Interesting for boys too. Beautiful male names: original Russian, foreign, ancient names according to the church calendar for boys and their meanings. Unusual and rare male names

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task for moms and dads. I really want the child’s future name to have a beneficial effect on the baby’s fate, to help him throughout life, so that the child’s name does not bring inconvenience.

Today, parents have a huge number of names for boys, from Orthodox to modern and very unusual. What to name a boy is up to you and your beloved spouse to decide, but of course it’s better to first read some information about the meaning of a boy’s name in order to choose the right one.

Female portal prepared for you full list Russian names for boys, as well as modern and unusual male names. We hope you choose the best one for yourself better name for my son!

Auror / Aurorius (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adonis (old) – ruler

Alevtin (new) – alien to evil


Anastasius (old) – resurrected

Russian names for boys starting with the letter B

Bazhen (Old Russian) – saint

Benedict (old) – blessed

Vilen (new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) – forest man

Eruslan (Old Russian) – “lion”


Isidore / Sidor (old) – patron of fertility

July (new) – summer

Russian names for boys starting with the letter K

Casimir (glory) – announcing peace

Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old. Kosma) - decorated

Kupriyan (folk from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian names for boys starting with the letter L

Laurel (old) – famous

Lawrence (old) – crowned with laurels

Lazarus (old) – “God’s help”

Larion (folk from Hilarion) – joyful

Mily (old) – dear

Miloneg (slav.) – dear

Miloslav (glory) – glory is sweet

Mir (new) – “peace”

Miron (old) – kind

Miroslav (slav.) – winner

Russian names for boys starting with the letter N

Nazar/Nazarius (old) – dedicated to God

Nathan (old) – bestowed

Nahum (old) – consolation

Neon (old) – brilliant

Neonil (old) – fundamental

Nestor / Nester (old) – returned to his homeland

Nikander (old) - winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian boy names starting with the letter O

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P



Prokop (Prokofy)


Prokhor (old) - choir director

Russian names for boys starting with the letter R

Radium (new) - “radium”

Radim (slav.) – native

Radislav (glory) – glad for the glory

Radomir (slav.) – glad for peace

Russian names for boys starting with the letter C

Savva / Sava (old) – desired

Savely (old) – desired

Svet (new) – “light”

Svetlana (slav.) – light

Svetozar (slav.) – bright as dawn

Svetoslav (slav.) – “glory is bright”

Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”

Svyatopolk (Old Russian) – “holy regiment”

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) – pampered

Trofim (old) – pet

Choosing a name for a newborn child is an important and responsible matter. Depends on the parents' decision further fate baby. When choosing names for boys, you should take into account that the name should reflect natural human qualities, be harmonious, goes well with middle name. In the old days, children were given names according to the calendar. Nowadays, some believing parents adhere to this, others often name their children based on family traditions and personal preferences.

The name given to the baby determines the character and fate of the child. Since ancient times, the naming of a baby was given special meaning. There are many different beliefs and customs associated with the name. It is believed that you cannot give a baby the name of a deceased relative; you can repeat his fate. However, in many families there are traditions of naming a child after his father, grandfather. The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person, so that the child takes an example from him and grows up to be a good person.

You should take into account the meaning, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference. How to choose a name so that the boy calls it with pride, so that it evokes a friendly reaction from other people. Ancient sages linked the boy's fate with his name. Given name became a kind of amulet, the true was hidden from everyone until a certain time. A fictitious middle name was given to the baby so that the child would not be jinxed and his best happy life would not be taken away from him.

The name may indicate that the little man belongs to a certain nation. Depending on the character, it can highlight the talent and dignity of its owner. Some names form masculine traits, emphasize power, strength, while others express the love of parents for their children and connection with nature. There are different approaches for selection. Some people look at the calendar, others at popularity; each nation has its own traditions. When a person is happy with a name, it helps him achieve his life goals. When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names following fashion. The most common and popular male names These days the names considered are:

  • Maxim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrey.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexey.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matvey.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child himself likes such names, and he says his name with joy. Many parents prefer to call their babies with established, time-tested, ancient names. Long names are being reduced. Preference is given traditional names. The religious factor also influences the popularity of the name. Easy-to-understand names are becoming common. The fashion for names for boys can change the established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not go out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in every nation. Use your intuition and common sense when choosing a name for your child. So that it is euphonious, you should say it out loud, listen to how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. You should think about the middle name that the future man will give to his children so that it does not sound extravagant to the ear.

