How to draw a fairy with a pencil step by step. How to draw a fairy with colored pencils How to draw a fairy with a pencil

I will be happy to help you place this charming beauty in your album!

Watch the video and learn how to draw the Disney fairy Tinkerbell in flight.

Now in step by step instructions learn how to create a fairy portrait or a life-size drawing of her.

How to Draw a Tinker Bell Portrait Step by Step

1. First, on blank paper we draw an oval of the head and mark two auxiliary lines: the central line of the face and the line of the eyes.

Important to know!At the first stages of drawing, do not press hard on the pencil, so that later it will be easier to erase the auxiliary lines.

The oval of the head should look like an inverted egg, because usually in a person’s face the chin is narrowed and the forehead is widened.

The center line is shifted due to Tinker Bell turning her head to the right side. The eye line is always in the middle of the oval of the head.

2. At this stage, we draw the characteristic features of Tinkerbell’s face: the depression at the eyes, a convex forehead, a pointed chin, plump cheeks and ears, like an elf.

We also schematically draw the fairy’s hairstyle, but for now we’ll skip the details.

3. Before you start drawing the eyes, lips and nose, you should use light movements to outline the places where they will be located with auxiliary lines.

4. Draw the eyes and eyebrows of Tinker Bell.

Clue. The fairy's eyes are shaped like sunflower seeds. So draw them big and expressive.

5. Now we move on to drawing the nose and lips.

Important to know! The upper lip is usually thinner than the lower lip.

6. Once you've drawn the face, you can move on to the hairstyle. Some strands of hair fall onto Tinkerbell's face, it's worth depicting. A characteristic feature of her hairstyle is a fluffy bun tied with a ribbon.

7. Face and hair are ready! Now let’s draw the fairy’s thin neck, arms and just a little bit of her torso. You don’t need to draw a lot of the body, because this is a portrait, and the main thing in a portrait is the face.

8. Congratulations! The portrait is ready! Now you can safely erase the auxiliary lines.

Can you finish the portrait? with a simple pencil, shading some parts of the body, or you can paint with colored pencils or watercolors.

How to draw the Tinker Bell fairy in full height step by step

1. First, let's outline the oval of the head, reference points and lines of the fairy's body. The result will be something like a human skeleton.

Important to know! At this stage, you should trace the position of Tinkerbell's arms and legs. Correctly drawn reference lines will later help you depict the entire body.

2. Let's build the fairy's body using various geometric shapes.

Interesting! Every artist knows that any object, plant, or animal can be drawn in the form geometric shapes. This method is very important for the development of your imagination. Practice at home! You just have to take any object from your desktop and try to depict it only with the help of geometric shapes (no curves or smooth lines!). Such training will help you draw complex objects easier.

In the meantime, let's try to depict the body of Tinker Bell using geometric shapes.

3. Now we have a body design for Tinker Bell, somewhat similar to a wooden doll. Using it we can easily draw the entire body of the fairy. To do this, first draw a smooth face with plump cheeks, a convex forehead and a sharp chin.

Then we draw the torso and arms using smooth lines, as shown in the diagram.

Now let’s move on to the legs, and with light pencil movements we outline the wings.

Important to know! At this stage, we draw the body without details, rather than drawing out fingers, hair and clothes.

4. When the fairy silhouette is ready, move on to the details. Let's start with the head: draw the eyes, nose and lips of Tinkerbell. Then move on to the hairstyle.

5. After this, draw the fairy’s fingers, clothes and shoes, and also draw the wings clearly and in detail. After all, what kind of fairy is she if she doesn’t have beautiful wings?

6. Congratulations! The Tinkerbell drawing is ready! Now you can safely wipe out all the auxiliary lines.

If desired, finish the portrait with shading using a simple pencil, colored pencils, or paint with watercolors.

I will be happy to help you place this charming beauty in your album!

Watch the video and learn how to draw the Disney fairy Tinkerbell in flight.

Now, in step-by-step instructions, learn how to create a portrait of a fairy or a full-length drawing of her.

How to Draw a Tinker Bell Portrait Step by Step

1. First, on blank paper we draw an oval of the head and mark two auxiliary lines: the central line of the face and the line of the eyes.

Important to know!At the first stages of drawing, do not press hard on the pencil, so that later it will be easier to erase the auxiliary lines.

The oval of the head should look like an inverted egg, because usually in a person’s face the chin is narrowed and the forehead is widened.

The center line is shifted due to Tinker Bell turning her head to the right side. The eye line is always in the middle of the oval of the head.

