Famous children's writers and their works. The best modern children's writers and their works: list, rating and reviews

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First books for children

For a long time, the reading range of children and adults from educated families was general and special children's literature was not published. Kultura.RF tells what Russian children read in different centuries: from ancient primers to the first works of fiction.


The first schools in Rus' appeared after Epiphany. The entry in the Tale of Bygone Years says that Prince Vladimir "sent to collect from the best people children and send them to book education". At the same time “The mothers of the children wept for them, for they were not yet established in the faith, and wept for them as if they were dead.”.

Ivan Fedorov. Image: publiclibrary.ru

"ABC" by Ivan Fedorov. Image: expositions.nlr.ru

"ABC" by Ivan Fedorov. Image: sovershenstvo-mysli.ru

The main children's reading was church books, most of which were handwritten translations from Byzantine. The first Slavic printed “ABC” was created by Ivan Fedorov in 1574 “for the sake of quick infant learning”. Researcher Ben Hellman in the book “Fairy Tale and Reality. History of Russian Children's Literature" writes that a child had to learn to read in order to study the Holy Scriptures himself. Fedorov's book consisted of three parts: the first - the alphabet, the second - grammar, and the third - reading materials. Self-study texts included prayers and passages from the Bible. “If honey is sweet to the tongue, so much is knowledge and teaching useful to man,”- the alphabet indicated.

In the 15th–17th centuries, a textbook was considered the main and only children's book. Books were quite expensive for the average family. A record by Archbishop Athanasius of the purchase of church books has been preserved: the New Testament was purchased for three rubles, “Peace with God” for one ruble and “The Key of Understanding” for four rubles. At that time, you could buy a horse with this money. Therefore, for a long time, books were considered entertainment, on which it was a pity to spend the family budget, and fairy tales and epics were memorized by heart and passed on from mouth to mouth.

First poetry

It is believed that Russian poetry for children traces its history back to early XVII century, when in the "Bukvar", in addition to church texts, for the first time they published the author's poem of the director of the Moscow Printing House, Savvaty. The poems were edifying: the poet advised young readers to leave "all philosophizing" and work hard and reminded of the harm “laziness and negligence in everything that happens in teaching”.

Savvaty Solovetsky. Image: monasterium.ru

Simeon of Polotsk. Image: posmotrim.by

“The Big Primer” by Karion Istomin (fragment). Image: mynnm.ru

Another poet, the monk and theologian Simeon of Polotsk, is known as the creator of the “A Primer of the Slovenian Language.” Polotsky was also the author of poetic books for the royal children; in particular, he created a collection of moral and ethical instructive stories"Multi-colored wind town."

Another court poet, Karion Istomin, wrote a book about raising children, which he called “Domostroy” - by analogy with the famous work of the same name by the priest Sylvester. Istomin noted that children more easily learn the rules of good manners and Christian morality from short poems. He also published The Big Primer, where illustrations first appeared. This manual was reminiscent of modern ones: each page was devoted to one letter, and the engravings depicted objects and animals whose names began with the letter.

First stories

For ancient Russian chroniclers, who were the authors of a kind prose literature, there was no concept of “age psychology”, which is why there was no prose intended for children in Rus' until the middle of the 17th century.

Philologist Irina Arzamastseva says that at that time the process of transition from educational literature to works of artistic and scientific-educational orientation began: “The educational book gave the child ready-made information that only had to be memorized. Such a book was aimed at one-sided thinking of the reader, accustoming him to someone else's monologue. In parallel, literature is developing, building a dialogue with the child, reflecting his childish “I”, answering his “why”.

In the middle of the 17th century, they began to rework, shorten and simplify knightly and Russian military stories: “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev”, “The Tale of Eruslan Lazarevich”, “The Tale of the Siege of the Don Cossacks”, “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”. The genre of the story also began to take shape: in one of early stories tells the story of a criminal son who, on the way to execution, bit off his mother’s ear. He explained this by saying that his mother was the culprit of his death, since she did not punish him for the first theft.

Tales for princes

During the Peter the Great era, the number of publications for children increased. Books on etiquette appeared, the most famous of which was “An Honest Mirror of Youth,” a textbook on European social manners. Educated children of the 18th century were fond of foreign novels - they translated mainly French, German and english books. Aesop's fables, Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels were popular.

