Dramatization of Chukovsky's fairy tales. Final stage Dramatization of the fairy tale “Telephone. Objectives of the priority educational area

Fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone"

    Operatorcall -center;

    Elephant - cafe administrator;

    Crocodile - car mechanic;

    Bunnies are painters;

    Monkeys are librarians;

    Bear - a patient at a dentist’s appointment (sitting in a chair, mouth open, with a phone in his hands);

    Dentist (role without words);

    The pig is a singer;


    Rescuers (pulling the ropes tied to the screen, “rescuing” the Hippopotamus).

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?

- Where?

Cafe "From Camel".
- What do you need?
- Chocolate, marmalade, lemonade.
- For whom?

For guests of my cafe.
- How much should I send?
- Yes, about five or six pounds:
There are guests in our cafe

And sometimes they are very hungry!

And then Crocodile called and asked with tears:
- My dear, good one, send me the wheels

For BMW, Lada and Porsche.

Wait, wasn't it you last week
Did I send two pairs of great wheels?

Ah, the ones you sent last week

They have been “bald” for a long time.

We are waiting, we can’t wait,

When will you send to our service again?

A dozen new and strong wheels!

And then the bunnies called:

Can you send me some gloves?

And also rollers and paint.

We need to finish painting.

And then the monkeys called:

Please send me books!

And then the bear called

Yes, how he began, how he began to roar.
- Wait, bear, don’t roar,
Explain what you want?
But he is only "mu" and "mu"
Why, why - I don’t understand!
- Please hang up!

And then the pig called:

Is it possible to send a nightingale?

Today we are together with the nightingale

Let's sing a wonderful song!

And this kind of rubbish all day long:




Either the seal will call, or the deer.

I haven't slept for three nights

I would like to fall asleep


But as soon as I lay down -

- Who's talking?

- What's happened?

Trouble! Trouble! Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?

- Whom?

Hippopotamus! Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp.
- Fell into a swamp?!
- Yes! Neither here nor there!

Oh, if you don't come,

He will drown, drown in the swamp,

Hippopotamus will die and disappear!!!
- OK! I'm running! I'm running! If I can, I'll help!

Oh, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!


Shanina Maria Anatolyevna

    Place of work (full name of educational institution, city, region), position

MBOU Secondary School No. 36, Kuzino, teacher primary classes

Extracurricular activities

    Material name

Fairy tale “Telephone” (K.I. Chukovsky)

    Type of resource (development of a training session, didactic material, simulator, methodological recommendations, article, etc.)


Introduce to professions junior schoolchildren

    Environment, editor in which the product is executed


    How it is implemented in the lesson (time and place, form of use)

This scenario can be used for extracurricular activities and cool hours, when getting acquainted with professions.

This tale was used during the Theater season in elementary school on the topic “In the world of profession.”

    List of sources used.

State budget

educational institution in Moscow

"School No. 2065"

structural unit "Kindergarten No. 9"

Dramatization based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Telephone” in the middle group.

Teachers of the “Yagodka” group: Klyukvina Anastasia Vyacheslavovna;

Gubatenko Svetlana Nikolaevna;

Musical director: Marchenko Evgenia Vadimovna.

Moscow 2016


Target: Through theatrical play, develop children's creative abilities.

Tasks: To develop imaginative thinking, imagination, and creative abilities in children.

Teach children to transform into roles and improvise.

To develop children's creative expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, and movements.

Enrich and expand children's vocabulary;

Arouse interest in the work of K. I. Chukovsky;

Foster a sense of friendship and teamwork.

Costumes: animal masks (elephant, crocodile, hares, monkeys, herons, pigs, gazelles, kangaroos, rhinoceros, hippopotamus). Postman.

Decorations: Poster, mail with post boxes, 1 table at the postman - another at the animals; Africa (palm trees, trees).

Music: audio recordings with animal voices (when each animal leaves, music with its voice is turned on).

Characters and performers:Postman, elephant, crocodile, bunnies, monkeys, 2 herons, pig, 2 gazelles, 2 kangaroos, rhinoceros, hippopotamus - children middle group No. 9 “Yagodka” (20 people)

The course of the theatrical action(the scenario has been changed. Animals from Africa call the post office on the phone. And they tell the postman what they need. And the Postman promises to send them everything).

