The main character of Parsnip's novel is Doctor Zhivago. "Doctor Zhivago" main characters. Nobel Prize in Literature

The novel “Doctor Zhivago” became the apotheosis of Pasternak’s brilliant work as a prose writer. He describes the procession and transformation of the consciousness of the Russian intelligentsia through the dramatic events that completely permeate the first half of the 20th century.

History of creation

The novel was created over a decade (from 1945 to 1955), the fate of the work was surprisingly difficult - despite world recognition(the pinnacle of it was receiving the Nobel Prize), in the Soviet Union the novel was approved for publication only in 1988. The ban on the novel was explained by its anti-Soviet content, and in connection with this, Pasternak began to be persecuted by the authorities. In 1956, attempts were made to publish the novel in Soviet literary magazines, but, naturally, they were not crowned with success. The foreign publication brought fame to the prose poet and resonated with unprecedented resonance in Western society. The first Russian-language edition was published in Milan in 1959.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

(Cover for the first book, drawn by artist Konovalov)

The first pages of the novel reveal the image of an early orphan little boy, who will later be sheltered by his uncle. The next stage is Yura's move to the capital and his life in the Gromeko family. Despite the early manifestation of a poetic gift, the young man decides to follow the example of his adoptive father, Alexander Gromeko, and enters the medical faculty. A tender friendship with the daughter of Yuri’s benefactors, Tonya Gromeko, eventually turns into love, and the girl becomes the wife of a talented doctor-poet.

The further narrative is a complex interweaving of the destinies of the main characters of the novel. Shortly after his marriage, Yuri falls passionately in love with the bright and extraordinary girl Lara Guichard, later the wife of Commissioner Strelnikov. Tragic story The love between the doctor and Lara will appear periodically throughout the novel - after many ordeals, they will never be able to find their happiness. A terrible time of poverty, hunger and repression will separate the families of the main characters. Both lovers of Doctor Zhivago are forced to leave their homeland. The theme of loneliness sounds acute in the novel, from which main character subsequently goes crazy, and Lara's husband Antipov (Strelnikov) takes his own life. Doctor Zhivago's last attempt to find marital happiness also fails. Yuri abandons attempts at scientific and literary activity and finishes his earthly life an extremely dejected man. The main character of the novel dies from heart attack on the way to work in the center of the capital. In the last scene of the novel, childhood friends Nika Dudorov and…….. Gordon read a collection of poems by the doctor-poet.

Main characters

(Poster for the movie "Doctor Zhivago")

The image of the main character is deeply autobiographical. Through him, Pasternak reveals his inner self - his reasoning about what is happening, his spiritual worldview. Zhivago is an intellectual to the core, this trait manifests itself in everything - in life, in creativity, in profession. The author masterfully embodies the highest level of the hero’s spiritual life in the doctor’s monologues. Zhivago’s Christian essence does not undergo any changes due to circumstances - the doctor is ready to help all those who suffer, regardless of their political worldview. Zhivago’s external weak-will is actually the highest manifestation of his internal freedom, where he exists among the highest humanistic values. The death of the main character will not mark the end of the novel - his immortal creations will forever erase the line between eternity and existence.

Lara Guichard

(Larisa Fedorovna Antipova) is a bright, even in some sense shocking, woman with great fortitude and a desire to help people. It is in the hospital, where she gets a job as a nurse, that her relationship with Doctor Zhivago begins. Despite attempts to escape from fate, life regularly brings heroes together; these meetings each time strengthen the mutual relationships that have arisen. pure feelings. Dramatic circumstances in post-revolutionary Russia lead to the fact that Lara is forced to sacrifice her love to save her own child and leave with her hated former lover, lawyer Komarovsky. Lara, who finds herself in a hopeless situation, will reproach herself for this act all her life.

A successful lawyer, the embodiment of the demonic principle in Pasternak's novel. Being the lover of Lara's mother, he vilely seduced her young daughter, and subsequently played a fatal role in the girl's life, deceiving her by separating her from her loved one.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" consists of two books, which in turn contain 17 parts, which are numbered consecutively. The novel shows the whole life of a generation of young intelligentsia of that time. It is no coincidence that one of the possible titles of the novel was “Boys and Girls.” The author brilliantly showed the antagonism of two heroes - Zhivago and Strelnikov, as a person living outside what is happening in the country, and as a person completely subordinate to the ideology of the totalitarian regime. Spiritual impoverishment The author conveys the Russian intelligentsia through the image of Tatyana, the illegitimate daughter of Lara Antipova and Yuri Zhivago, a simple girl who bears only a distant imprint of the hereditary intelligentsia.

In his novel, Pasternak repeatedly emphasizes the duality of existence; the events of the novel are projected onto the New Testament plot, giving the work a special mystical overtones. Yuri Zhivago’s poem notebook that crowns the novel symbolizes the door to eternity, this is confirmed by one of the first versions of the title of the novel, “There Will Be No Death.”

Final conclusion

“Doctor Zhivago” is the novel of a lifetime, the result of the creative searches and philosophical quests of Boris Pasternak, in his opinion, main topic novel - the relationship of equal principles - personality and history. The author attaches no less importance to the theme of love; it permeates the entire novel, love is shown in all possible forms, with all the versatility inherent in this great feeling.

When Uncle Yurin Nikolai Nikolaevich moved to St. Petersburg, other relatives, Gromeko, took care of him, who was left an orphan at ten years old, in whose house on Sivtsev Vrazhek they visited interesting people, and where the atmosphere of the professorial family was quite conducive to the development of Yura’s talents.

The daughter of Alexander Alexandrovich and Anna Ivanovna (nee Kruger), Tonya, was a good friend to him, and his high school classmate Misha Gordon was a close friend, so he did not suffer from loneliness.

