Life story. ​Victor Marie Hugo - great French writer

We decided to collect several interesting facts from the biography of one of the most famous French novelists.

Victor Hugo began writing very early. Researchers know of two unpublished tragedies by a fourteen-year-old author. At fifteen, Hugo had already received an honorable mention at the Academy competition for the poem “Les avantages des études”, at seventeen he received two prizes at the Jeux Floraux competition, and at twenty he was granted an annual allowance on behalf of King Louis XVIII.

Perhaps even earlier than literary abilities, Hugo showed talent as a painter. He started drawing at the age of 8. Most of the sketches are done in ink and pencils. Now there are about 4,000 of them in private and public collections. graphic works. There is a well-known phrase that Delacroix said to Hugo: “If you became an artist, you would eclipse all the painters of our time.” By the way, Delacroix himself became the designer of the costumes for the writer’s first play, Amy Robsart.

There were legends about Hugo's romantic adventures. The writer really had many mistresses, but he called only one woman his “true wife,” and no, it was not his legal wife Adele Fouché, but former actress Juliette Drouet. The writer met Juliette when he was 31 years old and was already raising four children. He categorically did not want to divorce Adele, although she was not distinguished by fidelity to her husband, so the young actress had to come to terms with the role of an eternal mistress. This strange union lasted about fifty years until Drouet's death.

Hugo's novel about the fate of the hunchback Quasimodo and the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda helped preserve the famous cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. This is now a Gothic building, the construction of which began already in the 12th century - one of the most famous symbols of the French capital, and at the time of Hugo it was in extremely poor condition. Under Napoleon Bonaparte, it was transferred to the church, very quickly fell into disrepair and by the 30s of the 19th century was under threat of demolition. Victor Hugo's popular novel attracted many tourists and thereby saved it from destruction. In the preface to the book, the author said: “One of my main goals is to inspire the nation with a love for our architecture.”

Despite all the services to the fatherland, Victor Hugo found himself in exile and lived in a foreign country for almost fifteen years. After Napoleon III came to power, Hugo publicly declared the new ruler a traitor to France. The writer should have been put behind bars or even shot, but he, perhaps with the help of Juliette, managed to move to Brussels, and then moved to Jersey and a little later to St. Peter Port, where his family came to join him.

Despite the fact that Hugo had everything one could dream of: talent, money, influential friends, he was never able to provide happy life to your children. The eldest of the surviving children, Leopoldina, died at the age of nineteen while sailing on a yacht with her husband. The youngest, Adele, deeply shocked by the death of her sister, having experienced unhappy love and flight from France, lost her mind and ended her days in a psychiatric hospital. The sons did not live long either famous writer, both Charles and François-Victor died at the age of 45.

Flight from France did not in any way diminish Hugo's fame in his homeland, after returning to France he again became the pride of the country. The writer died on May 22, 1885. About a million people attended his funeral ceremony. The coffin with his body stood for two days under Arc de Triomphe, which was specially covered with black crepe for this purpose. After a magnificent funeral, the writer was placed in the Pantheon.

Victor Hugo is one of the most famous French writers, the author of the novels “Notre Dame de Paris”, “Les Miserables” and many others, which have become world classics, the reading of which is mandatory for everyone who considers himself educated person and who never cease to delight and serve as inspiration for new generations of writers, artists, musicians and filmmakers. We offer interesting facts about the famous writer.

1. Hugo was born on the street of glassblowers, where representatives of this profession lived. His father was a general in Napoleon's army. Victor was his third child. His parents often separated and got back together, but eventually separated. Victor remained to live with his mother, who raised him according to Voltairean and royalist views. He was able to meet his father again, whom Victor always loved and respected, only after his mother died.

2. Among Hugo’s literary idols, the first was François Chateaubriand. Already in his teens, Victor said that he wanted to “be Chateaubriand.” Later critics said that Hugo surpassed Chateaubriand. At the age of fourteen, Victor was already the author of two tragedies, which, however, remained unpublished.

3. Victor also showed talent as an artist, starting to draw almost earlier than to write. The Hugo Museum contains pencil sketches and ink drawings made by him.

