April horoscope for Capricorn men. Love horoscope for Capricorn Women

In April 2017, Capricorns will have many opportunities that will open almost all doors for them. Now it is important not to be lazy and put into practice the rules that you preach in theory. Become a role model, an example for others and prove to the whole world that you are capable of achieving more. Towards the middle of the month, Capricorns will expect several tempting offers; most likely, these will be job offers in an area of ​​activity unfamiliar to you. Don't be afraid or doubt your own abilities. You now need to raise your self-esteem in any way and strengthen your self-confidence. Only then will you be able to accept this gift of fate with dignity and with open arms.

In the first ten days of April 2017, be creative and do not restrain your creative impulses. It is very likely that there is some talent sleeping within you, thanks to which you will be able to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. You may think that a new lifestyle and new responsibilities are too much for you, but this is not at all true. Just try to do a few things every day that will make you better and take you a few steps closer to your goal. If you act in this way, then at the end of the month you will notice serious changes in your life and your inner world, you will see how you yourself, your beliefs and principles have changed. You will be proud of yourself and this feeling will not allow you to stop there.

The second ten days of April 2017 will be the most favorable period for ambitious and creative representatives of your zodiac sign. Capricorns will be able to concentrate all their attention on achieving the most important and priority, as a result of which their productivity will increase several times. By setting your priorities correctly and getting rid of all prejudices and stereotypes, you will free yourself from the cage whose framework has held you back at the level where you have been until now. Finally, you will be able to show your most positive qualities and establish yourself as a versatile and competent specialist in your field. You will prove to everyone who doubted you that the most important thing on the path to success is a strong desire. Nothing can stand in the way of your goal or affect the course of your thoughts. Under the influence of Saturn, Capricorns will enjoy their newfound freedom, improve their experience and skills. For those Capricorns who dreamed of changing their type of activity, it’s time to think about this issue. You now have a chance to discover new talents and abilities that will help you realize your dream. To cast aside all doubts about the upcoming choice of activity, Capricorns should listen to their hearts. Intuition during this period will be especially acute and will not let you down.

In the third ten days of April 2017, Capricorns will have incredible luck in their personal life. Lonely representatives of your zodiac sign under the favorable placement of Venus will be surrounded by close attention from representatives of the opposite sex. They didn’t experience any particular attention deficit before, but now they will react to you like bees to honey. Among those interested, there will also be those who will be ready to do the craziest things just to receive in return a sincere smile or a kind word of gratitude. Family representatives of your zodiac sign will also not be bored. Your loved one will be ready to do anything to win your trust, give you gifts and surround you with care. Of course, you will not be able to remain indifferent and will reciprocate your feelings. For many married couples, a period of tender romance and wild passion will begin. But don't bother each other. Remember that each partner should have their own personal space and this place is sacred. Respect the opinion and desires of your chosen one and your relationship will be filled with harmony and pure love. The April horoscope recommends that Capricorns engage in self-development and broadening their horizons at the end of this month. Try your hand in various directions, discover new talents. It will be nice if you have a new hobby and interest that will help you realize your creative potential.

What does April 2017 have in store for Women under the sign of Capricorn?

In April, Capricorn women will be looking for additional income, as well as working hard at their main job. There will be no big problems with health. Small rashes on the skin or the appearance of pigment spots are possible, if Capricorns cannot figure it out themselves, they cannot do without a visit to a specialist. In terms of love, for Capricorns without a partner, a sudden meeting can grow into love, and family representatives will think about how to surprise their spouse.

Love horoscope for Capricorn Women

Single representatives of this sign should look more closely at men. Perhaps this month will give you a special meeting and you will have love at first sight, you should not miss this chance.

Married Sagittarius women should think about how to add a touch of originality to the relationship. Perhaps it will be a trip to an exotic place or a parachute jump. Choose an activity that you both will enjoy.

Love horoscope for April 2017: Capricorn A woman will feel that their love relationship lacks something extravagant.

Finance and work

In April, you shouldn’t expect money to fall from heaven. Look for opportunities to earn extra money and learn to save wisely. To make your expenses clear, it is recommended to keep a sign or install a special program with which you can record all your income and expenses. At work, you can count on a bonus only if you work hard and have a good relationship with your manager, who will be out of sorts this month. The stars promise you minor financial difficulties in April, but you have the power to overcome them. You should not take on debt; the energy of other people’s money will have a negative impact on your financial situation in other months.

Health and leisure

April does not pose any particular health risks. Minor problems can be solved by increasing physical activity and a healthy diet. You will also benefit from walking in the evening and morning, which will help increase your energy tone. Pigment spots or rashes may appear on the body and even the face. This is due to climate change and does not pose any danger. The horoscope advises the use of creams that protect the skin from spring rays and sunglasses.

