The historical basis of Gogol's work Taras Bulba. "Historical and folklore basis of N.V. Gogol's story Taras Bulba" methodological development in literature (grade 7) on the topic. Taras Bulba is a true patriot of his land

Main feature work of art on historical topic- in the fact that the author organically combines a story about events that actually took place with literary techniques and the author’s fiction. The story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol is somewhat unusual in this regard: historical events it is not specified; moreover, when reading, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine at what time the actions take place - in the 15th, 16th or 17th centuries. In addition, none of the heroes is a historical figure, including Taras himself. Despite this, from the moment the work appeared, it has been classified as an epic story, sometimes called a novel. What is the strength and scale of “Taras Bulba”?

The history of the story

The writer’s appeal to the topic of the Cossacks was not accidental. A native of the Poltava province, since childhood he had heard a lot about the heroic feat of the people during the fight against numerous external invaders. Later, when Gogol began to write, he was particularly interested in such brave and devoted people as Taras Bulba. There were many of them in the Sich. Often former serfs became Cossacks - they found a home and comrades here.

N.V. Gogol studied many sources on this issue, including manuscripts of Ukrainian chronicles, historical studies by Boplan and Myshetsky. Not satisfied with what he read (in his opinion, they contained meager information, which was not enough to understand the soul of the people), Gogol turned to folklore. Historical songs and thoughts dedicated to national heroes told about the peculiarities of the characters, morals and life of the Cossacks. They gave the writer excellent “living” material, which became an excellent addition to scientific sources, and some storylines included in the story in a revised form.

Historical basis of the story

“Taras Bulba” is a book about free people who inhabited the territory of the Dnieper region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Their center was the Zaporozhye Sich - its name is due to the fact that it was fortified on all sides with a fence of fallen trees - abatis. It had its own way of life and management. Subject to frequent attacks from Poles, Turks, and Lithuanians, the Cossacks had a very strong, well-trained army. Most of They spent time in battles and military campaigns, and the trophies they obtained became their main means of livelihood. It is no coincidence that the description of Taras Bulba and the room in the house where his wife lived alone includes numerous signs of the owner’s camp life.

The year 1596 became fatal for the Ukrainian people, who were at that time under the rule of the Lithuanians and Poles. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted a union about the unification under the authority of the Pope of two Christian religions: Orthodox and Catholic. Decision made made it even more difficult difficult relationship between the Poles and the Cossacks, which resulted in open military confrontations. Gogol dedicated his story to this period.

Image of the Zaporozhye Sich

The main school for educating persistent, courageous warriors was a special way of life and management, and the teachers were experienced Cossacks who had repeatedly shown their valor in battle. One of them was Colonel Taras Bulba. His biography is a story about the formation of a true patriot, for whom the interests and freedom of the fatherland are above all.

The Zaporozhye Sich resembled a large republic based on the principles of humanism and equality. Koshevoy was chosen by a general decision, usually from among the most worthy. During the battle, the Cossacks had to obey him unconditionally, but in peacetime it was his responsibility to take care of the Cossacks.

In the Sich, everything was arranged to ensure the everyday life and military campaigns of its inhabitants: all kinds of workshops and forges worked, and cattle were raised. Ostap and Andriy will see all this when Taras Bulba brings them here.

The history of the short existence of the Zaporozhye Republic showed new way organization of people's lives, based on brotherhood, unity and freedom, and not on the oppression of the weak by the strong.

The main school for the Cossack is the military brotherhood

How the formation of young warriors took place can be judged by the example of the sons of Taras, Ostap and Andriy. They completed their studies at Bursa, after which their path lay in Zaporozhye. The father greets his sons after a long separation not with hugs and kisses, but with a fist test of their strength and dexterity.

The life of Taras Bulba was unpretentious, as evidenced by the feast in honor of the arrival of his sons (“bring... the whole ram, the goat... and more burners” - these are the words the old Cossack addresses to his wife) and sleep in the open air.

Ostap and Andriy had not even been at home for a day before they set off for the Sich, where the best comradeship in the world and glorious exploits for their homeland and religion awaited them. Their father was convinced that a real school for them can only be participation in military battles.


Approaching the Sich, Taras and his sons saw a Cossack picturesquely sleeping in the middle of the road. He spread out like a lion and attracted everyone's admiration. Wide trousers like the sea, a proudly thrown forelock (it was certainly left on a shaved head), a good horse - this is what a real Cossack looked like. Not by chance main character The story appeals to the sons with an appeal to immediately change their “demonic” clothes (in which they arrived from Bursa) for another, worthy of a Cossack. And they really were immediately transformed in morocco boots, wide trousers, scarlet Cossacks and lambskin hats. The image was completed with a Turkish pistol and a sharp saber. The young men riding on the glorious stallions evoked admiration and pride from their father.

