Illustrations by various artists for the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". Snow Queen coloring page

Artist Benvenuti
A snowball was fluttering in the yard.
- These are white bees swarming! - said the old grandmother.
- Do they also have a queen? - the boy asked; he knew that real bees had one.
- Eat! - answered the grandmother. “Snowflakes surround her in a thick swarm, but she is larger than all of them and never remains on the ground - she always floats on a black cloud. Often at night she flies through the city streets and looks into the windows; that's why they are covered ice patterns like flowers!
- We saw it, we saw it! - the children said and believed that all this was true.
- A Snow Queen can't get in here? - the girl asked once.
- Let him try! - said the boy. “I’ll put her on a warm stove, and she’ll melt!”
But grandma patted him on the head and started talking about something else.
In the evening, when Kai was already at home and almost completely undressed, getting ready to go to bed, he climbed onto a chair by the window and looked into the small circle that had thawed on the window glass. Snowflakes fluttered outside the window; one of them, a larger one, fell on the edge of the flower box and began to grow, grow, until it finally turned into a woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely, so tender, all dazzling white ice and still alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor meekness in them. She nodded to the boy and beckoned him with her hand.

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Angela Barrett

Artist Edmund Dulac

Artist H. J. Ford
Artist Nika Golts
Kai and Gerda sat and looked at a book with pictures of animals and birds; The big tower clock struck five.
- Ay! - the boy suddenly screamed. “I was stabbed right in the heart, and something got into my eye!”
The girl wrapped her little arm around his neck, he blinked, but there seemed to be nothing in his eye.
- It must have jumped out! - he said.
But the fact of the matter is, no. Two fragments of the devil’s mirror hit him in the heart and in the eye, in which, as we, of course, remember, everything great and good seemed insignificant and disgusting, and the evil and bad were reflected even brighter, the bad sides of each thing stood out even more sharply. Poor Kai! Now his heart had to turn into a piece of ice!
The snow flakes kept growing and eventually turned into large white chickens. Suddenly they scattered to the sides, the large sleigh stopped, and the man sitting in it stood up. She was a tall, slender, dazzlingly white woman - the Snow Queen; both the fur coat and the hat she was wearing were made of snow.
- We had a nice ride! - she said. - But are you completely cold? Get into my fur coat!
And, placing the boy in her sleigh, she wrapped him in her fur coat; Kai seemed to have sunk into a snowdrift.
—Are you still freezing? - she asked and kissed his forehead.
Uh! There was a kiss colder than ice, penetrated him right through with cold and reached his very heart, and it was already half icy. For one minute it seemed to Kai that he was about to die, but no, on the contrary, it became easier, he even completely stopped feeling cold.
- My sled! Don't forget my sled! - he caught himself.
And the sleigh was tied to the back of one of the white hens, who flew with them after the big sleigh. The Snow Queen kissed Kai again, and he forgot Gerda, his grandmother, and everyone at home.
“I won’t kiss you again!” - she said. - Otherwise I’ll kiss you to death!
Kai looked at her; she was so good! He could not imagine a more intelligent, charming face. Now she didn’t seem icy to him, like that time when she sat outside the window and nodded her head at him; now she seemed perfect to him.

Artist Angela Barrett

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Honor C. Appleton
Artist Anastasia Arkhipova

Artist Vladislav Erko

The boat was carried further and further; Gerda sat quietly, wearing only stockings; Her red shoes floated behind the boat, but could not catch up with her.
The banks of the river were very beautiful; Everywhere one could see the most wonderful flowers, tall, spreading trees, meadows where sheep and cows grazed, but nowhere was a single human soul to be seen.
“Maybe the river is carrying me to Kai?” - Gerda thought, cheered up, stood on her bow and admired the beautiful green shores for a long, long time. But then she sailed to the big one cherry orchard, in which there is a house with colored glass in the windows and a thatched roof. Two wooden soldiers stood at the door and saluted everyone who passed by with their guns.
Gerda shouted to them - she took them for alive - but they, of course, did not answer her. So she swam even closer to them, the boat came almost to the very shore, and the girl screamed even louder. An old, old woman in a large straw hat, painted with wonderful flowers, came out of the house, leaning on a stick.
- Oh, you poor baby! - said the old lady. - How did you end up on such a big fast river and climb so far?
With these words, the old woman entered the water, hooked the boat with her hook, pulled it to the shore and landed Gerda.

