USB group composition biography. USB group: composition and history of creation. In Russian show business, my image in USB is similar to

Dmitry Vyushkin (Gena from the group “USB”) organizing and ordering performances on the agency’s official website. On general issues of organizing performances with the participation of Dmitry Vyushkin (Gena from the group “USB”), conducting tours and performances, solo concerts, as well as a host for private events, corporate events. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Dmitry Vyushkin (Gena from the group “USB”). Dmitry was born in 1983. His first popularity came to him in his native Tomsk, when he began performing as part of the KVN team “MaximuM”. Talented young people reached KVN heights in the shortest possible time.

Creative achievements

Dmitry Vyushkin became one of the brightest actors in the team. In 2005, she won the title Champion Major League KVN. After KVN, Dmitry began an equally interesting and fun life. He became a resident of the famous Comedy show Club. Dmitry Vyushkin performs as part of the extravagant group “USB” or “United Sexy Boyz” under the pseudonym Gena. In addition to television activities, Dmitry works as a host of holidays and entertainment events. He is an energetic, positive presenter.

These days

Our agency books concerts, performances by artists and presenters, including Dmitry Vyushkin (Gena from the group USB). He quickly finds common language with any audience, be it a youth club party or a wedding with a large number of relatives. Dmitry Vyushkin has extensive experience working at corporate events, presentations, and concerts. More detailed information Read about Dmitry Vyushkin on the official website.


"Dmitry Vyushkin (Gena from the group "USB") ordering a presenter, agent contacts, organizing performances. For general and individual questions about organizing performances and ordering concerts for your holiday with the participation of Dmitry Vyushkin (Gena from the group "USB"), invitations to corporate events , presenter for a wedding, anniversary, birthday party, party, you can call us on the phone numbers in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40 Agent’s official website or write to us by email. , in the contacts section."

About USB group:

Since 2010, when it had already firmly established itself at the pinnacle of fame on the air of the TNT channel, a banned group began to take part in its releases under the very “original” name “United Sexy Boyz”, which in its abbreviated form means a common device for connecting peripheral systems to other information systems, in short, USB.

Perhaps this would be said by one of the group members, Gennady, who is probably the smartest of all, because he is constantly silent with a very businesslike look. They say he knows perfectly German, but there have not yet been any witnesses to this due to his significant silence.

The group became another highlight in the club's performances. Her very appearance on stage begins to be enchanting. Naturally, the exit is always accompanied by a new “creation” of the team, which allows us to call it unusually fruitful. But the presentation of the latest “hit” alone is worth the group’s appearance on stage.

Represents the group, which is the intellectual center of the Comedy Club. His dive with USB leader Dyusha Metelkin looks especially piquant. The intellect of the group, Gennady, is silent, as always. The group does not need him, because the charismatic and sexy Turbo, Sergei Gorelikov, can always provide support to Dyusha.

He is the typical representative and admirer of chanson in this motley gathering. Despite the fact that the guests are typical patients of a psychotherapist, which Garik was in the past, this is not very similar to an ordinary medical appointment. Despite the fact that in humor itself, self-appointed pop stars are in no way inferior to Garik.

Although Nikita (Konstantin Malasaev), who really likes to say his name, and not only that, is always interrupted. So he cannot say what else he loves... although many people guess about it.

True, everyone manages to get some details about his preferences and personal qualities, for example, the fact that his butt is without cellulite. Nikita's short rhyming remarks have become so popular among the people that they are memorized.

But Stas begins to speak instead - judging by his speech, he is the representative of the rap trend in the group. He so unobtrusively offers to say, accompanying his speech with the refrain “Aha.”

For a delicate mental constitution, a conversation with group members is, of course, an ordeal, but on the other hand, the audience in the hall and in front of the TV screens experience real pleasure from the mutual jokes of opponents.

Although the USB group considers itself so legendary and progressive that it is even allegedly banned on Russian television, on the TNT channel she finds her alternative listeners.

She is so great and talented that she even has several albums. This is “An album for an amateur” (we would even say: for a VERY amateur), “Das ist Fantastisch” (from the title it is clear that the album is made of hard material), “Satsany” and “I love to love while sitting” (this is probably something from the Kama Sutra).

Watch the performances of the USB group online on our website in HD format - enjoy real, but alternative art!

