Matvey's name day. Matvey: name day according to the church calendar Matvey church

In recent years, the Hebrew name Matvey has become increasingly popular, which previously was common only in monastic use of the Orthodox Church. Now many lay people wear it. In this article we will talk about when and in whose honor Matthew’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar.

What you need to know about name days

Name days are not just a name celebration. This is the day of remembrance in honor of which a person is baptized (and not just named). Therefore, only baptized people have the prerogative to celebrate this holiday. Another name for it is Angel Day.

The day of the angel is chosen at the same time as the saint in whose honor a person wants to be baptized is chosen. In the case of infant baptism, the parents do this for the child. If the name of the saint is subsequently forgotten, then one time it is allowed to choose a patron again. This can be any person’s namesake who has been canonized as a saint. If a person himself cannot decide, then the procedure for formally calculating the holy patron can help him. To do this, in the calendar, a day of remembrance of the person’s holy namesake is sought out, which would be as close as possible to his birthday. From that moment on, he became his patron, and the day of his general church memory became his personal name day holiday.

Below we will talk about the saints in whose honor Matthew’s name day is celebrated. Perhaps, in fact, there are many more of them than we can imagine in this article, but no one has yet been able to collect all the names of the saints over the past two thousand years. One more point - in the church tradition the name Matvey sounds like “Matthew” or “Matthew”. And Matvey’s name day is also their name day.

January 18. Martyr Matthew (Gusev)

This martyr was born in 1886 in the Moscow province. During his life he was a peasant and had a family. In the church he served as a member of the church council of his parish. On charges of anti-Soviet activity, he was sentenced in 1937 to ten years in forced labor camps. But a year later he died from difficult conditions. Glorified in 2006.

October 13. Martyr Matthew (Soloviev)

On October 13, Matvey celebrates his name day, which is dedicated to the memory of this martyr. He was born in 1868 in the Tver province. He served in the army and then in the police. After the Revolution, he settled in his native village, where he began farming. At the same time, he visited the temple and in 1929 was elected as chairman of the church council of the parish of one of the villages. In 1937 he was accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, for which he was subsequently shot. Glorified in 2003.

November 29. Apostle Matthew

The Day of Matthew the Apostle is the most popular day of the angel for Matthew. According to legend, he was a brother of Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and served as a tax collector for Rome. Hearing the call of Christ, he followed him. What happened to him after the crucifixion of Christ is unknown. According to various versions, he was martyred in Ethiopia or Asia Minor around the year 60. He is also attributed to the first of the canonical New Testament gospels, which, however, is very conditional.

August 27. Hieromartyr Matthew (Pomerantsev)

In honor of this saint, Matthew’s name day has also been celebrated since 2000, since it was then that he was canonized. In the world his name was Mikhail, and he died with the rank of archimandrite. Born in 1881. He was a graduate of the Kyiv Academy. The last appointment was the position of rector of the Perm Theological Seminary. He was hacked to death with sabers on a train in 1918.

November 25. Hieromartyr Matthew (Aloin)

This saint was born in 1879 near Ryazan. There he graduated from seminary and received the priesthood. Subsequently he changed several dioceses. Like many others, he was arrested in 1937 and executed for anti-Soviet activities. Canonized in 2004. Matvey's name day in memory of him falls on the day of his execution - November 25.

Hieromartyr Matthew (Voznesensky)

This martyr was one of the Belgorod priests. Shot by Red Army soldiers in 1919. According to the church calendar, Matthew’s name day falls on the first day of summer. Canonization took place in 2000.

November 29. Prince and Saint Matthew of Ethiopia

According to legend, this saint was the pagan ruler of Ethiopia, who executed the Apostle Matthew, who preached there. But then he converted to a new faith and repented. In baptism in honor of the apostle he executed, he took the name Matthew and renounced his princely power. When the ruling bishop of Ethiopia, Plato, died, this former prince Matthew was elected to the see.

August 22. Apostle Matthias

According to the Bible, he was a disciple of Christ and was one of the 70 apostles. After the ascension of Christ, he entered the number by lot, taking the place of Judas Iscariot. There is no reliable information about what happened to him afterwards. It is believed that he died as a martyr for preaching Christ according to the verdict of the Jewish authorities around the age of 63.

