How to write a letter to your favorite literary character. Letter to a literary hero. Understanding the concept of “Epistolary genre”

I can’t help but express to you, Vera Nikolaevna, my indignation. It may be cruel of me, but every person has the right to their own opinion, and I want you to know it, despite the pain it may cause you. You are a cruel woman who did not want to understand the feelings of the person who idolized you. He loved the sublime, pure, platonic love, bowed before you. After all, perhaps this love would illuminate you life path, This is the kind of love you were waiting for. After all, you wanted to be loved; you won’t deny that sometimes you had crazy thoughts about the possibility of responding to this unearthly love? But what held you back? Decency? Loyalty to your husband? Condemnation from relatives? No, fear! Yes, yes, exactly fear. You were mortally afraid to change the way of your life, the monotony you loved. And what have you achieved? You killed this love, you killed your admirer. It’s as if you pulled the trigger yourself. You, of course, repented and now quite often think about how your life would have turned out if you had responded to his noble love. But now it’s too late, there’s no turning back, and you’ll be asking yourself this question all your life, and his death will be on your conscience. Perhaps I'm wrong. I have no right to condemn you, but still I condemn you for missing your only chance in life - to be loved. But you made your choice. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin as a person and a writer was shaped by the stormy time of the first Russian revolution. It was this that conveyed to Kuprin’s paintings - no matter how gloomy their truth was - a dream of the future, a passionate expectation of a storm that would cleanse and transform the world. The cherished thought of Kuprin the humanist about tragic contradiction being: originally wonderful person among the good and generous nature and - a cruel, unnatural possessive system that brings him torment and death. One of wonderful creatures A. I. Kuprin is a story about love " Garnet bracelet" The writer himself called her “sweet” and admitted that “... he has never written anything more chaste.” The plot of the story is simple: a young telegraph operator has long been hopelessly in love with Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. The young man cannot withstand the torment of love and voluntarily leaves his life, and Vera Nikolaevna understands what great love she has passed by. From a simple, even primitive plot, Kuprin was able to create a beautiful flower that has not faded for many decades. Princess Vera is loved and loves her husband, “the former passionate love for her husband has long turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship, she helps the prince with all her might...” They occupy a prominent position in society: he is the leader of the nobility. The princess is surrounded by brilliant society, but where does this nagging melancholy come from that does not leave her? Listening to her grandfather's stories about "love", Vera Nikolaevna understands that she knew a man who was capable of true love- “selfless, selfless, not waiting for reward. About which it is said - “strong as death” ... the kind of love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to go to torment is not work at all, but even joy ... Love should be a tragedy...” Isn’t that the kind of love is the “little telegraph operator” Zheltkov experiencing? Kuprin brilliantly shows that high moral qualities do not depend on a person’s class affiliation. This is given by God - a soul capable of love can live in a poor shack and in a palace. For her there are no boundaries, no distances, no prohibitions. Zheltkov admits that he is unable to stop loving Princess Vera. Only death can end this beauty and tragic feeling. How consonant are the thoughts of the poor man Zheltkov and the aristocrat Anosov. The telegraph operator's "seven years of hopeless and polite love" give him the right to respect. Vera's husband, Vasily Lvovich, understood Zheltkov, perhaps envied this man's talent. After Zheltkov’s death, Princess Vera is executed for not preventing his suicide, although she felt and foresaw such an end. She asks herself the question: “What was it: love or madness?” Vasily Lvovich admits to his wife that Zheltkov was not crazy. He was a great lover who could not imagine his life without love for Princess Vera, and when his last hope was gone, he died. An inexplicable melancholy covers Princess Vera when she sees the dead Zheltkov and understands “that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by...” Kuprin does not give any assessments or moralizing. The writer only conveys the beautiful and sad story about love. The souls of the heroes woke up in response to great love, and that's the key.

Letter to a literary hero.
Written by 4th grade students.
Cl. head T.P. Barakova.