The teacher enters:

Dear guests, we are pleased to welcome you to our holiday. Today the guys have prepared for you a performance based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Telephone”. We invite you to a fairy tale!

The teacher transforms into a postman.

The music of the elephant sounds, the elephant walks to the sound of music.

Postman: - My phone rang (the phone rings).

Who's speaking?

Elephant: - Elephant.

Postman: - Where from?

Elephant: - From a camel.

Postman: - What do you need?

Elephant: - Chocolate.

Postman: - For whom?

Elephant: - For my son.

Postman: – How much should I send?

Elephant: - Yes, about five or six pounds:

He can't eat anymore

He's still small for me!

The elephant hangs up the phone and to the music - the elephant cries goes to Africa (all the artists are waiting in the bedroom).

Music is playing. 2 Crocodiles come out to the music.

And then the crocodile called (the phone rings)

And with tears he asked:

Crocodile 1: - My dear, good one,

Send me galoshes

For me, my wife, and Totosha.

Postman: - Wait, isn't it for you?

Last week

I sent two pairs

Excellent galoshes?

Crocodile 2: - Oh, the ones you sent

Last week

We ate a long time ago

And we wait, we can’t wait,

When will you send again

For our dinner, a dozen

New and sweet galoshes!

The crocodiles hang up the phone and go to Africa to the music.

Three bunnies jump out to the music.

After jumping around the hall, they go to the phone.

Postman: - And then the bunnies called: (the phone rings).

Bunnies: – Could you send some gloves (everyone says it together)?

Postman: - Of course, of course, wait for the parcel.

To the music, the bunnies run away to Africa.

Four Monkeys run out to the music, dance, and then approach the table with the telephone.

Postman: - And then the monkeys called: (the phone rings).

Monkeys: - Please send me the books!

Postman: - The application has been accepted, please wait for the parcel.

To the music, the Monkeys run away to Africa.

Bear comes out to the music and approaches the table with the phone.

Postman: - And then the bear called (the phone rings)

Yes, how he began, how he began to roar.

Bear: Growling into the phone...

Postman: - Wait, bear, don’t roar,

Explain what you want?

But he is only “mu” and “mu”,

Why, why, I don’t understand!

Please hang up!

Call. After a pause.

Bear: - Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

The bear hangs up the phone and goes into the Forest to the music.

The Herons (two) come out to the music and approach the table with the telephone.

Postman: - A

Music sounds and then the herons call. (phone rings)

Herons (together): – Please send some drops:

We've eaten too much frogs today,

And our stomachs hurt!

The herons hang up the phone and go into the Swamp to the music.

The Pig comes out to the music.

Postman: - And then the pig called. (The phone rings)

Pig: - Could you send a nightingale?

Today we are together with the nightingale

Let's sing a wonderful song.

Postman: - No no! Nightingale

Doesn't sing for pigs!

Better call the crow!

The pig hangs up the phone and goes away to the music.

Postman: - And such rubbish

All day:




Either the seal will call, or the deer.

And recently two gazelles...

Gazelles jump out to the music, jump around the stage, and then approach the table with the phone.

Postman: - They called and sang: (The phone rings)

Gazelle 1: – Really?


Did all the carousels burn down?

Postman: - Oh, are you sane, gazelles?

The carousels didn't burn down

And the swing survived!

You shouldn't make noise from the gazelles,

And next week

They would gallop and sit down

On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the ghazals

And they were still making noise:

Gazelle 2: – Really?


Are all the swings on fire?

Postman: - What stupid gazelles!

The gazelles hang up the phone and run away to Africa to the music.

To the music, a Kangaroo (two) jumps out, jumps around the stage, and then approaches the table with the phone.

Postman: - And yesterday morning there was a kangaroo. (The phone rings.)

Kangaroo 1: – Isn’t this Moidodyr’s apartment?

Postman: - I got angry, and howled:

No! This is someone else's apartment!

Kangaroo 2: -Where is Moidodyr?

Postman: - I can’t tell you...

Call the number

One hundred twenty-five.

