How Americans treat Russians: features, interesting facts. What do foreigners think about Russian women?

Hello everyone! Alexander Khvastovich is with you, and this is an episode of Conversation on Wheels. I was looking at questions that were asked about girls. The question that got the most likes was: “How do American girls feel about Russians?”

How do American women choose guys?

I must say that an American girl, like any other girl, will look first at personal qualities, not where you are from. And if she is more “grounded”, that is, she looks more at material assets, then she will look at status, well-being and prospects. I think the main thing is the person, not where he comes from.

From my own experience, I will say that I had several relationships with American women, but they were not serious. I could never build such a relationship with them that they would move to a serious stage with planning for the future and family. Nothing of the kind. All this was more “to have fun”, to have fun. For some reason, longer-term relationships develop with Russian girls.

Family values

Not all American women have family values. In America different families, different views on life and each family has its own values. But in general, an American woman who grew up in America went to American school will never strive to have a child at 20-22 years old. If this happens, it will be precisely because of “having fun”, although it could be much earlier.

They will not consciously start a family at 20 years old. At least the girls I talked to. The norm for them is 30 years or more. They want to travel and hang out first. They start a family only when they have found the ground under their feet.

By the way, it's hard to find an American woman here (at least where I was). Everyone has some kind of background: some come here at the age of 8-9, others were brought by their parents. You probably had to look for a pure American woman in college or high school.

What is the attitude of American women towards Russians?

According to my observations and experience, American women have a normal attitude towards Russians. The accent doesn’t scare them, nor does the manner of communication. You can always talk to a person and discuss if there is something you don’t like about each other. There are a lot of cultural differences. And it doesn’t matter if she’s pure American, Latina, or from Germany. There is not much difference - cultural differences will be a shaft. There will be many things that are accepted by them and not accepted by us, and vice versa. It will be difficult for an American to say: “Stay at home and don’t go anywhere” or “Who is this? Your friend? They are all friends.

My impression is that there is not much difference. The main thing is to communicate, and if people are suitable for each other, then you can get along with an American.

Moving to the USA is difficult, but there are categories of people for whom it is possible:

— Investors. It is enough to invest at least 1 million dollars and after 2 years all family members will receive the status of permanent resident of the United States ( EB-5 visa).

— You can also open a branch of an existing company in America or buy an existing business in the USA (from $100,000). This will make you eligible to receive an L-1 work visa, which can be exchanged for a green card.

Famous athletes, musicians, writers and other extraordinary people can move on an O-1 work visa.

— In case of oppression by the state for religious, political reasons or humiliation due to belonging to gay minorities, you can request

Like the moment when they don’t see Russians without a carpet on the wall, there’s no carpet, you’re not Russian. Americans know that Russians can clearly distinguish between home and street clothes; Americans or British believe that this line is blurred. Russians never wear street clothes at home; they will definitely take off their shoes at home, even if they are clean. Russians drink cold beer in the cold and consider it normal, the same goes for ice cream. On birthdays, Russians bring a lot of gifts, and Russian holiday organizers put 4 times more food on the table than the guests can eat, and then spend the whole week eating up everything that is not eaten. Americans think Russians judge women whether he would marry her or not. Russian children's take-home school lunch is not a sandwich and rolls, but rye bread with cutlets. Russian families are always obliged to feed an American guest, even if he is not hungry. Russians never throw away old clothes, but rather use them as doormats. Russians are afraid to whistle at home so as not to be left without money. Russians make food containers out of used plastic packaging. Russians are very rich in slippers, no matter how many guests come to the house, and everyone will be provided with slippers.

Americans do not classify Russians as a separate group, there is no separate relationship; Russians for Americans are no worse or better than Mexicans, Turks, and Egyptians. Americans feel their superiority over all nations; they believe that the United States is the most advanced country in all respects, both in terms of legislation, socio-economic terms, and technological progress. Some Russians, coming to America after some time, already read news from Russia in a completely different way; those laws that were once considered normal now look wild and anti-people to them. If the Russians look at the peoples of Africa as savages and very strange people, then Americans also look at Russians as the same savages and strange people. So those food sanctions, burning imported food products, detergents, which Russians consider poisonous, various uprisings, coups, high-profile trials, all this corruption, endless bribery and bribery, they look at the obvious dislike of Russians for Americans, they simply laugh at the fact that that the Russians blame the Americans for all their troubles, who don’t care about those Russians at all and the like.

