General Troshev: biography, photo. How did General Troshev die? Biography of Gennady Troshev People’s opinions about how General Troshev died

Among the 88 killed in the plane crash in Perm was General Gennady Troshev, one of the most respected and beloved Russian commanders by his subordinates.

Shortly before his death, he finished his third and, as it turned out, last book, “The Chechen Break,” which he presented to Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The former commander of a group of troops in the North Caucasus again took up his pen in order, as he himself writes, “to warn everyone against repeating the serious mistakes made in the 90s - both political and military.” Here is an excerpt from the book.

Before his death, General Troshev tried to warn everyone against repeating the mistakes made in the 90s

Diplomats in uniform

One of the main tasks was to convince the civilian population of Chechnya: the army did not come to kill and rob, but only to destroy bandits. Needless to say, just a few years ago many Chechens saw us as occupiers. Therefore, in those autumn days it was necessary to deal not only with direct duties (that is, leading the troops), but also with “diplomacy” - meeting with the heads of village administrations, elders, clergy, and ordinary residents. And this happened almost every day.

At that time, some leaders reproached me for being too liberal and called me “a good uncle.” But I am convinced that I did the right thing.

I have already mentioned that I was born and raised in these places, I know well the customs and traditions, the Chechen mentality, I know how to behave in a conversation with an old man, and how with a young man. Chechens respect someone who behaves with dignity and does not humiliate the dignity of another, who respects the morals of the mountaineers. After all, you can talk in the form of an ultimatum - threaten, intimidate, accuse. But a simple resident of a village or a village - a farmer or a cattle breeder - is not to blame for the war, so why count him as an enemy? He goes to negotiations to peacefully resolve the issue, and not to convince me that the bandits are right.

I tried to talk to everyone adequately. If a person is older than me, I addressed him respectfully - to you. He explained clearly what the army and the federal government wanted. At the same time, he did not play around, but spoke the truth. I asked that the negotiators then tell our fellow villagers about our goals and attitude. If I began to dissemble, they would immediately feel the falseness of my words: after all, at such meetings there were usually elders, people wise in life, who distinguished between truth and deception... They believed me. And I immediately believed in the sincerity of their desires for peace - already at the first negotiations in the Shelkovsky district.

Cultural cleansing

What issues were discussed at such meetings? The most different. In the beginning, I listened to people. With one voice they said that they were tired of anarchy and lawlessness, they wanted a normal, firm government to be established. They are disappointed with Maskhadov’s promises and don’t believe him.

Closer to Gudermes, serious difficulties began. From intelligence data, I knew that there were militants in populated areas who were going to resist. But here, too, we again resorted to using the method of “military-people’s diplomacy.” We approached one or another populated area within a “cannon shot” distance (so that we could hit the enemy with fire, but he would not reach us), blocked it, and then invited the local delegation to negotiations. People, as a rule, came - the head of the administration, representatives of the elders, clergy, teachers - from three to ten people.

Sometimes I talked to them for two hours. He convinced us that the troops did not come to destroy houses and kill residents, although we know that there are bandits in the village. We are giving you time to gather the people and talk. I warn you right away: the troops will enter the village without firing. But if someone shoots in the direction of my soldiers, we will immediately return fire.

I said everything honestly. I asked them to explain the situation to the residents and give an answer. If it doesn’t work out peacefully, tell me about it, I convinced the delegation, otherwise the tactics will be different... A few hours later, negotiations were resumed. The elders gave their word that no one would shoot.

After this, units of internal troops and police carried out a clean-up operation under the cover of units of the Ministry of Defense. It was then that the term “cultural cleansing” came into use. For many, this expression caused laughter and outright irritation - they say that there is no need to stand on ceremony with them - one must act harshly. I insisted on my point. At staff meetings, where representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directly involved in the clean-up operations were also present, he strictly demanded that commanders not engage in looting when inspecting yards and houses.

This tactic found a response. They didn’t shoot us in the back, and in many villages civilians (I’m talking about Chechens) sometimes treated our soldiers with bread and milk - something that had never happened before, if we take the first war. Chechens often came to my command post - they invited me to visit a school, speak at a rally... This indicated that the army in the republic was greeted as a liberator, and not as a conqueror.

