How to analyze prose at the Literature Olympiad. Methodological recommendations for a comprehensive analysis of literary text at the Literature Olympiad

L. Andreev

Story "Angel"

At times, Sashka wanted to stop doing what is called life: not to wash his face in the morning with cold water in which thin sheets of ice float, not to go to the gymnasium, not to listen to everyone scold him there, and not to experience pain in the lower back and throughout the body, when his mother puts him on her knees for the whole evening. But since he was thirteen years old and did not know all the ways in which people stop living when they want to, he continued to go to the gymnasium and kneel, and it seemed to him that life would never end. A year will pass, and another year, and another year, and he will go to the gymnasium and stand on his knees at home. And since Sashka had a rebellious and courageous soul, he could not take evil calmly and took revenge on life. For this purpose, he beat his comrades, was rude to his superiors, tore up textbooks and spent the whole day lying to his teachers, then to his mother; he only did not lie to his father. When his nose was broken in a fight, he deliberately picked it even more and screamed without tears, but so loudly that everyone experienced an unpleasant sensation, winced and covered their ears. Having yelled as much as necessary, he immediately fell silent, stuck out his tongue and drew in a rough notebook a caricature of himself yelling, of the warden covering his ears, and of the winner trembling with fear. The entire notebook was filled with caricatures, and the most frequently repeated one was this: a fat, short woman beating a matchstick-thin boy with a rolling pin. At the bottom, in large and uneven letters, was the signature: “Ask for forgiveness, puppy,” and the answer: “I won’t ask, at least crack.” Before Christmas, Sashka was kicked out of the gymnasium, and when his mother began to beat him, he bit her finger. This gave him freedom, and he gave up washing himself in the morning, ran all day with the boys and beat them, and was afraid of hunger alone, since his mother stopped feeding him completely, and only his father hid bread and potatoes for him. Under these conditions, Sashka found existence possible.

On Friday, the eve of Christmas, Sashka played with the guys until they went home and the gate behind the last of them creaked with a rusty, frosty creak. It was already getting dark, and a gray snowy haze was approaching from the field, where one end of a blind alley opened; in a low black building that stood across the street, at the exit, a reddish, unblinking light lit up. The frost intensified, and when Sashka walked in the light circle that was formed by the lit lantern, he saw small dry snowflakes slowly floating in the air. I had to go home.

Where are you spending the night, puppy? - his mother shouted at him and raised her hand

fist, but didn’t hit. Her sleeves were rolled up, exposing her thick white arms, and beads of sweat appeared on her eyebrowless, flat face. When Sashka passed by her, he smelled the familiar smell of vodka. The mother scratched her head with a thick index finger with a short and dirty nail and, since

There was no time to scold, she just spat and shouted:

Statistics, one word!

Sashka wrinkled his nose contemptuously and walked behind the partition, where the heavy breathing of his father, Ivan Savvich, could be heard. He was always cold, and he tried to warm up by sitting on a hot bed and placing his hands under him, palms down.

Sashka! And the Svechnikovs invited you to the Christmas tree. The maid came,” he whispered.

Are you lying? - Sashka asked with disbelief.

By God. This witch deliberately doesn’t say anything, and she’s already prepared a jacket.

Are you lying? - Sashka was more and more surprised.

The rich Svechnikovs, who sent him to the gymnasium, did not order him to show up to them after his expulsion. The father swore again, and Sashka thought about it.

Ah, Sashka, Sashka! - the father shivered from the cold. - Don't blow your head off.

Did you bear it? - Sashka objected rudely. - I should have kept quiet: he’s afraid of women. Oh, prison!

The father sat silently and shivered. A weak light penetrated through a wide gap at the top, where the partition did not reach the ceiling a quarter, and fell like a bright spot on his high forehead, under which the deep eye sockets blackened. Once upon a time, Ivan Savvich drank vodka heavily, and then his wife was afraid and hated him. But when he began to spit up blood and could no longer drink, she began to drink, gradually getting used to vodka. And then she took out everything that she had to suffer from a tall, narrow-chested man who spoke incomprehensible words, was kicked out of service for obstinacy and drunkenness, and brought to himself the same long-haired ugly and proud people as himself. In contrast to her husband, she grew healthier as she drank, and her fists grew heavier. Now she said what she wanted, now she took to her the men and women she wanted, and sang funny songs with them loudly. And he lay behind the partition, silent, cowering from constant chills, and thought about injustice and horror human life. And to everyone with whom Ivan Savvich’s wife had to talk, she complained that she had no enemies in the world like her husband and son: both are proud and statisticians.

An hour later, Sashka’s mother said:

And I tell you that you will go! - And at every word Feoktista Petrovna hit the table with her fist, on which the washed glasses jumped and clinked against each other.

“And I’m telling you that I won’t go,” Sashka answered coolly, and the corners of his lips twitched with the desire to bare his teeth. In the gymnasium, he was called a wolf cub for this habit.

I'll beat you, oh, how I'll beat you! - the mother shouted.

Well, beat me!

Feoktista Petrovna knew that she could no longer beat her son, who began to bite, and if he was kicked out into the street, he would go staggering and would rather freeze than go to the Svechnikovs; so she resorted to authority

And the father is also called: he cannot protect the mother from insults.

Really, Sashka, go, why are you breaking? - he responded from the couch. -

They might suit you again. They are kind people.

Sashka grinned insultingly. My father had been a teacher with the Svechnikovs for a long time, before Sashkin was born, and from then on he thought that they were the most good people. At that time he was still serving in the zemstvo statistics department and did not drink anything. He separated from them after he married the landlady’s daughter, who became pregnant from him, began to drink and sank to such a degree that he was picked up drunk on the street and taken to the police station. But the Svechnikovs continued to help him with money, and Feoktista Petrovna, although she hated them, like books and everything connected with her husband’s past, valued their acquaintance and boasted about it.

Maybe you’ll bring me something from the Christmas tree,” the father continued.

He was being cunning - Sashka understood this and despised his father for his weakness and lies, but he really wanted to bring something to the sick and pitiful man. He has been without good tobacco for a long time.

OK! - he muttered. - Give me a jacket or something. Did you sew on the buttons? A

then I know you!

