How to get rid of yellowness. We choose products that remove yellowness from hair. When is yellow hair a nuisance?

If you often dye or lighten your locks, then you are probably familiar with the problem of their color changing over time. Very light ones begin to turn yellow, and dark ones appear reddish. How to get rid of the yellow tint in your hair and prevent its appearance will be discussed in this article.

Where does yellowness come from?

This scourge affects neither blondes nor brown-haired women, not to mention brunettes who decide to radically change their appearance with the help of bleaching. Where does it come from?

Natural causes

If we talk about natural, undyed hair, its shade may change due to elementary exposure to sunlight. Therefore, in the summer heat, it is recommended to wear a Panama hat or other headdress. Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous not only because it “fades” the color, but also because it destroys the structure of the hair and dehydrates it.

In people with blond hair, yellowness becomes noticeable also with certain liver diseases, taking certain medications, frequent consumption of foods containing a lot of keratin, etc.

If you are wondering why gray hair turns yellow, in which there is almost no natural pigment left, then the reason may also lie in internal problems in the body, but not only. With age, dry, thinned, their structure is disrupted, so various dyes from the outside easily penetrate into them.

This can be iron contained in water for washing hair, nicotine, various contaminants from the air, as well as pigments from care products - shampoos, masks, balms.

Consequences of coloring

Now let's talk about why dyed hair turns yellow. Moreover, they are dyed not only blond, but also, for example, ash or light brown. It's all about the oxidizing agent contained in any paint. It destroys part of the natural pigment, giving a lightening background on which the paint should be placed, the pigments of which “occupy the vacant spaces.”

When the paint begins to wash out, the background lightening begins to appear more and more clearly. Whether it will have a yellowish tint depends on the original hair color and the concentration of the oxidizing agent. To find out if you will have yellow hair After clarification, keep the following tables for yourself.

The influence of oxidizing agent concentration on the level of clarification

Note. Thin hair lighten more than medium or thick ones. Hence the variability in color changes in the table.

The following table gives an idea of ​​the accepted numbering of the original (natural) hair color and the level of background lightening.

Hair color Background level
1 Black Black
2 Rich dark brown Brown
3 Dark brown Brown-red
4 Brown Red-brown
5 Light brown Red
6 Dark brown Red-orange
7 Light brown Orange
8 Light brown Yellow
9 Light Light yellow
10 Very light Golden

Now a little instructions on how to use these tables.

  • Find the hair color that best matches your natural hair color in the second table;

  • Look at what oxidizing agent is in the paint you are using (if you are not painting, but bleaching, then just the percentage of oxidizing agent);
  • Return to the first table and calculate what the background lightening will be.

Example. If you have dark brown hair(No. 6), and you use a 9% oxidizer, which lightens 2-3 tones, then, depending on the thickness of the hair, the background will turn out yellow (6 + 2 = 8) or light yellow (6 + 3 = 9 ).

It will gradually appear as the dye is washed off.

This happens because the oxidizing agent opens the hair scales and partially dissolves the natural pigment, resulting in a lightening background. But the scales no longer return to their place. Remaining open, they do not retain the coloring pigment in the hair; it is washed out quite quickly, but the background remains.

And the higher the percentage of oxidizer, the more porous the hair becomes, and the less the dye holds in it.

Advice. The durability of paint largely depends on the density of the pigment. Therefore, do not buy cheap dyes; it is better to opt for professional formulations. Their price is much higher, but there will be fewer problems.

It also happens that after bleaching there is already enough blonde hair with the help of a concentrated oxidizing agent, they acquire a beautiful cool shade, but soon they still begin to turn yellow. This is explained by the same reasons as the yellowing of gray hair: open damaged scales freely allow dirt, dust, rust from tap water, pigments to pass through. cosmetics etc.

Repeated bleaching or dyeing with a strong oxidizing agent will only worsen the problem, since damaged hair will suffer even more, and it will be very difficult or impossible to restore them - just grow them and cut them.

What to do

The answer to this question depends on the reason for the appearance of yellowness. If it is internal, definitely undergo intensive treatment, forgetting for a while about dissatisfaction with hair color. Health is more important.

For all other cases, there are ready-made solutions on how to get rid of yellow hair.