“This is Troshev, he won’t shoot”

When troops left one or another settlement, refugees returned there, and those who had a roof over their heads - their houses were not damaged. They were often forced to leave the village by bandits who, on the eve of the arrival of the feds, instilled fear: “The Russians will come and they will cut you all off. Either resist or leave the village.” Of course people were afraid. But, returning to the village, they were convinced that their housing and property were safe and sound. Therefore, after a while, the topic of threats of shelling or any kind of repression was no longer raised at the negotiations. And local Chechens asked, for example, whether it was possible to return to their homes tomorrow. Of course you can. And they returned. Thus, peaceful life in the northern regions of the republic was restored faster.

Of course, not always and not everywhere everything went as smoothly as we would like. But it should be emphasized: the majority of Chechens rejoiced at our arrival in the republic.

There, near Gudermes, I met the Mufti of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadyrov, a man of difficult fate. During the first Chechen war, he supported Dudayev and opposed the entry of Russian troops into Chechnya. But then he decisively broke not only with the bandits, but also with Maskhadov. Kadyrov publicly condemned the actions of the Wahhabis who invaded Dagestan and openly called on the Chechen people to fight the bandits and destroy them.

The method of military diplomacy also paid off in the mountains. There I met with Supyan Taramov. He is from Vedeno. He grew up and studied with Shamil Basayev. In the first war he did not fight against us, but he did not support Russian troops either.

I remember there was such a case. I was negotiating near Kadi-Yurt, but someone really wanted to disrupt them: they provoked local residents, several hundred people (mostly women), and they moved from the village of Suvorov-Yurt in our direction.

They were hostile. As it turned out later, they were told that the troops would wipe Kadi-Yurt off the face of the earth in a few hours. And I arrived there virtually without security: with me there were only a few officers in an infantry fighting vehicle. Having learned about the provocation, I called a couple of helicopters just in case.

They began to circle above us. However, fortunately, military force was not needed. Seeing me, the crowd immediately calmed down. Many recognized me and extended their hands to shake hands... An elderly Chechen woman came out: “People, this is Troshev! He won’t shoot. Disperse! Everything will be fine.”

Boeing-737. There were 88 people on board the crashed airliner: 82 passengers and 6 crew members. None of them managed to survive.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims. “The government commission will make every effort to investigate the circumstances of the plane crash and provide assistance to the families of the victims,” Putin emphasized.

Numerous condolences come to Russia from abroad. In particular, during telephone conversations with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, words of sympathy and support were conveyed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Chinese President Hu Jintao, the official representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the head of the Estonian Foreign Ministry and other world leaders, public and religious figures.

Governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov instructed the region's Ministry of Finance to allocate 8.8 million rubles from the regional government's reserve fund to the Ministry of Social Development to provide financial assistance to the immediate relatives and families of those killed in the plane crash. “The amount of payment for each deceased will be 100 thousand rubles,” said RIA Novosti’s interlocutor.

Relatives of those killed in the plane crash will be paid compensation of 12 thousand rubles (12 minimum wages) and, in accordance with the 2008 amendments to the Air Code, Aeroflot will pay another compensation - up to 2 million rubles for each person killed in the crash.

A street in Grozny will be named after one of the passengers, Colonel General Gennady Troshev, said Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

The former commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Troshev, was heading to the city of Krasnokamsk for a sambo tournament: Troshev was a member of the board of trustees of the Federation of this type of wrestling. According to media reports, the general, at the request of the Federation, interrupted his vacation in order to be in time for the opening of the tournament in memory of Vasily Shvai. In addition, the Perm region is the birthplace of his father.

General Troshev was perhaps the most famous military man in Russia. He was one of the commanders of the Russian army in both Chechen campaigns, rose to the rank of general, commanded a district, liberated his native Grozny from militants, became the main Cossack of the country and more than once came face to face with death.

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich was born on March 14, 1947 in Berlin. He spent his childhood in Germany, then moved to Moscow, where he entered the Institute of Land Management Engineers. Despite the exhortations and prohibitions of his father, who punished his son “so that you don’t set foot in the army!”, Troshev submitted a report with a request to enroll him in the Kazan Tank School. In 1976 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces, and in 1988 from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

Troshev served in various positions in the tank forces. He was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov Volunteer Tank Division in Germany, and then, from 1994 to 1995, the commander of the 42nd Army Corps of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). In 1995, he took command of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District, and also commanded the Joint Group of Forces of the Ministry of Defense in Chechnya during the first Chechen War. It was he who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky district of Dagestan during the operation to clear the Kadar zone from militants.

