Leap year horoscope. What not to do in a leap year: signs and superstitions Future leap years, what are the zodiac signs

2016 is a leap year with 366 days instead of the usual 365. Leap year was proposed to synchronize calendars. Did you know that not every 4th year is a leap year?Why is a leap year considered unlucky, and what signs are associated with it?Here are a few facts you may not know about leap year.

What does leap year mean?

1 . A leap year is a year that has 366 days rather than the usual 365. An additional day in a leap year is added in February - February 29 (leap day).

An additional day in a leap year is necessary because a full revolution around the Sun takes a little more than 365 days, or rather 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 46 seconds.

People once followed a 355-day calendar with an additional 22-day month every two years. But in 45 BC. Julius Caesar, together with the astronomer Sosigenes, decided to simplify the situation, and the Julian 365-day calendar was developed, with an extra day every 4 years to compensate for the extra hours.

This day was added in February because it was once the last month in the Roman calendar.

2 . This system was supplemented by Pope Gregory XIII (who introduced the Gregorian calendar), who coined the term "leap year" and declared that year, multiple of 4 and multiple of 400, but not multiple of 100, is a leap year.

So, according to the Gregorian calendar, 2000 was a leap year, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not.

What are leap years in the 20th and 21st centuries?

1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, 2048, 2052, 2056, 2060, 2064, 2068, 2072, 2076, 2080, 2084, 2088, 2092, 2096

February 29 is leap day

3 . February 29 is considered the only day when a woman can propose marriage to a man. This tradition began in 5th century Ireland when St. Brigid complained to St. Patrick that women had to wait too long for suitors to propose.

Then he gave women one day in a leap year - the last day in the shortest month, so that the fair sex could propose to a man.

According to legend, Brigitte immediately knelt down and proposed to Patrick, but he refused, kissing her on the cheek and offering her a silk dress to soften her refusal.

4 . According to another version, this tradition appeared in Scotland, when Queen Margaret, at the age of 5, announced in 1288 that a woman could propose to any man she liked on February 29.

She also made a rule that those who refused had to pay a fine in the form of a kiss, a silk dress, a pair of gloves or money. To warn suitors in advance, the woman was required to wear trousers or a red petticoat on the day of the proposal.

In Denmark, a man who refuses a woman's marriage proposal must provide her with 12 pairs of gloves, and in Finland - fabric for a skirt.

Leap year wedding

5 . One in five couples in Greece avoid getting married on a leap year, as it is believed to brings bad luck.

In Italy it is believed that during a leap year the woman becomes unpredictable and at this time there is no need to plan important events. So, according to the Italian proverb "Anno bisesto, anno funesto". (“A leap year is a doomed year”).

Born on February 29

6 . The chances of being born on February 29th are 1 in 1461. Around the world, about 5 million people were born on Leap Day.

7 . For many centuries, astrologers believed that Children born on Leap Day have unusual talents, a unique personality and even special powers. Among the famous people born on February 29 are the poet Lord Byron, composer Gioachino Rossini, and actress Irina Kupchenko.

8. In Hong Kong, the official birthday for those born on February 29 is March 1 in normal years, while in New Zealand it is February 28. If you time it correctly, you can celebrate while traveling from one country to another longest birthday in the world.

9. The city of Anthony in Texas, USA is a self-proclaimed " world capital of leap year". A festival is held here annually, where those born on February 29 gather from all over the world.

10. Record largest number of generations born on Leap Day, belongs to the Keogh family.

Peter Anthony Keogh was born on February 29, 1940 in Ireland, his son Peter Eric was born on February 29, 1964 in the UK, and his granddaughter Bethany Wealth was born on February 29, 1996.

11. Karin Henriksen from Norway holds the world record the largest number of children born on leap day.

Her daughter Heidi was born on February 29, 1960, son Olav on February 29, 1964, and son Lief-Martin on February 29, 1968.

12. In the traditional Chinese, Jewish and ancient Indian calendars, not a leap day is added to the year, but a whole month. It is called the "intercalary month." It is believed that children born in a leap month are more difficult to raise. In addition, it is considered unlucky to start serious business during a leap year.

Leap year: signs and superstitions

Since ancient times, a leap year has always been considered difficult and bad for many undertakings. In popular belief, leap year is associated with Saint Kasyan, who was considered evil, envious, stingy, unmerciful and brought misfortune to people.

According to legend, Kasyan was a bright angel to whom God trusted all plans and intentions. But then he went over to the side of the Devil, telling him that God intended to overthrow all satanic power from heaven.

For his betrayal, God punished Kasyan by ordering him to be beaten on the forehead with a hammer for three years, and in the fourth year to be released to earth, where he committed unkind deeds.