Proper coloring/bleaching

As you already understand, an undesirable shade appears if the main paint is quickly washed off and the yellow background of the lightening begins to appear. To prevent this from happening, you need to use quality paint with caring components. But the most important thing is not to try to achieve the desired color too quickly, using a strong oxidizing agent that literally destroys the hair.

The shortest path is not always the most correct. In our case, it is better to act in stages.

Let's give an example of how to get white hair color without yellowness, having natural shade light brown (No. 7) or dark brown (No. 6).

  • We use bleaching powder and 3% oxidizing agent;
  • To color No. 10 (very light), we will have to overcome 3-4 levels, which corresponds to an oxidizing agent of 9 or 12%;
  • As we already know, a drug of such a high concentration irreversibly destroys the hair structure, so we choose a more gentle three percent product;
  • Dilute the powder with an oxidizing agent in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and apply the composition to dry, preferably unwashed hair;

  • Leave for 40-50 minutes, then rinse with shampoo;
  • If you are in a hurry, dry your hair and repeat the procedure the required number of times until you get the desired background. But it's better to wait at least a couple of weeks;
  • This stepwise bleaching allows you to preserve the hair structure as much as possible through the use of softer products, but at the same time obtain a result similar to a single use of a strong oxidizing agent.

When will the hair become desired color, they need to be immediately tinted - saturated with pigment. This must be done even if you already like the result of bleaching. If this is not done, it will disappear in a couple of weeks and you will again have to think about how to remove the yellow pigment from your hair.

And they will turn yellow, as they will immediately begin to absorb coloring particles from environment, water and cosmetics. To prevent this from happening, the void created by the absence of some natural pigments must be filled with artificial ones.

During staining, this replacement occurs immediately. And when bleaching, you should use a tinting dye with the weakest oxidizing agent (1.5-1.9%), but you need to take it twice as much in volume as the amount of paint.

Both products are thoroughly mixed and applied to damp hair for 10-20 minutes (see manufacturer's recommendations for exposure time).

This is important! Before tinting, you should not use 2-in-1 products containing balm or just balm to wash your hair. It covers the scales, and the dye does not penetrate well into the hair, remaining only on its surface.

But after coloring, a restoring balm is just necessary - it seals the pigments, preventing them from quickly being washed out of the hair and making room for foreign impurities.

This is how you can change its color with your own hands without much harm to your hair and prevent yellow shades from appearing.

Proper care

It’s not enough to know how to lighten your hair without yellowing; you also need to be able to maintain its color for a long time. And for this, first of all, you should take care of their healthy condition. You should not dye or bleach your hair if your hair is damaged by perming or other procedures using aggressive agents - give it a rest and undergo a course of treatment.

After staining, try to follow the following recommendations:

  • Don't wash your hair too often, as each wash removes some of the color.

Please note. All kinds of styling products quickly make your hair look dirty and greasy; it is better not to use them.

  • Use purified water to wash your hair. Or soften it yourself by boiling or freezing.

  • Acidify the water or use mineral water for this purpose.
  • Carefully select masks for bleached hair: they should not contain coloring components that give the curls a yellowish tint.
  • Tint your hair periodically while washing tinted shampoo, adding one part to three parts of your usual shampoo.
  • A special anti-yellow toner also gives good results.. It is added to the rinse water, but not every time, but after every second or third wash.

Advice. If you have very light hair, choose a tonic with a purple tint; if you have darker hair and want to get rid of red, choose a toner with a blue tint.

  • When deciding how to cover up the yellowness in gray hair, choose the most light shades, and also be sure to use toners with purple dye.

Hello girls!

Experiments with appearance, in particular, when “transforming” into a blonde (in the literal sense of the word), do not always end with the desired result. Instead of blonde hair or a hint of the now fashionable platinum, we often end up with yellow “straw.”

Even lightening by professionals often has to be carried out in several stages, and this not only spoils the mood, but also very significant financial costs. We will tell you how to remove yellowness from your hair after bleaching yourself and what to do to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Cause of yellowing hair

It is inherent in the nature of hair itself. Lightening is the destruction of the coloring pigment. So the yellow one - pheomelanin, is located almost in the center of the rod and the lightening drug either simply does not have time to get there, or loses its properties already before that.

That is why a smart hairdresser will first take a small section of hair and treat it with several variations of the lightener to assess the reaction.

