Sincere love for the homeland. Patriotism and love for the motherland are not the same thing. About the national idea and Russian mentality

Love for the Motherland is the sacred duty of every citizen. IN moral development human society the concept of duty and honor was interpreted differently.

What is the meaning of these words? How to express the feeling of love for the Motherland?

Depth of concept

Homeland - this word has its own special meaning for any person. When thinking about the Motherland, people remember the beautiful, great country in which they were born and raised. Currently, the feeling of patriotism is being revived. Cadet classes appear in schools and military-patriotic groups are formed.

For modern teenagers, love for the homeland is respect for the traditions of their country, its history and culture.

Essay about the Motherland

"Thinking about the Motherland, I see before me a beautiful great country, where I was born. I believe that love for the Motherland is pride in its rich, often tragic fate. I am proud to be part of this country, big world. I believe that it is not enough just to be born in Russia to become a full-fledged citizen. Loving a country means knowing about its difficulties, problems, troubles. In my understanding, love for the Motherland is involvement in its present and future, searching for ways to improve

I'm proud to be born in Russia

We offer another fragment of a student’s essay on this topic. Homeland - for me this is not an empty phrase. I am passionate about photography, I always try to choose objects for shooting that demonstrate the beauty of my native land. Love for our small Motherland cannot be seen or expressed in words. In order to show your attitude towards your hometown and loved ones, you need to try to change something for the better. I try to help older people so that they feel cared for and loved. As I go about my daily activities, I try to remember my country. If we, the younger generation of Russia, are not proud of the history and culture of our country, it will not be able to be a strong power on the world political stage."

Essay about native land

How to describe love for the Motherland or traveling around the country in graduation essay? We offer a fragment of a high school student’s work on this topic.

"Many people believe that the place in which a person is born, he will remember all his life. And when he leaves him, an unknown force will definitely pull him back to his roots. Every person has his own Homeland. For some, it is a warm sea, having sandy picturesque beaches, there are also those people whose homeland is the harsh tundra, in which it is almost impossible to live.

Native nature is what surrounds the baby from childhood. People can travel around different corners the globe, be amazed by unprecedented beauties, exotic plants and animals. But, no matter how original they may be, a person is always drawn to return to those places that are preserved in his memory. This love for one’s nature and customs will not fade away either in a year or in five years. The love that is given to a person from birth is reinforced by the confidence that it is our native nature that will always come to our aid in difficult moments of our lives.

Places that are familiar and dear to us from childhood are what give us additional strength. The task of every citizen is to preserve and increase the wealth of his beloved region."

Educational story

In order to show attitude towards native land, children write creative essays using literary works. For example, Andrei Platonov’s story “Love for the Motherland, or the Journey of a Sparrow.” Here we're talking about about a sparrow who dreamed of going to a warm country. He managed to fulfill his dream, but the satisfying life quickly bored him. He yearned for a piece of black bread that the old violinist had once fed him. The return home turned out to be difficult, but in the end the sparrow returned to his old friend. The essence of the story is that there is nothing more dear to a person than his homeland. The work of Andrei Platonov encourages everyone to think carefully before leaving their homeland. The story teaches us to be useful to the people around us and to society, because this is how a person can prove his love and devotion to his native land.


A person lives in a society that has its own rules and customs. In order for the country to prosper, it is necessary to carry out systematic work to instill a sense of patriotism in the younger generation. A feeling of love for one’s Motherland is a quality that must be cultivated, starting systematic work from the youngest preschool age. In order to conduct such activities, serious reforms were carried out in the domestic education system.

As part of modernization extracurricular activities Military-patriotic clubs began to appear at school. They operate under special programs aimed at developing a sense of pride in their region and country among the younger generation of Russians. A mandatory element in the activities of military-patriotic clubs is the regional component. As part of it, the children will learn about heroic people region, get acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage of their region.

This bright feeling, like love for one’s Motherland, is laid with early childhood. This is why it is so important to pay attention to environmental education in preschool institutions. During walks, the teacher tells the kids about how they can help wildlife and protect its inhabitants from death. WITH careful attitude to flowers, shrubs, trees begins respectful attitude to the flora and fauna, true love for one’s small homeland arises.

Love for the Motherland is not just words. For an adult, reasonable person- this is responsibility for everything that happens to the Family and the Motherland. This is the duty to constantly do everything in his power to protect and prosper the Motherland...

I love my Motherland! And this love is inseparable from respect for all the worthy people with whom I grew up, live side by side, who, first of all, are my relatives - both by culture and genetics. I am Rus, and I love the land on which I live. Her destiny is rooted in distant space, and it is my Duty to do everything to ensure that this land again becomes a clean and protected home for the people living on it, for the children who have been born or who have yet to be born!

I love my family, and this love is expressed in the desire to continue the works of my close and distant ancestors. My Duty is to preserve all the best that my Family has accumulated, that sits in every cell of mine - to preserve and increase. And therefore, it is my Duty to continue my Family! But it also follows from this that my Duty is to share my destiny only with that person who will fully and consciously share my destiny, which is impossible without the real closeness of our souls.

My Duty lies before my family even before this family is created, I am responsible for the relationships that will exist within the family in 50 years, and which should be built not on habit, but on Love. And therefore, my Duty is to get to know very well the person with whom I will share my life, with whom our Life Path will become common, with whom we will become an example for our children, and with whom we will increase the achievements of our Family.

My duty is to be moral person- live by Conscience, By Honor and by Justice, and these concepts - which are not an empty phrase for me, but have acquired a deep meaning - create in my life everything that I can call my Duty!

Probably any person who declares Today that he lives by the above principles will seem to most people at best an eccentric, and at worst a madman or even a liar. People have long been unaccustomed to high principles, unaccustomed to the truth, and even stopped believing in the truth, although, while still within their family, life without lies remains the priority they give great value. But outside the family... such beautiful speeches seem impossible today.

There has probably never been such a bad situation! Now, if we, for example, open a book written two or three hundred years ago by some famous Russian “classical” writer, such lofty words of the hero of the book will not seem to us an absurd bright spot on the canvas of gray everyday reality, because we are used to it, we know that many people at that time actually cherished and lived by the concepts of Conscience and Honor.