There are many signs associated with leap year:

Firstly, on a leap year you can't start anything. This applies to important matters, business, major purchases, investments and construction.

Is it possible to get married on a leap year?

Leap year is considered extremely unsuccessful for marriage. Since ancient times, it was believed that a wedding played in a leap year would lead to an unhappy marriage, divorce, infidelity, widowhood, or the marriage itself would be short-lived.

This superstition may be due to the fact that in a leap year, girls could woo any young man they liked, who could not refuse the proposal. Often such marriages were forced, and therefore family life did not work out.

However, you should treat these signs wisely and understand that everything depends on the spouses themselves and how they build the relationship. If you do plan a wedding, there are several ways to mitigate the “consequences”:

Brides are advised to wear long dress for wedding, covering the knees to make the marriage last.

Wedding dress and other wedding accessories It is not recommended to give it to anyone.

The ring should be worn on the hand, not the glove., since wearing a ring on a glove will cause the spouses to take marriage lightly

To protect the family from troubles and misfortunes, a coin was placed in the shoes of the bride and groom.

What should you not do during a leap year?

· During a leap year don't carol at Christmas time, since it is believed that you can lose your happiness. Also, according to a sign, a caroler who dresses up as an animal or monster can take on the personality of an evil spirit.

· Pregnant women should not have their hair cut before giving birth, since the child may be born unhealthy.

· During a leap year don't start building a bathhouse, which can lead to illness.

· You can't pick mushrooms, as it is believed that they all become poisonous.

· In a leap year there is no need to celebrate the appearance baby's first tooth. According to legend, if you invite guests, your teeth will be bad.

· You can't change jobs or apartments. According to the sign, the new place will turn out to be joyless and turbulent.

· If a child is born on a leap year, it must be baptize as quickly as possible, and choose godparents among blood relatives.

· Elderly people are not allowed buy things for the funeral in advance, as this can bring death closer.

· You can't get a divorce, because in the future you will not be able to find your happiness.

03/25/2013 at 16:04

Why on earth is 1900 not a leap year? A leap year occurs every 4 years, i.e. If it is divisible by 4, it is a leap year. And no more divisions by 100 or 400 are needed.

It’s normal to ask questions, but before you assert anything, study the hardware. The Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. As you can see, the remainder is not exactly 6 hours, but 11 minutes 14 seconds less. This means that by making a leap year we add extra time. Somewhere over 128 years, extra days accumulate. Therefore, every 128 years in one of the 4-year cycles, there is no need to make a leap year in order to get rid of these extra days. But to simplify things, every 100th year is not a leap year. Is the idea clear? Fine. What then should we do next, since an extra day is added every 128 years, and we cut it off every 100 years? Yes, we cut off more than we should, and this needs to be returned at some point.

If the first paragraph is clear and still interesting, then read on, but it will be more difficult.

So, in 100 years, 100/128 = 25/32 days of excess time accumulates (that’s 18 hours 45 minutes). We do not make a leap year, that is, we subtract one day: we get 25/32-32/32 = -7/32 days (that’s 5 hours 15 minutes), that is, we subtract the excess. After four cycles of 100 years (after 400 years), we will subtract an extra 4 * (-7/32) = -28/32 days (this is minus 21 hours). For the 400th year we make a leap year, that is, we add a day (24 hours): -28/32+32/32=4/32=1/8 (that’s 3 hours).
We make every 4th year a leap year, but at the same time every 100th year is not a leap year, and at the same time every 400th year is a leap year, but still every 400 years an extra 3 hours are added. After 8 cycles of 400 years, that is, after 3200 years, an extra 24 hours will accumulate, that is, one day. Then another mandatory condition is added: every 3200th year should not be a leap year. 3200 years can be rounded up to 4000, but then you will again have to play with added or trimmed days.
3200 years have not passed, so this condition, if it is made this way, is not yet talked about. But 400 years have already passed since the approval of the Gregorian calendar.
Years that are multiples of 400 are always leap years (for now), other years that are multiples of 100 are not leap years, and other years that are multiples of 4 are leap years.

The calculation I gave shows that in the current state, an error in one day will accumulate over 3200 years, but here’s what Wikipedia writes about it:
“An error of one day compared to the year of the equinoxes in the Gregorian calendar will accumulate in approximately 10,000 years (in the Julian calendar - approximately in 128 years). A frequently encountered estimate, leading to a value of the order of 3000 years, is obtained if one does not take into account that the number of days in the tropical year changes over time and, in addition, the relationship between the lengths of the seasons changes.” From the same Wikipedia, the formula for the length of a year in days with fractions paints a good picture:


The year 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 was, and special, because such a leap year happens once every 400 years.