The kangaroo hangs up the phone and, accompanied by music (the song “Sing, Vasya” (minus) by G. Gladkov), jumps to Africa.

Postman: - I haven’t slept for three nights, I’m tired...

Stretching, the postman lowers his head onto the table.

Postman:: - I would like to fall asleep, relax...

Rhino runs onto the stage to the music.

Postman: - But as soon as I lay down, the bell rang! (The phone rings) The postman raises his head and picks up the phone.

Postman: Who's talking?

Rhinoceros: - Rhinoceros.

Postman: - What is it?

Rhinoceros: - Trouble! Trouble!

Run here quickly!

Postman: - What's the matter?

Rhinoceros: - Save!

Postman: - Who?

Rhinoceros: - Hippopotamus!

Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp...

Postman: - Fell into the swamp!

Rhinoceros: - Yes! And neither, there nor here!

Oh, if you don't come, -

He will drown, drown in the swamp,

The Behemoth will die and disappear!

Postman: - OK! I'm running! I'm running!

If I can, I'll help!

The postman takes the rhinoceros and they retire to the bedroom-Africa.

To the music, all the animals come out like a train, the teacher goes first. And the “train” ends with Behemoth. Everyone left. They stood in a semicircle towards the audience, and everyone spoke in unison.

Animals (in unison): - Oh! This is not an easy job:

Drag the Hippopotamus out of the swamp!

A fun dance was prepared for our guests (“One step back, two steps forward and a turn on the spot”). Animal artists invite guests to couples dance. The performance ended on such a happy note!

Script for an instructive performance for older children preschool age with adults
(based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”)

Target: Teach preschoolers the rules of safe behavior on the roads.


1. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules.

2.Develop observation, speed, reaction of movements.

3. Arouse interest in children and good attitude to each other.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions with children on the streets of the village to the roadway

2. Conversations, observations, practical exercises at transport sites in the d/s area and in the hall,

3. Reading works on the prevention of DDTT

4. Participation in regional, municipal, garden competitions on the prevention of DDTT, watching cartoons, presentations, videos about the rules of DDTT.

Musical accompaniment: tape recorder, piano.

Progress of entertainment

Narrator Good Doctor Aibolit, he is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment, both the cow and the she-wolf,

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone good doctor Aibolit!

(Aibolit enters, humming a tune, sits down, begins leafing through the encyclopedia)

Narrator And the Fox came to Aibolit.

(Fox enters, paw at the ready, rollers on his shoulder, bump on his forehead)

Fox: Oh, my body hurts,

Aibolit: What's happened? And what hurts?

Aibolit will help you now

(examines Lisa, she sings to the tune of the song “We Rode on a Boat,” folk music, lyrics by the author)

Fox I was rollerblading along the wide highway,

For some reason I ended up in the oncoming lane.

In the forest, they say, in the forest, they say,

They say a pine tree grew,

But this tree was knocked down by a girl on roller skates!

Mommy scolds me, daddy doesn’t give me any freedom,

I come home from skiing, he’s waiting for me at the gate

And I, he says, won’t leave it to you, he says,

I'll make you learn the rules of movement!

(cries, shakes his paw and holds his forehead)

Aibolit: Well, Lisa, I’ll prescribe it for you

Lotions on the paw, lotions on the forehead,

I’ll also write you directions (writes)

For this you will go to school, dear friend,

We have a school of traffic light sciences.

The director there is Lev, he is very strict,

I hope you will learn every lesson.

And soon you will recognize all the road signs.

And, of course, you will be more careful!

Narrator And then the Monkey came running,

(a monkey runs in, trembling.)

Monkey: Oh, Mishka scared me yesterday,

And now I'm shaking

Aibolit: Don't tremble! It's better to say everything in order.

Monkey (sings in fear to the tune of the song “Conversation with Happiness”

from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”, music. A.Zatsepina, words by the author)

1.Someone suddenly knocked on the door in silence

Are you sleeping or not, we want to check

Friends invited me to play ball.

We played football on the road yesterday.

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door slammed,

An animal jumped out of the car.

I didn’t recognize him right away because it was dark.