There are several more reasons:

  • If you brighten it very sharply dark hair, then yellowness is almost always present.
  • If low-quality drugs are used, especially expired ones.
  • If, after manipulation, hard tap water containing iron ions is used for washing. After coloring, the hair is unprotected and it simply “rusts” from this iron.

And one more thing. Experienced professionals always immediately add so-called corrective agents to the lightening composition, which are selected depending on the initial tone and taking into account the desired shade. As a rule, this is a mixton.

If you lighten your hair yourself, then do not choose it yourself - still consult a hairdresser, otherwise you can get the completely opposite result - purple or orange hair. Here important point, according to which additional paint is selected - microdose.

What to do?

Immediately after lightening at home, you can use these recommendations.

  • Take shampoo for gray hair (silver shampoo), apply and rinse after exactly 4 minutes from short hair, and then long hair- in 5 minutes. If left on longer, a gray-blue tint will appear.
  • Make the following composition: mix 3 parts of your regular shampoo with 1 part of tinting shampoo of the desired shade and wash your hair with it immediately after the lightening procedure.
  • Buy a ready-made lotion or balm for lightening hair, but of high quality. These are offered by Avon, Taft, Ciez, Kosmofarm, Schwarzkopf.

Home remedies for yellow discoloration

Recipe 1.

The simplest remedy is rinsing green tea. Brew about 0.5 liters as usual, leave, strain and slowly water your hair after each wash. Do not rinse off. The yellowness disappears completely after 3-4 procedures.

Recipe 2.

Honey mask. This should be done at night - simply distribute about 50 g of liquid honey through your hair using a comb and put on a cap. When you wash everything off in the morning, there will be practically no yellowness, and the hair will become very soft.

Recipe 3.

Lemon-vodka mask. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and vodka and wet your hair. Keep it for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, then use your usual balm. You need to make sure that the composition does not get on your facial skin - there will be light spots.

Recipe 4.

Rhubarb decoction. This garden plant has strong bleaching properties and its decoction can be constantly used for and after lightening.

Recipe 5.

The most effective method, very powerful, if you need to immediately remove yellowness. You can only use it once after the procedure, otherwise you can completely discolor your hair and damage its structure.

For a liter of still mineral water, add 1 glass of concentrated rhubarb infusion and half a glass of fresh lemon juice. Before use, warm slightly and rinse hair slowly.

Whitening masks

  1. Rhubarb root (fresh or dry) 100 g, chop and pour 2 glasses of dry white wine. Keep on fire with constant stirring until the volume decreases by 2 times. After cooling, strain and apply to scalp hair for 5 minutes. Rinse with water. Make a mask once a week.
  2. Glycerin mask. Rhubarb, chop 100 g, pour a glass of boiling water and add half a glass of glycerin. Let it sit for 30 minutes and apply to damp hair.
  3. Kefir mask: mix 50 ml of kefir with 10 grams of vodka and 10 g of lemon juice and add the usual portion of shampoo. Wash your hair. This is very good remedy from yellowness.

You can read more about hair lightening masks in.

Many girls and even older women dream of becoming blondes, they want to have light strands or light brown curls instead of dark hair. To do this, most people lighten their hair with various preparations, but often instead white they become red, gray or yellowish. You can make your hair light after bleaching and remove the yellow tint if you follow the dyeing rules and select the tone of the dye in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging.

White hair without yellowness looks beautiful and well-groomed

Causes of yellow hair:

  • using cheap, expired or low-quality paint;
  • non-compliance with the application technology, dyeing or rinsing procedures;
  • washing off the paint after lightening with cold, too hot or dirty water;
  • staining in light color too dark strands;
  • applying the composition to dirty hair;
  • the color of its own pigment is too persistent, in which yellowness may not appear immediately, but after some time.

Often the reason why curls dyed white become red, yellow or dirty gray is due to several mistakes made due to lack of experience. When carrying out lightening not at home, but in a salon, many problems can be avoided by the professionalism of the masters and the use of proven compounds.

The salon technician will remove yellowness using special means.

Ways to prevent yellow tint in hair

To prevent yellowness in your hair from appearing after home dyeing, you should prepare your hair for the procedure in advance, assess its condition and original color. Removing an unsightly tint is much more difficult than preventing its appearance, so you need to approach this procedure with all responsibility.