THE STRONGEST PASSION BETWEEN THESE ZODIAC COUPLES Often we are drawn to certain people out of pure passion, even though we know they are not the right person for us in the long run. Often we are drawn to certain people out of pure passion, even though we know they are not the right person for us in the long run. In astrology, zodiac signs of their own or related elements are traditionally considered compatible. Thus, earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) are compatible with the signs of their earth element or water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) get along well with each other and air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini). There are also elements that are generally considered incompatible with each other: earth/air, fire/water, air/water, earth/fire. But we do not always act according to the rules and we do not always look for what is good for us, but rather what satisfies us at the moment. Here are incompatible couples who often have strong chemistry:1. Aries and Scorpio This is a couple in which hot love relationships often arise. Both signs are ruled by Mars, the planet of sex, aggression and energy. Passion will be the real superglue that holds them together. It is worth preparing for endless somersaults in bed, and in the future for conflicts. Such tension will arise between them that they will hardly be able to tear themselves away from each other. Aries men are absolutely reckless and rush headlong into a new romance, possessing a sense of male superiority. The Scorpio woman will attract him with her calm behavior and hidden passion. Her seductiveness will be his weakness, and his confidence will be her weakness. In a couple, an Aries woman and a Scorpio man will both keep each other on their toes. 2. Libra and Pisces When the dreamy Pisces meets the idealistic Libra, a romance arises between them, built on the imagination of both. The desire to escape from reality will create an idyll that will mask problems until they are completely denied. This is one of the most difficult combinations, full of love. Both signs want to make the other happy through sentimental gestures. Pisces wants to live in a distant world, isolated from the reality of daily stress. At the same time, Libra is always on the lookout for the perfect partner who will meet all their standards. Pisces will make Libra believe that they are made for them, even if this is just an appearance. Unfortunately, when difficulties arise in life, both signs will start from evade them and run away from reality. 3. Leo and Taurus A responsive, vibrant and sentimental relationship will arise between Leo and Taurus. This is the couple that annoys everyone by publicly expressing their feelings. Leo, ruled by the Sun, craves admiration, while Taurus, ruled by Venus, simply wants a comfortable life. Leo enjoys the sensuality of Taurus, while Taurus will be flattered by the way Leo can make them feel loved and special. Since These are both fixed signs, they will be devoted to each other, but very stubborn and not inclined to change their habits. They do not agree to changes that may hurt Leo's pride and Taurus's self-satisfaction. When something does not go according to plan, both are not ready to admit their guilt. Both are intractable and do everything their own way, which will end in conflict. 4. Sagittarius and Virgo These signs balance each other, but at the same time they can drive each other crazy. Sagittarius is laid-back and inclined to look around in search of new places and people. Virgo, on the other hand, is restrained by nature and inclined to ask the price rather than rush headlong into a romance. Sagittarius will liberate Virgo from excessive tension and intractability, but sometimes will put her in an uncomfortable situation. For its part, Virgo will keep Sagittarius from reckless actions and make them think about the consequences. These two will have a relationship of constant attraction and repulsion, which will create a unique chemistry in bed. As a rule, these signs meet in their youth in high school and stay together despite their differences. 5. Capricorn and Aquarius These signs will have a connection because both have Saturn as their co-ruler - the planet of limitations and karma. Capricorn is a traditionalist and respects rules and boundaries, expecting the same from others. Aquarius is a rebel who hates boundaries and always tries to break them. Since Capricorns always act like gentlemen or sophisticated ladies in public, they have secret tendencies that no one suspects until they end up in bed with them. Aquarius does not hide their quirks in public or in bed, so this will complement their thirst for experimentation and innovation. Since Aquarius benefits from unpredictability, and Capricorn does not like surprises, this will lead to real explosions, both good and bad. in a bad way. 6. Cancer and Gemini Cancer is prone to mood swings and can go from a state of happiness to a state of depression in a matter of seconds. Geminis are carefree, but change their minds at the slightest provocation. Cancer and Gemini's relationship will be a roller coaster ride as both signs are unpredictable when trying to deal with emotions. Gemini will not take Cancer's irritability too seriously, as it is a logical sign that thinks with its head and not with its heart. Cancer, on the other hand, is ruled by emotions and intuition. This creates a balance where one sign has a strength that the other lacks. But it will also be a source of frustration and misunderstanding later. In bed, Gemini goes with the flow, while Cancer maintains healthy and romantic relationships. 