Vlad's birthday. The name Vladislav in the Orthodox calendar (Saints) Vladislav is the angel's name day

He was the second son of the holy king Stephen the First-crowned, the nephew of St. Sava of Serbia. Both the grandfather, the father, and the uncle of the blessed Vladislav achieved true holiness through their labors and deeds, receiving from the Lord imperishable crowns of glory.

Initially, Saint Vladislav ruled jointly with his brother Radoslav. But the latter showed disgraceful behavior and caused discontent among the local nobility. They overthrew Radoslav. Saint Vladislav remained on the throne.

And although he reigned for only 7 years from 1235, he began the construction and painting of the current monastery in Mileshevo (Serbia), famous for its unique frescoes.

The saint cared about the preservation of Serbian lands, the prosperity of his people, He was distinguished by his kindness and mercy towards the sick, strangers and the poor. He found silver mines, which significantly affected the well-being of the state.

It is a known fact that he signed the coins: “servant of Christ Vladislav.” He was depicted as a king, with a crown on his head, in long clothes, with an orb in his right hand.

Over time, he was forced to give up the throne to his younger brother Urosh the First. Saint Vladislav died after 1267. He was buried in the Mileshevsky Monastery.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Vladislav

This name is of ancient Slavic origin and means “owner of glory.”

As a child, Vlad is usually very attached to his mother - he spends a lot of time with her, thanks to which he learns to understand and respect women. This significantly helps a person throughout his life when communicating with representatives of the fair sex.

The owner of the name in question is a creative person, the boy gladly takes part in all the entertainment events that are organized at school.

He also chooses an appropriate profession, often becoming an artist, musician, designer, and so on.

Sociable and charming, Vladislav never suffers from a lack of attention from women. A man is very amorous, often changes his life partners, and even after starting a family, he can look for entertainment on the side.

In order to keep a person with such a name near him, his wife must always be a mystery that Vladislav will not tire of solving throughout his life.

Congratulations to Vladislav on his name day in verse

Congratulations on this wonderful holiday, Vladislav!
Be in a great mood, don’t change your cheerful disposition!

We know that all roads and paths are subject to you,
Find your place in this life correctly!

May one day the bird of happiness fly to visit you,
And he will give you love and reward you with good luck!

Congratulations to Vladislav, we hasten to wish him -
Live your life with dignity - for yourself, with all your heart!
Everything will work out, it will come true, we know, Vlad, you believe in it!
A new page of life is opening now!

Let your dreams come true
There is a lot of beauty in life!
And more chapters in the book,
Our dear Vladislav!

SMS congratulations to Vladislav on his name day

Vladislav, I sincerely congratulate you on Angel’s Day! I wish you to own and dominate everything in your life! Let your career be successful, your family life be calm and happy, and your children always delight you with their successes!

Having sent the message, I wish, Vladislav -
At work, try hard and achieve your goals!
Be always healthy, strong, observant, smart!

The name Vladislav, from Serbian - owner of glory. A boy with this name loves not only to read, but also to talk with his mother. And if she is upset about something, she will begin to console her, citing completely ingenuous “adult” arguments. Since childhood, he has been tactful with girls, so his caring attitude towards women continues throughout his entire life.

The object of worship is often the most beautiful girl in the class. Vladislav has a well-developed sense of beauty, and with the right upbringing, he can make a good musician or artist. Vladislav can also find his calling in a profession that will require a sympathetic and kind soul (doctor, teacher, educator). People with this name are not only very hardworking, they also have a highly developed sense of justice and decency. They almost always perceive any injustice painfully, but unfortunately, they are not always able to defend the truth.

Vladislav will be a good musician

Vladislav does not at all like women who are harsh, rude, and have masculine behavior. But sensitive and gentle natures, on the contrary, attract him. Also, this person is completely unpleasant - alcohol and a smoking woman. Vladislav mostly has daughters, whom he loves very much. This is a typical homebody who does not like to go to parties and drink alcohol, he prefers only the peace of home. He loves to help his wife and almost always remains faithful to his soulmate.

Vladislav gets married quite late. He always strives for understanding and needs people who are able to listen to him. But when he gets married, he expresses his sexual desires - openly. However, if he is dissatisfied with his wife, he will get a divorce - rarely, since he often marries for convenience. At the same time, he can directly tell his wife that he is looking for satisfaction with other women. Without knowing it, he can, with his indifference and restraint, often offend a woman who is in love with him. Vladislav is not very experienced in sexual maneuvers, so it is easy to defeat him. He is also very curious, so he often wants to gain a lot of sexual experience in order to try it later. This person is used to speaking openly about his intentions, so his sincerity often lets him down.

Vladislav's name day

  • Name Vladislav according to zodiac sign: suitable for Virgos.
  • Vladislav's talisman: topaz.
  • Patron saints of Vladislav: Vladislav the Saint.
  • Compatibility of the name Vladislav: favorable relationships with names: Aurora, Alla, Victoria, Galina, Elena, Inga, Irina, Claudia, Lyubov, Marina, Nina, Olga, Sofia, Tamara, Yulia.

