Italian and Spanish singers. Italian singers. Singing god of love

Italian singers are famous for their romantic, exciting, heart-stirring voices. Just remember Gianni Morandi, Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno, Al Bano. Italian music was popular in the 80s, but still captivates young people and brings back sweet memories for our parents.

Italian music festivals are held annually, attracting the attention of millions of fans from all over the world. But you can order Italian artists now.

Italian artists at a corporate party are the key to a good holiday!

Order Italian artists for your family or corporate holiday– it’s fashionable and always relevant. Italian pop stars guarantee you a fiery evening, fun party. Italian artists can come to you for corporate party, birthday, anniversary, holiday.

A corporate event and Italian artists are an opportunity to give to your partners and employees. The Italian show will remind you of carnival, an inexhaustible source of energy. Italian music is considered one of the best in the world. It also has cheerful melodies that make everyone around dance. Romantic love songs excite the hearts of all lovers and disappointed ones.

Artists from Italy will fly to you for the holiday and give you a great mood. Their bright temperament and explosive character will ignite everyone around them. Italian stars They perform live, so each song comes through itself, is full of real emotions and true feelings.

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European stars always perform at the highest level. Italian artists provide high-quality sound, wonderful dance show, live communication with all spectators and active participation in the performance.

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They are waiting for you top stars from Europe, famous Italian singers and musicians, real world-famous artists! You can order Italian artists with the help of the RU-Concert agency! Contact us any time, and we will organize you a real holiday, an Italian show at the highest level. Italian stars will descend from their starry Olympus and come to you to give you a holiday.

Eros Ramazzotti (Eros Ramazzotti),

At one time, Italy conquered the world with its singers. True, there were and are more of the first. Italian singers, revered by all, despite some cooling of the world public, still remain quite popular. But here it is worth understanding the difference between opera and pop, although there are also such unique performers who can combine this, not to mention the influence on Italian performers of such an ambitious movement as hard rock, where for some reason the generally recognized leaders are Americans and Germans.

Italian singers: specifics of performance

It is impossible not to touch upon the question of why Italian performers have become so popular. This may seem strange, but it is among them that there are the largest number of tenors.

Even worldwide famous opera La Scala is located in Italy. But at the same time, not only opera stars, but also all those whom many disparagingly call “pop” can perform in grandiose productions. So why then did Italian singers become so popular?

The answer is simple! Originally an opera. The second is the festival in San Remo, which has become a kind of alternative to Eurovision. And the voices heard in the Italian resort town were too good for the performers to be recognized first every year. But! There are also some nuances.

Italian opera singers: where do they start?

As has already been said, La Scala is a world stage where almost all self-respecting tenors strive to get to.

In the world of operatic vocals, it is this stage that gives, as they say, a start in life. But Luciano Pavarotti once sang with Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras. Perhaps no one will surpass them in terms of performance in the next fifty years.

By the way, if anyone remembers the soundtrack of one of the versions of “The Three Musketeers”, Sting, Bryan Adams and Rod Stewart sang there. And with Adams at a meeting of friends, Pavarotti sang this song, although in an operatic performance, but no worse than the honored rockers.

Italian pop music of the 80s

In 1981-1982 The rise of the Italian stage began, which is now commonly called Italo Disco. The pioneers, at least known to our listeners, were the Italian singers Adriano Celentano, Al Bano, Umberto Tozzi, Pupo, Toto Cutugno, Riccardo Fogli, Andrea Bocelli, etc. Only after such a well-known performer as Eros Ramazzotti appeared, who, by the way, published one of his hits paired with mega-star Tina Turner. And today the songs Italian singers known to any listener of that generation.

But first, the hearts of the world were won by the compositions L'Italiano, Soli, Storie di tutti giorni, Felicita, etc. What is most interesting, as it later turned out, the “family” duet of Al Bano and Romina Power turned out to be a purely commercial project in which they invested money Romina's father (watch the video, you don't even have to pay attention to the vocals). And Al Bano still tours successfully as opera singer, visiting the stage only occasionally.

Unfortunately, Italian pop singers of the 80s no longer gather such audiences as before. They are more often invited to concerts in post-Soviet countries, but on condition that they perform hits from 20 years ago. Unfortunately, there’s nothing new to note.

Contemporary performers

Italian singers, established in the opera or disco scene, have felt the competition since the late 80s. This was due not only to the fall in demand for disco, but also to the intensified direction of music, today called Metal.

