Interesting life facts. Briefly about different things - interesting facts from life

Daily life person is not as boring as many people think. They make an attentive observer think about it, be surprised by the diversity of life, or have a good laugh.

But in the bustle of everyday chores, we sometimes do not notice these things. Want to expand your horizons?

We offer you interesting facts from life, which will definitely lift your spirits and teach you to look at the world around us in a new way.

  1. According to statistics, chronic alcoholics live 15 years longer than those people who work without vacation. Rest more, gentlemen, but do not abuse alcohol!
  2. 25% of our compatriots think about sex while stuck in a traffic jam. Oddly enough, only 6% think about work.
  3. Blue-eyed people are less likely to suffer from visual impairments than brown-eyed and gray-eyed people.
  4. Brown-eyed people are more adapted to everyday difficulties.
  5. An interesting life fact: the more often a man makes love, the lower his risk of a heart attack. Consider these instructions for action! This, unfortunately, does not apply to women.
  6. In the morning we are about 1 centimeter higher. During the day, the joints shrink, which makes us a little shorter in the evening.
  7. No person in the world can sneeze with their eyes open. Want to check? Please! Just don't do this while driving a car. According to statistics, 2% of all accidents occur because the driver sneezed and lost vigilance for a couple of seconds.
  8. Women speak 13 thousand more words per day than men. All men will agree with this fact, but women may be indignant!
  9. Interestingly, nightmares are more likely to occur in a cold bedroom.
  10. Foul language can temporarily dull the pain. Probably, Russian builders feel this on an intuitive level!
  11. The more often you overeat, the worse your hearing.
  12. Cats' taste buds are not sensitive to sweets. By the way, read in a separate article.
  13. Men's hair is coarser and thicker than women's. However, there is twice as much hair on a woman's head!
  14. If a woman periodically listens to an audio recording of a child crying, her breasts can increase by 2 centimeters in a week.
  15. There is a fact that designers came up with a small pocket on men's jeans in order to hide a condom there. It's actually designed for a watch. Recommended reading.
  16. The best cleaner for kettles, bathtubs, toilets and ovens is regular Coca-Cola!
  17. Uncolored Coca-Cola is green.
  18. Flavored cigarettes contain urea.
  19. The timbre of the voices of women who work in a male team is significantly lower than that of women who work side by side with other women.
  20. Regular sex relieves headaches. Interestingly, not all women use this fact in their lives. But men can use it as an argument!
  21. Left-handed people find it easier to chew food with the left side of their jaws.
  22. You can stop yawning by touching your tongue with your finger.
  23. When talking to a person we like, our pupils involuntarily dilate.
  24. When there are many cows, it is a herd. A set of horses is called a herd. A large group of sheep - a flock. But when there are a lot of frogs, it’s... an army! At least that's what zoologists call them.
  25. 4-5 summer child asks about 400 questions a day.
  26. Fear of Friday the 13th is considered a disease and is successfully treated by psychotherapists.
  27. A clear fact of life: the average person eats 35 tons of food in their lifetime.
  28. Turtles can breathe through their anus.
  29. OK (okay) is the most commonly used word in most languages ​​of the world.
  30. 95% of emails sent are spam.
  31. A champagne cork can jump to a height of up to 12 meters.
  32. Interestingly, throughout the history of the Earth, no two identical snowflakes have existed. However, just like people. Even twins have slight differences.
  33. In 2 years, a pair of rats can produce more than a million babies. For comparison, a domestic cat gives birth to no more than 100 kittens in her entire life.
  34. The first US President George Washington, in his free time, loved to admire the lush hemp bushes that grew in his garden.
  35. Do not microwave grapes or they will explode!
  36. The cow is unable to go down the stairs.
  37. Incredible but true: the most big eyes on Earth belong to the giant (colossal) squid. They are approximately the size of a soccer ball.
  38. Humpback whales scream the loudest of all animals on Earth. The cry of these mammals is louder than the roar of an airplane and can be heard in the open ocean for more than 500 kilometers.
  39. Believe it or not, a caterpillar has more muscles than a human.
  40. People in white swimsuits and swimming trunks are more likely to become victims of sharks on beaches.
  41. A shark's nostrils are an organ of smell, but not of breathing. Sharks breathe through gills.
  42. Babies have more bones than adults.
  43. The lighter the beard, the faster it grows.
  44. An interesting fact from life: the smartest woman (according to the results of an IQ test) was... a housewife.
  45. More than 1,000 people die every year from lightning strikes.
  46. Cologne was originally used to treat the plague.
  47. Koalas sleep 22 hours a day. Eh!..
  48. The peak of household injuries and heart attacks occurs on Monday.
  49. Every day, 13 new varieties of children's toys appear in the world.
  50. The most common tree in the world is the Siberian larch.
  51. And this is a terrible fact, despite the fact that it is about life. Some sharks eat their brothers and sisters while still in the womb. Truly, survival of the fittest!
  52. Contrary to popular belief, anteaters do not eat ants. Their main food is termites.
  53. The Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa beans instead of money.
  54. A quarter of our skeleton is made up of leg bones.
  55. Dogs are able to guess their owners' intentions. Please note.
  56. The shrimp's heart is located in the head, in the back of the head. The genitals are located nearby.
  57. The giraffe's tongue reaches a length of up to half a meter.
  58. A blue whale can not breathe for 2 hours.
  59. Surprisingly, but true: the female nightingale cannot sing.
  60. A postage stamp contains one tenth of a calorie.
  61. Tongue prints, like fingerprints, are unique and inimitable.
  62. Purple clothes are worn as a sign of mourning in Turkey. In all other Muslim countries, white is considered the color of mourning.
  63. At the end of the 19th century, cocaine was used to treat insomnia and colds.
  64. If you chew gum while peeling onions, it is impossible to cry.
  65. Ticks can go 10 years without food.
  66. Until the end of the 19th century in Russia, you could only buy vodka in a 12-liter bucket. People once knew when to stop! By the way, we recommend reading where we have collected a very interesting selection.

