How to draw the beauty of your native nature. How to draw a beautiful summer nature landscape with pencil and paints step by step for beginners? How to draw an easy summer landscape with a pencil for beginners? Object size and location

Drawing of nature is the main theme of landscape painters. Stunning paintings depicting the riot of colors of a summer forest can be seen in the paintings of Shishkin or Levitan, the most beautiful winter landscapes - in Kustodiev and Bruegel, golden autumn depicted by Kiselev and Polenov, and the breath of spring is conveyed by the most beautiful images of Tissot and Van Gogh.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw nature step by step.

  1. Let's draw the surface of the summer lake and the horizon line above it.

  1. On the sides of the lake we draw bushes, around the lake we draw a road going up to the horizon. We draw the scorching midday sun in the sky.

  1. In the clearing behind the lake we’ll draw trees and grass—there’s nowhere in nature without them. The trees in the foreground are larger than the trees in the background. We draw the reflection of the sun in the lake.

  1. Let's decorate the sky with clouds and flying birds - it's hard to imagine nature without the animal world.

  1. Now let’s shade the surface of the lake with a pencil. Let's draw a sedge in the foreground. The pencil drawing of nature is ready!

Drawing autumn with colored pencils

Master class on drawing. Landscape “Native spaces”

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher fine arts, Municipal Educational Establishment Slavninskaya Secondary secondary school, Tver region, Torzhok district.

Purpose of work: The master class is intended for middle and older children school age, art teachers and educators additional education. Can also be used in classes with children younger age, if you offer them a ready-made rendering.
The drawing can be used to decorate the interior, or be used as a gift, as well as for participation in competitions and exhibitions.

Target: creating an autumn landscape with colored pencils on the theme “Native Spaces”
- draw autumn landscape colored pencils;
- promote development creative imagination children, developing the ability to convey their observations and experiences in drawings;
- to develop the ability to see beauty in the phenomena of reality in the surrounding world of the native land;
- cultivate interest in landscape painting and to the drawing process itself.

For work we will need: a landscape sheet, a set of colored pencils, a black gel pen or a simple pencil.

...If you see a river in the picture,
Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut,
The picture must be called - scenery.

A landscape painting allows the artist to express his attitude to the world in a broad sense, to the natural world that surrounds us. Nature brings people together and often gives them similar moods, thoughts and experiences.
How beautiful are the beloved spaces,
The blue distance is calling,
The rustle of grass and birch trees are dear to me,
Keeps the memory with tenderness in the heart!
(Oleg Mandrakov)

Our beautiful nature often changes her outfits.
I love you, my native expanses,
the greenery of the forest and the smell of the fields,
blue lakes, majestic mountains,
the many faces of my Russia.
And the dawn among the curly birches,
and the sunset by the blue river,
the noise of acacias and tired maples.
I’m happy to live on the sidelines of my native land.
Spring waters spill,
Or the golden leaf fall swirls.
All the quirks of nature are good,
I enjoy any weather.
(Alexey Luchinin)

Golden autumn is joyful, lushly harvested, rich in harvest, they love it for its generosity, for the richness of fields, gardens, for clear days of azure-blue skies, for the beauty of forests painted with gold and crimson paint.
Today I propose to draw an autumn landscape with colored pencils. The main characters of our landscape will be the birches on the river bank, and the church in the background.
First, let's make a sketch of the main plot of the future picture. You can use a simple pencil, but I took a black gel pen.

We begin to tint the sky and river with a blue pencil. We place the strokes horizontally.

Using a darker blue pencil, changing the direction, we apply a second layer of shading.

We introduce a purple pencil into the sky and the river, and at the same time we paint over the trunks of the birch trees.

Using a yellow pencil, we begin to draw the crown of the birch tree. We place the strokes horizontally.

Let's paint the ground under the birch tree, the nearest hill on the opposite bank and two trees in front of the church with yellow.

Use a brown pencil to shade the leaves in the crown of the birches. We put short strokes in different directions. We lightly introduce the same color into the river under the birch and under the trees near the church.

Enter green into the crown of a birch tree.

We paint over the distant hill with a burgundy-brown pencil and introduce this color into the river under the birch tree.

Using a dark green pencil we draw the foliage of the bushes, tall grass along the river bank and paint over the foreground of the bank where the birches grow.