Once, during a home concert, Alexander Alexandrovich had to accompany one of the invited musicians on an urgent call to the rooms where his good friend Amalia Karlovna Guishar had just attempted to commit suicide. The professor gave in to Yura and Misha's request and took them with him.

While the boys stood in the hallway and listened to the victim’s complaints that she was pushed to take such a step by terrible suspicions, which fortunately turned out to be only a figment of her frustrated imagination, a middle-aged man came out from behind the partition into the next room, waking up the girl who was sleeping in the chair.

She responded to the man’s glances with a wink from her accomplice, pleased that everything worked out well and their secret was not revealed. There was something frighteningly magical about this silent communication, as if he were a puppeteer and she a puppet. Yura's heart sank at the contemplation of this enslavement. On the street, Misha told a friend that he had met this man. A few years ago, he and his dad were traveling with him on the train, and he soldered Yuri’s father on the road, who then threw himself from the platform onto the rails.

The girl Yura saw turned out to be the daughter of Madame Guichard. Larisa was a high school student. At sixteen, she looked eighteen and was somewhat burdened by the position of a child - the same as her friends. This feeling intensified when she succumbed to the advances of Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky, whose role under her mother was not limited to the role of an adviser in business and a friend at home. He became her nightmare, he enslaved her.

A few years later, already as a medical student, Yuri Zhivago met Lara again under unusual circumstances.

Together with Tonya Gromeko on the eve of Christmas, they went to the Sventitsky Christmas tree along Kamergersky Lane. Recently, Anna Ivanovna, who had been seriously ill for a long time, joined their hands, saying that they were made for each other. Tonya was truly a close and understanding person. And at that moment she caught his mood and did not interfere with admiring the frost-covered windows, glowing from the inside, in one of which Yuri noticed a black thawed patch, through which the fire of a candle could be seen, facing the street almost with a conscious gaze. At this moment, the lines of the poems that had not yet taken shape were born: “The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning...”

He had no idea that outside the window Lara Guichard was telling Pasha Antipov at that moment, who had not hidden his adoration since childhood, that if he loved her and wanted to keep her from death, they should get married immediately. After that, Lara went to the Sventitskys, where Yura and Tonya were having fun in the hall, and where Komarovsky was sitting playing cards. At about two o'clock in the morning a shot was suddenly heard in the house. Lara, shooting at Komarovsky, missed, but the bullet hit a fellow prosecutor of the Moscow judicial chamber. When Lara was led through the hall, Yura was stunned - she was the same one! And again the same gray-haired man who was involved in the death of his father! To top it all off, upon returning home, Tonya and Yura no longer found Anna Ivanovna alive.

Through the efforts of Komarovsky, Lara was saved from trial, but she fell ill, and Pasha was not yet allowed to see her. However, Kologrivov came and brought “rewards”. More three years ago, Lara, in order to get rid of Komarovsky, became the teacher of his youngest daughter. Everything was going well, but then her empty-headed brother Rodya lost the public money. He was going to shoot himself if his sister didn't help him. The Kologrivovs helped out with the money, and Lara gave it to Roda, taking away the revolver with which he wanted to shoot himself. Kologrivov never managed to repay the debt. Lara, secretly from Pasha, sent money to his exiled father and paid extra to the owners of the room in Kamergersky. The girl considered her position with the Kologrivovs to be false, and saw no way out of it except to ask Komarovsky for money. Life disgusted her. At the Sventitskys’ ball, Viktor Ippolitovich pretended to be busy with cards and not notice Lara. He turned to the girl who entered the hall with a smile, the meaning of which Lara understood so well...

When Lara felt better, she and Pasha got married and left for Yuryatin, in the Urals. After the wedding, the newlyweds talked until the morning. His guesses alternated with Lara’s confessions, after which his heart sank... In her new place, Larisa taught at the gymnasium and was happy, although she had a house and three-year-old Katenka. Pasha taught Latin and ancient history. Yura and Tonya also celebrated their wedding. Meanwhile, war broke out. Yuri Andreevich ended up at the front without having time to really see his born son. In another way, Pavel Pavlovich Antipov found himself in the thick of battle.

The relationship with my wife was not easy. He doubted her love for him. To free everyone from this fake family life, he completed officer courses and ended up at the front, where he was captured in one of the battles. Larisa Fedorovna entered the ambulance train as a sister and went to look for her husband. Second Lieutenant Galiullin, who knew Pasha since childhood, claimed that he saw him die.

Zhivago He witnessed the collapse of the army, the outrages of anarchist deserters, and upon returning to Moscow, he found even more terrible devastation. What he saw and experienced forced the doctor to reconsider a lot in his attitude towards the revolution.

To survive, the family moved to the Urals, to the former Kruger estate Varykino, not far from the city of Yuryatin. The path ran through snow-covered spaces dominated by armed gangs, through areas of recently pacified uprisings, which with horror repeated the name of Strelnikov, who were pushing back the whites under the command of Colonel Galiullin.

In Varykino, they stayed first with the former manager of the Krugers, Mikulitsyn, and then in an outbuilding for servants. They planted potatoes and cabbage, tidied up the house, and the doctor sometimes saw the sick. The unexpected appearance of his half-brother Evgraf, energetic, mysterious, very influential, helped strengthen their position. Antonina Alexandrovna seemed to be expecting a child.

Over time, Yuri Andreevich got the opportunity to visit the library in Yuryatin, where he saw Larisa Fedorovna Antipova. She told him about herself, that Strelnikov was her husband Pavel Antipov, who returned from captivity, but hid under a different name and did not maintain relations with his family. When he took Yuryatin, he bombarded the city with shells and never once inquired whether his wife and daughter were alive.