Interesting facts:

In the life of the world around us, many new, interesting and unusual things happen every day. But do we know about all this? After all, everyday life modern people proceed in the flow and cycle of urgent and urgent matters. Sometimes there is absolutely no time to learn about something interesting. It often happens that you only have time to look at the news report, hear something really interesting, but there is no time to find out more about it. If you are tired of hearing about the same events on TV and radio, reading about them in daily news programs and websites, if you don’t have time to watch educational cable channels, check out the selection interesting facts on our website. Here you can find the most interesting facts about our planet, about people, unusual data about the animal and plant world, interesting facts about the development of nanotechnology, and new space developments. The website publishes and constantly updates all new data and facts from the most different areas human knowledge - politics, education, science, history, art, psychology of human relationships, home economics. Here you can get acquainted with achievements in the field of science and technology, learn something new from the world of tourism, read interesting facts from life like ordinary people, and world celebrities. At any convenient time, when you have a minute at home or at work and have an Internet connection, the site invites you to recharge yourself with positivity and learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things. If you love nature then interesting facts about animals will certainly not leave you indifferent. Text news is accompanied by corresponding photographic material illustrating the content. Getting to know new interesting events and unusual data will help relieve fatigue at the end of the working day, provide relief from hard work, and improve your mood. All people have a thirst for learning new and unknown things, love to travel, but not everyone can afford it sufficiently. As a result, many curious things remain unknown to each of us. But now the most interesting facts, published and constantly updated on the site, make it possible to fill this gap. And let new knowledge make life at least a little more interesting. After all, it’s always nice to share unusual news with friends or tell your household about it! © 2019 All rights reserved. When copying materials, a link to the site is required.

Man has lived on earth for so long that throughout the history of his existence, coincidences have become an integral part of the life of our species and they occur with enviable regularity. Most often people mistake them for divine plan, sometimes they just don’t pay attention. One way or another, even scientists who are well versed in probability theory are surprised by the accidents that happen in our lives.

the site also admires some coincidences, for which you don’t want to look for explanations, so as not to spoil your impression of interesting facts.