In July 1997, Troshev took the post of deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District; two years later - in August 1999 - he headed the group of federal forces in Dagestan, and in 2000 - the United group of federal forces in the North Caucasus.

From May 2000 to December 2002, Troshev was commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District. In February 2003, he was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on coordinating the activities of the offices of presidential plenipotentiary representatives in the federal districts to provide methodological guidance to the activities of Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation. On March 30, 2004, after the reorganization of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, he was again confirmed as a presidential adviser.

Troshev was also co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Foundation for Public Recognition, the Independent Organization Civil Society and the National Civil Committee for Interaction with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies.

Gennady Troshev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (1999) for the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya; awarded the orders: “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, III degree (1990), Friendship of Peoples (1994), “For Military Merit” (1995), “Peter the Great. For strengthening the Russian state" (2003). Recipient of the Golden Badge of Honor “Public Recognition” (1999) and the badge of honor “Golden Shield of the Economy” (2004). In 2001, he was awarded the highest award of the International Prizes Foundation - the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For increasing goodness on Earth"; laureate of the awards. A.V. Suvorov (2000), named after. G.K. Zhukov - for his outstanding contribution to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation (2002).

As Troshev’s relatives and colleagues noted, he deserved every award: all the years spent in the Chechen Republic, Troshev tried to deal with conflicts in the region peacefully - by negotiating with the population.

According to Gennady Alekhin, Troshev’s former press secretary, the colonel general had been planning to start a new job since September. “Literally two weeks ago we talked to him on the phone, and he said: “I’ll still be useful, now I’ll rest a little, and in September I’ll start some new work.” He didn’t say what kind of work it would be, he only said , “most likely in government agencies,” clarified Gennady Alekhin. He emphasized that Troshev “was surprisingly energetic, not at all like a pensioner.”

In addition, he noted, journalists treated Troshev very well: “It’s not for nothing that he was called “the best newsmaker” in the journalistic community, especially on the events in the Caucasus - on the first and second Chechen campaigns. He, as they say, was in authority among journalists , because he always told the truth, even if it was impartial, and his books testify to this.” Gennady Alekhin recalled that Troshev’s last book, “The Chechen Breakdown,” was published in March of this year (the first two were “My War” and “The Chechen Relapse”). "There was no talk about the next book. He said: 'Time will tell - maybe I'll write something else,'" he said.

The material was prepared by the editorial staff of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Boeing-737. There were 88 people on board the crashed airliner: 82 passengers and 6 crew members. None of them managed to survive.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims. “The government commission will make every effort to investigate the circumstances of the plane crash and provide assistance to the families of the victims,” Putin emphasized.

Numerous condolences come to Russia from abroad. In particular, during telephone conversations with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, words of sympathy and support were conveyed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, Chinese President Hu Jintao, the official representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the head of the Estonian Foreign Ministry and other world leaders, public and religious figures.

Governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov instructed the region's Ministry of Finance to allocate 8.8 million rubles from the regional government's reserve fund to the Ministry of Social Development to provide financial assistance to the immediate relatives and families of those killed in the plane crash. “The amount of payment for each deceased will be 100 thousand rubles,” said RIA Novosti’s interlocutor.

Relatives of those killed in the plane crash will be paid compensation of 12 thousand rubles (12 minimum wages) and, in accordance with the 2008 amendments to the Air Code, Aeroflot will pay another compensation - up to 2 million rubles for each person killed in the crash.

A street in Grozny will be named after one of the passengers, Colonel General Gennady Troshev, said Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov.

The former commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Troshev, was heading to the city of Krasnokamsk for a sambo tournament: Troshev was a member of the board of trustees of the Federation of this type of wrestling. According to media reports, the general, at the request of the Federation, interrupted his vacation in order to be in time for the opening of the tournament in memory of Vasily Shvai. In addition, the Perm region is the birthplace of his father.

General Troshev was perhaps the most famous military man in Russia. He was one of the commanders of the Russian army in both Chechen campaigns, rose to the rank of general, commanded a district, liberated his native Grozny from militants, became the main Cossack of the country and more than once came face to face with death.