  • Favorable days for Capricorn women are 1, 6, 11, 16, 20, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for Capricorn women are 4, 17, 28.
Published: 2017-03-20, Modified: 2018-10-22,

In April 2017, your ideal in relationships becomes calm and measured. You will prefer a traditional, conservative approach to love relationships. For Capricorns, the need for intimacy with a loved one comes to the fore.

Venus, the planet of love and partnership, remains retrograde until April 16, 2017. This may be a sign of refocusing on the past. For example, there will be a reunion with someone significant to you after many years of separation, or you will reconsider your attitude towards a former love affair and decide to give someone another chance.

Also, Venus retrograde indicates a special interest in issues related to joint money, real estate and property of a couple or family. Perhaps some problems that have a long origin will be resolved.

Until April 21, 2017, energetic Mars remains in Capricorn's house of love, so things can turn for the better thanks to your passion and love of adventure. Acquaintances or relatives will be involved in your amorous affairs.

The new moon on April 26, 2017 in the house of love portends the emergence of something new. You will look at the world around you with fresh eyes and understand what you really want from life. Maybe it's time to renew your existing relationship. Single representatives of your sign have a good chance of meeting a special person, so a love affair will begin. You may even become a little more frivolous, but this will benefit Capricorns, who are very serious by nature. It will be easier for you to relax and feel joy.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for April 2017

The month creates a strange situation - Jupiter in Capricorn's career house calls for starting something big, while Venus, the ruler of your career house, moves in a closed area, pushing you towards the past and preventing your ambitions from being realized.

In practice, it may look like you want to accomplish important things, but there are limiting factors. Or you take one step forward and then two steps back to work out details or get a better understanding of the situation at hand.

In addition, family matters can interfere with work and business matters, which will have an undesirable effect on your professional responsibilities.

On April 21, 2017, fiery Mars moves into Capricorn’s work sector, which means that urgent tasks or additional workload are expected at work. If any projects have been moving slowly, or you have encountered obstacles and hiccups, then now everything is becoming more dynamic thanks to the energy of Mars.

The topic of finance requires careful study. Money will come, but all expenses must be thought out. Circumstances become more clear in the second half of the month, and then your financial situation improves.


In April 2017, Capricorns are recommended to pay more attention to health. Most of the problems are related to stress at work, so find more time for rest and avoid overload. It's a good idea to strengthen your immune system. If you feel signs of illness, you should not leave things to chance.

Buy a beautiful thing for your home! A good choice would be something from an antique or even a second-hand one.

From the very beginning of the year, Capricorns have been going through an unfavorable period in their lives, according to the horoscope for April 2019. Capricorn is trying by any means to improve their financial situation, but they do not bring the long-awaited result.


In April 2019, this trend is likely to continue. Absolutely for reasons beyond the control of the representatives of the sign, any work comes to a deep dead end, and all undertakings, even the most promising ones at first glance, will turn into disappointment. There is no point in scourging and reproaching yourself; it’s all due to the influence of Pluto on the lives of representatives of this zodiac house. Only towards the end of the month will its influence begin to weaken, and it is at this time that Capricorns should prepare for a breakthrough that will break through the series of failures. However, already at the beginning of April it is necessary to carefully check the vector and the strength of forward movement, which must be observed.

If you are looking for a job, and you finally got it from April 10 to 15, then the tactic of delaying making a decision in the current period will be the most successful. During the time it takes you to make a decision, a lot of water will flow under the bridge and a lot of things may change. Later, life will show that the new job is not so attractive at all, and the stars will more than compensate for everything towards the end of the month.

By the end of April 2019, Sagittarius is entering a phase of high performance and vitality, and here, don’t yawn and confidently go catch the bird of happiness by the tail. Feel free to accept offers to change not only your job, but also your type of activity.


For Capricorn, the horoscope predicts a difficult situation in the family in mid-April 2019. Capricorn will suddenly feel that his partner has moved away from him and his feelings have completely faded away. But this is absolutely not true. The main reason lies in the representatives of the sign itself and its attitude to life during this period. His gaze is fixed on the past, he sees all the good and significant things only there, and does not notice at all how magnificent and comfortable his life is today. It is unlikely that the partner will be able to resist this mood of Capricorn; it is better to come to terms with it and fall into nostalgia together. Dine to the accompaniment of memories, look through family albums, on the pages of which pleasant moments of life together come to life, and closer to the last ten days of the month Capricorn will be able to return to his usual rut.

In the last ten days of the month, Capricorn will have an unexpected meeting with a person who will subsequently become for a long time, if not a patron, then a person who will provide significant assistance. Do not ignore meeting older men or women, be kind and courteous.

Capricorn Woman

In April 2019, the Capricorn woman will experience a period of some stagnation and apathy. She will still fulfill her official and family responsibilities, but she will do it “without a soul.” She will be oppressed by household chores and will be completely unsatisfied with the situation when her own interests are completely dissolved against the background of the interests of family members.

