old

Drawing of a skier with step by step photos.

Bodnar Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher, GBOU gymnasium No. 1551.
Description: The master class is intended for children 6 years old and older, as well as teachers and parents.
Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about skiing, learn to draw the figure of a skier in motion.
Target: image of a skier's figure in motion.
1. Learn to convey the characteristic features of a skier’s figure (posture, costume, attributes).
2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about skiing.
3. Continue to teach how to subordinate different means of expression(color, shape, technique, composition) to achieve the integrity of the image.
4. Develop: visual-imaginative thinking, visual-effective thinking in the process of creating an image.
5. Continue to cultivate accuracy when working with visual materials and tools.

When drawing with older preschoolers a skier or a person in general in motion, it is necessary to teach children the ability to do quick sketches human figures in various positions. Children develop this skill through systematic exercise. To achieve more successful completion of the task, it is necessary to select appropriate illustrations. On the eve of the athlete's image, it is good to have a conversation about various types sports and athletes.

Material for work:
1 Gouache paints.
2 Watercolor paints.
3 Colored pencils.
4 Sheet of white watercolor paper A4
5 Elastic band.
6 Simple pencil.
7 Paint brush
8 Jar for water.
9 Diagram of a skier.
Work progress:
Reading the poem “Skier” by Lev Kvitko.
Not in sight
Completely each other
Cheeks are cold
On the run
Let's overtake
We're in a blizzard!
Everything is faster
Skis are flashing
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce forest,
Through the bushes
From the pass,
From above.
No for skiers
Who's going to get home?
Before everyone else?
On the way
We're rushing
All forward.
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
Rise, -
We don't give up!
Up and down
Rush like a whirlwind!
Spruce, pine,
Step aside!
Let it rage
Freezing -
Will take place
Cross-country skiing!

The teacher invites the children to draw each their own skier with a number (discuss the number in advance), so that after drawing they can gather all the skiers and organize a “Skier Competition” at the exhibition.
Let's get to work.

1. To more successfully explain to children the position of an athlete during skiing, it is very good to use special dolls whose elbows and knees bend.

2. B preschool age visibility is very important.

3. Place the sheet vertically. With a simple pencil we outline the lines of the mountains.

4. Make the background: top (sky) – light blue; the bottom (of the mountain) is white.

5. Now we make a sketch of the skier: draw a circle (head) in the area of ​​the upper right corner.

6. Using lines, we sketch the location of the torso, arms and legs in motion.

7. Next, draw a large circle - the torso to the waist, a smaller circle - the pelvic part. Then we draw ovals - arms up to the elbow and after the elbow, ovals - legs up to the knees and after the knees.

8. Using smooth lines we draw the neck, and also using smooth lines we assemble the entire drawing: connecting the torso - circles, ovals - arms and legs.

9. Now that our pencil sketch is ready, we erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and dress our skier, completing the details: face, hair.

10. Add skis and poles to our image.

11. We finish the landscape with fir trees and bushes.

12. Let's take it watercolor paints and let’s get to work in color: children can have their sports suit and hat modeled in any color.

13. Add a scarf, mittens, and boots to the look.

14. We paint the skis, poles, and cover the spruce trees and bushes with white gouache, making them snowy.

15. To highlight the lines of the mountains, add a drop of white gouache black paint, achieving slightly gray shade, and shade the mountains.
Our skier is ready!
Now you can have a competition!