Troshev Gennady Nikolaevich was born on March 14, 1947 in Berlin. He spent his childhood in Germany, then moved to Moscow, where he entered the Institute of Land Management Engineers. Despite the exhortations and prohibitions of his father, who punished his son “so that you don’t set foot in the army!”, Troshev submitted a report with a request to enroll him in the Kazan Tank School. In 1976 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces, and in 1988 from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

Troshev served in various positions in the tank forces. He was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov Volunteer Tank Division in Germany, and then, from 1994 to 1995, the commander of the 42nd Army Corps of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). In 1995, he took command of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District, and also commanded the Joint Group of Forces of the Ministry of Defense in Chechnya during the first Chechen War. It was he who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky district of Dagestan during the operation to clear the Kadar zone from militants.

In July 1997, Troshev took the post of deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District; two years later - in August 1999 - he headed the group of federal forces in Dagestan, and in 2000 - the United group of federal forces in the North Caucasus.

From May 2000 to December 2002, Troshev was commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District. In February 2003, he was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on coordinating the activities of the offices of presidential plenipotentiary representatives in the federal districts to provide methodological guidance to the activities of Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation. On March 30, 2004, after the reorganization of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, he was again confirmed as a presidential adviser.

Troshev was also co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Foundation for Public Recognition, the Independent Organization Civil Society and the National Civil Committee for Interaction with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies.

Gennady Troshev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (1999) for the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya; awarded the orders: “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, III degree (1990), Friendship of Peoples (1994), “For Military Merit” (1995), “Peter the Great. For strengthening the Russian state" (2003). Recipient of the Golden Badge of Honor “Public Recognition” (1999) and the badge of honor “Golden Shield of the Economy” (2004). In 2001, he was awarded the highest award of the International Prizes Foundation - the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For increasing goodness on Earth"; laureate of the awards. A.V. Suvorov (2000), named after. G.K. Zhukov - for his outstanding contribution to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation (2002).

As Troshev’s relatives and colleagues noted, he deserved every award: all the years spent in the Chechen Republic, Troshev tried to deal with conflicts in the region peacefully - by negotiating with the population.

According to Gennady Alekhin, Troshev’s former press secretary, the colonel general had been planning to start a new job since September. “Literally two weeks ago we talked to him on the phone, and he said: “I’ll still be useful, now I’ll rest a little, and in September I’ll start some new work.” He didn’t say what kind of work it would be, he only said , “most likely in government agencies,” clarified Gennady Alekhin. He emphasized that Troshev “was surprisingly energetic, not at all like a pensioner.”

In addition, he noted, journalists treated Troshev very well: “It’s not for nothing that he was called “the best newsmaker” in the journalistic community, especially on the events in the Caucasus - on the first and second Chechen campaigns. He, as they say, was in authority among journalists , because he always told the truth, even if it was impartial, and his books testify to this.” Gennady Alekhin recalled that Troshev’s last book, “The Chechen Breakdown,” was published in March of this year (the first two were “My War” and “The Chechen Relapse”). "There was no talk about the next book. He said: 'Time will tell - maybe I'll write something else,'" he said.

The material was prepared by the editorial staff of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

He graduated from the Kazan Higher Command Tank School (1969), the Military Academy of Armored Forces (1976), and the Military Academy of the General Staff (1988).

He served in tank forces in various positions. Since 1994 - commander of the 42nd Vladikavkaz Army Corps in the North Caucasus Military District.

1995-1997 - Commander of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District. During the First Chechen War - commander of the United Group of Forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense in Chechnya. Lieutenant General (decree of May 5, 1995).

In 1997, he was appointed deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District (NCMD).

In August 1999, he led a group of federal forces that repelled a militant attack on Dagestan. With the beginning of the Second Chechen War, he was commander of the Vostok group of the United Federal Forces in the North Caucasus.

Since January 2000 - First Deputy Commander of the Joint Group of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus. Colonel General (February 2000).

In April - June 2000 - commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus.

In May 2000 - December 2002 - commander of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District of the North Caucasus Military District.

Best of the day

In March 2001, he supported Yuri Budanov, who was accused of murder and rape of the Chechen girl Elza Kungaeva, during the trial.

Since February 2003 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (dealt with Cossack issues).

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class (2008).

He died in a plane crash of an Aeroflot-Nord Boeing 737-500 within the city of Perm, where Gennady Troshev was flying to a sambo tournament, at 3:11 am (Moscow time) on September 14, 2008. He was buried in the village of Severny, near Krasnodar.