Two months later, Yuri Andreevich once again returned from the city to Varykino. He deceived Tonya, continuing to love her, and was tormented by this. That day he drove home with the intention of confessing everything to his wife and not meeting Lara again.

Suddenly three armed men blocked his way and announced that the doctor was from that moment mobilized into the detachment of Liveriy Mikulitsyn. The doctor had his hands full: in the winter - rash, in the summer - dysentery, and at all times of the year - the wounded. Before Livery, Yuri Andreevich did not hide the fact that the ideas of October did not ignite him, that they were still so far from being realized, and seas of blood had been paid for just talking about it, so that the end did not justify the means. And the very idea of ​​​​remaking life was born by people who did not feel its spirit. Two years of captivity, separation from family, hardship and danger ended with an escape.

In Yuryatin, the doctor appeared at the moment when the whites left the city, handing it over to the reds. He looked wild, unwashed, hungry and weak. Larisa Fedorovna and Katenka were not at home. He found a note in the key hiding place. Larisa and her daughter went to Varykino, hoping to find him there. His thoughts were confused, fatigue was making him sleepy. He lit the stove, ate a little and, without undressing, fell fast asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he was undressed, washed and lying in a clean bed, that he had been sick for a long time, but was quickly recovering thanks to Lara’s care, although until he fully recovered there was nothing to think about returning to Moscow. Zhivago went to serve in the Gubernia Health, and Larisa Fedorovna - in the Gubernia. However, the clouds were gathering over them. The doctor was seen as a social alien; the ground began to shake under Strelnikov. The emergency was raging in the city.

At this time, a letter arrived from Tony: the family was in Moscow, but Professor Gromeko, and with him she and the children (now they, in addition to their son, have a daughter, Masha) were being sent abroad. The grief is that she loves him, but he doesn’t love her. Let him build his life according to his own understanding.

Suddenly Komarovsky showed up. He is invited by the government of the Far Eastern Republic and is ready to take them with him: they are both in mortal danger. Yuri Andreevich immediately rejected this proposal. Lara had long ago told him about the fatal role that this man played in her life, and he told her that Viktor Ippolitovich was responsible for his father’s suicide. It was decided to take refuge in Varykino. The village had long been abandoned by its inhabitants, wolves howled around at night, but the appearance of people would have been worse, but they did not take weapons with them. In addition, Lara recently said that she seems to be pregnant. I no longer had to think about myself. Just then Komarovsky arrived again. He brought the news that Strelnikov was sentenced to death and Katenka must be saved if Lara does not think about herself. The doctor told Lara to go with Komarovsky.

In the snowy, forest solitude, Yuri Andreevich slowly went crazy. He drank and wrote poems dedicated to Lara. Crying for a lost loved one grew into generalized thoughts about history and man, about the revolution as a lost and lamented ideal.

One evening the doctor heard the crunch of steps, and a man appeared at the door. Yuri Andreevich did not immediately recognize Strelnikov. It turned out that Komarovsky had deceived them! They talked almost all night.

About the revolution, about Lara, about childhood on Tverskaya-Yamskaya. They went to bed in the morning, but when they woke up and went out to get water, the doctor discovered his interlocutor had shot himself.

In Moscow, Zhivago appeared already at the beginning of the New Economic Policy, emaciated, overgrown and wild. Most of He made the journey on foot. Over the next eight or nine years of his life, he lost his medical skills and lost his writing skills, but still took up the pen and wrote thin books. Fans appreciated them.

The daughter of a former janitor, Marina, helped him with the housework; she worked at the telegraph office on the foreign communication line. Over time, she became the doctor's wife and they had two daughters. But one of the summer days Yuri Andreevich suddenly disappeared. Marina received a letter from him saying that he wanted to live alone for a while and not to be looked for. He did not say that brother Evgraf, who had appeared from nowhere again, rented him a room in Kamergersky, provided him with money, and began to bother about good location work.

However, on a sultry August day, Yuri Andreevich died of a heart attack. An unexpectedly large number of people came to Kamergersky to say goodbye to him. Larisa Fedorovna was among those saying goodbye. She came into this apartment out of old memory. Her first husband Pavel Antipov once lived here. A few days after the funeral, she suddenly disappeared: she left home and did not return. Apparently she was arrested.

Already in the forty-third year, at the front, Major General Evgraf Andreevich Zhivago, asking linen worker Tanka Bezcheredova about her heroic friend intelligence officer Khristina Orletsova, inquired about her, Tanina’s, fate. He quickly realized that this was the daughter of Larisa and brother Yuri. Fleeing with Komarovsky to Mongolia, when the Reds were approaching Primorye, Lara left the girl at a railway crossing with the guard Marfa, who ended her days in a mental hospital. Then homelessness, wandering...

By the way, Evgraf Andreevich not only took care of Tatyana, but also collected everything his brother wrote. Among his poems was the poem “Winter Night”: “Shallow, shallow all over the earth / To all limits. / The candle was burning on the table, / The candle was burning...”

It became one of the most important works of the 20th century written in Russian. An analysis of Doctor Zhivago helps to better understand this work, to understand what the author himself sought to convey to the reader. He worked on it for 10 years - from 1945 to 1955. It presents an extensive description of the fate of the domestic intelligentsia against the background dramatic events in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Through the fate of the main character, the theme of life and death, the problems of Russian history, the revolution and the role of the intelligentsia and the main world religions in it are examined.

At the same time, the novel was negatively received by the pro-government literary environment in the USSR. It was banned and was not published in the Soviet Union due to the author’s controversial attitude towards October Revolution and subsequent events of Soviet history.