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Edmund Dulac

Artist Arthur Rackham

Artist Nika Golts

The wood pigeons in the cage cooed quietly; the other pigeons were already sleeping; the little robber wrapped one arm around Gerda's neck - she had a knife in the other - and began to snore, but Gerda could not close her eyes, not knowing whether they would kill her or leave her alive. The robbers sat around the fire, sang songs and drank, and the old robber woman tumbled. It was scary for the poor girl to look at it.
Suddenly the forest pigeons cooed:
- Kurr! Kurr! We saw Kai! The white hen carried his sleigh on her back, and he sat in the Snow Queen's sleigh. They flew over the forest when we, the chicks, were still lying in the nest; she breathed on us, and everyone died except the two of us! Kurr! Kurr!
- What are you saying? - Gerda exclaimed. -Where did the Snow Queen fly to?
“She probably flew to Lapland, because there is eternal snow and ice there!” Ask the reindeer what's tied up here!
- Yes, there is eternal snow and ice there, it’s amazing how good it is! - said the reindeer. - There you jump in freedom across endless sparkling icy plains! The Snow Queen's summer tent will be pitched there, and her permanent palaces are at the North Pole, on the island of Spitsbergen!

Then the little robber opened the door, lured the dogs into the house, cut the rope with which the deer was tied with her sharp knife, and said to him:
- Well, lively! Yes, take care of the girl. Gerda extended both hands in huge mittens to the little robber and said goodbye to her. The reindeer set off at full speed through stumps and hummocks through the forest, through swamps and steppes.

Artist Christian Birmingham

Here is my native northern lights! - said the deer. - Look how it burns!
And he ran on, not stopping day or night.

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Anastasia Arkhipova

The deer stopped at a miserable hut; the roof went down to the ground, and the door was so low that people had to crawl through it on all fours. There was an old Laplander woman at home, frying fish by the light of a fat lamp.

Artist Arthur Rackham

When Gerda had warmed up, eaten and drunk, the Laplander wrote a few words on the dried cod, told Gerda to take good care of it, then tied the girl to the back of the deer, and it rushed off again. The sky exploded again and threw out pillars of wonderful blue flame. So the deer and Gerda ran to Finnmark and knocked on the Finnish woman’s chimney - she didn’t even have a door.
Well, it was hot in her home! The Finnish woman herself, a short, dirty woman, walked around half naked. She quickly pulled off Gerda's entire dress, mittens and boots - otherwise the girl would have been too hot - put a piece of ice on the deer's head and then began to read what was written on the dried cod. She read everything word by word three times until she had it memorized, and then she put the cod in the cauldron - after all, the fish was good for food, and the Finnish woman did not waste anything.

Artist Angela Barrett

I can't make her stronger than she is. Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It’s not up to us to borrow her power! The strength is in her sweet, innocent childish heart. If she herself cannot penetrate the palace of the Snow Queen and remove the fragments from Kai’s heart, then we will certainly not help her! Two miles from here the Snow Queen's garden begins. Take the girl there, drop her off near a large bush covered with red berries, and come back without hesitation!
With these words, the Finnish woman lifted Gerda onto the back of the deer, and he began to run as fast as he could.
- Oh, I’m without warm boots! Hey, I'm not wearing gloves! - Gerda shouted, finding herself in the cold.