The children were not yet allowed into the hall where the Christmas tree was located, and they sat in the nursery and chatted. Sashka listened with contemptuous arrogance to their naive speeches and felt in his trouser pocket the already broken cigarettes that he managed to steal from the owner’s office. Then the smallest Svechnikov, Kolya, came up to him and stood motionless and with an air of amazement, putting his feet toes inward and putting his finger on the corner of his plump lips. About six months ago, at the insistence of his relatives, he gave up the bad habit of putting his finger in his mouth, but he still could not completely abandon this gesture. He had white hair, cropped on his forehead and falling in curls over his shoulders, and blue, surprised eyes, and in his entire appearance he belonged to the boys whom Sashka especially pursued.

Are you an ungrateful boy? - he asked Sasha. - Miss told me. And I'm single.

How could it be better? - he answered, examining the short velvet pants and the large fold-down collar.

Do you want a louzier? On! - the boy held out a gun with a cork tied to it.

The little wolf cocked the spring and, aiming at the nose of the unsuspecting Kolya, pulled the dog. The cork hit the nose and bounced off, dangling on a thread. Blue eyes The stakes opened even wider, and tears appeared in them. Moving his finger from his lips to his reddened nose, Kolya blinked his long eyelashes frequently and whispered:

Angry... Angry boy.

A young woman entered the nursery, beautiful woman with smoothly combed hair that hid part of his ears. It was the sister of the owner, the same one with whom Sashkin’s father had once worked.

This one,” she said, pointing to Sashka to the bald gentleman accompanying her. - Bow down, Sasha, it’s not nice to be so impolite.

But Sashka did not bow to either her or the bald gentleman. The beautiful lady did not suspect that he knew a lot. He knows that his pathetic father loved her, and she married someone else, and although this happened after he got married himself, Sashka could not forgive the betrayal.

“Bad blood,” Sofya Dmitrievna sighed. - Can you, Platon Mikhailovich, arrange it? My husband says that a craft is more suitable for him than a gymnasium. Sasha, do you want to go to the crafts?

“I don’t want to,” Sashka answered briefly, having heard the word “husband.”

So, brother, do you want to be a shepherd? - asked the gentleman.

No, not to be a shepherd,” Sashka was offended.

So where?

Sashka didn’t know where he wanted to go.

“I don’t care,” he answered after thinking, “even if I’m a shepherd.”

The bald gentleman looked at him with bewilderment. strange boy. When he turned his eyes from his patched boots to Sashka’s face, the latter stuck out his tongue and hid it again so quickly that Sofya Dmitrievna did not notice anything, and the elderly gentleman fell into an irritable state that she did not understand.

“I want to go into crafts too,” Sashka said modestly.

The beautiful lady was delighted and thought, sighing, about the power that old love has over people.

But there’s hardly a vacancy,” the elderly gentleman noted dryly, avoiding looking at Sashka and stroking the hairs that stood up on the back of his head. - However, we'll see.

The children were excited and noisy, impatiently waiting for the Christmas tree. The experiment with a gun, carried out by a boy who commanded respect for his height and reputation for being spoiled, found imitators, and several round noses were already turning red. The girls laughed, pressing both hands to their chests and bending over as their knights, with contempt for fear and pain, but wincing with anticipation, received blows with a cork. But then the doors opened and someone’s voice said:

Children, go! Hush, hush!

Having previously widened their eyes and held their breath, the children decorously, in pairs, entered the brightly lit hall and quietly walked around the sparkling Christmas tree. She cast a strong light, without shadows, on their faces with rounded eyes and lips. For a minute there was a silence of deep enchantment, immediately replaced by a chorus of enthusiastic exclamations. One of the girls was unable to control the delight that gripped her and stubbornly and silently jumped in one place; a small braid with a blue ribbon woven in flapped over her shoulders. Sashka was gloomy and sad - something bad was happening in his little ulcerated heart. The tree blinded him with its beauty and the loud, insolent shine of countless candles, but it was alien to him, hostile, like the clean, beautiful children crowded around it, and he wanted to push it so that it would fall on those bright heads. It seemed as if someone's iron hands had taken his heart and were squeezing the last drop of blood out of it. Huddled behind the piano, Sashka sat there in the corner, unconsciously breaking out the last cigarettes in his pocket and thinking that he had a father, mother, his own home, but it turns out as if there was none of this and he had nowhere to go. He tried to imagine the penknife that he had recently exchanged and loved very much, but the knife had become very bad, with a thin sharpened blade and only half a yellow knuckle. Tomorrow he will break the knife, and then he will have nothing left.

But suddenly Sashka’s narrow eyes flashed with amazement, and his face instantly took on its usual expression of insolence and self-confidence. On the side of the tree facing him, which was less illuminated than the others and made up its reverse side, he saw what was missing in the picture of his life and without which everything around was so empty, as if the people around him were lifeless. It was a wax angel, carelessly hung in the thicket of dark branches and as if floating through the air. His transparent dragonfly wings fluttered from the light falling on them, and he seemed alive and ready to fly away. Pink arms with gracefully made fingers stretched upward, and behind them stretched a head with the same hair as Kolya’s. But there was something else in her that Kolya’s face and all other faces and things lacked. The angel’s face did not shine with joy, was not clouded with sadness, but there lay on it the stamp of another feeling, inexpressible in words, indefinable by thought and understandable only to the same feeling. Sashka didn’t realize what secret power attracted him to the little angel, but he felt that he always knew him and always loved him, loved him more than a penknife, more than his father, than everything else. Full of bewilderment, anxiety, and incomprehensible delight, Sashka folded his hands to his chest and whispered:

Dear... dear angel!

And the more carefully he looked, the more significant and important the angel’s expression became. He was infinitely distant and unlike everything that surrounded him here. The other toys seemed to be proud that they were hanging, elegant, beautiful, on this sparkling tree, but he was sad and afraid of the bright, annoying light, and deliberately hid in the dark greenery so that no one would see him. It would be insane cruelty to touch his tender wings.

Darling... darling! - Sashka whispered.

Sashkin's head was on fire. He put his hands behind his back and, in full readiness for a mortal battle for the angel, walked with cautious and stealthy steps; he did not look at the angel so as not to attract the attention of others to him, but he felt that he was still here, had not flown away. The hostess appeared at the door - an important tall lady with a light halo of gray, high-combed hair. The children surrounded her with expressions of delight, and the little girl, the one who was jumping, hung wearily on her arm and blinked her sleepy eyes heavily. Sashka also came up. His throat was tight.