One of the most famous and influential bands of our time performing completely technical Power Metal is the Italian team Rhapsody. It’s not just the technique of execution, but also musical material, mostly based on epic sagas, tales or legends.

Instead of a conclusion

What should I add? Disco is a thing of the past, although memories of it still linger in many hearts, which at that time beat in unison with popular compositions. We must also give credit to the fact that the development of music continues, and we really want to hope that modern Italian music will eventually be replaced by something else, no less fascinating and conquering the world.

But if you look into the future a little, there is no need to create anything special here. Judge for yourself, because in the musical canons there is already the concept of the “Italian square” in different interpretations and with different sequences of chord changes without changing the tonality. However, who knows...

Italy amazes with the abundance of talented artists and cultural figures; moreover, the country itself has more than once inspired creators from all over the world, who, having visited its amazing spaces, gave birth to new works, full of love and hope. The passionate temperament of Italians is distinguished by the manner in which they behave on stage and perform works. famous composers, making a special contribution to the arts.

Today we will plunge into the enchanting world of music and singing: we bring to your attention the stories of the best Italian singers of the twentieth century, their photographs and videos from performances. We hope this article will open you up to something new in music and you will have some favorite Italian artists.

Let's start our story with the legendary Cecilia Bartoli - performs musical works coloratura mezzo-soprano. Born June 4, 1966 in Italy, Rome.

Her parents were professional singers, and the girl followed in their footsteps: at the age of 9, Cecilia appeared on stage in the opera Tosca. The girl was taught vocals by her mother, although Cecilia studied at the Roman Conservatory, not singing, but playing the trombone. As you can see, future singer for a long time she was in no hurry to declare herself as an opera performer, and she came to La Scala theater quite by accident and unusually: taking part in television show, the girl performed an excerpt from “The Barber of Seville.”

After this, Cecilia Bartoli received many rave reviews from experts, and Riccardo Muti, having seen her performance in the program, invited the young girl to work in the best opera house peace. The singer has published more than 16 music albums with works by Mozart, Rossini, Vivaldi, Gluck, Handel, Caldaru and many rarely performed composers.

On at the moment The Italian opera singer creates her own projects that look like television films with beautiful interiors, images and costumes.

One of the singer’s magnificent and complex creations was a project called “Sacrificium” - “Sacrifice”. The album is dedicated to castrati, their tragedy and sacrifice for the sake of art. Cecilia Bartoli performed works created especially for the high voices of castrati in memory of their contribution to art and admiration for their lives.

Cecilia received worldwide recognition for performing works of the Baroque era, as well as Rossini and Mozart. The most famous roles: Cinderella from Rossini’s opera performed by the singer, Rosina in “The Barber of Seville,” Despina in “That’s What Everyone Do,” Cleopatra in “Julius Caesar.” The famous Italian singer Cecilia Bartoli was awarded the Grammy award in 2002, and the ECHO-Classic award several times, and is a holder of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic and the Order of Arts and Letters (France).

Italian opera singer Anna Caterina Antonacci

Anna Caterina Antonacci was born on April 5, 1961 in Ferrara. Voice – mezzo-soprano. The timbre of her voice is in great demand when performing Rossini's operas. The singer studied vocals in Bologna, and her first debut took place in 1986 in the city of Arezzo - the part of Rosina.

She takes part not only in opera projects as a singer, but also appears in films: The King for an Hour or Imaginary Stanislav (TV, 2010), Medea (TV, 2008), Carmen (TV, 2007), The Trojans (TV, 2003), Don Giovanni (TV 1999), Rodelinda (TV 1998), Don Juan (TV 1997), Macbeth (1987), Proms (TV series 2010) plays herself.

In 2009, she was awarded the highest award for an artist in France, becoming a Knight of the Legion of Honor.

Italian opera singer Barbara Frittoli

Barbara Frittoli – the soft timbre of the Italian silk soprano enchants and lifts to heaven. The singer was born on April 19, 1967 in Milan, where she graduated from the conservatory. She performs leading roles in theaters in Europe and the USA, making her debut in the role of Micaela (Carmen) in 1995.

Critics say that the singer would have achieved great results in Italy if not for her manner of performance: only her voice conveys passions and emotions, and outwardly the performer is not emotional enough. Films with participation: Don Juan (2011) Don Turandot in the Forbidden City of Beijing (TV, 2000), Journey to Reims (TV, 1992), Great Performances (TV series, 1970 – 2011) and others.