In church codes the name sounds like Matthew. Hebrew name. Means "man of God" or "gifted by God." One of the apostles of Jesus Christ was named by this name.

In common people the name has the following variations: Matveyka, Matveyushka, Motya, Matyusha, Matyukha.

The name is common in the countries of the Catholic and Orthodox world.

It sounds different everywhere: Mateo, Matthew, Mat, Mateusz, Mattias, Matviy, Maciej.

Character of the name: fate, talents and love relationships

Matyusha grows up to be an obedient, honest boy. He has been in good health since childhood and has a strong core. He has a stable psyche. Studying is easy, he is quite diligent, but has no passion for learning.

The young man is modest and prefers to stay in the shadows. He will not obsessively strive for career heights. He may show zeal, but his passion quickly dries up. This person is conflict-free and calm, does not like a state of confrontation, prefers to step aside.

A man rarely achieves a high position in society. Capable of quitting something he started. He has little faith in his own abilities and is prone to excessive worry.

Life can change dramatically once you gain confidence.

Having achieved success and a high position, he does not show the best qualities: authoritarianism and unpredictability, vanity and arrogance.

A man is subject to the ups and downs of his career. In pursuit of developing a strong and courageous character, he can “go too far”, becoming a cruel and risky person.

Matvey needs the support of friends and family if he wants to realize himself. He needs to be inspired and guided.

This man is prone to such professions as astronomy, philosophy and sociology. Loves research, research, calculations. The following classes are suitable for him: banking, accounting, economics.

Can make a military or sports career. You should not do business, there is a risk of loss.

Devoid of romanticism, he is looking for a reliable and faithful woman as a companion, whom he can completely trust. He considers his home and marriage to be a fortress, a stronghold. At home he is inaccessible to strangers and protected.

Revered saints named Matthew:

  1. The Holy Apostle Matthew collected taxes. Called by Christ, he began to preach the Holy Scriptures. He wrote the Gospel; it is the first in the series of revelations of the New Testament. They traveled through many countries with good news and appeals. He suffered martyrdom in the Ethiopian lands. With God's help, he converted a huge number of pagans to the faith of Christ. He built a temple in Ethiopia, where he left his associate as bishop. At the behest of the local emperor, Matthew was burned, but his body was not touched by the fire. They put the Apostle Matthew in an iron coffin and threw him into the sea. Fulvian, the emperor of this country, vowed to accept Christianity if God left the body of the martyr unharmed. That same night the coffin stood on the shore, and the body of the holy apostle lay intact. He kept his word. Fulvian asked Matthew for the opportunity to be baptized. When he was converted to the Christian faith, Fulvian took the name Matthew and became a bishop in these lands.
  2. Matthew of Pechersk lived in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. After performing many glorious deeds, the Lord gave Matthew the opportunity to see and expose the devil’s demons. During services, he could see the unclean. They appeared invisible to ordinary people. From this he received the name Visionary. He lived to a very old age.
  3. Venerable Martyr Matthew Pomerantsev. In the world. Lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He studied at the theological seminary. He was a member of the Local Council. Participated in the investigation of Metropolitan Vladimir. On the way to the Urals, together with other members of the commission, he was brutally shot. Local residents buried the bodies. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

Prayer read in different situations:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Matthew, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

The name is Matvey, from Hebrew - “man of God.” Often, Matvey is a long-awaited child in the family, so it is not surprising that his parents have high hopes for him. He grows up to be a strong, healthy boy who is not capricious and does not bother anyone. Matyusha is honesty itself: if he was sent to the store, rest assured that he will return the change in full. At school, although Matvey studies without enthusiasm, he diligently. Unfortunately, for the adult Matvey, life is not going quite as well as in childhood.

People with this name are not careerists and are completely devoid of ambitious plans. This person always behaves modestly and does not like to stand out from the crowd. He always quietly and patiently does his job, without expecting rewards for it. Perhaps that is why a man with this name almost never achieves a high position in life. Also, the bearer of this name does not like conflict situations at all and if he witnesses them, he simply feels sick. Peacemaking is in Matvey’s blood; he will not rest until, at least for a short time, he reconciles everyone.