Publication history of the novel

The opportunity for domestic readers to analyze Doctor Zhivago appeared only after the collapse of Soviet Union. Then the novel was published in full and without cuts. It was only partially published in the USSR.

In 1954, a series of poems was published in the literary magazine "Znamya" under the general title "Poems from the prose novel "Doctor Zhivago." In the preface, Pasternak noted that these poems were found among the documents left after the death of the character in the novel, doctor Yuri Andreevich Zhivago. In The magazine published ten texts - “Separation”, “Wind”, “Spring thaw”, “March”, “Date”, “Summer in the city”, “Wedding”, “Hop”, “Explanation” and “White Night” .

In December 1955, Pasternak, in a letter to Varlam Shalamov, said that the novel was finished, but he doubted its publication during his lifetime. To finish this text meant for him to fulfill a duty bequeathed by God.

At the same time, the writer made attempts to publish his work in his homeland. Already in the spring of next year he proposed the text to two leading Soviet literary magazines- "Banner" and " New world". And also to the popular almanac "Literary Moscow". At the same time, not hoping for the quick publication of his work, he transferred "Doctor Zhivago" to the West.

In the fall, Pasternak's worst fears were confirmed. An answer came from the magazines that their creators consider publication impossible, since they take positions directly opposite to those of the author.

For the first time, an analysis of Doctor Zhivago became possible after the novel was published in Italy at the end of 1957. It is noteworthy that it was printed in Italian.

For the first time it was possible to read Doctor Zhivago in the original language in Holland. A circulation of only 500 copies was published in the summer of 1958. Even Western intelligence agencies paid great attention to the release of this novel. For example, the analysis of Doctor Zhivago could have been carried out by Soviet tourists who received the book for free at the World Exhibition in Brussels, an international student forum in Austria. The CIA even noted that the book has enormous propaganda value, as it can make Soviet people think that there is a lot wrong in their country if one of the main literary masterpieces recent years cannot be read in the original in one’s homeland.

At the same time, the CIA participated in the distribution of Doctor Zhivago in countries belonging to the socialist bloc.

Plot of the novel

The plot of Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", the analysis of which is given in this article, allows us to clearly see how large-scale this work is. Pasternak's work begins with the main character appearing before the readers as a small child. It all begins with a sad description of his mother's funeral.

Yura Zhivago himself is a descendant of a wealthy family who built his fortune on banking and industrial transactions. However, financial success did not guarantee happiness in his personal life. The boy's parents separated.

The only one left, Yura, is taken in by his uncle, who permanently lives in the very south of Russia. When Zhivago becomes a teenager, he is sent to Moscow to the Gromeko family.

Gifted child

Analysis of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" often begins with the description of Yuri's talent, which manifested itself in childhood. They pay attention to him as a talented poet. However, he chooses a more prosaic path for himself - to follow in his father's footsteps. Becomes a student at a medical university. He shows his talents in this field as well. Soon he meets his first love - the daughter of his new benefactors - Tonya Gromeko.

They became husband and wife and had two children. But soon they were separated again. This time it's forever. And Zhivago never saw his daughter, who was born after the main character left.

The peculiarity of the novel, which manifests itself at the very beginning, is that the reader constantly has to encounter new characters, and it is not difficult to get confused in them. However, over time, they all become woven into one ball, and their life paths begin to intersect.


One of the key characters in Doctor Zhivago, without whom an analysis of the work would be incomplete, is Larisa. The reader meets a young girl who is patronized by the elderly lawyer Komarovsky. Larisa herself strives to break out of this captivity.

She has a childhood friend. Faithful and in love with her, Pasha Antipov. In the future, he will become her husband, and it is in him that Lara will find her true salvation. But immediately after the wedding, they cannot find happiness in their personal lives. As a result, Pavel leaves his family and goes to the front as a volunteer. Takes part in the First World War. There an amazing metamorphosis occurs to him. From a gentle man he turns into a formidable revolutionary commissar. Changes his last name. His new pseudonym is Strelnikov. After it ends Civil war, he strives to reunite with his family, but this is never destined to come true.

Meanwhile, fate brings Yuri and Larisa together. Their relationship is key to the analysis of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" by Pasternak. On the fronts of the First World War, they meet in a small village with the unsightly name Melyuzeevo. Zhivago works there as a military medic, and Larisa is a nurse who dreams of finding her missing husband.

The next time their paths cross in the fictional Ural town of Yuryatin. Perm serves as its prototype. They are fleeing there from the hardships of the revolution. The characters fall in love with each other. The outbreak of the Civil War leaves its mark on the lives of the heroes. Hunger, repression and poverty separate not only Lara’s family, but also Yuri’s. Zhivago’s wife remains in Moscow and writes to her husband in the Urals about possible forced deportation outside the country in the near future. Meanwhile, the power of the revolutionary councils is raging, Zhivago and Lara take refuge for the winter in the Varykino estate. Suddenly, Komarovsky, who received a post in the Ministry of Justice in the barely formed Far Eastern Republic, appears there. Komarovsky manages to convince Zhivago to let Lara go with him so that she can flee to the east and then find safety abroad. Yuri Andreevich agrees to this, clearly understanding that he will never meet his love again.

Living alone

Left alone in Varykino, Zhivago gradually begins to lose his mind from loneliness. Strelnikov comes to him, who has been demoted and now has to wander throughout Siberia. He honestly tells Yuri Andreevich about his role in the revolution, as well as his ideas about ideals Soviet power, leader of the revolution Lenin.

Zhivago confesses to him that Lara has in fact loved him all these years. But he was mistaken, suspecting her of insincerity.