Italian singers of the 80s

Our mothers and fathers met each other on dance floors to these songs, got married, and relaxed. Italian singers of the 80s were imitated by performers from other countries, their songs were heard in films, girls wanted to be like them, men admired them. That’s how those times were and the songs were sung more and more about love and hope; there was no doom, sarcasm or resentment in them, except maybe light sadness. Listening to modern songs, you miss those times when there was no negativity pouring out of the speakers and it seemed that life was easier. They say that the song helps us build and live, so let's remember those women who were at the origins of modern pop music and gave the world so many wonderful hits.

Mina Anna Mazzini

Stage name Mina. Italian singer of the 70s, 80s, born in Busto Arsizio on March 25, 1940. She made her television debut in 1959. She started performing at a very young age, when she was barely 15 years old. She became famous after a concert at the famous Compass club, where Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra performed at that time.

Since 1960, the singer has starred in 11 films and her songs have been featured in another 20 films. In 1978 she stopped performing at concerts, but still produces music albums almost every year. The first album was called “Tintarella di luna” (1960). In 2012, the CD “12 American Song Book” was released. In total, during this time the singer released about 100 albums.

Marina Fiordaliso

Italian singer with a unique slightly in a hoarse voice. Born February 19, 1956. She sang in pop and rock styles, but has now switched to performing works in the soul style: critics believe that this direction suits her deep vocals. She studied vocals and piano at the conservatory. She began her career in 1981 and was immediately invited to the competition in San Remo, but she managed to become its laureate only in 1983 (6th place). The song that won the following year at the same festival and won 5th place - Non voglio mica la luna - brought her worldwide fame.

Italian actress and singer Giorgia Moll

Georgia Mule was born in Italy, the city of Prata di Pordenone on January 14, 1938. She began her career with modeling and starred in television commercials. Then she became an actress. Films with her participation: the comedy “Unscrewed,” directed by Carlo Lizani (1955); “The Quiet American”, directed by Joseph Mankiewicz (1958), as well as works in films by French directors: Jean-Luc Godard, Steno, Alberto Sordi and others. She became famous as a singer in the 60s, releasing several records. In the 70s, she left cinema and began taking up photography. In 1984, she again appeared in a film directed by Alberto Sordi called “Putting Everyone Behind Bars.”

Raffaella Carr? (Raffaella Cara)

Italian singer, actress, TV presenter. Born in Bologna on June 18, 1943. Since childhood, she participated in television productions and at the age of 8 she was sent to Rome to study theater skills. The beginning of his career on television occurred in the 60s with participation in television shows, filming in TV series and musicals. Partners on the set were Frank Sinatra and Marcello Mastroianni. In the early 70s, Kara recorded the song: “What music is a maestro” for the opening screensaver of the program “Canzonissima-70”. The audience loved the melody so much that Rafaella’s career as a singer began on its own.

In those days, the song “What Music is a Maestro” took the top steps of the charts. A combination of professionalism acting and vocals attracted the attention of viewers, critics and show business organizers to Rafaella. Kara was known all over the world, took part in many programs, was a TV presenter of reality shows, competitions, concerts, and hosted Eurovision several times. Her songs were performed by many singers from all countries. During her stage career, Rafaella Cara has released about 70 albums and currently continues to work on television as a TV presenter of the best music shows in the world.

Contemporary Italian singers

Young people famously picked up the musical baton and show business was filled with new songs in Italian. Here is a list of contemporary Italian singers:

  • Giorgia – Georgia Todrani. Author and performer of songs, known throughout the world thanks to her vocal abilities. As a child, she listened to jazz, which later influenced the creation of her unique style of performance. Georgia gained popularity in 1993 at the Sanremo festival, where her song Nasceremo took first place. In 1994 he released his first album entitled Giorgia, which became certified double platinum. A duet with Luciano Povarotti helps her become famous in Italy, after which Georgia will be invited several times to sing in front of the Pope. The singer's albums contain many star duets, which makes her work even more diverse. Georgia is loved for her courage to do the difficult and unknown and the result of this is several more victories at the Sanremo festival, work as a radio show host and the Wind Music Awards for the song Salvami.

