Information about contemporary children's writers. The most famous children's writers: list, biographies and interesting facts. Alexander Vvedensky What to read: poems, “Railroad”, “Trip to Crimea”

Art created for children is a diverse and extensive part modern culture. Literature has been present in our lives since childhood, it is with its help that the concept of good and evil is laid down, the worldview and ideals are formed. Even at preschool and primary school age, young readers can already appreciate the dynamics of poems or beautiful fairy tales, and at an older age they begin to read thoughtfully, so books need to be selected accordingly. Let's talk about Russian and foreign children's writers and their works.

Children's writers of the 19th-20th centuries and the development of children's literature

For the first time, books specifically for children in Rus' began to be written in the 17th century; in the 18th century, the formation of children's literature began: at that time such people as M. Lomonosov, N. Karamzin, A. Sumarokov and others lived and worked. The 19th century is the heyday of children's literature, " silver age“, and we read many books by writers of that time to this day.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

The author of "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice Through the Looking Glass", "The Hunting of the Snark" was born in a small village in Cheshire (hence the name of his character - Cheshire cat). The writer's real name is Charles Dodgson, he grew up in a large family: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He studied at college, became a professor of mathematics, and even received the rank of deacon. He really wanted to become an artist, he drew a lot, and loved to take photographs. As a boy, he composed stories, funny stories, and loved the theater. If his friends had not persuaded Charles to rewrite his story on paper, Alice in Wonderland might not have seen the light of day, but still the book was published in 1865.

Carroll's books are written in such an original and rich language that it is difficult to find a suitable translation for some words: there are more than 10 versions of the translation of his works into Russian, and it is up to the readers to choose which one to prefer.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (married Lindgren) grew up in a farmer's family, her childhood was spent in games, adventures and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid learned to read and write, she began to write various stories and the first poems.

The story "Pippi" Long stocking"Astrid composed it for her daughter when she was sick. Later, the stories “Mio, my Mio”, “Roni, the Robber’s Daughter”, a trilogy about detective Callie Blumkvist, a favorite triology of many, which tells the story of the cheerful and restless Carlson, were published.

Astrid's works are staged in many children's theaters around the world, and her books are adored by people of all ages. In 2002, a literary prize was approved in honor of Astrid Lindgren - it is awarded for her contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

This is a Swedish writer, the first woman to receive Nobel Prize according to literature. Selma was reluctant to remember her childhood: at the age of 3, the girl was paralyzed, she did not get out of bed, and her only consolation was fairy tales and stories told by her grandmother. At the age of 9, after treatment, the ability to move returned in Selma, and she began to dream of a career as a writer. She studied hard, received a doctorate, and became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, her book about the journey of little Nils on the back of Martin the goose was published, then the writer published the collection “Trolls and People,” which included fantastic legends, fairy tales and short stories, and she also wrote many novels for adults.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)

This English writer cannot be called exclusively for children, since adults also read his books with delight. Author of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit: A Journey There and Back Again, creator amazing world Middle-earth, on which incredible films are made, was born in Africa. When he was three years old, his mother, widowed at an early age, moved her two children to England. The boy was fond of painting, foreign languages ​​were easy for him, he even became interested in studying “dead” languages: Anglo-Saxon, Gothic and others. During the war, Tolkien, who went there as a volunteer, contracted typhus: it was in his delirium that he came up with the “Elvish language” that became business card many of his heroes. His works are immortal, they are extremely popular in our time.

Clive Lewis (1898-1963)

Irish and English writer, theologian and scientist. Clive Lewis and John Tolkien were friends, it was Lewis who was one of the first to hear about the world of Middle-earth, and Tolkien - about the beautiful Narnia. Clive was born in Ireland, but most of lived his life in England. He released his first works under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton. In 1950-1955, his “Chronicles of Narnia” were first published, telling about the adventures of two brothers and two sisters in a mysterious and magical land. Clive Lewis traveled a lot, wrote poetry, loved to discuss various topics and was a well-rounded person. His works are loved by adults and children to this day.