Americans think about Russians, why are they always dissatisfied with everything, angry, offended, and cannot simply live normally and build their own prosperous state independent of external factors.

What looks normal in Russia, from the USA it sometimes seems just stupidity, a completely funny moment is retaliatory sanctions, if in Russia people approve of such actions, it seems that by really limiting imported food products the local food industry will spread its wings, so to speak, but the Americans understand that this is absolutely not true, such fencing off from white light threatens with increased prices, lack of competition and deterioration in the quality of goods.

Everyone has their flaws

If Russians in America admit that they are Russians, then the Americans themselves react calmly to this, I think they don’t care whether you are Russian, a Pole or a Frenchman, most likely they will be absorbed in thoughts about themselves, Americans are great individualists, not collectivists like Russians, Americans thinks about himself, Russians tend to think first of all about others, they are more influenced by the environment. Admit that you are Russian, and nicely, no one will ask you where your balalaika and vodka bear are. Some labels are also applied to other nationalities: Italians cannot be imagined without pizza and pasta, Japanese without sushi and anime, Germans without beer and leather shorts, Scots without skirts and bagpipes, Irish without a bottle of whiskey, Koreans without a smartphone with a large screen and without glasses. and so on.

Become an American

Modern Russians in America are becoming real Americans in every sense of the word, they finally begin to smile, become just as friendly, or even if you want, the same hypocrites, the traditional American smile seems like hypocrisy, Russians at first simply don’t understand it, it worries them and even causes a feeling of fear. If a Russian walks around with a stone face, then he has not yet adapted; if he starts smiling, then the process of assimilation has already begun.

Respect for the law

Americans with their Western mentality They always notice in Russians a certain disregard for the law, while Americans blindly trust it, and someone over there ran a red light or ignored a stop sign, it was probably a Russian, who else? In the Russian district, cars are parked not in lines, but haphazardly; you can find hundreds of differences between the Russian and international districts in any US city. Russians are also characterized by American maximalism or even boasting. Russians in the USA always try to exaggerate their importance, especially in relation to their own people, to Russian immigrants in the USA, or to show their friends in Russia that they have achieved success in a new place.

Super duper

Look at the names of Russian stores in the USA, there will be words with an intensifying meaning everywhere, a store of super-duper exclusive goods, in fact, inside you will not find any signs of eliteness, all this is to show off, a reality that does not correspond reality. Prices in Russian stores and restaurants are greatly inflated by local standards; only the Russians themselves, tormented by the American way of life and nostalgia for the past way of life, fall for this.

Russian cuisine in America

Americans don’t like Russian food; it hasn’t gained the same popularity as, for example, Chinese or Italian, although it’s unlikely that Chinese food with its cockroaches can be called more pleasant and normal compared to Russian food, nevertheless it seems that Americans would rather eat cockroaches and lizards than borscht, jellied meat and buckwheat porridge; moreover, Americans consider such a product as black or red caviar very strange. If you want to introduce Americans to Russian or Ukrainian cuisine, avoid liquid and very fatty dishes.

Americans think that in the families of Russian emigrants there is always vodka in the refrigerator, this is not always true, and when it is true, then most likely this vodka was given by the Americans themselves, thinking that for the Russians this is the best gift, because they have a bear and a balalaika on the shelves in We couldn’t find the nearest store; the local teddy bears are in no way similar to this standard Russian Grizzly bear.

Russian beauty in America

Americans consider Russian girls very beautiful, they even call them Russian dolls, this is all because they are more decorated and dressed up than American girls, who should not show off their heels, dresses and makeup, they have completely different tools for showing off, which due to poverty can be are not available to newly arrived Russian girls.

The Russians go ahead, this greatly shocks people in the USA and can even scare away the Americans. Before asking for something, the Americans, like the British, will apologize ten times, start the conversation from the back streets, and only then approach the topic of the question, especially when such a question ticklish or inconvenient, Russians get right down to business without further ado.

Collectivists and individualists

Russians are quiet, reserved, and think that others will think of them, because they are collectivists, and not such fierce individualists as Americans. For Russians, the words yes and no do not always mean what they mean. Russians do not run away from conflicts, this is a common way of communicating, Americans try to protect themselves from conflicts with laws and police officers with lawyers, Russians do not believe in the law, they have to take the initiative.

