How to choose hair dye and color. How to choose the right hair color for your face type - advice from professional hairdressers

Many people miss the fact that hair color directly depends not only on style or personal preferences, but also on color type. We suggest you consider how to choose the right hair color at home, taking into account the shade of your eyes and skin.

Initially, it was so that all the girls were conditionally divided according to the seasons. Please note that mixing of types is possible, this is normal, it is even a little easier for such young ladies, because they can use colors for painting from several options at once.

Girls with light skin and eyes, as well as hair, belong to the Spring color type. It is easiest for them to create light and cute images. In most cases, girls of this type of appearance are real blondes with golden curls or a slight shade of red. This, by the way, is the rarest type of appearance.

Top tip in this version: do not overload your appearance with heavy and dark contrast. There should be simple and light makeup, light basic tones of clothing. Even with the greatest desire to change radically, black will still make the face gray and uninteresting, and perhydrol white will look very unnatural.

Another feature of these girls is that their hair, in any case, has individual strands that are somewhat lighter than the total mass of curls. If they don’t stand out too much, then ask your hairdresser for advice on how to unobtrusively shade them. In addition, coloring has now become fashionable again, so you can safely take advantage of this trend.

Only warm colors suit spring– this is a golden palette, soft reddish shades, sand or light brown. But there are exceptions, for example, the most prominent representative of this category is Marilyn Monroe, and she became known as a natural blonde. So, if you are the happy owner of very pale, even porcelain skin, then you can safely paint yourself in silver tones.

Photo – Spring color type

Video: how to choose the right hair shade


Photo – Mixed summer color type

Most Leto representatives complain that they have a very ugly natural hair color, and try in every possible way to correct this natural defect. For clarification: this category of appearance determined by such features:

  • very cold skin tone, almost blue-white;
  • there is a contrasting summer and not a contrasting one, the first option is relatively dark hair and porcelain skin, the second is light skin and light cool shade strands (for example, Ksenia Sobchak);
  • The eyes are light, sometimes with streaks of blue or green.

More often the best option for hair coloring 2015 is ash color, it will beautifully shade the skin and give the appearance a certain mystery. We categorically do not recommend using warm, light colors (and this also applies to clothing), this will only aggravate the situation. Instead of a bright blonde, you will get a completely uninteresting girl with a face that merges with her curls.

In the event that you decide dye your hair red, you need to take into account the features. This is one of the richest colors in its shades. The best solution to the problem will be red-blue or even yellow-red, i.e. bright and cold colors at the same time. Henna is often used for coloring.

Photo – Dvetotype summer

Another feature of the Summer girls is that they are all born real blondes, and when they grow up, their hair insidiously changes to a darker one. This can be easily corrected by painting it very light color, but in no case with shades of yellow. Summer ladies with platinum curls also look simply amazing.

What to choose for your face:

  • tone mahogany, white paint;
  • very deep blond, almost with a gray effect;
  • blue palette.

Warm Autumn

Photo – Autumn color type

By right, the warmest color type is Autumn. This is generally accepted Slavic appearance : warm leather, soft brown hair and bright eyes (green, brown, light brown). Autumn ladies include redheads and brown-haired women.

Screaming black hair dyes are not suitable for skin with freckles and a peach tint; this will give it an earthy tint, a strange brown tint. White paint will have a similar effect; it contrasts too much with relatively dark skin.

The best option– all sorts of shades of brown: chocolate, red and even burgundy. In addition, red curls look very beautiful on girls with freckles. The peculiarity of Autumn is that she either does not have a blush at all, or it is not expressive, so redness can compensate for such inexpressiveness of the face. Even a very sharp carrot orange will look appropriate.

Also take a closer look at warm light colors - light brown, dark brown and sandy. Nowadays it is very fashionable to do booking, you can safely take note of this option for changing your image.

Photo – Redhead

In order for your facial skin to glow, you must choose a palette with a golden tint, these could be:

  • warm black;
  • all natural blond;
  • red, burgundy;
  • chocolate or cappuccino.

Winter girls

Photo – Winter color type

It is most difficult for a woman with the Winter color type to change her appearance. The fact is that all the beauty is the sharp contrast between the curls and the face. The fairy tale about Snow White tells specifically about winter beauties who have incredibly pale skin with an almost bluish tint and black hair, sometimes even with a natural blue tint.

Because of this very effective combination, it is strictly not recommended to radically change your appearance. It’s just that, no matter what tone is chosen, it will not be bright enough and not as effective.

It is quite difficult to choose the right hair color for bright, cold-type brunettes. Avoid warm colors, they will make you look simple, without zest. If you want to experiment with yourself, then follow these tips:

  • try a tonic with blue or even a la “eggplant” (very suitable for dark brown eyes);
  • you can experiment with cold blond;
  • The cold white palette looks very beautiful.