Russian children's writers

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

Real name - Nikolai Korneychukov is known for children's fairy tales and stories in verse and prose. He was born in St. Petersburg, lived for a long time in Nikolaev, Odessa, from childhood he firmly decided to become a writer, but when he arrived in St. Petersburg, he was faced with refusals from magazine editors. He became a member literary circle, critic, wrote poetry and stories. He was even arrested for his bold statements. During the war, Chukovsky was a war correspondent, editor of almanacs and magazines. He spoke foreign languages ​​and translated works of foreign authors. Most famous works Chukovsky is “Cockroach”, “Fly Tsokotukha”, “Barmaley”, “Aibolit”, “Miracle Tree”, “Moidodyr” and others.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, poet, translator, literary critic, talented author. It was in his translation that many first read Shakespeare's sonnets, Burns's poems, fairy tales different nations peace. Samuel's talent began to manifest itself in early childhood: the boy wrote poetry, had the ability to foreign languages. The poetry books of Marshak, who moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, immediately enjoyed great success, and their peculiarity was the variety of genres: poems, ballads, sonnets, riddles, songs, sayings - he could do everything. He has been awarded many prizes, and his poems have been translated into dozens of languages. The most famous works are “Twelve Months”, “Luggage”, “The Tale of stupid mouse", "He's so absent-minded", "Mustache-striped" and others.

Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981)

Agnia Barto was an exemplary student; already at school she began to write poetry and epigrams for the first time. Now many children are brought up on her poems; her light, rhythmic poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Agnia was an active literary figure all her life, a member of the jury of the Andersen Competition. In 1976 she received the H.H. Andersen Prize. The most famous poems are “Bullfinch”, “Bullfinch”, “Tamara and I”, “Lyubochka”, “Bear”, “Man”, “I am growing” and others.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

He can be considered a classic of Russian children's literature: writer, chairman of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, talented poet, writer, fabulist, playwright. He is the author of two anthems: the USSR and Russian Federation. He devoted a lot of time to social activities, although at first he did not have a dream of becoming a writer: in his youth he was both a laborer and a member of a geological exploration expedition. We all remember such works as “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “What do you have”, “Song of Friends”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “On New Year’s Eve” and others.

Contemporary children's writers

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster

A children's writer, from whose works adults can learn a lot of interesting things. He was born in Odessa, served in the navy, his life is still very active: he is a presenter, a talented author, and a cartoon screenwriter. “Monkeys”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “38 Parrots”, “Caught That Bitten” - all these cartoons were filmed according to his script, and “Bad Advice” is a book that has gained enormous popularity. By the way, an anthology of children’s literature was published in Canada: the books of most writers have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Auster’s “Bad Advice” sold 12 million copies!

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

From childhood, Eduard Uspensky was a leader, participated in KVN, organized skit parties, then he first tried his hand at being a writer, and later began writing plays for children's radio programs, children's theaters, and dreamed of creating his own magazine for children. The writer became famous thanks to the cartoon “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”; since then the long-eared symbol, Cheburashka, has settled in almost every home. We also still love the book and cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”, “The Koloboks Are Investigating”, “Plasticine Crow”, “Baba Yaga Against!” and others.

JK Rowling

Speaking about modern children's writers, it is simply impossible not to remember the author of the series of books about Harry Potter, the boy wizard and his friends. It is the best-selling book series in history, and the films based on them have grossed huge amounts of money. Rowling had to go from obscurity and poverty to worldwide fame. At first, not a single editor agreed to accept and publish a book about a wizard, believing that such a genre would be uninteresting to readers. Only the small publishing house Bloomsbury agreed - and it was right. Now Rowling continues to write, is involved in charity work and social activities, she is a realized author and a happy mother and wife.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born on March 31, 1882 - Russian poet, literary critic, children's writer and journalist. The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already a famous critic.
In 1916, Chukovsky compiled the collection “Yolka” and wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile”. In 1923 it was published famous fairy tales"Moidodyr" and "Cockroach".

Charles Perrault

French poet and critic of the classical era, now known mainly as the author of Mother Goose Tales. Charles Perrault was the fourth most published author in the USSR foreign writer for 1917-1987: the total circulation of its publications amounted to 60.798 million copies.