7. Aquarius and Scorpio Aquarius and Scorpio are two signs that love to explore the forbidden fruit and talk about things that many people are uncomfortable even thinking about. They will be intrigued by each other, and this will lead to long conversations until the morning. Both of these signs are fixed, which means they are unyielding and not ready to compromise when conflict arises. Aquarius can be quite arrogant when someone doesn't support his values, and Scorpio hates being talked down to and can lose his temper if you make him feel inferior. In bed, Aquarius will feed Scorpio's sexuality, revealing a rare form of an intimacy that few people suspect because they rarely show their emotions. 8. Libra and Scorpio Scorpio is reserved and rarely attracts attention to himself. Libras have a radiant look and an open smile that attracts the attention of everyone around them. Since Libras are very social, they will help Scorpio come out of their shell and have a good time. Scorpio will appreciate this as it will introduce him to people he didn't think he had anything in common with. Scorpio rarely talks about what's going on in his head, and Libra will be curious to get to know him better. In bed, Libra will help Scorpios feel loved and adored. Problems will arise when Libra encounters Scorpio's cold behavior, and Scorpio becomes irritated by Libra's desire to find out information that they do not want to share. 9. Aries and Cancer Aries loves to feel like a hero, and Cancer needs protection and salvation. This especially applies to couples of an Aries man and a Cancer woman. She will be the one who needs help all the time, as she often looks quite vulnerable, and he will be happy to conquer her and come to her aid. This is a good combination for intimate relationships, where Aries will lead Cancer into a real fairy tale. For the time being, this will flatter Aries, until he discovers a significant flaw - her emotional dependence. Those born under the sign of Aries need space and independence, and this will offend Cancers, who will feel unloved and unwanted. Without knowing it, Aries will hurt Cancer and feel guilty for simply being themselves. 10. Pisces and Sagittarius Both signs are co-ruled by Jupiter - the planet of expansion and luck. Both signs rely on external forces for direction in life, love knowledge and the spiritual side of life, which is reflected in the intimate sphere. However, Sagittarius is a man of action and pursues his goals when luck is on his side. Pisces is a water sign who loves read other people's intentions and rely on them to act as directed. Sagittarius is fine with this, but doesn't want to deal with the consequences if he makes the wrong decision. This will disappoint Sagittarius, and Pisces will be offended when they are told that they will have to do everything themselves. Since both signs are changeable, they can easily adapt to each other's shortcomings, but their approaches are not the same. 11. Leo and Capricorn Both of these signs love status and authority, and this is what will attract them to each other. Leo is a good-natured and passionate sign, while Capricorn is cool-headed and practical. They look at everything differently, although their values ​​do not coincide. Leo has a strong ego and self-esteem, which is easily shaken if ignored. Capricorn will put Leo in his place, pointing out his shortcomings with constructive criticism. This can either turn on Leo, who is not used to someone going that far, or it can infuriate him. In turn, Leo can bring a lot of light into the dark nature of Capricorn. However, this is one of the most difficult couples, since both will find it difficult to live up to each other’s expectations. 12. Taurus and Libra This pair will have a special romantic spirit, as both are ruled by the planet Venus. Venus wants beauty and harmony, which at first glance may be a good basis for compatibility. However, Taurus needs comfort and relies on tactile perception and taste. At the same time, Libra loves aesthetically beautiful things, and relies on visual sensations and smell. This will bring a lot of sensuality to their couple, but both signs will consider the other dependent. Libra needs emotional security, while Taurus will be possessive and needs physical security. Libra loves to flirt and this will be a problem for Taurus as they want to know that their partner is all theirs.