Matvey tries to stand out from the gray mass

It is worth remembering that people with this name are very kind and inconspicuous, they always have strong moral principles and try to live in accordance with them. As a rule, Matvey's marriage is rarely happy. But if he has children, then for their sake he will patiently bear his cross. The bearer of this name is a loving son, so he always tries to live with his parents, however, his wife does not always get along with her mother-in-law, and this is another matter of concern for Matvey.

Matvey's birthday

Matvey celebrates his name day: January 30, June 1, July 13, August 22, August 25, August 27, October 13, October 18, November 12, November 25, November 29, December 15.

  • Name Matvey according to zodiac sign: suitable for Scorpios.
  • Matvey's talisman: whipolite.
  • Patron saints of Matthew: Matthew, holy apostle and evangelist.
  • Compatibility of the name Matvey: favorable relationships with names: Victoria, Carolina, Marta, Nonna, Olga, Regina.

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In recent years, the Hebrew name Matvey has become increasingly popular, which previously was common only in monastic use of the Orthodox Church. Now many lay people wear it. In this article we will talk about when and in whose honor Matthew’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar.

Name days are not just a name celebration. This is the day of remembrance of the patron saint in whose honor a person is baptized (not just named). Therefore, only baptized people have the prerogative to celebrate this holiday. Another name for it is Angel Day.

The day of the angel is chosen at the same time as the saint in whose honor a person wants to be baptized is chosen. In the case of infant baptism, the parents do this for the child. If the name of the saint is subsequently forgotten, then one time it is allowed to choose a patron again. This can be any person’s namesake who has been canonized as a saint. If a person himself cannot decide, then the procedure for formally calculating the holy patron can help him. To do this, in the calendar, a day of remembrance of the person’s holy namesake is sought, which would be as close as possible to his birthday. From that moment on, he became his patron, and the day of his general church memory became his personal name day holiday.

Below we will talk about the saints in whose honor Matthew’s name day is celebrated. Perhaps, in fact, there are many more of them than we can imagine in this article, but no one has yet been able to collect all the names of the saints over the past two thousand years. One more point - in the church tradition the name Matvey sounds like “Matthew” or “Matthew”. And Matvey’s name day is also their name day.

January 18. Martyr Matthew (Gusev)

This martyr was born in 1886 in the Moscow province. During his life he was a peasant and had a family. In the church he served as a member of the church council of his parish. On charges of anti-Soviet activity, he was sentenced in 1937 to ten years in forced labor camps. But a year later he died from difficult conditions. Glorified in 2006.

October 13. Martyr Matthew (Soloviev)

On October 13, Matvey celebrates his name day, whose angel day is dedicated to the memory of this martyr. He was born in 1868 in the Tver province. He served in the army and then in the police. After the Revolution, he settled in his native village, where he began farming. At the same time, he visited the temple and in 1929 was elected as chairman of the church council of the parish of one of the villages. In 1937 he was accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, for which he was subsequently shot. Glorified in 2003.

November 29. Apostle Matthew

The Day of Matthew the Apostle is the most popular day of the angel for Matthew. According to legend, he was the brother of the Apostle James Alpheus. He came from Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and served as a tax collector for Rome. Hearing the call of Christ, he followed him. What happened to him after the crucifixion of Christ is unknown. According to various versions, he was martyred in Ethiopia or Asia Minor around the year 60. He is also attributed to the first of the canonical New Testament gospels, which, however, is very conditional.

August 27. Hieromartyr Matthew (Pomerantsev)

In honor of this saint, Matthew’s name day has also been celebrated since 2000, since it was then that he was canonized. In the world his name was Mikhail, and he died with the rank of archimandrite. Born in 1881. He was a graduate of the Kyiv Academy. The last appointment was the position of rector of the Perm Theological Seminary. He was hacked to death with sabers on a train in 1918.

November 25. Hieromartyr Matthew (Aloin)

This saint was born in 1879 near Ryazan. There he graduated from seminary and received the priesthood. Subsequently he changed several dioceses. Like many others, he was arrested in 1937 and executed for anti-Soviet activities. Canonized in 2004. Matvey's name day in memory of him falls on the day of his execution - November 25.

June 1st. Hieromartyr Matthew (Voznesensky)

This martyr was one of the Belgorod priests. Shot by Red Army soldiers in 1919. According to the church calendar, Matthew’s name day falls on the first day of summer. Canonization took place in 2000.