Return to Moscow

At night, after a frank conversation, Strelnikov commits suicide. Zhivago, having witnessed another tragedy, returns to Moscow. There he meets his last love- Marina, daughter of the janitor Markel, who worked for the Zhivago family even before the revolution. They live in a civil marriage. They have two daughters.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago", the analysis of which is (briefly) presented in this article, leads the reader to the fact that at the end of his life the main character openly sinks, but cannot do anything about it. He abandons literature and no longer studies science. He can't do anything about his fall.

One morning on the way to work he becomes ill on the tram. Zhivago suffers a heart attack in the very center of Moscow. His half-brother Evgraf, who helps him more than once during the course of the novel, and Lara, who happened to be nearby, come to say goodbye to his body.

The ending of the novel

The Battle of Kursk takes place at the end of Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. Analysis of the work is based on the characters’ perception of the events of the work.

The washerwoman Tanya appears before the readers, who tells her story to Zhivago’s childhood friends, Mikhail Gordon and Innokenty Dudorov. They survived the Gulag, Stalinist repressions and arrests.

It turns out that she is the illegitimate daughter of Lara and Yuri Zhivago. The main character’s brother Evgraf takes her under his wing, who during the Great Patriotic War became a major general.

Zhivago’s poems, which conclude the novel, play an important role in the text.

Poems by Zhivago

Analysis of Doctor Zhivago's poems helps to better understand the very essence of this novel. The central text in this cycle is “Winter Night”.

Researchers propose to consider it in the context of the struggle for survival. At the same time, the February blizzard is associated with death, and the flame of a candle with future life. At this time, Doctor Zhivago is already experienced and mature enough to accept the reality around him. At the same time, he continues to believe in beauty, hope for the best glimmers in his soul.

Analysis of the novel

Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", the analysis of which is necessary for any admirer of this writer's work, is a large-scale generalization of the life of the Russian intelligentsia during the revolution and the Civil War.

The book is imbued with deep philosophy, touches on themes of life and death, progress world history, the secrets that lie in the human soul.

With its help, the author manages to show reality inner world their heroes, open the door to an important understanding of the emotional essence of man. The writer manages to solve such a complex problem by building a multifaceted system of images. This idea is fully reflected in life path and the character of the main character.

Nobel Prize in Literature

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" (a brief analysis familiar to any person interested in literature) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958. With the wording "for continuing the traditions of the great Russian epic novel."

The Soviet authorities took this fact with hostility, as they considered the novel anti-Soviet. A real persecution unfolded against Pasternak in the USSR. He was forced to refuse the bonus. Only in 1989 did his son Evgeniy receive a diploma and medal from the Swedish Academy.

The idea of ​​the novel

Perhaps the main one distinctive feature the novel is its poetry. It permeates all the pages of the work, even those on which the text is presented in prose.

The key to perception human soul that's exactly what the lyrics are. Through it one can understand what a person lives for and what a person feels.

Year: 1955 Genre: novel

First briefly, then chapter by chapter

Young Yura Zhivago’s mother died. The father, a once wealthy man, had long since left them, having spent all his fortune. At first he was raised by his uncle, a former priest, and then began to live with the Gromeko family. An intelligent family left an imprint on the boy's soul. He became friends with Gromeko's daughter Antonina.

Soon Yura saw 17-year-old Larisa. Lara gave in to the persistent advances of lawyer Komarovsky and was burdened by her relationship with her adult patron. Some time later, Yuri met Larisa again at a Christmas reception at the Sventitskys. Their meeting took place under strange circumstances. The hero was already with Tonya, their relationship was blessed by Anna Ivanovna, Antonina’s mother, before her death. At night, Lara shot Komarovsky, but accidentally killed another man. The lawyer helped the girl avoid punishment and rented a room for her. Lara decided to marry Pavel Antipin, who had long and passionately loved him, and the newlyweds left for Yuryatino. Soon their daughter Katenka was born.

Meanwhile, Zhivago also married Antonina. The couple had 2 daughters. The plans of the young family were interrupted by the outbreak of war. The doctor left to fight. Paul was captured. Larisa became a military nurse and went to the front to look for her husband.

The Zhivagos moved to an estate near Yuryatino. This is where it started secret romance with Larisa. The hero was tormented by his conscience for being unfaithful to his wife. Later, he was forcibly taken into a partisan detachment under the command of Mikulitsyn, where he had to stay away from home for 2 years. Antonina and her children left for Moscow. Having finally escaped from the detachment, the doctor returned to Yuryatino, to the house where Larisa and her daughter lived. The lovers talked with each other for a long time, but unexpectedly Komarovsky came to them. It turned out that Pavel’s father was exiled to hard labor, the future fate of the revolutionary himself was unknown, and the woman was threatened with execution. The lawyer invited them to leave with him by train. Zhivago, realizing that this is the only chance to save his beloved and her daughter, sends them with a lawyer, while he himself remains in their house. After some time, Pavel returns. The men talk to each other for a long time, and the revolutionary explains why he left his family for a long time. The next morning Pavel committed suicide in the courtyard of the house.

Yuri lived alone for a long time, missing his beloved, and dedicated poems to her. Later he decided to walk to Moscow. Here he remarried the daughter of his former janitor and had children. Zhivago wrote letters to Antonina. ex-wife knew about him new family, but did not hold a grudge against him and was not offended.

Almost 10 years later, Zhivago died of a heart attack. Marina, Antonina and even Larisa came to the funeral. Lara confessed to Yuri's brother Evgraf that she gave birth to a daughter from the doctor. A few years later, Evgraf, who had become a general, found Tanya, Larisa’s daughter from Zhivago, and took her under his wing.

The novel became one of the iconic works that fully managed to reveal the fate of people in the difficult 20th century for Russia. The themes of love, family, and spiritual integrity of the individual are closely intertwined with the revolutionary and military events of that destructive era.