Dark colors Suitable for representatives of the fair sex who naturally have grayish hair or an ashy tint. A dark face will only highlight your image. Dark strands with brown and green eyes will look very good and natural, on which you can freely make bright daytime and. They visually increase volume.

It so happens that men, and society as a whole, perceive such women as serious and business people; many believe that brunettes are the most romantic representatives of the fair sex.

A little warning: Over time, hair grows and the roots look untidy and cheap, so you need to touch up from time to time.

Do you want to be a redhead? seductress It was not for nothing that this was said, since it is red-haired beauties that are considered the most passionate and fatal, and many are afraid of them.

Red is a unique color because it suits everyone, especially those with obvious blush. The disadvantage is that compared to others, it quickly fades and loses its saturation. When choosing a redhead, be prepared for difficulties. You will encounter a problem such as the inability to get a new color: dark or light, since red is difficult to paint over.

Photo – Dyed blonde

Do you want to be a carefree blonde?. These girls always win men's hearts, and most of the fair sex want to paint themselves exactly this shade.

If you decide to become blond, then take care of your skin tone, it should be light, otherwise your hair will look unnatural. Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve a perfect bleaching result - exactly the same color as on the paint box.

Often, curls can get a greenish tint or look burnt. Blondes, more than others, need additional care for their strands, which tend to dry out more. Advice for you: consult with a specialist how light-colored dye will affect your hair, and whether it will harm you.

How to combine

If you need to choose it yourself and for free suitable shade curls by type, then take this advice from professionals: hold a sheet of peach and blue paper to your face. Did the shading make the appearance more interesting? This means that we start from this palette, but if, on the contrary, circles appear under the eyes or pimples appear, then this palette should be avoided. This test is done even in well-known beauty salons.

Also sometimes used special program. It allows you to upload your photo and pictures with the shades of curls you are interested in. And then just select beautiful examples of haircuts and hair colors that suit you.

Photo – Selection of hair color

If you are still not sure about the chosen coloring, then you can buy several false strands on clips and simply attach them to the coiffure, thereby assessing whether the new color suits you or not. These same accessories can be used just every day to give your appearance a little exotic and zest.

There is no clear definition of how to combine a hairstyle with a color. But it seems that the bob is for dark-haired people (remember “Leon the Killer” and “Pulp Fiction”), and long curls- the prerogative of blondes. Remember that it is important not only to choose a hair color or haircut, but also a brand of paint, for example, very good reviews about garnier and schwarzkopf.

Choosing paint based on appearance color type

Oh, these women and girls - each of them dreams of being irresistible and beautiful, and puts a lot of effort into this on their part. However, some people succeed - admiring glances, compliments and simply the pleasure of what you see in the mirror - a reward, while for others - despite all their attempts to achieve their standard of beauty, nothing works out for them. It seems like the hairstyle is fashionable and the hair color is beautiful, but overall it doesn’t look organic, which means it’s not natural.

In fact, according to experts and beauty specialists, here, like in any science, there are rules that you need to know and follow. Then the result will not disappoint you.

So, for example, since we are talking about hair color, you need to choose the right paint color for your type of appearance. Our publication will tell you how to do this...

The main rule for choosing hair dye color

You should choose your future hair shade, not based on the fact that it is fashionable or not, or that the hair of the secretary at your work is dyed this color, and she is popular with men... Not at all. You should base your choice on the combination of your future hair color with your eye color and skin tone.

Appearance types

Before we begin choosing your paint, guided by our main rule, let's clarify what color types of appearance there are. And how do they differ from each other? Thus, stylists and makeup artists conditionally divide all people into 2 color types - cold and, accordingly, warm.

Cold color type of appearance

The cold color type of appearance includes representatives whom Nature has endowed with black, gray, blue, green, green-gray eye colors. As a rule, the skin color of such “cold” people is light and pink. Natural shades their hair is light brown, black with a blue tint or ashy. If you recognize yourself in this description, try to choose a dye color that is as close as possible to the natural color of your hair. Ah, red and red shades - they are absolutely not suitable for you.

Warm color type of appearance

Seasonal color types of appearance

However, as you yourself understand, the classification of appearance color types into cold and warm is too broad. There are always dozens of nuances that should be taken into account when choosing your future hair color. Therefore, stylists practice focusing on seasonal color types. Here the range of descriptions and recommendations is narrower, and accordingly, the likelihood of falling into your ideal color, with which you will simply bloom, is much greater.

Spring Woman

This color type of appearance includes women with light eyes (from blue to light green), white skin (possibly ivory), aristocratic pallor, and light brown or real blonde curls. Focusing on choosing not only hair dye colors, but also clothing colors that would highlight the advantages of your color type, you should give preference yellow shades. Accordingly, hair color can be wheat-golden, light red, honey...