Hello, the funniest one fairy tale hero Pinocchio! 4th grade student Sasha is writing to you. I really enjoy your adventures. Even sometimes it seems that I look like you. I like to have fun, walk, play and be naughty. Perhaps someday I will also play in the theater, or maybe not...
Bye, Pinocchio! See you again on the pages of the book!

Hello, Little Prince. My name is Polina. I learned about you from A. Exupery’s fairy tale “The Little Prince”. I really love nature, and especially flowers. I found out that you really want to have a friend. I realized that your favorite flower is a rose. I live on planet Earth, where many types of roses and other flowers grow. They are all wonderful. Each one is pretty. And they all decorate my planet. When I look at roses, I smell them. My soul is filled with happiness.
Dear Prince, I invite you to visit. I will show you many beautiful flowers. I think that you and I will become friends.
I'm waiting for a response to my letter.

Hello, dear Malvina. I learned about you from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”. I really like you. You have very kind heart. You have good friends. Together you defeated the formidable Karabas Barabas. You helped your new friend Pinocchio. Now you are finally free. I would really like to meet you and play with your friends.

Hello, dear Little Prince. I know a lot about you and your flower. You are great for standing up to how the rose controlled you. I hope you remember the Fox's advice. I know that you were surprised when you saw many roses, just like your flower. You always thought that the rose was using you, until you found out that she loved you. From then on, you became protective of her and proud of her. When you said goodbye to her, she cried, although she was a very proud flower.
Goodbye, Little Prince.

Hello, Little Mermaid! Julia is writing to you. How are things in the underwater kingdom? I'm fine. I have read more than one fairy tale about you, watched many films and cartoons. I really liked it all. I really want to be like you: cheerful, funny, beautiful and smart. I want you to be able to swim and breathe underwater just as well. I saw in the cartoon that your life is full of adventures, I would also like to take part in them. Sometimes I even imagine that I am a mermaid.
This is where I end my letter. Bye!

Hello, Little Prince. Anna is writing to you. I read the story about you and I really liked it. I want to invite you to Earth. We would go with you to the circus, the zoo, the theater. I would bring you to my school and introduce you to my classmates.
If you arrive in winter, we can go skiing, sledding or skating, play snowballs or build a snowman. If you come in the summer, I will teach you to roller skate, ride a bicycle, and jump rope. In summer you can sunbathe and swim in the river. We could eat some ice cream, let's go soap bubbles. In general, there are a lot of interesting things on Earth.
I have two girlfriends. They help me in difficult times. Come! Let's play and take a photo for memory. Then you can look at the photo and remember each other. I'll be waiting for you.

Hello, the old man from the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish.” I'm Anton. Grandfather, is it true that you caught three times goldfish? And your wife is a greedy person, give her everything: a trough, a hut, and make her a queen. So I interrogated her. How old are you? I'm 11. What's your name? I live in the city of Gryazovets. I study at school No. 2, in 4th grade. I study vocals, play guitar and hockey.
Please answer.
Goodbye. Anton.

Hello, Little Prince! I've been wanting to see you for a long time. I want to visit your planet, see how big your flowers grow. I also really want to look at your rose and ask her why she offended you. I think you're doing well now.

Letter to a literary hero.
Writes Yulia Sh., a 4th grade student.
Cl. head S.V. Novakovskaya.

Dear Nils! Hello! Yulia is writing to you from the city of Gryazovets.
I read Selgma Lagerlöf’s story “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese” about you. I liked how you changed. You were bad, but now you have become a true friend! I learned that you really love helping friends, relatives, and flying with Martin. I also like to go out with friends and help everyone who needs help. I was surprised how you looked after Martin in the early days. You used to be absent-minded, a hooligan, lazy, a deceiver! And after the trip, you became attentive, fair, honest, a friend, and began to bring happiness to others. You have made many friends. You have learned to overcome obstacles.
I really like to draw, I go to art school. Come to us, I will show you my exhibition of works. You and I would be good friends.

Letter to a literary hero.
Writes Danila G., 5th grade.
Teacher of Russian language and literature N.B. Sharonova.