  • Giusy Ferreri – beautiful woman, a peculiar voice characteristic of Italians. She writes the lyrics and music for her songs herself. She gained popularity after participating in the Italian version of the show “The X Factor”. The singer’s grandiose achievement is the 2008 album “Gaetana,” which was certified platinum 4 times in a row and sold 300,000 copies. This is a must see, so watch Giusy Ferreri's Non Ti Scordar Mai Di Me video at the end of our article.
  • Arisa - first appeared on stage at the festival in Sanremo and won a special critics' prize and first place in the category "Best new artist" We recommend watching her video “Meraviglioso amore mio” and you will forever remain a fan of this incredible performer.
  • Laura Pausini is a popular singer far beyond Italy in the Middle East and Latin America. Her awards include a Grammy in 2006 for the album “Escucha”, and her other disc “Primavera In Anticipo” in 2008 sold 1,800,000 copies. Laura Pausini performs songs in 5 languages ​​in the style of ballads, pop and soul. The singer sang a duet with many famous contemporary performers and won popular love.

We wish you a pleasant listening experience, amazing discoveries and inspiration, because each performer is able to show you his unique world of enchanting melodies, which you did not know about before.

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On October 12, 1935, the famous opera singer Luciano Pavarotti was born. He is called one of the superstars of the twentieth century opera stage. We decided to remember other famous lyric tenors from Italy

Enrico Caruso

When Enrico came to study at music school, then his teacher was sure that the boy had neither hearing nor voice. Now it is customary to say that Caruso is a symbol of bel canto, which made Naples famous throughout the world. His debut is considered to be the role of Enzo from the opera La Gioconda. Enrico has toured all over the world and worked at the Metropolitan Opera for 17 years. During his performances in America, world fame and fame came to him. He was the highest paid opera singer of his time. When Caruso participated in the play, the management increased ticket prices at its own discretion. After the death of the opera singer in 1921, a wax candle was made at the expense of fans, which for 500 years should be lit once a year in front of the face of the Madonna in memory of the singer.

Beniamino Gigli

Italian opera singer and film actor, considered the “successor” of Enrico Caruso. As a boy, he learned to sing in cathedral, then performed in church masses, and later played the saxophone as part of the city orchestra. In 1914, his debut performance took place - it was the role of Enzo from the opera La Gioconda. Gigli was invited to work in many theaters in Italy. Like Enrico Caruso, Gigli worked at the Metropolitan Opera. He acted in films a lot. Mostly they were about music: “Ave Maria”, “Giuseppe Verdi”, “Pages from operas”.

Franco Corelli

He made his debut in 1951, and 2 years later he performed at the Florentine Spring festival, where he performed the role of Pierre Bezukhov in the Italian premiere of Prokofiev's War and Peace. He has the best roles in the operas “The Pirate” by Bellini and “The Huguenots” by Meyerbeer. In 1967, at the Metropolitan Opera, he performed the title role in Gounod's Romeo and Juliet. About Franco Corelli you can hear that “... this voice rises above everything: the voice of thunder, lightning, fire and blood...”.

Andrea Bocelli

Andrea began learning to play the piano at the age of 6, then mastered the flute and saxophone. At the age of 12, after an accident, he became completely blind. At first music was a simple hobby for him. Even when he was studying to become a lawyer, he worked part-time in restaurants, performing songs by Piaf and Aznavour. But one day he plucked up courage and came to audition for Franco Corelli when he was passing through Turin. Corelli took young man to students. At this point Andrea ended his career as a lawyer. In 1994 at music festival Andrea made his debut in San Remo - he performed the song “Il mare calmo della sera”. In the same year, Luciano Pavarotti invited Andrea to participate in the Pavarotti International concert in Modena. They say about Andrea Bocelli that he is the only singer who managed to merge pop music and opera together: “He sings songs like opera, and opera like songs.”

Alessandro Safina

Alessandro began to build his career as a classical opera singer: he studied at the conservatory, performed parts in the operas “The Barber of Seville”, “The Mermaid”, “Eugene Onegin”, “Capulets and Montecs”. And then he began performing in a new genre, which he calls “opera rock.” It’s not for nothing that he calls his favorite performers the groups U2, Genesis, Depeche Mode and The Clash. Now Alessandro has several albums under his belt. Safina constantly tours. Almost every year he travels with solo concerts by cities of Russia. In addition, the singer acts in films. He played himself in the Brazilian TV series Clone and played the role of the artist Mario Cavaradossi in the free adaptation of Giacomo Puccini's opera Tosca.