Portrait of Catherine II. Painting by Fyodor Rokotov. 1735–1808. State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Catherine II. The fairy tale “About Tsarevich Chlor”. Image: pushkinmuseum.ru

Catherine II. The fairy tale “About Tsarevich Fevey”. Image: arch.rgdb.ru

Domestic children's books also appeared in the 18th century. Among the authors who turned to literature for children was Catherine II herself. The Empress was inspired pedagogical ideas French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau that a child should develop in accordance with his age. For her grandchildren, Catherine published an ABC book and wrote two fairy tales: “About Tsarevich Chlorus” and “About Tsarevich Fevey.” These books are today considered the first children's works in Russian. Both stories were allegorical and didactic in nature. For example, the hero of the first fairy tale, Prince Chlorus, was looking for a rose without thorns with the help of advisers - Reason, Honesty and Truth - in order to become a better ruler.


Another author of children's books of this era was Professor Kurganov. He created the "Pismovnik" - a grammar of 1769, where he collected “the science of the Russian language with many additions of various educational and useful amusing verbiage”. “Pismovnik” became a universal guide to the Russian language, in which, in addition to information about grammar, one could find poetry, folk proverbs, fairy tales and short anecdotal stories. For example, satirical poems:

Oh, how happy those grains of sand are yellow,
Where have you stepped?
Oh, how beautiful are the soft blades of grass,
Koi were lying under you!

Kurganov himself wrote in the preface about the benefits of entertaining reading and that such text “Enjoys, enriches thoughts and enlightens the mind”, since in it “a lot of moralizing and something that will serve as a useful and pleasant exercise”.

Nikolay Kurganov. “Writer. Part one." Image: imwerden.de

Nikolay Kurganov. “Writer. Part two." Image: imwerden.de

The Letter Book was an incredibly popular book that could be found in every educated family. Among his fans were the writers Alexander Herzen, Nikolai Gogol and Alexander Pushkin. The latter’s character from “The History of the Village of Goryukhin” recalled: “My parents, respectable people, but simple and brought up in the old-fashioned way, never read anything, and in the whole house, except for the ABC, bought for me, calendars and the Newest Letter Book, there were no books. Reading a letter book has long been my favorite exercise. I knew it by heart and, despite that, every day I found new unnoticed beauties in it.”.

Researchers believe that the “Pismovnik” owes its popularity to the fictional part - “Brief Intricate Stories”. It was a collection of funny and entertaining stories, parables and stories. They ridiculed, for example, passion secular society for coffee: “Since coffee serves as the main cure for sadness, then a certain lady, notified that her husband was killed in the war, - “Oh, unhappy!” “- she cried, “bring the coffee soon,” and immediately became cheerful.”. Human vices were also discussed: “A certain lady, restless in her chatter, asked the doctor why her teeth were falling off. He responded to her: “Because, madam, you often deign to hit them with your tongue.”.“Children's reading for the heart and mind” by Nikolai Novikov. Image: arch.rgdb.ru

Portrait of Sergei Aksakov. Painting by Ivan Kramskoy. 1878. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

IN " Children's reading» published stories about virtues and vices, stories about natural phenomena(about the change of seasons or about the structure of the Universe), oriental tales, conversations about morality. Novikov sought to attract popular authors to children's literature, and soon Nikolai Karamzin and Alexander Petrov joined the creation of the magazine. Karamzin published his story “Evgeniy and Yuliy” about tragic love young people. Later, the writer more than once created fairy tales for children, inspired by the works of Charles Perrault.

Among the fans of Novikov’s publication were also classic writers. For example, Sergei Aksakov recalled the minutes of reading the magazine in the book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson”: “Fearing that someone would take my treasure, I ran straight through the hallway into the nursery, lay down in my crib, closed the curtains, unfolded the first part - and forgot everything around me. My mother told me later that I was like a madman: I didn’t say anything, didn’t understand what they were saying to me, and didn’t want to go to dinner. They had to take the book away, despite my bitter tears. The threat that the books would be taken away completely forced me to hold back tears, get up, and even have lunch. After lunch I grabbed the book again and read until the evening.”.

At the end of the 18th century, the writer Alexander Shishkov published “Children's Library” - a collection of translated German poetry, light in rhythm, simple and understandable to children.

Even in the spring
And it's warm
And in winter
It's cold,
But even in the cold
I'm no worse:
In the winter cold
Everyone is young
Everyone is playful
Everyone is funny.