Hello Harry Potter. My name is Danila. I also want to go to Hogwarts, fly on a broom, and cast different spells. I study well, and you? I know several spells, for example: “Avada Kedavra” is a killing spell, “Expecto Patronum” is a spell from the prison guards. How are you living, are you well fed, are you scared? Harry, why didn't Lord Voldemort kill you? Why do you have such a scar?
Please send me an email in response. I have one more question for you. Who is your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher of Russian language and literature is Natalya Borisovna Sharonova.
Goodbye, Harry. Answer my questions, and if you also want to ask me something, then send me your questions. I'll be glad.
Your friend Danila.

Nomination “Letter to my beloved literary hero»

Letter to Yushka from A.P. Platonov’s story “Yushka”

Hello, Yushka!

An unfamiliar girl is writing to you from the distant village of Orekhovo, Kursk region, Kastorensky district.

My name is Dasha. I'm an ordinary girl. I live with my mom and dad. I have a very good friendly family.

I study in 7th grade. There are 14 people in our class. Not only Russian girls and boys study in the class, but also students of Turkish nationality. We are all very friendly with each other. Sometimes, however, we may quarrel, but we very quickly forget about our grievances. We solve all our problems together, work together on a difficult task, and take part in the labor landing together. In general, we do everything together.

I met you, Yushka, quite recently, when I read A.P. Platonov’s story “Yushka”. This story touched me to the core. I couldn’t even imagine that there could be so much evil in the world. I, Yushka, feel very sorry for you. I'm ashamed of those kids who hurt you. Probably, their parents did not explain to them that they should treat their elders with respect. You, Yushka, forgive them. They will grow up and realize that they were not entirely right. But, okay...children. What about adults? The adults simply amazed me. In my life I have never seen one adult treat another so shamelessly. They probably have a lot of their own problems that they cannot solve, and therefore they take out all the evil that has accumulated in their souls on you. Forgive them too. They do this not out of malice, but out of everyday despair.

Darling, Yushka! I'm proud of you! I am proud that you carry high your proud name - man. You haven't lost the best ones human qualities, such as kindness, generosity, modesty, the desire to come to the aid of a person at any second. After all, not everyone is able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of another person. And you are capable! You, sacrificing yourself, helped an orphan girl survive, get an education, and showed by your example how to treat people. She, like you, loved people and treated them. She never left the village where you lived. Your homeland has become her home.

Yushka! You are very similar to someone I read about just recently. This is doctor – Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz. He was German by nationality. But most of he lived his life in Russia. He was a doctor and carried this title highly. He never thought about himself, but only about others. He helped the poor, humiliated and insulted prisoners. I never took payment from anyone for my work. He, like you, raised someone else’s child, only a boy. And when Haaz died, ordinary poor people erected a monument on his grave and wrote on it: “Hurry to do good before it is too late...”.

I would like these words to become the motto of every person. Even if not everyone, then the majority. Moreover, the world is so alarming right now. People! Let's do more good deeds. Let's be more tolerant of each other. Let your smiles make you brighter.

And you, Yushka, forgive us. Forgive us for our heartlessness, callousness, and rudeness. Sorry! I ask you for forgiveness from our entire generation.

Dear lovers of literary reading! Surely, while reading the work of this or that author, each of you experienced positive or negative emotions towards a certain hero, considering his position correct or, conversely, condemning him. Perhaps one of you wanted to tell him something or ask him, but did not have such an opportunity. So, now it is possible! In the Year of Cinema Central Library the city of Kuibyshev invites you to take part in the “Letter to a Literary Hero” event from the book you read, on which the film was made. As a result, an album with letters to literary heroes will be created.

Literary albums were popular in the 18th - 19th centuries. Such albums were the face of the family - on the first page, next to the name of the owner, it was customary to depict the family coat of arms or motto. The albums included poems by popular authors, their own compositions, as well as ceremonial dedications and quotes from famous works. The heyday of the album tradition came in the 1820s-1830s, when the album turned from a method of intra-family creativity into a fashionable fact secular culture. The homely, chamber album of the 1810s was replaced by the ceremonial type of album in an exquisitely decorated velvet or satin binding, which was supposed to demonstrate the refined artistic taste of the owner.