Italian musical culture has always been at the highest level and occupied a leading position among all possible genres and performers different countries. Its dawn came in 1970-90 of the last century, when almost every person heard the songs of such stars as Adriano Celentano, Eros Ramazzotti, Roberto Angelini, Ricky Poveri, Toto Cutugno, Robertino Loretti etc. These songs could be heard almost everywhere - in popular films, in discos and on video and audio cassettes. And even to this day there is no person who does not know at least one Italian song - they are all distinguished by their special national flavor, the uniqueness of the melody, the brightness of their sound and memorable words. The songs are very popular all over the world, but in domestic countries they are probably known no worse than in Italy itself. What were the songs of Italian performers about? They are all imbued with relationships, love, everyday events, disappointments and hopes - the whole gamut of emotions that the most beautiful language in the world can convey. So, which songs are the most famous and recognizable? Let's take a closer look at each song and try to plunge into the history that is associated with it.

Popular Italian songs of the twentieth century

These years were undoubtedly marked by the appearance on stage of one of the kings of Italian songs -. In 1966, a song appeared that brought Celentano real fame - “Il Raqazzo della via Gluck”, whose name translates as “The Guy from Gluck Street.” The song was translated into 22 languages ​​and was on the charts in many countries for a long time. And after just 2 years, a new creation by the maestro appears - "Azzurro", which has become one of the most recognizable and popular in Adriano Celentano’s repertoire. The song is so famous today that it became the unofficial anthem at the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Later this song was covered by many famous performers and teams.

Some of the most popular Italian songs of the twentieth century belong to. Perhaps not everyone knows what he looks like and what many of his songs are, but such hits as “Besame Mucho” And “O sole mio” thundered throughout the world, including the USSR. These songs are among the most famous, they were present in many films, cartoons and can still be heard often. These songs are sung in a voice called a treble, analogous to a female soprano. Therefore these famous songs can be recognized among hundreds of others, because it is so subtle, pure and high voice nowhere to be found among Italian performers.

In the 80s, another song by Adriano Celentano was released, which became popular not only in domestic countries, but also in many European countries - "Amore No". Perhaps one of the few Italian songs (but so characteristic of Celentano) that sings not about love, but about its absence. And again in this song the performer shares his sadness regarding his unrequited love for a girl. At one time, the song was played on almost all radio stations in Europe and in many discos, so what is stopping you from listening and appreciating all the beauty of the melody and words?

More details about Italian singers– on this page:

For the most part, beautiful Italian songs The 70-80s mostly belong to Adriano Celentano. At the moment, he owns 40 albums, so we can draw a conclusion regarding the significant contribution he made to Italian pop culture of those years. In the period from the 80s to the 90s, Adriano Celentano recorded several albums with the singer Mina, each of which sold two million copies. This is perhaps the best evidence of how popular Celentano is in the world as an Italian pop singer.

What's happened true love? Many people know the expression “to love in French,” but it is unlikely that any Europeans can be as temperamental and ardent as the Italians. To love in Italian - that’s the meaning of the song Biagio Antonacci mid-90s “I can’t live without you anymore” or “Non vivo piu senza te”. For domestic listeners, she is better known as “No, senora, no”- these words are in the chorus of the song. The song is very colorful, the singer conveys in it the idea of ​​how much you can love and admire a person.

No less famous than the above songs are the creations, in particular the song “Cantare-ooo”, which after a long time is still one of the most famous and popular. Nowadays the song has received new life, having been heard repeatedly in many television programs and show.

One of the most popular Italian songs is called “Duo soldi”- “Two soldi.” It was performed large number singers since 1954. The most beautiful and famous version of the song is performed Katina Ranieri, however, in 1982 it was released by Melodiya without indicating the artist. For some period, everyone forgot this song, but soon it was remembered again thanks to its performance in the film “Liquidation,” where the Italian performer Valma de Angelis sang behind the scenes. This song was also performed by other singers, including Marco Fanti, Nilla Pizzi, Angela Luce.

Contemporary Italian songs

Italian songs of the new period, from the late 90s to the present day, are available to almost every fan of high-quality and beautiful music. And opens the hit parade best songs modernity who do you think? That's right, Adriano Celentano, with his immortal composition “Confessa”. Needless to say, this song really gives you goosebumps, no wonder it is recognized as one of the best songs of modern pop music. The whole plot of the song is based on the love story of an elderly Italian man for a beautiful young girl, and the lyrics of the song are about the same. It is impossible to list all domestic and foreign performers who covered this song - Buinov, Rosenbaum, Chistyakov, Vitas and many others.