Shishkov's book was fundamentally different from the poetic experiments of previous centuries and became the harbinger of secular Russian poetry for children.

Having analyzed the personalities and creativity of the majority of children's and youth writers of the 20th century, we present to you a list of authors who are the best in terms of the quality of energy and purity of their works.

In our opinion, a child’s education should begin with familiarization with their creativity.

The information contained in Bazhov's books will be developing for people for the next 100 years, Lewis Carroll's books - for the next 50 years. The remaining works presented here will potentially carry an evolutionary message for about 20 years.

Parents, remember! Many books can be found in audio format, don’t be lazy, listen to something yourself!

January 15 (27), 1879 - December 3, 1950 – teacher, journalist, ethnographer, writer. Book of essays “The Ural Were”, autobiographical story“The Green Filly”, author’s collections of tales: “The Malachite Box”, “The Key-Stone”, “Tales of the Germans”. Some of the most famous tales: “ Copper Mountain mistress", "Malachite box", " Stone flower"", "Mining Master", "Fragile Twig", "Iron Tires", "Two Lizards", "Clerk's Soles", "Suchnevy Pebbles", "Grass West", "Tayutka's Mirror", "Cat's Ears", "About the Great snake", "Snake's trail", "Zhabreev's walker", "Golden dykes", "Fire-jumping", "Blue snake", "Key of the earth", "Sinyushkin's well", "Silver hoof", "Ermakov's swans", " Golden Hair", "Dear Name".

July 14, 1891 - July 3, 1977 - mathematician, teacher, translator, writer. He is best known as the creator of the six-book series The Wizard Emerald City": "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers", "Seven Underground Kings", "Fiery God of the Marrans", "Yellow Fog", "The Secret of the Abandoned Castle". His other works: “Architects”, “Wanderings”, “Two Brothers”, “Wonderful Ball”, “Invisible Fighters”, “Planes at War”, “The Wake of the Stern”, “Travelers in the Third Millennium”, “The Adventures of Two friends in the country of the past”, “The Constantinople Captive”, “Petya Ivanov’s Journey to an Extraterrestrial Station”, “In the Altai Mountains”, “Lapatin Bay”, “On the Buzhe River”, “Birthmark”, “Lucky Day”, “By the Campfire” "

Lewis Carroll, real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, January 27, 1832 – January 14, 1898 English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher and photographer. His most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, “Sylvia and Bruno”, the humorous poem “The Hunting of the Snark”, “Phantasmagoria”, as well as a collection of riddles and games “The Story with Knots”.

Borice Vladimirovich Zakhoder September 9, 1918 - November 7, 2000 – writer, poet, translator. Some of his collections of poems: “On the Back Desk”, “Monkey Tomorrow”, “Nobody and Others”, “Who is Like Whom”, “To Comrade Children”, “School for Chicks”, “Calculations”, “My Imagination”, “ If they give me a boat", some works in prose: "The Monkey's Tomorrow", "The Good Rhinoceros", "Once Upon a Time Fip", fairy tales "The Gray Star", "Little Mermaid", "The Hermit and the Rose", "The Story of the Caterpillar", " Why are fish silent”, “Ma-Tari-Kari”, “A fairy tale about everyone in the world”.

Zakhoder is also well known as a translator of many masterpieces of foreign literature for children: A. A. Milne’s fairy tales “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland", fairy tales by K. Capek and the Brothers Grimm, plays by J.M. Barry " Peter Pan", various poems.