Where did such high relations in society come from? Perhaps the church contributed to this? But what we know from books, what we know through upbringing, and what we consider correct, does not always fit into the Christian model. For example, for a Russian person the concept of “Conscience” includes not only - don't do anything bad, this is also - prevent the villain from committing a crime, which does not fit in with the humility that the church strenuously imposes on everyone. The Church deliberately turns people into humble sheep, into spiritual slaves, about which quite a lot has been directly written and said by the priests themselves, and all this does not at all contribute to raising the level of morality - neither in a person nor in society.

Recently, speaking on television, one Ulyanovsk priest, justifying the introduction of a compulsory subject in schools studying religion, cited as an example those relations in society that existed thirty years ago, which allowed, unlike today, people to walk fearlessly in the evenings. The priest spoke about respect, about morality and ethics, but at that moment the simple thought did not occur to him that thirty years ago religion didn't have in society the position of the legislator of morality. And I am sure that religion has never had such a position, and will not have it in the future. For the simplest reasons. If only because a slave will never be able to live and act with Dignity, and because there is no place in spiritual slavery Honor, which clearly shows the absence of such a word in the vocabulary of churchmen, in direct relation to the meaning known to us.

Christianity imposes obedience to God and the monarch (boss). But humility and servility disappear somewhere at critical moments, and only a strong inner core allows a person to remain Human. And how there was no humility and forgiveness (disappeared somewhere) in the fratricidal civil war after the Leninist revolution, there was no influence of the Christian church at a time when people in the Soviet Union cherished and raised in their children Conscience, respect for elders, serious attention to the relationship between a man and a woman, to the family, when real, and not feigned, morality was “at the forefront”!

But communism has no Morals no relation, as shown by the same events of the early twentieth century. I'm sure that top quality, according to which society should live, and which are completely natural for Russian society, for Russian people, have always been widely manifested when the noose of slavery was removed from people, when they stopped being morally and physically oppressed and destroyed!

But even during the reign of the church in literature and education, during times of strict censorship, there were always people who, by their example, preserved and nurtured high moral principles in society. And excuse me, it was not these people who made the revolution, but those who had the spirit of a slave, who were ready to kill their brother for heaven on earth. After the revolution, the time of the most terrible genocide came, and again blood flowed on Russian soil, and again cut out And destroyed the strongest, the very flower of the nation, because otherwise it was impossible to break the Russian core, since only a slave can be broken. One religion was replaced by another, under the slogan of atheism, but even then in our society there were people whose strong spirit and personal example, whose upbringing allowed society to continue to live by high moral principles.

What now?

People see, but do not realize, how abundant flows of lies and lust are corrupting youth and children - the future of our country! People see, but do not realize, how on the other hand it is again imposed on them spiritual slavery through religions and political innovations, such as “tolerance”. People do not realize that all this is being done by the same force, and this same force has achieved an important tactical victory when people no longer believe in anything, and do not want to believe! They don’t want to believe in goodness and justice - and all because these concepts have ceased to be them be understood.

But you don’t have to believe it. Now more than ever it is important know!

There is no truth that everyone has their own. “One’s own truth” is a house on edge, it is a reluctance to see obvious evil, which is for everyone the same is EVIL! And if you understand what its effect is, what consequences and harm arise, then evil turns from an abstract concept into an objective, obvious negative phenomenon. And I am sure, I am convinced very often, that the Russian people who live around me, not being oriented “in high matters,” nevertheless, sometimes see what today’s evil is. This is a legacy, no, not of the Soviet Union - it is the result of Education by grandparents, mothers and fathers, who were not fully touched by the church-tolerant machine that was destroying the Russian spirit. Let me give you an example.

Today, on television, and not only, free, “easy” relationships are actively promoted. And also homosexual relationships. But I think that most people from the adult population of Russia against such relationships, because it is contrary to Russian tradition, Russian upbringing, the morality of the Russian person, because it destroys strong relationships based on love, or even prevents their emergence, the emergence of a full-fledged family. And I hope that at least within the family this is still talked about, I hope that this is still part of education.

But this is not enough! With such internal isolation, with the isolation of each family, and with such an aggressive imposition of depraved morality, with the active disunity of Russian society, very soon even intra-family education will not bring results. We are already seeing the “fruits of democracy”, and the attack is on the last frontier - the family. All this is very important to realize, it should have been realized yesterday!

Well, you need to pay very close attention to education. Among the Russians and other indigenous peoples of our country, initially the traditions of education do not carry blind repetition, not superstition, but a specific meaning with deep roots. You just need to look deeper, listen to your soul, your genetics, take a closer look at your roots, and a lot can be revealed. And in order to achieve discovery faster, you need to try Understand.

Let's take the same relationship as an example. The (naturally) unrecognized science of Telegony describes the fact that a woman “collects” prints from every man with whom she had intimacy. The “bouquet” of such imprints has a very negative impact on future children, and this is clearly manifested today in those countries where the “sexual revolution” has “thundered” in different years. Our ancestors knew this phenomenon very well, and raised future mothers accordingly - not with empty prohibitions, but through understanding, through a person’s acquisition responsibility for your future family.

This little-known phenomenon today is described in more detail by the Russian scientist, academician Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. Among the considerable amount of very useful information that Nikolai Viktorovich offers, I will briefly dwell on another fact that plays a vital role in human upbringing.

The fact is that every person from childhood is, in fact, intelligent animals: smart, absorbing all kinds of information, taking into account and copying much of what the people around them do. As consciousness develops, human behavior becomes more and more complex, but there is one feature - while a person is controlled instincts, while he is not the master over them, but they are the masters over him, a person remains an adult, capricious and weak-willed child - intelligent animals.

And if a person has not received a good upbringing, which is expressed in providing the child, at the right period of time, with a sufficient amount of relevant useful information, instilling in him hard work, in cultivating his willpower and independent thinking, then without all this the child will not be able to develop into the necessary degrees and become truly Human. And it is precisely this kind of upbringing - multifaceted and requiring a lot of strength, dedication from both parents and children - it is precisely this kind of upbringing that is traditional Russian upbringing!