An overly unusual name may result in ridicule at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows up and possibly takes a leadership position, will be contacted by full name . A favorable combination of first name and patronymic plays an important role. An adult man is addressed by his first name and patronymic. You need to choose a combination that is easy to pronounce.

If the middle name medium length, the name will fit the same size. If you have a long middle name, it is better to choose a short name. For example, Lev Evgenievich goes well. Nationality must be taken into account. Some parents name their sons after a famous actor or famous hero history. It's better not to do this. Each person lives his own destiny.

You should not call a boy the same name as his father. This is not the best combination. Repetition enhances the energy of the name and the properties inherent in the character of the spouse. This creates confusion when communicating when 2 people have the same name.

Since ancient times, people with certain names have been hardy, strong, reached peaks in life. These qualities are valued at any time. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong male names. These include:

Strong names include: Igor, Ruslan. Evgeny, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with the patronymic, are beautifully pronounced and have powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual names , without thinking about their meaning and how a boy can live with him. Parents call the child so that even the registry office employees refuse to register him under that name. The Muscovites who were born received such unusual names as Mir, Justin, Cosmos, and Elka. Choosing names for boys, sometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology and name the child after famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR at the dawn of communism they gave strange names. Tractor, Kim. Unusual names invented in those years are unlikely to be used. For example - Vladlen in honor of Vladimir Lenin, Pofistal - meant: The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin. There is a real boom in unusual names in the USA. What you should know when choosing rare names, what recommendations there are from psychologists, nuances, you need to think about this. Some rarely seen names resonant and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomir (loving peace).
  • Yaroslav (bright glory).
  • Damir (giver of peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

Choosing the right name is important factor influencing further life path child.

According to Orthodox Church, from birth the child is protected by a Guardian Angel. In Rus' it was accepted naming a child after that saint, on whose memorial day the baby was born. Often parents choose bright names historical figures. Slavic princes were called by such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nicholas is the winner of nations.
  • Georgy is a farmer.
  • Fedor is a gift from God.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexey is a defender.

Russians are closer to Russian traditions. Boys are often called Yaroslav, Elisha, Svyatoslav. Nowadays, we are increasingly turning to the origins of Russian history, remembering the names of the ancient Slavs who became part of it. Russian names have good meaning and understandable to anyone.

Birth of a child - significant event for all family members. Choosing a name is a crucial moment. Today in the arsenal huge amount names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual in sound. The information provided will help you find the right solution. And you chose names for boys: strong, cool. The most Russian name, or any others? Read more about names below.

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A modern male name for a child is a very abstract concept. Old Russian, foreign, “Russianized” names of predominantly ancient Greek and Latin origin, creative ones - in each of these groups there are names that are relevant today.

  • Consonance with full name. The abundance of letters “r” in the surname and patronymic can be balanced by a soft name devoid of this letter. And vice versa.
  • Harmonization with surname and patronymic. An ornate name for simple surnames and patronymic sounds ridiculous. As well as most ordinary, modest names, coupled with unusual or foreign surnames.
  • Some people believe that if there is no letter “r” in the baby’s middle name, then it must be in the name, otherwise the child will grow up to be too soft-tempered. An excess of the letter “r” also does not bode well, so if this letter is present in the patronymic, the name must be chosen without it.
  • It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the name before naming the child. Male names have a wide variety of meanings, and there is an opinion that a “weak” name can negatively affect the baby’s future.
  • It is considered bad luck to name a baby in honor of those who died, especially tragic deaths, relatives or great martyrs. There is an opinion that the child can repeat their fate.

Russian male names for children

Young parents, in contrast to pretentious overseas names, are increasingly calling their children names of Old Church Slavonic origin.