"My war. Chechen diary of a trench general" (2001)

"Chechen relapse" (2003)

"Chechen Break" (2008)


Hero of the Russian Federation (1999) - for the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (June 23, 2008) - for great contribution to ensuring the activities of the President of the Russian Federation and many years of public service

Order of Military Merit (1995)

Order of Friendship of Peoples (1994)

Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (1990)

Order of Leon (Abkhazia)

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (Chechnya, 2007)

Honorary citizen of the cities: Prokhladny (2000) and Nalchik (2002) of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Makhachkala (2000) of the Republic of Dagestan, Shali (2001) of the Chechen Republic.

Perpetuation of memory

Krasnoznamennaya Street in Grozny has been renamed Gennady Troshev Street.

The Star of the Hero of Russia (duplicate) and the personal belongings of General Troshev will be kept in the cadet school in the Yakut village of Chernyshevsky, the opening of which was attended by the general on September 1, 2008. After the plane crash, the school was named after Troshev.

The 1st Dagestan Cadet Corps is named after Troshev.

In Smolensk, a new street is named after General Troshev.

In Kuban, the Kropotkin Cossack Cadet Corps was named after General Troshev.

In the Volgograd region, the Samolshinskaya cadet boarding school is named after General Troshev G.N.

The secondary school in Nalchik, where he studied from 1958 to 1965, was named after Colonel General Gennady Troshev, who died in the fall of 2008 as a result of the crash of a Boeing 737 airliner in Perm. The decision to perpetuate the memory of Hero of Russia, veteran of the Chechen war Troshev, was made by the local government council after the corresponding initiative was taken by the administration of school No. 11, where a museum of the colonel general was opened several years ago, Interfax reports. The city authorities also renamed Shkolnaya Street, located next to the educational institution, to General Troshev Street. In addition, it was decided to install a memorial plaque on house No. 136 on Ivanova Street. As the press service of the Nalchik administration noted, it was in this house that Troshev lived.

On the facade of the headquarters building of the North Caucasus Military District in Rostov-on-Don there is a memorial plaque to Colonel General Gennady Troshev, in addition, one of the streets of the Leventsovsky district, which is being built on the western outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, is named after him.

A large ocean-going freezer trawler in Primorye, equipped with modern technological equipment, will be named after General Gennady Troshev, who died in a plane crash in Perm.

Gennady Nikolaevich

Battles and victories

Soviet and Russian military leader, colonel general, commander of federal troops during the fighting in Chechnya and Dagestan (1995-2002). Hero of the Russian Federation.

General Troshev’s position was extremely clear: “Any stop to the war is a half-measure and a crime. Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace.” At the same time, a feature of his strategy was the desire to minimize losses through competent negotiations.

In the preface of one of his books, he admitted that he could not fulfill the behest of his father, a combat pilot who completed the Great Patriotic War in Berlin, who at the age of 43 fell under the famous Khrushchev layoff and once said in his hearts to his son: “Don’t let your foot be in the army!” At first, the future Hero of Russia actually entered the institute to study as an architect, but then the Cossack genes nevertheless took their toll - a hereditary Terek Cossack submitted a report with a request to enroll him in the Kazan Tank School.

In 1969, he graduated from college, then from the Military Academy of Armored Forces and the Military Academy of the General Staff, after which he served in various positions in the tank forces, and was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lvov Volunteer Tank Division.

Zhukov of the 21st century, as many called General Troshev, has traveled a difficult path. And the central place on this path, of course, belongs to Chechnya. In one of his interviews, when asked by a correspondent what it was like for him, a native of Chechnya, to fight in his native land, Troshev sighed heavily and replied: “Of course, it’s a shame. Of course, it’s hard to fight on your own land, Russian soil. Especially where I was born and raised.” Perhaps that is why he was a special officer...

In January 1995, when, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense, the transfer of army units from most Russian military districts to the Grozny region began, Troshev was appointed commander of a group of troops of the Ministry of Defense in the Chechen Republic. Over the next three years until 1997 inclusive, Gennady Nikolaevich commanded the 58th Army, and from July 29, 1997 he became deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

This man has not only military talent, but also good organizational skills and enjoys authority in the army. Moreover, he is a man of action. There are not enough of these in the country now. People who are more inclined to talk sit in the Duma. And the executive branch lacks the rigidity inherent in Troshev.