Use of brightening agents

  • first you need to restore weakened or brittle strands using special shampoos, masks or balms, cut off split ends;
  • if you have recently had a perm, the lightening procedure should be postponed for at least 3-4 weeks;
  • if the curls were dyed dark, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the yellowness in one go; the pigments of modern dyes are quite durable and penetrate deeply into the hair;
  • The composition should be applied evenly, starting from the back of the head, moving to the sides and ending at the bangs;
  • if your hair is bright red or dark red, after the first dyeing it will probably be yellowish, you need to be prepared for this;
  • the paint must be tested and of high quality, it is advisable to buy it more expensive.

The tone of lightening depends on the choice of paint

In order for hair to become evenly colored, light and white after bleaching, it is necessary to correctly carry out the home lightening procedure. For the first time, it is advisable to contact a specialist; you can color the roots as they grow at home if you have certain skills.

The technique of dyeing strands white consists of several stages:

  1. Dividing the strands into 4 parts. Partings should go from the middle of the forehead to the neck and from temple to temple. You should not wash your hair in advance; it should be a little dirty.
  2. Correct preparation of the drug from the package according to the instructions. This should be done with gloves, using glassware, a plastic comb or a special brush.
  3. First, the composition is applied to the back of the head, then at the temples, then on the crown and front of the head. The bangs are painted last.
  4. Very thick hair it must be divided into thin strands, coating each one so that yellowness does not appear in some places, which will be very difficult to remove.
  5. Red and black hair takes longer to lighten than light brown hair, so the dye will need to be kept on it longer.
  6. The composition must be washed off first with water, then with shampoo and a special balm from the paint package.

The paint must be applied evenly

Tips on how to remove yellow tint after dyeing

If yellowness or a red tint still appears after lightening at home, you can remove them with several folk or in professional ways. Here are the most effective and efficient:

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1. Using a special toning shampoo or balm. Ash, pearl, purple or silver shades have proven themselves best. To remove unsightly straw yellowness, you need to add one part of the product to three parts of your regular shampoo, and wash your hair every third time. Keep the composition on your head for no longer than 3 minutes.

Tint products to eliminate yellowness

2. A natural honey mask gives a good effect. It is not difficult to remove yellowness from bleached hair using honey: you need to coat the strands with it in the evening, leaving the mask under a thick cap until the morning for better absorption. The product helps even if the bleached curls have become red, yellow or have a bright straw hue.

Honey against yellow hair

3. Regular onion peels help to remove a slight yellow or red tint after home lightening. You need to pour it into a saucepan, add water, boil and leave for several hours for the broth to infuse. This product is applied to the hair in the evening and washed off only in the morning. You need to sleep with your strands wrapped in cellophane or a thin towel.

Onion peels lighten curls

4. Rinse the curls after lightening with rhubarb infusion or lemon juice. To do this, you need to dilute a liter of water with two glasses of infused rhubarb, which has good lightening properties, or a glass of fresh lemon juice. Rinsing should be done at least 2-3 times. Cinnamon has a similar effect; medicinal chamomile gives a weaker result.

Lemon juice removes yellow tones from hair

5. Applying homemade lightening masks for some time.

Recipes for homemade masks to lighten strands

Masks should be prepared from high-quality products and applied every other day for 40-50 minutes. You need to wash them off with warm water; you can wrap your hair in a towel for better effect.

Rhubarb and glycerin mask

Pour the crushed rhubarb root into a glass so that two quarters of the powder are occupied. Pour this amount into a glass of boiling water, add 60 grams of glycerin, wait 30 minutes. Apply to strands while the mixture is warm.

Rhubarb stems help lighten curls

Mask of lemon juice, kefir and vodka

Mix warmed kefir (a little less than half a glass) with a beaten egg, two tablespoons of vodka, a spoonful of any shampoo and 50 grams of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the strands.

Kefir-lemon mask with vodka and yolk

Wine and rhubarb mask

Add 500 grams of dry wine to a spoonful of crushed dried rhubarb roots, bring to a boil and cook until the liquid is reduced by half. The warm mixture should be applied to the hair daily and left for about an hour to lighten yellow strands.

All these professional and home remedies help to cope with the yellow tint that appears on bleached hair and make it whiter. However, when too dark color It is very difficult to dye your own strands blonde; it will be difficult to achieve a natural light tone of curls.