Starts on TNT channel on August 26 new season Comedy Club. Before the premiere, we met with that same sweet young man Nikita from the scandalous group USB. On stage, Kostya (that’s the resident’s real name) looks like a frivolous teenager, but in life he turned out to be serious, smart person and an exemplary family man. We met in a cafe not far from the central office of the Comedy Club in the center of Moscow and discussed a lot of interesting things over a cup of sea buckthorn tea!

About work

Polina Kalinova: Kostya, tell us what USB is preparing at the beginning of the new season?

Konstantin Malasaev: We have already filmed three episodes that will be shown on the first broadcasts. We have prepared not only music videos, for which Garik Martirosyan usually tries to kick us out of the studio. This season will feature a lot of completely different video content, including parodies of movies and television programs. For example, we created a new television project called “Yeralaksheri” - this is a parody of everyone’s favorite “Yeralash”, but for the inhabitants of Barvikha. There will be a parody of regional television - the KubankoTV channel for residents and vacationers at resorts Krasnodar region. And for the State Duma elections we will present our own party, which is going to run for elections with its own political program... I promise, it will be a lot of fun! Over the past two years, we have made great progress in creativity and are now ready to conquer new horizons.

P.K.: How old is USB?

K.M.: Our group’s birthday is March 8, 2010. We are already six years old, we will soon go to school! In general, we have been working with the guys for a very long time - since 1999. Then we met, and in 2000 we began performing together as the KVN team “Maximum” in the city of Tomsk, where we lived at that time. In 2008, we became champions of the KVN Major League and were invited to work at the Comedy Club Production. Only two people “broke away” from the team; they went to another project, which was also quite successful. For six months we wrote texts for almost all the residents who were at Comedy at that time. And in 2010, it was decided to change the format of the show, and it was then that Garik Martirosyan suggested that we come up with our own project and go on the big stage with it. Thus the USB group was born. In principle, the guys and I had this idea for a long time, even when we were playing in KVN, but we still couldn’t “keep up” with it. The name, by the way, was also born a long time ago. It's surprising that such a popular, common word - USB - has not yet been occupied by anyone musical group. We came up with a cool decoding of the abbreviation - United Sexy Boys, and began creating images. Each of our characters is a parody of groups popular artists Russian show business. Dyusha Metelkin is Timati, Casta and other representatives of hip-hop culture. Stas - “Tea for Two”, singer Julian and other long-haired brutal singers with beards. Seryoga Gorely personifies chanson: as if he sat, as if he were a cattle, as if he had seen a lot in this life... Gena, who is always silent, is someone a little crazy, a kind of mixture of “Splins”, aliens and show business. And “my” Nikita is Nikita Malinin, Dima Bilan, Sergei Lazarev and other feminine boys of our stage. Why Nikita? We ourselves don’t know. It just came up that way. In fact, he could turn out to be both Boris and Innocent.

P.K.: Isn’t it offensive that everyone calls you Nikita?

K.M.: I don’t see anything terrible in this, because their image is often attached to actors. While I'm working on a project, I don't worry too much. In ordinary life, often no one knows what my real name is. And what is my last name? It's not good or bad, it's different. For example, in addition to Comedy, I do events. I officiate weddings and organize corporate events. And here I am faced with a small problem. People come to our agency and want some famous presenter. The manager offers them Konstantin Malasaev. And they don't know who it is. They are explained that this is a resident of the Comedy Club, but this again does not mean anything to them, because the name Konstantin and the Comedy Club are in no way associated with each other. And then you have to clarify: “Well, this is Nikita from USB!” And this puts everything in its place. Then something surprising often happens, since it turns out that people did not know that Nikita was just an image, a role. It turns out that many people believe that USB is a real group that regularly comes to visit the Comedy Club and which Garik and Pasha Volya are constantly trying to kick out. However, they can’t do it because the audience loves USB! On the other hand, it’s cool that we managed to create such a precedent in Russian show business as the USB group. We are often called to perform at corporate events, where we sing, show video clips, dance, play the guitar... We give big concerts and act as special guests with the KVN “Maximum” team. In general, there is enough work!

P.K.: Are there any problems with aggressive fans? Your Nikita is so feminine...