June 22, 1922 - December 29, 1996 - poet, prose writer, screenwriter. Novels and short stories: “He was a real trumpeter”, “Boys Station”, “The Mystery of Fenimore”, “Where the Sky Begins”, “Sentry Petrov”, “Where the Battery Stood”, “The Fence with blue eye", "Salute", "I'm following the rhinoceros", "Semyon the Striped", "Temporary Resident", "Game of Beauty", "Sretensky Gate", "Heart of the Earth", "Son of a Pilot", "Self-Portrait", " Ivan-Willis”, “Company Commander”, “Kingfisher”, “Ballerina of the Political Department”, “Girl, Do You Want to Act in a Movie?”, “Travesties”, “Persecution of Redheads”, “Elephant Driver”, “The Passion of Four Girls” , “Difficult Bullfighting”, “Heavy Blood”, “Lala Bullet”, “Party”, “Teacher”, “ Faithful friend Sancho”, “Samantha”, “And Vorobyov didn’t break the glass”, “Ledum”, “Bambus”, “The game of beauty”, “Boy with skates”, “Boy with skates”, “Knight Vasya”, “Collecting clouds” , “Sons of Pedshekhodov”, “History Teacher”, “Girls with Vasilyevsky Island", "Captain Gastello's Friend", "Naughty Boy Icarus", "Memory", "The Last Fireworks", "Sapper", "Goalkeeper", "Bavaclava", "Flower of Bread", "One Voice", "Change of Weather", “Letter to Marina”, “Woke up by nightingales”, “Relic”, “Violin”, “Horseman galloping over the city”, “My familiar hippopotamus”, “Old horse for sale”, “Shorn devil”, “Umka”, “Urs and Kat”, “Visiting the Dog”, “Memories of a Cow”, “The Girl from Brest”, “The Commander’s Daughter”, “The Preference Man’s Daughter”, “We Are Destined to Live”, “The Invisible Cap”, “Lullaby for Men”, “Our address”, “But passaran”, “The day before yesterday there was a war”, “Post number one”, “Constellation of steam locomotives”.

3 August 1910 - 18 August 1995, English children's writer, artist, film actor and theater director. He wrote two books of fairy tales: “Forgotten Birthday”, “Journey along the River of Time”. Here are the titles of some of his fairy tales: “The Dragon and the Wizard”, “Hide and Seek”, “Cows and the Wind”, “Mr. Crococat”, “Where did the starfish come from”, “Under the carpet”, “About the station that did not stand still” ", "About a puddle and a bun with raisins", "About policeman Arthur and about his horse Harry", "Dot-mother and Dot-daughter", "Fog", "Wow", "Breadcrumbs", "Cupid and the nightingale" , “Blackie and Reggie”, “Down!”, “The Big Wave and the Little Wave”, “The Philosopher Beetle and Others”, “Ginger Cookies”, “The Quacking Mailbox”, “Crow and the Sun”, “About the Boy Who growled at the tigers", "Miranda the Explorer", "Mice on the Moon", "Nelson and the Hen", "Knolls and the Juniper", "A Little Penguin Named Prince", "About the Little Bus Who Was Afraid of the Dark", "About Zzzzzzz”, “About Ernie the Parrot Who Got Measles”, “About Olivia the Seagull and Rosalind the Turtle”, “Joe’s Travels”, “Fish and Chips”, “St Pancras and King’s Cross”, “About Olivia the Snail and the Canary ", "Shhhhhh!", "Yak", "The Three Hats of Mr. Kepi", "About the Beetle and the Bulldozer", "About the Beauty Cow", "About the Piglet Who Learned to Fly", "About the Tiger Cub", "About the Tiger Cub Who Loved take a bath", "Daisy's Journey to Australia", "Annabelle", "Ant and Sugar", "Bam! ", "Everything is topsy-turvy", "Ha-ha-ha! ", "The Komodo Dragon", "The Forgotten Birthday of Komodo", "Little Red Riding Hood of Komodo", "The Grasshopper and the Snail", "The Milkman's Horse", "The Rhinoceros and good fairy"," Do you want, do you want, do you want...”, “The Eagle and the Sheep.”

Born May 18, 1952 - American writer science fiction and fantasy. The following works of hers are available in Russian:
“Young Wizards” Series: “How to Become a Wizard”, “Deep Magic”, “High Magic”, “Boundless Magic”
“Magical Cats” Series: “Book Moonlit Night", "Visit to the Queen"
Series " Star Trek": "Doctor's Orders", "Spock's World", "Wounded Sky"
“X-Team”, “Space Police”, “Space Police. Brain killer."

September 15, 1789 – September 14, 1851, American novelist. Novels: “The Spy, or a Tale of No Man's Land”, “The Pilot”, “Lionel Lincoln, or the Siege of Boston”, “The Pioneers”, “The Last of the Mohicans”, “The Prairie”, “The Red Corsair”, “The Valley of Wish-ton” Vish", "Bravo, or in Venice", "Heidenmauer, or the Benedictines", "The Executioner, or the Abbey of the Winegrowers", "Pathfinder, or the Lake-Sea", "Mercedes from Castile", "St. John's Wort, or the First Warpath", "The Two Admirals", "Will-o'-the-Wisp", "Wyandotte, or the House on the Hill", "On Land and Sea", "Miles Wallingford", "Satanstowe", "The Surveyor", "Redskins", "Gleades in the Oak Woods, or Bee Hunter", "Sea Lions", " Fantastic story brigantine of the same name “Sea Sorceress”.

