How to draw a beautiful wooden house. Teaching a child to draw a house

We draw perspectives using the technique in order to obtain more realistic three-dimensional objects. In this technique, each set of parallel lines has its own so-called vanishing point.

More precisely, when we see or draw something in two-point perspective, we see the object from an angle from which parallel lines radiate away from us and connect at vanishing points. This is the basis of perspective.

Now we'll show you how to draw a house in two-point perspective. That is, we will use two vanishing points to draw a three-dimensional object.

Step 1.

We will need a wide sheet of paper. Place a dot on the edges of this sheet. These are our vanishing points. Connect them with a straight line using a ruler.

Step 2.

Using a ruler, draw three vertical lines at equal distances from each other, as shown below. The middle one should pass through the center of the segment connecting the vanishing points.

Step 3

Take a ruler and connect the vanishing points with lines to the ends of the vertical segment that is in the center. Please note: the right line going to the top point should go slightly lower than the left.

After this, you can erase with an eraser all the auxiliary lines to the left and right of the outer vertical segments.

Step 4.

Locate the center of the top line on the left. Draw a line upward from it.

And draw some more vertical lines as shown in the picture below.

Step 5.

Draw a line from the bottom end of the leftmost vertical segment to the left vanishing point. Then continue it in the other direction (to the right).
- Now draw a line from the right vanishing point to the second vertical segment from the left. And continue it too - until you meet the first line that you drew in this step.
- To complete the windows on the wall on the right, draw lines towards the right vanishing point between the vertical segments, as shown in the figure.
- Draw a triangle, the sides of which diverge from the top point of the roof to upper corners left wall. Just extend the right one a little - until it intersects with the right wall.

Step 6.

Draw several vertical lines as shown in the figure. These are blanks for the pipe on the roof and for the windows on the left wall.
Draw two sloping roof lines - left and right.

Step 7

From the ends of the vertical lines we drew in the previous step, draw lines to the left vanishing point.

Step 8

From the chimney and roof lines, draw lines to the right vanishing point.
Extend the lines of the left wall a little.
Draw two vertical lines where the door will be.

Step 9

To draw the top edge of the door, draw a line from the vertical segments of the door to the right vanishing point.
Draw the slope of the lower roof on the left with two slanted lines.

Erase all auxiliary lines.

Today, our children are mastering creative activities as soon as they begin to walk confidently. First we buy them colored pencils, markers, etc. But when it comes time to learn letters and first awkwardly try to write them, the ability to draw an outline becomes as important as knowing and recognizing colors.

In order for a child to understand what contours are, you need to teach him to draw with a simple pencil. For example, children's favorite plot is a village house. Such a concept as perspective can be omitted; as they grow up, they will figure it out. They can color their “creation” at any time, but first they need to create an outline image together. This article will tell you how to use a pencil step by step.

So, how to draw a wooden house? You will need pencils, paper, an eraser and your patience.

Drawing the walls and roof

The drawing must begin with the outline of elementary geometric shapes. The first step will be to draw a square, to which we will “attach” the walls and roof. Draw a triangle on top of it. What it will be, isosceles or another, is not so important. And already at this first stage the child recognizes the house, the same one that he has seen many times.


Now let's create something similar to perspective. We continue to teach the child this step by step with a pencil. We take the second step - we “attach” another square next to the first one. But on top we no longer draw a triangle, as in the previous case, but a parallelogram. The child may not understand the meaning of this artistic “effect”. You will need to clearly explain how to draw vertical lines and connect them to create a “side view”. Believe me, children grasp such nuances very quickly. A window remains, which is square in shape. In addition to the fact that you are drawing, you can also have a very meaningful and educational conversation about squares, triangles and rectangles, which will be very well remembered.

Creating volume

Pencil step by step and hold, at least for a short time, the child’s attention? At the third stage, we begin to decorate our house. We draw doors that have the shape of a rectangle. We will have a chimney on the roof. Since young artist asked about how to draw a wooden house; we will paint one wall with a window with stripes imitating boards. Thanks to this, we will get the illusion of volume.

We imitate roof tiles

Now, at the fourth stage, we put the initiative in the hands of the child. Let him draw the tiles himself. It doesn’t matter what the roof will look like, “fish scales” or “squares”. The main thing is to carefully “fit” the pattern without going beyond the boundaries of the contour. The dormer window above the front door is also an important element; it is oval.

Drawing a fence and bushes

You should think in advance about how to draw a house with a pencil step by step, paying attention to the development of the child’s imagination. To do this you will have to apply all your own creativity. Your house is almost ready! Now, at the fifth stage, all that remains is to improve the area around it. We draw a fence and bushes behind the house.

