How to draw a dove step by step with a pencil. How to draw a dove step by step with colored pencils How to draw a dove with a twig in its beak

We see pigeons on the streets every day and are used to them; we hardly notice them. But if you look closely, these are very beautiful birds, with original coloring. They live next to us and even a child has been familiar with their cooing since childhood. Many people feed deep water in winter and simply breed different breeds. And there are many varieties of these birds, more than 800. Among them there are postal breeds, and yellow-legged ones, and rocky ones, and with lush “pants” on their legs. There are very funny ones, for example, curly pigeons and wig pigeons (whose plumage looks like a tousled wig), imported from India. In this lesson we will try to draw a pigeon step by step, ours, the city one and the one familiar to everyone.

  1. Prepare a sheet of good watercolor paper, a simple pencil of the highest hardness, paint and an eraser. We will also need white gouache or white acrylic. At the initial stage we build the body of the dove. Using thin lines we build the axis of the neck and the entire body. If it is difficult to navigate at what angle they are drawn, then you can compare them with the hands of a clock - imagine that the “clock” (axes) shows the time 11:20. The neck axis is the short hour hand, and the body axis is the long minute hand. The pigeon has a small head (we draw it as an oval), then a powerful neck (similar to an elongated drop), a body (also similar to a large drop), a tail (it can be designated as a rectangle) and paws (a small beveled trapezoid).

  2. We denote the wings, large feathers on the tail, beak, eyes (note - they will be surrounded by an almost white frame of small feathers. We leave this frame unpainted, like the upper part of the beak), strong clawed paws.

  3. You can carefully erase additional construction lines; they will no longer be useful. At this stage, we will designate the darkest places of the pigeon - this is the neck (the central part of the head will be light), several stripes of almost black feathers on the wings and the tail. Draw thin shading with a pencil, just as in nature the feathers fit around the neck and body of a bird. We will paint with exactly the same strokes in watercolor. Look carefully at how the pigeon’s wings fold, how large they are and how they cover almost its entire body.

  4. The most difficult and most interesting thing is drawing with paints. Drawing a dove in watercolor is quite difficult, so before you start coloring a pencil sketch, look at the different colors it has. The head and neck will have cool shades of blue, indigo and turquoise (many pigeons have a small area on the neck where the feathers shimmer beautifully). On the wings and body there is a soft gray-blue color, with the addition of a warm purple tint. Closer to the tail - almost black, brown and purple. The paws will be burgundy, but now we will outline them with a transparent dark red color. The wings will be very light, take a little paint and dilute it with more water.

  5. In this fragment, all the beautiful shades of plumage on the bird’s neck are very clearly visible - blue-violet, turquoise, and even a little white (these are not painted areas of the paper). Using a small brush with a round tip, make short strokes, as if they were feathers. For volume, use the same brush with blue watercolor to outline the dove’s head and around the eye. We make the iris of the eye with warm transparent ocher. Then apply the next layer of just a little dark ocher in some places of the iris and outline the entire eye dark brown paint. To indicate the shine of the eye, place a small dot at the top using white gouache or acrylic.

  6. At the last stage of the drawing, we work out the neck and feathers in more detail, and draw the gray fluff on the pigeon’s paws at the top, like “pants.” We draw the ends of the feathers with more contrast (only the tips!), and outline the beak more clearly. Using light gray, very transparent watercolor with the addition of cold blue, with a wide brush we lightly pass along the back of the bird to give volume to the entire body. Make light strokes and let the paint “spread” across the paper.

I hope you were able to draw a dove and that the lesson was useful. Draw more, make sketches, observe the lives of those who are near you, even if these birds or animals have long been familiar and familiar.

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw a dove. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a dove we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Each bird is not only unique in coloring, but also has its own anatomical structure. To draw a dove correctly, you need to be present in person, if possible. Yes, I'm talking about drawing from life. I understand that this is very difficult to do, but it will give you a big head start. I can also advise you not to neglect photo cards on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. What do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies? Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

A dove is a good character for drawing a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, especially for May 1 and Victory Day - May 9. Everyone knows that a dove is a symbol of peace and happiness, so very often pictures of doves are used to decorate weddings. In wedding pictures, doves, of course, only come in pairs, but if you can draw one dove, you can easily draw a second one, next to it in a mirror image. Pigeons are not only white, but also gray and black. But for wedding pictures you need to draw only white doves, because white it is a symbol of purity and health.