Draw blades of grass with a brown pencil. We place the shading in different directions - this creates the feeling of swaying grass. We also emphasize the tops of the hills with shading.

We also put light brown shading behind the birches.

Using a black pencil we make a drawing on the trunks of birch trees.

We introduce black strokes into the crown of birches.

Using a green pencil, we make a net shading in the background, behind the birch trees, and paint over the black background.

Making burgundy stains.

We insert a red pencil into the foliage of the bushes.

We decorate the church and the trees in front of it.

We color the river: use a light blue pencil to make horizontal and vertical strokes. We paint the space unevenly to create the feeling of water movement.

In the background, behind the birches, we will draw the spruce trees with a black pencil.

Now, using broad strokes, we paint over the entire crown of the birch trees with a yellow pencil. And we introduce the same color into the river.

I'll take a pencil and draw a forest,
I will draw fields and a river snake.
So that there is peace and tranquility on this Earth... (Terenty Travnik)

The drawing is ready, but at the very beginning, for the sketch, I used a helium pen. In some places in the drawing the drawing line comes to the fore. I suggest smoothing out these transitions. To do this, using the same black pen, we emphasize with shading the pattern on the trunks of the birch trees and the conspicuous line of the river.

That's enough difficult lesson, so it may take you quite a lot of effort to repeat it. If you didn’t succeed in drawing nature the first time, don’t despair and try again. Try your best to complete this lesson. If it still doesn’t work out, you can try to complete the lesson “”. But I believe that you will succeed.

What you will need

In order to draw nature we may need:

  • You need Photoshop program.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

True nature in all its beauty can only be revealed if you draw it from life. You will be able to draw much better if you look directly at nature. If this is not possible, then ordinary photographs, which are simply in abundance in search engines, can help out.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Advice: do it different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be made on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

As you complete this tutorial, please note that due to differences in software versions, some menu items and tools may have different names or be missing altogether. This may make the tutorial a little difficult, but I think you can do it.

I’ll start the lesson with what won’t be in it, so as not to disappoint anyone. It will not contain information about color, aesthetics, composition. The illustrations are in no way intended to be photorealistic. I just wanted to show how you can use Photoshop to create a painting that looks like a real painting oil paints. And also - describe how I draw and give some tips on creating digital images. Okay, enough chatting, it's time to get to work.

For our example, I set the size to half the normal size and the RGB color model. I usually use CMYK because I expect my work to be printed. Work at higher resolutions, even when using the Internet. In another case, say with a resolution of 72 dpi, the pixels will look coarser, areas of the image will be “compressed” and it will look like a smaller copy, and not like the original, painted with natural colors. In addition, some details will disappear - be prepared for this too.

After creating the document, I paint over the background neutral color. I try not to paint on a white background - this disrupts the perception of colors and the relationships between them. If the image is dark, I use a dark, warm or cool color, which will be a good base for other colors.

With this resolution it is better to use hard brushes of sizes 5, 9, 35, 45 and sometimes an airbrush size 100. I set the spacing to 1 to avoid the appearance of “swirls”.

In this sketch I only sketched out the outlines. For more complex images, of course, a more detailed sketch is needed. I used a small soft airbrush. The color of the brush is gray so that it stands out from the background, but not black.

Add a new layer above the background. We draw on it. This allows you to avoid spoiling the background, which can be useful. Especially if you've been working on it for a long time.

In our example, I used muted, medium colors for the rocks and foliage. But in nature, everything is not so regular and uniform, so it is worth experimenting with different colors to reflect the difference in lighting.

I chose an airbrush (hard brush, size 100 pixels, in the settings - Multiply). Color - the same as the background - sample (determine with the Eyedropper tool).

I want to show the shaded areas in the image and at the same time create a darker version that I can use later for sampling.

Typically, when painting, I switch between the airbrush and the eyedropper by pressing the Alt/Option button.

Having created several shaded areas, set the Screen parameter in the Layers panel.

So, the yellow-brown turned out a little warmer than I wanted. Set the airbrush to Normal and make a few strokes with a more muted, lighter color.

Switch back to “screen”, use a pipette to sample the yellow color from some part of the rock and begin to draw the shapes of the leaves of the bush with a brush of 5-9 pixels.

When working on the bush, I switched between normal and screen mode when I needed to draw in the dark and light edges of the leaves.