4. Speaking about his most famous novel, Notre Dame Cathedral, Hugo stated that he wrote the book in order to return the French to their love for their architecture. At that time there was talk of demolishing the cathedral, whose Gothic appearance seemed outdated. Victor loved the cathedral very much and was outraged by the desire to demolish the architectural monument. After the novel gained incredible popularity, talk about the destruction of the cathedral stopped, and it finally became one of the main attractions of Paris.

5. Another novel that made the writer famous, Les Misérables, took him twenty years to create. During times Civil War in the USA it was very popular among Americans. Writing the novel was very difficult.

6. At times, so that nothing would distract him, Hugo went into an empty room, leaving himself only paper with a pen, and wrote naked, giving his clothes to the servants. Even clothes, as the writer assured, could distract him from working on the text.

7. His wife Adele allegedly had no feelings for her husband, but they had five children.

8. For 16 years, Hugo’s place of life was one of the hotels in Paris.

9. At one stage of his life, Victor began a political career, and it was believed that it could be successful. Unfortunately, it was then that his daughter died, and the writer could no longer think about any politics.

10. When Hugo was 84 years old, he could not refuse to attend the parade that was held in his honor. As a result, he developed pneumonia, which killed the writer. In Paris, mourning for the great Victor Hugo continued for ten days.

Famous poet brilliant writer and a great lover - this is how he went down in history Victor Hugo. remembers what the life of one of the most widely read French authors in the world was like.


Hugo was influenced by the figure of the popular French writer Francois Chateaubriand. Already at the age of 14, the ambitious young man declared: “I will be Chateaubriand or nothing,” but he turned out to be one of the few who managed to surpass his idol. When a famous critic Andre Gide asked who is the best French poet, he answered: “Alas, Victor Hugo.”

Victor Hugo in his youth. Source: Public Domain

Despite the fact that some of Hugo's works caused misunderstanding or heated debate among critics, the young talented author was always highly valued. Already at the age of 15, he achieved his first literary successes, and at 29 he wrote one of his most famous books, “Notre Dame Cathedral.”

First historical novel in French immediately received recognition from the general public. It is noteworthy that the book brought world fame not only to its young author, but also to the main character - the Gothic cathedral.

In the first half of the 19th century, Notre Dame Cathedral was planned to be demolished because it was considered too old-fashioned. Hugo, who loved visiting the Gothic cathedral, became seriously concerned about its fate and decided to immortalize architectural monument in his new work. As the author had hoped, after the book was published, there was no question of demolishing the cathedral—tourists began to flock to the capital of France to see the landmark with their own eyes.

Hugo's literary career always went uphill - new masterpieces regularly appeared from his pen, and already in 1841 he was elected to the French Academy. It seemed that everything was easy for the talented author, but that was not the case. For example, over your famous novel Hugo worked on Les Miserables for almost 20 years. Sometimes, so that nothing would distract him from writing a book, he locked himself in the room, taking off all his clothes (the writer ordered the servants to return them only after he had written at least a few pages).

It is generally accepted that Hugo revived French: in his works he spoke to the people in the language of the people, using colloquial vernacular and rich metaphors. Today he is called “the sun of French poetry,” and he himself did not suffer from modesty: “There is only one classic in our century, the only one, you understand? It's me. I know French better than anyone... I am accused of being proud; yes, it’s true, my pride is my strength,” said Hugo.

Adele Fouche. Source: Public Domain


All of France was talking not only about outstanding literary abilities Hugo, but also about his weakness for the female sex. About adventures famous writer created whole legends. However, the Frenchman was not always known as an unscrupulous womanizer: in his youth, he was convinced that spouses should maintain chastity before marriage in order to “later taste the joys of love with a full cup.”

Your first mutual love - Adele Foucher- the writer sought for several years, and he dedicated the first collection of poems to her: “To my beloved Adele, the angel in whom all my glory and all my happiness” (it is no coincidence that Hugo put “happiness” in second place, fame and recognition for the “sun of French poetry" were above all).