How to draw a dove? It’s not at all difficult if you draw it with a simple pencil step by step.

1. Where to start drawing a dove?

When drawing step by step, you should always start the drawing with the main outline. For a pigeon, this is its body and body. First, we outline the outline of the pigeon’s head, and from it we draw a line for the body, slightly inclined. When a dove flies, its tail hangs down slightly. We will draw the wings in the form of a “tick”, just watch the proportions and size of the contours. You can copy my markup.

2. Let’s slightly “revive” the drawing of the dove

The first stage is always the easiest, but the most important. The further drawing of the dove will depend on how you draw the first contours. At this stage we will just add a few lines and the dove will already “come to life”. Draw the contour line of the tail and the outline of the body. Well, add the pigeon’s paws, so far only contour straight short lines.

At this stage, the pigeon should already be flying, as you will draw the outlines of its wings and tail. It is not at all difficult to draw the beak and eye of a dove.

4. Let's draw the pigeon's legs in detail

Just a few details left to add to the dove drawing. Most of all, you will have to spend time drawing the pigeon’s legs in detail and then dividing the wings into several segments with a few strokes of a simple pencil.

5. The final stage of the dove picture

It is not at all difficult to draw the feathers for the wings and tail of the dove, because the outlines are already drawn. All that remains is to divide the lower contours into sharp sections and extend the lines to the base of the wing. The tail feathers are drawn a little differently; they need to be drawn as elongated ovals. But in general, all this is not difficult to draw, even without much experience in drawing birds.

Look at pictures or photos of pigeons and see what coloring their feathers have. You may want to make a picture not of a white dove, but with black and white feathers. Then color in some of the feathers or halves of the pigeon's feathers using a simple pencil.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a dove and hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson on social networks and show your results to your friends.

How to easily draw a dove with a pencil step by step for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful dove with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful dove.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully and quickly, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only nature, the sun, flowers, houses, people, but also domestic animals and wild animals.

Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw a dove. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a dove is drawn. Look at the location of the pigeon, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a dove, on the right is the head of a dove, on the left is the tail of a dove, and at the bottom are the legs of a dove.

First, start drawing the dove from the body and head, draw the body of the goose in the form of a large oval, the top of the body smoothly turns into the round head of the dove.

In the center of the head, draw a small and round eye for the dove. On the right, draw the beak of a dove, it will be small, the tip of the beak will be pointed.

Look carefully at how the wings of a dove are drawn, the dove is flying, so the wings need to be drawn towards the top, draw feathers along the edges of the wings.

On the left side draw the pigeon's tail, it should be small, a little fluffy, draw feathers on the tail. Below, under the dove’s body, draw small legs; the dove has pressed them to itself because it is flying.

Draw small fluffy clouds near the dove.

Look what a beautiful dove you have made. Color the dove and clouds beautiful flowers or leave it white, whichever you like.

Let's try to draw another dove

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a dove is drawn. Look at the location of the pigeon, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a dove, on the right is the tail of a dove, on the left is the head of a dove, and at the bottom are the legs of a dove.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the pigeon’s body.

First, start drawing the dove from the body, draw two circles not far from each other, draw a smaller circle on the right, and draw a larger circle on the left - this will be the body of the dove.

On the left side of the body, draw another smaller circle - this will be the head of the dove.

In the center of the head draw the eye of a dove, on the left side draw the beak of a dove.

Connect the head and body of the dove with two smooth lines, and at the bottom right side draw a tail for the dove.

To the top of the dove's body, draw two large wings.

Draw the dove's beak. Draw feathers on one of the dove's wings and on the tail. From below, draw the small paws of the dove; the paws should be tucked under the body of the pigeon, because it is in flight. The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

Draw feathers on the second wing of the dove.

The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

Erase the extra lines that are no longer needed, draw a brighter outline of the dove.

Look what a beautiful dove you have made. Color the dove as shown in the top picture or with any colors you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a dove step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent bird. We wish you good luck in your future works.


Torso pigeon dense. It is much larger than the head. In the drawing, the body must be depicted as a large oval located below and to the left of the bird’s head.

From the lower body pigeon you should draw his tail. He medium length.