Artist Vladislav Erko

Artist Nika Golts

But the deer did not dare to stop until it reached a bush with red berries; Then he lowered the girl, kissed her right on the lips, and large shiny tears rolled from his eyes. Then he shot back like an arrow. The poor girl was left alone, in the bitter cold, without shoes, without mittens.

Artist Edmund Dulac

Artist Boris Diodorov

She ran forward as fast as she could; a whole regiment of snow flakes was rushing towards her, but they did not fall from the sky - the sky was completely clear, and the northern lights were glowing on it - no, they ran along the ground straight towards Gerda and, as they approached, they became larger and larger. Gerda remembered the large beautiful flakes under the burning glass, but these were much larger, more terrible, of the most amazing types and shapes, and all of them were alive. These were the vanguard of the Snow Queen's army. Some resembled large ugly hedgehogs, others - hundred-headed snakes, others - fat bear cubs with tousled hair. But they all sparkled equally with whiteness, they were all living snow flakes.

Artist Anastasia Arkhipova

Artist Arthur Rackham

Artist Nika Golts

Gerda began to read the “Our Father”; it was so cold that the girl’s breath immediately turned into a thick fog. This fog kept getting thicker and thicker, but small, bright angels began to stand out from it, who, having stepped on the ground, grew into large, formidable angels with helmets on their heads and spears and shields in their hands. Their number kept growing, and when Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion had already formed around her. The angels took the snow monsters onto their spears, and they crumbled into thousands of snowflakes. Gerda could now boldly move forward; the angels stroked her arms and legs, and she no longer felt so cold.

Artist Angela Barrett

Artist Christian Birmingham

The walls of the Snow Queen's palace were covered in a blizzard, the windows and doors were damaged by violent winds. Hundreds of huge halls illuminated by the northern lights stretched one after another; the largest extended for many, many miles. How cold, how deserted it was in these white, brightly sparkling palaces! Fun never came here! If only on rare occasions there would be a bear party here with dancing to the music of the storm, in which polar bears could distinguish themselves with their grace and ability to walk on their hind legs, or a game of cards with quarrels and fights, or, finally, a conversation over a cup of coffee little white chanterelles - no, this never happened! Cold, deserted, dead! The northern lights flashed and burned so regularly that it was possible to accurately calculate at what minute the light would intensify and at what moment it would weaken. In the middle of the largest deserted snowy hall there was a frozen lake. The ice cracked on it into thousands of pieces, marvelously even and regular. In the middle of the lake stood the throne of the Snow Queen; She sat on it when she was at home, saying that she sat on the mirror of the mind; in her opinion, it was the only and best mirror in the world.

Artist Edmund Dulac

Kai turned completely blue, almost blackened from the cold, but did not notice it - the kisses of the Snow Queen made him insensitive to the cold, and his very heart became a piece of ice. Kai tinkered with the flat, pointed ice floes, arranging them in all sorts of ways. There is such a game - folding figures from wooden planks, which is called “Chinese puzzle”. Kai also made various intricate figures from ice floes, and this was called “ice mind games.” In his eyes, these figures were a miracle of art, and folding them was an activity of the first importance. This happened because there was a piece of a magic mirror in his eye! He put whole words together from ice floes, but he could not put together what he especially wanted - the word “eternity.” The Snow Queen told him: “If you put this word together, you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a pair of new skates.” But he couldn't put it together.

Artist Christian Birmingham

At that time, Gerda entered the huge gate, made by violent winds. She read the evening prayer, and the winds subsided, as if they had fallen asleep. She freely entered the huge deserted ice hall and saw Kai. The girl immediately recognized him, threw herself on his neck, hugged him tightly and exclaimed:
- Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you!
But he sat still as motionless and cold. Then Gerda began to cry; Her hot tears fell on his chest, penetrated his heart, melted his icy crust and melted the fragment. Kai looked at Gerda, and she sang:

Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!
Soon we will see the baby Christ.