Summary of Doctor Zhivago in parts (chapters) Pasternak

Book 1


Maria Zhivago was buried. Her husband went broke long ago and left her with her young son Yura. Little Yura was first raised by his uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich. Nikolai is a former clergyman who became a defrocked man at will. His nephew loved him because he saw the features of his mother in him. Uncle did not have any prejudices or biases, he was not afraid of anything new, did not stand still and had his own point of view on history and art.

Next, the author shows us the next character - Misha Gordon, an 11-year-old Jewish boy. He could never understand what caused inequality in society and what it meant to be Jewish. The boy even began to despise all the adults who were unable to explain all this to him.

Misha and his father are traveling on the train. Suddenly the train stops: a man who often visited the Gordons in the compartment committed suicide. He told them a lot about his son from his first, already deceased, wife, and about his second family, from which he, however, also left. During a conversation, he often froze abruptly and turned white as if from fear. My father said that he was once a rich man, but he had lost his fortune, and he was clearly not himself and was sick. The strange interlocutor felt a strange, and quite possibly not at all intended, sympathy and tenderness for Misha. It becomes clear that this is Andrei Zhivago, Yura’s father. Lawyer Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky was traveling with him on the train.

The reader is introduced to another child: Innokenty, the son of Dementy Dudorov, a convict convicted of terrorism, and a young beautiful girl, fascinated by all sorts of rebels, extreme ideas, artists and losers. Innocent tried to imitate his mother with paradoxical and defiant behavior, which often surprised those around him. Nika even thought about quitting his studies and going to his father in Siberia to raise an uprising together.


Nadya Kologrivova has a new classmate - Lara Grishar, whose mother, German Amalia Karlovna, experienced such a strong fear of men that she rushed into their arms out of fear. Amalia Karlovna followed the advice of her patron Komarovsky and bought the garment factory. The lawyer had long since laid his eyes on Lara, calling her the purest person on earth. The young girl was clearly flattered by his attention, but she understood that his intentions were not serious. Her friend Dudorov, like herself, was not too talkative and proud.

Tiverzin takes in Patulya, the son of Pavel Antipov, who went to the army. The young man is crazy about Lara Grishard.

The seamstresses from the factory rebel, refusing to work and explaining that this is only for the benefit of Amalia Karlovna.

Six months after the beginning of the relationship between Lara and Komarovsky, the girl decides to become the teacher of Lipa, Nadya’s sister. She secretly sends the money she earns to the Antipovs, hoping to marry their son Patulya after finishing her studies at the university. She secretly transfers money to Patuli’s parents and dreams of getting married to a young man who “loves her madly” after graduating from university. Soon Lara asked Komarovsky for money, because she no longer wanted to live in the Kologrivov family, and began to live alone.

Nikolai Nikolaevich sends Yura to be raised by the Gromeko brothers. Here he became friends with Antonina, the daughter of Alexander Gromeko, and Misha Gordon.


Tonya studied to become a lawyer, Misha studied to become a philologist, and Yura studied to become a doctor. After a long illness, Antonina's mother died, and before her death she bequeathed them to get married. Yura began to experience warm feelings for Tonya. At the Sventitsky Christmas tree, Lara met Yura for the first time. At night, she shot at Komarovsky, but accidentally hit another person.


The lawyer rented a room for Lara and helped drop all murder charges against her. Lara married Pavel, and the newlyweds left the city. Soon their daughter Katya was born. The young wife got a job as a teacher at a local gymnasium. Lara surrounded her husband with care, and he never reproached her for her premarital affair with Komarovsky.

The war began, and Pavel went to war, from where he often wrote to her, but later the letters abruptly stopped. Lara became a military nurse and went to the front to look for her husband. It turned out that he was captured.

Meanwhile, a girl was also born into Zhivago’s young family, but soon Yuri was called up as a military doctor. At the front, he and Larisa met again.


Lara and Yuri fell in love with each other. An uprising began near Yuryatino, where Lara lived. Lara left Yuryatino, and later Zhivago also left there. On the way, he met Pogorevshikh, a supporter of anarchism.


The doctor returned home. Antonina gave some of the rooms to the hospital. Yuri felt lonely. Soon Nikolai Nikolaevich arrived. Zhivago believed that socialism would eventually prevail. Suddenly, Yuri’s half-brother, Evgraf, appeared. He invited the whole family to move away from hunger and destruction. In the spring, the Zhivagos moved to the Urals, to an estate near Yuryatino.


On the way, Zhivago learned that the troops near Yuryatino were commanded by Galliulin.

Book 2


The city refused to accept the train due to the explosion. From a fellow traveler, the doctor learned about Pavel Antipin, who worked for them, and his wife, a local teacher.


Zhivago reflected on the changes in a woman’s appearance during pregnancy: her face becomes dull, otherwise her eyes sparkle, the future no longer belongs to her alone. Next, the hero thinks about art and history.

In the Varykino library he saw Lara. The next day, abandoning all matters, he hastily went in search of her. Larisa introduced the doctor to her daughter Katenka. They talked about Pavel Antipov, who changed his last name to Strelnikov. Lara believed that the Bolsheviks would abandon him as soon as he ceased to be useful to them, but for now they only tolerated him. Pavel fought in Siberia with Galliulin.

The doctor’s conscience tormented him; he could no longer deceive his wife and decided not to visit Lara anymore. She took his decision hard, although she tried to hold on. On the way, Zhivago was captured by partisans in need of a doctor.


Party meeting. It seemed that the revolution had left nothing alive in people. The leader of the partisans was Liveriy Mikulitsyn.