1. The founders of Rome and the last emperor

Many people know that according to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus. Later, Romulus was recognized as the first ruler of Rome. Oddly enough, but at the end of the Roman Empire last emperor became a man named Romulus Augustulus (Flavius ​​Romulus Augustus), who reigned in 475-476 AD. Coincidentally, the story of the greatest empire in human history began and ended thanks to a people named Romulus.

2. Girl from Petrovka

In 1974, when the film “The Girl from Petrovka” was being filmed, Anthony Hopkins, who played one of the main roles in this film, wanted to read original book George Feiffer to formulate his idea of ​​the hero's image. But it so happened that not a single bookstore had the book. Already in despair, Hopkins suddenly found a forgotten volume of the novel right on a bench in the subway. The actor couldn't believe his luck.

Later, when filming began, Hopkins met George Feiffer, and the writer complained in a conversation that he himself did not have a copy of his own book. All because he lent it to his friend, and he lost it somewhere in the subway.

3. Curse of the family?

In Bermuda in 1975, an incident occurred that still remains an example of an eerie coincidence for which no one dares to explain. A young guy named Erskine Lawrence Ebbin was riding along the road on his moped when he was unexpectedly hit and killed by a taxi. The accident itself would have been quite ordinary, if not for one “but”. About a year ago, in 1974, the guy’s brother died on the same road. Moreover, he was hit by the same moped, by the same taxi driver, and according to rumors, the same passenger was sitting in the taxi.

4. Edgar Allan Poe and time travel

Edgar Allan Poe is considered one of the most mysterious writers. Moreover, some facts associated with it really raise questions. For example, one of his books, entitled “The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym,” tells the story of four sailors who survived a shipwreck. The victims tried to survive at any cost, so they had to eat their cabin boy, whose name was Richard Parker. Moreover, Poe himself actively argued that he wrote the book based on real events.

The coincidence is that a full 46 years after the publication of the novel, a ship actually sank on the high seas, part of the crew of which escaped. To survive, the sailors had to eat their young comrade, whose name was Richard Parker.

5. The first and last victims

By complete coincidence, these graves are located nearby, at a distance of only a few meters. In one of them the first British soldier to die during the First World War is buried, and in the other the last. This was not planned.

6. Two presidents and many coincidences

As often happens, after the death of a celebrity in her life, they begin to look for all sorts of coincidences with others historical events. Fans of US history have found several interesting facts that coincide in the biographies of two presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.

For example, both presidents were shot in the back of the head on Friday, and both had their wives with them when they died. Also, each of the presidents had a friend whose name was Bill Graham. Each had four children. On purpose or not, Kennedy hired a secretary for his administration whose last name was Lincoln, while Abraham Lincoln had a secretary named John.

7. Incredible accident

Car accidents are not uncommon these days. However, at the end of the 19th century, when practically no one had cars, no one could even think about collisions. However, in 1895, a car accident occurred in America, which is due to one fact: at that time in the state of Ohio, in which the cars collided, there were only two cars, and they somehow managed to find each other.

8. The Curse of the Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam in the USA is famous throughout the world. This ingenious construction has become one of the symbols of the fact that man can at least somehow cope with nature. But few people know an interesting fact about this dam.
People died during the construction of the dam, and one of the first was a man named George Tierney, who died during construction work on December 20, 1922. The public was shocked by the fact that the latest dead person Patrick Tierney, George's son, became the man at the Hoover Dam, and he also died on December 20.

9. The sinking of the Titanic was predicted in advance

Sometimes coincidences are so frightening that superstitious people get goosebumps. This is what happened with the sinking of the Titanic. The fact is that in 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson published a work called “Futility,” in which he described the death of a huge ship called the Titan. The coincidence would seem more random if not for other facts.

So, the writer described in detail the technical characteristics of his ship, and they surprisingly turned out to be similar to the characteristics of the Titanic. The developers of both ships considered their ships unsinkable. Both ships collided with an iceberg in the northern part Atlantic Ocean. And on both ships, passengers did not have enough lifeboats to escape. The Titanic sank 14 years after the novel was published.