Kai suddenly burst into tears and cried so long and so hard that the shard flowed out of his eye along with the tears. Then he recognized Gerda and was very happy.
- Gerda! My dear Gerda!.. Where have you been for so long? Where was I myself? - And he looked around. - How cold and deserted it is here!
And he pressed himself tightly to Gerda. She laughed and cried with joy.
Artist Nika Golts


A snowball was fluttering in the yard.
- These are white bees swarming! - said the old grandmother.
- Do they also have a queen? - the boy asked; he knew that real bees had one.
- Eat! - answered the grandmother. — Snowflakes surround her in a thick swarm, but she is larger than all of them and never remains on the ground - she always floats on a black cloud. Often at night she flies through the city streets and looks into the windows; That’s why they are covered with ice patterns, like flowers!
- We saw it, we saw it! - the children said and believed that all this was true.
- Can’t the Snow Queen come here? - the girl asked once.
- Let him try! - said the boy. “I’ll put her on a warm stove, and she’ll melt!”
But grandma patted him on the head and started talking about something else.
In the evening, when Kai was already at home and almost completely undressed, getting ready to go to bed, he climbed onto a chair by the window and looked into the small circle that had thawed on the window glass. Snowflakes fluttered outside the window; one of them, a larger one, fell on the edge of the flower box and began to grow, grow, until it finally turned into a woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely, so tender, all made of dazzling white ice and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor meekness in them. She nodded to the boy and beckoned him with her hand.

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Angela Barrett

Artist Edmund Dulac

Artist Benvenuti

Artist H. J. Ford

Kai and Gerda sat and looked at a book with pictures of animals and birds; The big tower clock struck five.
- Ay! - the boy suddenly screamed. “I was stabbed right in the heart, and something got into my eye!”
The girl wrapped her little arm around his neck, he blinked, but there seemed to be nothing in his eye.
- It must have jumped out! - he said.
But the fact of the matter is, no. Two fragments of the devil’s mirror hit him in the heart and in the eye, in which, as we, of course, remember, everything great and good seemed insignificant and disgusting, and the evil and bad were reflected even brighter, the bad sides of each thing stood out even more sharply. Poor Kai! Now his heart had to turn into a piece of ice!

Artist Nika Golts

The snow flakes kept growing and eventually turned into large white chickens. Suddenly they scattered to the sides, the large sleigh stopped, and the man sitting in it stood up. She was a tall, slender, dazzlingly white woman - the Snow Queen; both the fur coat and the hat she was wearing were made of snow.
- We had a nice ride! - she said. - But are you completely cold? Get into my fur coat!
And, placing the boy in her sleigh, she wrapped him in her fur coat; Kai seemed to have sunk into a snowdrift.
—Are you still freezing? - she asked and kissed his forehead.
Uh! Her kiss was colder than ice, pierced him with coldness right through and reached his very heart, which was already half icy. For one minute it seemed to Kai that he was about to die, but no, on the contrary, it became easier, he even completely stopped feeling cold.
- My sled! Don't forget my sled! - he caught himself.
And the sleigh was tied to the back of one of the white hens, who flew with them after the big sleigh. The Snow Queen kissed Kai again, and he forgot Gerda, his grandmother, and everyone at home.
“I won’t kiss you again!” - she said. - Otherwise I’ll kiss you to death!
Kai looked at her; she was so good! He could not imagine a more intelligent, charming face. Now she didn’t seem icy to him, like that time when she sat outside the window and nodded her head at him; now she seemed perfect to him.