Promotion period

  • March 5 - April 10, 2016- we create a letter to a literary hero and place our works in a general presentation.
  • April 15, 2016- summing up the results of the action.


  • Municipal state-owned cultural institution Centralized library system of the city of Kuibyshev



  • Vasina Anastasia write to me

Who can take part

Everyone is interested
  • schoolchildren,
  • librarians,
  • teachers,
  • parents.

What we do

  • Register yourself as a participant in the action in the appropriate section on this page. If you do not have registration on the WikiSibiriaDa website, register (Help: Registration) and create a personal page.
  • Choose a book on which a movie or cartoon is based. Select illustrative (draw a book character, scan a book cover, take a photo with your favorite book, take a photo of a literary character toy) and video (find a film adaptation, a cartoon, create a video) materials.
  • Crafts of literary heroes made by participants from any materials are welcome! The author's work must be photographed and used as illustrative material.
  • Prepare the text of a letter for a literary hero. It can be poetry and prose.
  • Reduce photos in any image processing program (up to 800 px in width), upload your video to YouTube
  • Fill out the slide general presentation. On the slide you can place an image of a literary hero, an author’s video, a link to a film adaptation of a book, or the text of a letter to a literary hero. Each participant can add no more than 3 slides to the overall presentation.

MANDATORY CONDITION: photographs must be copyrighted! You can use photographs created by your family members or friends, with mandatory attribution.

  • Label your created slides.

Participants of the action

Participants of the action install a userbox on their personal pages. To insert, type ((:Userbox:Letter to a literary hero))

Sign up to participate in the promotion. Include the name of your library or school in parentheses. Add the name of the city or village.