When preparing to lighten their hair at home, every girl looks forward to getting a chic snow-white blonde. In some cases, unwanted yellowness appears immediately, and sometimes it appears gradually after several shampooing procedures. To solve the problem of an unpleasant shade and achieve a cool, luminous white hair color, you need to determine which paint to paint over yellowness after bleaching is most effective. We'll talk about tinting options next.

Causes of yellow tint in bleached hair

Rich natural pigment

Perhaps the coloring composition is unable to completely cover the natural pigmentation of the hair. Rich tones persistently appear even after several bleaching procedures, so those with dark or bright colors It is worth thinking carefully about whether they need harmful repeated bleaching. It should also be noted that the growing root zone of the hair will have to be systematically tinted, otherwise a sharp contrast will be noticeable.

Unsuitable hair dye

Incorrect selection or use of paint implies a discrepancy between the resulting color and the one stated on the packaging due to the characteristics of the original tone. Due to unsuccessful combination of natural pigment with paint, or exceeding the optimal holding time of the product, yellowness may appear.

Poor quality tap water

Despite all the hair care measures, the scales of each hair shaft do not adhere tightly to it, resulting in the formation of hard-to-reach cavities where the smallest particles of rust and other micro-debris become clogged. If possible, you should wash your hair at home and in the hairdresser with water that has passed through filters, or use non-carbonated mineral water.

Effective remedies against yellow hair

Tinted shampoo Swiss O Par Silver

Regular hair washing creates a dazzling white blonde with a cool shade that quickly removes yellowness. A proven product for spectacular blondes.

Anti-yellow products for tinting blonde hair: tinted shampoo with silver effect

Tinted balm

Manufacturers in our country know exactly what paint to paint over yellowness after lightening hair; they suggest using an absolutely harmless tint product with a huge palette as a paint. Any woman can find an option for herself. From the series tint products, presented on the beauty market, Tonic balm clearly stands out. For blondes, there are several options, for example, pearl ash, platinum blonde, smoky topaz, mother of pearl, amethyst, graphite and others. To instead yellow tone To get noble gray hair in cool tones, you need to use the selected balm. Care must be taken when working with heavily burned hair, as the color is most intense on them. With prolonged exposure, curls can become distinctly gray, bright purple, blue and other rich colors. Such consequences can be avoided if you test the product on a small strand in an inconspicuous place and measure the right time. Usually, 5-10 minutes of contact with Tonic is enough for blondes, and in some cases, rinsing with water and adding balm helps.

Silver shampoo from Schwarzkopf

Today you can buy completely safe detergents with a silver effect; they can be recognized by the “Silver Shampoo” label. The composition, among other components, contains violet pigments that have the ability to kill the yellow tint, turning the curls into a cold white matter. When choosing a shampoo, you need to consider only proven options. For several years now, detergent from the manufacturer Schwarzkopf has been in constant demand. So that after washing your hair it does not acquire a bright ash or eggplant shade, you should not soak the foam for a long time, it is better to start with a minimum time.

Blond Explosion

Blond Explosion toning shampoo large number positive feedback. Thanks to the affordable price and 100% results, the product never leaves store shelves. If you follow the instructions, you can easily get a beautiful color.

Essence Ultime

Using a good Essence Ultime mask, you can transform white hair, protecting against yellowness for a long time. Having distributed the product evenly throughout the hair, it should be left on for no more than 5 minutes. The mask works great on both colored curls and natural blonde, providing an aesthetic and attractive look. appearance hairstyles

Mousse tonic

After applying the Sjoss tonic mousse, the color really activates and becomes beautiful. It is permissible to use the product every time after the washing procedure, since the composition does not contain dangerous ammonia. The mousse does not damage depleted hair and does not dry out or stain the skin of the hands.

Folk remedies

In some cases, light yellowness can be eliminated by using a course of whitening masks made from natural products. Honey, rhubarb, white wine, kefir, and lemon juice work well in this direction.

The right approach to hair lightening will protect against yellow tint. And then you won’t have to correct mistakes, being disappointed in the unexpected result. First of all, you need to evaluate the original color and condition of the hair, then select the most effective, minimally damaging dyes and toning agents. A good hairdresser with extensive experience in dyeing blondes will help you figure out all the details.

Most dyed blondes suffer from the appearance of a yellowish color, which often occurs a couple of weeks after going to the salon. How to remove yellowness from hair and again enjoy color without impurities and undertones?

Cosmetics for yellowness

In modern stores you can find a whole range of cosmetics for yellowness that appears on strands.