In order to constantly circumvent laws that Russians do not trust or do not work, they, these Russians try to use ingenuity and intelligence in everything, in this the Russians are far ahead of the Americans, who do not need to strain their brains so much in simple situations in which others work for them tools.

American heroes are Russians

For example, a typical plot of an American action movie, when the main character is seriously offended by a gang, and he, without contacting the police, deals with the offenders himself, well, it’s completely far-fetched and seems absolutely fantastic. Maybe this is the secret of the success of such an action-packed film in Russia, because this is the behavior of the main character more like Russian nature; in such action films from Hollywood, Russian viewers see themselves.

Quick wits and a quick reaction to a bad situation are the only reason why Russians are hired in America in general, they are more resourceful, they can find a way out of any deadlock situation, Russians in America become inventors and pioneers, if they do not have time to assimilate some inventions before that moment seem ridiculous or unnecessary from a practical point of view. An ordinary American throws away a broken thing, a Russian repairs and improves it, makes an “upgrade”. Russians are always on the alert, ready for various surprises, Americans are calm and confident that nothing can get out of control.

Russian programmers

That’s why Russian programmers are valued in America, they find non-standard solutions, they will always find a way out of a situation, it’s already in their blood, to always try to correct a situation that was imposed by a stupid leadership. Americans think about Russian rulers that they are stupid, otherwise Russia would become the USA, and Russians would lose their universality, they would cease to be jacks of all trades.

Americans think that there is no law in Russia, Russian emigrants don’t even know what it is, Americans are even afraid that corruption will begin among them, since the Russian mafia has already made its way into the highest echelons of power, but still we don’t have a single Russian in the governorship. I haven’t seen them, but they must be somewhere?

Americans are afraid that soon all of America will speak Spanish, Chinese and Russian. True, the census claims that there is a possibility only for the Spanish language; the number of Russian speakers is negligible and can only decrease. Here one can see the identification of Russians with Latin Americans, which is completely different peoples by all criteria, incomparable and incomparable.

In fact, they think very different things, partly their opinion coincides with long-established myths, and sometimes it completely turns all our standard ideas upside down. A mini-survey (30 people), of course, this does not take into account the fact that during the time I lived in the USA, I many times received interesting reviews about our Slavic nature. The result of observation and survey data is given below. Actually, that's what most people think

1) Russia is one giant refrigerator, which is very cold.
2) Russia is associated with the word “Siberia”; these words are synonyms.
3) Russia is an economically, politically and militarily strong country.

4) Russians are very active people and you still need to look for lazy people among them.
5) Russian drink - Vodka.
6) Most Russians are sworn alcoholics.
7) Russian guys and girls are very beautiful and the most attractive in the world.
8) EVERYONE knows who V.V. is. Putin.
9) Very few people know who D.A. is. Medvedev.
10) People in the USA know Russian writers very well.
11) They know brands of Russian vodka (many people drink it).
12) Everyone knows Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Kremlin.
13) These are the only cities in Russia known to Americans.
14) Nobody has any idea how many rubles one dollar is worth.
15) Russians eat everything, always and everywhere with red and black caviar.
16) There are bears walking on Red Square.
17) Russian men are very strong physically.
18) People speak very well about Moscow and St. Petersburg.
19) The Russian mafia is the most powerful in the world.
20) Russians are always sad.
21) Russia belongs entirely to Asia.
22) Everyone knows what a real Russian church is.
23) Many people know what Borscht is.
24) Apart from borscht, Americans know nothing about Russian cuisine.
25) In America they know what a “matryoshka” is.
26) in Russia people are very rich.
27) Russians dress very stylishly and fashionably.

Americans think differently about Russians: they admire them, they despise them, they consider them a strong and unique people. By the way, you will read below how much different Russians living in the USA differ from Russian Russians.

By this word I mean native speakers of the Russian language, and not people who were born and raised in modern Russia. Most of the “American” Russians have never even seen it (Russia) in their lives. The backbone of the Russian-speaking population here consists of immigrants from the USSR who immigrated to America many years ago. It should be noted that the main Russian population of America consists of Ukrainians and Jews, in fact, those who, as it seems to them, have lived and are living worst of all in the CIS. This could not but leave its mark on the mentality of the Slavic population in the states.