  1. Vasina Anastasia (MKUK "CBS")
  2. Rodkina Yulia (library of the MBOU secondary school "School No. 161 in Samara")
  3. Vasiliev Alexey, 3 "A" class (MBOU secondary school No. 161, Samara)
  4. Sofia Perova, 3 "A" class (MBOU secondary school No. 161, Samara)
  5. Kiseleva Arina, 3 "A" class (MBOU secondary school No. 161, Samara)
  6. Danilochev Egor, 3 "A" class (MBOU secondary school No. 161, Samara)
  7. Svetlana Abramova
  8. Galina Vorontsova
  9. Olesya Saygusheva (Cherepanov Children's Library, Novosibirsk Region)
  10. Zakharenko Polina
  11. Vanyukhina Ekaterina (library of MBOU LPPG Samara)
  12. Irina Sadovaya
  13. Shemelina Alina (library of the municipal educational institution secondary school "SCHOOL No. 3 of the village of Mogoituy")
  14. Vera Mikhailovna Filippova (MBUK TsKiBO village P-Pokrovka rural model library)
  15. Alena Ivanovna Maslovskaya (MBUK "Starouzelinskaya" rural library)
  16. One-horned Svetlana (Children's Library No. 3 named after Vasily Kuznetsov, Chelyabinsk)
  17. Vitalina Kairo (MBOU CHSOSH No. 1)
  18. Chizhova Marina Borisovna (Head of PCPI, Central Library of the Bogorodsk Republican Central Library of the Nizhny Novgorod Region)
  19. Alina Tilyukina
  20. Svetlana Bukhmiller (Vodino Rural Library)
  21. Fuflygina Natalya (library of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Sports and Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Samara")
  22. Safonova Elena
  23. Fedya Ankudinov (children's library-branch No. 3 of Berdsk)
  24. Nabochenko Elena (CDB MBU "CBS Karasuk district NSO")
  25. Lemkin Roman (library of the Sakhalin Regional Children's Library: team of readers)
  26. Koryagina Anastasia (library of the Sakhalin Regional Children's Library: team of readers)
  27. Marina Butusova (Central regional library of the Moscow City Central Library, Spassky district, Nizhny Novgorod region)
  28. Zakharenko Elena (Children's library - branch No. 3, Berdsk)
  29. Petrov Maxim
  30. Natalya Sergeevna Surkova (Novosibirsk Regional Children's Library)
  31. Sofia Biserova
  32. Isakova Daria
  33. Lyudmila Morozova
  34. Penyushkina Oksana (MUK "CBS" Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region)
  35. Nadezhda Klevchenko
  36. Klevchenko Andrey (MBUK "Intersettlement Library" branch "Gorky Children's Library")
  37. Anastasia Zemlyanukhina (MU "CBS Belovo" Central Children's Library)
  38. Makarova Natalya Gennadievna (MBOU "Remzavodskaya Secondary School", Pavlovsk village, Altai Territory)
  39. Antonina Lashina (Barabinsk Children's Library No. 2)
  40. Olya Potorokina (Children's district library, Tatarsk)
  41. Alexey Nikonchuk (MBU "CBS of the Karasuk district of the NSO" city branch No. 1)
  42. Khlynin Artyom (library of the Sakhalin Regional Children's Library: team of readers)
  43. Karina Gribko (MBOU secondary school No. 4, Karasuk)
  44. Basov Sasha
  45. Guseinova Lala (reader of the Vorobyov Rural Library
  46. Nikita Butakov (library of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Sports and Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Samara, team of participants)
  47. Violetta Volkova (Central Children's Library of Berdsk)
  48. Elkina Daria
  49. Alena Myalkina (NSO r. Kolyvan. Children's library)
  50. Andreeva Ulyana, 2a grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  51. Minko Kolya (MKUK "Kochkovo Municipal Library" DO) reader
  52. Chemodurova Alena, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  53. Mikhailyuk Anastasia, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  54. Grigoriev Egor, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  55. Chapaeva Afina, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  56. Maskalyuk Kirill, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  57. Nilova Olga, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  58. Zotova Olga, 2a grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  59. Godunov Danil, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  60. Vetchinov Evgeniy, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  61. Zaitseva Vika
  62. Nikita Khalipov (children's library-branch No. 3 of Berdsk)
  63. Avdonin Denis (MKUK "Kochkovo Municipal Library" DO) reader
  64. Ivan Potapov
  65. Vika Strelnikova (Children's library-branch No. 3 of Berdsk, NSO)
  66. Ovsyannikova Nastya (MKUK "Kochkovo Municipal Library" DO)
  67. Prokhorova Anastasia, 7th grade (MBOU secondary school, Berezovka village, 1st Petrovsky district, Saratov region
  68. Yura Shunaev (children's library-branch No. 3 of Berdsk, NSO)
  69. Zonova Angelina (MKUK "CBS" Kuibyshev)
  70. Alesya Alekseeva (p. Kolyvan. Children's library)
  71. Kalmykov Alexey (Krasnodar, MAOU secondary school No. 75)
  72. Pluzhko Petr, 2b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  73. Sergienkova Alina
  74. Maria Tumaeva, 7a grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  75. Orlova Nadezhda, (children's library-branch No. 22 MBUK Samara "CSDB")