Coloring will also look attractive. With this choice, your appearance will only benefit. Ah, here’s the painting option in dark colors, cold or ashy – it’s better to refuse. Against the background of such hair, your complexion will seem too sickly, and if you do not pretend to be a goth, it is better not to experiment.

Summer woman

Autumn Woman

This color type is quite bright and difficult to confuse with any other. The base color is red. Autumn women's eyes brown color, amber or emerald. The skin is dark-skinned, freckles are possible. Natural color hair - from fiery red to chestnut with a red tint. Paint colors of chestnut and chocolate shades are suitable for these women; you can experiment with brown tones. It will favorably emphasize the advantages of a bright type of appearance in several (3-4) tones. But with golden, black and copper colors, it’s better not to take risks. Cold shades of paint are not suitable for such women, bright orange colors. Well, if you decide, get ready for the fact that the first impression of your appearance will be associated with artificiality and unnaturalness.

You've probably noticed that some colors can make your face look fresher and more youthful. At the same time, other shades, on the contrary, give the face a tired, sick look, the skin acquires a gray-yellow tint. Many women spend long hours in store fitting rooms to buy exactly the thing that suits them, and they often make mistakes. Is it possible to simplify the procedure for choosing the right color?

Rules for combining shades

In nature, there are only three main “color” colors - yellow, red, blue. There are also three achromatic colors (not colored) - black, white, gray. All other colors are just combinations of these primary colors.

Every person can wear all these colors (with rare exceptions) - but only in those combinations that match his color type. For example, for spring and autumn yellow or red undertones should predominate, and for winter and summer - blue.

All color combinations of the same season are in harmony with each other. From this simple rule There is an amazing color harmony that nature shows us in every season.

How to determine your color type?

The most difficult thing is to correctly determine your color type. Which season do you belong to: autumn, summer, winter or spring?

First of all, you need to establish whether warm or cold undertones predominate in the natural colors of your body. Next, you must determine whether brightly colored or subdued shades suit your personality better.
Cold or warm?

Take a closer look, does your skin have a warm, reddish-yellow undertone or a cool, bluish-pink? Difficult to determine? Indeed, without an experienced stylist it is very difficult to come to a final conclusion. But there is one clever way of testing that can even determine to a non-specialist whether you belong to a warm (spring/autumn) or a cold (summer/winter) color type.

To do this, you need to choose two scarves - one bluish-pink (cold), the other yellowish-salmon-pink (warm). If you don't find suitable scarves, use colored paper of similar shades. Apply each color in turn to your face and hands (in daylight).

You are a spring or autumn type if a scarf with a cool bluish tint makes your facial skin pale and your lips take on a sickly blue tint. In a scarf in a warm shade of salmon, on the contrary, the skin will appear fresh and healthy, and its golden hue will become clear.

If you belong to the winter or summer type, then your skin in contrast with the bluish-pink scarf will seem fresh, while the warm yellowish tone of the salmon will make your face tired, and the veins and circles under the eyes will immediately become more noticeable.

Determining contrast

Once you have established which tones your skin harmonizes with, you need to find out whether more contrasting, saturated colors suit you or, conversely, muted ones. After this, you will finally be able to classify yourself as a specific color type - spring or autumn, or winter or summer, respectively.

Difference between two warm tones:

The dominant tone of spring shades is yellow, so colors of this type are light, cheerful and bright.

The basis of autumn shades is red, respectively, the colors will be more contrasting, heavier, earthier, compared to the gentle spring.

The difference between the two cool tones:

Summer shades have a blue undertone, but compared to winter nuances, they are more muted, light, washed out on the same blue base.

Winter colors are also blue-based, but they are crisper and brighter than their summer counterparts.

All colors that belong to the palette of one season are combined with each other and allow any combination with each other.

Remember: a shade with a blue undertone is a cool color; red and yellow undertones are warm colors.

Does this mean that red and yellow should be present only in the spring and autumn palettes, and green and blue colors are only suitable for the winter palette? This is far from true! Each color type can wear all colors - you just need to choose the right shades. For example, blue can be warm if it has a yellow or red undertone, and representatives of warm color types can safely wear it. And vice versa, if the red main color has a blue or blue undertone, it will look harmonious on representatives of a cold color type.

Is there a mixed color type?

If you have difficulty determining your color type, you may think that you belong to a mixed type. However, there are no mixed color types. Each type may have more delicate, lighter options and more pronounced, dark ones. Each color type may have nuances that allow you to approach the selection of your personal color palette more frivolous.

For example, if you are a spring type with dark, pronounced golden tones in your skin and hair, you can safely use light shades autumn palette in clothes and cosmetics.