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” obliged the author to treat the Cossacks impartially. With all due respect to them and their valor, Gogol also truthfully says that at times their behavior caused condemnation and misunderstanding. This referred to the riotous and drunken life that they led in between battles, excessive cruelty (for the murder of a criminal they were buried in a grave with the victim alive) and a low cultural level.

The Power of Camaraderie

The main advantage of the Cossacks was that in a moment of danger they could quickly mobilize and act as a single army against the enemy. Their dedication, patriotism, courage and devotion to the common cause knew no bounds. In the story, this was proven more than once by Taras Bulba himself. The biography of other prominent warriors, including experienced Tovkach, Kukubenko, Pavel Gubenko, Mosiy Shilo and young Ostap, also emphasizes this.

Bulba said well about the unity and main purpose of the Cossacks in his speech on the eve of the decisive battle: “There are no bonds more holy than comradeship!” His speech is an expression of great wisdom and holy faith that he and his brethren are defending a just cause. At a difficult moment, Taras’s words encourage the Cossacks, reminding them of their sacred duty to protect their comrades, always remember the Orthodox faith and devotion to their homeland. The worst thing for a Cossack was betrayal: this was not forgiven to anyone. Taras kills his own son after learning that because of his love for a beautiful Polish woman, he chose personal interests over public ones. So the bonds of brotherhood turned out to be more important than blood. The fact that this fact corresponded to reality is evidenced by the historical basis of the story.

Taras Bulba - the best representative of the Cossacks

A colonel with a stern character who has gone through a glorious battle path. A glorious ataman and comrade who could support with an encouraging word and give good advice in difficult times. He had a burning hatred for the enemy who encroached on the Orthodox faith, and did not regret own life for the sake of saving the homeland and their brothers in arms. Accustomed to a free life, he was content clear field and was absolutely unpretentious in everyday life. This is how Gogol portrays the main character. He spent his whole life in battles and always found himself in the most dangerous place. Weapons, a smoking pipe and the glorious horse of Taras Bulba constituted his main wealth. At the same time, he could joke and joke around, he was happy with life. Disappointed in youngest son the hero felt great pride in Ostap. Risking his life, Bulba came to the place of execution to see him for the last time. And when Ostap, who steadfastly endured the agony of death, last minute called him, he, in one word, which made the whole square tremble, expressed his pride, approval and support not only to his son, but to his spiritual comrade, comrade-in-arms. Until the end of his life, Taras will grieve for his son and take revenge for his death. The experience will add to his cruelty and hatred of the enemy, but will not break his will and fortitude.

The story lacks the usual description of Taras Bulba for the hero, since this is not so important. The main thing is that he has the qualities that made it possible to survive during that cruel time.

Hyperbolization of Taras in the execution scene

The characterization of the hero is complemented by the description of his death, which is largely absurd. The hero is captured because he bends down to pick up a fallen pipe - he doesn’t even want to give it to the damned enemy. Here Taras reminds people's hero: about three dozen people were barely able to defeat him.

In the last scene, the author describes not the pain from the fire that the hero experienced, but his anxiety for the fate of his brothers floating down the river. At the moment of death, he behaves with dignity, remaining true to the main principles of partnership. The main thing is that he was sure that he had not lived his life in vain. This is exactly what a real Cossack was like.

The significance of the work today

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” is the liberation struggle of the people against the invaders who encroached on their country and faith. Thanks to such strong spirit people like Taras Bulba, his son and comrades managed to defend independence and freedom more than once.

The work of N.V. Gogol and his heroes have become a model of masculinity and patriotism for many, so it will never lose its relevance and significance.

Development of a literature lesson for 7th grade.

Subject : Historical and folklore basis N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".


    Educational : introduce students to the historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba”; give an idea of ​​the difference between historical truth and artistic tasks writer, to show the relevance and modernity of this topic, using technical means in the lesson;

    Developmental : the ability to rely on the laws of the genre in the process of comprehending the author's intention; substantiate judgments in detail, select arguments to confirm one’s own position; development of analytical communication abilities of students;

    Educational: nurturing a culture of speech, a culture of feelings; respect for Russian literature and the cultures of other peoples.

    Corrective: development of monologue and dialogic speech, stability of attention, observation, ability to switch, engage in activities, expanding the range of ideas about the surrounding life, development of the emotional sphere (music, listening to text performed by actors, etc.)

Progress of the lesson.

So here it is - Sich! This is the nest from which those proud and strong ones fly out, like lions! This is where the will and Cossacks spread throughout Ukraine!

I. Organizing students for the lesson. Performing complex exercises (relaxation, music playing quietly).

    Relax, don't tense up.

    Gently, slowly, straighten your back without effort.

    Close your eyes, gently closing your eyelids without squeezing them.

    WITH eyes closed look only straight ahead. Hold your head easily, without tension or effort.

    Do not strain your neck, perform slight tilts of the head: forward to the chest - 3 times, throw back - 3 times, to the right shoulder - 3 times, to the left shoulder - 3 times.