August 28, 1925 - October 12, 1991, born April 15, 1933, Soviet writers, co-authors, screenwriters, classics of modern science and social fiction. Novels and stories: “The Country of Crimson Clouds”, “From Outside”, “The Path to Amalthea”, “Afternoon, XXII Century”, “Interns”, “Attempt to Escape”, “Distant Rainbow”, “It’s Hard to Be a God”, “Monday” starts on Saturday”, “Predatory Things of the Century”, “Anxiety”, “Ugly Swans”, “Snail on the Slope”, “The Second Invasion of the Martians”, “The Tale of the Troika”, “Inhabited Island”, “Hotel climber”, “Baby”, “Roadside Picnic”, “Guy from the Underworld”, “Doomed City”, “A Billion Years Before the End of the World”, “A Tale of Friendship and Unfriendship”, “Beetle in an Anthill”, “Lame Fate” ", "The waves extinguish the wind", "Burdened with evil, or Forty years later"
Plays: “The Jews of the City of St. Petersburg, or Sad Conversations by Candlelight”, “Five Spoons of Elixir”, “Without Weapons”
Stories: “Deep Search”, “Forgotten Experiment”, “Six Matches”, “SKIBR Test”, “Private Speculations”, “Defeat”, “Almost the Same”, “Night in the Desert” (another name is “Night on Mars” ), “Emergency”, “Sand Fever”, “Spontaneous Reflex”, “Man from Pasifida”, “Moby Dick”, “In Our Time” interesting times", "On the issue of cyclotation", "The first people on the first raft", "Poor evil people."

In addition, Arkady Strugatsky wrote several works alone under the pseudonym S. Yaroslavtsev: a fairy tale in three parts “Expedition to the Underworld”, a story “The Devil Among Men” and a story “Details of the Life of Nikita Vorontsov”.

Boris Strugatsky wrote alone under the pseudonym S. Vititsky the following works: “The Search for Purpose, or the Twenty-Seventh Theorem of Ethics,” “The Powerless of This World.”

Born in 1931, artist, illustrator, screenwriter and director, author and illustrator of seventy books for adults and children. Three of his books “The Adventures of the Hryllops Family”, “Kriktor”, “Adelaide. Winged Kangaroo."

December 6, 1943 - April 30, 1992, poet and artist. Published collections of poems: “We went forward - we came back”, “Bird in a Cage”, “Cranks and Others”, “Hooligan Poems”, author’s collections: “Cranks”, “Talking Raven”, “Vitamin of Growth”.

Born in 1952 - teacher, playwright, writer. The author of more than 20 books, the books “The River Flowing Backwards”, “The Winter Battle” and “The Grief of the Dead King” were published in Russian.

Born on January 18, 1981, she wrote two books: “Waffle Heart” and “Tonya Glimmerdahl.” Both of these books by Maria Parr were translated into Russian.

Max Fry - literary pseudonym authors Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Svetlana Yurievna Martynchik (born February 22, 1965, Odessa) - modern writer and artist. Igor Stepin (born 1967, Odessa) - artist.
Books in the series "Labyrinths of Echo: "Labyrinth" ("Stranger"), "Volunteers of Eternity", "Simple Magical Things", " Dark Side", "The Executor", "Obsessions", "The Power of the Unfulfilled", " Chatty Dead", "Labyrinth of Menin". Books in the "Chronicles of Echo" series: "Forehead of the Earth", "The Tulan Detective", "The Lord of Mormora", "The Elusive Habba Han", "The Crow on the Bridge", "The Sorrow of Mr. Gro", "The Glutton Laughing Glutton". Books outside the series: “My Ragnarok”, “Encyclopedia of Myths”, “Book of Complaints”, “Nests of Chimeras”, “Fairy Tales and Stories”, “Book for People Like Me”, “Book of Lies”, “Book of Imaginary Worlds”, " Perfect Romance", "Yellow metal key."
The books will be educational for another 10 years.