Almost 2 years have passed since Zhivago was captured by partisans. In one of the battles, the doctor had to shoot, and he wounded a man. The wounded man, who had lost his memory, did not hide the fact that he wanted to return to Kolchak’s army, but despite this, he was released. Before the doctor's eyes, frightening changes occur in the souls of those around him.


The Red partisan, fearing for his family, himself brought his wife and children to the camp. At first, he selflessly took care of his wife, played with the children, and later killed them all with his own hands, believing that a quick death at his hands was better than torture at the hands of the whites. After this, Palykh fled. Zhivago, saying that he wanted to collect rowan trees, ran away.


The doctor's hair was already turning grey. Wearing someone else's worn clothes, cold, he headed to the house where Lara lived. Then he found a message from her in which she asked him to stay in the house. Yuri, as before, was tormented by his conscience because of his infidelity. He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he saw Larisa smiling in front of him. The lovers were overcome with passion.

Antipov Sr. was sent to hard labor. Antonina, in her letter to her ex-husband, admitted that she knew about his relationship with Larisa, but was not angry. That


Yuri and Lara lived in Varykino. The doctor devoted his free time to poetry. Soon Komarovsky arrived and brought news of Pavel’s imminent execution. Lara could no longer remain in place, they could come for her at any moment, and the lawyer invited the lovers to go with him on the Far East. The doctor refused the offer, but the lawyer, left alone with him, convinced him to pretend to Larisa that he would go pick them up a little later. Zhivago realized that the main thing now was to save his beloved. Thus, Komarovsky left with Larisa, and Zhivago was left alone. He heard her voice everywhere, saw her face everywhere and dedicated poems to his beloved.

Soon Pavel returned. They talked for a long time about Larisa, the doctor repeated that she loved her husband very much. Pavel explained his departure to war for 6 long years by saying that he wanted to win more freedom. In the morning he committed suicide.

Part 15. END

The doctor knew about his heart disease, although he did not yet understand how serious it was. He decided to walk to Moscow. On the way, he was joined by the peasant Vasily Brykin. The doctor was pitiful, emaciated and overgrown; he entered the city in dirty, torn cast-offs, exchanging his fur coat and jacket for bread along the way. In Moscow, he first lived with Vasya, who worked in a printing house and began to draw. Brykin often reproached Yuri for not going abroad to join his family. Soon the doctor moved into one of the rooms that his former janitor had allocated to him. Here he met the janitor’s daughter, Marina. The girl’s voice captivated the doctor, and one day she simply moved into his room, becoming his third illegal wife. Marina gave birth to 2 daughters. During this time, Yuri restored contact with Antonina and his former father-in-law. The ex-wife, apparently, knew about his new family, but did not hold a grudge. The doctor, on the contrary, felt some kind of warming on the other side.

One day Zhivago disappeared, and a letter from him came to Marina’s name. large sum money. Yuri met his brother Evgraf, who rented an apartment for him and was trying to reunite the doctor with his family. Yuri got a job as a doctor. One morning Zhivago was riding on a crowded tram, it was stuffy, and somehow getting out of the transport, he fell to the ground dead.

Marina, Larisa, who had escaped from Komarovsky, and Antonina came to the funeral. Lara admitted to Evgraf that she had given birth to a daughter from Zhivago, and disappeared without a trace.


Evgraf became a general, and in 1943 he managed to find Tanya, Lara’s daughter from Zhivago. Larisa, running away from the Reds, was forced to leave the girl to be raised by a watchwoman, who later ended up in a madhouse. The girl led a homeless life for some time, wandered and later became a linen worker. Evgraf collected all his brother’s works, took his niece under his wing and promised to get her into university.

Many works have been created about the selfless feat of Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. But few writers in their works mention the heroism of Soviet women

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  • This post was inspired by reading Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". Despite the fact that I really liked the book, I “tormented” it for two months.

    Summary Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago"
    Yuri Zhivago - central character novel by Boris Pasternak. The narrative begins with a description of the funeral of Yura's mother, who was still quite small at that time. Soon, Yura’s father, a once rich representative of the Zhivago family, also passed away. He threw himself from a moving train and crashed. It was rumored that the reason for this was a certain very clever lawyer named Komarovsky. It was he who managed the financial affairs of Yuri’s father and thoroughly confused them.

    Yura remained in the care of his uncle, who took charge of his development and education. His uncle's family belonged to the intelligentsia, so Yura developed comprehensively. Yura had good friends: Tonya Kruger, Misha Gordon and Innokenty Dudorov.

    Yura decides to become a doctor, because his personality fits this profession perfectly (as we will see later, Zhivogo really became a good doctor). After completing his education, Yuri marries Tonya. But family happiness did not last long - the First World War began World War, and Yuri was nevertheless called to the front immediately after the birth of his son Alexander. Yuri went through the entire war and saw not only the horrors of the war itself, but also the revolution that caused the collapse of the army and Russian state. After the revolution, the Civil War began.

    Yuri made it to Moscow with difficulty and found it in a very sad state: there was no food, the Provisional Government was unable to cope with its responsibilities, and the Bolsheviks, incomprehensible to anyone, were gaining strength.

    Another very important heroine of Boris Pasternak's novel, Larisa, was the daughter of Madame Guichard, who owned a small sewing workshop. Larisa was smart and beautiful, which Komarovsky, already known to us, who was in charge of Madame Guichard’s affairs, did not fail to notice. He seduced Larisa and kept her in some kind of irrational fear and submission. Larisa was friends with Pavel Antipov, whom he secretly helps with money. Pavel is the son of a man of Bolshevik views and beliefs. He was constantly persecuted, so Paul was raised by strangers.