Draw the details (airbrush in normal mode). At this stage I simply sample the dark and light tones with an eyedropper and paint with a 5px brush.

Now we designate the long “arrows” of the grass. We start from the bottom, with quick, curved upward movements of the pencil. Use the colors you like, but don't forget to add shades to add variety.

Now let's move on to the rock on the left side of the picture. Do some rough strokes with a 35 brush to show the texture.

You can appreciate the changes - just look at the rock on the right side of the picture. Shadowed areas are brightened and smoothed with brush strokes of the sampled color.

I usually do a few strokes, sample, paint, sample again until I achieve the desired effect.

Let's increase the scale, make the image clearer and use rough strokes to create the illusion of irregularities on the surface of the rock. I usually work with the brush in a sweeping manner, using light touches to try to blend the colors, but I also make brighter, more noticeable strokes. This is one way to make an image look different from digital.

Now we sample the color of the shaded area and “smear” the brush back and forth to draw the texture.

The same with the leaves - we sample and work with the brush until the shape begins to appear.

Here I added a few details to represent the crack and ridges on the right side of the rock. To do this, use a brush set to Highlight to paint the shaded area - using back-and-forth movements, we will create the illusion of a play of shadows on an uneven surface.

We use a similar technique for the rock. It is worth changing the color and texture to make the image more interesting and different.

Let's zoom out a little and see if the rock fits into its surroundings. If not, we edit further.

But I had already decided to switch to grass. There are already dark areas outlined here, but there is nothing reminiscent of a rock.

Let's sample the color of the shadow and darken some areas of the image so that the rocks do not stand out from the overall picture.

From bottom to top, using sharp strokes of a very small brush, I create a base for the grass.

We do as the artists on television advise - we emphasize the light with shadow and vice versa.

Now we make upward strokes over these areas to create depth.

I usually do a few rough strokes back and forth to quickly fill in the image. This creates a base on top of which I work on the details.

Now let's add long blades of grass. Then we sample several colors from the surface of the rock and make a few brushstrokes to diversify the image and achieve unity of style.

Here final version. Between the rocks I painted grass. In the background I used quick upward strokes. It is worth using the Ctrl/Command + Z combination to quickly remove blades of grass that do not fit into the overall picture.

Finally, I drew a small friendly lizard behind the bushes. I didn’t tell you in this lesson how I drew it - maybe I’ll do it in one of the next ones. I can only say that its color is the inverted color of one of the rocks, so it fits into the overall color scheme.

The whole job took two hours, including the lizard. Experiment, try different methods. Try creating a realistic planet in Photoshop from scratch. And observe the world around you - this is the artist’s source of inspiration.

“Art is like nature. If you don't let him in the door,

it will come through the window.”

Butler S.

Poets and writers express their gratitude to nature through words, composers through a combination of sounds, and artists through depicting landscapes and drawing nature. Everyone has their own unique and accessible instrument, their own individuality. One thing, perhaps, is the object of admiration (nature itself) and the unique range of feelings that this or that work of art evokes in a person.

Nature! This is what always attracts, attracts the eye, makes you stop, admire, admire.

In painting scenery– this can be a general view of any area; paintings or drawings depicting nature, its various types and manifestations, individual natural phenomena.

When depicting any landscape, the artist certainly puts his soul into the process. He does not strive to completely copy the plot, but passes it through his own inner world, your vision, putting a piece of yourself into the process of drawing nature. That's why they say that picturesque landscape– this is not so much a painting, image or copying of nature, but rather the soul of the author of the work.

That is why the same image, made different people, will look and feel completely different.

This does not mean that there are no patterns and rules in drawing nature. They are. And it is by paying attention to these patterns that you can easily repeat almost any landscape plot you like (of course, passing it through your inner world, your individuality) and get your own unique, holistic and “living” picture.

With your permission, we would like to offer you several important lessons drawing of nature. We hope they will help you create and express yourself, creating unique landscapes and moods around you.

Where does nature drawing begin?

First of all, you need to understand what exactly you want to depict. Find and decide on the plot and composition of the future painting.

This can help you: your own imagination, a real picture of nature outside the window, perhaps someone’s already drawn plot or a beautiful photograph.

By the way, the idea of ​​drawing a landscape from a photograph is very good. In any case, you no longer have to worry about the weather changing and the colors changing. You can calmly interrupt the creative process and easily immerse yourself in it again, without trying to keep all the details of the landscape in your head. Just look at the photograph that inspired you and you're back in the process!