He grabbed our pink ball, he started to jump on it,

It turned out that it was a Bear and began to growl and roar at us!

2. He growled and shouted that he was in our way

Everyone's tails, paws, ears, legs will be crushed,

After all, there are playgrounds for this.

You need to play there - everything will be fine.

We want to know all the rules - where can we animals play?

We feel good on the road, the ball rolled quickly, easily,

But cars are here and there,

They honk and don’t let us play, they don’t let us play.


Aiboli t: Let your friends know: you can’t play on the highway!

Don't run out onto the roadway,

On the road NEVER! Don't play ball!

I'll prescribe you valerian with tea,

You won't tremble anymore, Monkey!

(gives a bottle of valerian. Sits down and writes directions)

Aibolit: I’ll write out directions for you to school,

So that you know all the traffic rules!

The director there is Leo (shows in photo)) he is very strict

You will have to learn every lesson so that your parents are calm.

And you weren’t scolded by drivers on the highway! (The monkey leaves)

Narrator: and then Gray Wolf came running, he was shaking a little too

(a trembling Wolf enters.)

Wolf: I have completely stopped distinguishing the colored lights of traffic lights,

Help, Aibolit, help !(sings to the tune of the song “Bouquet”, music by A. Barykin, lyrics by the author)

1. I rode my bike for a long, long time, I didn’t slow down at the traffic lights,

Suddenly, from the left he loudly signaled to me

Huge, huge blue Zil.

2. The driver grabbed me by the collar and sullenly pointed at the traffic light.

If the red light is on, he said,

So you need to stand then!

Narrator: And Aibolit said

Aiboli T: No problem,

Come here again tomorrow.

Let's study colors together, I'll help you distinguish them!

(sits down, writes)

Aibolit: Here's another direction for you,

Tomorrow you will go to school at dawn,

There is a school of traffic light sciences,

You will study there, my friend,

You will know the colors of traffic lights and always drive according to the rules!

(The wolf leaves)

Narrator: Here again a new beast has knocked on this door

(the cat comes in and limps)

Cat: Oh, I'm a cat, oh, I'm a Cat, help me a little!

I was closing the car door, my paw hit the door,

My heel hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Cat ( sings to the tune of the song “Go away, close the door”, lyrics by the author):

There were nights, there were days, they were boring,

before I took out the loan, I bought a Mercedes,

Only I didn’t know the rules and drove at random,

on the bridge, oh my God, the guard shouted to me:

Come out, close the door, you are not friendly with your head,

If you don’t know the rules, you can end up injured.

Well, you exceeded the right and overtook two,

This is double overtaking, it is prohibited on the bridge!

Aibolit: I will prescribe physical therapy for you,

And I will put a cast on my left heel, (applies a plaster cast, writes out directions)

I’ll also give you directions to school so you can learn the rules of the road.

You study better at school, and then get behind the wheel! (The cat leaves.)

Narrator: And such rubbish all day long!

Either a deer will come running, or a seal,

and this morning the hedgehog came running, saw the doctor and started babbling!

(a hedgehog enters with a stick and limps)

Hedgehog: I fell under the hooves, I lay on the road,

My leg hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Aibolit: What happened to you? Tell me, my brother!

Hedgehog:(sings to the tune of “A gypsy rode on a horse...”, folk music, lyrics by the author)

1. A hare rode on horseback, and I met him on foot

I glanced here and there,

Now troubles cannot be avoided.

2. I'm limping, I can't run,

How can you save yourself from trouble?

I can't understand how confused I was

Why didn't he let me in?

Aibolit: To avoid being wounded, do not walk on the road!

A pedestrian needs a sidewalk for walking,

and you can cross the road only by crossing!

If you delve into my words, your head will be whole!

I’ll heal your leg, I’m telling you for sure!

(bandages, writes out directions)

To find out the rules - where to walk, when to stand,

You will go to school and learn those rules!

The director there is a lion, he is very strict,

You will have to go to every lesson!

(the hedgehog leaves, Aibolit sits down at the table, checks the medications...)

The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays)

Narrator: Our Aibolit helped everyone, told us where and what hurt

And he prescribed treatment, gave directions,

so that every forest animal studies in that school,

So that everyone without exception knows the traffic rules!