In their marriage, Hugo and Adele had five children, but over the years the famous husband began to look more often at young girls. And the end is prosperous family life marked the meeting between the writer and the actress Juliette Drouet, who at the age of 26 was known as a sophisticated courtesan. Judging by Hugo's memoirs, his sudden love for the flighty actress turned him from a shy young man into a confident, self-sufficient man. From then on, the famous writer dedicated new works not to the mother of his children, but to Juliette - “my angel who grows wings.”

The flighty girl also turned out to be crazy about Hugo, for his sake she left the stage and abandoned numerous fans. He turned into a real tyrant: he forbade his mistress to leave the house, and he continued to change women like gloves.

The novel between the writer and the ex-actress lasted five decades - until Juliette’s death. Hugo took the loss of his beloved very hard, and shortly before her death he presented a photograph of himself with the inscription: “50 years of love. This is the best of marriages." But despite his deep feelings for Juliette, until the end of his days the famous Frenchman remained an incorrigible ladies' man. On last pages notebook Hugo had eight love affairs, the last of which occurred just a few weeks before his death.


All his life Hugo tried to be the center of attention. Even when the writer was approaching 80 years old, he continued to attend numerous events intended for young people.

Hugo spent the last years of his life in Paris. It's funny, but even before the writer's death, the street on which he lived was renamed in his honor. Therefore, when the famous writer left his mailing address for someone, he always wrote: “Monsieur Victor Hugo on his avenue in Paris.” But this “sun of French poetry” was not enough: they say he wanted Paris to be renamed Hugo after his death.

Vanity destroyed the writer. He died at the age of 83, but if not for pneumonia, which he got through stupidity, he could have lived even longer.

Funeral of Victor Hugo. Photo:

The Frenchman developed the disease after the parade that was held in his honor. That day, doctors recommended that Hugo remain on bed rest, but he, of course, did not want to miss the large-scale event in his honor and greeted fans from the open window. The next day, the famous author came down with a cold, which developed into pneumonia.

“I leave fifty thousand francs to the poor. I want to be taken to the cemetery in a poor man's hearse. I refuse funeral services from any churches. I ask all souls to pray for me. I believe in God. Victor Hugo,” wrote the famous Frenchman in his will. However, the coffin with his ashes was escorted to last path about a million people, and the funeral ceremony took place over 10 days - none of his contemporaries received the same honor.

Victor Marie Hugo is considered a famous French writer and a talented literary figure. Read below short biography Victor Hugo.

Childhood, family and personal life

Victor Hugo was born in 1802 in Besançon, France. Father Joseph Leopold Siguisbert Hugo was a general in Napoleonic's army. Victor's parents separated and lived separately, so the little son constantly lived in one or another house. This is probably why he was often sick as a child.

From a very young age, Victor was in love with a girl, Adele Fouquet, and in 1822 she agreed to become his wife, when the writer was not yet 20 years old. The young couple lost their first child in infancy - he lived only a few months. However, later they had four more - two sons and two daughters. Victor and Adele were happily married, they had the best relationship, so some even said that they were a “holy family.”

Theater in the biography of Victor Hugo

The 20s and 30s of the nineteenth century are characterized by a special surge in plays, while novels and odes recede into the background. Hugo also succumbs to this influence, and spends more and more time in the theater at rehearsals.

Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the relationship between spouses becomes worse and worse, mutual understanding and closeness of communication are lost.

Despite the fact that at that time Hugo created a unique masterpiece, the play “Hernani”, and received huge money for it, family ties completely collapsed.

In 1831, the biography of Victor Hugo was marked by the fact that he completed the creation of Notre Dame Cathedral, and at the same time Victor and Adele decided to separate.

But Victor is not left alone - just at that moment he met Juliette Drouet, a slender, charming courtesan from Paris. This gave the writer new wave inspiration for his creations, and he began to study literature with particular force. Coming soon new collection Hugo "Songs of Twilight". It is noteworthy that Juliette Drouet had a completely different attitude towards the work of Victor Hugo, unlike his ex-wife. She appreciated and deeply respected him as a writer.