Petr Kuznetsov, Lieutenant Colonel of the Airborne Forces

With the outbreak of hostilities in Dagestan in August 1999, Troshev was entrusted with command of the operation to clear the Kadar zone of militants. It was he who developed and carried out the operation to block and destroy gangs in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi and liberate the Novolaksky region of Dagestan.

In October 1999, Troshev received a new appointment as deputy commander of the joint group of forces in the North Caucasus, and in December of the same year he became first deputy commander of the Joint Group.

By December 1999, federal forces controlled the entire flat part of the territory of the Chechen Republic. The militants concentrated in the mountains (about 3,000 people) and settled in Grozny. A special group of troops was created to fight the militants. On December 26, 1999, she began her task. During the assault on Grozny, three defense rings had to be broken through, but on February 6, 2000, the city was taken under the control of federal forces. To fight in the mountainous regions of Chechnya, in addition to the eastern and western groups operating in the mountains, a new group “Center” was created. On February 25-27, 2000, units of the “West” blocked Kharsenoy, and the group “East” closed the militants in the area of ​​Ulus-Kert, Dachu-Borzoi, and Yaryshmardy. On February 29, federal forces occupied Shatoy. On the same day, OGV commander Gennady Troshev stated that “with the capture of Shatoy, the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya has been completed. The operation to destroy small groups of militants will continue for another two to three weeks.” At the same time he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

On January 7, 2000, Gennady Troshev was appointed deputy commander of the OGFS. In February he was awarded the rank of Colonel General. Two months later, on April 21, Troshev was appointed commander of the United Group of Federal Forces in the North Caucasus. At the end of May 2000, the Colonel General headed the command of the troops of the North Caucasus Military District.

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth named after. General Troshev

What is the peculiarity of Gennady Nikolaevich Troshev’s strategy? In diplomacy. In an effort to minimize losses through competent negotiations. Thanks to this, the mountainous part of Chechnya came under the control of federal forces without direct military clashes, which, however, did not reduce the intensity of the struggle - the attacks continued. But in moral terms, the advance of troops played a big role in the defeat of the militants. Resistance inexorably subsided for one reason: troops were garrisoned in almost every significant settlement in Chechnya, thereby eliminating the question of the relevance of Ichkerian power. The irreconcilables had to go underground, huddle in basements and caves.

It was Troshev who, back in the fall of 1999, entered into a dialogue with Akhmad Kadyrov, the Chechen mufti, who was “demoted” by Maskhadov for his call to come to his senses and prevent war. In fact, it was Troshev who “appointed” the Kadyrov family as the rulers of Chechnya. The general managed to find a common language with the mufti, despite the fact that Kadyrov at one time declared jihad against the Russian military. A strange, at first glance, symbiosis between the spiritual leader of Ichkeria and the Russian general yielded real results: the second largest and most important city of Chechnya, Gudermes, a major railway junction in the North Caucasus, was taken without a fight. This made it possible to quickly deploy forces during the counter-terrorism operation. Moreover, Gennady Troshev, thanks to his connection with Akhmad Kadyrov, achieved what seemed almost impossible: he made it so that one of the most combat-ready detachments of Chechen militants under the command of the youngest “brigadier general” in the history of Ichkeria Sulim Yamadayev left the city and left without a fight to the mountains. The Yamadayev brothers were Kadyrov’s support, and they obeyed him, the only one. They were the first to go over to the side of the federal forces.

This is how the so-called Chechen special forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense were born. In January 2000, the general flew by helicopter to the village of Benoy, located in the Vedeno region, a stronghold of the rebels. Here Troshev presented the Russian flag to one of the Yamadayevs - Dzhabrail - and ordered the creation of a special forces company. The militants of Sulim Yamadayev, who made war his meaning of life, joined the formation. The Yamadayites began to smash the Wahhabis throughout mountainous Chechnya. The Vostok battalion began to operate, whose fighters shot the Saudi intelligence officer Abu al-Walid in the mountains of Chechnya, recaptured his body from the militants and took him to Rostov. By the way, Vostok performed successfully during the conflict with Georgia. So part of the credit for the operation to force Georgia to peace belongs to General Troshev, who at one time supported and directed the Chechen special forces in the right direction.

Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace. We are Chechens, Dagestanis, and Russians - all...