    Shoulders are lowered, arms and legs are relaxed.

Now we need to relieve fatigue and tension. And the most important thing is to try not to think about anything, so that our lesson will be different for each of us, calmly, interestingly, without boredom and fatigue.

II. Preparation for the perception of the topic.

Today we are conducting an unusual lesson, integrated, in which two academic subjects will interact: literature and history. We will conduct it on the material of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. You have been given an advanced task: to collect material about historical and folklore sources stories.

We divided the class into groups (there are signs on the desks:historians, ethnographers, literary scholars ). Vocabulary work:ethnographer - a specialist in ethnography. Ethnography is a science that studies the characteristics of the life, customs, and culture of a people.

Have each group formulate goals.

III. Work on new material and implementation of individual tasks.

Communicate the goals of each group.

Historians: our goal is to characterize the era of the mid-17th century, to talk about the historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba”.

Ethnographers: we will talk about the life, rituals and customs of people who lived in that distant time.

Literary scholars: our goal is to show how this era is reflected in a work of art.

We will help answer your questions.

(Questions are displayed on the screen)

    Why did the writer turn to such ancient times? How and why did Gogol use historical events in his story?(historians)

    To what time do the events depicted by Gogol in the story “Taras Bulba” belong? Did they really happen?(historians)

    Who are the Cossacks? Why are they called Cossacks?(ethnographers)

    What are the customs and laws of the Zaporozhye Sich?(ethnographers)

    What artistic means does N.V. Gogol use when depicting the Zaporozhye Cossacks?(literary scholars)

    Are there any similarities between Taras Bulba, the Cossacks and the heroes of epics? ?(literary scholars)

Student messages.


    Gogol's interest in Ukrainian history arose in 1833-1834. He was going to write a scientific work on the history of Ukraine. This work was not created, but materials related to the life of the Cossacks were used by the writer in his work on “Taras Bulba” and themes were outlined that were developed in the story: the theme of the struggle of the Ukrainian people with enemies, the dream of a just social order, image folk life, the theme of liberty, freedom. For the story “Taras Bulba” Gogol used works on the history, life and customs of the Ukrainian Cossacks, and relied on folklore... But Gogol used Ukrainian songs even more for this story. The whole story is imbued with the spirit of these songs, its style is completely songlike, and the text directly asks to be transcribed into epic verse. I think turning to the past helped us understand what was happening in the present and predict the future.

    The events depicted by Gogol date back to the liberation movement in UkraineXV- XVIIcenturies. The Polish gentry, the Turks, who captured and sold people into captivity, the Tatar hordes - the Ukrainian Cossacks fought with all of them. The defense of national dependence and state independence was often inseparable from the struggle for faith, for the establishment of the Orthodox Church.

Mid Mongol invasionXIIIcentury led to the final collapse of the old Kievan Rus. The lands in the east found themselves under the yoke of the Horde khans, and the lands in the west came under the rule of Lithuanian princes, and partially became part of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1569, Lithuania and Poland united to form the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1596, a union (unification) of the Orthodox and Catholic churches was concluded in the city of Brest-Litovsk, according to which the Orthodox population of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had to recognize the supreme power of the Pope. However, a significant part of the Ukrainian population did not want to do this. The persecution of those who refused to accept the union began. So by the endXVIcentury, the mass of the Ukrainian population began to perceive the Polish Catholic gentry as their main enemy. In Ukraine, uprisings began to break out one after another. The main force they were UkrainianCossacks Find the features of historical time in the text of Chapter 1 of the story. Name a lexical series that conveys the atmosphere of time and situation that determine the destinies of people? (p.70). (verbs: was devastated, scorched, engulfed in flames, etc., epithets: primitive Russia (indomitable, wide)). Page 176.

Conclusion: it was a time of historical catastrophe, changing the past way of life, forming new qualities of human character.

Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all about scolding anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character. Then the influence of Poland was already beginning to exert itself on the Russian nobility. Many had already adopted Polish customs, acquired luxury and magnificent servants. Taras did not like this. He loved simple life Cossacks and quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined to the Warsaw side, calling them slaves of the Polish lords. Restless forever, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. He arbitrarily entered villages where they only complained about the harassment of tenants and the increase in new duties on smoke (from each hut).

Visual gymnastics.