“Auntie, auntie,” he said, trying to speak kindly, but it came out even more rudely than always. - Those... Auntie. She didn’t hear, and Sashka impatiently tugged at her dress.

What do you want? Why are you pulling my dress? the gray-haired lady was surprised - This is impolite.

Those... auntie. Give me one thing from the Christmas tree - an angel.

“It’s impossible,” the hostess answered indifferently. - We'll be at the Christmas tree New Year disassemble. And you are no longer little and you can call me by name, Maria Dmitrievna.

Sashka felt that he was falling into the abyss, and grabbed the last resort.

I repent. “I will study,” he said abruptly.

But this formula, which had a beneficial effect on teachers, did not make an impression on the gray-haired lady.

And you will do well, my friend,” she answered just as indifferently.

Sashka said rudely:

Give me an angel.

No way! - said the hostess. - How do you not understand this?

But Sashka did not understand, and when the lady turned to leave, Sashka followed her, mindlessly looking at her black, rustling dress. A memory flashed through his feverishly working brain of how one high school student in his class asked the teacher to give him a C, and when he received a refusal, he knelt in front of the teacher, folded his hands palm to palm, as if in prayer, and began to cry. Then the teacher got angry, but still gave him a C. In a timely manner, Sashka immortalized the episode in a caricature, but now there was no other way left. Sashka pulled his aunt by the dress and, when she turned around, fell to his knees with a thud and folded his hands in the above-mentioned manner. But I couldn't cry.

You're crazy! - the gray-haired lady exclaimed and looked around; Luckily, there was no one in the office. - What's wrong with you?

Kneeling with his hands folded, Sashka looked at her with hatred and rudely demanded:

Give me an angel!

Sashkina’s eyes, fixed on the gray-haired lady and catching on her lips the first word they uttered, were very bad, and the hostess hastened to answer:

Well, I'll give it, I'll give it. Oh, how stupid you are! Of course, I will give you what you ask, but why don't you want to wait until the New Year? Come on, get up! And never,” the gray-haired lady instructively added, “do not kneel: this humiliates a person.” You can only kneel before God.

“Go ahead,” thought Sashka, trying to get ahead of his aunt and stepping on her dress.

When she took off the toy, Sashka glared at her, wrinkled his nose painfully and spread his fingers. It seemed to him that the tall lady would break the angel.

“It’s a beautiful thing,” said the lady, who felt sorry for the elegant and, apparently, expensive toy. -Who hung it here? Well, listen, why do you need this toy? After all, you are so big, what will you do with it?.. There are books over there, with drawings. And I promised to give this to Kolya, he asked so,” she lied.

Sashka's torment became unbearable. He clenched his teeth convulsively and seemed to even grind them. The gray-haired lady was most afraid of scenes and therefore slowly extended the angel to Sashka.

Well, no, no,” she said with displeasure. - How persistent!

Both of Sashka’s hands, with which he took the angel, seemed tenacious and tense, like two steel springs, but so soft and careful that the angel could imagine himself flying through the air.

A-ah! - a long, fading sigh escaped from Sashka’s chest, and two small tears sparkled in his eyes and stopped there, unaccustomed to the light. Slowly bringing the angel closer to his chest, he did not take his shining eyes off the hostess and smiled a quiet and meek smile, frozen in a feeling of unearthly joy. It seemed that when the tender wings of the angel touched Sashka’s sunken chest, something so joyful, so bright would happen that had never happened before on the sad, sinful and suffering earth.

A-ah! - the same dying moan rang out when the angel’s wings touched Sashka. And before the radiance of his face, the absurdly decorated, brazenly burning Christmas tree itself seemed to go out, and the gray-haired, important lady smiled joyfully, and the bald gentleman’s dry face trembled, and the children, touched by the spirit of human happiness, froze in living silence. And in that short moment, everyone noticed a mysterious similarity between the clumsy schoolboy who had grown out of his dress and the face of an angel, inspired by the hand of an unknown artist.

But the next minute the picture changed dramatically. Shrinking like a panther preparing to jump, Sashka looked around those around him with a gloomy look, looking for someone who would dare to take his little angel away from him.

“I’ll go home,” Sashka said dully, marking his way through the crowd. - To my father.

The mother was sleeping, exhausted from a whole day of work and drinking vodka. In a small room, behind a partition, a kitchen lamp was burning on the table, and its weak yellowish light barely penetrated through the smoky glass, casting strange shadows on the faces of Sashka and his father.

Good? - Sashka asked in a whisper.

He kept the little angel at a distance and did not allow his father to touch him.

Yes, there is something special about it,” the father whispered, peering thoughtfully at the toy.

His face expressed the same concentrated attention and joy as Sashka’s face.

“Look,” the father continued, “he’s about to fly.”

“I’ve already seen it,” Sashka answered triumphantly. - Do you think you're blind? And look at the wings. Tsits, don't touch!

The father withdrew his hand and studied the details of the angel with dark eyes, while Sasha whispered instructively:

What a bad habit you have, brother, of grabbing everything with your hands. After all, you can break it!

The ugly and motionless shadows of two bowed heads were carved onto the wall: one large and shaggy, the other small and round. A strange, painful, but at the same time joyful work was happening in the big head. The eyes, without blinking, looked at the angel, and under this gaze he became larger and brighter, and his wings began to flutter with a silent flutter, and everything around him - a log wall covered with soot, a dirty table, Sashka - all of this merged into one smooth a gray mass, without shadows, without light. And it seemed to the dead man that he heard a pitying voice from that wonderful world where he once lived and from where he was forever expelled. There they do not know about the dirt and dull abuse, about the dreary, blindly cruel struggle of egoisms; there they do not know about the torment of a man who is raised with laughter in the street, beaten by the rough hands of watchmen. It is clean, joyful and light there, and all this pureness found shelter in her soul, the one he loved. more life and lost, saving an unnecessary life. An elusive aroma was mixed with the smell of wax coming from the toy, and it seemed to the dead man that her dear fingers were touching the angel, which he wanted to kiss one at a time and for so long until death closed his lips forever. That’s why this toy was so beautiful, that’s why there was something special about it, attracting people, beyond words. An angel descended from the sky where her soul was, and brought a ray of light into the damp, smoke-soaked room and into the black soul of a man from whom everything had been taken away: love, happiness, and life.

