How to paint an autumn birch tree with paints. Autumn birch in gouache step by step. Master class with photos. General outline of a birch tree

Drawing on the theme of Winter for children 5-7 years old

Master class on drawing “White birch tree under my window”

Author: Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher additional education kindergarten "Solnyshko", a structural unit of the Northern Pedagogical College, Serov
The master class is intended for educators, additional education teachers, students of pedagogical colleges, parents and is designed for children of senior preschool age.
Target: development creativity when drawing emotionally expressive images using artistic means.
to develop children’s ability to vary the means of representation winter trees various materials and technicians;
improve technical skills in watercolor using the a la prima technique, gouache using the brushstroke technique, using whitewash;
develop compositional flair, the ability to emotionally control color in the image of dawn;
cultivate interest in admiring and learning about nature, co-creation skills with peers.
Purpose of the drawing: for decorating the interior of a room, a natural corner in kindergarten, making postcards.

The birch is called the symbol of Russia. Original title she was given on behalf of Beregini, an ancient Slavic goddess who was the mother of all good intentions and spirits. There are “male” and “female” trees (birch - berezun), which differ in shape: birch branches bloom to the sides, birch trees - upwards. Birch is an excellent air purifier. In spring, a birch tree can produce a bucket of sap in a day. Birch brooms can heal, cleanse, filling the human body with vitamin C and essential oils. In the old days, a birch sliver was considered the best for lighting peasant huts- it burns brightly and without soot. But main value Birch for us, Russians, is in its beauty, grandeur, and soulfulness. It is not without reason that poets, composers and artists at all times dedicated their works to her.

Grabar I.E. "February Azure"

S. Yesenin (1913)
White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver. Materials: landscape sheet, pencil, candle, watercolor, squirrel brush, foam rubber, glass of water.

Work progress:
1. Place the sheet vertically, in the middle with a simple pencil draw a trunk, black “pockets” on it

2. To the right and left of the trunk we draw branches that first stretch upward and then smoothly fall down (the higher the branches, the shorter)

3. Each adult branch has baby branches (the branches should not be too small, otherwise it will be difficult to apply wax)

4. The trunk and each branch must be painted over - circled with the corner of a candle (the pressure is quite strong)
5. At a certain tilt of the leaf, wax lines become visible, this will allow you not to miss a single branch; you can also fill snowdrifts with wax and apply snowflake dots in the air

6. Using foam rubber or a thick brush, moisten the entire sheet with water to apply watercolor using the a la prima technique (wet painting)

7. Convey with color the beauty of the sky - the dawn: horizontal lines"fill" whole sheet watercolor, gradually descending from the top edge of the sheet to the bottom, making smooth transitions from color to color

8. The magic that happens when pouring watercolors cannot be expressed in words: a snow-covered birch tree seems to appear out of nowhere, capturing the imagination of preschool children

For greater resemblance to the Yesenin birch, you can print an image of a window on a printer, cutting out the “glass” part

Apply the silhouette of a window to a drawing of a birch tree

As a variation, the birch drawing can be supplemented with an appliqué of a snow-covered Christmas tree (older children can complete the Christmas tree directly on the sheet with the birch, in this case it is necessary to add a drop of dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy, to the gouache, otherwise the wax will not overlap with the gouache).

Materials: a sheet of paper in pastel colors, green and white gouache on a palette, a flat bristle brush, scissors for cutting.

1. Apply green gouache to the entire plane of the brush.

2. Dip the tip of the brush into white paint

3. We start the image of the spruce from the bottom tier: Apply the entire surface of the brush, applying wide vertical strokes close to each other (each stroke is immediately two-colored, with whitewash - such a stroke is typical for Ural house painting)

4. Apply each subsequent tier, reducing the number of strokes to convey the triangular shape of the Christmas tree

5. Finish the top with a pointed stroke

6. After drying, the Christmas tree can be cut out and added to the composition with birch

Children 5-6 years old can easily cope with the drawing of a birch tree

but the Christmas tree works better for preschoolers 6-7 years old

Birch is one of the symbols of our homeland - Russia. Endless fields, forests, and beautiful white-trunked trees - curly birches. This is the picture of central Russia. Birch - very beautiful tree. It has a white trunk with black notches - spots. The thick spreading crown of the tree provides shade and coolness on a hot summer day. You can also collect very tasty and healthy birch sap from the birch tree in the spring.

To do this, cuts are made on the tree trunk, a jar is tied under the cut and thick viscous birch sap is dripped into it. But you can’t just do this, because the symbol of our forest is protected by the state. This is done in special nurseries. A lot has been written about the birch tree wonderful songs. On many canvases of great artists it is depicted as an unchanging symbol of Russian nature. We draw a Russian curly birch tree step by step.

Stage 1. First, let's draw a slightly curved, wavy, thin birch trunk. We will darken some places on it with spots. From the birch we draw several branches to the sides. At the top we frame the upper vertical branches with a crown of leaves. To do this, draw wavy lines, going around the branches from above. Then we add some branches on the tree and start drawing out the foliage areas.

Stage 2. We move further, drawing more and more islands from leaves. We add foliage to the branches in smooth waves. This is how our crown is filled with more and more new areas of foliage. It becomes thick and lush. Draw areas of foliage, going around all the branches of the tree.

Stage 3. Let's draw more leaves at the top and bottom on separate branches.

Stage 4. The result black and white drawing paint it bright green. Here comes the forest beauty birch!


How to draw a birch tree step by step.