2. At this stage, we draw the characteristic features of Tinkerbell’s face: the depression at the eyes, a convex forehead, a pointed chin, plump cheeks and ears, like an elf.

We also schematically draw the fairy’s hairstyle, but for now we’ll skip the details.

3. Before you start drawing the eyes, lips and nose, you should use light movements to outline the places where they will be located with auxiliary lines.

4. Draw the eyes and eyebrows of Tinker Bell.

Clue. The fairy's eyes are shaped like sunflower seeds. So draw them big and expressive.

5. Now we move on to drawing the nose and lips.

Important to know! The upper lip is usually thinner than the lower lip.

6. Once you've drawn the face, you can move on to the hairstyle. Some strands of hair fall onto Tinkerbell's face, it's worth depicting. A characteristic feature of her hairstyle is a fluffy bun tied with a ribbon.

7. Face and hair are ready! Now let’s draw the fairy’s thin neck, arms and just a little bit of her torso. You don’t need to draw a lot of the body, because this is a portrait, and the main thing in a portrait is the face.

8. Congratulations! The portrait is ready! Now you can safely erase the auxiliary lines.

You can finish the portrait with a simple pencil, shading some parts of the body, or you can paint it with colored pencils or watercolors.

How to draw the Tinker Bell fairy in full height step by step

1. First, let's outline the oval of the head, reference points and lines of the fairy's body. The result will be something like a human skeleton.

Important to know! At this stage, you should trace the position of Tinkerbell's arms and legs. Correctly drawn reference lines will later help you depict the entire body.

2. Let's build the fairy's body using various geometric shapes.

Interesting! Every artist knows that any object, plant, or animal can be drawn in the form of geometric shapes. This method is very important for the development of your imagination. Practice at home! You just have to take any object from your desktop and try to depict it only with the help of geometric shapes (no curves or smooth lines!). Such training will help you draw complex objects easier.

In the meantime, let's try to depict the body of Tinker Bell using geometric shapes.

3. Now we have a body design for Tinker Bell, somewhat similar to a wooden doll. Using it we can easily draw the entire body of the fairy. To do this, first draw a smooth face with plump cheeks, a convex forehead and a sharp chin.

Then we draw the torso and arms using smooth lines, as shown in the diagram.

Now let’s move on to the legs, and with light pencil movements we outline the wings.

Important to know! At this stage, we draw the body without details, rather than drawing out fingers, hair and clothes.

4. When the fairy silhouette is ready, move on to the details. Let's start with the head: draw the eyes, nose and lips of Tinkerbell. Then move on to the hairstyle.

5. After this, draw the fairy’s fingers, clothes and shoes, and also draw the wings clearly and in detail. After all, what kind of fairy is she if she doesn’t have beautiful wings?

6. Congratulations! The Tinkerbell drawing is ready! Now you can safely wipe out all the auxiliary lines.

If desired, finish the portrait with shading using a simple pencil, colored pencils, or paint with watercolors.

Sometimes we want to feel a piece of magic, to diversify our lives with some miracle. On the one hand, such thoughts are somewhat irrational. After all, everyone knows that magical moments in the literal sense of the word do not exist. However, we are all children at heart, and no one can take away our faith in miracles. And a few tips on how to draw a fairy can help us get even closer to them. You might think that this is quite difficult to do, and you would be absolutely right. But no painting has ever been created easily. So grab a pencil, a sketchbook and get started.

Before you draw a fairy, you should decide on the position of her body. Most often they are depicted sitting with their knees pressed to their chest, as well as directly in flight. In any case, the choice of her pose remains with the artist. However, there is one detail that is required in any case. This is the face. You should start your drawing with it, marking it with an oval and dividing it with preliminary lines, so that later it will be easier to draw its parts. It is worth noting that the eyes can be drawn large, because the larger they are, the kinder it seems. Don’t forget about the hair, fairies are distinguished by their splendor and beauty. And a miniature nose and lips frozen in a smile will complete this pretty face.

When we learn to draw fairies, images of heroines pop up in our thoughts

cartoons. As a rule, in our drawings we focus on them, and many of us will definitely remember mermaids. And then another question arises: “How to draw fairy tail?” In principle, there should be no problems with him, since many of us have already portrayed him in childhood. You should draw a regular one, only slightly elongated. By the way, it is recommended to think about whether your fairy will be aquatic or earthly in advance, since some body positions are simply not acceptable for the first option. Now thin lines need to indicate the torso and limbs. Don't forget about proportions, because if your sorceress's hands have different lengths, she will lose her beauty. After all this is done, you need to use contours to create its finished silhouette. And at this stage the difficulties end.