(April 4, 1948; Peoria, Illinois) is a famous American science fiction writer. Books: 1985 “Song of Kali”, 1989 “Phases of Gravity” (not published in Russia), 1989 “Carrion Comfort”, 1989 “Hyperion” (“Hyperion”) 1990 “The Fall of Hyperion”, 1990 “Entropy’s Bed at Midnight” (not published in Russia), 1991 “Summer of Night” (“Summer of Night"), 1992 "The Hollow Man" (not published in Russia), 1992 "Children of the Night", 1995 "Fires of Eden", 1996 “Endymion”, 1997 “The Rise of Endymion”, 1999 “The Bell for Ham” (“The Crook Factory”), 2000 “Darwin’s Blade”, 2001 "Hardcase", 2002 "A Winter's Haunting", 2002 "Hard Freeze", 2003 "Ilium", 2003 "Tough as Nails" "("Hard as Nails"), 2005 "Olympos", 2007 "The Terror", 2009 "Drood", 2009 "Black Hills" (V given time not yet published in Russia), 2011 “Flashback” (not yet published in Russia at this time).

The books will be educational for another 10-20 years.

On March 31, 1882, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born - Russian poet, literary critic, children's writer and journalist. The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already a famous critic.
In 1916, Chukovsky compiled the collection “Yolka” and wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile”. In 1923 it was published famous fairy tales"Moidodyr" and "Cockroach".

Charles Perrault

French poet and critic of the classical era, now known mainly as the author of Mother Goose Tales. Charles Perrault was the fourth most published author in the USSR foreign writer for 1917-1987: the total circulation of its publications amounted to 60.798 million copies.

Berestov Valentin Dmitrievich

Russian poet and lyricist who wrote for adults and children. He is the author of such children's works as “The Braggart Serpent”, “The Coltsfoot”, “The Stork and the Nightingale”, etc.

Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator and literary critic. The author of the works “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Doctor Faust”, etc. Almost throughout his literary career, Marshak wrote both poetic feuilletons and serious, “adult” lyrics. In addition, Marshak is the author of classic translations of William Shakespeare's sonnets. Marshak's books have been translated into many languages, and for his translations of Robert Burns, Marshak was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Scotland.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

In addition to his career as a fabulist and war correspondent, Sergei Vladimirovich is also the author of hymn texts Soviet Union And Russian Federation. Among his famous children's works are “Uncle Styopa”, “The Nightingale and the Crow”, “What Do You Have”, “The Hare and the Tortoise”, etc.

Hans Christian Andersen

Author worldwide famous fairy tales for children and adults: “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Ole Lukoye”, “ Snow Queen"and many others.

Agnia Barto

Volova's first husband was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - “Roaring Girl”, “Dirty Girl” and “Counting Table”. During the Great Patriotic War The Barto family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There Agnia had to master the profession of a turner. She donated the prize she received during the war to build a tank. In 1944, the family returned to Moscow.

Nosov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Laureate Stalin Prize third degree, 1952 Nikolai Nosov is best known as a children's writer. Here is the author of works about Dunno.

Moshkovskaya Emma Efraimovna

At the beginning of his creative path Emma received approval from Samuel Marshak himself. In 1962, she published her first collection of poems for children, Uncle Shar, which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and primary school age. It is also worth noting that many Soviet composers wrote songs based on Moshkovskaya’s poems.

Lunin Viktor Vladimirovich

Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later. The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s (the writer himself was born in 1945). Viktor Vladimirovich has published more than thirty books of poetry and prose. His poetic “Az-bu-ka” for children has become a standard for conveying letter sounds, and his book “Children’s Album” is in 3rd place. All-Russian competition children's book " Father's house"In 1996 she was awarded a diploma. In the same year, for “Children's Album,” Viktor Lunin was awarded the title of laureate of the literary prize of the Murzilka magazine. In 1997 he fairy tale“The Adventures of Butter Liza” was awarded as best fairy tale about cats, a library of foreign literature.

Oseeva Valentina Aleksandrovna

In 1937, Valentina Alexandrovna took her first story “Grishka” to the editor, and in 1940 her first book “Red Cat” was published. Then collections of stories for children “Grandma”, “The Magic Word”, “Father’s Jacket”, “My Comrade”, a book of poems “Ezhinka”, the story “Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades”, “Dinka” and “Dinka says goodbye to childhood” were written ", having autobiographical roots.

Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm published several collections called Grimm's Fairy Tales, which became very popular. Among their fairy tales: “Snow White”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “ Bremen Town Musicians", "Hansel and Gretel", "Little Red Riding Hood" and many others.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Contemporaries noted his brilliant mind, humor, and talent as a conversationalist. His epigrams, witticisms and aphorisms were heard by everyone. Tyutchev’s fame was confirmed by many - Turgenev, Fet, Druzhinin, Aksakov, Grigoriev and others. Leo Tolstoy called Tyutchev “one of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably higher than the crowd among whom they live, and therefore are always alone.”

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev

In 1846, the very first collection of poems made Pleshcheev famous among revolutionary youth. Three years later he was arrested and sent into exile, where he spent military service almost ten years. Upon returning from exile, Pleshcheev continued literary activity; Having gone through years of poverty and hardship, he became an authoritative writer, critic, publisher, and at the end of his life, a philanthropist. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances were written based on Pleshcheev's poems by the most famous Russian composers.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

There is no need to introduce this person. This will be done by the characters of his works, including Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, postman Pechkin and others.

Art created for children is a diverse and extensive part modern culture. Literature has been present in our lives since childhood, it is with its help that the concept of good and evil is laid down, the worldview and ideals are formed. Even in preschool and junior school age Young readers can already appreciate the dynamics of poems or beautiful fairy tales, and at an older age they begin to read thoughtfully, so books need to be selected accordingly. Let's talk about Russian and foreign children's writers and their works.

Children's writers of the 19th-20th centuries and the development of children's literature

For the first time, books specifically for children in Rus' began to be written in the 17th century; in the 18th century, the formation of children's literature began: at that time such people as M. Lomonosov, N. Karamzin, A. Sumarokov and others lived and worked. The 19th century is the heyday of children's literature, " silver age“, and we read many books by writers of that time to this day.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

The author of "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice Through the Looking Glass", "The Hunting of the Snark" was born in a small village in Cheshire (hence the name of his character - Cheshire cat). The writer's real name is Charles Dodgson, he grew up in a large family: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He studied at college, became a professor of mathematics, and even received the rank of deacon. He really wanted to become an artist, he drew a lot, and loved to take photographs. As a boy, he composed stories, funny stories, and loved the theater. If his friends had not persuaded Charles to rewrite his story on paper, Alice in Wonderland might not have seen the light of day, but still the book was published in 1865. Carroll's books are written in such an original and rich language that it is difficult to find a suitable translation for some words: there are more than 10 versions of the translation of his works into Russian, and it is up to the readers to choose which one to prefer.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (married Lindgren) grew up in a farmer's family, her childhood was spent in games, adventures and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid learned to read and write, she began to write various stories and the first poems.

The story "Pippi" Long stocking"Astrid composed it for her daughter when she was sick. Later, the stories “Mio, my Mio”, “Roni, the Robber’s Daughter”, a trilogy about detective Callie Blumkvist, a favorite triology of many, which tells the story of the cheerful and restless Carlson, were published.

Astrid's works are staged in many children's theaters around the world, and her books are adored by people of all ages. In 2002 it was approved literary prize in honor of Astrid Lindgren - she is awarded for her contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

This Swedish writer, the first woman to receive Nobel Prize according to literature. Selma was reluctant to remember her childhood: at the age of 3, the girl was paralyzed, she did not get out of bed, and her only consolation was fairy tales and stories told by her grandmother. At the age of 9, after treatment, the ability to move returned in Selma, and she began to dream of a career as a writer. She studied hard, received a doctorate, and became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, her book about the journey of little Nils on the back of Martin the goose was published, then the writer published the collection “Trolls and People,” which included fantastic legends, fairy tales and short stories, and she also wrote many novels for adults.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)

This English writer cannot be called exclusively for children, since adults also read his books with delight. Author of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit: A Journey There and Back Again, creator amazing world Middle-earth, on which incredible films are made, was born in Africa. When he was three years old, his mother, widowed at an early age, moved her two children to England. The boy was fond of painting, foreign languages ​​were easy for him, he even became interested in studying “dead” languages: Anglo-Saxon, Gothic and others. During the war, Tolkien, who went there as a volunteer, contracted typhus: it was in his delirium that he came up with the “Elvish language” that became business card many of his heroes. His works are immortal, they are extremely popular in our time.