    Cossacks Then they called free people who lived in the steppe and did not obey the state and its laws. Some Cossacks lived along the southern borders of the Moscow state (on the Don and Yaik rivers), others settled on the southern borders of what was then Poland (on the Dnieper River). The center of the Dnieper Cossacks was the Zaporozhye Sich. It was called so because it was located behind the impassable Dnieper rapids and was surrounded by abatis (fortifications made of fallen trees). Here a “Cossack republic” emerged.Features of the life and character of the Cossacks are shown in the first chapter . How Bulba himself chose the best decorations for his children (P. 178-179), interior and household items: description of Bulba’s room (P. 173: “weapons are in the most prominent place, and expensive glass and metal products are located in the third -the fourth row of shelves. Everything in the room is connected with alarming, nomadic life owner. Conclusion: The need to always be on guard, ready to go on a campaign at any moment. He considers military affairs to be the main thing, in peacetime he fell in love with revelry), “sleeping in the yard” (open space acts as a means of depicting a hero-hero in epic traditions; the motive of will accompanies the narrative throughout the development of the action: steppe (landscape) (nature acts as a means images of a broad Russian character: “green-golden ocean”, “virgin emptiness”, “immeasurable waves of plants”, etc.; open space, hostility to closed space, sedentism), the physical appearance of the Cossacks (“hefty”, “lion”, “knights”), revelry, dancing).

    The Cossacks themselves chose and removed their atamans, did not recognize the orders of the Polish king and independently carried out campaigns against Crimean Tatars and Turkey, returning prisoners captured by the Crimeans to their homeland and bringing rich booty. Military service in the Sich - this is not coercion, but voluntary service to one’s fatherland. The most important thing for them is a sense of camaraderie. The Sich severely punishes violations of its laws, the laws of a free people (for theft, for non-payment of debt, for murder). The usual state of Zaporozhye is continuous battles. The Cossacks instantly move from frantic revelry and gaiety to a readiness to fight for life or death.(Chapter 3).

    The anthem of the Russian Cossacks sounds.

Literary scholars:

    Gogol set himself not so much historical as epic goals, which is why “Taras Bulba” is not historical story, but a heroic epic.

Masterfully depicting the life of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and the Cossacks themselves, Gogol uses this artistic medium Howartistic detail - detail interior, landscape, appearance of the hero, his speech, which helps to better understand the image or idea of ​​the work. I also paid attention to the accuracy and specificity of the image natural phenomena, the variety of colors, the music of the steppe.

Finely – means of expression: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, personification, hyperbole (examples). Hyperbole is a trope typical of epic genre. The author widely uses hyperbole to enhance the impression, to sharpen the image. Mighty, strong characters, depicted by Gogol, correspond to the characters of epic folk heroes.

The artist I. Repin also agreed with Gogol. Repin worked on this painting for more than 13 years and did not love any of his paintings as much as “Cossacks.” Compare: N.V. Gogol worked on the story for 9 years. What does this mean? What is the consonance between long-term work on the works of an artist and a writer? This suggests that both artists attached great value to his works. Both the writer Gogol and the artist Repin depicted their people in them, which they were proud of and captured, saw in the Cossacks courageous and cheerful people, their ancestors and like-minded people.What similarities do you see between Repin’s painting and Gogol’s story in the depiction of the Zaporozhye Cossacks?

Canvas “Cossacks, writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan" is one of the most significant historical works Repin - was written in 1878-1891. The picture describes historical fact, when, in response to the offer of the Turkish Sultan Mahmud IV to go into his service, the Cossacks compose a message full of mocking ridicule and daring challenge.

Despite its dynamism, the composition of the canvas is very balanced. In the foreground of the canvas we see Zaporozhye Cossacks gathered at a hastily put together table to compose their message. The painter “cuts off” some of the figures, allowing the viewer to mentally “push” the frames of the canvas. In the background there is a tent city, bonfires against the backdrop of the wide steppe...

There is no main character in the film, it is presented here huge amount Cossacks. Each image is colorful in its own way, each has exceptional expressiveness and individuality, and each is like a real hero and seems to have stepped out of the pages of Gogol’s Taras Bulba. The accessories are superbly painted - weapons, costumes, pipes, wine flasks, Ukrainian bandura... And there is so much ingenuity, folk humor, and taste in the plot and composition of the picture!

The Cossacks huddled together around the table, composing their message. The smiling clerk, squinting slyly, scribbles bold words on a piece of paper that his comrades suggest to him. Passions run high, emotions literally spill out onto the viewer. And the canvas sparkles with unbridled joy, laughter can be heard far across the steppe - from a thin giggle to a thunderous laugh. In this relaxed communication of the Cossacks on the eve of the battle - the prowess and heroic spirit of the Cossacks, their independence, cohesion and great power partnership.

In “Cossacks” the artist depicts the people in all their greatness, strength, invincibility and affirms the democratic ideals of freedom, universal brotherhood, and equality.

IV. Reflection. What new did you learn?

What makes people so different? Why do bright, strong and wonderful people, and in the other small, insignificant? The harsh era described by Gogol in the story put forward corresponding heroes - strong, courageous, selfless, warlike people who despised warmth and comfort, accustomed to the free Cossack life, to cruel battles and battles. Main value In human relations these people consider camaraderie and brotherhood based on faith and patriotism. It is in the past that Gogol sees spiritually free and powerful people. But can they be in the present? The writer asks this question both to himself and to the reader. By showing what people were like, Gogol inspires us with the idea: the heroes of the Zaporozhye Sich are a high ideal, but every person who lives later has enough worthy qualities to get closer to this ideal. This means that this work is about the past, present and future. That is why many works about this era are now forgotten, and the story “Taras Bulba” has become one of classical works Russian literature.