Today, a hostile, supra-social system is doing everything possible to prevent a person from becoming a Human. Everything from music to textbooks serves this purpose. Even advertising appeals specifically to the childish strings of men and women. You probably know all these car-beer videos, where a car is a toy for a man, where the main thing in life is to have fun over a bottle of beer with the same friends. What can we say about advertising for women! Taste, emotions, mood - that’s essentially all that current advertising operates on.

In this they are not inferior to the current news– the news technology is thought out very carefully. In general, all this is a whole complex, a strategy, which includes not only advertising, news, but also, for example feature films on historical topic. And everyone seems to know that this is an artistic fantasy, but everything is presented in such a way that the viewer, especially the young viewer, develops an appropriate attitude towards historical period or character. The Russian Orthodox Church also does not disdain these technologies, because it is no coincidence that several cartoons appeared on the topic of the “baptism of Rus'” and the like. This attack on modern Russian children, and another attack on the past of our country, on the past of the Rus!

There are a lot of ways to turn a person off from real life. Let's see what's exciting modern man, the so-called sport. For example, English football. A good children's game that develops coordination and teamwork is blown up to the point of absurdity - to the size of a huge stadium, many television cameras and hundreds of thousands of spectators. What are all these magpies, hoops and blackbirds doing? They spend the time of their lives, live this game, just to be able to drive a piece of modern rubber into the net better than others. And the established show business system ensures popularity for all this, thereby capturing the attention of both children and adult children. But you can watch the game without the excitement that is so actively imposed, but it is better to play yourself, to maintain good physical shape.

What is being imposed on us?

They offer us get sick. And by the way, there is another purpose in all this. Think about it, why is there such a stir and television broadcasts of big tournaments, why do stadiums of thousands gather, and why do football players hand in hand with small children before the match?

The answer to this question is very easy. If earlier warriors, hard workers, pioneer travelers, cosmonauts and submariners, geologists and the like served as examples for children, today they are... at best, the same football players. For the best - because being an oligarch, a bandit, a prostitute, an MTV star, in my opinion, is a much sadder fate. And almost no one understands this!

Now the most important priority can only be complete, truthful information about the world and the processes in it, which a person must realize, digest, understand! If you give everyone a million rubles, it will not save them from degradation, but will rather bring them closer. But if you awaken a person’s soul, if you raise a child correctly, then no one will need to look for their piece of “happiness” in this financial bondage. We All Let's just live in a way that is truly right for society - objectively right for most people!

These are the conditions that will allow society to live and flourish, just as the right conditions allow a tree to grow and bloom, a river to flow, a planet to rotate. In nature there is not so much competition as harmony qualitatively different parts of it. For society, there are also objectively correct conditions necessary for life, since society is also a natural part of nature. In the Russian tradition, this is not survival or competition, it is life according to Justice, which allows the whole society to develop, and each person is given not an equal piece of the pie, but an equal opportunity to realize their potential - an opportunity that most people today simply do not have.

Much is hidden in our Russian culture, much is hidden in our Russian language. We use these “things,” these words, these ways of education, but we no longer understand them. But it is necessary! Why can't you swear? Why do they put a spoiled child in a corner? These and many other phenomena have a reason, you just need to try to find it. And here's another example.

What does an animal do when it is very hungry? That's right, he pounces on food at the first opportunity. What should a self-respecting person do in this situation? Probably, a person should, if possible, set the table cleanly, beautifully, and with dignity, which is the essence of self-respect, calmly eat as much as is necessary, and no more.

Now you probably understand why Russian families have always had strict discipline at the table, when it wouldn’t hurt to hit a foolish youth with a spoon on the forehead to remind him of that very Dignity. But the best way to educate is personal example. In noble families, correct behavior, including at the table, was the law. For a person brought up in noble traditions, it was beneath his dignity to behave like a rational animal at the table, in public, towards a woman, and in life in general. And even if instincts are still seething and require “necessary” actions, someday you need to learn to control them!

But in the “noble families” of many European countries of past centuries, the attempt to appear noble turned into empty parroting, when, for example, at the table, the only noble thing was metal - gold and silver. And without understanding of common truths, correct behavior at the table, and in life in general, has turned into a set of rules, sometimes contradictory and ridiculous, called etiquette.

Unfortunately, many aspects of life have ceased to be understood in Russia for various reasons. And we got a situation where, for example, worthy people voluntarily gave a scoundrel a chance to kill themselves, only because this scoundrel dared to offend them. Many truths have simply been distorted for a long time, and trying to restore the truth is now very difficult. But it is necessary!

Moral, Honor, Conscience, Dignity- this is something that many Russian people still have, this is something that only the person himself can give or exchange for momentary “goods”. This is something that you can discover and nurture in yourself, awaken in your loved ones, this is our wealth, a gift from our ancestors, and exchanging these qualities for something empty means finally dying.

The future of our country, complete victory in this protracted war depends today, as always, on every Russian person! But for the first time it is so difficult to achieve it, because the most intimate thing has been affected - the conscience has been lulled, the very concept of justice is blurred, and the spirit is entangled in the shackles of slavery. But it was the healthy qualities of the Russian person that always helped us beat the enemy.

Therefore, in order to change the current situation today, I am sure, it is necessary to start from the very first step - to show Respect for oneself, to cultivate one’s Dignity, to revive that Russian Spirit (and Not spirituality), which our ancestors had! And the fastest way to do this is through gaining understanding, through gaining knowledge about our past, about various aspects of life - to obtain complete, objective information and understand it. And having realized it, help your country wake up.

Here's what I think is valid love for the Motherland!

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us,

The heart finds food in them:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for father's coffins.

A. Pushkin

About love for the Motherland

“Love for one’s native ashes” is, of course, love and interest in national history and the legends of deep antiquity. Without memory there is no normal person, just as there is no normal people. “Love for fathers’ coffins” is, of course, love for ancestors: for mother and father, for grandparents, in a word, for all ancestors.

Love for the Motherland is something that is naturally present in the soul of every normal person. Love cannot arise under duress, but it can be hidden by the bustle of everyday life, for example, by consumer thinking. Therefore, it is probably more accurate to talk about the resurrection of natural reverence for the land on which a person was born and raised.