Clive Lewis (1898-1963)

Irish and English writer, theologian and scientist. Clive Lewis and John Tolkien were friends, it was Lewis who was one of the first to hear about the world of Middle-earth, and Tolkien - about the beautiful Narnia. Clive was born in Ireland, but most of lived his life in England. He released his first works under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton. In 1950-1955, his “Chronicles of Narnia” were first published, telling about the adventures of two brothers and two sisters in a mysterious and magical land. Clive Lewis traveled a lot, wrote poetry, loved to discuss various topics and was a well-rounded person. His works are loved by adults and children to this day.

Russian children's writers

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

Real name - Nikolai Korneychukov is known for children's fairy tales and stories in verse and prose. He was born in St. Petersburg, lived for a long time in Nikolaev, Odessa, from childhood he firmly decided to become a writer, but when he arrived in St. Petersburg, he was faced with refusals from magazine editors. He became a member literary circle, critic, wrote poetry and stories. He was even arrested for his bold statements. During the war, Chukovsky was a war correspondent, editor of almanacs and magazines. He spoke foreign languages ​​and translated works of foreign authors. Most famous works Chukovsky is “Cockroach”, “Fly Tsokotukha”, “Barmaley”, “Aibolit”, “Miracle Tree”, “Moidodyr” and others.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, poet, translator, literary critic, talented author. It was in his translation that many first read Shakespeare's sonnets, Burns's poems, fairy tales different nations peace. Samuel's talent began to manifest itself in early childhood: the boy wrote poetry, had the ability to foreign languages. The poetry books of Marshak, who moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, immediately enjoyed great success, and their peculiarity was the variety of genres: poems, ballads, sonnets, riddles, songs, sayings - he could do everything. He has been awarded many prizes, and his poems have been translated into dozens of languages. The most famous works are “Twelve Months”, “Luggage”, “The Tale of stupid mouse", "He's so absent-minded", "Mustache-striped" and others.

Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981)

Agnia Barto was an exemplary student; already at school she began to write poetry and epigrams for the first time. Now many children are brought up on her poems; her light, rhythmic poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Agnia was an active literary figure all her life, a member of the jury of the Andersen Competition. In 1976 she received the H.H. Andersen Prize. The most famous poems are “Bullfinch”, “Bullfinch”, “Tamara and I”, “Lyubochka”, “Bear”, “Man”, “I am growing” and others.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

He can be considered a classic of Russian children's literature: writer, chairman of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, talented poet, writer, fabulist, playwright. He is the author of two anthems: the USSR and the Russian Federation. He devoted a lot of time to social activities, although at first he did not have a dream of becoming a writer: in his youth he was both a laborer and a member of a geological exploration expedition. We all remember such works as “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “What do you have”, “Song of Friends”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Under New Year"and others.

Contemporary children's writers

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster

A children's writer, from whose works adults can learn a lot of interesting things. He was born in Odessa, served in the navy, his life is still very active: he is a presenter, a talented author, and a cartoon screenwriter. “Monkeys”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “38 Parrots”, “Caught That Bitten” - all these cartoons were filmed according to his script, and “Bad Advice” is a book that has gained enormous popularity. By the way, an anthology of children’s literature was published in Canada: the books of most writers have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Auster’s “Bad Advice” sold 12 million copies!

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

From childhood, Eduard Uspensky was a leader, participated in KVN, organized skit parties, then he first tried his hand at being a writer, and later began writing plays for children's radio programs, children's theaters, and dreamed of creating his own magazine for children. The writer became famous thanks to the cartoon “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”; since then the long-eared symbol, Cheburashka, has settled in almost every home. We also still love the book and cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”, “The Koloboks Are Investigating”, “Plasticine Crow”, “Baba Yaga Against!” and others.

JK Rowling

Speaking about modern children's writers, it is simply impossible not to remember the author of the series of books about Harry Potter, the boy wizard and his friends. It is the best-selling book series in history, and the films based on them have grossed huge amounts of money. Rowling had to go from obscurity and poverty to worldwide fame. At first, not a single editor agreed to accept and publish a book about a wizard, believing that such a genre would be uninteresting to readers. Only the small publishing house Bloomsbury agreed - and it was right. Now Rowling continues to write, is involved in charity work and social activities, she is a realized author and a happy mother and wife.