One of the most beautiful and pleasant songs of the late 90s belongs to the author Eros Romazotti“Cose de la vita”, which is translated as “Efforts of life.” Needless to say, the song tells a story that is typical for all Italians about feelings, love and attitude towards them. As they say, “some things are for the better, and some things are for the worse, but these are everyday affairs, they are always intertwined.”

Another worthy performer of the early 2000s is Roberto Angelini. In our countries he has not received wide popularity, but in his homeland the song "Gattomatto" made the performer truly popular. In 2003, this song was released as a single and became a real hit, which the Italians called only “un tormentone estivo”, which means “summer tediousness” - but in in a good way, the song got its name due to the fact that the song was played all day and night on all existing radio stations and television. The song is really good and can take its rightful place among every music lover.

Relatively recently, among the stars of Italian pop music performers, new star, whose name Nina Zilli. Her songs began to appear only in 2009, and at the moment there is only one album in her repertoire. But at the same time, Nina Zilli’s start was quite successful and fast - in 2010 she was already nominated for the “Best Italian Performer” award at the MTV Music Awards.

One of the modern Italian performers who is definitely worth listening to is. Songs are performed in such genres as pop, rock and blues. This young woman has a very unusual and strong voice, which is often compared to the voice Amy Winehouse. In November 2008, the first album of this performer was released, which instantly became popular not only in Italy, but also abroad. The album went platinum four times, its songs repeatedly took first place in international charts, and the album's circulation exceeded 300,000 copies. We can say that this young and beautiful Italian woman will have great success, because in addition to a beautiful and strong voice, she has excellent artistry and good plasticity, which can be seen in her videos. In general, lovers of Italian music should definitely listen to the songs of Giusi Ferreri, which will certainly find a worthy place among the favorite songs of each of them.

Another Italian representative of the fair sex recently marked her appearance on the world stage and her name is Laura Pausini. She has a truly beautiful and strong voice and also performs songs in Italian, Portuguese, French and English languages. In 2008, Laura Pausini received a Grammy Award for Best Pop Album. Considering that this is one of the world's highest awards in the music industry, one can imagine how good her songs are. Her album has sold more than 1.8 million copies worldwide “Primavera Anticipo”, which contained the song of the same name. Laura Pausini can be considered a worthy successor to the best Italian singers of the 70-90s.

The best Italian songs of 1982

The best Italian songs of this period can be found on many gramophone records of that time, which were owned by almost every music lover. However, there is no need to look for them again, let’s refresh our memory and remember what songs were on the records of the Moscow Gramzapis experimental plant.

Among the performers who appeared on the record and soon became known to all domestic fans of Italian music were the following:

Ricardo Fogli with songs “ Ordinary stories” and “Sadness”;
Umberto Tozii and the songs “Gloria”, “You”;
Loredana Berte and the song “Cinema;
Juni Russo and the song “Summer by the Sea”;
Viola Valentino and her song “Romance”.

The music has its own unique style, which is characteristic of all songs of the 80s, in addition, the special Italian flavor made them especially memorable and enjoyable for every lover of a good sounding voice and melody.

Italian pop songs of the 80s

One of the most memorable songs of the golden 80s in Italian music is the song “Marina” Francesco Napoli. In fact, the author is known only for this song, although there were many others in his repertoire. However, this song has taken a special place in the hearts of fans of Italian music of the 80s thanks to its unobtrusive motive, pleasant melody and beautiful words.

Another song that almost every person can sing and remember its tune is the famous "Felicita" Albano. The title of the song directly reflects its essence - “Happiness”. Albano to share his thoughts on what happiness really is. For him it’s a glass of wine, rain outside the window, an amazing evening, greeting card, love song and much more - simple human values, which you very rarely notice and do not attach to them special significance. The melody is imbued with cheerfulness and positivity, with elements national color. This song will certainly take its rightful place in the players of many lovers of good music in our time.

Another top star on the Italian stage in the 80s was the singer Mina, who captivated everyone with her strong voice and beautiful timbre. Her song "Amore" at that time it sounded almost everywhere, taking first place on many charts in Europe.

Best Italian Song

Many will ask: “So what is the best Italian song?” A definite answer to this question cannot be given, since each person’s tastes in music may differ, and what for one will be the most best song, then someone else might not like it. Many songs by Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno, Eros Ramazzotti, Robertino Loretti and other performers can definitely be called some of the best. And which song exactly depends on the taste of each individual, so it’s worth listening to them all in order to fully feel the atmosphere that Italian songs create.

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