The result of all these actions of Troshev was several vendettas declared on the general by very influential Chechen teips. Moreover, despite the “softness” of military tactics, he was a staunch supporter of bringing the war to the very end without any compromises. He defined his position clearly and precisely: “... any stop to the war is a half-measure and a crime. Only by completely destroying and dispersing the gangs will we be able to live and work in peace. We are Chechens, Dagestanis, and Russians - everyone... And I cannot say that today this story will not repeat itself. Once again we hear statements from some politicians that the war must be stopped, that we must sit down at the negotiating table. Who to sit with? With executioners, sadists who enjoy brutal murders and film them “for history”? With the “popularly elected” Maskhadov? Those “nationals” who, during the three years of their reign, proved their complete powerlessness and lack of rights. What should you negotiate with him? Over the years, he was unable to stop kidnappings, did not disarm the gangs, and not only could not stop the invasion of Dagestan, but did not even dare to condemn them. With whom to negotiate? Just for the sake of negotiations, so that Europe is calm?..”

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth named after. General Troshev

“For me, protect the militants with barbed wire and minefields,” this position of A. Troshev did not always coincide with the political line, and on December 18, 2002, he was dismissed from the post of commander of the North Caucasus Military District “for public discussion of the Armed Forces adopted by the leadership countries of solutions." Namely, the refusal to lead the Siberian Military District.

From this moment a new page begins in the biography of a military officer. In February 2003, Troshev became an adviser to the Russian President on Cossack issues. He dreamed of uniting the Cossacks, ending the formal division into “public” and “registered” Cossacks. This thought was repeatedly heard in his speeches: “After all, we, the Cossacks, have nothing to divide. The Cossacks were, are and will be the stronghold of their state, the support of the head of state: before there was a king, today there is a president. Today, the Cossacks are being revived with a single goal: by reviving themselves, to revive Mother Russia.” It is gratifying that these appeals of Gennady Nikolaevich were finally heard - already at the first Great Circle of Cossacks of Russia in Stavropol and at the World Congress of Cossacks in Novocherkassk, several dozen public organizations announced that they were joining the register.

Equally persistently, Colonel General Troshev, supported by the Council of Military and District Atamans, and all military Cossack societies, insisted on the adoption of a new federal law “On the Civil Service of the Russian Cossacks,” which lasted for a decade. The Hero of Russia rightly believed that only its adoption would “cut the ground from under the feet of those bureaucrats who do not want or are afraid of the revival of the Cossacks.” And Troshev achieved his goal - the law in the required wording, with the proper legal basis, was adopted at the end of 2005.

Photo: Foundation for Patriotic Education of Youth named after. General Troshev

As the grandson and great-grandson of the Terek Cossacks and as a serviceman of the Russian army who had to fight in the Caucasus, he could not ignore the question of the future for the Cossack clans on the ancestral Cossack lands, located today within the administrative-territorial borders of Chechnya. “I think so,” reasoned Gennady Nikolaevich, “the Cossacks should return to these lands and live as before: in the Shelkovsky, Naursky, Nadterechny districts and many others within the republic on flat or foothill terrain. Today Kadyrov, who was elected president of Chechnya, the Chechen people must understand - they always lived well with the Cossacks, the Cossacks always brought culture and everything good. The Chechens themselves, left alone with difficulties without the Cossacks, without the Russian-speaking population, simply will not be able to cope with what needs to be revived there today.”

It is difficult to say whether the military general, who called himself a “trenchman,” was satisfied with the new role of a politician. However, in his person, the citizens of Russia discovered a new type of Russian general - one who can not only fight successfully, but also speak, clearly and understandably for the whole world to state the essence of the events taking place, which many of our politicians could not boast of. In parallel with the main activities of the legendary general, his books “My War: The Chechen Diary of a Trench General” (2001), “Chechen Relapse. Notes of the commander" (2003). What caused them to appear? The answer is in the author’s words: “The Chechen war made many politicians, military leaders and even bandits widely known both in our country and abroad. I knew and know most of them personally. I know who is who, what lies behind the words and actions of each person involved. I admit that my assessments are too personal. But even in this case, I think that I can publicly express my attitude towards many “famous characters of the Chechen wars.” I even have to do this, if only for the sake of completeness of the picture. What prompted me to talk about the war in the North Caucasus was the desire to warn everyone against repeating the serious mistakes made in the 90s - both political and military. We must learn the bitter lessons of Chechnya. And this is impossible without a sober, calm and deep analysis of all the events that have occurred in this republic over the past ten years. I hope that my memories will contribute to this.”