Berestov Valentin Dmitrievich

Russian poet and lyricist who wrote for adults and children. He is the author of such children's works as “The Braggart Serpent”, “The Coltsfoot”, “The Stork and the Nightingale”, etc.

Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator and literary critic. The author of the works “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Doctor Faust”, etc. Almost throughout his literary career, Marshak wrote both poetic feuilletons and serious, “adult” lyrics. In addition, Marshak is the author of classic translations of William Shakespeare's sonnets. Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, and for his translations of Robert Burns, Marshak was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Scotland.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

In addition to his career as a fabulist and war correspondent, Sergei Vladimirovich is also the author of hymn texts Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Among his famous children's works are “Uncle Styopa”, “The Nightingale and the Crow”, “What Do You Have”, “The Hare and the Tortoise”, etc.

Hans Christian Andersen

Author worldwide famous fairy tales for children and adults: “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Ole Lukoye”, “ Snow Queen"and many others.

Agnia Barto

Volova's first husband was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - “Roaring Girl”, “Dirty Girl” and “Counting Table”. During the Great Patriotic War The Barto family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There Agnia had to master the profession of a turner. She donated the prize she received during the war to build a tank. In 1944, the family returned to Moscow.

Nosov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Laureate Stalin Prize third degree, 1952 Nikolai Nosov is best known as a children's writer. Here is the author of works about Dunno.

Moshkovskaya Emma Efraimovna

At the beginning of his creative path Emma received approval from Samuel Marshak himself. In 1962, she published her first collection of poems for children, Uncle Shar, which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and junior school age. It is also worth noting that many Soviet composers wrote songs based on Moshkovskaya’s poems.

Lunin Viktor Vladimirovich

Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later. The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s (the writer himself was born in 1945). Viktor Vladimirovich has published more than thirty books of poetry and prose. His poetic “Az-bu-ka” for children has become a standard for conveying letter sounds, and his book “Children’s Album” is in 3rd place. All-Russian competition children's book " Father's house"In 1996 she was awarded a diploma. For "Children's Album" Viktor Lunin was awarded the title of laureate in the same year literary prize magazine "Murzilka". In 1997 he fairy tale“The Adventures of Butter Liza” was awarded as best fairy tale about cats, a library of foreign literature.

Oseeva Valentina Aleksandrovna

In 1937, Valentina Alexandrovna took her first story “Grishka” to the editor, and in 1940 her first book “Red Cat” was published. Then collections of stories for children “Grandma”, “The Magic Word”, “Father’s Jacket”, “My Comrade”, a book of poems “Ezhinka”, the story “Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades”, “Dinka” and “Dinka says goodbye to childhood” were written ", having autobiographical roots.

Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm published several collections called Grimm's Fairy Tales, which became very popular. Among their fairy tales: “Snow White”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “ Bremen Town Musicians", "Hansel and Gretel", "Little Red Riding Hood" and many others.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Contemporaries noted his brilliant mind, humor, and talent as a conversationalist. His epigrams, witticisms and aphorisms were heard by everyone. Tyutchev’s fame was confirmed by many - Turgenev, Fet, Druzhinin, Aksakov, Grigoriev and others. Leo Tolstoy called Tyutchev “one of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably higher than the crowd among whom they live, and therefore are always alone.”

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev

In 1846, the very first collection of poems made Pleshcheev famous among revolutionary youth. Three years later he was arrested and sent into exile, where he spent military service almost ten years. Upon returning from exile, Pleshcheev continued literary activity; Having gone through years of poverty and hardship, he became an authoritative writer, critic, publisher, and at the end of his life, a philanthropist. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances were written by the most famous Russian composers based on Pleshcheev’s poems.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

There is no need to introduce this person. This will be done by the characters of his works, including Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, postman Pechkin and others.

October 24, 2013

Any educated person I began my knowledge of the world with children's books. The article will talk about amazing people who always thought about kids and wrote for them fascinating stories and poems about famous children's writers.

Children's books are remembered throughout my life. great love and nostalgia for happy years. Growing up, many read the same books to their children. Which of the writers do people remember all their lives, which of them gives little prodigies a ticket to big world adventure, fantasy and instructive stories. You just need to remember who they are, those famous children's writers. After all, if there were no such kind and warm poems by Agnia Barto, interesting stories Korney Chukovsky, how would children learn to read more serious works?