    Over time, Pavel and Larisa start a family and have a daughter. They go to the Urals, to Yuryatin, and work as teachers in a gymnasium. Pavel, obeying some strange urge, enrolls in an officer course and goes to war, where he goes missing. Pavel's comrade Galiullin considers him dead, but Pavel was captured. Larisa becomes a nurse and goes in search of Pavel. Fate brings them together at the front with Yuri Zhivago. They felt strong sympathy for each other, but their feelings had not yet become strong. Fate separates them - Zhivago returns to Moscow, Larisa - to Yuryatin.

    The Zhivago family lives in Moscow in limbo: there is not enough money, there is no or little work, a civil war is raging in the country. They remember Tony’s grandfather’s estate in Varykino (not far from Yuryatin) and decide to go there to relive the horrors of war in a distant and abandoned corner. After a long time of receiving the necessary documents, they are sent to long haul. Trains run poorly and irregularly, the whites and reds have not yet figured out who is stronger, the country is overrun with robbers and marauders. How long does it take them to reach Yuryatin and come to Varykino, where they first settle in the manager’s house, and then set up their home. They are engaged in agriculture and are slowly improving their life.

    Zhivago heals people from time to time and becomes a very famous person in the city. He visits Yuryatin's library from time to time and one day meets Larisa there. Now their feelings have made themselves felt and they become lovers. Yuri loves both Tonya and Larisa very much. Out of great respect for his wife, he decides to confess to his betrayal and leave Larisa, but on the way home he is captured by the Red partisans. He spent the next almost two years with the partisans, performing the duties of a doctor. Therefore, he did not even see the child with whom Tonya was pregnant at the time of his capture.

    Yuri Zhivago wanders with the partisans around Siberia, treats the sick and patiently endures all the conversations of the fanatical partisan commander Mikulitsyn (he was the son of the manager of the Varykino estate). One day he flees from the partisans, when the unknown and worry for his family could no longer keep him in the detachment. He gets to Yuryatin on foot and learns that his family is safe; they left for Moscow and are preparing for forced deportation abroad (as representatives of an unnecessary new government layer of society - the intelligentsia). Tonya informs him about all this in a letter and allows him to live as he sees fit.

    Zhivago also finds Larisa; With her he again develops the closest relationship. She was leaving him after an illness caused by a long march to Yuryatin. Briy recovers and they try to improve their lives, both enter the service. As time passed, they felt that the new government was unlikely to be able to accept them. Therefore, they decide to leave for Varykino again in order to save themselves and hide from the raging new government there. Ironically, Larisa's father-in-law Antipov, who doesn't particularly love her, wants to send her into trouble. Larisa, as we remember. secretly helped him and Pavel with money when they were experiencing hardship. Shortly before Larisa and Yuri leave, the same Komarovsky finds them and invites them to leave for the Far East, where white power still remains. Zhivago and Larisa refuse and leave for Varykino.

    They spent only about two weeks in Varykino: Larisa understands that Komarovsky is the only chance to save her daughter, but she categorically does not want to leave Yuri, who categorically does not want to go with Komarovsky. Komarovsky, meanwhile, arrives in Varykino and convinces Yuri to let Larisa go with him. Yuri realizes that he will never see her again, but allows them to leave.

    After Larisa and Komarovsky leave, Yuri begins to go crazy from loneliness and degrade: he drinks a lot, but at the same time writes poems about Larisa. One day a stranger comes to Varykino; he turns out to be the once formidable Strelnikov, who terrified all of Siberia, and is now a fugitive. This same Strelnikov is opposing the Whites, who are led by Galiullil, already known to us. Strelnikov turns out to be Larisa's husband Pavel Antipov, who, being an idealist, wanted to make the world a better place and bring it to Larisa's feet (Antipov was Galiullin's colleague during the First World War). He thought that she never loved him, but Zhivago said that she even cheated him when she was with Yuri. Strelnikov-Antipov, shocked by this news, realizes how much stupidity and evil he has done. In the morning, Yuri finds him shot and buries him. After this, Yuri sets off on foot to Moscow.

    Having reached Moscow through the territory of a destroyed and wounded country, Zhivago again begins to write and publish his books, which are popular among the intelligentsia. At the same time, he gives up, abandons his practice and enters into a relationship with his third and last woman - the daughter of the former janitor of the family, Tony. They have two children. 8 or 9 years pass like this.

    One day Zhivago disappears and informs his family that he will live separately for a while. The fact is that he is found again by his half-brother Evgraf, who turns out to be a man with connections and opportunities. Many years ago, he helped Tonya get Yuri out after his illness, and now he rented him a room, which, ironically, turns out to be the very room where Larisa and Pavel once lived. Yuri tries to write again, gets a job, and dies on the day he goes back to work (his heart has failed). A lot of people come to Yuri's funeral; Larisa also attended, but after that she disappeared without a trace (probably was arrested).

    The narrative of Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago" ends in the forties (during the offensive of our troops against the Nazis): his old friends Dudorov and Gordon meet and discuss all sorts of news, including the amazing fate of the daughter of Yuri and Larisa. Their daughter was an orphan and a street child, but she was eventually found and taken under his wing by Yuri’s half-brother Evgraf, who turned out to be a general. the general also took care of Yuri’s work.

    Probably, the life of Yuri Zhivago should be associated with the existence of a forever lost layer - the Russian intelligentsia. Weak, impractical, but deeply sympathetic and sacrificial, the Russian intelligentsia ceased to exist, unable to find a place for itself in the new coordinate system. Just like Yuri Zhivago couldn’t find a place for himself.

    I read the book for a very long time. At first I didn’t find it exciting, but I slowly read it and couldn’t put it down. I really liked it. I recommend reading!