And next to the eyes of an obsolete person, the eyes of someone beginning to live sparkled and caressed the angel. And for them the present and the future disappeared: the eternally sad and pitiful father, and the rude, unbearable mother, and the black darkness of insults, cruelties, humiliations and angry melancholy. Sashka’s dreams were formless and vague, but they stirred his troubled soul all the more deeply. All the goodness shining over the world, all the deep grief and hope of the soul yearning for God, was absorbed by the angel, and that is why he burned with such a soft divine light, that is why his transparent dragonfly wings trembled with silent fluttering.

Father and son did not see each other; Their sick hearts grieved, cried and rejoiced in different ways, but there was something in their feeling that merged their hearts together and destroyed the bottomless abyss that separates man from man and makes him so lonely, miserable and weak. The father, with an unconscious movement, put his hands on his son's neck, and the latter's head

she involuntarily pressed herself to the consumptive breast.

Did she give this to you? - the father whispered, without taking his eyes off the angel.

At another time, Sashka would have responded with a rude denial, but now the answer sounded in his soul by itself, and his lips calmly uttered a deliberate lie.

And then who? Of course she is.

The father was silent; Sashka also fell silent. Something wheezed in the next room, crackled, died down for a moment, and the clock quickly and hastily struck: one, two, three.

Sasha, do you ever dream? - the father asked thoughtfully.

No,” Sashka admitted. - Oh, no, I saw it once: I fell from the roof. They were chasing the pigeons, and I lost it.

And I see it all the time. There are wonderful dreams. You see everything that happened, you love and suffer as if in reality...

He fell silent again, and Sashka felt the hand on his neck tremble. She trembled and twitched more and more, and the sensitive silence of the night was suddenly broken by the sobbing, pitiful sound of suppressed crying. Sashka sternly moved his eyebrows and carefully, so as not to disturb his heavy, trembling hand, wiped a tear from his eye. It was so strange to see a big and old man crying.

Ah, Sasha, Sasha! - the father sobbed. - Why all this?

Well, what else? - Sashka whispered sternly. - Just, well, just like a little one.

“I won’t... I won’t,” the father apologized with a pitiful smile. - What... why?

Feoktista Petrovna tossed and turned on her bed. She sighed and muttered loudly and strangely insistently: “Hold the sack... hold it, hold it, hold it.” It was necessary to go to bed, but before that, settle the angel for the night. It was impossible to leave him on the ground; it was hung on a thread attached to the stove vent, and was clearly drawn against the white background of the tiles. So both Sashka and his father could see him. Having hastily thrown into the corner all the rags on which he had slept, the father just as quickly undressed and lay down on his back in order to quickly begin to look at the angel.

Why don't you undress? - asked the father, chillily wrapping himself in a torn blanket and straightening the coat thrown over his legs.

There's no point. I'll get up soon.

Sashka wanted to add that he didn’t feel like sleeping at all, but he didn’t have time, because he fell asleep so quickly that it was as if he was going to the bottom of a deep and fast river. Soon the father fell asleep too. Gentle peace and serenity fell on the weary face of a man who had lived out his life, and the brave face of a man who was just beginning to live.

And the angel, hanging by the hot stove, began to melt. The lamp, left burning at Sashka's insistence, filled the room with the smell of kerosene and, through the smoky glass, cast a sad light on the picture of slow destruction. The angel seemed to be moving. Thick drops rolled down his pink legs and fell onto the bed. The smell of kerosene was joined by the heavy smell of melted wax. Now the angel perked up, as if to fly, and fell with a soft thud onto the hot slabs. The curious Prussian ran, getting burned, around the shapeless ingot, climbed onto the dragonfly's wing and, twitching his antennae, ran on.

The bluish light of the beginning day was breaking through the curtained window, and a frozen water carrier was already knocking with an iron ladle in the yard.

1. The story “Angel” is one of the best works early period creativity of L. Andreev - was first published in December 1899. With dedication to Alexandra Mikhailovna Veligorskaya (1881-1906), who became Andreev’s wife in 1902. The story, to one degree or another, demonstrates those features that will characterize L. Andreev as a writer. The work of Leonid Andreev dates back to the era of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when different trends in literature opposed and complemented each other. The writer was long considered either a symbolist or a realist. It is not surprising that his work combines the features of two main opposing movements. Silver Age. However, Leonid Andreev remained perhaps the only representative of expressionism in Russian literature. Expressionism is characterized primarily by extreme subjectivity in the perception and display of the real world. We can say that the artistic world of a work reflects not the real world, but the inner world of the writer or character. The features of expressionism grow in the work of L. Andreev, especially after the death of his wife in 1906. However, already in best works in the early period they are manifested to one degree or another. Obviously, the subjectivity of the narrative was one of the features of the literature of that time.

2. The story retains the features of the epic genre of literature: the narration is told from a third person by an objective author; The text of the story contains dialogues of the characters, direct specific characteristics, descriptions of interiors, brief discussions, but the main thing remains the narrative based on the end-to-end action. However, the meaning of the story is not limited to the development of an eventful storyline. The objectivity of the author's narration is largely limited by the horizons of the hero, through whose consciousness the key points of the story are given. But the author's commentary helps us restore the objectivity of what is happening. This will no longer happen later stories Andreeva.

3. “Angel” conditionally falls under the genre definition of a story or short story: a rapidly developing plot; in the center of the story is one significant, unusual event, almost a miracle; an unexpected turn of events at the end, allowing us to see and appreciate everything we just read about in a new light. But “Angel” is even more associated with the Christmas genre literary fairy tale: this is manifested in the plot model, which is dictated by the content of the story, the action of which takes place on Christmas Eve.

4. The story “Angel” tells the story of the “spoiled” boy Sashka, which happened on Christmas Eve. But the theme of the story is broader: the writer talks about the destruction of the established world, about the disappearing “feeling of home.” The Christmas holiday was, according to Blok, “the highest point of this feeling.” Main character In the story “Spoiled Boy” Sashka is precisely deprived of this feeling of home, home warmth. He is one of the “children of random families” (F. M. Dostoevsky): his parents never loved him and never understood each other; their marriage was a forced accident. This marriage ruined the life of Sashka’s father, who became an alcoholic and fell ill; it did not bring happiness to his mother, who suffered all her life from drunkenness and the pride of her educated husband, and now she is an alcoholic herself. However, Sashka remains the most suffering figure in this situation. Deprived of affection, love, home comfort - that which makes up a home, a home, he is embittered at the whole world and at life, or rather, at what is called life. On Christmas evening, he feels especially acutely his loneliness in the world. However, the miracle of Christmas does not bypass him either: on the Christmas tree, among other toys, he finds a wax angel. In this little angel, Sashka sees what he so lacks in life: harmony and love. Owning this toy becomes his cherished dream, and when the angel falls into Sashka’s hands, a miracle happens: the “spoiled boy” is suddenly transformed, his face is illuminated by an unearthly light, and the reflection of this light falls on the faces of those around him. But the miracle does not last long. An angel - a wax toy - cannot transform this world. The next minute he becomes the same. But the miracle continues at home, where Sashka brings the little angel. For a dying, long-lost person, an angel is the embodiment of first love, a messenger of another world in which he lived before. For both, it becomes a dream come true. But dreams and harmony cannot come true in this world. The angel dies, but life is still full of cruelty and rudeness. At the same time, the entire story is permeated with the author's irony.

