“As it comes around, so it will respond.” A technique for determining your “contribution” to interpersonal relationships. As it comes back, so will it respond

Passed on from generation to generation. This is a necessary condition for the correct and harmonious development of society. All peoples of the world have various sayings of wise people, proverbs and sayings. And each nation honors its traditions and educates the younger generation, relying on the experience of their ancestors.

The role of proverbs in the life of society

Proverbs, like sayings, have been compiled for more than one century. They contain all the wisdom and knowledge of people, so they never lose their relevance. Proverbs carry either a hidden subtext or contain a direct guide to action. For example, the proverb “What goes around comes around” makes you think about its meaning, but in such a saying as “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends,” the essence is immediately clear. The history and age of different proverbs are different. There are sayings that are more than a hundred years old, and there are also younger sayings. They all have high value and are instructive.

The meaning of the proverb “What comes around, comes around”

The number of proverbs and sayings is countless. There are dozens of wise sayings for almost all occasions in life, but not all of them are constantly heard. This proverb is very famous and widespread, almost everyone has heard about it. What is the meaning of the proverb “What comes around, comes around”? Its essence is that every person gets what he deserves. How you treat other people is how they will treat you. Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and malice will most likely be answered in kind.

There is no need to sow evil, since it usually returns to the offender, just as goodness returns a hundredfold.

Origin of the proverb

This saying is based on the use of a phenomenon called echo. Since an echo is a repetition of the sound that you pronounce, then, figuratively speaking, what you send into space is what will be returned to you. This physical law is beyond doubt. You cannot shout “a” and hear “b” in response. Therefore, the underlying meaning of the proverb “As it goes around, so it goes back” has a strong basis. You can’t argue with her, although, of course, there are exceptions in life when evil people, despite all the good you do to them, still sow evil. Or, on the contrary, true Christians never respond with evil to dashing actions, but forgive unkind people.

The word “will come back to haunt” in this proverb has a purely Russian origin. This characteristic “ay” sound was used by berry pickers or mushroom pickers to shout to each other in the forest so as not to get lost.

Nowadays this interjection is rarely used, as it is already outdated.

Proverbs with similar meanings

There are many more proverbs in the Russian language that are similar in meaning. For example: “As you sow, so shall you reap”, “As is the greeting, so is the answer”, “Do good and expect good” and many others. The meaning of the proverb “What goes around comes around” and all others like it is the same, it’s just said in different words. They teach to treat other people with kindness and understanding, so that they can also see good deeds in return.

However, not only in Russian there are proverbs in this topic. Other peoples also have a lot of sayings that have the same content as the essence of the proverb “As it comes around, so it will respond.” For example, the English version of the proverb: “Like the call, so is the echo.” Expressions with similar meanings are found in German, French, Polish and other languages ​​of the world.

However, one should not assume that this proverb calls for responding with evil to bad deeds. Popular wisdom teaches only to do good, and to punish offenders is not our prerogative. As a rule, life itself sooner or later punishes the villains. We must accumulate only positive energy and believe that good will always triumph over evil.

Yalginsky orphanage-school

Conducted by: Zhivava T.I.,

family educator No. 1

Saransk 2011


  1. help children live in society: communicate, listen and hear others;
  2. explain how the “boomerang law” works.

Progress of the conversation

We all live in a society. We are surrounded by adults and small children, young and old, men and women, relatives and strangers. And we all should be able to find common language, communicate with different people in different situations.

Communication is the exchange of information using language and gestures, as well as other methods of contact.

Do you think we can live without communication?

(No. We communicate with our family members, relatives, friends, at school we communicate with teachers and classmates, then we will work and communicate at work; even old people who do not work communicate when they go to the store, call the doctor).

Yes, you're right. A person cannot live without communicating with other people, but one can communicate not only kindly, but also through a quarrel or a fight - this is also communication. Do you like it?(No.)

We are connected with other people by thousands of threads. Our success in study, work, our health and life itself depend on these people. Your social circle is not only class and family. After all, many of you are involved in art, music, sports and other various sections and circles. Therefore, it is simply necessary to learn cultural communication.

What kind of person do we call sociable?

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova gives this definition of the word communicative :

Sociable – easily able to communicate with others, not withdrawn.

What qualities does a person need to communicate?

Let's choose the most necessary qualities for communication from the words written on the board.

(Before the conversation, write down positive human qualities on the board.)






















Able to sympathize and empathize


Reliable comrade

Selfless (not greedy)







How do you understand the words “delicate”, “tactful”?

(Delicate - polite, soft-spoken.

Tactful – having tact, done with tact.

Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate manner.)

(After the discussion, the teacher underlines the necessary words.)

So, for communication you need:

  • the ability to listen to your interlocutor;
  • the ability to sympathize and empathize;
  • tact;
  • delicacy;
  • responsiveness.