By method of education Slavic names can be divided into categories:

  • Names given by birth order. The first-born could be called Pervushey, the next born boy- Second child, third child - Tretyak.
  • Names of the gods: Yarilo.
  • Names derived from the names of representatives of flora and fauna: Hare, Pike, Wolf, Eagle, Walnut.
  • Names derived from human qualities: Can, Brave, Stoyan.
  • Names formed from participles: Khoten, Nezhdan, Zhdan.
  • Two-basic names formed using two roots, as well as their derivatives: Bogdan - “given by God”, Miroslav - “praising the world”, Burislav - “stormy glory”. Princely family names, for the most part, were two-base.

It is the two-basic Slavic names that are most widespread these days, but in other categories there are very euphonious male names. A list of child-friendly options is provided below.

Orthodox male names for children

Orthodox names for children are recorded in the Saints. The calendar is a church book in which holidays and commemorated saints are listed in calendar order. The tradition of choosing male names for a child by month and birthday began more than 11 centuries ago. At that time, people believed that a saint and a child who was named after him would form a special bond.

Male names for the child were chosen according to the calendar from the list of those saints who are commemorated on the day the baby was born or on the eighth or fortieth day after birth. Sometimes it was allowed to name a child in honor of a saint especially revered by the parents.

Male names for children by zodiac sign

  • Those born under the sign of Aries (March 21 - April 20) are suitable for names such as Arkady, Yuri, Arseny, Oleg, Artem, Adolf, Andrey, Yaroslav, Alexander, August, Alexey, Valery, Georgy, Gabriel, Egor, Nikolay, Savely, Rostislav.
  • Taurus (April 21 - May 21) are better called Akim, Aristarchus, Timur, Fedor, Taras, Makar, David, Vasily, Matvey, Nikita, Mikhail, Borislav, Boris, Anisim, Egor, Anton or Ilya.
  • The nature of Gemini (May 22 - July 21) is emphasized by such names as Alexey, Innocent, Apollo, Gabriel, Arkady, Heinrich, Gennady, Nikita, Konstantin, Gerasim, Georgy, Ignat, Evgeny, Klim, Igor, Innokenty, Makar, Mark, Felix, Sergey, Nikolay.
  • With the sign of Cancer (June 22 - July 22) names such as Julius, Stanislav, Arseny, Andrey, Grigory, Valentin, Anisim, Vyacheslav, Denis, Vitaly, Demyan, Maxim, Ilya, Efim, Lev, Dmitry, Mstislav, Timofey are combined , Semyon.
  • For those born under the sign of Leo (July 23 - August 21), the names August, Robert, Avenir, Alexander, Rodion, Albert, Alexey, German, Aron, Anton, Anatoly, Savely, Ian, Mark, Kirill, Leo, Leonid, Daniil, David are suitable , Ilya, Ivan, Peter, Rostislav, Roman, Nikolai, Ruslan, Arthur.
  • Virgo boys (August 22 - September 23) are best called one of the names listed below: Adrian, Stepan, Gerasim, Agafon, Valentin, Arkhip, Gennady, Vsevolod, Gleb, Heinrich, Marat, Gordey, Demid, Demyan, Grigory, German, Igor, Dmitry, Konstantin, Innokenty, Klim, Nikita, Modest, Matvey, Rostislav, Prokhor, Stanislav, Sergey.
  • For boys born under the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23) the names Akim, Abram, Yakov, Evgeniy, Alfred, Arkady, Julius, Alexey, Boleslav, Anton, Albert, Vitaly, Innocent, Evdokim, Ilya, Vilen, Demyan, Leonid are suitable , Konstantin, Lev, Miron, Nikita, Modest, Pavel, Oleg, Timur, Prokhor, Plato, Rostislav, Philip.
  • The zodiac sign of Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) combines such male names as Yaroslav, Azary, Yuri, Averyan, Efim, Anisim, Joseph, Zakhar, Prokhor, Mstislav, Rodion, Savely, Rudolf, Fedor, Taras, Yakov, Eduard , Artem, Afanasy, Ruslan, Sergey, Arseny.
  • The optimal male names for Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) are Alexander, Yaroslav, Arseny, Aristarchus, Jan, Felix, Irakli, Illarion, Stepan, Semyon, Bulat, Vladimir, Vasily, Artem, Vyacheslav, Afanasy, Georgy, Joseph, Zakhar, Peter, Maxim, Roman, Miron, Svyatoslav, Rustam, Savely.
  • For a Capricorn boy (December 23 - January 20), the names David, Abram, Daniel, Bogdan, Arthur, Gleb, Vadim, Dmitry, Grigory, Vladlen, Igor, Ignat, Ephraim, Ivan, Egor, Leonid, Marat, Kirill, Nikolai, Modest, Matvey, Robert, Oleg, Peter, Jan, Rudolf, Rodion.
  • Aquarius babies (January 21 - February 19) are better called Adam, Ernest, Yuri, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Andrey, Avenir, Valery, Arkady, Albert, Vsevolod, Gleb, Vilen, Gury, Eremey, Pavel, Illarion, Oleg, Leonid or Plato .
  • For a boy born under the sign of Pisces (February 20 - March 20), suitable names are Mikhail, Anton, Alfred, Bogdan, Afanasy, Daniil, Valentin, Valery, Borislav, Vadim, Vasily, Efim, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Eremey, Vladislav, Maxim, Ivan , Timofey, Rudolph, Roman, Eduard, Philip, Yuri, Fedor.