As soon as this is clear, we outline and draw the horizon line on the sheet. Moreover, you spend it where you see fit (it all depends on your idea or the plot you have chosen). However, pay attention - it is better to draw the horizon line slightly above or slightly below the middle of the sheet, do not divide the sheet exactly in half. If the picture is divided into equal parts, there is a feeling of artificiality and unnaturalness of the image.

Then all other plans are drawn. At the same time, remember that the plan closest to the viewer should be drawn last. Accordingly, the background is drawn first, the plan above the horizon line. During the birth of your masterpiece, you will naturally be able to add details to any of the plans.

Why are landscapes so mesmerizing? They attract the eye and we seem to be immersed inside the picture.

What gives the viewer that very feeling of “liveness”, the naturalness of the image?

What creates the integrity of perception, where does the feeling of depth and balance come from when we contemplate a landscape?

Please pay special attention in our nature drawing lessons on the following points that will help add “liveness” and naturalness to your picture. We believe they will help you create your own unique story.

Plans and prospects

Long shot:

  • cooler colors are used (usually with the addition of white and gray, gray-blue colors) - this perfectly allows you to create the illusion of depth of space in the picture;
  • less bright, less saturated (including the shadows from objects are less saturated);
  • details are more generalized, there is no clear depiction of objects (they are barely distinguishable, but recognizable);
  • we see it as if in a haze of air, as if we were looking through a layer of air.

This is very clearly seen in the example of mountain (water-mountain) landscapes.

Medium shot:

  • the image is less bright, less rich;
  • less clear, without excessive detailing and drawing of details;
  • significantly smaller sizes of objects;
  • barely visible details.


  • as a rule, it is painted in warmer colors;
  • contrasting bright spots can be identified;
  • strokes may be more expressive;
  • objects, objects are drawn more clearly and clearly, larger;
  • dark shadows are used.

The foreground or background differs in that, compared to the background of other plans, it takes on clearer shapes. And this can be achieved both through clear drawing of details and through light and shadow solutions.

If you draw, including some natural phenomenon, for example, snowfall or fog, then intensifies aerial perspective. In this case, the middle and distant plans become even more uniform, more faded compared to the near (main) plan, even more blurred with barely perceptible contours.

Object size and location

This will be a certain object, the so-called center of attention and interest. Everything again depends on your idea!

As a rule, the main object the landscape is highlighted with:

  • colors - the object does not have to be brighter, but definitely more varied in color, more saturated;
  • size - the object can occupy most of paintings (but not necessarily - must, everything is very individual);
  • location - the object is located in the near (foreground), but not necessarily in the center of the picture;
  • environment - the area around the main object, on the contrary, should be a little less noticeable, less bright, less eye-catching,

The point is to focus attention first on the object!

In order for the landscape to play and come to life, there are several points that you should pay special attention to and avoid these “sharp corners” in the image.

What to Avoid When Drawing Objects

In order for attention not to be scattered and the gaze (as presumably intended by the author of the landscape) to be focused on one object, so that a feeling of harmony (and not disharmony) arises, one should definitely avoid:

  • identical lines (for example, two completely identical straight or curved trees, flowers, blades of grass, etc.),
  • identical sizes and shapes (for example, two identical mountain peaks, two completely identical windows in a house, two or more identical animals, etc.).

If you conceived the central object as consisting of several objects (for example, a pair of animals or people) - introduce different shapes, give movement to these objects. One, for example, may be larger, the other smaller. One can move, the other can stand or lie still. The main thing is that they be in different poses, different sizes, and so on.

If you use a river or road as an object, pay attention to the fact that the lines are not straight, but, on the contrary, more curved, as if “leading” the eye into the picture.

Remember that water and roads create a feeling of movement. Then, when the lines are less straight, the gaze seems to follow the line and linger on the image. If, on the contrary, the road is too straight, then the person’s gaze does not stop on it for a long time, but as if “runs through” and quickly slips away.

Regarding straight straight lines, it is generally a very interesting and separate story, with its own rules.

Please note that if you need to use “straight lines” as an object - for example, you are drawing some kind of bridge, pillar, ship mast, wall of a house or part of a roof - then you should not draw them too straight “on a ruler”. On the contrary, make them boldly crooked (this will give a more natural look), mask too straight lines (for example, a straight wall of a house can be masked with vegetation, a bench). The straight pillars of the bridge can be slightly bent.