Almost everyone who comes here can find a little Russia here. You can go to a Russian school, restaurant or bathhouse here. Buy Russian products and alcohol in the appropriate stores. Send your child to Russian without any problems kindergarten, play football in the yard with Russian boys and hear rich Russian swearing on every corner. You can even get a job in a Russian company and, after working there for many years, you will never speak English. True, the mentality of local Russians, IMHO, still lives in the 90s.

Russian America is very colorfully represented in New York; Looking at the Brighton Beach area, you involuntarily begin to speculate on the topic “What would have happened to the USSR if it had been captured by the Americans.” There is dirt everywhere and fat women on chairs in front of their house. Add to all this terrible English with a Russian accent (and this after decades of living in the USA!). In an alley you can see two men beating a third man because he owes something to someone. There are Russian inscriptions and Russian food all around. Employees of American banks on Brighton Beach, greeting you at the door, begin to speak Russian. A picture of Russian cattle opens before you, people who believe that business can still be conducted with the help of rudeness and rudeness. Of course, the Russian-Ukrainian-Jewish mentality is not so clearly manifested everywhere, but this does not change the essence much.

America could not take away traditional laziness from our people, which, surprisingly, practically does not prevent them from earning normal money. In a country where it is impossible to live without doing anything, Russians manage to become successful entrepreneurs without sometimes making much effort. Sometimes it becomes simply funny when you talk about politics, economics and other things and in the process you realize that people simply have no idea what is going on in Russia now. The most annoying thing is that they, the local Russians, are no longer interested in this at all. They even call their children American names. Recently I saw two Russian girls, 15 years old, with their parents: these girls spoke Russian with a wild accent and gross mistakes, although their fathers constantly spoke to them in Russian without an accent.

There are a variety of opinions about our fellow emigrants. Some people think that it is quite possible to do business with them comfortably, others think that Russians in America should be the last thing to get involved with. I think that everyone who comes makes their own choice. Russian America is a whole separate world, unlike either the USA or Russia. A world in which there are customs and laws, and the question “To live in it or not to live?” everyone answers for themselves.

Alexander Popov

As a student I went to USA for earnings. I was a little upset by the opinion of some Americans about the Russians. But what upset me even more was that many of the guys I came with confirmed the popular opinion about my compatriots. What do Americans think about Russians?

What Americans think about Russians: myths and truth

I experienced the first shock even before the trip. When they asked me for documents for a visa, they specified that I must smile in the photo. How so? This is an official document! It turns out that for US residents the “person on duty” is face with a smile. While we're at ordinary life are not prone to such manifestations of feelings.

So, what kind of prejudices can be found in the USA towards Russians:

  • All Russians are beggars. Needless to say, the welfare of the average Russian student is much lower than the welfare of an American. Therefore, sometimes I heard funny questions. “Do you have magazines in Russia? Have you ever eaten cookies? Would you like to take home my started tube of shampoo that didn’t suit me?”
  • Russian girls are easily accessible. And, moving among the student community of emigrant women, I can notice that many of them were, in fact, not distinguished by their chastity. It rather depressed me. Because sometimes I had to explain that I came to the USA to work, not to have fun.
  • All Russians dream of staying in America. In this regard, Americans look at us the same way we look at migrant workers from Central Asia.

There were a few more funny moments. For example, some Americans think that Russia helped the US win Second world war . Or what Georgia(in English "Georgia") is a state of America (as Georgia, which is written the same way). But I think most Russians know just as little about the United States.

Should we be afraid of Americans?

The average American knows the whole range of stereotypes about the inhabitants of Russia. But this does not mean that he will consider you a lost drunk and a bear trainer. He understands perfectly well that this is a stereotype. AND will treat you impartially.

In general, the people of the USA are amazing friendly and open people . They are easy to contact and will be happy to help you with everything. But after a couple of hours they they will forget about your existence. That's the mentality. Maybe someone had a different experience?