K.M.: I don’t know, maybe if I were alone, someone would take my image at face value, but in real life I have been happily married for a long time! Moreover, my wife is from Tomsk; we met long before the Comedy Club appeared in my life. As for the image, Nikita is very loved by both girls and boys, and even serious adults! It’s fun for them all to take pictures with me and say: “Everyone is here... Me and Nikita!” I’m already used to the fact that on the street they can call me: “Hey, Nikita, USB is here!”

P.K.: I remember the story of how you were threatened on social networks. Isn't it scary?

K.M.: Not at all! This happens very often, especially on social networks. Every day I receive several dozen messages on VKontakte: “Hello!”, “Add as a friend”, “Hello!”, “Ku-ku” and so on. I simply ignore such messages, but sometimes a whole monologue “grows” from them: “Hello! How are you? Add me as a friend. What are you not adding? Are you insolent? Listen!" Then insults and even threats fly: “I hate you!”, “I will burn you,” and so on. I am not at all touched by comrades who allow themselves such communication. I just ignore them. I don't ban anyone. My friends are only my real friends and acquaintances, whom I myself am interested in reading. I don’t see the point of having 15 thousand strange people in your feed just to say: yes, I’m cool, I have so many friends!

About Esperanto

P.K.: What were your hobbies as a child?

K.M.: Everyone! I didn’t leave the Pioneer House. It was the beginning of the 90s, the neighbor boys were running around the gates, and I always had some kind of clubs - either chess or dancing. From six to twelve years old I studied ballroom dancing, and very seriously. I reached class B and took part in intercity competitions. Then I gave up dancing, I got carried away. A ship, an airplane, a crane - everyone starts with this, but I created some unrealistic original models. In addition, these activities are very useful for children: they develop spatial thinking, fine motor skills, and are also good for the nerves! Now, of course, a lot has been forgotten, but I can still put together something interesting. More most of My life was then occupied by the language of Esperanto. My mother's friend taught international language in our city, seeing that I was interested in almost everything, she offered to come to her class. Within six months I spoke Esperanto. This is a very simple language, but there is always one turning point when there is an acute lack of language practice. And the whole group decided to go to the Esperanto festival in Krasnoyarsk, since it’s not far from Tomsk. By a happy coincidence, a whole delegation of foreigners came there, following on international festival Esperanto to Korea. I still remember my feeling of delight. Imagine, there is a group of people from Germany, America, Korea, Russia - and everyone speaks the same language. This is so cool! This influenced me very much, I began to go to such meetings every year. First in Russia, and when I turned 18, I went to Hungary and Croatia. In addition to communicating in Esperanto, there was also tourist romance on the trips. After all, I started hitchhiking, and the festivals themselves were held in a relaxed atmosphere with songs around the fire, tents... By that time I was already the President of the Tomsk Esperanto Club, and then joined the board of the Russian Esperanto Youth Organization. The international Esperanto movement was also very exciting because you now had friends in every city in the world. If you are a member of this organization, then you are given a directory with the addresses and telephone numbers of everyone like you. So you went to Germany, to the city of Hamburg, for example. You open the book and see who you can stay with for free. And, most importantly, you will be very welcome!

Kostya with his wife Yulia

P.K.: As a child, could you imagine that you would be a star?

K.M.: Mom told me that in early childhood I dreamed of becoming a surgeon, a medical doctor and something else. But from the age of twelve, when I went to the “Television Test” project on Tomsk Television, I realized that television was mine. I didn’t strive to become a star, I was involved in journalism, I liked it. We filmed stories, I had my own section, I hosted the programs, albeit recorded. Naturally, after school I went to study journalism, but failed the exams. Not all. I passed Russian and Literature orally with a “5”, creative competition at “5”, but wrote the essay at “2” - the spelling failed. And then I went to study cultural studies, which I don’t regret at all. Already in my second year, I realized that it is not at all necessary to study as a journalist in order to get on television. And already in my fourth year I hosted a television program on a local Tomsk channel. At the same time, KVN entered my life...

P.K.: I heard what you wrote scientific works about KVN!