Gogol's work on Taras Bulba was preceded by a thorough, in-depth study historical sources. Among them should be named “Description of Ukraine” by Boplan, “History of the Zaporozhye Cossacks” by Myshetsky, handwritten lists of Ukrainian chronicles - Samovidets, Velichko, Grabyanka, etc.

But these sources did not completely satisfy Gogol. He lacked a lot in them: first of all, characteristic everyday details, living signs of the time, true understanding of the past era. Special historical studies and chronicles seemed to the writer too dry, sluggish and, in essence, of little help to the artist to comprehend the spirit of people's life, characters, and psychology of people. In 1834, in a letter to I. Sreznevsky, he wittily noted that these chronicles, created not in hot pursuit of events, but “when memory gave way to oblivion,” remind him of “the owner who nailed the castle to his stable when the horses were already stolen" (X, 299).

Among the sources that helped Gogol in his work on Taras Bulba, there was another, most important one: Ukrainian folk songs, especially historical songs and thoughts.

Gogol considered Ukrainian folk song a precious treasure for the historian and poet who want to "examine the spirit of last century"and comprehend the "history of the people." From chronicles and scientific sources, Gogol drew historical information, the factual details he needed regarding specific events of the Duma, and songs gave him something much more significant. They helped the writer understand the soul of the people, their national character, living signs of his life. He extracts from a folk song plot motives, sometimes even entire episodes. For example, the dramatic story about Mosia Shila, who was captured by the Turks and then deceived them and rescued all his comrades from enemy captivity, was inspired by Gogol’s famous Ukrainian thought about Samoil Kishka. And the image of Andriy was created under the undoubted influence of Ukrainian thoughts about the apostate Teterenok and the traitor Savva Chal.

Gogol takes a lot from folk poetry, but takes it as a writer, sensitive and receptive to its artistic structure, with his own attitude to reality, to the material. Poetics folk song had a huge influence on the entire artistic and visual system of “Taras Bulba”, on the language of the story.

A bright pictorial epithet, a colorful comparison, a characteristic rhythmic repetition - all these techniques enhanced the grazing sound of the story's style. “Am I not worthy of eternal complaints? Isn’t the mother who brought me into the world unhappy? Didn’t I have a bitter fate? Aren’t you my cruel executioner, my cruel fate?” (II, 105). Or: “Curls, curls he saw, long, long curls, and a chest like a river swan, and a snowy neck, and shoulders, and everything that was created for crazy kisses" (II, 143). The unusually emotional, lyrical coloring of the phrase, as well as all its other artistic features, creates a feeling of organic closeness of manner Gogol's narrative to the style of folk song.

"Taras Bulba" has. large and complex creative history. It was first published in 1835 in the collection "Mirgorod". In 1842, in the second volume of his Works, Gogol published “Taras Bulba” in a new, radically revised edition. Work on this work continued intermittently for nine years: from 1833 to 1842. Between the first and second editions of Taras Bulba, a number of intermediate editions of some chapters were written.

January 24, 2015

The main feature of a work of art on a historical theme is that the author organically combines a story about events that actually took place with literary devices and the author's fiction. In this regard, N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” is somewhat unusual: the historical events in it are not specified; moreover, when reading, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine at what time the actions take place - in the 15th, 16th or 17th centuries. In addition, none of the heroes is a historical figure, including Taras himself. Despite this, from the moment the work appeared, it has been classified as an epic story, sometimes called a novel. What is the strength and scale of “Taras Bulba”?

The history of the story

The writer’s appeal to the topic of the Cossacks was not accidental. A native of the Poltava province, since childhood he had heard a lot about the heroic feat of the people during the fight against numerous external invaders. Later, when Gogol began to write, he was particularly interested in such brave and devoted people as Taras Bulba. There were many of them in the Sich. Often former serfs became Cossacks - they found a home and comrades here.

N.V. Gogol studied many sources on this issue, including manuscripts of Ukrainian chronicles, historical studies by Boplan and Myshetsky. Not satisfied with what he read (in his opinion, they contained meager information, which was not enough to understand the soul of the people), Gogol turned to folklore. Historical songs and thoughts dedicated to national heroes, talked about the peculiarities of the characters, morals and life of the Cossacks. They gave the writer excellent “living” material, which became an excellent addition to scientific sources, and some storylines were included in the story in a revised form.

Historical basis of the story

“Taras Bulba” is a book about free people who inhabited the territory of the Dnieper region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Their center was the Zaporozhye Sich - its name is due to the fact that it was fortified on all sides with a fence of fallen trees - abatis. It had its own way of life and management. Subject to frequent attacks from Poles, Turks, and Lithuanians, the Cossacks had a very strong, well-trained army. They spent most of their time in battles and military campaigns, and the trophies they obtained became their main means of livelihood. It is no coincidence that the description of Taras Bulba and the room in the house where his wife lived alone includes numerous signs of the owner’s camp life.