Popular and rare male names for children and their meanings

The Moscow registry office kindly provided statistics on the choice of names for male babies, based on data from previous years and the first quarter of this year.

  • The rating of the most popular male names for children in 2017 was headed by Alexander. This long-loved name has Greek roots and means “protector of people.”
  • In second position is Mikhail, which translated from Hebrew means “who is like God.”
  • Artem received bronze. Initially, the name was just a colloquial form of the name Artemy, but now it is an independent beautiful male name for a child. Translated from Greek, Artem means “unharmed, in perfect health.”
  • In fourth place were Danilo and Daniel - names of biblical origin with Hebrew roots. Translated as “God is a judge.”
  • The fifth place in the list of male names for children, popular this year, was taken by Maxim - Roman family name. Translated from Latin it means “greatest”.
  • In sixth place is the Russian hero folk tales Ivan. One of the translations of this name from Hebrew sounds like “the grace of God.”
  • The seventh place was named Dmitry. This popular name has Greek roots and means “dedicated to the goddess Demeter.” Recall that Demeter is the goddess of earth and fertility in ancient Greek mythology.
  • The eighth position was taken by the name Kirill. A strong name with ancient Greek roots, translated as “lord”.
  • The ninth place also went to a name of ancient Greek origin. In this position is the name Timothy, which means “who worships God.”
  • The Russian name Egor closes the top ten. This name appeared as a phonetic variant of the name George, and the latter came from the Greek name Georgios, which means “farmer”.

The lion's share of the list of popular names in recent years make up the same male names for a child, while rare, unusual names annually supplement the corresponding lists.

  • In 2014, Sevastopol, Strength, Rassvet and Jazz were born.
  • In 2015, baby Mercury was born, named either in honor of a saint, or in honor of the god of trade, or in honor of the first planet from the Sun.
  • Last year, the list of unusual names was supplemented by the name of Latin origin Laurus, which can mean both the plant of the same name and is translated as “holiday”, the ancient Greek name Eustignaeus, translated as “good sign”. Also on the list of unusual names of the past year were the names of Achilles - the brave and practically invulnerable hero of ancient Greek legends. Caesar is a famous commander and dictator, Bartholomew is an Aramaic name translated as “son of the plowed soil,” which was borne by one of Christ’s disciples.


The range of names for boys these days is simply huge. If future or established parents are interested in current male names for a child in 2018, then it is worth turning to the top of the same name for the current year: practice shows that the “winners” of such charts remain in demand for a long time.

In general, it is not so important what origin the child’s name comes from. The main thing is that parents like it and suit the baby.

All names are divided into five conditional groups: the most popular (1-30th place), popular (31-60th place), less popular (61-85th place), rare and very rare names. This classification is practically convenient and visual. Quantitative data are brought to a single denominator - per 10,000 newborns. To better “feel” the numbers, let us point out that approximately 70,000 boys , and throughout Voronezh region Almost 1 of them are born per year 3 000.