K.M.: It happened. When you study at the Institute of Art and Culture, in any case you have to write some kind of scientific work: term papers, a diploma, and then a dissertation if you wish. In my first year, I had a coursework entitled “Religious Representations of the Ancient Mayan Culture.” The next year, I realized that it is not necessary to write such works, because KVN and the theater of miniatures, which I was also interested in, are also a moment of culture, we need to write exactly about this! About what I do. Therefore, the third, fourth year plus a diploma and dissertation - everything for me was connected with humor, with laughter culture. True, I never defended my dissertation because I moved to Moscow and didn’t have time to do it. But I can defend myself at any age, it’s just that the work I had already written then will need to be adapted, since the industry is developing rapidly. By the way, Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov also knew about my scientific work. At some point I was even offered to publish a book and then distribute it at KVN festivals, but then the issue somehow died out.

About love

Kostya, Julia and Holly

P.K.: How did you meet your wife?

K.M.: In a nightclub. I worked as a presenter, and she just came to relax. We flirted a little, there was even some romance... But then we separated for two years. And then she got a job as a bartender in another nightclub, and I started working as a host in the same club. For six months we tried to improve relations, it all turned out so bad interesting story. This was nine years ago, and three years later we got married.

P.K.: Did you propose according to all the rules?

K.M.: Not really, but it was a lot of fun. I planned it, I knew it was going to happen, but I had no idea how exactly. I wanted to buy a ring... In general, everything is as it should be. But everything turned out very spontaneously. That summer, Yulia and I traveled a lot around Russia and decided to stop by Kazantip for a few days. We got there from Sochi by train through Anapa, then by ferry... We rented a small house in Crimea and began to have fun. On the third day after some regular party, we fell asleep at five in the morning. When I woke up, I realized: I need to propose right now! Moreover, I was aware that we were in Kazantip, not only can’t you buy rings here, you can’t buy anything here at all! I left the house and went through the souvenir shops to look for at least something suitable for my important mission. And there are all clay aliens on strings, bulbulators and some other crap! In the end, I found a counter with plastic rings of this acidic color that glow in the dark. I bought a big yellow ring. I thought, well, what difference does it make, it’s just a symbol. When I returned with the trophy, Yulia had just woken up, we went out onto the balcony overlooking the sea, I got down on one knee, held out the ring and asked: “Will you be my wife?” She replied: “Yes!” Then, when we returned home, I, of course, bought her a normal diamond ring and replaced the plastic one. We got married only a year and a half later, because we spent a lot of time moving to Moscow, then I was looking for a job, I had to find an apartment, settle down... We saved up some money and had a wedding. We wanted to throw a big celebration for all our friends and family. It turned out to be a great wedding, dear, for a hundred people!

Barks at everything that happens outside the door. We are bad teachers! The dog knows only two commands: “give me a paw” and “give me the other paw.” And now I also taught her the “high five” command.

P.K.: So, before having children, you experimented on a dog?

K.M.: And the experiment failed! But now we know our mistakes, because Holly is leading us. Probably because we didn’t forbid her anything, but that’s not possible with children. We often visit Spain, we have a house there, and we constantly observe how ill-mannered children many Europeans have. We come to the restaurant with the hope of sitting quietly and chatting; Europeans are having dinner at the next table, and at this time their children are practically running across the ceiling. It's completely normal for them to walk up to your table, take your fork and throw it on the floor. And when asked to reassure their children, unperturbed parents say: “Don’t teach us how to raise children, we allow them everything!” It turns out that they do not use the word “no” in relation to their children. Not even a particle of “not” is allowed! Allegedly, this limits the freedom of the growing individual. But it seems to me that a child should know what is good and what is bad. When a child interferes with other people, it is bad manners. In general, this is not our scheme.

P.K.: Will you be strict parents?

K.M.: I don’t yet know how I will behave when I have children. I like the value system that exists in Russia, but in Europe this system is blurred. Of course, we also have our kinks. Time will show!


Concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW - ordering pop stars for corporate events, weddings, anniversaries, private celebrations. Invitation of foreign pop stars. Providing a technical rider (rental of sound and lighting equipment) for performances by Russian and foreign pop stars.

You can organize a performance by the USB group (USB), order a concert of the USB group for your holiday, with the help of the 123 SHOW agency. Price for the performance of the USB group at the festival, corporate event, wedding depends on the date of the event and the city of performance. Check the cost and availability of artists with the managers of our concert agency using the feedback form or by phone.

The specialists of the 123 SHOW company will definitely help you and answer all your questions.