The year 1596 became fatal for the Ukrainian people, who were at that time under the rule of the Lithuanians and Poles. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted a union about the unification under the authority of the Pope of two Christian religions: Orthodox and Catholic. The decision made further complicated the difficult relations between the Poles and the Cossacks, which resulted in open military confrontations. Gogol dedicated his story to this period.

Image of the Zaporozhye Sich

The main school for educating persistent, courageous warriors was a special way of life and management, and the teachers were experienced Cossacks who had repeatedly shown their valor in battle. One of them was Colonel Taras Bulba. His biography is a story about the formation of a true patriot, for whom the interests and freedom of the fatherland are above all.

The Zaporozhye Sich resembled a large republic based on the principles of humanism and equality. Koshevoy was chosen by a general decision, usually from among the most worthy. During the battle, the Cossacks had to obey him unconditionally, but in peacetime it was his responsibility to take care of the Cossacks.

In the Sich, everything was arranged to ensure the everyday life and military campaigns of its inhabitants: all kinds of workshops and forges worked, and cattle were raised. Ostap and Andriy will see all this when Taras Bulba brings them here.

The history of the short existence of the Zaporozhye Republic showed a new way of organizing people's lives, based on brotherhood, unity and freedom, and not on the oppression of the weak by the strong.

The main school for the Cossack is the military brotherhood

How the formation of young warriors took place can be judged by the example of the sons of Taras, Ostap and Andriy. They completed their studies at Bursa, after which their path lay in Zaporozhye. The father greets his sons after a long separation not with hugs and kisses, but with a fist test of their strength and dexterity.

The life of Taras Bulba was unpretentious, as evidenced by the feast in honor of the arrival of his sons (“bring... the whole ram, the goat... and more burners” - these are the words the old Cossack addresses to his wife) and sleep in the open air.

Ostap and Andriy had not even been at home for a day before they set off for the Sich, where the best comradeship in the world and glorious exploits for their homeland and religion awaited them. Their father was convinced that the only real school for them could be participation in combat battles.


Approaching the Sich, Taras and his sons saw a Cossack picturesquely sleeping in the middle of the road. He spread out like a lion and attracted everyone's admiration. Wide trousers like the sea, a proudly thrown forelock (it was certainly left on a shaved head), a good horse - this is what a real Cossack looked like. It is no coincidence that the main character of the story appeals to his sons with a call to immediately change their “demonic” clothes (they came from Bursa in them) to something worthy of a Cossack. And they really were immediately transformed in morocco boots, wide trousers, scarlet Cossacks and lambskin hats. The image was completed with a Turkish pistol and a sharp saber. The young men riding on the glorious stallions evoked admiration and pride from their father.

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” obliged the author to treat the Cossacks impartially. With all due respect to them and their valor, Gogol also truthfully says that at times their behavior caused condemnation and misunderstanding. This referred to the riotous and drunken life that they led in between battles, excessive cruelty (for the murder of a criminal they were buried in a grave with the victim alive) and a low cultural level.

The Power of Camaraderie

The main advantage of the Cossacks was that in a moment of danger they could quickly mobilize and act as a single army against the enemy. Their dedication, patriotism, courage and devotion to the common cause knew no bounds. In the story, this was proven more than once by Taras Bulba himself. The biography of other prominent warriors, including experienced Tovkach, Kukubenko, Pavel Gubenko, Mosiy Shilo and young Ostap, also emphasizes this.

Bulba said well about the unity and main purpose of the Cossacks in his speech on the eve of the decisive battle: “There are no bonds more holy than comradeship!” His speech is an expression of great wisdom and holy faith that he and his brethren are defending a just cause. At a difficult moment, Taras’s words encourage the Cossacks, reminding them of their sacred duty to protect their comrades, always remember the Orthodox faith and devotion to their homeland. The worst thing for a Cossack was betrayal: this was not forgiven to anyone. Taras kills his own son after learning that because of his love for a beautiful Polish woman, he chose personal interests over public ones. So the bonds of brotherhood turned out to be more important than blood. The fact that this fact corresponded to reality is evidenced by the historical basis of the story.