Agnia Lvovna Barto

Agnia Lvovna Barto - (1906-1981) It is with her that the journey into children's literature begins. This is a wonderful Soviet poetess who wrote for children younger age. Everyone knows her poems, they are simple and naive, that is precisely their charm. When remembering Agnia Barto, poems about a little bull who is afraid to fall immediately come to mind. An unforgettable poem about Tanya, who dropped the ball and about the poor bear, who was abandoned by the owner. It’s simply impossible to list all of her creations, but they warm the soul, and with them moments from childhood come to mind.

She also wrote scripts for films about children. Many people don’t realize that everyone’s favorite film “Foundling” was based on her script, as well as several other equally famous films of those years. Her books are loved all over the world and read different languages, they are close and understandable to all young readers, since this is the language of childhood.

Few people know that Agnia Lvovna helped in the search for relatives lost during the war. She hosted the program “Find a Person” on the radio.

Children grow and develop, learn about the world, read new books with other characters and other authors, which will also remain in their memory.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - 1882-1969 years of his life. This is a wonderful and extraordinary children's writer and poet. If with A. Barto everything is simple and clear, then Chukovsky forces the child’s brain to work, put everything in its place, determine the bad and the good. His “Cockroach” is remembered by everyone even in adulthood and is no longer associated with childhood events. A good doctor, which heals everyone and is not able to refuse help to anyone - this is the faith of children in goodness, and the hope of adults in it. His poems such as “Crocodile”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone” are loved by everyone. By reading them to their kids, parents discover something new for themselves. It would seem that these are children's poems, but they contain a lot of things related to adulthood. Children can find in the poet's poems useful tips, learn how to behave correctly in different situations.

Another Russian and Soviet childhood writer is Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913 - 2009), who is known all over the world. Many generations grew up reading his poems. Both adults and children know his Uncle Styopa, a wonderful citizen and person. Many of his poems do not have titles, but they are easily remembered by children. One of them is about dreams that definitely come true if they are made under New Year. Many cartoons were based on his poems and poems.

Among the famous is Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) - writer and poet for different generations. His stupid and smart mouse is familiar to everyone. This poet, like those listed above, is a classic of children's literature. His works for children, such as “Mr. Twister”, “The Tale of an Unknown Hero” and others, are still read. He collected and processed many fairy tales and riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (date of birth: February 2, 1937) - this writer is now alive and well, delighting young readers with his stories, working on cartoon scripts. Who doesn’t know his Cheburashka, his cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor. Children become engrossed in his books and simply love watching cartoons about Prostokvashino.

You can remember G. Auster with his “Bad Advice,” the English writer A. Milne and his Winnie the Pooh, whom every child knows, and many other writers. Famous children's writers became such thanks to the fact that children read their books and learn them by heart.

Parents should introduce their children from the very beginning early childhood with their works, then they will develop correctly and become interested in discovering more and more new books.

Childhood, of course, begins with an acquaintance with creativity popular writers. It is books that awaken in the child’s soul the desire for self-knowledge and an orientation towards the world as a whole. Famous children's writers are familiar to each of us from the very beginning. early years. A child, having barely learned to speak, already knows who Cheburashka is and the famous cat Matroskin is loved all over the world, the hero is charming and constantly comes up with something new. The article reviews the most famous children's writers and their works.

Benefits of these books

From time to time, even adults turn to reading children's fairy tales, stories and stories. We all sometimes want to witness a miracle, regardless of age or position.

It would be naive to believe that after receiving a diploma higher education a person changes radically. No, each of us still needs spiritual enrichment and understanding. Books can become such an “outlet”. Compare your feelings when you read news in a newspaper or read a work. In the second case, aesthetic pleasure from the process increases. Popular children's writers can even partially replace the warmth of communicating with a wise interlocutor.

Eduard Uspensky

The works of this writer cannot leave anyone indifferent. Any child will like Uncle Fyodor and his wonderful tailed friends and will delight him. Famous children's writers, such as these, are remembered forever; they cannot be forgotten even at an older age. Everyone’s favorite adventures of the three friends have a continuation: the books “New Orders in Prostokvashino” and “Uncle Fyodor’s Aunt” bring true joy.