Tinted shampoos (tonics)

Tinted shampoos used after dyeing will give the strands a new tone - noble and beautiful. We recommend choosing tonics that are ashen, silver, or pearlescent in color. They contain a violet pigment that makes yellowness almost invisible. You need to use toner regularly - after each wash. If this is not done, the yellowness will return again.

Important! Be sure to dilute the tonic with your shampoo (1:1). Do not use in its pure form, otherwise your hair will turn blue or gray.

Lightening composition

This method is used for very dark hair, but, unfortunately, it cannot be called useful. Yes, repeated lightening can completely remove natural pigments, but only for a while. We should not forget about the harm to hair.

Lightening paint

The lightening composition kills your pigment, but the dye gives your hair a different shade. What dye to remove yellowness from bleached hair? Choose any tone from the ash or platinum palette. Immediately after painting, apply a tonic of the same color - it will fix the result.

Cleansing shampoos

Shampoo for blondes against yellowness can help when improper washing and rinsing has led to its appearance. This product has a high level of purification and perfectly removes impurities from tap water from scales.

Important! Deep cleaning shampoo is not suitable for regular washing, as it will further worsen the condition of your hair.

  • Mask "MARILIN";
  • Conditioner “Sheer BLONDE”;
  • Shampoo “L’Oreal Serie Expert Silver”;
  • Silver shampoo “Estel Professional Curex Color intense”;
  • Cosmetic line “BC Color Freeze 100% Color & Shine”.

If you need very fast results, use everything at once.

Home remedies for yellow hair

Don't want to spend money on expensive shampoos, paints or conditioners? First, try getting rid of yellow discoloration with a great home remedy.

Kefir mask

To remove yellowness from your hair, take note of this useful recipe.

  • Shampoo – 1 teaspoon;
  • Kefir – 50 grams;
  • Vodka – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Connect all the ingredients.
  2. Distribute the resulting mixture onto yellow hair.
  3. Keep under film and a warm scarf for 40-45 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair.

Rhubarb and glycerin mask

  • Boiled water – 250 ml;
  • Grated rhubarb root – 150 g;
  • Glycerin – 60 gr.


  1. Pour boiled water over the rhubarb powder.
  2. Pour in glycerin and set aside for half an hour.
  3. Filter and wet your hair.
  4. Keep covered with film and a warm scarf for at least 1 hour.
  5. Rinse with water.

Onion peel decoction

To neutralize yellowness, a decoction of onion peels is often used. This product gives the strands a light golden tint and revitalizes them.

  • Husk of 2-3 onions;
  • Water – 0.5 l.


  1. Fill the husk with water.
  2. Place on low heat and let the mixture boil.
  3. Immediately turn off the stove and wait 5 hours.
  4. Filter the finished infusion and moisten the strands with the mixture using a regular sponge.
  5. Keep under cellophane and a warm scarf all night.
  6. In the morning, rinse with running water and moisten your hair with lemon juice.

Honey mask

Honey eliminates yellowness and cares for colored hair. Warm it up a little with steam, lubricate the entire length of your hair and wrap yourself in a warm cap. Wash off after 3 hours.

Lemon mask

Lemon juice will also help remove yellowness after discoloration.

  • Vodka – 1 part;
  • Lemon juice – 1 part.


  1. Mix vodka with lemon juice.
  2. Apply to hair without touching skin.
  3. Wash off after half an hour.
  4. Use a moisturizing balm.

Tea rinse

This recipe gives your hair a beautiful cool tone.

  • Green tea – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Water – 1 l.


  1. Brew tea leaves - you will need 1 cup.
  2. Dilute it with boiled water (1 liter).
  3. Use to rinse hair after washing.

Prevention of yellowness in bleached hair

To protect yourself from an unsightly shade, listen to our advice.

  • Tip 1. Use a high-quality anti-yellow hair shampoo. You need to buy it only in specialized stores or trusted departments. Don't forget to check the integrity of the bottle and the expiration date of the shampoo.
  • Tip 2. When lightening your hair with dye at home, strictly follow the instructions.
  • Tip 3. If your hair is very dark and thick, contact a specialist, because it is much more difficult to lighten.
  • Tip 4. Rinse off the coloring agent with mineral, filtered or purified water (bottled). Tap water is not suitable for these purposes.