Before you start drawing a house, you need to look carefullyon it: is it tall or low, where is the door located, how many windows are there in the house, how many floors. Let's pay attention to the roof of the house. Let's start the work by drawing the general shape of the house, from its facade (that is, the view of the house when you look at it directly and see only one wall and roof). Let's outline the height and length of the house, the size of the window and its location. We'll do the same with the door. Make sure that the window lines, the bottom edge of the roof and the base of the house are horizontal. Windows can be drawn in the form of cells with straight lines from top to bottom and from left to right.

If we draw
multi-storey building, then note that the windows are on the same vertical
lines (top row above bottom). In addition, all windows on one floor are located
usually at the same height, on the same horizontal line.
How best to place a house on a sheet
paper so that it is not very small: the length of the sheet or the width?

When we draw people, let's think
what size should they be compared to the house. Look at the pictures and
tell me where the artist drew correctly and where not.

Many children dream of learning how to draw a house, for example, fairytale hut. There is nothing difficult in drawing such a structure, so even a preschooler can cope with such a task, especially if his parents help him with this. Thanks to this master class, everyone will be able to understand how to draw a house with a pencil step by step, and then color it using a set of colored pencils.
Before you start drawing the hut, you need to prepare everything you need:

1). Colored pencils;
2). Mechanical pencil (or a simple sharpened one);
3). Eraser;
4). Paper.

When everything is prepared, you can start working:
1). Draw a horizon line and indicate the shape of the house;

2). Draw a triangular roof;

3). Draw windows;

4). Draw the roof and chimney;

5). Draw the logs;

6). Draw details such as window frames, their decor and patterns;

7). Draw the smoke that comes from the chimney, as well as the cat that is climbing on the roof. Draw a fence on both sides of the house. At this stage you can finish the work if you wanted to learn how to draw a house with a pencil. But the colored drawing looks complete and more interesting;

8). Trace the sketch with a pen. Use a pen to draw clouds and grass;

9). Remove the preliminary sketch with an eraser;

10). Use a light brown pencil to color the frames, and a yellow pencil to color the windows;

11). Use brown and dark brown pencils to color the logs;

12). Paint the top of the pipe and the round elements of the logs light brown. Paint the chimney and patterns on the house with red, and the window decor and roof with red-brown;

13). Use an emerald colored pencil to color the fence, and an orange pencil to color the cat;

14). Green Shade the grass and blue for the sky and clouds.

Now you know how to draw a house step by step and then color it with colored pencils. Of course, you can make a drawing of a house bright not only with a set of colored pencils, but also with watercolors or gouache. This is one of the simple options.

A step-by-step drawing of a house with colored pencils should have each element smooth and beautiful, so we definitely use a ruler in the image. You can freehand draw bushes around the house and a small window in the attic.

Required materials:

  • a set of colored pencils;
  • regular pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • sheet of paper

Drawing steps:

1. First you need to draw a vertical line on a piece of paper. It will be the middle in the drawing. Then we draw the roof of the house. Outwardly, it will resemble a trapezoid. The horizontal line at the top will be shorter than the bottom. For convenience and simplicity, you can use a ruler.

2. Add a triangle vertex in the middle of the picture. In the future it will be an attic room with a small window.

3. Let’s finish drawing along the sides of the roof along one line. Then connect it to the main contour of the roof by drawing another short line at the bottom.

4. Then, you can draw an attic room with a window. To do this, we will first draw part of the square and then add an additional layer to our small roof.

5. In the middle of the square, draw a small and cute window. It can be of any shape. We chose a round window. It is unusual in shape and probably interesting to sit behind it and look out from the attic room.

6. Add another roof at the bottom horizontal line and connect it to the main circuit. Let's finish drawing the main part of the house - the walls. The roof will be supported on them. Let's depict this part of the house as a square.

7. A necessary element in every home is the front door. In front of its image, we will draw a small rise in the form of a step to make it easier to enter the house.

8. Draw a large window on the right side. You definitely need to draw a frame. Let's add window partitions.

9. Let's draw another one under the door step. Let's add green bushes around the house.

10. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines and begin to outline our drawing. It is better to do this under the ruler.

11. First of all, let's decorate the roof of the house. Let's take a yellow pencil for this purpose.

12. For realism, you can draw highlights in the windows with blue and cyan pencils.

13. Paint the walls of the house in the lower part and in the attic with a brown pencil. The steps under the door will be the same color.

14. Use a red pencil to add color to the window frame and front door.

15. Use green pencils of two shades to decorate the greenery around the house.

There you go! See you soon!

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