Crocodile Gena and his friend Cheburashka also have a lot of fans. Despite the fact that modern heroes have now tried to supplant these characters, they still have their own circle of readers. Russian children's writers are known to be loved all over the world. IN Soviet cartoons of yesteryear, ideals of friendship and service to others can be found. A sense of duty and selfless dedication were put in first place here.

Nikolay Nosov

Who doesn't know famous friends Kolya and Misha? It was they who once decided to hatch little chickens from the incubator and organized entertaining activities to brighten up their leisure time. They did all this with the greatest dedication and conscientiousness. Vitya Maleev is perhaps the most beloved hero. In his face, every domestic boy recognizes himself and his history. As children, we all don’t really want to do our homework. Nosov's characters always find a way out of a difficult situation and think about how best to act. Russian children's writers like him aim to identify what is necessary in every society.

Victor Dragunsky

Deniska Korablev - true friend childhood of every boy and girl 7-10 years old. The stories of Victor Dragunsky are incredibly interesting to read: they are filled with various adventures and life itself, which is literally in full swing. His characters come up with pranks and go on exciting adventures. The writer unobtrusively leads the reader to understanding true values. The heroes realize what irreparable consequences a lie can have, how to maintain friendship and why lessons still need to be learned. Favorite children's writers, of course, are known to everyone; Viktor Dragunsky deservedly belongs among them.

Alan Milne

Who doesn't know the so popular Winnie the Pooh? The bear cub is familiar to all children. Anyone who has seen the cartoon of the same name at least once will never forget the cheerful prankster and honey lover. Together with his friend Piglet, he plans pranks that inevitably lead to various unforeseen situations.

But few people know that Alan Milne wrote the work “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” for his little son Christopher, intending to teach him lessons of kindness and sincerity. The latter, by the way, became the prototype of the boy featured in the fairy tale.

Astrid Lindgren

The books of this wonderful book are loved and recognized all over the world. Writers of children's fairy tales can hardly compare with her work, which abounds in originality and complete free-thinking. It’s worth at least remembering the entertaining story about Pippi Longstocking, who was distinguished by her great intelligence and penchant for adventurous tricks. Her heroine, one way or another, evokes a feeling of interest and sympathy. She wants to help, keep an eye on further events. The book tells that the girl was orphaned at an early age, but one can only envy the courage and bravery with which she embarks on dangerous adventures.

No less favorite character of Astrid Lindgren is Carlson. This cheerful prankster lives on the roof and sometimes surprises others with his appearance. In addition, he really loves jam and gets a little naughty. You have to have an extremely rich imagination to come up with such heroes. Neither Carlson nor Peppy can be called obedient. On the contrary, they overturn the usual understanding of things and form in the child an individual idea of ​​himself and the world in particular. Values ​​are not imposed or promoted here; the reader makes his own conclusions and comes to his own conclusions. Famous children's writers, which undoubtedly include Astrid Lindgren, form a child's primary sense of interest in literature. Swedish writer opens up to the reader bright world magic where you want to stay longer. Even when we are old enough, many of us periodically re-read her works.

Lewis Carroll

The work of this writer is not ignored by fans foreign fairy tale. “Alice in Wonderland” is one of the most mysterious works and equally incomprehensible to the common man.

It has so many subtexts, meanings and meanings that at first glance it seems impossible to appreciate them. One of them is that even in everyday life Each of us is surrounded by many mysteries and secrets that we must be able to discern. Opportunities are hidden everywhere, miracles actually happen. Popular children's writers like Carroll leave the mystery to the reader and are never in a hurry to give away the big secret.

Gianni Rodari

The Italian writer, who saw serving other people as the main purpose of his existence, created a very entertaining story. The onion family, known to all children, arouses deep interest in the works of this author. Cipollino and his friends treat each other extremely carefully and take pity on the poor convicts whom Prince Lemon put in prison. In this tale, the theme of freedom and the opportunity to have your own opinion is especially acute. Famous children's writers, to whom Gianni Rodari belongs, always teach goodness and justice. “Cipollino” is remembered precisely for its focus on understanding and consoling everyone who needs it.