(most popular names)

frequency 100 - 700

per 10,000 newborns

frequency 25 - 100

per 10,000 newborns

(less popular)

frequency 6 - 25

per 10,000 newborns

1. Artyom + Artemy

2. Alexander

3. Maxim

4. Daniel + Danil + Danila

5. Dmitry + Dimitri

6. Ivan

7. Kirill

8. Nikita

9. Mikhail

10. Egor + Egor

11. Matvey

12. Andrey

13. Ilya

14. Alexey

15. Roman

16. Sergey

17. Vladislav

18. Yaroslav

19. Timofey

20. Arseny + Arsenty

21. Denis

22. Vladimir

23. Pavel

24. Gleb

25. Konstantin

26. Bogdan

27. Evgeniy

28. Nikolay

29. Stepan

30. Zakhar

31. Timur*

32. Mark

33. Semyon

34. Fedor

35. Georgiy

36. Leo

37. Anton + Anthony

38. Vadim

39. Igor

40. Ruslan*

41. Vyacheslav

42. Gregory

43. Makar

44. Arthur*

45. Victor

46. ​​Stanislav*

47. Savely

48. Oleg

49. David + Davyd*

50. Leonid

51. Peter

52. Yuri

53. Vitaly

54. Miron

55. Vasily

56. Vsevolod

57. Elisha

58. Nazar

59. Rodion

60. Marat

61. Plato

62. Herman

63. Ignat + Ignatius

64. Svyatoslav

65. Anatoly

66. Tikhon

67. Valery

68. Miroslav*

69. Rostislav

70. Boris

71. Philip

72. Demyan

73. Klim + Clement

74. Gordey

75. Valentine

76-79. Gennady

76-79. Demid + Diomede

76-79. Prokhor

76-79. Seraphim

80. Savva

81. Jaromir*

82-85. Arkady

82-85. Arkhip

82-85. Taras

82-85. Trofim

These 30 names account for

74% of all newborn boys

These 30 names account for

17% of all newborn boys

These 25 names account for

3% of all newborn boys

85 most popular Russian male names

in alphabetical order:

Alexander (2). Alexander is in second place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 460 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Alexey (14). Alexey - 14th place in the ranking of male names (approximately 240 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname Alexey

Anatoly (65). The name Anatoly is in 65th place in the popularity ranking (about 20 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Andrey (12). The name Andrey is in high 12th place in the popularity ranking (253 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Anton + Anthony (37). The name Anton is in 37th place in the popularity ranking (72 per 10,000 newborn boys). Anthony is a much less popular form of the name (approximately 3-4 per 10,000) // both names use the godname Anthony

Arkady (82-85). The name Arkady ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Arseny + Arsenty (20). The name Arseny occupies a high 20th place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 176 per 10,000 newborn boys), Arsenty is much less common (2-6 per 10,000). The name Arsen is popular among representatives of the Armenian diaspora // for both variants of the name the godname Arseny is used

Artyom + Artemy (1). The name Artyom, together with Artemy, takes first place in the ranking of male names - almost 600 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which the name Artyom is approximately 580, and the name Artemy is only 20). In birth certificates, the name Artem is usually written with the letter e, that is, Artyom, but sometimes written with the letter e (Artem) // famous saints - Artemy of Antioch, Artemy of Seleucia, Artemy of Verkolsky, Artemy of Kizichesky, Artemy of Listria)

Arthur (44)*. The name Arthur is in 44th place in the popularity ranking (57 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name is especially popular among representatives of the Armenian diaspora // consonant names for baptism: Artema, Artemy, Artemon, Aristarchus

Arkhip (82-85). The name Arkhip ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Bogdan (26). The name Bogdan is in 26th place in the popularity ranking of male names (116 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Dan is much less common (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // it is advisable to use it for baptism church names Theodore and Theodotus (one meaning - “God given”, “God’s gift”)

Boris (70). The name Boris is in 70th place in the popularity ranking of male names (15 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Borislav is less common (no more than 3-4 per 10,000)