We are a continuous part of our genealogy, and not loving our parents and Motherland is as abnormal as not loving ourselves. As it is said, “love your neighbor as yourself” [Matt. 22:39], that is, if we do not love ourselves, then we do not have an internal guideline for loving other people. As for love for other peoples, love for one’s own people is also primary here. Without knowing how to love your people and yourself along with them, you will not be able to love another people.

The fifth commandment of the Bible: “Honor your father and your mother, that it may be good for you, and that you may live long on earth” suggests the thought: Honor your Motherland, and there will be goodness and long days for both her and you.

Only love for the Motherland can overcome the shackles of petty-bourgeois consumer cosmopolitan thinking, which makes a person a nomad from something materially good to something materially better.

Gogol connected the concepts of “Russia” and “love” in this way: “If a Russian only loves Russia, he will love everything that is in Russia. God Himself is now leading us to this love. Without the illnesses and suffering that had accumulated in such abundance inside her and which were our own fault, none of us would have felt compassion for her. And compassion is already the beginning of love.”

Life in native cultural environment - national songs and dancing, food and drinks, folk heroes and holy places, “the smoke of the fatherland”... Someone can live outside of all this, but this is a bland life without that life-affirming and beautiful that folklore alone provides. At a concert of the Mitrofan Pyatnitsky Choir, such a person will see only choreographic mastery and hear only professional choral singing, but will not be able to feel the most important thing - how all of Russia breathes and lives in a holistic performance.

In all the words of our poets there is love for the fatherland, which is in no way connected with any benefits received from it; their love is selfless and compassionate.

Mikhail Lermontov


I love my fatherland, but with a strange love!

My reason will not defeat her.

Nor glory bought with blood,

Nor the peace full of proud trust,

Nor the dark old treasured legends

No joyful dreams stir within me.

But I love - for what, I don’t know myself -

Its steppes are coldly silent,

Her boundless forests sway,

The floods of its rivers are like seas;

On a country road I like to ride in a cart

And, with a slow gaze piercing the shadow of the night,

Meet on the sides, sighing for an overnight stay,

Trembling lights of sad villages...

Alexander Blok


Again, like in the golden years,

Three worn out flapping harnesses,

And the painted knitting needles knit

Into loose ruts...

Russia, poor Russia,

I want your gray huts,

Your songs are windy to me -

Like the first tears of love!

Anna Akhmatova


We don’t carry them on our chests in our treasured amulet,

We don’t write poems about her sobbingly,

She doesn't wake up our bitter dreams,

Doesn't seem like the promised paradise.

We don’t do it in our souls

The subject of purchase and sale,

Sick, in poverty, speechless on her,

We don't even remember her.

Yes, for us it’s dirt on our galoshes,

Yes, for us it's a crunch in the teeth.

And we grind, and knead, and crumble

Those unmixed ashes.

But we lie down in it and become it,

That's why we call it so freely - ours.

Veronica Tushnova


Sloping wooden porch

bathed in green light.

The house had a kind face,

and the house always greeted me with greetings.

What a harsh, unusual life!

Everything is different here, everything is difficult in a different way...

But this is my home.

This is where my baby sleeps.

This is where we live.

Thanks to the house for everything.

Smoke ate my eyes...

But it was good smoke,

Smoke from the hearth! Let's not forget the good.

Thanks to the walls, cramped and simple,

Warmth, fire, good Russian people!

Symbols and exponents of the Russian idea - geniuses, heroes, holy places

The capital of a state is always a symbol of the nation. For our state in historical sequence these are Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg and again Moscow. When we think about Russia, Pushkin is always nearby:

Moscow... so much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!

Note.Our capital and its inhabitants have not always been examples of civic consciousness and patriotism. Troubled times Russian history showed that the basis of Russia's national security is not the capital, but the whole of Russia.

The process of spiritual-moral and state-political unification of Russia is symbolically connected with the names of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and St. Sergius of Radonezh. Kievan Rus, in the person of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, gave Christianity to the Russians, Muscovite Rus, in the person of St. Sergius of Radonezh, gave the Russians spiritual revival and national freedom. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and St. Sergius of Radonezh are not only symbols of Russian unity, but they themselves are the essence of the Idea of ​​Russia in an ontological understanding.

The Lavra, founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh, is one of the spiritual centers of Russia. Lavra in the person of the monk inspired feat of arms Russians on the Kulikovo Field. The Lavra houses the Church of the Holy Trinity with divinely inspired architecture. Lavra and Sergius of Radonezh inspired Andrei Rublev to create the Trinity icon. Thus, the Lavra and St. Sergius of Radonezh, the “Trinity” and St. Andrei Rublev are the first and second symbols of the Russian spirit.

In addition to folklore as the guardian of the national spirit, there are also brilliant (let me remind you, “genius” translated from Latin is the spirit that patronizes the people) bearers and exponents of the national idea: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, many playwrights, composers, philosophers. There are heroes - defenders of the Fatherland: Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Pavel Nakhimov. There are saints - Venerable Sergius Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. You can name names for a long time outstanding people Russia. The national spirit is also expressed in many cities, temples, towers and chambers, palaces and estates and, of course, in log houses with carved platbands.

The names of bearers and exponents of the national spirit - brilliant writers, poets, composers, artists, outstanding defenders of Russia, holy people and places - become integral symbols associated with the meanings of national identity. Consigning them to oblivion, which is what the invaders in our country usually resorted to - Westernism and cosmopolitanism - weakened Russian self-awareness, and at the same time led to a weakening of the sense of national identity.

About patriotism patriotic education and nationalism

Patriotism is, of course, love for the Motherland. A successful, in my opinion, additional explanation of the concept of “patriotism” was given by Hegel in “Philosophy of Right”. He noted that patriotism is usually understood as a feeling that manifests itself in critical situations for the state, when heroic components make themselves felt folk character. In fact, patriotism, except for such extreme cases, is a special everyday state of mind. This mentality expresses the spirit of a single state, its ontological foundations.

The concepts of “national pride” and “nationalism” are often confused. National pride is a noble patriotic feeling of love and respect for the achievements of one’s nation, one’s state. Nationalism is the conviction of some representatives of a nation that, just by genetics or ethnic kinship, its people are superior to other peoples in intelligence, kindness, sense of beauty, hard work, cleanliness, etc. Nationalism has no ethnic or religious basis - it is a way of self-affirmation for people who are far from spiritual values ​​- truth, goodness and beauty. Nationalism is the basis of hostility between peoples and the cause of conflicts, even bloodshed. The fight against nationalism is one of the areas of maintaining the stability of state life.