5. The embodiment of this complex theme influenced the choice of the genre model. As mentioned above, this is a Christmas tale that has an established plot scheme, consisting of constant motives and constant characters. The plot scheme of a Christmas tale can be defined as a variation of the following motifs: a child who has cherished dream a dream that seems impossible to achieve ends up on the Christmas tree on a Christmas evening full of joy and promise; then on Christmas night miracles happen, on Christmas morning the dream turns out to be realized in one way or another. At the same time, in the fairy tale there is a struggle between the forces of good and evil, which can be realized in the images of good and evil spirits or fairies, which respectively contribute or hinder the Christmas miracle. But good always and unconditionally triumphs over evil. L. Andreev uses this scheme and fills it with a different meaning, as if turning it inside out.

The main character of the story is the “spoiled boy” Sashka, who was expelled from the gymnasium for bad behavior, whom no one loves and who does not know what love is. He desperately needs a Christmas miracle, but he doesn’t know it, so he stubbornly resists it. In a small exposition of the first part, the author gives a small, but capacious description of his hero and his way of life. He still ends up at the Christmas tree - with the rich merchants Svechnikov, who, out of old memory, favor Sashkin’s father. good fairy- the young lady was the one her father was in love with in her youth, when she was not yet married, - she is trying to arrange Sashkin’s life: to enroll him in a real school. But the “miracle” does not work: the bald gentleman suddenly changes his mind about taking the boy to a real school. The Christmas tree, which is perceived by all the participants of the holiday as the epoch of the holiday, does not please Sasha. But a miracle must happen - Sashka sees an angel who becomes a dream come true for him. This is where the struggle to own the dream begins. Elderly lady - evil fairy- The angel doesn’t want to give it away. But Sashka does not give up, resorting to not very fair methods of struggle, and threatens to cause a scene. Evil is defeated: he receives his cherished dream. Here, before everyone’s eyes, a miracle of internal transformation occurs: the angel of Christmas touches everyone with his wing. But the main miracle happens at home on Christmas night. Here - into a gloomy dwelling - the angel of Christmas flies. And here, for several hours, peace and God’s favor reign: each of the participants in the miracle cherishes his dream, looking at the angel, but between them is the Angel of Christmas - the embodiment of love and harmony. However, the busy morning holiday does not promise anything good: while the heroes are sleeping in a peaceful and joyful sleep, the dream has already turned into a shapeless piece of wax over which a cockroach ran. And it happened through their fault.

The events in the plot are presented in chronological sequence and in the story the plot and plot coincide. In the 1st chapter of the story

6. The structure of the story is associated with a change in points of view and time plans. The subject of speech is the objective author. But his objectivity is limited by the fact that he often expresses not his own objective view of the world, but the view of his heroes, whose point of view he expresses. All key events We see first through the eyes of the main character - Sashka. Even his characterization is first a self-characterization: the hero tries to look at himself from the outside - with irony and even sarcasm. But the author, as mentioned above, tries to limit the subjectivity of the narrative with his comments. Despite the change in points of view of the author and the hero, the narrative retains its third-person form. Therefore, the change of points is sometimes not distinguishable.

7. Composition and architectonics of the work.

The most important element of text composition is repetition. In a story, such repetitions connect various elements of the text, revealing their meanings. So, all the events of Sashka’s life are recorded by him in a notebook in the form of caricatures with sarcastic inscriptions. In the second chapter, when Sashka wants to beg an angel from the elder Svechnikova, he remembers the story he recorded in his notebook about how one of his classmates knelt before the teacher so that he would not give him a bad mark; the teacher was outraged, but still gave him a C. Sashka also threatens to kneel.

The memory of Sashka's father's first love is repeated several times in the story. The first part mentions the Svechnikovs, whose father once worked as a teacher and who, from old memory, favor his family. Then it is casually mentioned that he was in love with the Svechnikovs’ daughter. In the second chapter she appears - a young lady with smoothly combed hair. In the third chapter the motif appears again past love, a memory of her. It seems to Sashka’s father that only she could give such a gift that her hands touched the angel. And Sashka, contrary to his character, confirms this.

