Random number generator from given numbers. Random number generator

An online number generator is a convenient tool that allows you to get the required number of numbers of a given bit depth and the widest range. To our generator random numbers There are many uses! For example, you can hold a competition on VKontakte and draw a teddy bear there in a group of bikers for a riposte :)) We will also be very flattered if, with the help of it, you decide to determine the winning number in any lottery or decide what number to bet on in a casino . We really hope someone finds theirs lucky number online with us!

Random number range:


Eliminate repetition?

Generate numbers

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Random | random number online in 1 click

Numbers surround us from birth and play an important role in life. For many people, their work itself is connected with numbers; some rely on luck, filling out lottery tickets with numbers, while others attach even mystical meaning to them. One way or another, sometimes we cannot do without using a program such as random number generator.

For example, you need to organize a prize draw among your group’s subscribers. Our online random number generator will help you quickly and honestly select winners. You just need, for example, to set the required number of random numbers (based on the number of winners) and the maximum range (based on the number of participants, if numbers are assigned to them). Fraud in this case is completely excluded.

This program can also serve as a random number generator for lotto. For example, you bought a ticket and want to rely entirely on chance and luck in choosing the numbers. Then our number randomizer will help fill your lottery ticket.

How to generate a random number: instructions

Random number program It works very simply. You don't even need to download it to your computer - everything is done in the browser window where this page is open. Random numbers are generated in accordance with the specified number of numbers and their range - from 0 to 999999999. To generate a number online, you must:

  1. Select the range in which you want the result. Perhaps you want to cut off numbers up to 10 or, say, 10,000;
  2. Eliminate repetitions - by selecting this item, you will force number randomizer offer you only unique combinations within a certain range;
  3. Select the number of numbers – from 1 to 99999;
  4. Click the “Generate numbers” button.

No matter how many numbers you would like to get as a result, the generator prime numbers will display the entire result at once and you can see it on this page by scrolling through the field with numbers using the mouse or touchpad.

Now you can use the ready-made numbers the way you need them. From the number field, you can copy the result to publish in a group or send by mail. And so that the result does not raise any doubts, take a screenshot of this page, on which the parameters of the number randomizer and the results of the program will be clearly visible. It is impossible to change the numbers in the field, so the possibility of manipulation is excluded. We hope our website and random number generator helped you.

Please help the service with one click: Tell your friends about the generator!

Online number generator in 1 click

The random number generator, which is presented on our website, is very convenient. For example, it can be used in sweepstakes and lotteries to determine the winner. The winners are determined in this way: the program produces one or more numbers in any range specified by you. Fraudulent results can be immediately ruled out. And thanks to this, the winner is determined by an honest choice.

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain a certain number of random numbers at once. For example, you want to fill out a “4 out of 35” lottery ticket, trusting to chance. You can check: if you toss a coin 32 times, what is the probability that 10 reverses will appear in a row (heads/tails may well be assigned the numbers 0 and 1)?

Random number online video instruction - randomizer

Our number generator is very easy to use. It does not require downloading a program to your computer - it can be used online. To get the number you need, you need to set the range of random numbers, the quantity and, if desired, the number separator and eliminate repetitions.

To generate random numbers in a specific frequency range:

  • Select a range;
  • Specify the number of random numbers;
  • The “Number separator” function serves for the beauty and convenience of their display;
  • If necessary, enable/disable repetitions using the checkbox;
  • Click the "Generate" button.

As a result, you will receive random numbers in a given range. The result of the number generator can be copied or sent by e-mail. It would be best to take a screenshot or video of this generation process. Our randomizer will solve any of your problems!

Various lotteries, sweepstakes, etc. are often held in many groups or public pages on social networks, Instagram, etc., and are used by account owners to attract new audiences to the community.

The result of such drawings often depends on the user's luck, since the recipient of the prize is determined randomly.

To make this determination, lottery organizers almost always use an online or pre-installed random number generator that is distributed free of charge.


Quite often, choosing such a generator can be difficult, since their functionality is quite different - for some it is significantly limited, for others it is quite wide.

Enough is being implemented large number such services, but the difficulty is that they differ in scope.

Many, for example, are tied in their functionality to a certain social network(for example, many generator applications on VKontakte work only with links from this social network).

The simplest generators simply randomly determine a number within a given range.

This is convenient because it does not associate the result with a specific post, which means it can be used for sweepstakes outside the social network and in various other situations.

They essentially have no other use.

<Рис. 1 Генератор>

Advice! When choosing the most suitable generator, it is important to consider what it will be used for.


For the fastest process of choosing the optimal online service for generating random numbers, the table below shows the main technical characteristics and functionality of such applications.

Table 1. Features of the functioning of online applications for generating a random number
Name Social network Multiple results Select from a list of numbers Online widget for the site Select from a range Disabling repetitions
RandStuff Yes Yes No Yes No
Cast Lots Official website or VKontakte No No Yes Yes Yes
Random number Official website No No No Yes Yes
Randomus Official website Yes No No Yes No
Random numbers Official website Yes No No No No

All applications discussed in the table are described in more detail below.

<Рис. 2 Случайные числа>


<Рис. 3 RandStuff>

You can use this application online by following the link to its official website http://randstuff.ru/number/.

This is a simple random number generator, characterized by fast and stable operation.