Taras Bulba - the best representative of the Cossacks

A colonel with a stern character who has gone through a glorious battle path. A glorious chieftain and comrade who could support with an encouraging word and give good advice in difficult times. He possessed a burning hatred for the enemy who encroached on the Orthodox faith, and did not spare his own life for the sake of saving his homeland and his brothers in arms. Accustomed to a free life, he was content with an open field and was absolutely unpretentious in everyday life. This is how Gogol portrays the main character. He spent his whole life in battles and always found himself in the most dangerous place. Weapons, a smoking pipe and the glorious horse of Taras Bulba constituted his main wealth. At the same time, he could joke and joke around, he was happy with life. The hero, disappointed in his youngest son, felt great pride in Ostap. Risking his life, Bulba came to the place of execution to see him for the last time. And when Ostap, who had steadfastly endured the mortal torment, called him at the last minute, he, in one word, which made the entire square tremble, expressed his pride, approval and support not only to his son, but to his spiritual comrade and comrade-in-arms. Until the end of his life, Taras will grieve for his son and take revenge for his death. The experience will add to his cruelty and hatred of the enemy, but will not break his will and fortitude.

The story lacks the usual description of Taras Bulba for the hero, since this is not so important. The main thing is that he has the qualities that made it possible to survive during that cruel time.

Hyperbolization of Taras in the execution scene

The characterization of the hero is complemented by the description of his death, which is largely absurd. The hero is captured because he bends down to pick up a fallen pipe - he doesn’t even want to give it to the damned enemy. Here Taras resembles a folk hero: about three dozen people were able to defeat him with difficulty.

In the last scene, the author describes not the pain from the fire that the hero experienced, but his anxiety for the fate of his brothers floating down the river. At the moment of death, he behaves with dignity, remaining true to the main principles of partnership. The main thing is that he was sure that he had not lived his life in vain. This is exactly what a real Cossack was like.

The significance of the work today

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” is the liberation struggle of the people against the invaders who encroached on their country and faith. Thanks to such strong-willed people as Taras Bulba, his son and comrades, they managed to defend independence and freedom more than once.

The work of N.V. Gogol and his heroes have become a model of masculinity and patriotism for many, so it will never lose its relevance and significance.

The main feature of a work of art on a historical theme is that the author organically combines a story about events that actually took place with the author’s fiction. In this regard, N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” is somewhat unusual: the historical events in it are not specified; moreover, when reading, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine at what time the actions take place - in the 15th, 16th or 17th centuries. In addition, none of the heroes is a historical figure, including Taras himself. Despite this, from the moment the work appeared, it has been classified as an epic story, sometimes called a novel. What is the strength and scale of “Taras Bulba”?

The history of the story

The writer’s appeal to the topic of the Cossacks was not accidental. A native of the Poltava province, since childhood he had heard a lot about the heroic feat of the people during the fight against numerous external invaders. Later, when Gogol began to write, he was particularly interested in such brave and devoted people as Taras Bulba. There were many of them in the Sich. Often former serfs became Cossacks - they found a home and comrades here.

N.V. Gogol studied many sources on this issue, including manuscripts of Ukrainian chronicles, historical studies by Boplan and Myshetsky. Not satisfied with what he read (in his opinion, they contained meager information, which was not enough to understand the soul of the people), Gogol turned to folklore. and the Dumas dedicated to them spoke about the peculiarities of the characters, morals and life of the Cossacks. They gave the writer excellent “living” material, which became an excellent addition to scientific sources, and some storylines were included in the story in a revised form.

Historical basis of the story

“Taras Bulba” is a book about free people who inhabited the territory of the Dnieper region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Their center was the Zaporozhye Sich - its name is due to the fact that it was fortified on all sides with a fence of fallen trees - abatis. It had its own way of life and management. Subject to frequent attacks from Poles, Turks, and Lithuanians, the Cossacks had a very strong, well-trained army. They spent most of their time in battles and military campaigns, and the trophies they obtained became their main means of livelihood. It is no coincidence that the light room in the house where his wife lived alone includes numerous signs of the owner’s camp life.

The year 1596 became fatal for the Ukrainian people, who were at that time under the rule of the Lithuanians and Poles. adopted a union on the unification under the authority of the Pope of two Christian religions: Orthodox and Catholic. The decision made further complicated the difficult relations between the Poles and the Cossacks, which resulted in open military confrontations. Gogol dedicated his story to this period.

Image of the Zaporozhye Sich

The main school for educating persistent, courageous warriors was a special way of life and management, and the teachers were experienced Cossacks who had repeatedly shown their valor in battle. One of them was Colonel Taras Bulba. His biography is a story about the formation of a true patriot, for whom the interests and freedom of the fatherland are above all.

It resembled a large republic based on the principles of humanism and equality. Koshevoy was chosen by a general decision, usually from among the most worthy. During the battle, the Cossacks had to obey him unconditionally, but in peacetime it was his responsibility to take care of the Cossacks.

In the Sich, everything was arranged to ensure the everyday life and military campaigns of its inhabitants: all kinds of workshops and forges worked, and cattle were raised. Ostap and Andriy will see all this when Taras Bulba brings them here.

The history of the short existence of the Zaporozhye Republic showed a new way of organizing people's lives, based on brotherhood, unity and freedom, and not on the oppression of the weak by the strong.