A small triangular beak should be drawn on the bird's head.

At this stage of drawing pigeon All excess pencil lines must be erased with an eraser. Now you should show the bird its wings. More precisely, one wing protruding to the foreground. Wings in flight pigeon main role, because when they swing, they form a plane that supports them in the air.

Now paws pigeon you need to carefully draw them - give them volume and add short, but very strong, claws. Also now you can show the plumage on the bird's tail.

Then you should draw the swollen beak of the bird, and at its base - small round eyes. Drawing pigeon ready.


  • how to draw a dove

In order to learn to draw pigeon, it is necessary to highlight in the structure of his body simple figures, draw auxiliary lines and complement the image with details characteristic of this bird.

You will need

  • - album sheet;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - watercolor or gouache.


Start with two ovals. Draw a small oval, which will later be the head, the second oval should be four to five times larger than the first, this will be the body of the bird. If you want to depict a sitting, ruffled dove, draw the auxiliary figures close to each other, but if your bird has stretched out its neck, leave space between them. Do not press down on the lead as these lines will need to be removed later.

Using light strokes, connect the ovals so that the lines form a neck.

Highlight the bird's prominent forehead. Draw a round eye in the middle of a small oval and mark the pupil in it. Use strokes to indicate the “cheeks” of the dove. Draw a beak at the bottom of the oval; it should point slightly downward. At its base in the upper part, draw a seal; this is the wax, on which the nostrils of pigeons are located.

Draw two auxiliary lines from the middle of the bottom of the large oval. They should be directed first down and then forward. These lines will help you depict the bird's legs. The total length of a pigeon's leg with a nail corresponds to the length of its neck when extended. Observe these proportions so that the bird does not turn out to be short-legged and bulky. Add feathers to the upper part of the leg; the lower part is not covered with them. Draw three clawed fingers pointing forward and one pointing back. Draw folds on this part of the leg.

Select the wings. If they are folded, draw a curve along the bird's body, ending the wing with large flight feathers. If they are raised, depict loose feathers. Keep in mind that a pigeon's wingspan is twice its length.

Draw the bird's tail. When at rest, the tail of a common city pigeon is folded feathers pointing downwards. But in some species of pigeons they grow upward and form a kind of fan.

Erase the auxiliary lines and color the drawing. For feathering use gray shades, keep in mind that the feathers on the inside of the wing are lighter. Make the eye red-orange and the bare part of the leg bright pink.

Video on the topic

The world of birds is incredibly diverse, so drawing them is a pleasure. However, if you are just starting your experiments in depicting birds, the easiest way to start is with pigeons - they have a rather ordinary appearance, and besides, it will not be difficult to observe them and even try to draw them from life.

You will need


Look at the photograph of a dove, pay attention to the peculiarities of the proportions of this bird. The pigeon has a large body and a small round head on a short neck. The loose tail of a pigeon is fan-shaped; in white pigeons it is more delicate. The open wings of a dove have a span twice the length of its body. Grays living in the city can have a wide variety of colors - they can be gray, with white and even brown spots - these spots can be reflected in the picture.

Imagine in what position and from what angle of view you want to depict the dove. The easiest way is to draw a bird with its wings folded sideways towards you. Draw light outlines of the pigeon's body. Draw the main guide lines of the drawing. Then refine the drawing with rough lines - outline the head, body, tail, legs of the bird.

It is better to start with a more accurate drawing from the head and legs, as these are the most complex parts of the drawing. Draw the bird's head, beak, eye, legs and claws. Look at the photographs to see what the birds' legs look like and what proportions they should have to look natural. Then outline the large feathers on the wing and tail. Draw a perfectly round eye. The pigeon's beak should point slightly downwards. Notice that the lower parts of the pigeons' legs are also covered with feathers.

Fade out soft pencil those places where the shadow will fall - neck, tail, wing, shaded areas of feathers.

Hard pencil Carefully work out all the small details. When working with a pencil, details are very important - use thin lines to draw all the feathers, folds of skin on the legs, add highlights to the eyes. Don't forget to erase all the auxiliary lines so that they don't pollute the drawing.

After you finish your first drawing, try drawing the dove in other poses and from other angles. Photographs of birds will again help you, as well as live observation of pigeons in the nearest park.

Video on the topic

Why is the dove a symbol of peace?