It is successfully implemented both in the format of a separate independent application on the official website, and as an application on the VKontakte social network.

The peculiarity of this service is that it can select a random number both from a specified range and from a specific list of numbers that can be specified on the site.


  • Stable and fast work;
  • Lack of direct connection to a social network;
  • You can select one or several numbers;
  • You can only choose among the specified numbers.


  • Inability to conduct a VKontakte draw (this requires a separate application);
  • Applications for VKontakte do not run in all browsers;
  • The result sometimes seems predictable because only one calculation algorithm is used.

User reviews of this application are as follows: “We determine winners in VKontakte groups through this service. Thank you,” “You are the best,” “I only use this service.”

Cast Lots

<Рис. 4 Cast Lots>

This application is a simple function generator, implemented on the official website in the form of a VKontakte application.

There is also a generator widget for inserting into your website.

The main difference from the previous described application is that this allows you to disable the repetition of the result.

That is, when carrying out several generations in a row in one session, the number will not be repeated.

  • Availability of a widget for inserting into a website or blog;
  • Ability to disable result repetition;
  • The presence of the “even more randomness” function, after activation of which the selection algorithm changes.


  • Inability to determine several results at once;
  • Inability to select from a specific list of numbers;
  • To select a winner in publics, you must use a separate VKontakte widget.

User reviews are as follows: “It works stably, it’s quite convenient to use”, “Convenient functionality”, “I only use this service”.

Random number

<Рис. 5 Случайное число>

This service is located at http://randomnumber.rf/.

Simple generator with minimum functions and additional features.

Can randomly generate numbers within a specified range (maximum from 1 to 99999).

The site does not have any graphic design, and therefore the page loads easily.

The result can be copied or downloaded with the click of a button.


  • Lack of a widget for VKontakte;
  • There is no possibility of holding draws;
  • There is no way to embed the result into a blog or website.

Here's what users say about this service: “A good generator, but not enough functions”, “Very few features”, “Suitable for quickly generating numbers without unnecessary settings.”


<Рис. 6 Рандомус>

You can use this random number generator at http://randomus.ru/.

Another one, quite simple, but functional random number generator.

The service has sufficient functionality for determining random numbers, but it is not suitable for conducting sweepstakes and other more complex processes.


  • Impossibility of holding draws based on reposts of posts, etc.
  • There is no application for VKontakte or a widget for the site;
  • It is not possible to disable repeating results.

Numbers accompany us everywhere - house and apartment numbers, telephone numbers, cars, passports, plastic cards, dates, email passwords. We choose some combinations of numbers ourselves, but most we get by chance. Without realizing it, we use randomly generated numbers every day. If we come up with PIN codes, then unique credit or salary card codes are generated by reliable systems that exclude access to passwords. Random number generators provide security in areas that require processing speed, security, and data independence.

The process of generating pseudorandom numbers is subject to certain laws and has been used for a long time, for example, in lotteries. In the recent past, drawings were carried out using lottery machines or lots. Now in many countries winning numbers state lotteries are determined precisely by the set of generated random numbers.

Advantages of the method

So, a random number generator is an independent modern mechanism for randomly determining combinations of numbers. The uniqueness and perfection of this method lies in the impossibility of external intervention in the process. The generator is a set of programs built, for example, on noise diodes. The device generates a stream of random noise, the current values ​​of which are converted into numbers and form combinations.

Generating numbers provides instant results - it takes a few seconds to create a combination. If we talk about lotteries, participants can immediately find out whether the ticket number matches the winning one. This allows drawings to be held as often as participants want. But the main advantage of the method is its unpredictability and the impossibility of calculating the algorithm for selecting numbers.

How pseudorandom numbers are generated

In fact, random numbers are not random - the series starts from a given number and is generated by an algorithm. A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG or PRNG - pseudorandom number generator) is an algorithm that generates a sequence that, at first glance, does not related numbers, usually subject to a uniform distribution. In computer science, pseudorandom numbers are used in many applications: cryptography, simulation modeling, Monte Carlo method, etc. The quality of the result depends on the properties of the PRNG.

The source of generation can be physical noise from cosmic radiation to noise in a resistor, but such devices are almost never used in network security applications. Cryptographic applications use special algorithms that generate sequences that cannot be statistically random. However, a properly chosen algorithm can produce series of numbers that pass most randomness tests. The repetition period in such sequences is greater than the working interval from which the numbers are taken.

Many modern processors contain a PRNG, such as RdRand. As an alternative, sets of random numbers are created and published in a one-time pad (dictionary). The source of numbers in this case is limited and does not provide complete network security.

History of PRNG

The prototype of a random number generator can be considered the board game Senet, common in Ancient Egypt in 3500 BC. According to the conditions, two players participated, the moves were determined by throwing four flat black and white sticks - they were a kind of PRNG of that time. The sticks were thrown at the same time, and points were counted: if one fell up with the white side, 1 point and an extra move, two white ones - two points, and so on. The maximum result of five points was received by the player who threw four sticks with the black side.

Nowadays, the ERNIE generator has been used for many years in the UK for lottery draws. There are two main generation methods winning numbers: linear congruent and additive congruent. These and other methods are based on the principle of random selection and are provided by software that endlessly produces numbers, the sequence of which is impossible to guess.

The PRNG operates continuously, for example, in slot machines. According to US law, this prerequisite, which all software providers must comply with.