For national pride, the key word is dignity, and for nationalism, excellence.

Nationalism as a phenomenon is determined by three main factors.

First the factor is individual psychological: people who have not proven themselves in any worthy and respected field of activity (no matter what: tailoring, science, art, politics) become nationalists, and they have no choice but to repeat the virtues of their nation .

Second the factor is connected with the first: national identity is determined by such people only by genetic (biological, “blood”) - in a word, animal - trait.

Third factor is determined by previous ( limited people create a myth-ideology exaggerating the merits of their nation with comparative characteristics of the superiority of their nation in relation to others).

As written in the Philosophical Dictionary, edited by Ernest Radlov, published back in 1914, “The concept of “nationality,” narrowly understood, leads to nationalism, which is contrary to the best ideals of humanity.”

Genetic characteristics have no significant relationship to national identity. Examples can be given where people who have foreign roots, but were born or raised in the corresponding national environment, are genuine representatives of this environment. Pushkin's African blood did not prevent him from becoming a great Russian national poet and one of the creators of the Russian literary language.

It is necessary to distinguish genetic code biological heredity and cultural code of historical and cultural continuity.

High ethical standards and the level of intelligence cannot be characteristic only of individual nations; they are characteristic of all peoples equally. This attitude disavows chauvinism. National identity cannot be expressed in the superiority of one people over another in mental abilities and the ability to do good. More or less intelligent, more or less kind can only be individuals, and then only can, because “judge not, lest ye be judged” [Matt. 7:1].

It is not reprehensible to highlight not the superiorities, but the characteristics of the people, for example, by areas of intellectual activity, by preferences for genres, techniques and forms of visual media in art, by traditions of life, relationships in the family, relationships between subjects and those in power, attitudes towards power and politics, and commitment to a strict way of life or to a free way of life.

About the education of educators, i.e. teachers of secondary schools and higher schools. The most important thing is the education of the educators themselves. How much knowledge do they have about Russian political and intellectual-creative history? What is patriotic in their beliefs and lives that they can be teachers and living examples? Do they visit Baikal, the Solovetsky Islands, Crimea, or are they just keen on foreign tourism? Will they prefer to buy products from domestic manufacturers and support them in difficult times of sanctions, even if they are still inferior in quality to imported goods? Several decades ago, a successful nationally oriented question was popularized in the United States: “When was the last time you bought a Ford car?” The same words should now be conveyed to our citizens regarding domestic goods.

Military-patriotic education is a proven, important and productive direction for solving the problem of national security and health of the nation. Good organizational forms of such education are OSOAVIAKHIM (1927-1948) - “Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction” and DOSAAF (1951 - present) - “Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy”. The same applies to physical education and sports, which former USSR was well organized within the framework of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD) movement.

As for sports and patriotic education, this direction is not a significant factor in the education of patriotism. A team's loss is not a threat to national security, although it is often exacerbated by illegal behavior by fans. Losing in a military battle is a truly bad sign of the state of national security.

Concluding aphorisms

He is not completely Russian who has never drank vodka and snacked on sauerkraut.

He is not entirely Russian if he did not listen to Russian folk fairy tales as a child.

He is not entirely Russian who strives for power not as a means, but as an end.

Russia is one of the best countries for a person’s spiritual comfort, therefore, in general for human life. That is, Russia, with all its troubles and disorder, is a land favorable for life in mental and spiritual dimensions.

Vladimir Ignatievich Kurashov , professor, head Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Kazan National Research Technological University

Kurashov V.I. Ecology and eschatology // Issues. philosophy.-1995. N 3.-P.29-36. (Kurashov V.I. Ecology and Eschatology // Russian Studies in Philosophy, Winter 1998-99.-Vol. 37, No. 3. - P.8-19).

Kurashov V.I. Philosophy and Russian mentality. - Kazan: KSTU, 1999.-300 p.

Kurashov V.I. Philosophy: Man and the meaning of his life. - Kazan: KSTU, 2001. - 351 p.

Kurashov V.I. The beginnings of philosophy. - Moscow: Publishing House "Book House University", 2007. - 344 p.

Kurashov V.I. Beginnings of pragmatic anthropology - M.: KDU, 2007 - 304 p.

Kurashov V.I. Philosophy: selected chapters. Textbook for Orthodox Spirituals educational institutions//Orthodox interlocutor. Almanac of Kazan Theological Seminary, 2011. - 248 p.

Kurashov V.I. What is Russia? // Development and Economics, N 9, 2014. - pp. 12-25. (the article is also on the Internet, see:

Kurashov V.I. “I” of the people and the spiritual foundations of national identity // Reflections on old Kazan: painting and graphics: album - M.: KDU, 2015. - pp. 245-252.

Kurashov V.I. Thoughts about old Kazan and the problems of preserving the spiritual values ​​of the fatherland // Reflections about old Kazan: painting and graphics: album - M.: KDU, 2015. - pp. 8-19.

Kurashov V.I. Theoretical, social and practical philosophy: textbook / V.I. Kurashov. - M: KDU, “University Book”, 2016. - 450 p.

Video lectures and publications by Kurashov V.I.Internet

(to find, type the specified data in the search engine)

Video lectures:

Kurashov Lessons of patriotism. 70 years since the victory at Stalingrad

Kurashov Patriotism, or where the Motherland begins


Kurashov What is Russia? (article in the journal “Development and Economics”, N9, 2014).

Kurashov Fundamentals of secular ethics: basic concepts

It seems to me that every person’s great love for the Motherland grows from childhood. It is in childhood that a person develops the concept of “Motherland” and everything connected with it. Native places where I was born and raised, customs, books and culture home country become accessible to people from a very early age. And then, many years later, you remember all this and think: “Yes, this is all mine, dear, close to my heart.”

Tolstoy said: “The Motherland is the people’s past, present and future.” In my opinion, this statement can be associated with the story of Pyotr Dmitrievich Baranovsky about St. Basil's Cathedral, which, of course, is a monument of our antiquity and reflects the skill of ancient architects. To this day, this temple is considered a holy place.