Would you like to be treated delicately and tactfully? It's rude and impolite.

Of course not. Because such communication will cause a reciprocal feeling in the interlocutor.

There is such an expression:"boomerang law".

What is a boomerang?

A boomerang is a weapon that returns to the one who threw it.

And if a person has committed some kind of evil deed, then the evil will return to him. If a person offends others, they will treat him the same way. This is the “boomerang law”.

Let's select a Russian proverb for this expression.

(“As it comes back, so it will respond” - someone’s attitude towards others causes a similar attitude of others towards this person).

Let's restore erased phrases from one student's diary. Listen to snippets of these phrases and try to guess their endings.

1. “I grabbed the railing, and my hand came across someone’s nasty and sticky chewing gum. And suddenly I remembered..."

What did this student remember?

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I also stuck gum everywhere, without thinking about other people.”

2. “I arrived at the river, and the entire bank was strewn with cans and dirty paper. And suddenly I remembered...” What?

Sample answer:

– I remembered that I also threw garbage without thinking about other people.

3. “I forgot my pen and no one gave me a spare one. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I was also greedy and did not want to share with others.

4. “During recess, someone tripped me, I fell, and everyone laughed. It was painful and offensive. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I also tripped the guys and laughed when they fell.

5. “I forgot to learn the rule and got a bad mark. Everyone laughed at me. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I also rejoiced at other people’s failures.”

6. “In the dining room, someone poured tea into my plate of porridge, and I was left hungry. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I also did the same, without thinking about other people.

7. “Someone hid my briefcase, and I spent the whole lesson looking for it, for which I received a remark in my diary. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I also hid other people’s things for fun.”

8. “We were cleaning the school site, and I alone had to take out piles of leaves because everyone had run away. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I, too, often shirked general cleaning, not thinking that others would do my work for me.

9. “We were playing football, and some high school student took the ball from us and threw it onto the roof of the garage. And suddenly I remembered..."

Sample answer:

“I remembered that I also hurt kids using my power.”

Educator. It seems to me that you managed to guess the meaning of these phrases. And what law did this student break? (“Boomerang Law.”)

What needs to be done to make the “boomerang law” stop working?

Sample answers from children:

– We must remember that on this planet all his bad deeds come back to a person like a boomerang.

You should always treat others the way you would like them to treat you.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Specialized boarding school “Daryn”

Class hour on the topic:

Prepared and conducted by Bertaeva Gulzhakhan

Class hour on the topic:

“As it comes around, so it will respond”

Smart goals:

Explain the content and necessity of moral standards of respect and self-respect;

Form your own position towards respect, friendship, happiness, how moral category.


Develop interpersonal skills;

Reveal various ways developing respect and self-esteem among students.


Tables are arranged for work in 4 groups; on the table of each group there are blank A4 sheets, colored stickers, markers, felt-tip pens, heart cards, questionnaires, and a large heart poster.

Class progress

1. Introduction to the topic

The class hour begins with a greeting. All participants stand in a circle and greet their neighbors by shaking hands, smiling at each other, then take their seats, dividing into 4 groups at the request of the teacher.

Teacher. The Chinese thinker Shou-Dao once told his students: “Show respect to those who are worthy of it, for there is nothing shameful in this; show respect to those who yearn for it, for there is nothing difficult about it; show respect to those who are not worthy of it, for in everyone there is something worthy of respect.”

Many years have passed since the world first heard these words, but both Shaw's students and contemporaries continue to follow these wise advice. Why do you think?

Students.-Respect probably plays a very important positive role in interpersonal communication; - people probably value this feeling and quality very much; people strive for good and kindness, and respect can be considered as a manifestation of kindness, warmth, and care; Mutual respect is a guarantee of good-natured relationships between people and a guarantee of effective teamwork.

Teacher. This means that this is an important moral category, and you, people who are still learning to build their relationships with others, have something to discuss today at our class hour, form your attitude towards respect, friendship, happiness, as a moral category.

Students. When we show respect to other people, we also receive respect from them; I think that by respecting others, we raise our own

self-esteem; Respect from other people makes you feel needed, important, and interesting.

2. “Associative series”

Teacher. It's time to define what respect is. Discuss in groups and continue associative series.

Respect is...

Students. They work in groups, then, in turn, a representative from each group continues the row started on the board.

Respect- this is respect, admiration, recognition of merit, an indication of merit, high appreciation, the desire to be like, admiration, the provision of honors, recognition of the equality of all people.

Teacher. As we see, it is no coincidence that many people try to gain the respect of others. What is self-respect? Mutual respect?

Students. The same feelings, only a person experiences them for himself; mutual feelings of respect, admiration, recognition, etc.