In all the recommendations on how to draw a fairy, special attention given to the wings. And this is quite understandable, because they are its main and main decoration, the element that distinguishes it from the species ordinary person. They can be depicted in different ways, but most often preference is given to the wings that butterflies have. You can get creative in drawing this element, and to do this, just go through all the flying creatures in your head. Even the wings of bats can look quite cute and gentle on fairies. All that remains is to dress our sorceress and add a few accessories that will diversify the picture. Don't forget to give the fairy And you can also make her a real queen of the dryads by putting a tiara on her head.

Now you know how to draw a cute creature that will gently wink at you from the wall on which you hang your drawing. And the good impressions left after you, like a master, traced a sheet of paper with a pencil, will accompany you into tomorrow, casting a great mood.

  • Flora is a fairy born on the planet Linphea, whose magic is directly related to nature. Before joining the club, she was very shy.
  • Stella arrived from the planet Solaria. She is cheerful, sincere, cheerful and generous. Thanks to her serious attention to her appearance, she has repeatedly won beauty contests. She loves shopping and her wardrobe is considered the largest in the universe!
  • Muse is a sorceress from the planet Melody. She was born into a family professional pianist and a great vocalist, but her mother soon died, and her father decided to quit music and forbade his gifted daughter to develop her abilities.
  • Tecna is a girl from the planet Zenith, where all fantastic things and phenomena are directly related to the development of technology. Since infancy, Tecna has not parted with a pocket computer. Logical and rational, she brilliantly draws up action plans. She is very affectionate and open with her loved ones.
  • Layla is a fairy from the water planet Andros. Her parents were constantly on business trips, so the girl was left alone and whiled away the time learning the rules of etiquette.
  • Bloom - it was she who became the founder of the club. Her magical abilities manifested themselves at the age of 16, when she tried to save Stella.

Each of these heroines can not only be drawn with a pencil, but also brought to life with multi-colored paints!

What else did we not know about the Winx fairies?

Why exactly this name was given to the school “Alfea”. The secret lies in the sacred meaning of the letter “Alpha” - “the beginning of beginnings.”

It’s interesting that the appearance of the club’s founder was partly inspired by Britney Spears, and the character was based on the director’s wife, Joan Lee.

The animated series was greatly influenced by the Sailor Moon series and the Harry Potter book series. And the appearance of most of the heroines was inspired by Barbie dolls.

How to draw Fairy Winx even for those who have never drawn before, we have outlined it in an extremely accessible way in the form of simple sequential steps in this section.

Fairies are fairy tale characters, which are associated with beauty and goodness. Therefore, we will try to depict it with just such ideas.

Required materials:

  • marker;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils in pink, yellow, light blue, brown, green tones.

Drawing steps:

1. First, let’s easily designate with simple forms the silhouette of a fairy, its basic proportions and the position of many elements. The head is in the form of a small circle. From there we draw a straight line for the spine. Next, arms extend from the sides, which we will denote curved lines and circumference. Let's draw the pelvic part in the form of a skirt. In the middle of the stripes we will draw small circles - knees. Next, we’ll draw a couple more circles.

2. We begin to detail the drawing of the girl from the face. For convenience, we use auxiliary lines that need to be applied to the circle.

3. Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth in the appropriate places. You should draw the sorceress's head turned slightly to the left.

4. Draw the hair. Small strands fall on the forehead and a little on the eyes. Let's finish the ears.

5. Move on to the body and begin to draw the back, right hand and fairy wings. They consist of two elements.

6. Now we draw the robe. The girl is wearing a beautiful off-shoulder blouse and a cute skirt with triangular edges. So she looks like a forest fairy, but if you want to draw an assistant for Cinderella, then draw a gorgeous fluffy dress with many layers of thin fabric.

7. Let's draw arms and hands with fingers. Let's finish drawing the fairy's wand in her hands. Also, let’s not ignore the legs, because we also need to work on them and make them look like real ones with strokes. Let's draw shoes near the bottom circles.

8. Let's outline the outline of the drawing. Let's draw small details in the middle, including on the face.

9. Use a yellow pencil to color the fairy’s hair. To give natural shade We use two colors of leather in the drawing, pink and brown.

10. Use a light green pencil to completely paint over the fairy’s attire and shoes.

11. More dark shade green will add volume to all clothes.

12. Let's make wings blue color, magic wand - brown.

On this children's drawing magical fairy completed!

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