Victor Hugo plunges into social activities, and in 1845 even became a peer of France.

In 1843, his eldest daughter and her husband tragically died, and at the same time, Hugo’s relationship with Juliette was almost on the verge of breaking. As it turns out, Victor spends time with many other girls, and even later Juliette learns from his mistress about their relationship, as evidenced by Victor Hugo’s love note.

Further successes in the creative biography of Victor Hugo

Victor decides to leave France, and while abroad his pamphlet “Napoleon the Small” is published. This piece receives incredible success, which inspires Hugo to new achievements. The collection of “Contemplations” improved the writer’s position financially so much that for this fee alone, Victor built himself a house.

Women in the biography of Victor Hugo have always been in one of the first places. And even at the end of his life, Victor Hugo remains very loving, because despite the death of his first wife, Adele, and all his children from that marriage, he actively meets and spends time with different women. And even at the age of 80, a few months before his death, he had love affairs.

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Victor Marie Hugo is one of the most widely read French prose writers, poets and playwrights in the world. In addition, he is one of the main figures of French romanticism. It was he who had an invaluable influence on such world-famous writers as Albert Camus, Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky.

In current catalogs Book Club you can purchase two discounted editions of Victor Hugo's works. This is the epic novel “Les Miserables” and a collection of three great works of the author under one cover, which includes “Notre Dame de Paris” - a magnificent novel about all-conquering love, “The Man Who Laughs” - a story about pain and mercy, “Gavroche” - a story about the love of life of a reckless boy.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting facts about the writer. You will find out why he stripped naked while writing the novel, what his other talent was besides writing, and to what address he asked for letters to be sent to him. Have fun reading!

1. When Victor Hugo was a child, his family traveled a lot. The future writer spent his childhood in Marseille, Corsica, Elba (1803-1805), Italy (1807), Madrid (1811), where his father worked, and from where the family returned to Paris each time. Traveling left a deep impression on the soul of the future poet and prepared his romantic worldview.

2. When Hugo wrote the novel Les Misérables, he was visited quite often by a serious creative crisis. Hugo tried to fight it by alienating himself from everything worldly, locking himself in his room alone with his only comrades: pen and paper. There, in complete silence and with complete concentration, he created a great work. At the same time, he undressed and gave all his clothes to the servants so that they would not distract him from the creative process.

3. Hugo and his wife Adele Fouché had five children. Four of them died at a young age.

4. Hugo was also a talented artist. He started drawing at the age of 8. Now private collectors and museums have about 4,000 works by the writer; they are still successful to this day and are sold at auctions. Delacroix declared to Hugo: “If you became an artist, you would eclipse all the painters of our time.”

5. Victor Hugo in 1862, while on vacation, wanted to know about the reaction of readers to the newly published novel “Les Miserables” and sent his publisher a telegram with one character “?”. He sent a telegram in response, also with one sign - “!”. This was probably the shortest correspondence in history.

6. There is a funny story about what happened to Victor Hugo in Prussia:

-What do you do? - the gendarme asked him, filling out the form.

— I ask, how do you earn money to live?

- So let’s write it down: “Hugo.” Feather merchant."

7. Hugo was a real reformer of his time. The writer never grew old and always tried to be at the center of the newest trends in literature, fashion and public life. Even when the writer was already over 70, he constantly attended various events intended more for young people.

8. Yours recent years writer Victor Hugo lived in a mansion on a Parisian street, which during his lifetime was called Avenue Victor Hugo. As a return address on the letters, the writer simply indicated: “Monsieur Victor Hugo on his avenue in Paris.”

9. Some unknown poet turned to the Belgian king with a request to pardon nine criminals sentenced to death in the city of Charleroi. He signed his poems with the name of Victor Hugo. "When it comes to salvation human lives, then let them use my name,” Hugo wrote in his appeal addressed to the Belgian people. The case was reviewed, and the execution of seven criminals was replaced by hard labor.

10. Victor Hugo died on May 22, 1885, at the age of 84, from pneumonia. The funeral ceremony of the famous writer lasted ten days; About a million people took part in it.