Despite the fact that Russia is mostly located in Asia, most Russians cannot be distinguished from white Americans in appearance. However, among Russians there are also those who, to one degree or another, resemble Asians. The Russians themselves call a Russian who looks half-Asian Tatar, and looking like a pure Asian - Chyurka. Russians Chyurkas do the dirtiest work, live in the most inhumane conditions and in my own way social status close to Indian untouchables. Moreover, just as Jews under Hitler were forced to wear a yellow Star of David on their chests, Chyurkas are required to wear a special orange vest, which is worn over winter clothing even in winter. Many Russians even claim that Chyurkas are not Russian at all. Indeed, due to long-term intra-caste isolation, their dialect is now so different from the classical Russian language that it is not understood by the Russians themselves. So, if in Russian work sounds like “rabota”, then in the dialect Chyurkas this word sounds like "ish". Probably themselves Chyurkas developed their own slang so that other Russians, especially the police, would not understand them.

According to the old Soviet memory, Russians still do not like the police, and the police themselves are called the contemptuous word “ment”. And although the ments no longer persecute Russians for their bright clothes or unusual hairstyles, they continue to take money from street vendors, turning a blind eye to the fact that they are selling in the wrong place and even counterfeit goods.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Iron Curtain, Russians have stopped wearing felt boots, and now wear exactly the same Chinese sneakers that our youth wear. The only one distinctive feature Russian clothing remains kepka - a special type of headdress, which is worn in summer instead of a baseball cap, and in winter instead of the traditional Russian shapka. The latter is now worn only by military personnel and trappers - Siberian fur-bearing animal hunters. If you see a person in Moscow wearing a shapka on his head, he will most likely be an American.

Russians are outwardly indistinguishable from Americans: on the right is an American, and on the left is a Russian. The main difference is that Russians almost never smile, but they laugh very often.

Outside of Moscow, Russians still live in wooden houses with stove heating. Such houses do not have toilets, and people have to go outside even in winter. However, the Internet is now in every home.

Russia suffered greatly during the Second World War, and many of the buildings destroyed in Moscow by the Germans have still not been restored.

Russians don't drink as much vodka anymore. Only the older generation prefers it. Russian youth prefer beer. The beer, however, is very peculiar - bitter in taste and very strong. I suspect that it is already diluted with the same vodka at the factory. This beer is called “Okhota”, which is translated from Russian as desire. One bottle of this beer can knock down a bison, but for Russians such a dose only excites desire. Therefore, I also suspect that at the same factory they also add yohimbine (an equine pathogen) to beer. Perhaps this is why erectile function in Russians is much stronger than in our men, and persists even after 40 years.

Russians, as before, openly carry weapons, but these are not combat weapons, but traumatic ones. In the first years after the collapse Soviet Union On the streets of Russian cities, incessant shootings were heard, but with Putin coming to power, free carrying military weapons was prohibited, and now you can safely walk along the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg not only during the day, but also at night. Cases of massacres in schools and offices in Russia are extremely rare. But recently, one such incident caused a lot of noise - one crazy person came to work with a weapon and started shooting at his co-workers. However, he managed to kill less than ten people before his colleagues themselves overpowered him. Many Russians claim that if they found themselves alone with an armed man, they would do the same - Russians are still not afraid of dying or being wounded.

Russians now prefer beer to vodka.

Russian women, especially young ones, dress brightly, but with taste.

Russians still eat worse than Americans - this can be seen from their build. Women especially do not eat enough - many of them have noticeable signs of dystrophy, and open back you can clearly see the spine. And this despite the fact that they are dressed smartly, sometimes even pretentiously. They probably save on food to buy expensive clothes and cosmetics. They spend a lot on perfumes and deodorants, and because I don’t use these things, Russian women even condemned me, saying that the smell coming from me was unpleasant to them.

Despite all this, Russian women do not know how to use the toilet.

This is how they use a Russian toilet. The package is not an advertisement for cigarettes, but simply a means of cover, since toilets often do not have stalls.

And in this position, Russian women use a regular sitting toilet. They think it's more hygienic.