Delicate, fair-skinned autumn types may be suited to many of the soft, muted tones of the spring palette.

Summer types with darker shades can harmoniously match the face with delicate shades of the winter palette.

A strong winter type with a very bright, strong contrast between skin, hair and eye color can be softened with the help of delicate and fresh shades of the spring palette.

We select hair color according to the color type of appearance

A well-chosen hair color should emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, refresh the complexion, and muffle minor skin imperfections. The most reliable way to choose the right color is to determine your color type - autumn, winter, spring, summer. For each color type, you can recommend your own color palette.


Spring is a warm color type. A spring-type woman gives off a feeling of tenderness; there are no sharp contrasts in her appearance.

Leather: transparent, thin, with a warm tint, the color is light, slightly golden. If there are freckles, they are also golden. There is often a milky pink flush on the cheeks. Skin doesn't tan well. The tan has a reddish tint.

Hair slightly curly, they are thin and fluffy. Color - light, with a warm tint, honey, amber, fawn, light brown with a golden tint.

Eye color: The eyes are usually light - blue, turquoise, but can also be brown.

Peculiarities: the spring color type does not have brown and green eyes, a chocolate tan, or closely spaced blood vessels, dark hair.

How to choose hair color based on color type.
Suitable hair color for spring type: For light spring type, we can recommend delicate golden shades from sandalwood to honey.

The ideal hairstyle is feminine but not too romantic: soft waves, pageboy or short haircut, and it should not look too sporty. Lightening individual strands is suitable. Gray hair can be hidden with light dye, or by permanently dyeing your hair a warm grayish shade.

For a darker spring type, we can recommend a shade of mahogany or autumn leaves if you want to give your hair a reddish shine.


Summer is a cold color type. The main characteristics of the summer type: ashen, cool bluish shades. Summer can be contrasting, non-contrasting, or average.

Leather: summer type may have skin different shades, but they always have a cold bluish subcutaneous backlight. If there are freckles, they are gray-brown in color. The tan takes on well; even the lightest skin in the sun acquires an even nutty tint (the so-called “steppe” tan). Blush - pink or red, due to the fact that the blood vessels are close, redness on the skin is often visible.

Hair color has a cold ashy tint, no yellowness. The color varies from light straw to dark brown with a brown tint. Hair sometimes fades in the sun and acquires a cognac tint, which can be confused with warm. The hair structure is straight or curly. They often get split ends.

Eye color– the whole palette gray shades- gray-blue, watery-blue, gray-green, gray-olive, and also nut-brown. Whites of the eyes milky, do not contrast with the iris.

The level of contrast is determined by the difference between skin color and hair color. The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the higher the contrast. And vice versa.

Summer cannot have red, black, copper hair, or snow-white skin.

How to choose hair color by color type Suitable hair color: For light summer types, choose shades wheat color, which gives a refreshing light glow.

For dark summer types shade will suit"black tulip" It gives the typical summer ash brown a piquant reddish tint.


Autumn is also a warm color type, however, it differs from the spring one in its brighter colors.

Leather has warm golden shades; if there are freckles, it is reddish in color. Unlike spring, the autumn type does not have a blush, the complexion has an even complexion. The skin does not tan well, is prone to burns, and when exposed to the sun, the skin becomes red and inflamed.

Hair red in color, or with a distinct red tint. The hair is often curly, with large curls, elastic, shiny, thick.

Eyes very bright and contrasting. Eye color: green, amber-brown, cognac-brown, amber-olive.

Peculiarities: does not occur in the autumn type blue eyes, ash brown hair, black hair.

How to choose hair color according to color type? What color suits you: red, fiery copper, chestnut, dark brown.

For light autumn types, a sandalwood shade is suitable.

For darker hair or a deeper red tone, shades like “autumn foliage” or “evening dawn” are suitable. The autumn range also includes cooler shades, such as “hawthorn” and “mahogany”.


Winter is a cold color type. This color type can be confused with summer or autumn. It can be contrasting or non-contrasting.

The main differences are milky white skin with a bluish tint. The skin does not tan well and there may be a blush on the cheeks. The hair is usually dark. The eyes are bright, cool shades of blue, gray and brown or black.

Contrasting winter:

Hair: black, most often straight and thick, sometimes curly
skin: very light, white, with a bluish tint, tans well.
eyes: ice blue, dark brown

Low contrast winter:

Hair: softer than the contrast hair, may have a cool chocolate-cognac shade
skin: olive-gray, sometimes with a yellowish tint, tans well.
eyes: olive-gray, brown, brown-green

Which color suits you? Sharp tones with a cool bluish sheen are suitable for this type.

To add a pop of color to light winter hair, try ebony.

Shades of “black tulip” or “forest beech” will add a reddish tone to dark winter hair. You should not use red shades.