Artist Angela Barrett

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Anastasia Arkhipova

Artist Vladislav Erko

The boat was carried further and further; Gerda sat quietly, wearing only stockings; Her red shoes floated behind the boat, but could not catch up with her.
The banks of the river were very beautiful; Everywhere one could see the most wonderful flowers, tall, spreading trees, meadows where sheep and cows grazed, but nowhere was a single human soul to be seen.
“Maybe the river is carrying me to Kai?” - Gerda thought, cheered up, stood on her bow and admired the beautiful green shores for a long, long time. But then she sailed to a large cherry orchard, in which nestled a house with colored glass in the windows and a thatched roof. Two wooden soldiers stood at the door and saluted everyone who passed by with their guns.
Gerda shouted to them - she took them for alive - but they, of course, did not answer her. So she swam even closer to them, the boat came almost to the very shore, and the girl screamed even louder. An old, old woman in a large straw hat, painted with wonderful flowers, came out of the house, leaning on a stick.
- Oh, you poor baby! - said the old lady. - How did you end up on such a big fast river and climb so far?
With these words, the old woman entered the water, hooked the boat with her hook, pulled it to the shore and landed Gerda.

Artist Arthur Rackham

Artist Edmund Dulac

The wood pigeons in the cage cooed quietly; the other pigeons were already sleeping; the little robber wrapped one arm around Gerda's neck - she had a knife in the other - and began to snore, but Gerda could not close her eyes, not knowing whether they would kill her or leave her alive. The robbers sat around the fire, sang songs and drank, and the old robber woman tumbled. It was scary for the poor girl to look at it.
Suddenly the forest pigeons cooed:
- Kurr! Kurr! We saw Kai! The white hen carried his sleigh on her back, and he sat in the Snow Queen's sleigh. They flew over the forest when we, the chicks, were still lying in the nest; she breathed on us, and everyone died except the two of us! Kurr! Kurr!
- What are you saying? - Gerda exclaimed. -Where did the Snow Queen fly to?
“She probably flew to Lapland, because there is eternal snow and ice there!” Ask the reindeer what's tied up here!
- Yes, there is eternal snow and ice there, it’s amazing how good it is! - said the reindeer. - There you jump in freedom across endless sparkling icy plains! The Snow Queen's summer tent will be pitched there, and her permanent palaces are at the North Pole, on the island of Spitsbergen!

Artist Nika Golts

Then the little robber opened the door, lured the dogs into the house, cut the rope with which the deer was tied with her sharp knife, and said to him:
- Well, lively! Yes, take care of the girl. Gerda extended both hands in huge mittens to the little robber and said goodbye to her. The reindeer set off at full speed through stumps and hummocks through the forest, through swamps and steppes.

Artist Christian Birmingham

- Here is my native northern lights! - said the deer. - Look how it burns!
And he ran on, not stopping day or night.

Artist Christian Birmingham

Artist Anastasia Arkhipova

The deer stopped at a miserable hut; the roof went down to the ground, and the door was so low that people had to crawl through it on all fours. There was an old Laplander woman at home, frying fish by the light of a fat lamp.

Artist Arthur Rackham

When Gerda had warmed up, eaten and drunk, the Laplander wrote a few words on the dried cod, told Gerda to take good care of it, then tied the girl to the back of the deer, and it rushed off again. The sky exploded again and threw out pillars of wonderful blue flame. So the deer and Gerda ran to Finnmark and knocked on the Finnish woman’s chimney - she didn’t even have a door.
Well, it was hot in her home! The Finnish woman herself, a short, dirty woman, walked around half naked. She quickly pulled off Gerda's entire dress, mittens and boots - otherwise the girl would have been too hot - put a piece of ice on the deer's head and then began to read what was written on the dried cod. She read everything word by word three times until she had it memorized, and then she put the cod in the cauldron - after all, the fish was good for food, and the Finnish woman did not waste anything.

Artist Angela Barrett

“I can’t make her stronger than she is.” Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It’s not up to us to borrow her power! The strength is in her sweet, innocent childish heart. If she herself cannot penetrate the palace of the Snow Queen and remove the fragments from Kai’s heart, then we will certainly not help her! Two miles from here the Snow Queen's garden begins. Take the girl there, drop her off near a large bush covered with red berries, and come back without hesitation!
With these words, the Finnish woman lifted Gerda onto the back of the deer, and he began to run as fast as he could.
- Oh, I’m without warm boots! Hey, I'm not wearing gloves! - Gerda shouted, finding herself in the cold.