From the very first days a person has his own small world, my own little homeland. This is his crib, his mother’s voice, a lullaby, his first rattle, the space and people around him. When a person grows, the concept of his “Homeland” grows with him. His relatives, home, street, friends are present here, kindergarten, school, the park in which he walks, the river outside the city, the surrounding forests and fields. He begins to realize what a sense of duty, affection, memories are, which can manifest themselves in sadness or joy. Reading a book or studying at school, a person learns that the world is not limited to his city or republic, but it is much wider, and in it there are different countries, continents, other rivers, lakes and oceans. But in his mind there already exists the concept of “native country” in which he lives, and which is very dear to him, without which he cannot imagine life. This is what he calls his “Motherland”.

When I was still little, my mother and father took me to the village to visit my grandmother. And despite the fact that there are wonderful meadows, clean lakes and air, after a week I wanted to go home. After all, it was there that I was born and saw the sun for the first time. Everything there is original, dear.

And I love our river on the outskirts of the city, even though it’s not entirely clean, and our yard, even with polluted air, so much that I wouldn’t trade them for anything. After all, the most precious thing for every person will always be the Motherland.

Essay What is love for the Motherland?

Homeland is the most important concept in the life of every person. She is always alone. Affectionate, sweet, gentle homeland. She is often compared to her mother. The older a person is, the more keenly you feel your involvement in everything that happens to your country. With age, separation from the Motherland is felt more acutely, and meeting with it becomes more joyful. Why is this happening?

People say: The homeland is the place where the blood of your umbilical cord dripped. This - small homeland. Sometimes it's a small village, sometimes it's a big city. By the word Motherland we mean our country, village, house, street along which we can walk with eyes closed, because everything there is native and familiar. We love the nature of our Motherland, its people, the history of our region, we are proud of our Motherland. There is no concept of a poor or rich homeland.

What do I mean by the concept of “Motherland”? This is my home, where I was born, where I was taught to speak and respect elders. This is my school, where they give me an education and take me out onto a clean, bright road. later life. This is a bench in the school garden where I invited my classmate and took her hand for the first time. Our class has a treasured place on the river. Every year, in the summer, we go camping there overnight. In the evening, around the fire, we share our dreams for the future. I think everything will come true for us. Coming soon prom, we will part for a long time, and maybe forever. I look at the river, at my classmates, my heart aches. I thought this only happened to older people. This is me getting ready to say goodbye to my beloved little Motherland. I will come, and the meeting will be as touching as the farewell.

I recently read a poem by a Kazakh poet. There are the following lines: “Here I was born and grew up, trying to embrace the world...”. Very figurative. Indeed, in childhood we try to embrace everything, not noticing the bad and ugly around us. Now I see many things differently. I see how much needs to be done to make my beloved city more beautiful and its residents happier. I notice injustice and know that it must be fought. I never stop loving my Motherland. I want to change the world for the better, I want my Motherland to be happy, bright and joyful.

Several interesting essays

  • Image and characteristics of O-90 in the novel We by Zamyatin essay

    There are a lot of interesting and controversial characters in the work “We”. One of these heroines is O-90. This girl is a permanent partner of the builder of Integral D-503

    The story Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow can confidently be called an encyclopedia of Russian life in the 18th century. She reveals all the vices Russian society that period. In this regard, the value of this work

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E.A. Yevtushenko “White snows are falling...”, A.A. Block “My Rus', my life, should we suffer together?..”, F.I. Tyutchev “You can’t understand Russia with your mind…” and others.



  • reveal the originality of the theme of the Motherland in poems by different poets;
  • teach analysis of poetic text.


Promote development

  • the ability to analyze poems, make generalizations and conclusions, compare similar-thematic literary works by different authors;
  • imagination based on positive motivation through completing tasks creative nature using ICT tools;
  • improve the skills of creative, conscious and research perception of material;
  • reflexive action skills.


  • education of civic and patriotic feelings;
  • formation of reading culture;

Lesson form: lesson - heuristic conversation.

Technologies: personally oriented learning (creation of personally significant situations), the use of ICT in subject teaching, RCMHR technology.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation; statements famous people about the Motherland.

Lesson plan:

  1. Introduction. (Staging)
    1. Relevance.
    2. Setting goals and specific tasks.
  2. The main part of the lesson.
    1. Working with proverbs and sayings of “great” people about love for their homeland.
    2. Working with texts of works of art.
      • E.A. Yevtushenko “White snow is falling...”
      • A.A. Block “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?..”
      • A.A. Akhmatova “I had a voice...”
      • O.E. Mandelstam “I returned to my city”
      • F.I. Tyutchev “You can’t understand Russia with your mind…”
      • S.A. Yesenin. “You are my Shagane, Shagane”
      • I.S. Turgenev. "Russian language"
    3. Discussion of results.
  3. Conclusion.
  4. Reflection. Compiling a syncwine.


And all having passed the sea paths,
And all the earthly kingdoms of days,
I can’t find a more tender word,
Why the name is sonorous: Russia.
(K. Balmont, Paris, 1922)

“Without love for the Motherland there is no poet”
(E.A. Yevtushenko)

Lesson progress

Ι. Introduction.

The beginning of the song “How delightful are the evenings in Russia” sounds.

Enter White and Red Clowns (students.

Staging. (Textbook “House without walls. Literature. Grade 8”, part 1, p. 253)

Red-haired clown. What's wrong with them? Why are they so enthusiastic!

White clown. ABOUT! This is how they show their love for their homeland. This is an obligatory component of human life: tears when looking at the trees of your native country, goosebumps on the back during the ceremony of raising the national flag, the desire to rush into a fight with anyone who says something bad about the country where you were born.

Red-haired clown. How can you talk about it like that! Love for the homeland is a feeling that elevates a person, uniting him with other people. It helps you feel protected in the most difficult moments. In ancient times, some peoples had the most terrible punishment - expulsion from their homeland...

White clown. Come on! Homeland is where it is nourishing, cheap and convenient. And everything else is sentiment. Thousands of people have left and are leaving their homeland. Look at them: they loved one country, now they love another. It's very simple!