3. “The proverb is said for a reason”

Teacher. We know that folk wisdom has always been concentrated in proverbs and sayings, in which ordinary people expressed their attitude towards human merits and shortcomings, including respect and disrespect. Now the two groups will be offered such proverbs: Respect is hard to earn, but easy to lose (Russian proverb) and

If you respect people, then you show respect to yourself.

Participants in these groups will have to analyze the proverb and explain it to us. For this, they can use all the handouts they need for their work.

4. Verbal portraiture

Teacher. The other two groups and I will try to create a portrait of a respectful person. Which moral qualities underlie such a personality? What should a respectful person be like?

Students. Work in groups on pre-prepared posters, then take turns

A representative of each group defends the drawn up scheme.

U important person

Kind responsive

funny honest

communicative noble

attentive truthful

delicate sincere

caring reasonable modest

Then teams perform defending proverbs.

Teacher. Since today we are touching on the ethics of human relations, there is also such a thing as friendship. Where does it begin? And how did the word FRIEND come into being?

The word "Friend".

When no one knew a word yet -

Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow” -

To the neighbors ancient man used to it

Show fist or tongue

And make faces (which is the same thing),

But the word became a guttural sharp sound,

More meaningful face, smarter hands

And the man came up with the word "friend"

He began to wait for his friend and grieve in separation.

He is calm for my friends.

How would I live, what would I do without them?

Friends - people I love

I will never do anything to offend you

This is not why our ancestor walked through the darkness,

So that when I meet a friend, I shout: “Fool!”

Showed tongue or fist

And made faces (which is the same thing)

And I will save an evil word,

Let the enemy get it!

What a wonderful word - "friendship"! You say it and immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading a new book or sharing secrets about your own.

Teacher. Now we will play a game: "Find out who I am..." Previously, you and I wrote questionnaires about ourselves. Now, while a clip about friendship is shown, you should recognize your classmate from the questionnaires.

Clip about friendship

The results of the game are read out.

The ability to make friends and communicate with people must be learned from childhood. You cannot be indifferent to the grief of others, you must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so you need to do good every day.

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness and your friendship,

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain!

You don't live in vain!

Be cheerful so that you become happier

To the one with whom you become friends,

So that everyone has enough in life

Wonderful human kindness.

But, unfortunately, not all of us have friends! And if someone doesn’t have a friend, then why could this happen? (Children express their opinions.) Yes, most often precisely because the person himself is not ready to become a true friend for someone. For example, he begins to be capricious, demanding too much from a friend without offering anything in return.

Mamataminova Yulduz reads a poem:

A friend knows good luck,
Just like in trouble sometimes.
If he doesn't hide his soul,
Feelings are not kept in check.
A friend knows good luck,
If luck is yours
The friend is not happy, which means
Your friend is as crafty as a snake.
Or bitter envy
His mind was clouded.
And, coveting your success,
He won't forgive anything.
He won't forgive, but otherwise
He will tell you about it.
A friend knows good luck
Sometimes more than in trouble.

Teacher. Friendship is a gift given to a person. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but also should be a good friend ourselves. There is no need to be offended or offended. Right? You must be able to forgive, not accumulate evil within yourself, and not be vindictive. After all, resentment destroys life. There is a Russian proverb: Whoever remembers the old, look out!

Teacher. When a person is respected, when he has many friends and feels confident, what other basic feeling does a person experience?

Students: Happiness

Teacher. The great B. Pascal said: “We are happy, I only feel that we are respected.” You have beautiful daisies on your tables. The middle of the daisy is filled with the words: I am happy when... But you must write the rest on the petals yourself.

Clip about happiness

While watching a clip about happiness, students do work. Then the daisies are hung on the board and the statements are read out.

A poem about happiness is sung by Sultanova Dinara’s mother, Markhabat Shakirbekovna.


Markhabat Shakirbekovna: Guys, you already understand that a happy person can overcome anything. I wish each of you to have a true true friend, to be able to value friendship and be happy.

Now look here (points to the board). The screen depicts a huge heart that is ready to love everyone and help everyone. This is the heart of your class! There is a small pocket here where each of you can put a heart with kind and wise wishes for yourself, your class, or your friend. We will open this pocket, filled with the goodness of your heartfelt thoughts, in 3.5 years, when you finish 11th grade. All this time the pocket will be kept by the class teacher. (Students write notes, music plays.)

My wish to you: always try to help each other, be faithful and good friends, remember your word.

Music is playing. The guys write wishes and put them in a pocket.

Teacher: And now we will ask our guests to say: who, in their opinion, proved to be the most active participant, good friend and overall happy man?

The guests confer and say the answer.

Teacher: Did you know that among the orders that are awarded to people for a variety of merits, there is a very special order HAPPINESS. This order in Poland is awarded to people who know how to give others the joy of communication. The presentation of the order is a solemn ceremony. Now let's stand in a circle and reward our hero with a glass of lemon juice, which he should drink with a smile!