The coming year 2016, designated in the Chinese calendar as the year of the Fire Monkey, is a leap year. Since ancient times, it was believed that a leap year brings misfortune and suffering. Is this really true?

The main difference between a leap year and the rest is the number of days in the year. There are 366 of them, that is, one day more than in normal years. Where did he come from? The tropical year does not last exactly 365 days, but 365 plus another 5 hours and 48 minutes. Over the course of four years, the extra days accumulate.
The term "leap year" first began to be used in the Roman Empire and was introduced by Julius Caesar. In Latin it was called “bissextus”, in Greek it was pronounced “vissextus”, in Rus' - “visokos”. We added an extra day to the month of February. Later, February 29 received the name “Kasyan’s Day”, in honor of the saint, who was famous for his bad character.

By the way, in the Jewish calendar, a leap year is a year to which a month is added rather than a day. The 19-year cycle includes 12 common years and 7 leap years.
By the way, in Europe, until the 17th century, an “extra” day was considered non-existent; no transactions were concluded on this day, so that later there would be no confusion in the papers, no problems with debt collection, etc.

February 30

From February 29th everything is clear: it is the 60th day of the leap year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 306 days left until the end of the year. But it turns out there have been cases in history when... February 30 appeared on the calendar!
February 30 is a real calendar date! According to the Gregorian calendar, February has 28 days (in a leap year - 29 days). However, three times in February there were 30 days (two of them supposedly).
February 30, 1712 in Sweden
In 1699, the Kingdom of Sweden (which at that time included Finland) decided to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. However, the Swedes did not move the calendar forward by the 11 days accumulated by that time, but decided to make the transition gradually, skipping leap years for 40 years, that is, all these years after February 28 should have gone to March 1 and every 4 years they are one day apart would be closer to the Gregorian calendar. Thus, 1700 was a non-leap year in Sweden.
However, despite the adopted plan, 1704 and 1708 were leap years. Because of this, for 11 years the Swedish calendar was one day ahead of the Julian calendar, but ten days behind the Gregorian calendar. In 1711, King Charles XII decided to abandon the calendar reform and return to the Julian calendar. To achieve this, two days were added in February in 1712 and thus in Sweden in 1712 it was February 30th. Sweden finally switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1753 in the usual way for all countries - the day following February 17 was declared March 1.

February 30 in 1930 and 1931 in the USSR

In 1929, it was proposed to introduce a Soviet revolutionary calendar in the USSR, where each week would have five days (five days) and each month would last 30 days or exactly six weeks. The remaining 5 or 6 days became the so-called “monthless vacation.”

It just so happened that since ancient times various disasters, catastrophes, illnesses and pestilence have been attributed to the leap year. However, scientists believe that the cause of human fears is in themselves, in human psychology. After all, in nature there is no such thing as a “leap year” - people invented it. And all the popular beliefs associated with it have no scientific basis. It has long been proven that leap years are no different from ordinary years in terms of the number of natural disasters or “man-made” disasters.
Leap years have their own sad records. For example, on February 2, 1556, a severe earthquake occurred in China, which killed 830 thousand people. And on July 28, 1976, an earthquake in East China claimed 750 thousand lives. About 100 thousand people became victims of a powerful earthquake in Ashgabat in 1948, and in 1988, 23 thousand people died from this natural disaster in Armenia.
In 1912, the Titanic sank. Leap years also include the crash of the French airliner Concorde, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, and much more.

But other natural disasters and human “creations” do not fall under the magic of leap years. A massive volcanic explosion in Indonesia in 1815 killed 92,000 people. The disastrous flood that occurred in 1887 in China on the Yellow River claimed the lives of 900 thousand people. The worst cyclone in the history of recording meteorological observations in 1970 in Bangladesh took the lives of 500 thousand people...
And many such examples can be given. The years 1905, 1914, 1917, 1941, which saw the most terrible and bloody upheavals in the history of the last century, were not leap years.
So maybe it’s not about the magic of numbers at all? The only ones who really “suffer” are those born on February 29, because they have to celebrate their birthday once every four years.

Folk signs and superstitions of Leap Year

In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.
In a leap year, when leaving home for any reason or for work, they say without stepping over the threshold of their home: “I go and ride along the leap trail, I will bow to the leap year. I left the threshold and will return here. Amen".
During a leap year, you cannot buy “mortal” items for old people as reserves (otherwise they will not live long).
If there are sick relatives in your house, and you are afraid that a leap year is ahead, go to church, light a candle and pray for those who have already died.
If you are in a church where a funeral service is taking place, it is better not to be near it.
There is a custom among the people to invite people “to have a bite.” This is not done during a leap year - the child will have bad teeth.
When they hear a dog howling on a leap year, they say: “Go howl, but not to my house. Amen".
Knowledgeable people do not collect mushrooms during a leap year, do not eat them or sell them, so as not to raise bad things from the ground. Remember, mushrooms dream of coffins.
For mothers whose daughters started menstruating for the first time during a leap year, it is better not to tell anyone about it - neither a friend, nor a sister, nor a grandmother, so as not to spoil the daughter’s womanly lot.
On parents' Saturday, when they come to the cemetery in a leap year, they do not commemorate them until three people have been commemorated.
Usually on Ivan Kupala people collect herbs for treatment. And in a leap year, having come to the forest, before plucking even a blade of grass, they stand facing west and say: “Leap Father, keep the bad things for yourself, and let me take the dear ones. Amen".
If possible, you should not change your job or apartment.
At the first thunder in a leap year, they place their finger on their finger with a cross and whisper: “The whole family is with me (the names of family members are listed). Amen".
If it happens that in a leap year a person has committed a crime before the law (as they say: “Don’t say no to prison or no money”), then one of the prisoner’s relatives should go to church, light a candle to three saints and, leaving the church, say: “Leap year.” will leave, and the slave (name) will come home. Amen".
A prisoner in prison, saying goodbye to a leap year, must cross himself and say: “Free will, but not bondage for me.” There will be fewer troubles and diseases in captivity. But they do it so that no one sees.
Those who are pregnant should not cut their hair before giving birth.
People who divorced on a leap year should buy a new towel and take it to the church, give it to the women who wash and clean there, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, Family Angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".
The worst thing, according to popular rumor, is to be born on February 29: the “lucky” one will face an unfortunate fate, an early death, or, in a “mild form”, signs of a serious illness. However, according to another belief, only selected people with the gift of prophecy are born on February 29. For example, according to astrologers, children born on February 29, 2012 will be rich and will provide their parents with a decent old age. One way or another, with all the fears of celebrating a birthday once every 4 years, there is a significant and unconditional plus - saving money!))