Red-haired clown. But this... is the same as leaving old frail parents and joining new ones - young and wealthy. A person has the same need for his homeland as, say, for air, water and food. And if, God forbid, a person has to flee his homeland to save his life or the life of his loved ones, he falls ill with a terrible disease. Its name is nostalgia. It torments and destroys a person, if, of course, he is a Human.

White clown. You're at it again! Don't tell me about the slaves of habits and attachments. I was talking about real people, free from all these prejudices. And talking and crying about the lost homeland is now very fashionable...

Red-haired clown. No, when I imagine myself outside my homeland, I feel that the ground is disappearing from under my feet. To live, I need to keep my roots to the earth. And what you can give for it is a measure for everyone, but no one talks about it...

1. Relevance. Discussion:

How would you define what love for the Motherland is? Is it a habit, a prejudice, a necessity?(SLIDE 1)

– Is there something in our country, in our region or in your home that for you personally personifies the concept of “Motherland”?

Performance individually prepared students with a demonstration of the collage “My Motherland”. (SLIDES 2-4)

/Note. The collage is prepared and demonstrated using computer technology. As a rule, the guys present a traditional set and fully explain their visual images: state symbols and symbolic cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg; people-symbols: Pushkin, Lomonosov, Gagarin and others; Russian nature, birch, chamomile; hometown, street, house, school, loved ones, family, friends/

So, the topic of our lesson is “What is love for the motherland?”

– What can we learn in our lesson? (what does this concept consist of)

– Do we need this? Why do we need this now? (Precisely today, in the 21st century, this issue is especially acute, since people, especially young people, think, first of all, about material well-being, have forgotten about the Motherland, no one wants to serve in the army, no one wants to work, everyone is looking to the West)

2) - So, we have two points of view (SLIDE 5): first: love for the homeland is a feeling that elevates a person; and the second - homeland, where it is nourishing, cheap and convenient.

What point of view will you defend?

– How can we prove that we are right? (let us turn to the statements of famous people, to folk wisdom, to literature)

– At home, you compiled stained glass windows of wisdom - statements of famous people about the Motherland. Share your finds.

II. Main part

1. Working with the statements of “great” people about love for their homeland.

  • There is no place sweeter than home. Only the fatherland contains what is dear to everyone. (Cicero)
  • They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own. ( Seneca)
  • Dare to glorify your fatherland with courage. ( Lomonosov)
  • The best purpose is to defend the fatherland. ( Derzhavin)
  • Anyone who does not love his country cannot love anything. ( Byron)
  • There are different countries in the world, but there is only one Motherland... (D. Altauzen)
  • Homeland is huge, d s a roaming creature similar to a man... (A. Blok)

2. The second group collected proverbs, name them.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother. One's own land is sweet even in sorrow. Love for the Motherland stronger than death. The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her. A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed. He who renounces his homeland renounces his conscience.

What do these words have in common?

Today in the lesson we will see what place Russia occupies in the works of A. Blok, S. Yesenin, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, Evgeny Yevtushenko.

3. Working with texts of works of art.

E.A. Yevtushenko “White snow is falling...”. (SLIDE 6)

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko is a bright, talented poet. For about forty years, Yevtushenko has been the voice of truth and conscience of Russia. The poem “White Snows Are Coming” is one of the poet’s earliest lyric poems, but it can be considered programmatic in the work of Evgeniy Alexandrovich. Still a young guy, in essence, talks about eternal questions: life and death, creativity and immortality, the inviolability of the native land.

1. Expressive reading of a poem (audio cassette, recording of the poem is accompanied by any classical music) Appendix 1 .

2. Analysis of the poem.

– What is this poem about? (About Russia). The poem presents a lyrical, intimate monologue with the reader.

– What mood does the poem convey? Is it the same at the beginning of the poem and at the end?

No, at first it’s sad, then it conveys excited enthusiasm.

– Why does the tone of the poem change, in which lines does this happen?

(when he starts talking about Russia)

– What association images arise when reading a poem? ( White snow, winter, nature, village huts, Pushkin, Stepan Razin) (SLIDE 7)

– What verbal image personifies Russia?

“White snow is falling” is a poetic symbol of Russia. This line serves as a refrain in the poem, i.e. it connects the pictures of the past and the future in the poem, it helps the lyrical hero realize his inseparability from the people, the Motherland and understand his need for them. He declares with full responsibility: “I lived for Russia,” “I helped Russia,” and in the climactic lines he makes a confession:

But my hope:
If there is Russia,
So I will too.

The poet says that everything is essentially transitory, except the homeland; As long as she is there, he will be too. “White Snows” is something that covers our tracks on the earth, and at the same time symbolizes the immortality of Russia. (SLIDE 8)

Conclusion: What is love for the Motherland for Yevtushenko? Unity with the Motherland, with its nature, with its history.

– Evgeny Yevtushenko is our contemporary, his position is close and understandable to us. What did the poets of the early 20th century think and write about their homeland?

A.A. Block “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?..” (SLIDE 9)

1. The teacher’s word about Blok.

Alexander Blok is a poet who lived at the turn of the century. It was a time of great upheaval, a time of revolution. Many left Russia forever. Blok had his own view of the world, of life, of the revolution, of the Motherland. The Bloc accepted and welcomed the October Revolution. In the article “Intellectuals and Revolution” (1918), Blok wrote that he believed in the future of Russia: “Russia is destined to endure torment, humiliation, division; but she will emerge from these humiliations new and in a new way – great.” Blok has a lot of poems about Russia. In 1908, he wrote: “I consciously and irrevocably devote my life to this topic. I realize more and more clearly that this is the primary question, the most vital, the most real... After all, here is life or death, happiness or destruction;

Now let’s listen to the poem “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together? and answer the question: “What kind of Russia does Blok present to us?”

2. Reading a poem by heart (pre-prepared student) Appendix 1.

How does Russia appear?(mysterious, incomprehensible, enigmatic) ( SLIDES 10-12)

Blok's Russia is eternal love, eternal Pain, eternal Mystery. She is talented, but careless. She is poor, but at the same time strong and proud. Blok’s image of the Motherland is extremely complex, multifaceted and contradictory.

