How to draw a picture on the theme of spring has come. We draw spring with children step by step with paints. How to paint early spring, spring in the forest with paints step by step for beginners? High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Drawing elements of spring with a pencil.

Spring is the most beautiful time year. In spring, nature wakes up, birds fly from warm regions, the sun shines brightly and gives all its warmth to us. During this period of time, each person changes a little, shakes out from the frosty winter weather. Often you want to depict spring on a paper canvas, and along with all the beauty in it.

If you have never been seriously interested in drawing before, it’s okay. We offer you and your children several methods, thanks to which you will be able to draw a landscape, and even an image of a person, after just a few training sessions.

How to draw spring with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

First, you need to stock up on special supplies that will be useful to you while drawing, namely:

  • Paper. Give preference to A3 format. But as a beginner, an A4 sheet of paper will also suit you.
  • Tablet. To do this, you can take an ordinary wooden board or medium-thick plywood. You will attach a piece of paper to this tablet.
  • Clips and buttons.
  • Various pencils. For the initial stage you will need hard pencil, and for the final design - softer.
  • A stationery knife. You will use it to sharpen your pencils.
  • An eraser. But don't overuse it. You can use an eraser to create highlights.

A spring landscape is an ideal drawing that you can give to your mother, grandmother, or sister. Whatever image of spring you decide to draw, be it spring drops, flowers or trees, all these elements imply a combination of individual details (lines, shapes, strokes).

It is these details that allow you to create the integrity of the entire picture. So, let's begin to create miracles.

First option spring landscape:

  • Draw a horizon and a road on a piece of paper. Draw the horizon not in the center of the picture, but a little higher. Add two elongated and curved rulers that should meet at the distance. Draw several large ovals on paper - these will be stones, and place them along the edges of the road where you wish. Draw three bushes in the picture, depicting them with wavy lines. This way you will determine the roadway.
  • Draw trees in the picture. Draw the tree and branches on the left side of the picture, plus the bark (it should have elongated vertical stripes). To depict a birch tree on the right side, you need to draw small lines horizontally, but its trunk should be slightly smaller than the trunk of the first tree.
  • When you fill the birch bark, you should know that the stripes on the trunk should only be horizontal, but not vertical. The resulting trees will look bare, so add leaves accordingly. You will learn how to draw them in the next step.

  • Add leaves. Draw a wavy ruler along the paper so that it is located slightly above the horizon. This way you will indicate the tops of all the trees that are located in the distance. Draw branches on the trees - make them a little crooked. Draw a lot of leaves and place them anywhere on the branches where you want. Your imagination should work here. Place one tree in the distance in the picture, and another bush near the road. Draw oblong shapes on the roadway, resembling large blocks of stones.

  • Draw the road, taking into account every detail. Draw the lines so that they are slightly parallel - you will get a rut on the road. Add some grass near the edge of the driveway, around it and near each bush. Your grass should be vertical or with minimal slope.

  • Sketch some parts of the picture. Shade the area that is between the horizon line and the top area of ​​the trees. Use the same method to shade bushes along the road. Draw some short stripes on the road, reminiscent of grass.

Spring landscape is ready!

Second version of the spring landscape:

  • To begin, define the frame of your painting. Step back from the edges of the sheet, use a ruler to make a frame (there should be a distance of approximately 5 mm from the edge). Then draw a curved line on the paper at the bottom of the picture. A little to the right draw two curved lines– short and small. These rulers will mark the ground where the entire landscape will be located.

Picture frames, ground
  • Draw the trees. Using lush waves, show the trees in the picture, placing them on the left side. Add paths and paths running into the distance.
  • Draw houses with roofs and windows near the trees.

  • Near the houses themselves, using special ornaments, depict dense fir trees standing on both sides of the houses. Draw clouds in the sky - use wavy lines for this.
  • Draw on the front close up weed Draw them pointy so that they grow in different directions. Vladi, draw free-standing bushes and trees. Maybe you want to show poplars in the picture, then add a tall and fairly lush crown to the trees at the top.

  • In the grass in front of the landscape, draw a variety of flowers, but only those that bloom with the arrival of spring.

  • The picture is almost ready, but it does not yet have bright colors. If you want the drawing to please you and your loved ones, be sure to decorate it. Make the trees with bright red foliage, the sky blue, the houses brown. In general, show your imagination and you will definitely get the perfect gift.

How to draw a spring girl with a pencil for children step by step?

The frosty winter is over, replaced by a warm spring. The bright sun, singing birds, flowers - all this sometimes inspires you to draw a spring girl.