Take a little time out. There is no need to do everything by force now. Perhaps you have taken on too much, and your husband is quite capable of handling another batch of dirty dishes after dinner, and your grown-up son can take out the trash on his own! Good music, time alone with yourself, a trip to see your mother will help you quickly regain your peace of mind, and you will easily get back on track.

Capricorn Man

In April, people close to a Capricorn man may point out his bad habits. It will be extremely unpleasant for representatives of the sign to hear this, but many of them will agree that the craving for alcohol has long gone beyond the healthy, and stale breath in the morning, reinforced by alcohol fumes, has more than once become a reason for jokes from colleagues. Representatives of the zodiac house urgently need to reconsider their lifestyle, otherwise this addiction will quickly enter the life of Capricorn and become its absolute master. The alternative, although banal, is simple. Load your evening with activities that will benefit you personally or your family members, active recreation or sports. Try to avoid companies where relaxation is impossible without drinking alcohol.

Capricorn child

In April 2019, little Capricorn will demand not only parental love, but also parental respect. Try to babysit less with him. It is much more productive in April, and indeed always, to treat him like an adult. This will flatter him and all your wishes will be instantly satisfied. And all you can expect from your advances is a glance from above.

Little Capricorn will feel more comfortable alone. He will prefer to postpone noisy companies and family evenings until a later date.


April 2019 promises to be very bright for Capricorn, full of events and emotional shocks, which cannot but affect the state of his cardiovascular system. To insure yourself against problems with blood vessels and the heart - surges in blood pressure, arrhythmia, spasms, the horoscope advises Capricorn to remember such simple but very effective things in this regard as light exercise in the morning, dousing with cold water and eating only healthy food .

But excessively intense aerobic physical activity is contraindicated for Capricorn in April. Don't even think about running at a strenuous pace, lifting weights, or doing vigorous strength training. Capricorn's heart should beat faster in the spring only from dizzying love!

And one more thing: April will be a very favorable month for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases, so all Capricorns with skin diseases should do well to treat them and improve the well-being and appearance of their skin.

Horoscope for April 2019, Capricorn, who received a job offer from the 10th to the 15th, should not immediately accept it. The stars advise using the tactic of delaying the decision.
A Capricorn woman needs to take time for herself, meet with friends or her mother, and take a break from household chores and monotony.
A Capricorn man should avoid drinking company, otherwise you may hear critical remarks about alcohol abuse from those around you.
Horoscope for May 2019, Capricorn.

This month will be very favorable for you and open to opportunities. The main thing is to recognize it in time and skillfully take advantage of the upcoming chances. At the same time, do not forget about your loved ones and relatives who will most need your support and attention in April.

At the beginning of the month, you will have an irresistible desire to take care of your home. And even if the environment is ideal, you will find something to complain about. In principle, this is not bad, such employment will allow you to take your mind off the gloomy thoughts that have haunted you lately. So go ahead and show your talents as a novice designer or architect.

It is in April that you can easily say goodbye to all your bad habits. You have never experienced such concentration and willpower before. So don't miss the opportunity to switch to a healthier lifestyle.

Perhaps within you there will be a desire to re-evaluate the stages that you have already passed. However, in your case this is a completely thankless task. Don’t waste your strength and energy on thoughts and reasoning from which you still won’t be able to draw the right conclusions. Better try to go with the flow, making as few mistakes as possible.

Towards the end of the month you will feel a craving for new knowledge. And this is a wonderful desire, thanks to which you can improve yourself. Therefore, you can safely choose educational courses; you will definitely absorb new information like a sponge, then using all the knowledge you gain to improve the quality of your life.

Capricorn Woman: Horoscope for April 2019

Stop playing it safe every time you decide to do one thing or another. This month you can give up this habit of yours and simply trust fate. She herself will begin to guide you in the right direction. So you have every chance to change jobs or improve your personal life.

You can finally feel harmony inside. And being in such a balanced state, minor mistakes and blunders will definitely be avoided. You will begin to weigh every decision more carefully and stop acting impulsively, which is precisely why all your problems arose.

Don't be too demanding of others. Allow them to have their flaws, because there are no perfect people. Therefore, be softer and more forgiving of the antics of your other half or children, and if you get irritated about this, you risk undermining your nervous system and thereby worsening your overall well-being.

Find yourself an outlet. Take up painting or sculpting. Such activities will help you restore your emotional background and help you become more reasonable.

Capricorn Man: Horoscope for April 2019

Trust is what you lacked. Your inner doubts constantly led to personal torment. And all this had a negative impact not only on building relationships, but also on professional achievements. Therefore, in April, work on this noble feeling and learn to trust your close circle.

You will be full of enthusiasm, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of this state. Any task you undertake will begin to be completed easily and with excellent results. However, your enthusiasm must be supported by cold calculation. Still, you have to make extremely important decisions, where you definitely cannot do without careful calculation of several steps.

Unpleasant news received from distant relatives can spoil your good mood; treat this as an already accomplished fact. You won't be able to change anything, so don't let circumstances control your life.