Vadim (38). The name Vadim is in 38th place in the popularity ranking of male names (71 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Valentin (75). The name Valentin is in 75th place in the popularity ranking of male names (10 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Valery (67). The name Valery is in 67th place in the popularity ranking of male names (18 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vasily (55). The name Vasily is in 55th place in the popularity ranking of male names (30 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Victor (45). The name Victor ranks 45th in the popularity ranking of male names (56 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vitaly (53). The name Vitaly is in 53rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (38 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vladimir (22). The name Vladimir is in 22nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (157 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vladislav (17). The name Vladislav is in high 17th place in the popularity ranking of male names (190 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vsevolod (56). The name Vsevolod is in 56th place in the popularity ranking of male names (29 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vyacheslav (41). The name Vyacheslav is in 41st place in the popularity ranking of male names (67 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gennady (76-79). The name Gennady is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

George (35). The name Georgiy is in 35th place in the popularity ranking of male names (74 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Herman (62). The name Herman is in 62nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (23 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gleb (24). The name Gleb is in high 24th place in the popularity ranking of male names (120 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gordey (74). The name Gordey is in 74th place in the popularity ranking of male names (11 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Gordey

Gregory (42). The name Gregory is in 42nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (59 per 10,000 newborn boys)

David + Davyd (49)*. The name David, together with Davyd, is in 49th place in the popularity ranking of male names (50 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name David is especially popular among Russian Armenians, and the name Davyd among Russian Germans // godname - David

Daniel + Danil + Danila (4). The names Daniel + Danil + Danila in total occupy 4th place in the popularity ranking of male names - 419 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which Daniel is approximately 200, Danil 150, Danila 70) // godname - Daniel

Demid + Diomede (76-79). The name Demid is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys), Diomede is less common (1 per 10,000) // godname - Diomede

Demyan (72). The name Demyan is in 72nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (13 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Damian

Denis (21). The name Denis is in high 21st place in the popularity ranking of male names (172 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Dionysius

Dmitry + Dimitry (5). The name Dmitry is in fifth place in the popularity ranking of male names (419 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Dimitri is much rarer (5-6 per 10,000) // godname - Dimitri

Evgeniy (27). The name Evgeniy is in 27th place in the popularity ranking of male names (115 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Egor + Egor (10). The name Egor is in a very high 10th place (297 per 10,000 newborn boys). This form of the name as Yegoriy is rare (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // godfather name - Georgiy

Elisha (57). The name Elisha is in 57th place in the popularity ranking of male names (28 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Zakhar (30). The name Zakhar has been very popular in recent years; it is in 30th place in the popularity ranking of male names (100 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Zacharias is much less common (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // godname - Zacharias

Ivan (6). The name Ivan is in sixth place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 400 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - John

Ignat + Ignatius (63). The name Ignat is in 63rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (22 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Ignatius is much less common (2-3 per 10,000) // godname - Ignatius

Igor (39). The name Igor is in 39th place in the popularity ranking of male names (69 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Ilya (13). The name Ilya is in high 13th place in the popularity ranking of male names (252 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Ilya, Iliy

Kirill (7). The name Kirill is in very high 7th place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 350 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Klim + Kliment (73). The names Klim + Clement + Clementy in total occupy 73rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn boys, of which Klim is 5-6 per 10,000, Clement 3-4 per 10,000, Clementy 1-2) / / godname Clement

Konstantin (25). Konstantin is a very popular name, in 25th place in the popularity ranking of male names (118 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Leo (36). Leo is a popular name, ranked 36th in the popularity ranking of male names (73 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Leonid (50). The name Leonid is in 50th place in the popularity ranking of male names (49 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Makar (43). The name Makar is in 43rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (58 per 10,000 newborn boys). There are also cases of registration of the name Macarius (up to 3-4 per 10,000) // godname - Macarius

Maxim (3). Maxim is in third place in the popularity ranking of male names (452 ​​per 10,000 newborn boys)

Marat (60)*. The name Marat is in 60th place in the popularity ranking of male names (25 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name is not included in the Orthodox calendar; for baptism, consonant names Martin, Marian, Mark, Martininan can be suggested

Mark (32). Mark is a popular name, ranked 32nd in the popularity ranking of male names (92 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Matvey (11). A very popular name, ranked 11th in the popularity ranking of male names (255 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Matthew and Matthew

Miron (54). The name Miron is in 54th place in the popularity ranking of male names (31 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Miroslav (68)*. The name Miroslav is in 68th place in the popularity ranking of male names (17 per 10,000 newborn boys) // Iriney, Iriny or Salaman, Solomon can be suitable godnames for Miroslav. The names Irenaeus and Irenius mean "peaceful" in Greek, and Salaman and Solomon also mean "peaceful" in Hebrew.