IN the oldest book humanity - the Bible - it is written that it was a white man who brought an olive branch to the Old Testament Noah, which testified to the end of the flood.

The ancient Romans considered pigeons that made a nest in the helmet of warlike Mars to be a symbol of peace. This bird was associated in those days with good news - the end of the war.

The white dove began to be considered a symbol of peace throughout the planet after famous artist Pablo Picasso painted the emblem for the World Peace Congress held in 1949. This emblem featured this bird carrying an olive branch.

If you look closely, it is difficult to find a better candidate for such a symbol. For example, too fussy, - gloomy, and - overly pompous. Perhaps a swan would be suitable, but it is a symbol of fidelity in love.

IN modern life sometimes white doves are released as a sign of peaceful intentions. For example, this is what the current Pope Francis I did. During a Sunday sermon on the situation in Ukraine, the pontiff released two doves from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica as a symbol of peace. It is curious that the birds were immediately attacked by the big one, which attacked them. However, the pigeons managed to fly away.

You should start drawing a dove with the main outline - the head, wings and body. First, outline the outline of the pigeon's head, and from it draw a line for a slightly inclined line of the body. The tail of a flying bird should fall slightly down. Draw the wings in the form of a “tick”, but do not forget to follow the proportions and sizes of the contours. This stage of drawing is the easiest, but at the same time it is the most important. After all, the further drawing of the bird depends on how you draw the first contours.

Now spice it up a little by adding a few lines. Draw the outline of the body and the contour line of the tail. Also add the bird's legs, drawing only short contour lines to begin with.

The dove should look like it is flying. To do this, draw the outlines of the plumage of his tail and wings. Then draw the eye and beak of a dove.

There are only a few details left to add to the drawing. You will need to spend the most time working on the details of the bird's legs. After this, with a few strokes of a pencil, divide the dove’s wings into several segments.

Well, you've come to final stage drawing a bird. It is not at all difficult to depict the feathers for the tail and wings of the dove, since their outlines have already been drawn. All you have to do is divide the lower contours with sharp sections and extend the lines all the way to the base of the wing. The tail feathers are drawn a little differently. They should be depicted as elongated ovals.

That's all, now you can draw a dove - a symbol of peace. If desired, also draw an olive branch in the bird's beak. Since the dove should be snow-white, it does not need to be painted. You can only make the contours of the image brighter and give the sky a soft blue color.

The dove is a symbol of Peace. Absolutely all people have known this bird since childhood, because pigeons always live in a city or other populated area near human habitation. How to draw a dove with a pencil step by step? Yes, very simple! The most important thing is patience and tips on our website. So, if you want to draw a realistic dove with a pencil step by step, then come to us!

Stage 1. We draw auxiliary lines of the body, which in a pigeon is quite full, compared to a sparrow, for example. We will also draw the lines of the legs and tail. Let's mark out for ourselves the place where the bird's wing will be. In the enlarged square you can take a closer look at how to draw a dove's eye with a pencil, although in fact it is practically a simple circle filled with black and nothing more.

Stage 2. In each new drawing we will mark in red those elements that we will add again. In the figure below you can see that we are drawing the contours of the head and belly of the bird; it is these lines that are highlighted in a different color. At the same step we need to draw the bird's beak.

Stage 3. In this stage we will learn how to draw a wing. It's very simple - you need to rely on the auxiliary oval and draw the lines of the wing the same way we do in our drawing. The pencil drawing of the dove is almost complete! There's just a little bit left.

Stage 4. Draw the paws and tail. The paws should be quite elegant - with sharp claws. Our bird has a very ordinary tail. The bird can already be said to be ready - in the next stages we will only complicate the drawing, making it more natural and believable.

Stage 5. At the next step we will add plumage lines on the body, wing, and also the head. These lines are not at all necessary, but with them the dove will turn out as if it were alive.

Stage 6. Let's complicate our drawing a little more. At this stage, we will try to carefully draw the smallest feathers in the wing. And also scales on the bird’s legs. We draw these smallest details with a very thin, well-sharpened, soft pencil so that it turns out neatly. The more accurate each small detail is, the more natural the pigeon itself will turn out.

Stage 7. Our drawing is completely ready, if you have a desire, you can color it in any way convenient for you. We did it very beautifully!