3. Analysis of the poem “My Rus', my life, shall we suffer together?..”

- Find keywords in the 1st stanza. (“My Rus', my life”, “toil”, “to be separated”, “to repent”, “to a free heart”, “your darkness”)

– What thought haunts the lyrical hero? (The thought of whether they should be separated, should they part? It is painful for the poet and lyrical hero. It seems that he wants to break free and knows: this is impossible, not because Rus' will not let him go, but because he himself will not tear himself away from it. So he will “suffer” together with her, a mournful, harsh, dark country).

– Explain the meaning unknown words in 3-4 stanzas.

  • Chud and Merya– ancient Slavic tribes, inhabited the northern regions of Russia.
  • Gati– flooring of branches for crossing swamps;
  • Grads– cities;
  • Constantinople shrines– Christian monuments of Constantinople, i.e. Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire;
  • Falcons and swans- these are both birds and the personification of the Russian army.

– What attracts the poet and the lyrical hero in the guise of Rus' in stanzas 2-4? And why is the country for him Rus', and not Russia?

For Blok, Rus' is something ancient, mysterious, wild, inexplicable, something rooted in time immemorial. Here Chud and Merya, Constantinople shrines, the word “gat” already smells like a swamp and dense forest, roads, milestones, boats and wooden towns, falcons and swans in the steppe, the black darkness of the invasion of nomads and Tatar eyes that “show lights” - all this is Rus'.

– How do you understand the meaning of the last 5 stanza of the poem? What image appears here?

“A quiet, long, red glow / Every night over your camp…" - This eternal, tragic, stained with blood And illuminated trembling flame the way of Rus' in history. The last two lines return us to the poet’s main idea: "free spirit"(in the first stanza the “free heart” of the lyrical hero) – toy this ancient, mysterious, strange world, this “sleepy haze”. This means that the will of the lyrical hero, his freedom from Rus', is just a ghost. And will he want this freedom?

Now it’s clear why Alexander Blok didn’t leave Russia? He loved her too much, just as Anna Akhmatova, Blok’s contemporary, loved her homeland, who wrote the famous poem “There was a voice for me, it called comfortingly...”

Reading a poem by heart. (student) Appendix 1

– What path does the lyrical heroine choose? (to stay with your people, with your beloved city of St. Petersburg, about which in 1915 she wrote “We would not exchange the lush granite city of glory and misfortune for anything.” (SLIDE 14)

In 1917, many left Russia. We have no right to condemn them. They loved their homeland, the lines of the emigrant poet K. Balmont speak about this (epigraph). But Akhmatova remained. She stayed because she considered it “unworthy” to leave the Fatherland at a tragic moment for it. Isn't this the highest manifestation of patriotism? Alexander Blok memorized this poem and once said: “Akhmatova is right. This is undignified speech. Running away from the Russian revolution is a shame."

O.E. Mandelstam “I returned to my city...” (SLIDE 15)

1. The teacher's word.

St. Petersburg is the city of Osip Mandelstam’s childhood and youth. The image of the city is present in all the poet’s books. He returned here many times in his life, and each meeting with the city was fraught with new discoveries. In 1930, after a trip to the Caucasus, Mandelstam returned to Leningrad, but the city greeted him unfriendly.

2. Reading the poem by heart. Appendix 1.

3. Commentary on the poem (student)

“My city,” so familiar and close, turned to the poet with a new face. He turns to him for salvation, but the city is deaf to his pleas, because he is not free, as if he was also arrested: the phones are silent, the bell is torn out with meat, the door chains resemble shackles. The yellow, muddy light is like the face of a dead man. And in the cry: “I don’t want to die yet!” pain sounds, but the city is deaf and dumb, it is dead.


Teacher. And Alexander Blok, and Anna Akhmatova, and Osip Mandelstam loved Russia, believed in it, just as Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, a poet and diplomat who wrote the famous quatrain, loved her:

You can't understand Russia with your mind,
The general arshin cannot be measured:
She will become special -
You can only believe in Russia.

S.A. Yesenin. “Shagane, you are my Shagane” (SLIDE 17)

Teacher. The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in my work,” wrote the poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin. Love for Russia is not just a feeling, it is a philosophy of life, fundamental to Yesenin’s worldview. For a poet, his homeland is everything he sees, feels, everything that surrounds him. That is why it is so difficult and sometimes impossible to separate this topic from others. Yesenin’s feelings for the Motherland are intertwined with feelings for women, nature, life

  1. Reading a poem by heart (student) Appendix 1.
  2. What feelings fill the soul of the lyrical hero? (admiration for the East, its bright colors and a feeling of inextricable connection with one’s northern homeland).

III. Conclusion

- Guys, what does a huge one grow from? human love to your homeland? What do you see as its origins?

Its origins lie in respect and reverence for the place where one was born, grew up, why home, to the people who raised us, to their history. We shouldn't grow up like Ivans who don't remember our kinship. General life on native land, common troubles and joys, common love for our Motherland and our language - all this makes us the Russian people. We will pass all this on to our children, and they will pass it on to their children. And then Russia will live forever. The Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev firmly believed in this, who shortly before his death wrote the famous prose poem “Russian Language” (poem reading) Appendix 1.

Conclusion. A people with such a culture and such a language cannot fail to be GREAT. And if the people are great, then the future of the people must be great.

  • What can you say about Russia?

IV. Creative work. Compiling a syncwine about the Motherland.

(SLIDE 18) (Music plays while writing the syncwine).

(Reading 2-3 works)

In conclusion, I want to once again address you with the poems of our contemporary V. Leushkin. (SLIDE 19)

Let's go together - without “hurray”,
Without hysterical reproaches...
Let's look, brothers, into yesterday
Into the darkness of historical lessons!
And illuminating faces years,
Let's look into their eyes as if into an abyss.
Yes, it hurts, but it's useful,
To us, running away from troubles.
And then we’ll sit by the fire
And let’s keep quiet for as long as we can.
While the century has not yet lived,
Let us rise, preserving the spirit of Rus'

The last verse of the song “Russia” sounds (Stas Mikhailov)

D/Z: By heart E. Yevtushenko’s poem “White Snow is Coming” (SLIDE 20)