Mikhail (9). A very popular name, it is in 9th place in the popularity ranking of male names (335 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Nazar (58). The name Nazar is in 58th place in the popularity ranking of male names (27 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Nazariy is rarer (3-4 per 10,000) // godname - Nazariy

Nikita (8). A very popular name, it is in 8th place in the popularity ranking of male names (337 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Nikolai (28). A popular name, it is in 28th place in the ranking of male names (114 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Oleg (48). The name Oleg is in 48th place in the popularity ranking of male names (51 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Pavel (23). The name Pavel is in 23rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Peter (51). The name Peter is in 51st place in the popularity ranking of male names (46 per 10,000 newborn boys). Peter is usually written on birth certificates, but in approximately one case out of seven to eight Peter is written

Plato (61). The name Plato is in 61st place in the popularity ranking of male names (24 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Prokhor (76-79). The name Prokhor is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Rodion (59). The name Rodion is in 59th place in the popularity ranking of male names (26 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Roman (15). A very popular name, it is in 15th place in the popularity ranking of male names (233 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Rostislav (69). The name Rostislav is in 69th place in the popularity ranking of male names (16 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Ruslan (40)*. The name Ruslan is in 40th place in the popularity ranking of male names (68 per 10,000 newborn boys) // The name Ruslan is not included in the Orthodox calendar. Often, as a godname, according to consonance, the church names Rostislav or Rustik (translated from Latin meaning “village”) are taken from the calendar, in honor of the holy martyr Rustik of Paris (memory day October 3/16). Another option for a godname could be Leonid (based on the meaning of the name): the name Leonid means “like a lion”, “similar to a lion”

Savva (80). The name Savva is in 80th place in the popularity ranking of male names (8 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Savely (47). The name Savely is in 47th place in the popularity ranking of male names (53 per 10,000 newborn boys); the name Savel is very rare (less than 1 in 10,000) // godname - Savel (patron saint is the martyr Savel the Persian, memorial day: June 17/30)

Svyatoslav (64). The name Svyatoslav is in 64th place in the popularity ranking of male names (21 per 10,000 newborn boys

Semyon (33). The name Semyon is in 33rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (88 per 10,000 newborn boys); in the overwhelming majority of cases, “Semyon” is written on birth certificates, sometimes “Semyon”; in 1-2 cases per 10,000, “Simeon” is registered as a passport name (i.e., the canonical church form of the name)

Seraphim (76-79). The name Seraphim is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Sergey (16). A very popular name, in 16th place in the popularity ranking of male names (196 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Sergius

Stanislav (46)*. The name Stanislav is in 46th place in the popularity ranking of male names (54 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name Stanislav is not included in the Orthodox calendar

Stepan (29). The name Stepan occupies a high 29th place in the popularity ranking of male names (111 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godfather church name - Stefan; Rarely, the name Stefan is registered as a passport name (less than 1 in 10,000)

Taras (82-85). The name Taras ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Tarasy

Timofey (19). The name Timofey occupies a very high 19th place in the popularity ranking of male names (177 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Timur (31)*. The name Timur ranks 31st in the popularity ranking of male names (95 per 10,000 newborn boys). International name, popular with both Russians and Volga Tatars, in the republics North Caucasus etc.