Artist Vladislav Erko

Artist Nika Golts

But the deer did not dare to stop until it reached a bush with red berries; Then he lowered the girl, kissed her right on the lips, and large shiny tears rolled from his eyes. Then he shot back like an arrow. The poor girl was left alone, in the bitter cold, without shoes, without mittens.

Artist Edmund Dulac

Artist Boris Diodorov

Artist Valery Alfeevsky

She ran forward as fast as she could; a whole regiment of snow flakes was rushing towards her, but they did not fall from the sky - the sky was completely clear, and the northern lights were glowing on it - no, they ran along the ground straight towards Gerda and, as they approached, they became larger and larger. Gerda remembered the large beautiful flakes under the burning glass, but these were much larger, more terrible, of the most amazing types and shapes, and all of them were alive. These were the vanguard of the Snow Queen's army. Some resembled large ugly hedgehogs, others - hundred-headed snakes, others - fat bear cubs with tousled hair. But they all sparkled equally with whiteness, they were all living snow flakes.

Artist Anastasia Arkhipova

Artist Arthur Rackham

Artist Nika Golts

Gerda began to read the “Our Father”; it was so cold that the girl’s breath immediately turned into a thick fog. This fog kept getting thicker and thicker, but small, bright angels began to stand out from it, who, having stepped on the ground, grew into large, formidable angels with helmets on their heads and spears and shields in their hands. Their number kept growing, and when Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion had already formed around her. The angels took the snow monsters onto their spears, and they crumbled into thousands of snowflakes. Gerda could now boldly move forward; the angels stroked her arms and legs, and she no longer felt so cold.

Artist Angela Barrett

Artist Christian Birmingham

The walls of the Snow Queen's palace were covered in a blizzard, the windows and doors were damaged by violent winds. Hundreds of huge halls illuminated by the northern lights stretched one after another; the largest extended for many, many miles. How cold, how deserted it was in these white, brightly sparkling palaces! Fun never came here! If only on rare occasions there would be a bear party here with dancing to the music of the storm, in which polar bears could distinguish themselves with their grace and ability to walk on their hind legs, or a game of cards with quarrels and fights, or, finally, a conversation over a cup of coffee little white chanterelles - no, this never happened! Cold, deserted, dead! The northern lights flashed and burned so regularly that it was possible to accurately calculate at what minute the light would intensify and at what moment it would weaken. In the middle of the largest deserted snowy hall there was a frozen lake. The ice cracked on it into thousands of pieces, marvelously even and regular. In the middle of the lake stood the throne of the Snow Queen; She sat on it when she was at home, saying that she sat on the mirror of the mind; in her opinion, it was the only and best mirror in the world.

Artist Edmund Dulac

Kai turned completely blue, almost blackened from the cold, but did not notice it - the kisses of the Snow Queen made him insensitive to the cold, and his very heart became a piece of ice. Kai tinkered with the flat, pointed ice floes, arranging them in all sorts of ways. There is such a game - folding figures from wooden planks, which is called “Chinese puzzle”. Kai also made various intricate figures from ice floes, and this was called “ice mind games.” In his eyes, these figures were a miracle of art, and folding them was an activity of the first importance. This happened because there was a piece of a magic mirror in his eye! He put whole words together from ice floes, but he could not put together what he especially wanted - the word “eternity.” The Snow Queen told him: “If you put this word together, you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a pair of new skates.” But he couldn't put it together.

Artist Christian Birmingham

At that time, Gerda entered the huge gate, made by violent winds. She read the evening prayer, and the winds subsided, as if they had fallen asleep. She freely entered the huge deserted ice hall and saw Kai. The girl immediately recognized him, threw herself on his neck, hugged him tightly and exclaimed:
- Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you!
But he sat still as motionless and cold. Then Gerda began to cry; Her hot tears fell on his chest, penetrated his heart, melted his icy crust and melted the fragment. Kai looked at Gerda, and she sang:

Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!
Soon we will see the baby Christ.