November 29. Prince and Saint Matthew of Ethiopia

According to legend, this saint was the pagan ruler of Ethiopia, who executed the Apostle Matthew, who preached there. But then he converted to a new faith and repented. In baptism in honor of the apostle he executed, he took the name Matthew and renounced his princely power. When the ruling bishop of Ethiopia, Plato, died, this former prince Matthew was elected to the see.

August 22. Apostle Matthias

According to the Bible, he was a disciple of Christ and was one of the 70 apostles. After the ascension of Christ, by lot he became one of the 12 apostles, taking the place of Judas Iscariot. There is no reliable information about what happened to him afterwards. It is believed that he died as a martyr for preaching Christ according to the verdict of the Jewish authorities around the age of 63.

Matvey (Matthew, Matthias) is a name of Hebrew origin, which translates as “man of God” or “gifted by God.” This is the meaning of the name Matvey. His name day is celebrated more than 10 times a year. We will tell you more about this and the patron saints of the name in our article.

Matthew's name day according to the church calendar

The most famous patron saint of the name is the Apostle Matthew Levi, who is the author of the Gospel. Other patrons include presbyters, miracle workers, new martyrs and confessors who bore the name Matthew during their lifetime and were canonized by the Orthodox Church in their time.

Matvey's name day corresponds to the day of remembrance of the patron saints. The following dates are indicated in the church calendar:

  • January - 18;
  • April - 25;
  • June - 1;
  • July - 13;
  • August - 22, 25, 27;
  • October - 11, 13, 18;
  • November - 12, 25, 29.

These days, you should not forget to congratulate your Matveev acquaintances on their name day. But among all the dates, the one that coincides with the person’s birthday or comes immediately after it is especially important. The saint whose feast day falls on this date is the patron saint of the person named Matthew.

Name day July 13 - the day of remembrance of the Apostle Matthew

Saint Matthew (Levy Matthew) was one of the twelve apostles, disciples of Jesus Christ. Before turning to the Savior, he served as a tax collector, that is, a tax collector in Rome. However, having heard the voice of Christ, Matthew left the service and became his disciple. He preached in Palestine and then in other countries. Before setting off on a long journey, Matthew, at the request of the Jews who remained in Jerusalem, wrote the Gospel, which became one of the main books of the New Testament.

Saint Matthew toured several countries preaching: Syria, Persia, Media and others. At the age of 60 he went to Ethiopia. This region was inhabited by cannibals who worshiped idols, very far from the Christian faith. However, the Apostle Matthew did not give up trying to convert them to the true faith. He founded a church here and built a temple, installing his companion Plato as bishop. Here in Ethiopia, Saint Matthew was executed by order of the Ethiopian prince Fulvian. Afterwards, the ruler greatly repented of his actions and was even baptized by Bishop Plato with the name Matthew.

The Day of Remembrance of the Apostle Matthew is celebrated twice a year: July 13 and November 29. On these same days, Matvey's name day is celebrated. The saint is not only the patron saint of this name, but also of the city of Salerno in Italy, where, according to legend, the relics of the apostle were transferred in the 10th century, where they are kept to this day.

Matthew of Pechersk (October 11 and 18)

In the 10th century, the Monk Matthew lived in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, who received from the Lord the gift of clairvoyance for his exploits. He told his visions to his brothers, protecting them from rash actions. In particular, the Monk Matthew saw demons plotting intrigues for the monks, about which the saint told those who were being saved. The Monk Matthew lived to a ripe old age, and his relics are still kept today in the Anthony Caves of the Lavra.

The name day of Matthew, whose patron saint is this saint, is celebrated on October 11 and 18. On icons, the Monk Matthew is often depicted with other elders - Damian and Jeremiah, who also possessed the gift of clairvoyance.

November 29: Matveyev Day

On this day, the Christian Church honors not only the name day of Matthew, the apostle who wrote the Gospel, but also the person who executed him and then converted to the true faith. As already mentioned, after the death of the apostle, the Ethiopian prince Fulvian was baptized by Bishop Plato with the name Matthew, renounced power and became a presbyter. After Plato's death, he himself became a bishop and led the Ethiopian Church.

Saint Fulvian did a lot to spread Christianity not only in Ethiopia, but also in other countries, tirelessly continuing the work of his heavenly patron.