Prose Analysis Plan

  1. History of creation.
  2. Storylines: highlight, number and name for each line:
    • DL (actors);
    • events.
  3. Plot outline(not all elements must be present):
    • exposure - conditions and circumstances that led to the conflict;
    • outset - the beginning or manifestation and aggravation of a conflict;
    • development of action - event sequence, actions that lead to a climax;
    • climax - highest point conflict, what will happen next is unknown;
    • interchange;
    • epilogue - events after the conflict.
  4. Composition:
    • the sequence and interconnectedness of all parts of the work (sections, episodes, scenes, introductory episodes, lyrical digressions, pictures, images), the unfolding of actions and the grouping and placement of characters;
    • layout methods art world: portrait, landscape, interior, lyrical digression;
    • methods of depiction: story, narration, description, monologue, internal monologue, dialogue, polylogue, remark, remark, “stream of consciousness”;
    • points of view of the subjects of a work of art: author, storyteller, narrator, characters;
    • whether the author adheres to a cause-and-effect relationship or not.
  5. DL images(main): characters, relationships between characters, typicality (uniqueness) of characters.
  6. Style: the specifics of each individual writer’s writing: worldview, life experience, character, general culture determine:
    • choice of topic and its disclosure;
    • development of favorites genre forms;
    • language;
    • use of artistic means ().
  7. Literary direction: sentimentalism, romanticism, realism (critical, magical (for example, G. G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, F. Kafka “Metamorphosis”), socialist, neorealism), naturalism, symbolism, aestheticism, neo-romanticism, impressionism (trend in creativity authors belonging to different literary movements - Guy de Maupassant, O. Wilde, K. Hamsun), avant-gardeism, modernism, postmodernism, existentialism, “theater of the absurd”, “school of stream of consciousness” (J. Joyce, M. Proust, T. Mann, W. Faulkner and others).
  8. Genre features: an epic in general is an alternation of plot events.
    • story(opovidannya) - small epic form: in the center - 1 event, DLs are grouped around it, DL characters in a formed form, descriptions are few and laconic, small size of the work (usually several pages);
    • short story- small epic form: in the center - 1 unusual event, unexpected ending, brevity. Types:
      1. story of events - O'Henry, J. London, I. Babel, J. Collier;
      2. "mood" short story with a psychological plot - A. Chekhov, Maupassant, Akutagawa Ryunosuke;
    • story- average epic form: 1 storyline, the life story of 1 person in collisions with the destinies of other people, covers a relatively short period of time in the lives of the heroes;
    • novel- large epic form: several storylines, large size, a lot characters, the history of the formation of the characters of many characters is revealed, widely covered life events. The novel is the most widespread epic in the 20th century. genre variety, conditionally distinguish:
      1. social and household- man and the social environment, socially conditioned forms of being;
      2. moral and psychological- collisions between the inner world of man and the outer world;
      3. historical- about past events;
      4. philosophical- revealing the main problems of human existence, creating complete picture peace;
      5. myth novel- creation of a symbolic model of the existence of man and humanity (“One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Marquez);
      6. a dystopian novel (H. Wells), a parable novel ("The Plague" by A. Camus), a chronicle novel of one family ("The Thibault Family" by R.M. du Gard), an anecdote novel ("The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin" V. Voinovich), etc.
    • epic- large action space, large number characters, often covers all segments of the population, significant volume, a moment in history is selected that is important for the fate of the people/state (required!).

Please keep in mind that this plan is an example. During the analysis, it is not necessary to dwell on each of its points; you are free to deviate from the requirements of the plan, select for analysis only the most significant funds expressiveness or elements literary text, without focusing on secondary ones.

Download analysis plan

Text analysis and creative tasks

(preparation for the Literature Olympiad)

Kirsanova Elena Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category

Sakulinskaya basic school

  • The tasks in this part are designed to test knowledge of the biographical and historical-literary context of the work, mastery of the fundamentals of literary theory and the ability to correctly use literary terminology.
  • The tasks allow you to determine how well the Olympiad participant knows the terms. When answering, you must demonstrate the ability to convey the essence of your own understanding of the identified problem in writing when answering the question posed.

  • The tasks are aimed at testing analytical skills and interpretations works of the corresponding genre: prose text or poetic texts. The tasks of this part reveal creativity students are associated with the perception, interpretation and evaluation of works fiction, knowledge of literary theory, allow us to demonstrate the level of written culture of students’ speech. INTERPRETATION te, interpretations, female (·lat. interpretatio) ( · books).
  • 1. Interpretation, explanation, revealing the meaning of something. Interpretation of laws. Interpretation of the text.

When assessing tasks of parts I and II, the following are taken into account:

  • knowledge of literary texts;
  • knowledge of factual material from the history and theory of literature and the ability to use it;
  • possession literary concepts; historical and cultural erudition; correctness, completeness and accuracy of the answer;
  • language and style of presentation: compositional harmony, logic, clarity, speech literacy; depth and independence in revealing the topic.

When assessing tasks in Part III, the following are taken into account:

  • depth of comprehension of the text (theme, genre, plot, characters, composition, style, direction, artistic idea);
  • the ability to determine the author's position;
  • knowledge of the basics of analysis of poetic text;
  • perception of the image of the lyrical hero and the ability to interpret it, characterize the poetic individuality of the author, as well as express one’s thoughts and feelings;
  • language and style of work of the Olympiad participant (compositional harmony, logic, clarity of presentation, speech literacy).

  • Poetic syntax. (syntactic devices or figures of poetic speech) - rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations - they enhance the reader’s attention without requiring him to answer; - repetitions – repeated repetition of the same words or expressions; - antitheses - oppositions;
  • Poetic phonetics. The use of onomatopoeia, sound recording - sound repetitions that create a unique sound “pattern” of speech. - Alliteration – repetition of consonant sounds; - Assonance – repetition of vowel sounds; - Anaphora – unity of command, repetition of the beginning of lines.

It is necessary: ​​- determine leading experience, feeling, mood reflected in a poetic work; - find out slimness compositional construction , its subordination to the expression of a certain thought; - define lyrical situation presented in the poem (the hero’s conflict with himself; the hero’s internal lack of freedom, etc.) - determine life situation, which could conceivably cause this experience; - highlight main parts poetic work : show their connection (define the emotional “drawing”).

  • nega - pleasure (obsolete);
  • gaze - glance, but in the text - eyes (obsolete);
  • evening - yesterday (dial);
  • now - now (obsolete);
  • illuminated - illuminated (obsolete);
  • command - order (obsolete);
  • lock - harness, harness (dial.);
  • let's surrender - let's surrender (obsolete).

  • IAMB - (Greek iambos), poetic meter with strong places on the even syllables of the verse
  • Scheme: - / - / - / - /… That is: the first syllable in a line is unstressed, the second is stressed, the third is unstressed, the fourth is stressed, and so on.

  • Write creative work in the style of “bad advice” by G. Oster.
  • Write an essay on the topic “A fairy tale in my life”
  • Write a story on the topic “The River of My Childhood...”
  • Write short essay(volume 50-70 words) on the topic “Native land, forever beloved...”
  • Compose a short coherent text using the words in the given sequence (the forms of the words may be different). One day, lumberjack, lilac, balcony, hard-boiled, helicopter, garden bed, shampoo, painting, basketball, present, husk, lunar, school.

  • A miniature essay in a given style and genre (review, response, pastiche, parody), preferably taking into account regional specifics.
  • An essay based on the proposed beginning, on the proposed topic, on the picture, on supporting words, in the form of a letter to a person of a different era and culture.
  • Write 15-20 sentences on the topic “Is poetry necessary today?”
  • Write a miniature essay “When I was little”

  • How do you, heroes of the 21st century, understand happiness?
  • Create a work about nature in the genre of Japanese poetry - haiku (unrhymed tercet)
  • Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “Why I love (don’t love) autumn”
  • Write an essay on behalf of an object (an old wardrobe, a table lamp, etc.)
  • Write a creative work in the genre of writing on one of the topics: “Letter to the front”, “Letter from the front”, “Letter to a front-line soldier”

Letter text outline


I Appeal.