Anyone can immediately recognize a birch tree both in winter and summer by the white color of its bark. Birch bark is very white with longitudinal light brown specks, but they are small and indistinguishable on the scale of the entire tree. From a distance, we also see marks on the birch trunk - black cracks in the bark and traces of dead branches. On large branches the bark is also white, but on thinner ones it is dark brown, almost black. In silver birch (also known as weeping birch), young thin branches often hang in long strands. But, I note, this is not the case with all birches. Very often you see birch trees growing nearby and one is all drooping, the branches hang like a living curtain, and the second one stands cheerfully, like a linden tree or a poplar tree - no despondency.

Comrades, when learning to draw trees in kindergarten, children are presented with the image of a “birch”, reminiscent of a triangle... in general, a speckled carrot with four or five hanging branches. Having mastered this image, children subsequently stamp any “birch” tree like this, introducing some variety only in the width of the base of the “trunk”, that is, from an acute triangle the trunk gradually turns into an obtuse one. I don’t know what to do with this. Just DO NOT teach such distorted and schematic conventional signs. But in kindergarten this is almost inevitable. What to do now, how to draw a birch realistically?

Well... consciously abandon the stereotypes instilled in infancy and try to see a real tree, and not a template imprinted in the head. In fact it is possible.

Why am I talking about this? - Because children, when drawing both from imagination and from life, operate mainly with cliches hardened in infancy and experience strong internal resistance to the very idea of ​​drawing from life. Therefore, I would teach drawing trees from life only to teenagers who have already gained awareness and only to those who love plants and really want to learn how to draw trees in a similar way. This is my opinion. What do you think about this?

So, let’s draw a birch tree step by step.

The sequence is the same as always when drawing plants: first draw a diagram of the trunk and branches with a pencil.

Let us denote the crown and individual large branches:

Here I confess honestly, from this point on I have already painted houses - with felt-tip pens and then with watercolors. My resolve is definitely not enough to go out alone with a box of watercolors, water and brushes. The ability not to be embarrassed in public does not develop overnight.

Drooping branches with small leaves were painted with pokes - brush number 1.

Birch is an amazing and very useful tree for people. In the old days, birch was used not only for various crafts and building houses, but also for medicinal purposes. Bast shoes were woven from the bark, and birch sap was collected in the spring. And besides, you must agree that birch is also an amazingly beautiful tree, which is why they are often planted near the house.
Draw a birch not difficult, since only birch trees have a white trunk with black stripes. There is no need to observe any special “geometry” in the birch drawing; it is only important to draw the trunk and branches correctly so that they do not turn out to be the same thickness and taper towards the edge and top of the crown. And to make it easier for you to draw a birch, you can use this step by step lesson. Step by step, first draw the trunk and main branches, then determine the size of the birch tree crown and draw the leaves.

1. Draw the trunk and main branches of the birch

First draw this simple diagram for the trunk and main branches of the birch tree. Do not press too hard on the pencil as we will be erasing these lines in the next step.

2. General outline of a birch tree

Trace the general outline with a simple pencil and remove the original markings. Make sure that the branches and trunk taper towards the edge, otherwise the birch pattern will be too implausible. One part of the birch grows directly from the base of the tree, pay attention to this immediately.

3. Draw birch branches without leaves

It is not necessary to observe the size and number of birch branches. You can draw a birch otherwise, however, do not draw the branches too straight, otherwise it will look more like a Christmas tree.

4. Draw the general contour of the birch crown

If drawing branches and a trunk is not so difficult, then drawing numerous small birch leaves is quite boring and time-consuming. Let's just draw the general outline of the birch tree's crown, and then use shadows and color to create the effect of leaves.

5. How to draw a birch tree with a simple pencil

First of all, draw the characteristic birch bark - a white background with black stripes. Then, take a soft pencil and draw birch foliage with “ripples”. This effect will even slightly “revive” your picture; the crown in the picture will seem to be rustling from the wind.

6. Drawing of a birch tree on a graphics tablet

Of course, when you need to draw a winter birch tree, you don’t need to draw the leaves and paint the tree either. But the winter birch is a rather dull subject for children's drawing, so let's draw a birch tree with leaves. And if you like drawing a birch tree, you can draw a few more birch trees nearby, the surrounding forest landscape, the sky, the sun. Then yours birch tree drawing It will be very beautiful and in good spirits.

This tutorial is about how to draw maple leaves. The leaves of birch are not at all like that and even in a weak wind they make “noise”.

Various mushrooms grow in the birch forest, but porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms are the most common.

A hare doesn't always have fur white. He changes his gray “fur coat” to white only in winter, so as not to stand out in the snow and be invisible to foxes and wolves.

/ Nature

Can you draw trees? Today we will learn how to do this.

These markers are created taking into account the characteristics of a child's hand and increased requirements for convenience and safety. Do not dry out without a cap for 24 hours.

Ink on water based non-toxic, odorless, easy to wash from any type of fabric and wash off hands. Ergonomic body shape. Ventilated cap.

We will draw the birch tree using STABILO felt-tip pens on drawing paper.

Felt-tip pen gray We outline the birch trunk with two vertical lines converging at the top into one line.

Using the same gray felt-tip pen, from the middle of the height of the trunk, we draw branches with the ends lowered to the bottom. From above, the branches decrease in length and form a rounded crown.

Using a light green felt-tip pen, draw an outline of the foliage above the branches.

Shade the designated areas with a light green color in a circular motion.

Under the zones of light green color we randomly shade with dark green color. We form a crown pattern in the form of an oval.

Using a gray felt-tip pen, we shade the lower part of the birch trunk. Then we refine the drawing of the trunk and branches with a black felt-tip pen.