The school year has passed and the forest people have come

Back to Aibolit’s house, show your knowledge, tell the guys everything

(all animals included)

Monkey: We now know perfectly well how to behave on the road,

We don’t play on the roads to save ourselves from trouble!

Wolf: I know that a traffic light has three cherished lights -

If it’s red, it’s dangerous, which means you can’t move!

Yellow - he tells the driver to get ready and wait

And green says: the path is now open for you!

Cat And now we know for sure that you can’t stand on the bridge,

If you are in the car now, then move, friends!

Double overtaking on the bridge is, of course, prohibited!

Hedgehog: If you are a pedestrian, look at the crossing,

To cross the road, you need to find him!

(Music “Visiting a Fairy Tale”)

Aibolit: The story is coming to an end, I’m looking at you now

And I want you guys to always be vigilant,

So that trouble never overtakes you anywhere!

Narrator-The fairy tale ends here, and whoever listened, well done!

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson!

Title: Script of the play for senior and preparatory groups based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”

Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
Location: Shunga village, Kostroma district, Kostroma region, Russia

Organization: MADOU kindergarten №25

Locality: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Description: This theatrical performance was held as part of the final event dedicated to the year of cinema, according to the project “In the world of fairy tales and cinema. Preparation and performance of dramatizations of fairy tales and plot passages based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky.”

When preparing a performance special attention focused on working with parents. They were not only passive spectators, but also actively helped: they created the scenery, sewed the costumes, and came up with the design. There were no empty seats in the hall at the premiere of the fairy tale. Relatives and friends came to support the little artists. Well, the guys, feeling such serious support, performed with all their hearts.

Of course, not all poetic texts are personal compositions (borrowed from the Internet), but, as they say, every artist sees differently. We have our own, unique, musical fairy tale.
Maybe someone will find this experience useful, and you and your senior preschoolers will stage a similar performance.

Target: development creativity older preschoolers through theatrical activities.

Priority tasks educational field:

  • “Artistic and aesthetic development”:
    • develop an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; develop a sense of empathy for characters works of art; give the opportunity to realize one's own independence creative activity children;
    • stimulate the development of creative, search activity, and independence of children;
    • To form in children and adults a sustainable interest in reading works of fiction, to develop the skills of a competent reader through joint activities;
    • to involve children and parents in joint design activities in modeling costume elements, scenery, and attributes.

Educational objectives in the integration of educational areas:

  • "Cognitive development":
    • Develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
    • IN game form remember, repeat and consolidate the content of K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales
    • Expand children's horizons.
  • “Social and communicative development”:
    • familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules.
    • develop the emotional-volitional sphere, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
    • to form positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
  • “Speech development”:
    • activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.
    • to cultivate a culture of verbal communication, self-respect, and a conscious attitude towards one’s activities;
  • "Physical development":
    • develop coordination of speech with movement;
    • develop general motor skills.


  1. To consolidate children's understanding of the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, show them to children amazing world fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, their wisdom and beauty.
  2. Encourage children to enjoy meeting their loved ones fairy-tale characters, learn to understand the humor of his works.
  3. Improve dialogic speech and intonation expressiveness.
  4. Develop memory, attention, the ability to expressively and emotionally read poetry and works.
  5. Strengthen the ability to perform means of expression (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements).
  6. Introduce children to the basics of cinema. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a movie performance so that you feel like movie characters.
  7. To cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil, to participate in literary dramatization.

Form:holiday - entertainment

Method:verbal, visual, game

Preliminary work:

  • reading and viewing fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations for fairy tales;
  • memorizing poetic texts, discussing characters;
  • preparation of funds theatrical expressiveness(scenery, costumes, masks).
  • Making posters and invitation cards for guests.

Stage decorations: bathhouse, costumes for characters, flowers, trees, mushrooms (fly agaric), drying bags, samovar. Attributes for the bath: washcloths, basins, bath caps, brooms, benches, dummies of shampoo and soap bottles, towels.

The performance uses excerpts from the works of K.I. Chukovsky: “Barmaley”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Stolen Sun”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Cockroach”, “Confusion”, “Telephone”, “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, poem “Fly in the Bath”.