Revelations of the signs and superstitions of the leap year

Let's remember the most common signs and figure out where the “legs grow” in the most “fun” of them. We’ll also try to understand what you can believe and what you shouldn’t.

You cannot sing carols on Christmastide during a leap year.

It was believed that, on the one hand, you can “skip” your happiness, and on the other hand, if you dress like some kind of evil spirits, then the mask can grow in and replace your true face. Well, firstly, we don’t really do caroling anyway, and secondly, have you seen a lot of people with animal faces? Literally and not figuratively? And it’s doubtful about happiness.
Most likely, the appearance of this sign was influenced by the legend of the drunken Kasyan, that is, carols that turn into drunkenness can end badly - the caroler will fall into an ice hole, freeze in a snowdrift, or with his behavior alienate his beloved girl. This is not uncommon in other years.

You can't get married on a leap year.

It is believed that a marriage entered into this year will be unhappy or very short for one reason or another. However, as you understand, happiness in marriage does not depend on the year. Everything is God’s will, and everyone has their own destiny. There are, of course, “failed” years in a personal horoscope when you should not get married, but all this is strictly individual.
However, if you are so afraid of this year, do not schedule a wedding, your superstition will do its dirty work. And for the rest, we can simply recommend not to sign on February 29; after all, leap years began to be considered an unlucky year precisely because of this day.

They don't get divorced on leap years.

It is believed that if you separate from your spouse this year, you will not be able to find more personal happiness. Actually, even after a divorce, not everyone manages to get married again, for reasons that do not depend on the leap year. Yes, and the cases are different.
For example, you met a person whom you loved so much that your eyes darken, and your husband is boring you to the point of gnashing your teeth, so will you stay with your husband for another year, tormenting your beloved with anticipation and your husband with the slow torture of separation? Hardly. Although, if you yourself do not want to destroy your family, and your spouse is the initiator of the divorce, then you can try to use this sign to your advantage. Maybe something will grow together.

No house is built in a leap year.

They don't build anything at all. It is believed that the house or bathhouse will burn down, and those who live in such houses will definitely get very sick. And how do you imagine this in modern realities? Once every 4 years, all construction projects are frozen for a whole year, those who have already bought apartments in buildings under construction are postponing their move indefinitely, the existing building deteriorates, materials, as usual, are stolen...
Every year a lot of housing is put into operation, including those whose construction began in a leap year, and what, all these houses are on fire? Or are there mostly sick people living there? However, again, if you are very superstitious, but are planning to build a dacha or country house, wait a year. True, they won’t wait for prices...
During a leap year, guests are not invited to celebrate the first tooth.
It is believed that the baby will have bad teeth when he grows up. But I would not recommend testing this sign experimentally. Still, it’s not worth risking your child. Postpone the holiday until next year and celebrate the first tooth anniversary.

During a leap year, nothing can be changed.

It is believed that any change will only bring misfortune and disappointment. There is a rational basis for this sign, but not because leap year is unlucky. Simply, due to the presence of an additional day, the usual picture of the world is in some way distorted, and a leap year begins a four-year period. Therefore, if your endeavors are not successful, you will “disentangle” the consequences until the next leap year.
However, if you have been preparing for these changes for a long time, then you should not postpone them. The main thing is that any decision you make is balanced, so that you clearly understand the consequences of your actions and are able to minimize the risks.

In a leap year there are more deaths, natural disasters, catastrophes and misfortunes.

This sign has no statistical confirmation. Most likely, it appeared due to the fact that events taking place during a leap year were given great attention due to its bad reputation. Therefore, any misfortunes, regardless of their nature, and most importantly, their causes, were attributed not to a coincidence of circumstances, but solely to the malignancy of the year.
And if they don’t pay attention to some troubles in another year, then any, even minor troubles are remembered precisely because they happened in a leap year. The same applies to natural disasters, crashes, accidents and deaths.
Of course, these are not all the signs about a leap year, but since they are all negative, we will focus on the above.