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It is well known that the popular and sonorous eastern and western names today do not have an angel day, therefore, at baptism, the priest selects the most consonant church names for such children. But sometimes it happens that even well-known Slavic names do not have their own saint - well, or almost none. Yes, it turns out that if Vladimir has 5 heavenly saints, and Vladislav has 3, then Vladislav has only one patron.

  • October 7 (or September 24 old style).

Our ancestors had many signs associated with this date. For example, it was believed that if the birch tree did not have time to lose all its leaves by Vladislav’s Day, it would take a long time to wait for the first snow.

Church form of the name, its origin

In this case, in the sacred books and church calendar the name is written in the same way as in the birth certificate: .

The name has Slavic roots. It is translated as you already guessed: “possessing glory”, “glorious”.

What fate and character has the bearer of this name been awarded with?

Character. - a true diplomat, balanced and persistent. He does not like to argue in vain and almost never proves that he is right by shouting. He is very independent, does not like to be led, and even commanded.

His weak side (and it is not a fact that this is precisely a weakness) can be called secrecy: he experiences all his feelings deep inside himself, without showing them even to his family. In addition, while this guy treats people with respect, he doesn’t like animals too much, and can even treat them cruelly.

  • Childhood. Vladik is a real little gentleman, he will never hit a girl, and if in kindergarten someone constantly opens the door for the teacher, this will also happen. This is a very restless toddler, from whom you must hide everything: matches, household chemicals, sockets. He is inquisitive, nimble, and sometimes seems completely fearless.
  • Youth. Unlike most of his peers, this guy is not prone to bad habits. He is concerned about his own future - finishing school well, entering a prestigious university, creating a brilliant career. Also, the bearer of this name likes to take care of himself and follow a certain style, so among his peers he is often considered handsome. And besides, this is the first party boy at school.
  • Mature years. This is a very purposeful person who loves luck. When communicating with the opposite sex, Vlad “turns on” a true aristocrat, charming and decent. As for his career, this person will go to success by any means, even achieve his goal through someone else’s hands. Having married, he turns out to be a business person, often helping his wife with household chores. He sincerely rejoices at the birth of his son, but even more if he has a daughter.

How is the bearer of the name doing on the love front? Which girl, girl or woman will Vlad certainly fall in love with, and which one will not touch the strings of his heart? The answers are in this video:

What saint is Vladik named after?

The heavenly patron of the bearer of this name is the saint, the Serbian king from the Nemanjić family.

It is interesting that in his family he was not the first saint: his grandfather Nemanja is known as Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming (after his death his relics became incorruptible and miraculous, emitting an angelic aroma), his father was Saint Stephen the First-Crown, and his uncle was a saint, an archbishop.

It is interesting that Vladislav did not become king by right of birth. First, his brother Radoslav ascended the throne. But it turned out that although he was a wise man, he fell “under the heel” of his wife, a beautiful but very headstrong woman. The nobility (as well as the ruler's uncle) were dissatisfied with this state of affairs, so Radoslav took monastic vows, and his younger brother ascended the throne.

This king was raised in the spirit of Orthodoxy, and throughout his life he tried to avoid wars and civil strife, resolving political affairs peacefully. In addition, he built temples (due to which he is depicted on many icons with a small church in his hands). For example, it was thanks to him that the Milesheva Monastery (dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord), decorated with exquisite fresco painting, was erected. It has survived to this day and is considered one of the most important monuments of the Serbian Middle Ages. By the way, one of the frescoes depicts Vladislav himself (this is the so-called patron or donor portrait, that is, an icon depicting the person who allocated funds for the construction of the temple).

One of the icons of this saint is also in the Belgrade Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Since childhood, Vladislav loves his mother more than his father. He tries to be near her all the time. And the mother, in turn, spends all her time with the child. Because of his love for his mother, he has respect for the female sex since childhood.

Vlad is usually a creative person. That’s why he chooses creative professions. Also, another positive quality of his is his sociability. He also succeeds in professions where it is necessary to communicate with people. He does his work responsibly and never tries to shirk. Vladislav loves women who are sophisticated and who seem weak to him. Then he tries with all his might to protect them. She appreciates a calm environment in her home.

Open to people, he has an iron willpower. Can withstand any emotional shock due to inner resilience. For some reason, others often do not trust Vladislav, considering his openness to be unreal. Although in fact it’s in vain, because he really treats people with all his heart.

Fate: Vlad is often a hermit. Since childhood, he has given the impression of being a handsome and good guy, but rarely finds company for a long time. He is welcome everywhere, but he feels out of place. Not immediately, but after a certain time. If he finds “his” person, then he feels like the very best.

Day of Angel Vladislav

The origin is Old Russian, the meaning of the name is one who owns glory. Kind, hospitable Vladislav finds it hard to bear various creative gossip. As a result, out of desperation, he “throws himself headlong” into sprees with his clingy friends, who are always happy to make money at someone else’s expense.

In such companies, as a rule, there are always cheerful, daring women. And they all revolve mainly around Vladislav - cheerful, generous, rich, amorous. Vladislav’s face resembles his mother, and his character resembles his violent ancestors on his father’s side. As for Vladislav’s children, they behave the same way as their dad. Only their character is completely different - neither their mother nor their father. They are all mostly capricious silent people.