Kai suddenly burst into tears and cried so long and so hard that the shard flowed out of his eye along with the tears. Then he recognized Gerda and was very happy.
- Gerda! My dear Gerda!.. Where have you been for so long? Where was I myself? - And he looked around. - How cold and deserted it is here!
And he pressed himself tightly to Gerda. She laughed and cried with joy.

Artist Nika Golts

The Snow Queen is one of the main characters of the famous fairy tale of the same name by the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. This is an imperious, proud, proud owner of the kingdom of eternal cold, ice and snow. She lives in the north and few people get to see her. She can bewitch a person and turn his heart into a piece of ice. Then a person becomes indifferent to everyone, angry and thinks only about himself. This is what happened to the boy Kai. He ended up in the Snow Queen's palace. And his sister Gerda found him there and saved him from the Queen’s spell. We think many people have read this work. And if not, then be sure to read it. And we will teach you how to draw a portrait of the Snow Queen with a pencil step by step.

Stage 1. First, we will sketch the lines along which we will draw the heroine’s face. This is a cross, consisting of two intersecting lines, located slightly to the left of the middle of the sheet. This cross intersects the circle.

Stage 3. By horizontal line draw the heroine's eyes. First, we will make the upper and lower eyelids, frame them with rather thick eyelashes, especially on upper eyelids. We draw the eyes a little elongated, elongated. The Snow Queen is happy beautiful woman, and her eyes should be cold and expressionless.

Stage 4. Between the eyelids we show the eyeballs with pupils. It is necessary to reflect light reflections in the pupils. Draw eyebrows on top of the eyes; their shape is also elongated. The eyebrows are shifted towards the center.

Stage 5. Along the middle vertical line, draw the features of a thin, long nose. The bridge of the nose is thin, the width of the nose itself to the nostrils is also thin, but the nostrils are already slightly widened to the sides. Under the nose we make the mouth of the heroine of our lesson. The upper and lower lips should be shown to be quite thin and slightly stretched. The Snow Queen almost never laughs, she is always dissatisfied, and therefore the entire expression of her face must show dissatisfaction.

Stage 6. Now we rise above the forehead and draw the boundaries of the character’s crown. Her crown is located quite high on her head. The Queen has an open, high forehead. The upper edges of the crown are drawn with sharp, abrupt lines; they look like broken pieces of ice.

Stage 7. Using the triangles of the crown, we draw as if the edges of ice crystals. They look like tree branches. This main feature, from which small secondary lines extend.

Stage 9. Behind the crown we decorate the Queen’s veil-veil. It is long and goes down from the head down to the borders of the picture.

Stage 10. This is the resulting Snow Queen in black and white.

A long time ago, two children lived next door: a boy, Kai, and a girl, Gerda.
One winter they sat by the window and watched snowflakes swirling outside.
“I wonder,” Kai said thoughtfully, “do they have a queen?”
“Of course,” the grandmother nodded. - At night she flies down the street in a snowy chariot and looks into the windows. And then ice patterns appear on the glass.
The next day, when the children were again playing by the window, Kai suddenly cried out:
-Oh, something stabbed me in the eye, and then in the heart!
The poor boy did not yet know that this was a fragment of the Snow Queen's ice mirror, which was supposed to turn his heart into ice.

One day the children went to play in the square. In the midst of the fun, a large white sleigh suddenly appeared. Before anyone could blink an eye, Kai tied his sled to them.

The Snow Queen, who was sitting in the sleigh, and it was she, grinned and rushed off with Kai to her ice palace.
Bewitched Kai forgot both Gerda and his grandmother: after all, his heart turned into ice.