Initial phrase about the status of the correspondence

II The main content of the letter.

News report.

Information for the addressee.

Dear mother!

I received your letter.

I received news that...

III Questions to the addressee.


Requests. Invitations.

I will describe to you how my life is going.

We have a lot of news...

Guests came to us...

How do you live? How is your health? What's your news? Thank you for... I ask you to write to me about... Say hello... Come...

IV Farewell.

Date and place of writing.

Goodbye. Son who loves you...

With respect to you...

  • Sinkwine is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.
  • Word syncwine comes from the French meaning five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines.
  • In the first line, the topic is named in one word (usually a noun). The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives). The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words. The fourth line is a four-word phrase that shows the attitude towards the topic. The last line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic
  • In the first line, the topic is named in one word (usually a noun).
  • The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).
  • The third line is a description of the action within this topic in three words.
  • The fourth line is a four-word phrase that shows the attitude towards the topic.
  • The last line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic



Red hot


Difficult, difficult

Breaking out from within

Natural fire chamber

Challenging, empowering, rewarding

Free, active

Participating, sharing, teaching

Connecting the new with the already known

Glow in the dark



Comprehensive text analysis plan

(grades 9-11)

7. Determine the topic of the text.

14. Observe the vocabulary of the text:
Find unfamiliar or unclear words and find out their meanings using a dictionary. Pay attention to the spelling of these words.
Find keywords in every part of the text. Are people determined by their choice?
Observe various repetitions (anaphors, epiphoras, lexical repetitions, repetitions of cognate words). What are they due to?
Find lexical and contextual synonyms and/or antonyms in the text.
Find paraphrases. For what purposes are they used? K Find polysemantic words and words used in the text in a figurative meaning.
Pay attention to the style of the vocabulary, the use of archaisms, historicisms, neologisms of terms; into evaluative words, colloquial, vernacular or, conversely, the elephant of a sublime style. Why did the author use them? V Select phraseological units. Why are they used?
Pay attention to the means artistic expression and figures of speech, if they are used by the author (epithets, metaphors). (9-11 CL.)
1. Read the text. When reading, use intonation underlining, highlighting both individual words and semantic segments.
2. Remember what you know about its author. (When did he live, in what era? To what literary direction belonged? What is he famous for?) If you don’t know, try to find out from reference books.
3. What functional style of speech does the text belong to? (For artistic, journalistic, scientific/popular science.)
4. What type of speech is the text? (Description, narration, reasoning.)
5. What genre does the text belong to (an episode of a work of fiction, an essay, a memoir, a parable, a legend, a prose poem, etc.)?
6. What mood prevails in the text?
7. Determine the topic of the text.
8. If the text does not have a title, title it. If there is already a title, think about its meaning (why the author chose this title).
9. Divide the text into semantic parts, make a text plan for yourself.
10. How are parts of the text connected? Pay attention to lexical and syntactic means of communication (repeated words, syntactic parallels or, conversely, a sharp change in syntactic structures and intonation, word order in sentences).
11. How do the beginning and end of the text relate?
12. What technique/techniques is the text based on (comparison, opposition; gradual intensification of feelings, gradual development of thoughts; rapid change of events, dynamism; leisurely contemplation, etc.)?
13. Mark the main images of the text (don’t forget about the image of the author).
14. Observe the vocabulary of the text:

  • Find unfamiliar or unclear words and find out their meanings using a dictionary. Pay attention to the spelling of these words.
  • Find keywords in each part of the text. Are people determined by their choice?
  • Observe various repetitions (anaphors, epiphoras, lexical repetitions, repetitions of cognate words). What are they due to?
  • Find lexical and contextual synonyms and/or antonyms in the text.
  • Find paraphrases. For what purposes are they used?
  • Find polysemantic words and words used in the text in a figurative sense.
  • Pay attention to the style of the vocabulary, the use of archaisms, historicisms, neologisms of terms; into evaluative words, colloquial, vernacular or, conversely, the elephant of a sublime style. Why did the author use them?
  • Highlight phraseological units. Why are they used?
  • Pay attention to the means of artistic expression and figures of speech, if they are used by the author (epithets, metaphors).

Algorithm benchmarking poetic text.
- plot or motive
- figurative system
- vocabulary
- visual media
- syntactic constructions
- other parameters specified by the texts themselves.
3. Explain the differences identified:
a) in works by the same author;
- other reasons.
- if you lived in different times, - difference historical conditions and features of literary development;
4. Clarify the interpretation of each analyzed text in accordance with the comparative analysis performed.

Approximate scheme for analyzing a poem

1. The place of the poem in the poet’s work. The history of the creation of the poem.

2. Genre features of the poem.

3.Themes and main motives.

4. Features of the composition, or construction of a lyrical work.

5. The figurative series of the poem. His lyrical hero.

6. The mood that prevails in the poem.

7. Lexical structure of the text.

8. Features of poetic language. Visual means (tropes and figures)

9. Sound recording techniques.

10. Features of stanza and rhyme.

11. The meaning of the title of the work.


1. Find similarities between two texts at the level:

  • plot or motive;
  • figurative system;
  • vocabulary;
  • visual media;
  • syntactic constructions;

2. Find differences at the same levels.

  • the difference in the time of writing, which determined the change in views;
  • difference in artistic tasks;
  • contradictions of worldview and attitude;
  • other reasons;

b) in the works of different authors:

  • differences in artistic worlds;
  • if they belong to different national cultures, - the difference not only between individual, but also national artistic worlds.


1. Find similarities between two texts at the level:

  • plot or motive;
  • figurative system;
  • vocabulary;
  • visual media;
  • syntactic constructions;
  • other parameters suggested by the texts themselves.

2. Find differences at the same levels.

3. Explain the differences identified

A) in works by the same author:

  • the difference in the time of writing, which determined the change in views;
  • difference in artistic tasks;
  • contradictions of worldview and attitude;
  • other reasons;

b) in the works of different authors:

  • differences in artistic worlds;
  • if they lived at different times, by differences in historical conditions and features of literary development;
  • if they belong to different national cultures, there is a difference not only in individual, but also in national artistic worlds.