Tikhon (66). The name ranks 66th in the popularity ranking of male names (19 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Trofim (82-85). The name Trofim ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Fedor (34). The name Fedor ranks 34th in the popularity ranking (86 per 10,000 newborn boys). Fedor is usually written on birth certificates, but in approximately one case out of ten Fedor is written // godname - Feodor

Philip (71). The name Philip ranks 71st in the popularity ranking of male names (14 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Yuri (52). The name ranks 52nd in the popularity ranking of male names (43 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Georgy, Yuri

Jaromir (81)*. The name ranks 81st in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name is not included in the Orthodox calendar; similar in sound are the church names Jerome, Jeremiah, Jeremiah

Yaroslav (18). The name ranks high 18th in the popularity ranking of male names (188 per 10,000 newborn boys)


Rare names.

These are quite “live” names (Russian and borrowed), which are registered by the registry office departments on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 to 5 per 10,000 newborn boys.

Here is a list of such names:Avenir, Avram (Abraham, Abram), Adam, Adrian + Andrian, Azar, Akim, Aksyon, Albert*, Arian, Aristarchus, Aron, Athanasius, Borislav*, Bronislav*, Valerian, Varlam, Bartholomew, Veniamin, Vladlen*, Vlas , Vseslav*, Gabriel + Gabriel, Henry*, Gerasim, Dementy, Dobrynya*, Donat, Dorotheus, Evsey, Elizar, Emelyan, Eremey, Ermolai, Efim, Ephraim, Il(l)arion, Innocent, Joseph, Isaac (Isaak) , Cyrus, Kiryan, Korney, Christian*, Kuzma, Laurus, Lavrenty, Lazar, Leonard*, Leonty, Luka, Lukyan, Lyubomir*, Maximilian, Martin, Maryan, Milan*, Micah, Moses, Mstislav, Naum, Nestor, Nikon , Oscar*, Ostap, Pankrat, Panteley, Potap, Radmir*, Ratmir*, Rafail + Rafael*, Renat*, Robert*, Rudolf*, Samson, Samuel, Sevastyan, Solomon, Tihomir*, Ustin, Fad(d)ey , Felix, Filat, Edgar*, Eduard*, Emil, Eric*, Ernest*, Julian, Yakov, Jan.

Very rare names.

In the old days, they were quite common in Russia, but today they have practically fallen out of use, and the registry office records only isolated cases of their registration over several years (the frequency of such names is less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys). But the names aren’t the worst!

Here is a short list of them: Abakum, Abrosim, Augustus, Avdey, Averyan, Agathon, Alfer, Andron, Antip, Artamon, Asey, Vissarion, Galaktion, Hermogenes, Gury, Guryan, Evdokim, Evstigney, Evtey, Epiphanes, Ermil, Erofey, Zinovy, Izosim, Ishmael, Larion, Hippolytus, Irakli, Isaiah, Kasyan, Kirsan, Claudius, Kondrat, Kupriyan, Larion, Markel, Martyan, Minai, Miney, Mitrofan, Modest, Nikander, Nicodemus, Nile, Osip, Paramon, Pakhom, Pimen, Prokofy, Savvaty, Savel, Severin, Severyan, Strength, Silantius, Sylvester, Simon, Sophon, Sophron, Spiridon, Terenty, Titus, Tryphon, Ulyan, Fedosei, Fedot, Theoktist, Feofan, Fetis, Philaret, Firs, Thomas, Frol, Christopher, Emmanuel, Julius.

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used in Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian name book included Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian and Persian names, which were adapted on the territory of Russia and have long been perceived as Russian.

Most Russian names that are currently used in Russia are not originally Russian in origin. They are borrowed from the Greek language along with Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th-19th centuries Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the imported Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Juliania - Ulyana, Artemy - Artyom, Daniil - Danila, Jeremiah - Eremey).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book best names all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian and Babylonian names.

If we consider names by meaning, then almost all names Greek and Roman origin talk about positive (desirable) character traits and appearance.

Hebrew names different from Greek and Roman. Most Hebrew names are associated with the name of God. For example, Gabriel is my strength god! Daniel is God's judgment.

Currently name books of any country includes not only the original names of its people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, the mixing of cultures, and also a consequence of the migration of peoples.

The name book includes the name, the origin of the name and the meaning of the name.

Russian modern male names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is ours intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publishing them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Russian modern male names. Modern Russian name book


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Pay attention! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website and in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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