The main school for the Cossack is the military brotherhood

How the formation of young warriors took place can be judged by the example of the sons of Taras, Ostap and Andriy. They completed their studies at Bursa, after which their path lay in Zaporozhye. The father greets his sons after a long separation not with hugs and kisses, but with a fist test of their strength and dexterity.

The life of Taras Bulba was unpretentious, as evidenced by the feast in honor of the arrival of his sons (“bring... the whole ram, the goat... and more burners” - these are the words the old Cossack addresses to his wife) and sleep in the open air.

Ostap and Andriy had not even been at home for a day before they set off for the Sich, where the best comradeship in the world and glorious exploits for their homeland and religion awaited them. Their father was convinced that the only real school for them could be participation in combat battles.


Approaching the Sich, Taras and his sons saw a Cossack picturesquely sleeping in the middle of the road. He spread out like a lion and attracted everyone's admiration. Wide trousers like the sea, a proudly thrown forelock (it was certainly left on a shaved head), a good horse - this is what a real Cossack looked like. It is no coincidence that the main character of the story appeals to his sons with a call to immediately change their “demonic” clothes (they came from Bursa in them) to something worthy of a Cossack. And they really were immediately transformed in morocco boots, wide trousers, scarlet Cossacks and lambskin hats. The image was completed with a Turkish pistol and a sharp saber. The young men riding on the glorious stallions evoked admiration and pride from their father.

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” obliged the author to treat the Cossacks impartially. With all due respect to them and their valor, Gogol also truthfully says that at times their behavior caused condemnation and misunderstanding. This referred to the riotous and drunken life that they led in between battles, excessive cruelty (for the murder of a criminal they were buried in a grave with the victim alive) and a low cultural level.

The Power of Camaraderie

The main advantage of the Cossacks was that in a moment of danger they could quickly mobilize and act as a single army against the enemy. Their dedication, patriotism, courage and devotion to the common cause knew no bounds. In the story, this was proven more than once by Taras Bulba himself. The biography of other prominent warriors, including experienced Tovkach, Kukubenko, Pavel Gubenko, Mosiy Shilo and young Ostap, also emphasizes this.

Bulba said well about the unity and main purpose of the Cossacks in his speech on the eve of the decisive battle: “There are no bonds more holy than comradeship!” His speech is an expression of great wisdom and holy faith that he and his brethren are defending a just cause. At a difficult moment, Taras’s words encourage the Cossacks, reminding them of their sacred duty to protect their comrades, always remember the Orthodox faith and devotion to their homeland. The worst thing for a Cossack was betrayal: this was not forgiven to anyone. Taras kills his own son after learning that because of his love for a beautiful Polish woman, he chose personal interests over public ones. So the bonds of brotherhood turned out to be more important than blood. The fact that this fact corresponded to reality is evidenced by the historical basis of the story.

Taras Bulba - the best representative of the Cossacks

A colonel with a stern character who has gone through a glorious battle path. A glorious chieftain and comrade who could support with an encouraging word and give good advice in difficult times. He possessed a burning hatred for the enemy who encroached on the Orthodox faith, and did not spare his own life for the sake of saving his homeland and his brothers in arms. Accustomed to a free life, he was content with an open field and was absolutely unpretentious in everyday life. This is how Gogol portrays the main character. He spent his whole life in battles and always found himself in the most dangerous place. Weapons, a smoking pipe and the glorious horse of Taras Bulba constituted his main wealth. At the same time, he could joke and joke around, he was happy with life.

The hero, disappointed in his youngest son, felt great pride in Ostap. Risking his life, Bulba came to the place of execution to see him for the last time. And when Ostap, who had steadfastly endured the mortal torment, called him at the last minute, he, in one word, which made the entire square tremble, expressed his pride, approval and support not only to his son, but to his spiritual comrade and comrade-in-arms. Until the end of his life, Taras will grieve for his son and take revenge for his death. The experience will add to his cruelty and hatred of the enemy, but will not break his will and fortitude.

The story lacks the usual description of Taras Bulba for the hero, since this is not so important. The main thing is that he has the qualities that made it possible to survive during that cruel time.

Hyperbolization of Taras in the execution scene

The characterization of the hero is complemented by the description of his death, which is largely absurd. The hero is captured because he bends down to pick up a fallen pipe - he doesn’t even want to give it to the damned enemy. Here Taras resembles a folk hero: about three dozen people were able to defeat him with difficulty.

In the last scene, the author describes not the pain from the fire that the hero experienced, but his anxiety for the fate of his brothers floating down the river. At the moment of death, he behaves with dignity, remaining true to the main principles of partnership. The main thing is that he was sure that he had not lived his life in vain. This is exactly what a real Cossack was like.

The significance of the work today

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” is the liberation struggle of the people against the invaders who encroached on their country and faith. Thanks to such strong-willed people as Taras Bulba, his son and comrades, they managed to defend independence and freedom more than once.

The work of N.V. Gogol and his heroes have become a model of masculinity and patriotism for many, so it will never lose its relevance and significance.