Thus, the work of children's writers contains a unique opportunity to return for a moment to a brighter time, to feel like a child again, to remember the simple joys that once surrounded us.

She has always been and remains in demand, exerting an immense influence on children. Several generations have grown up reading the books of their favorite authors, who were the first to show children the clear line between good and evil, who taught them to know the laws of nature, the rules of communication with each other, who introduced them to history and other sciences in a presentation that a child could understand. Many ideals taken from children's books written by Soviet writers, became the basis for the formation of personal character. They remain in a person’s consciousness until the end of his life.

Soviet children's writers - authors of books for the younger generation - are a kind of teachers who have assumed moral and ethical responsibility for the formation of a worthy personality. For the adult generation of Russians, these names evoke the most pleasant associations.

Almost everyone is familiar with the poems of the Soviet poetess Agnia Barto. Family, pioneers, life Soviet schoolchildren- the main theme of her kind, often funny works, popular with both children and adults. In them, Agnia Barto spoke the language of a real child, and in life she performed truly adult actions: she found and returned hundreds of children scattered throughout the country by the war to their families. The matter seems hopeless, because in childhood few people know complete information about themselves (address, physical features, necessary names). But many children could remember the bright moments of life (how they went sledding with Yegorka, how a rooster pecked painfully between the eyes, how they played with their beloved dog Dzhulbars). It was these memories that Agnia Barto, who knew how to speak the language of the children, used in her search.

For 9 years she was the host of the radio program “Find a Person,” on the air of which she daily read out unique signs from letters flying from all over the country. Only the first issue helped seven people find their families, and over the entire period, under the strict guidance of Agnia Barto, who worked as a translator from the “children’s language,” 927 families were able to reunite.

A striking representative of children's writers of the Soviet era is Cheburashka, Matroskin the cat, Uncle Fyodor - and today these cartoon characters remain loved and included in every home.

The engineering education he received did not in the least prevent Eduard Uspensky from becoming a favorite children's author. His book characters have successfully migrated to television screens and have been delighting viewers with their adventures for several decades now. Many of them had real prototypes. Thus, the writer portrayed his first wife, a lady who was harmful in all respects. Friend Nikolai Taraskin put on the image of the cat Matroskin: smart, hardworking and economical. At first, Uspensky wanted to give the cat the same last name, but his friend “got into a pose” and didn’t allow it, although later (after the cartoon was released) he regretted it more than once. A girl in a huge fur coat, once seen by the writer in a store, became the prototype of everyone’s favorite Cheburashka. The parents chose a fur coat for the baby to grow into over the summer, and the girl simply could not walk in it. As soon as she took a step, she fell. Dad, picking her up from the floor once again, said: “Well, what a Cheburashka you are” (from the word “Cheburashka” - to fall, crash).

Korney Chukovsky - children's favorite

Well, who doesn’t know the poems of Korney Chukovsky: “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Aibolit”, “Barmaley”? Many Soviet writers wrote under their real names. Chukovsky was the pseudonym of Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. Your most readable works he wrote for his and about his daughter Murochka, who died of tuberculosis at the age of 11. The poem “Aibolit” was a cry from the soul about a magical doctor who will fly in and save everyone. Besides Murochka, Chukovsky had three more children.

All his life, Korney Ivanovich helped those who turned to him for help, using his fame, charm and artistry to do this. Not all Soviet writers were capable of such open actions, but he sent money, got pensions, places in hospitals, apartments, helped gifted young writers to make their way, fought for those who were arrested, and showed concern for orphaned families. By the way, in honor of the Tsokotukha Fly, entomologist A.P. Ozerov in 1992 named new look antflies from the order Diptera - mucha tzokotucha.

Soviet writers made a significant contribution to children's literature, raising several generations on their works wonderful people. How kindly, colorfully and informatively Vitaly Bianchi and Mikhail Prishvin tell children about the beauty of nature, with youth instilling love for her and our smaller brothers. Such famous Soviet writers as Arkady Gaidar, Valentin Kataev, Boris Zakhoder, and many others are still popular among readers today, because the idea of ​​kindness and compassion for one’s neighbor runs like a red thread through all their works.