4. Clarify the interpretation of each of the analyzed texts in accordance with the comparative analysis performed.


Analysis of a prose literary work

When starting to analyze a work of art, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific historical context of the work during the period of creation of this work of art. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of historical and historical-literary situation, in the latter case we mean

Literary trends of the era;
place of this work among the works of other authors written during this period;
creative history works;
evaluation of the work in criticism;
the originality of the perception of this work by the writer’s contemporaries;
assessment of the work in the context of modern reading;
Next, we should turn to the question of the ideological and artistic unity of the work, its content and form (at the same time, the plan of content is considered - what the author wanted to say and the plan of expression - how he managed to do it).

Poem Analysis Plan
1. Elements of a commentary on the poem:
- Time (place) of writing, history of creation;
- Genre originality;
- The place of this poem in the poet’s work or in a series of poems on a similar topic (with a similar motive, plot, structure, etc.);
- Explanation of unclear passages, complex metaphors and other transcripts.
2. Feelings expressed by the lyrical hero of the poem; the feelings that a poem evokes in the reader.
3. The movement of the author’s thoughts and feelings from the beginning to the end of the poem.
4. Interdependence between the content of the poem and its artistic form:

Composition solutions;
- Features of self-expression of the lyrical hero and the nature of the narrative;
- The sound of the poem, the use of sound recording, assonance, alliteration;

Rhythm, stanza, graphics, their semantic role;
- Motivated and accurate use of expressive means.
4. Associations evoked by this poem (literary, life, musical, picturesque - any).
5. The typicality and originality of this poem in the poet’s work, the deep moral or philosophical meaning works discovered as a result of analysis; the degree of “eternity” of the problems raised or their interpretation. Riddles and secrets of the poem.
6. Additional (free) thoughts.

Analysis of a poetic work

When starting to analyze a poetic work, it is necessary to determine the immediate content of the lyrical work - experience, feeling;
Determine the “ownership” of feelings and thoughts expressed in lyrical work: lyrical hero (the image in which these feelings are expressed);
- determine the subject of the description and its connection with the poetic idea (direct - indirect);
- determine the organization (composition) of a lyrical work;
- determine the originality of the use of visual means by the author (active - stingy); determine the lexical pattern (colloquial - book and literary vocabulary...);
- determine rhythm (homogeneous - heterogeneous; rhythmic movement);
- determine the sound pattern;
- determine intonation (the speaker’s attitude to the subject of speech and the interlocutor).

Poetic vocabulary
It is necessary to find out the activity of using certain groups of words in common vocabulary - synonyms, antonyms, archaisms, neologisms;
- find out the degree of closeness of poetic language to colloquial language;
- determine the originality and activity of using tropes
EPITHET – artistic definition;
COMPARISON – comparison of two objects or phenomena with the aim of explaining one of them with the help of the other;
ALLEGORY (allegory) – depiction of an abstract concept or phenomenon through specific objects and images;
IRONY - hidden mockery;
HYPERBOLE – artistic exaggeration used to enhance impression;
LITOTE - artistic understatement;
PERSONALIZATION – image inanimate objects, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings - the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel;
METAPHOR is a hidden comparison built on the similarity or contrast of phenomena, in which the words “as”, “as if”, “as if” are absent, but are implied.

Poetic syntax
(syntactic devices or figures of poetic speech)
- rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations - they increase the reader’s attention without requiring him to answer;
- repetitions – repeated repetition of the same words or expressions;
- antitheses - oppositions;

Poetic phonetics
The use of onomatopoeia, sound recording - sound repetitions that create a unique sound “pattern” of speech.
- Alliteration – repetition of consonant sounds;
- Assonance – repetition of vowel sounds;
- Anaphora – unity of command;

Composition of a lyrical work
- determine the leading experience, feeling, mood reflected in the poetic work;
- find out the harmony of the compositional structure, its subordination to the expression of a certain thought;
- determine the lyrical situation presented in the poem (the hero’s conflict with himself; the hero’s internal lack of freedom, etc.)
- identify the life situation that could presumably cause this experience;
- highlight the main parts of a poetic work: show their connection (define the emotional “drawing”).

Analysis dramatic work

Diagram of analysis of a dramatic work
1. General characteristics: history of creation, life basis, plan, literary criticism.
2. Plot, composition:
- the main conflict, stages of its development;
- character of the denouement /comic, tragic, dramatic/
3. Analysis of individual actions, scenes, phenomena.

4. Collecting material about the characters:
- the appearance of the hero,
- behavior,
- speech characteristics
- content of speech /about what?/
- manner /how?/
- style, vocabulary
- self-characteristics, mutual characteristics of heroes, author's remarks;
- the role of scenery and interior in the development of the image.

5. CONCLUSIONS: Theme, idea, meaning of the title, system of images. Genre of the work, artistic originality.

Dramatic work

The generic specificity, the “borderline” position of drama (between literature and theater) obliges its analysis to be carried out in the course of the development of dramatic action (this is the fundamental difference between the analysis of a dramatic work from an epic or lyrical one). Therefore, the proposed scheme is conditional character, it only takes into account the conglomerate of the main generic categories of drama, the peculiarity of which can manifest itself differently in each individual case precisely in the development of the action (according to the principle of an unwinding spring).

1. General characteristics of dramatic action (character, plan and vector of movement, tempo, rhythm, etc.). “Through” action and “underwater” currents.

2. Type of conflict. The essence of drama and the content of the conflict, the nature of the contradictions (two-dimensionality, external conflict, internal conflict, their interaction), “vertical” and “horizontal” plan of the drama.

3. The system of characters, their place and role in the development of dramatic action and conflict resolution. Main and minor characters. Extra-plot and extra-scene characters.

4. The system of motives and motivational development of the plot and microplots of the drama. Text and subtext.

5. Compositional and structural level. The main stages in the development of dramatic action (exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement). Installation principle.

6. Features of poetics (the semantic key of the title, the role theater poster, stage chronotype, symbolism, stage psychologism, problem of the ending). Signs of theatricality: costume, mask, play and post-situational analysis, role-playing situations, etc.

7. Genre originality (drama, tragedy or comedy?). The origins of the genre, its reminiscences and innovative solutions by the author.

9. Contexts of drama (historical-cultural, creative, actual dramatic).

10. The problem of interpretation and stage history.