It is better not to use squares, circles, triangles in a “pure” geometric form at all. This does not mean that you should always depict crooked windows and doors, and in some places you can simply interrupt the geometric shape. For example, you can put a flower in a pot on a rectangular window, which will already bring liveliness and harmony to the landscape.


As for the choice of color, there are also several important advice, which (we really hope) will help you create a “living” and harmonious picture.

The main rule is to mix colors! Try to never use pure color as you have it. Allow for brightness!

Feel free to mix colors with each other! The main thing is that the color does not become dirty, with incomprehensible gray tint. And everything else is welcome and completely acceptable.

The choice of color should also give you a sense of harmony. When you choose it, you pass it through your inner world, through your vision of the landscape. Therefore, do not try to accurately select the color scheme that your eye perceives (if you are transferring the plot, for example, from a photograph). The main thing is that you, first of all, like the color that you get when you mix paints.

Of course, Mother Nature herself teaches us a lot. Regarding shapes, colors, saturation natural paintings and objects. The most important thing is your powers of observation and desire to create and draw. The main thing is to take it and do something, even if not very skillfully, or maybe even for the first time. Just allow yourself to try, touch.

Be inspired, first, by some landscape. Pick up required colors, take a sheet of paper and determine the horizon line, mark the location of the main object...

The main thing is that you can express your inner individual world in your creativity, in the depiction of nature. Or perhaps you will create something special and magical! A picture! Which will delight and delight not only you, but also someone else!

Remember, you have the right to creative liberties!

We wish you joy and creative self-expression! Give yourself pleasure, just allow yourself to be an artist!

    Oksana! Thank you!
    It’s great that you found it very informative and useful - the most important thing is that the material can be useful! Good luck with your landscapes!

Julia, thank you very much for the article! The main ideas for depicting landscapes are expressed very concisely and clearly, and the illustrations are well chosen. Inspiring!

Drawing a landscape in watercolors step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on painting with watercolors from 5 years old "Landscape". Introduction to watercolor paints

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education for children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a landscape using watercolor technique.
-introduce children to the profession of an artist, give them an idea of ​​fine art and painting;
- teach how to work with watercolors: wetting the paints before painting, diluting with water to obtain different shades of the same color, thoroughly washing the brush.
-learn to work with color when creating a landscape using watercolor technique;
- practice working with different numbers of brushes;
- to develop an interest in fine arts.

I have a pencil
Multi-colored gouache,
Watercolor, palette, brush
And a thick sheet of paper,
And also a tripod easel,
Because I...(artist)
Hello, dear guests! An artist is a wonderful profession. All he has to do is take paper, brushes, and paints. There was nothing on paper, but the first lines appeared: one, another - the picture was ready.
An artist can draw anything: a house, a forest, people, animals. And the artist paints pictures. And he writes according to his own plan, like a writer
An artist is a person who knows how to see beauty in the ordinary, remembers his impressions and knows how to express his thoughts and fantasies on paper, in stone or in other materials.

The artist knows how to create new worlds in his paintings and drawings, unprecedented beauties and strange animals, and sometimes something completely new, the colors in the drawings turn into fireworks of colors and shades, they evoke incredible joyful emotions.
The first artists appeared in the Stone Age. The role of canvas or paper was then played by the walls of stone caves and various kinds of household items of ancient people, and artists used coal and mineral dyes as paints. The work of the artist was closely related to the production of paints, and people considered this magical effect. Much later, people began to paint icons, portraits, still lifes, landscapes - and they began to call all this the world of fine art (the art of capturing images).

So, artists are people who practice fine art, there are many various directions in this profession:
-An artist is an artist in the broad sense of the word (he can do everything)
-An artist is a person who practices fine art.
-Graphic artist - deals with graphics (drawings with pencil, charcoal, felt-tip pens)
-Photo artist - engaged in photo art

- Painter - engages in painting.
Painting is the art of depicting objects with paints. One of the types of fine arts associated with the transmission visual images by applying paint to a rigid or flexible surface. The name came from two words “live” (living) and “write” (draw) - so it turns out to write like a living thing, and artists who paint began to be called painters.