You have decided to draw a beautiful spring girl, but you don’t know how to depict her in the drawing, then use our tips: draw one girl in beautiful dress V full height, and depict the second one in the form of a cute face and decorate it to your liking.

First option:

  • Draw a diagram of your spring, or rather the pose in which you want it to be. In this case, you must take into account the anatomy of the human body. Remember, a person’s head should be 1/7 of the body, elbows and knees should be in the center of the arms and legs. The spine should curve towards the front.
  • Draw the volume of the body. The woman’s figure is very similar to an hourglass, keep this in mind when drawing the body of a spring girl. To make your drawing more realistic, take into account many anatomical indicators of the body. If you decide to draw a girl with pubescent arms, the palms of the hands and the beginning of the legs must be at the same level. Also make sure your elbows are aligned with your waist.
  • Draw the female body using smooth lines, with streamlined shapes. As a rule, the shoulders are 1/2 of the head. Draw smooth lines from the neck, going into the shoulders, and then into the arms. Women's hips are wider than in a man's silhouette, but their calves are more graceful. The foot is the size of a face.
  • The most important and important point– this is a drawing of the upper part of the girl, or rather her head. There are some small details and strokes that you need to draw carefully. Draw the facial contours with a pencil number H3. From the very beginning, draw the eyes, nose and lips, and after that you can draw small elements. The distance between the right and left eyes should be the size of one eye. The extreme points of the mouth are located in the middle of both eyes. When drawing the nose, pay special attention to light and shade and shading. Apply them when you draw cheekbones, dimples, and chin.

  • Draw the girl's hair using a B6 pencil. You will get natural and softer lines.
  • Now you have to think about the girl's clothes. Use rendering. Here you should indicate the folds of clothing formed from the figure or pose of the model. If your spring stands in a half-turn, then folds will appear on the outfit at the waistline. When depicting a dress, you must imagine how the outfit will slowly fall from the girl - you must convey this on paper.
  • Very often, many newbie artists do not know how to draw palms and fingers. Yes, it is very difficult to depict on paper the correct placement of hands and fingers. Use your hands, let them become a model for you and feel free to draw.
  • Complete the drawing with a background. Since you and I are drawing a spring girl, then depict her against the backdrop of nature. To do this, you can use the first two drawings with spring landscapes.

Second option:

  • Draw the circumference of the head. Just make sure you don't succeed smooth circle, and a circle stretched a little down and a little up. Draw curves in the resulting circle. Make sure that the proportions are maintained and the result is perfect.
  • Add auxiliary additional elements (a couple of lines located diagonally, as well as dots).
  • Now you can draw the face of the spring girl. To begin, draw the facial contours and neck of the model.
  • Using additional rulers and suitable dots, draw the girl's eyes.
  • Add long eyelashes to your eyes. Now the girl’s resulting look looks more expressive.
  • Using additional diagonal lines, draw the eyebrows.

  • Start at the top point, which is on the vertical ruler, and draw the nose, extending the line to the nearest point.
  • At this stage, draw the girl’s lips. In this case, you can focus on the additional line, which is located horizontally, and four dots.
  • The face of the spring girl is ready. You will only have to add some elements and remove additional rulers using the eraser. Do this very carefully, do not touch the main lines.
  • Draw the girl's hair. You will need reference lines. It is from them that you will have to display the entire hairstyle of your beauty. In your hair, draw small flowers, leaves and other elements that are associated with spring.

Video: The process of drawing “Spring Girl”

Pencil drawings with children on the theme: spring has come

Many parents are racking their brains and trying to find methods for drawing spring. In our material you can find several good options on the theme “Spring has come” and translate the ideas together with your child on a piece of paper.

The first option is “Cherry blossoms”:

We will draw with you a drawing with pencils, on which we will depict a branch and a sakura tree. Sakura is a symbol of spring. When this plant blooms, it gives us its beauty and magic. So, let's get to work:

  • You can start drawing a blossoming sakura branch. Draw on it many small flowers and several blooming inflorescences.
  • First, draw the petals; inside there will be a circle with stamens.
  • Next, above the drawn flower, draw several opening buds.
  • Next came the turn of the next colors.
  • The last one will be the branch, don’t forget to draw the unopened buds at the end.
  • On the edge of the branch, draw already blooming flowers.

Also, let's try to draw a whole sakura tree, because it will be much better:

  • Drawing a tree is not at all difficult - you just need to draw a circle and a trunk with branches to begin with. The circle will help us outline the boundaries of future branches.

  • Now draw additional branches from the main branches until the tree turns out lush and beautiful. Like in the picture.