As you know, 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey. The symbol of this year itself represents shyness, caution and legibility. That is, we can assume that children born in 2016 will be laconic, but endlessly curious. Already in the womb they are active and mobile. Children born in a leap year, which will be 2016, will have developed intuition and a tendency to long, solitary thoughts.

Character of children born in 2016

Despite their penchant for solitude, children born in the year of the Monkey are unusually active and prone to small pranks, and if they are not stopped in time, they can create something even bigger. They are unusually energetic and if you want there to be no problems with your child, try to direct his energy in a constructive direction.

As a rule, these children know in early childhood what they want and what they expect from life, so work more actively to develop your child’s talent in the area that interests him.

Memory, logic and intuition are the main trump cards of those born in the year of the Monkey. They are more likely than others to be capable of creativity and creative professions.

Order is above all else for them, and family and friends are the most valuable thing they have in life.

They know how to combine materialism and romanticism; nothing human is alien to them. Their horizons are quite broad, while they are unshakable in their desire to achieve certain heights.

Children born under different zodiac signs in 2016

According to the eastern horoscope, each zodiac sign is characterized by certain behavior patterns. What does it conceal in children born in 2016?

Aries is characterized by low emotionality, secrecy and perseverance in the pursuit of goals. They are responsible and even at a tender age can become excellent helpers for you. Aries born in the year of the Monkey have a well-developed musical taste; they themselves are able to show interest in music and learn to play instruments. If in early childhood Aries-Monkeys are noisy and loud, then in older age they become more restrained and calm.

But children born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Monkey have one very serious drawback - their own laziness. That’s why they tend to quit what they started halfway through. If you are trying to develop any ability in your child, do not forget to periodically remind him of this so that he does not lose interest in his work.

  • Taurus

Taurus are born leaders and strive to be the first in everything. They are attentive to detail, pedantic and economical. They value good treatment and tend to trust those who back up their promises with real deeds.

At the same time, children born under the sign of Taurus are very stubborn and do not like a subordinate position. You will have to make a lot of effort to catch the control thread. Such children tend to bargain; they will definitely ask for something in return for their deeds. But bribery can easily force such children to learn their lessons. They need incentive to study well, so make sure to set your child a goal in later life, and then it is almost guaranteed that they will become excellent students. Do not use the method of suppressing will under any circumstances, otherwise you simply will not be able to cope with the child in the future.

Taurus-Monkeys think soberly and are realistic. They often fall into pessimism, but they understand the surrounding situation like no one else.

  • Twins

The character of Gemini is double-minded, like the zodiac sign itself. They combine qualities that are opposite to each other. They are often quick-tempered, but easy-going.

Despite their tendency to aggression, they are good-natured and sympathetic. They can flare up, but quickly calm down the person who was offended by their harsh statements or actions. In stressful situations they become unpredictable.

At the same time, children born in 2016 under the sign of Gemini will definitely draw something all the time; they can often be seen with a brush or pencil over a piece of paper. Try to develop the qualities of an artist in them; in art school they will definitely become their own. With the right approach to teaching children to draw, they can achieve great success in art. Learning comes easily to them; they are not inclined to shirk their studies, despite the fact that they go to school and lessons without much enthusiasm.

Children born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Monkey are unusually mobile and active. They constantly run back and forth, as a result of which they often walk around with bruises and contusions. Such children also have refined taste and are picky in many respects. They have a high ability to obey, they try to be as precise as possible when carrying out an important assignment. Cancer-Monkeys are picky about people, so the likelihood that your child will get involved with bad company is minimal. They have good friends, they value order in everything. As they grow up, they become more and more independent and diligent. We can say that in the future such children will bring only positive emotions to their parents.

They are reserved, rarely raise their voice, and if they flare up, it will not be for long. Cancer-Monkeys are quite vain and to motivate them you must not forget to praise them. At the same time, such a child will not become arrogant from constant praise from you. Appreciate your child’s efforts, because everything he does for you, he tries to do with exceptionally good intentions.

Leos have a complex character and it is not always easy to get along with them. Children born under the sign of Leo will cause a lot of problems for both you and those around you. They can hardly be called good-natured, because in any company they strive to be leaders in all respects. They are willful, demand attention and are offended if their voice remains unheard. Leos are vain and can spend a long time tidying up in front of the mirror. They try to look as representative as possible so that they are recognized in someone else's company. At school they become good students, but in terms of discipline they often annoy teachers and classmates.