IN art gallery
There are very, very many of them.
On this sea we see
And over there is the road.
Oil, watercolor
Artists' creations. (Paintings)
There are many different directions (topics for drawing) in painting, let's look at some of them:
If you see what's in the picture
Is anyone looking at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor,
Required picture
It's called a portrait.

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is a still life.

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
Required picture
It's called landscape

The artist creates his paintings and drawings using various paints - gouache, watercolor and many other paints. A true artist First of all, you always get to know your paints, study their properties, colors and shades. Conducts experiments on mixing paints and obtaining new colors, diluting them with water or painting thickly and richly. Today we will get acquainted with watercolors, what kind of paints are these?
Their name is related to water because "Aqua" means "water". When you dissolve them with water and start painting, you create the effect of lightness, airiness, and subtle color transitions. Before painting, be sure to moisten the paint with water. Dip the brush into clean water and shake off any drops of paint onto the paint without touching it with the bristles of the brush.
Before you start painting, you need to try out the paints. Each color is tested on paper, we put paint on the brush and draw small specks of the color of each paint. And you can immediately see which paint is transparent and which is strong and saturated. Very important feature watercolor paints, the more you dilute them with water, the more transparent they will appear, and if you add less water, the colors will be more saturated. After trying each color, you need to wash your brush so as not to stain the paint. Watercolor paint is clear, transparent and loves cleanliness. After we have become acquainted with all the colors, we can conduct mixing experiments different colors, two, or even three. Remember which paint is friends with which, or vice versa, their friendship ends badly and turns out to be a dirty puddle.
Three colors, three colors, three colors
Guys, isn't this enough?
Where can we get green and orange?
What if we mix paints in pairs?
From blue and red (this one)
We will get the color ... (purple).
And we will mix blue and yellow.
What color do we get? (green)
And red plus yellow is no secret to everyone,
Of course they will give it to us... (orange color).
This exercise to get acquainted with colors is carried out before the main task; children happily respond and conduct experiments with color. This exercise can be done on a separate piece of paper, but it is better to keep a “cheat sheet” album, where children will do exercises to get acquainted with color and learn various painting techniques every time.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of A3 paper (for landscape)
- A4 sheet for testing colors (or album)
- brushes of three sizes (large, medium, thin)
-simple pencil, eraser (for the youngest children - you can use it to draw a horizon line)
-a glass for water
-cloth for brushes

Progress of the master class:

I see a land hitherto unknown.
The land around is well maintained and beautiful...
But to me, my soul, it’s so lovely here!
So broad is the beauty of my Russia!
Today we will draw a landscape; for kids, showing the future drawing and examining it - what is depicted on it - plays a good role.

The landscape begins with the border of sky and earth - this is the horizon line, where they meet each other. Draw a horizon line with the tip of the brush, then begin to paint the sky from the very top of the sheet in a horizontal direction. I always draw together with the kids, a new technique, a new detail of the work, and the children then repeat this in their drawing.

Brush strokes should be large, smooth, use the largest brush. The paint must be diluted well with water, and try to create an even, monochromatic background.

Then from the horizon line we draw the earth, the field (green color). The brush must be washed thoroughly after each color. Paint the surface horizontally with a large brush, green with a lot of water added.

Now take a medium-sized brush and paint with its tip. The paint color is emerald - we paint the hills, the paint is bright and rich.

Using a clean brush and water, blur the emerald lines of the hills, from the emerald color to the main green. So that there is a smooth transition from color to color. The work proceeds with the addition large quantity water, almost on a damp background (that’s why the work shines). Excess water can be removed by dabbing with a cloth.

We leave the field to dry and return to working on the sky. We put red paint on the brush and draw a rich stripe above the horizon line.

Wash the brush, use a clean brush with water to draw a line along the bottom edge of the red stripe, blur it.

Add orange in the same way and yellow colors.

Now we draw blades of grass using vertical small strokes; the further they are from us, the smaller they are.

Then wash the brush, squeeze it out and lightly smear the blades of grass, as if rubbing them with a brush. Draw a red sun.

By slapping the leaf with a brush we draw bushes.

Along the horizon we draw a line saturated with blue - a forest in the distance. And with a thin brush, a blade of grass in the foreground of the drawing.

With a thin brush we make vertical blue lines, where the forest is, these are trees.

Let's highlight the forest in the distance with a thin black line (thin brush), and draw branches on the bushes.