  • Continue drawing the branches, which should now go from the trunk itself and intertwine with the already drawn branches. Don't draw the branches straight - they should be sinuous, the lines should be from thick to thin.

  • The drawing is almost ready, you just need to remove the auxiliary lines and draw the main ones.

  • The drawing can be left in black and white, but in spring you really want bright colors and joy. Let's decorate it. We remind you that sakura blooms pink.

Video: Drawing sakura with a pencil step by step

How to draw a spring snowdrop with a pencil?

  • First, sketch out your snowdrop - the outline of the stem and bud.
  • Next, carefully draw each element: draw petals on the bud, leaves on the stem.
  • Once you are done drawing the strokes, erase the additional lines using the eraser.
  • Shade individual parts of the flower, shade it and give volume to the whole picture.

All. Your flower is ready.

Video: Drawing snowdrops with a pencil step by step

How to draw a spring tulip flower?

  • To begin, draw a vertical ruler, maybe slightly curved. In the future you will get a tulip stem from it. Add an oval bud on top. Make all the lines thin, almost invisible, so that you can easily erase them later.

  • Make sketches of the leaves: use a thin strip to draw the silhouette of an irregularly shaped tulip. Draw one leaf curved slightly at the bottom.
  • Draw the stem very carefully and smoothly.

  • Start drawing the petals of the flower, but at the same time you need to maintain the shape of the bud.

  • Take colored pencils. For the bud, choose a bright red pencil, for the leaves and stem - bright green. Paint all areas with the shades of your choice.
  • First, shade the areas with pencils, using light, even shades, leaving no gaps. Stroke along the elements, but not across. You should get uniform and light colors.

  • Shade some elements of the petals, apply the pencil color in several layers.
  • Shade the stem and leaf in the inner part. You can use the same pencil.
  • To make your flower more realistic, add darker strokes in some places to make the tulip look three-dimensional.

Video: Drawing tulips with a pencil step by step

How to draw a spring daffodil flower?

  • Make a sketch. Draw a circle by hand, the diameter of which should be approximately 8 cm. Place three small circles at the top right side - these will be the places where the daffodils bloom.
  • Next, decorate the flower buds. In the middle of the small circles, outline the petals, but do not draw them, just sketch out the shape. Draw curls with thin lines in any order.
  • Draw flowers, highlight every detail. Add curls and the wreath itself.
  • Draw small flowers around the circumference of your wreath.
  • Decorate the petals with veins, like live daffodils. All. All you have to do is paint the picture.

  • Finally, let’s draw a daffodil that has turned sideways.

Video: Drawing daffodils with a pencil step by step

Nature - best artist. When you look at the spring landscape, you are surprised by the richness of its colors, the subtlety of color combinations and the huge variety of shades. Many people have a desire to reflect what they saw on a snow-white sheet of paper.

The easiest option is to draw spring in stages.

For beginners this is best way create a full-fledged spring landscape, not much different from the work of real masters. Even children will be able to draw a picture on the theme “Spring” if they follow the adult’s consistent instructions.

First you will need to draw spring with a pencil. We make a simple sketch in the form of a lawn on which a couple of tall trees and bushes grow, and a forest is visible on the horizon. The picture is connected together by a narrow river that flows throughout the entire space of the paper sheet, from one corner to another. Most of We leave the sheet free to show the bottomless spring sky.

Drawing "spring" in pencil

Now we arm ourselves with a wide flat brush and wet the entire sheet with clean water.

We cover the sky with a delicate shade of blue.

We paint the lawn pale green-brown, the river dark blue.

To convey the play of river water, we darken some areas and lighten others. The darkening areas should coincide with the location of the trees - this way we will reflect their shadow.

We color the forest on the horizon dark green.

We make its contours blurry, but in some places we darken them greatly. More light shade We paint the bush in the foreground green.

We cover the tree trunks with pale gray paint, thickening it on one side.

Drawing different shades green forest foreground.

We make the trees larger at the edges than in the center. We get a perspective effect.

We turn trees into birches by painting black lentils on the trunks.

We make the branches dark gray. At the foot of the trees we plant pale blue forest flowers. Gradually our landscape becomes recognizable.

We plant the same flowers on the other side of the river. And we turn the bush that was in the foreground into an armful of snowdrops.

We help the leaves to bloom on the tree branches.

And with a pencil we draw all the small details.

Well, we found out how to draw!

Drawing on the theme “Spring”

For children, the process of creating such a landscape will be interesting because one task is replaced by another task, the work does not look monotonous and boring. And adults will certainly be interested in the achieved result - such a picture can be safely hung on the wall, it will decorate any home.