Used musical works: Music from the film “There on Unknown Paths”, E. Ptichkin - Plyatskovsky “Fairy Tales Walk Around the World”, backing track of the song of Barmaley, Fly, Bee, Grasshoppers, like a Cockroach chopping wood, musical greeting and communicative dance game “Find yourself a friend”.

Characters: teacher 1 - presenter, teacher 2 - Barmaley. The readers of the poem are children, Fly, Bee, Butterfly, Ladybug, Cockroach, Ant, Grasshoppers (2), Beetles, Spider, various Bugs.

Progress of the lesson

(children enter the hall to the music from the film “There, on Unknown Paths”)

Educator: Hello guys, dear guests!

Children present a musical greeting

Educator: reads V. Berestov’s poem “Fairy Tale” (to K. Chukovsky)

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale.
That there is a happy ending in it
The soul already has a presentiment
And for any test
Brave hearts agree
Waiting impatiently
Have a happy ending.

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes! Very!

Educator: Do you want to go to fabulous trip?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Dear guys, today I invite you to fairyland one writer who was very fond of children and fairy tales. He also loved different animals: big and small, kind and not so kind, so he wrote fairy tales for small children about animals (excerpts from poems about animals are read out). And this is what distinguishes these fairy tales from all of them: good ending. Have you guessed which storyteller I'm talking about?

Children: Yes! This is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Educator: But to get to this wonderful country, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words:

"Ap - ap, shari - vari, shari - vari, ap - ap"

enters to the music of Barmaley

Barmaley: “I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless, I am the evil robber Barmaley!

And I don’t need any marmalade or chocolate, but only small children!”

Barmaley: How beautiful, elegant, joyful you are, where are you going?

Presenter : We are going on a journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Barmaley : Oh, I won’t let you into the fairy tale until you guess my riddles!

Let's see how well you know the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky?

  • bears were riding a bicycle, and behind them a cat was riding backwards:

and behind him mosquitoes on a balloon,

and behind them are crayfish on a lame dog (Cockroach)

  • the sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud,

The bunny looked out the window, it became dark for the bunny (Stolen sun)

  • and the foxes took matches, went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea,

the sea is burning with flames, a whale ran out of the sea (Confusion)

  • the cockroaches came running, they drank all the glasses,

and bugs for three cups, with milk and a pretzel (Fly - Tsokotuha)

  • and then the herons called: - please send some drops:

We ate too much on frogs today, and our stomachs hurt! (Telephone)

  • the blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me (Moidodyr)
  • the kittens meowed: “We’re tired of meowing! We want to grunt like piglets!” (Confusion)
  • and nearby hippos clutching their tummies: their tummies hurt, the hippos (Aibolit)
  • “And behind them are saucers, saucers -

    They rush along the street -
    Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
    On the glasses - ding! - bump into
    And the glasses - ding! - they break!
    (Fedorino grief)
  • “The wolves ate each other out of fear.
    The poor crocodile swallowed Toad.
    And the elephant, trembling all over, sat on the hedgehog.” (Cockroach)

Barmaley: Well done guys! All the riddles were solved.

Presenter: Dear, kind Barmaley, let us into the fairy tale as soon as possible.

Barmaley: How sweet and, most importantly, smart these little kids are!
I have become, yes, guys, kinder!

I will let the cute children into a fairy tale, treat them to pretzels and rolls!

Presenter: Thank you. Barmaley! Do you want to go on a fabulous journey with us?

Barmaley: Of course I really want to!

Presenter: K.I. Chukovsky wrote not only fairy tales, but also very interesting, funny, unusual poems.

Dramatization of the poem "Fly in the Bath"

Children take their places according to their roles.

Reader 1: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Fly in the Bath”

Reader 2: There lived a fly in the world and one day she decided to wash herself in the bathhouse.

Readers (3 – 8):

A fly flew into the bathhouse and wanted to take a steam bath (a fly flies to the music)

The cockroach chopped wood, flooded the bathhouse for the fly (chops wood, drowns the bathhouse to the music) And the furry bee brought her a washcloth (a bee flies to the music with a washcloth)

The fly was washing, the fly was washing, the fly was steaming (washing)

Yes, she fell, rolled, and hit (falls)

She dislocated a rib and twisted her shoulder (she can barely stand up and sit on a bench).