Such a child will undoubtedly be difficult for you, but over time, after going through a period of growing up, he becomes calmer. In order to channel the ebullient energy of the Monkey-Leo into a constructive direction, try to have a conversation with your child more often about his hobbies. Treat his hobbies properly, do not interfere with the development of his hobby in the child, especially if his hobby is useful for society and for himself. It is difficult to teach a Leo to discipline, but with the right approach he will value order and calm.

Leo children fully correspond to the type of behavior of their symbol - the king of beasts. They are quite conservative and do not change their habits for many years, especially in terms of appearance and clothing style.

  • Virgo

Virgos are not prone to taking rash risks. Most often, children born under this sign are calm and completely domestic. They obey their parents unquestioningly and spend most of their time at home knitting, weaving or drawing. They love activities that calm their nerves. Try to instill in your children a love of creativity from an early age.

These children, unlike representatives of other zodiac signs, are not very happy if they are left alone, so in order for them to more easily endure loneliness and the absence of parents, they must be busy with something.

They have a hard time in company, since Virgo-Monkeys are very shy and therefore reserved. They prefer privacy and tranquility to noisy companies. At the same time, they themselves need constant praise so that they have an incentive for self-development. Try to boost their self-confidence from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid to little Virgos born in the year of the Monkey at the age of 5-7 years and at the beginning of adolescence.

Such children are real inventors and constantly come up with different stories. If your child tells you some of them, stimulate interest in developing his creativity. Give them attention more often and talk about abstract topics, and then their potential will unfold quickly and brightly.

  • Scales

Little Monkeys born under the sign of Libra are completely consistent with their sign - they tend to weigh everything and try not to do or stir up too much. If your child was born under the sign of Libra, it means he is a born careerist. From an early age, such children try to decide on their future occupation.

During the period of growing up, Libra-Monkeys are quite active, and they prefer to spend their energy on useful things. They study well at school, but if at some point they decide that this or that subject in life will not be useful to them, then they gradually lose interest in it. Convincing them otherwise can be difficult.

They often rush from one extreme to another, thinking in the “all or nothing” category. Libra-Monkeys can be suspicious and distrustful of their parents, which can lead to a serious quarrel.

  • Scorpion

Scorpios often become difficult and problematic children for their parents; they do not like it when they are advised to do something. For them, every hobby is serious and long-lasting.

They prefer to decide for themselves what is important to them in life. At the same time, they perfectly understand those around them and can become good psychologists for their parents; it is difficult to find more sensitive children. The main thing is to pay more and more attention to them, spend time with them in the evenings. At the same time, you should not force a conversation on a child if he is not in a good mood.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius Monkeys are cunning and calculating. They know how to manipulate people so that it turns out exactly the way they want. At the same time, they are quite generous and wasteful, and nothing can be done about their carefree extravagance. They are easy to exploit, which is often done by unscrupulous people around them.

This is a very inquisitive sign, they will strive to travel and discover something new, so hide away anything that could quickly break in their hands.

Sagittarius children are imaginative and at the same time very charming. They will be favorites among teachers and educators. They are often chosen as prefects for their leadership abilities. They can often be found among the winners of Olympiads and various competitions.

They themselves know what they want to achieve in the future, so don’t even try to impose your vision of their profession on them, rather help them with advice and share your experience.

  • Capricorn

Capricorn Monkeys are capricious and persistent. Very often they can cause a scandal if something is not to their liking.

They are inquisitive and hardworking, learning brings them great pleasure, and the best leisure time for such children is sitting with a book. But Capricorns also love to walk. They walk often and for a long time.

They can choose almost any direction of activity. You will have no choice but to support your child in his ambitions.

  • Aquarius

These children tend to listen rather than talk. They think soberly and try not to go to extremes. They can be good advisers, although they themselves do not like to be lectured.

These children are not afraid of obstacles in their path, and the more obstacles they have, the more excited they are to continue what they started. They try not to change their behavior, which makes it difficult for them to find friends.

  • Fish

Pisces are temperamental, but at the same time cold and callous. It all depends on the situation in which your child, born under the sign of Pisces, finds himself. They love to spend, but they can hardly be called wasteful. Monkeys born under the sign of Pisces think quite soberly and try to keep their heads cool, so they know where to stop in time.

Pisces value honesty and kindness; they hate hypocrisy, falsehood and lies. They don’t express their grievances out loud, preferring to keep their emotions to themselves. They are quite patient and are not inclined to express dissatisfaction directly and out loud.

Pisces are perfectly adapted to creative work. They can develop their potential in any direction. If you have a child born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Monkey, be prepared to work with his creative ambitions. The main thing is to notice in time what is interesting to your child.