By changing the details and shades of colors, you can change the pattern, revealing different looks of spring.

Spring drawing (photo from the Internet)

Gouache drawing “early spring”. This drawing depicts a spring forest in early spring, melting snow, the first streams and the first snowdrops.

Gouache drawing “early spring”

Drawing "Snow Melting"

Drawing “Early spring in the forest”

Drawing “Spring, drops, willow and flowers”

Drawing “Sun, stream and rose bushes”

Spring drawing "Easter egg"

Drawing “spring” video master classes

Watch how to draw spring with gouache in the video:

Drawing of a gentle spring with a bird on a branch (video):

Drawing “spring” with the sun and willow:

Along with spring, inspiration, bright hopes and expectations come to us. However, not only adults look forward to this wonderful time of year - children, no less than their parents, rejoice at the first sunny days and watch with amazement the awakening of nature. green leaves, blooming gardens and the singing of birds returning to their native lands - what is not a reason for good mood and, of course, creativity.

It's time to “arm yourself” with pencils and paints, and in between walks or on a rainy day, draw the spring landscapes you see, the first flowers or something like that.

Today we will bring to your attention several ideas on how to draw a spring landscape for children step by step.

Example 1

At first glance, it may seem that, without artistic skills and rich imagination, drawing spring landscapes is not an easy task. But it only seems, and you will see for yourself if you start with simple drawings first - flowers.

For example, with lilies of the valley.

Example 2

Many of us associate this wonderful time with blue sky And flowering trees. And this is another one great idea for joint creativity with children. Let's not waste time and try to draw a branch of a blooming apple tree on a blue background.

So, in fact, we figured out how to paint spring step by step, as you can see, it turned out to be not so difficult.

Spring brings awakening into our lives. Everything around comes to life and is filled with the bright energy of the sun. This article will discuss how to draw spring using a pencil and paints.

Features of spring landscapes

Great masters of the past and present depicted spring as young, sunny and energetic. They used a variety of techniques and techniques in their paintings. IN watercolor technique Painting with paints on wet paper looks especially natural and realistic, allowing you to convey smooth transitions of shades. Artists also preferred oil to create their works. Let's consider various ways drawing spring in more detail.

Draw spring with a pencil

For work, you can use any picture or photograph. If you wish, you can go out into nature, choosing a suitable place for drawing.

Image of a spring landscape with watercolors

You can paint with watercolors not only on white, but also on colored paper. But we must remember that paper in this type of painting plays the role of white paint.

We move smoothly from one tone to another, creating a single and complete picture.

How to paint spring in oil

Oil paints are thick and rich. But it is precisely thanks to these properties that skillful painters at all times created outstanding works of art. Working with oil requires certain skills and experience.

How to paint spring using oil paints:

Spring always inspires creativity, helping to depict the freshness of renewal and the newness of emerging nature. To understand how to draw spring, you need to learn to observe nature and not be afraid to experiment.

In order for a child to better understand the world in which he lives, at home, in preschool and school institutions, they study the seasons, their names, months, and their order.

Each season has its own and kids love to draw each of them. To help your child depict spring, you need to look at ready-made pictures drawn for children. This way the child will understand what to pay attention to.

How can you draw spring for children?

You should explain to kids that spring is a time of bright colors and unbridled imagination. Which you need to give free rein and draw a masterpiece. For smaller children who do not yet know what different artistic techniques You can try to draw the simplest and most uncomplicated drawings of spring. For example, yellow dandelions on a green lawn.

When we gradually draw spring with children, we can depict various signs of this time of year familiar to the child - arriving starlings in a birdhouse, running streams, remnants of melting snow, the first leaves and snowdrops. Everything your imagination tells you young artist, can be embodied on a piece of paper.

How to paint spring with paints?

Both small children and more experienced artists can draw with paints. Children are more suited to working with watercolor paints or gouache, although you can use various materials.

Before you start painting, you should draw a sketch with a simple pencil. All lines are drawn without pressure, so that if necessary, you can correct the image without damaging the drawing.

Colors can be applied directly from the tube or mixed to create desired color in the palette, and also dilute with a small amount of water to have a soft pastel shade.

After one color has been applied, you need to wait for it to dry completely, and only then proceed to the next shade, so that the colors do not smudge, especially for small details.

When we draw spring with children, the child’s memory and attention are trained. He remembers what colors certain objects and plants have, and their names. Children with well developed artistic abilities can paint such landscapes that they can be used to decorate the walls in a room or give as a souvenir to friends, setting them in