Fly: “Hey, ant, call the doctors!”

The grasshoppers came and fed the fly drops (grasshoppers jump to the music).

The fly became as it was, good and cheerful.

And she rushed off again to fly along the street (A fly flies away to the music).

Children stand in pairs

Communicative music game "Find yourself a friend"

Presenter : And our journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky has come to an end.

Barmaley: This is the end of the fairy tale

Presenter : And who listened

All together: WELL DONE!!!

The children say goodbye to Barmaley and return to the group.

(For children of senior preschool age)


  • Formation in children of an emotional attitude to the works of K.I. Chukovsky;
  • Introduction to moral culture;
  • Development of creative abilities in preschoolers;

Equipment: character costumes: Fedora, Aibolit, Jackal, Moidodyr.

(Children with a presenter to the music of Yu. Levitin “Exit of the Moydir”)

Host: Hello, dear guys and adults. Today we have a holiday dedicated to the work of our beloved and dear writer, a meeting with the heroes of our favorite books by K.I. Chukovsky.

Children, do you like the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Host: What fairy tales do you know???

Children: “Moidodyr”, “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Barmaley”, “Telephone”, “Stolen Sun”, “Confusion”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Crocodile”.

Host: Do you want to go on a journey through the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky?

Children: Yes, we want.

Host: Today we will go to amazing trip based on the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. You have to overcome many challenges, and if you cope with most of them, you will be able to receive a reward at the end of the journey as an “Expert in the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.” Do you agree? Then let's go. First, you and I will sail on a ship, and the captain of our ship will be Gleb.

(The presenter chooses a captain (child) and puts him at the helm.)

Captain: Full speed ahead!

(The “sound of the sea” phonogram sounds. Children read poetry while performing the movements.)

Ⅰ child:

Seagulls circle above the waves,

Let's fly after them together.

Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,

And above the sea you and I.

Ⅱ child:

We are now sailing on the sea,

And let's frolic in the open air!

Have fun raking

And catch up with the dolphins!

(Children alternately make swimming movements with their arms: turns to the right, stretching, arms forward.)

Ⅲ child:

How nice it is to swim in the sea,

Shore on the left, shore on the right!

The sea, the sea ahead,

There's a bridge on top, look!


To swim even faster,

We need to row faster!

We work with our hands

Who will keep up with us?

(Children make a “rowing” movement.)

Host: Therefore, we will get there by boat.

Relay race “Boats (ships)” (dishes and Fedora runs backstage to change clothes)

Two teams line up. The child takes a picture of a boat and runs across to a certain line, then runs back and passes the boat to the next participant. The presenter reports whose team completed the task faster. Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Children, sit down on the chairs. And now we will find out what kind of fairy tale we found ourselves in.

(Merry music sounds, “Fedora’s Exit.”)

Hello, honest people!

I don't like peace.

Although I am old and weak,

But she is young at heart.

I don't like cleaning

I would like to sing, joke, dance!

Why is it so sad all around?

Is your house boring, dusty, empty?

(Music sounds, “Fun training” by T. Suvorova. Fedora runs for the “dishes”) (Fedora sits down on a chair tired.)

Sieve gallops across the fields,

And the trough in the meadows,

There's a broom behind the shovel

She walked along the street.

What's happened? Why?

I don't understand anything?

This is a fairy tale about

How did the miracle happen?

Ran away from Fedora

Dirty dishes.

Oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh!

Come home!

Hey you stupid plates

Why are you jumping like squirrels?

We'd better get lost in the field

Let's not go to Fedora!

Host: But the kettle whispered to the iron:

Host: And the saucers cried:

Saucers: Isn't it better to go back?

Frying pan:

Look who's toiling there?

Sits, cries, is sad?

Dishes (children in chorus):

Yes, it's by the fence

Our mistress is Fedora!

But a miracle happened to her

Fedora has become kinder.

Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and pans,

Go home unwashed,

I will wash you with spring water!