Despite all this, Russian women do not know how to use the toilet. Instead of sitting on it, they hang over it, leaning their torso forward, and some, climb onto the toilet with their legs and pee on their haunches. Probably, they are simply not yet accustomed to toilets - many public restrooms still have squat toilets installed instead of sitting ones. A squat toilet is a bucket recessed into the floor. There are ribbed footrests on either side of this bucket. To go to the Russian toilet, you need to stand with your feet on these supports. The toilet will thus end up between your legs. Then you should lower your pants, but not below your knees, so that they do not touch the dirty floor, and then squat down. After finishing urinating, Russian women, as a rule, do not wipe themselves, since toilet paper is not available in all toilets, but shake their lower body several times to shake off any remaining urine. If Russian women have to urinate outdoors (in the original - to pee outdoor), then, unlike American women, they never sit with their butts on the grass, but also urinate on their haunches, like Japanese and Chinese women, which once again confirms that Russia – the country is still Asian.

The squat toilet is a Russian type of toilet.

Russians have a cult of women. On public transport they are given seats, and if a woman is carrying a heavy bag, men offer to help her. Many women abuse this so much that, without working anywhere, they live comfortably at the expense of the men who help them.

In defending the honor of a woman, Russians are ready to take the most extreme measures.

Russians can express their feelings quite openly - right next to the walls of the Kremlin you can see people kissing on benches. True, these are only heterosexual couples - men kissing each other can simply be beaten, but for some reason Russians laugh at women kissing.

By the way, Russian prostitutes in the hotel lobby also only harass men, but they didn’t pay any attention to me. When I asked them about the cost of their services, for some reason they laughed and called me a fool, and one even put her index finger to her temple, imitating a pistol (she probably twirled her finger at her temple - Ed.).

Unlike the times of the USSR, when private ownership of cars was not encouraged, and those who drove a personal car were looked at with suspicion by neighbors and colleagues, believing that the car was bought with stolen money, now all moral restrictions have been removed, and almost all Russians have acquired cars. The width of the roads was not designed for such a number of cars, and traffic jams began to form. Therefore, residents of large cities leave their cars and go by metro.

Russians store their cars in a very unique way. They came up with a garage carrier that literally covers the car. Such garages are called snail shells.

Now in Russia there are many foreign-made cars, but despite this, of all cars, Russians most prefer SUVs of their own assembly. They modify them in artisanal conditions to improve cross-country ability and carrying capacity. At the same time, the driver and passengers are in spartan conditions - the interior is cramped, the seats are hard and uncomfortable, and there is no air conditioning at all. However, most Russian SUVs, despite the vastness of Russian open spaces, are used exclusively in the city.

Typical Russian car

The use of such machines by the Russians is not surprising: outside the cities there is impassable mud.

Russians know it all over the world famous artists, but for some reason they prefer the work of Kazimir Malevich.

Russians love to read. Even their children read. Everyone who rides the Moscow metro while standing is reading. Those who managed to grab a seat sleep right in the subway. Russians know not only Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but also Shakespeare and Dickens. For some reason, they especially like stories from little-known American writer 19th century Mark Twain. Young people are reading now e-books, recorded on tablets or downloaded on the Internet, and the most visited Russian sites were and remain those on which books were published. Despite the collapse of the education system that occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union, literacy persists not only among the older generation, but also among young people born after 1991.

Russians are avid theatergoers, and if every Muslim dreams of visiting Mecca, every Russian dreams of visiting the Bolshoi Theater.

You can buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle only if you have no criminal record, do not suffer from mental illness and do not drink. Considering the latter circumstance, weapons are now inaccessible to many in Russia, and since Putin banned the sale of weapons to drinkers, the streets of Russia have become calm and absolutely safe.

Russians know much more about America than Americans know about Russia. Any person on the subway can list all 50 states for you, name everyone by name American presidents and quote the bill of rights. Almost all Russians in Moscow and St. Petersburg speak English to some degree of perfection. True, few of them pronounce the English “t” correctly, and in their speech they often miss the article, which does not exist in the Russian language at all. But if you ask any decently dressed Muscovite for directions, he will not only explain to you clearly, but in some cases even take you to your destination. In St. Petersburg, they also explain the route patiently, but with less enthusiasm, and one St. Petersburg woman, who spoke impeccably with British pronunciation, having finished her explanation, said reproachfully: “It’s a shame not to know your city!”

Russians love dogs very much. Packs of dogs roam freely around the city and, looking into the eyes of passers-by, ask for food. And people feed them. The situation of dogs in Russia is similar to the situation of cows and monkeys in India.

Modern Russian girls get married not as early and not as willingly as before. Most often, an unplanned pregnancy forces them to marry.