  76. Kristina Lebed, 13 years old (Neudachinsky rural library-branch No. 17 of RMKUK "Tatar Central Library")
  77. Ksenia Artyushchenko, 12 years old (Neudachinsky rural library-branch No. 17 of RMKUK "Tatar Central Library")
  78. Kirill Balobin (library branch No. 3 of Berdsk, NSO)
  79. Anaida Balasanyan (library-branch No. 22 of MBUK Samara "CSDB")
  80. Ganz Maxim (MKUK "CBS" Kuibyshev)
  81. Gurova Maria (MKUK "CBS" Kuibyshev)
  82. Tomilov Konstantin (MKUK "CBS" Kuibyshev)
  83. Irina Mazalova, 2a grade (Cherepanovskaya children's library, Novosibirsk region)
  84. Yulia Savina. 9 years (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” Uspenskaya rural library-branch No. 28)
  85. Elizaveta Gubenko, 8 years old (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” Uspenskaya rural library-branch No. 28)
  86. Bayandina Arina, 8 years old (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” Uspenskaya rural library-branch No. 28
  87. Olga Krivosheeva, 15 years old, (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” Uspenskaya rural library-branch No. 28)
  88. Zhezhera Nikita (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” Konstantinovskaya rural library Tatar district)
  89. Tabala Maxim (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” Konstantinovskaya rural library Tatar district)
  90. Alexey Kuznetsov, 9 years old (RMKUK “Tatar Central Library” North Tatar Rural Library, branch No. 30)
  91. Kamaltynov Timur, 12 years old (RMKUK "Tatar Central Library" City Children's Library No. 5)
  92. Fedotova Tatyana, 11 years old (RMKUK "Tatar Central Library" City Children's Library No. 5)
  93. Ruslan Krapivin (Children's library-branch No. 3 of Berdsk, NSO)
  94. Anchutina Sofia (Central Children's Library of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region)
  95. Peskova Dasha (Central Children's Library of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region)
  96. Svetlana Isakova (Central Children's Library of Rezh, Sverdlovsk Region)
  97. Chernetsova Sofia (Zdvinsk Children's Library)
  98. Orlova Dasha (Zdvinsk Children's Library)
  99. Rita Biserova (Bolotninsk Central Library)
  100. Vanyukhina Diana, 3b grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  101. Korovaty Ivan (Bogatovsky district children's library, Samara region)
  102. Danil Zavorin 5th grade, (Linevo Children's Library, Linevo village, Novosibirsk region)
  103. Karina Kovalenko (Bolotninsk Central Library)
  104. Gagueva Polina (MKUK "Nevsky SCC" Alexander Nevsky Rural Library Ubinsk district, Novosibirsk region)
  105. Valentina Udras, 9 years old (Neudachinsky rural library-branch No. 17 of RMKUK "Tatar Central Library")
  106. Irina Schellenberg, 13 years old (Neudachinsky rural library-branch No. 17 of RMKUK "Tatar Central Library")
  107. Mukhin Anton (library of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Sports and Culture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Samara, team of participants)
  108. Selivanova Maria, 1st grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  109. Znakova Daria, 9a grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  110. Znakova Anastasia, 9a grade (MBOU LFPG Samara)
  111. Kalmykov Alexey, 4th "G" class MAOU Secondary School No. 75, Krasnodar
  112. Polina Masalova (Bezmenovskaya Library, Novosibirsk Region) reader
  113. Oksana Mazalova (Cherepanovskaya children's library, Novosibirsk region)
  114. Shestakova Maria (children's library-branch No. 22 MBUK Samara "CSDB")
  115. Shmatov Dmitry 2G MBOU "School No. 178" Samara
  116. Khaisha Zemskova (Obsharovskaya rural library No. 2)

Letter to a literary hero

I can’t help but express to you, Vera Nikolaevna, my indignation. It may be cruel of me, but every person has the right to their own opinion, and I want you to know it, despite the pain it may cause you.

You are a cruel woman who did not want to understand the feelings of the person who idolized you. He loved with a sublime, pure, platonic love, and bowed to you. After all, perhaps this love would illuminate your life path; you were waiting for just such love.

After all, you wanted to be loved; you won’t deny that sometimes you had crazy thoughts about the possibility of responding to this unearthly love? But what held you back? Decency? Loyalty to your husband? Condemnation from relatives? No, fear! Yes, yes, exactly fear. You were mortally afraid to change the way of your life, the monotony you loved. And what have you achieved? You killed this love, you killed your admirer. It’s as if you pulled the trigger yourself.

You, of course, repented and now quite often think about how your life would have turned out if you had responded to his noble love. But now it’s too late, there’s no turning back, and you’ll be asking yourself this question all your life, and his death will be on your conscience. Perhaps I'm wrong. I have no right to condemn you, but still I condemn you for missing your only chance in life - to be loved. But you made your choice.


To prepare this work, materials from the site were used