I won't!

I won't!

I will offend the dishes

I will, I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect

The pots laughed

They winked at the samovar.

Well, Fedora, so be it,

We are glad to forgive you!

And the saucers rejoiced



And they dance and laugh



(Dishes and Fedora perform the samovar dance “Oh you canopy...”.)

Well, it's time to say goodbye,

It was fun with you.


Good morning!

(Fedora says goodbye and leaves backstage with the dishes.)

(Doctor Aibolit and the jackal leave to change clothes.)

Let's fly - it's like we're on an airplane.

(The phonogram “Airplane noise” plays.)

(Aibolit sits under a tree and sits.)

Host: Here we are. Let's see what kind of fairy tale this is?

(The child comes out and reads.)

Dear Doctor Aibolit,

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bear.

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit.

Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere

He rode up on a mare.

(The phonogram sounds, “The horse is galloping.”)

Here's a telegram for you

From a hippopotamus.

(Aibolit reads the telegram.)

Come, doctor,

To Africa quickly

And save me, doctor,

Our kids!

What's happened? Really?

Are your children sick?!

Yes, yes, yes! They have a sore throat

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis.

Come quickly

Good Doctor Aibolit!

(The jackal rides off on a horse, Aibolit takes a suitcase and walks along the palm tree and begins to treat the animals.)

Presenter: And all the children are glad and happy.

I've arrived! I've arrived! Hooray! Hooray! (Children in chorus.)

Ten nights Aibolit

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink and doesn't sleep.

Ten nights in a row

He heals unfortunate animals.

And he sets and sets thermometers for them.

Guys, let's help the little animals get to the aibolit.

Relay race “Carry the little animal to the cone and go around it.”

So he cured them,

So he cured the sick,

And they went laughing

And dance and play around!

(Children take colorful plumes and perform a dance with Kukarella-sha-la-la-la.)

Children: (in chorus)

Glory! Glory to Aibolit!

Glory to the good doctors!

(The phonogram sounds, “Train”) a dirty boy runs out to the music of “Dirty” at the choice of the music director.


The blanket ran away

The sheet flew away

And the pillow is like a frog,

She galloped away from me.

I'm for a candle, a chop in the stove.

I'm for a book, then run

And skipping under the bed.

I want to drink tea

I run to the samovar,

But pot-bellied from me

He ran away like from fire!

Child: (runs out)

God, God, what happened?

Why is everything all around?

Spun, spun

And it went head over heels.

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged and lame

The washbasin runs out

And shakes his head.

(To the music of Yu. Levitin “The Exit of the Moydodyr.”)


Oh you ugly, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself.

There's polish on your neck,

There's a blot on your nose

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away,

Even your trousers, even your trousers, have run away from you!

Early in the morning at dawn

Little mice wash themselves

And kittens and ducklings,

And bugs and spiders.


You weren't the only one who didn't wash your face

And I remained dirty

And ran away from the dirty

And stockings and shoes.


And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let's rub me, sentence me.

My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!


Here the soap jumped (soap comes out)

And grabbed my hair,

And it fussed and fussed,

And it stung like a wasp.


Long live scented soap,

And a fluffy towel,

And tooth powder

And a thick comb.

Let's wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble.

In the tub, in the trough, in the tub,

In a river, in a stream, in the ocean.

And in the bath, and in the bathhouse, always and everywhere!

Children: (in unison) Eternal Glory water!

(Music chosen by the music director plays, the characters leave).

Host: Our journey through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. You know the fairy tales and poems of this wonderful author very well. This concludes our journey. Look, you can already see your native shore in the distance. Finally, I wish all of us to visit Peredelkino, the Chukovsky Museum. There you will learn even more about it amazing person, visit his amazing house, where you can sit on a crocodile, see the “barking cup”, Moidodyr, the very phone that the Elephant called and many other interesting things. And don’t forget to take with you your old boots, which you have already outgrown, since there really is a Miracle Tree at the gate. And for participating in such a wonderful holiday, you guys receive medals “An expert in the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky,” and the children who participated in the competition for drawings of Uncle Korney’s fairy tales receive certificates for participation.