But Gerda did not forget Kai. She went in search of him: she got into a boat and swam wherever she looked.
Soon the boat moored to amazing garden. A sorceress came out to meet Gerda:
-What a charming girl!
-Have you seen Kai? - asked Gerda.
-No, I didn’t see it. Why do you need Kai? Stay, you and I will live a glorious life!
The witch showed Gerda a magical garden with amazing flowers who knew how to tell stories. The sun always shone there and it was very beautiful, but Gerda went further to look for Kai.

On the way she met an old raven.
“I saw Kai,” the raven said importantly. - He now lives with the princess!
And Gerda went to the palace. But it turned out that it was not Kai!
She told the princess and prince her story.
“Oh, poor thing!” the princess burst into tears. - We will help you.
Gerda was fed, given warm clothes and a golden carriage so that she could quickly find her Kai.

But then trouble happened: robbers attacked a rich carriage in the forest.
That night Gerda did not sleep a wink. Two pigeons told her that they had seen the Snow Queen's sleigh and Kai was sitting in it.
“She probably took him to Lapland,” the pigeons purred.
The chieftain's daughter, a little robber, wanted Gerda to stay with her, but when she recognized her sad story, was so moved that she decided to let Gerda go and ordered her beloved reindeer to take the girl to Lapland.
The deer ran day and night. He was completely exhausted when the ice palace of the Snow Queen finally appeared among the snow.

Gerda carefully went inside. The Snow Queen sat on an ice throne, and Kai played with ice floes at her feet. He did not recognize Gerda, and nothing trembled in his heart - after all, it was icy!
Then Gerda hugged him and cried.

Her tears were so hot that they melted Kai's icy heart.
“Gerda!” he exclaimed, as if waking up.
“Kai, my dear Kai!” Gerda gasped. - You recognized me! End of witchcraft!
Now they were not afraid of the Snow Queen.
Kai and Gerda returned home and began to live as before, cheerfully and amicably.

Do they have their own queen? And the grandmother answers him that this is the Snow Queen, she flies in the sky on a black cloud and covers everything with snow. As you may have guessed, today we will learn how to draw a snow queen. The image of the cold lady comes from a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Like any other, this one should also be, of course, ice-cold. In this way she held the poor boy Kai, whose heart turned into a piece of ice.

The image of a lady who commands frost and winter exists in many nationalities and their fairy tales. In Scandinavian folklore this is the Ice Maiden, in Japanese culture- Yuki-onna. They all look amazing, if you want to see drawing lessons and these characters.

Interesting observations about the Snow Queen from Andersen's fairy tale:

  • During the entire story, the lady appears on stage only a few times; the rest of the time she goes off on business and leaves Kai to his fate. Two questions: where does the little boy wear it and why did the little boy give it up?
  • An interesting method was chosen when creating the image in the cartoon. The actress performed her scenes, they were filmed, and only then they viewed and transferred all the movements to paper.
  • And when Kai and the queen fly on a sleigh, the birds shield their chicks from gusts of cold wind. Where do the chicks come from in winter?

Slowly but surely we come to the most important thing.

How to draw a snow queen with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw the figure of a woman with a fluffy dress and long hair.Step two. At the bottom of the dress we add small legs and make the dress wavy. Let's draw the palm beautiful hair Let's loosen it a little and put the crown on top. Step three. On the hem of the dress we will draw another parallel line, and on the shoes and sleeves we will draw ribbons tied around it. Let's make curls from the hair and draw the face. In addition, on the left side of the face we will add a small body art and outline the crown. Step four. Let's take the dress carefully. You need to create a beautiful snow pattern. Let's rely a little on our imagination. Step five. We're done with the bottom part, let's move on to the top. Draw the corset of the dress tightly so that it looks warm. Ready. Take colored pencils and color the snow queen. Then show your drawings. You can attach your work below in the comments. More interesting characters cartoons and fairy tales you will find here.