And now we will all say the words of the famous Kozma Prutkov together “If you want to be happy, be it!”

“Do with a person the way you want him to do with you,” they told me with early childhood. I tried not to violate this principle. But for some reason it didn't work. People treated me differently than I treated them.

Somehow it turned out that the “echo” in my life returned to me completely different actions. In a word, no matter how it comes back, it certainly won’t respond!

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I remember once staying at work until late in the evening. And just as I was getting ready to go home, Anya, a fifth-year student, came running. She asked me to bring her one book.

This book was really difficult to find, and Anya needed it the next morning. Anya needed to pass some kind of laboratory test, and the teacher gave her a strict deadline.

At that time, we were busy moving, and some of our things had already been moved, and some were still with our parents. I didn't even know where this book was. I explained the situation to Anya, but she really asked me to bring this book. I promised.

I arrived home already at eleven o'clock. I didn't find the book at home. But I promised the girl! I called a taxi and went to my parents to get a book. Explaining that I urgently needed a textbook, I took the book and came home in the same taxi.

In the morning I gave the book to Anyuta. Two or three years passed. Anya graduated from university, married a lawyer and began working in the information department at the Bar Association.

And at this time my neighbors flooded me. They refused to compensate for the damage caused, and I was forced to sue them. The judge took a strange position, court hearings were constantly postponed, and the trial was delayed. I needed a lawyer.

I contacted several lawyers, but they refused to protect my interests, citing the fact that they do not specialize in housing law. And then I remembered Anya! I called her and asked her to find out which of the lawyers in our city specialized in the area I needed.

I didn’t ask for anything else, just to find out which lawyer I could contact with such a case! I think it was not difficult for Anya. She promised to call me. I waited for her call for several days.

She never called. When I dialed her number myself, “the mobile device was turned off.” I called her from another phone and she immediately picked up. I apologized and said that I had the wrong number.

Medicine for Aunt

It becomes especially painful when you feel ingratitude from loved ones. The doctor recommended my aunt to take one medicine. This medicine was very expensive, and it was impossible to find it in our city.

That year I went to Moscow. Naturally, my aunt asked me to look for this medicine in the capital. I spent the whole day running around pharmacies until I finally found the drug I needed.

But, to my great chagrin, this drug arrived at the pharmacy only in a very large package. The money my aunt gave me was not enough for half of this package. I was extremely upset!

The pharmacy employee apparently took pity on me. She said that one pharmacy customer regularly takes this drug. Since the drug is rarely supplied, the visitor agreed with the pharmacists to call her.

“Maybe our customer will agree to take half the package; it’s too expensive for her to buy that many pills,” the woman suggested. The pharmacists called their regular client, and half an hour later she came for the drug.

The woman was even happy when the pharmacy employee explained the situation to her, and we bought a package of this drug for two. Moreover, I had to pay extra with my own money, since my aunt’s money was not enough.

We printed the packaging right there and divided the contents equally. The woman gave me the jar of the drug along with the instructions and packaging, since she herself had already bought this drug, and she already had the jars and instructions. But I didn’t think to take the check. I sincerely thanked the pharmacists and this woman.

I called my aunt immediately and said that I bought the drug, only half the package. I did not talk about the fact that her money was not enough on the phone. When I arrived home, I brought the medicine to my aunt, but didn’t find her at home, so I left the medicine with my grandmother. Naturally, I didn’t tell my grandmother anything about the money.

When we finally met my aunt, she asked how much money I had left. I was simply dumbfounded! I told her how I bought the drug, told her the cost of the entire package, and said that there was exactly half in the jar.

“But there are less pills than half a jar!” - Aunt objected. She doesn't seem to know that medications are never filled to the top of the package! Naturally, I didn’t demand money from her, I was just uncomfortable. But my aunt remained of the opinion that I bought not half the package, but less, and spent the rest of her money on myself “as a reward” for the service rendered to her.

Man is born for joy!

Such cases happen to me regularly. I couldn't understand why people did this to me. The answer was found completely by accident. At least I found this answer for myself. One day I came across these lines:

Man is born for joy
But if there is no happiness in life,
Then he says nasty things to others,
And warmed by this joy!

I think that people who do this to me are unhappy in some way. They believe that I am happier than them and try to “establish balance” by offending me. Having realized this, I stopped being offended by them. Sometimes deep down I feel sorry for them.

I realized why I often hear from different people the same words: “You feel good...”

“You feel good! “You love your job,” a classmate who has a salary much higher than mine tells me. “You feel good! You have a daughter,” a friend who has two wonderful boys tells me.

“You feel good! Your one-room apartment is always in order,” a neighbor who lives alone in a three-room apartment tells me. “You feel good! Your husband doesn’t play around,” an employee who has officially married for the fourth time tells me.

And if a person says such words to me, it means that he is really worse off in some way than me. There is no need to be offended by him...

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