In his book “Chechen Relapse. Notes from the commander” Gennady Troshev wrote: “Chechens and Russians have to pay at the price of their lives for the restoration of peace. How Dzhabrail Yamadayev, Musa Gazimagomadov, and dozens of other courageous Chechens paid for it, who, shoulder to shoulder with the soldiers of the Russian security forces, defended and restored peace and tranquility on this land.” Gennady Troshev also made his payment for peace in the Caucasus and Russia...

On September 14, 2008, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Gennady Troshev died in a plane crash in Perm. The question of the causes of the disaster remains open...

SURGHIK D.V., Institute of World History RAS

President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov:

As the commander of the United Group of Russian Forces in the North Caucasus, he was very painfully affected by the events that were then taking place in his homeland. Thanks to military generals like Gennady Troshev, it was possible to save a large number of military and civilians in those terrible years, although there could have been much more casualties. He often himself went to negotiations with the elders and convinced them to influence the militants, and tried to resolve the situation through peaceful means.

Putin about Troshev:

This is an experienced commander. In addition, he lived in Grozny for a long time and understands the residents of the republic well and sensitively.


Duke of Württemberg Eugene

General of the Infantry, cousin of the Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I. In service in the Russian Army since 1797 (enlisted as a colonel in the Life Guards Horse Regiment by Decree of Emperor Paul I). Participated in military campaigns against Napoleon in 1806-1807. For participation in the battle of Pułtusk in 1806 he was awarded the Order of St. George the Victorious, 4th degree, for the campaign of 1807 he received a golden weapon “For Bravery”, he distinguished himself in the campaign of 1812 (he personally led the 4th Jaeger Regiment into battle in the Battle of Smolensk), for participation in the Battle of Borodino he was awarded the Order of St. George the Victorious, 3rd degree. Since November 1812, commander of the 2nd Infantry Corps in Kutuzov's army. He took an active part in the foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814; units under his command particularly distinguished themselves in the Battle of Kulm in August 1813, and in the “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig. For courage at Leipzig, Duke Eugene was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree. Parts of his corps were the first to enter defeated Paris on April 30, 1814, for which Eugene of Württemberg received the rank of infantry general. From 1818 to 1821 was the commander of the 1st Army Infantry Corps. Contemporaries considered Prince Eugene of Württemberg one of the best Russian infantry commanders during the Napoleonic Wars. On December 21, 1825, Nicholas I was appointed chief of the Tauride Grenadier Regiment, which became known as the “Grenadier Regiment of His Royal Highness Prince Eugene of Württemberg.” On August 22, 1826 he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1827-1828. as commander of the 7th Infantry Corps. On October 3, he defeated a large Turkish detachment on the Kamchik River.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1955). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).
From 1942 to 1946, commander of the 62nd Army (8th Guards Army), which particularly distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad. He took part in defensive battles on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. From September 12, 1942, he commanded the 62nd Army. V.I. Chuikov received the task of defending Stalingrad at any cost. The front command believed that Lieutenant General Chuikov was characterized by such positive qualities as determination and firmness, courage and a great operational outlook, a high sense of responsibility and consciousness of his duty. The army, under the command of V.I. Chuikov, became famous for the heroic six-month defense of Stalingrad in street fighting in a completely destroyed city, fighting on isolated bridgeheads on the banks of the wide Volga.

For the unprecedented mass heroism and steadfastness of its personnel, in April 1943 the 62nd Army received the honorary title of Guards and became known as the 8th Guards Army.

Drozdovsky Mikhail Gordeevich

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Yaroslav the Wise

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

Well, who else but him is the only Russian commander who has not lost more than one battle!!!

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich

Because he inspires many by personal example.

Romodanovsky Grigory Grigorievich

There are no outstanding military figures on the project from the period from the Time of Troubles to the Northern War, although there were some. An example of this is G.G. Romodanovsky.
He came from a family of Starodub princes.
Participant of the sovereign's campaign against Smolensk in 1654. In September 1655, together with the Ukrainian Cossacks, he defeated the Poles near Gorodok (near Lvov), and in November of the same year he fought in the battle of Ozernaya. In 1656 he received the rank of okolnichy and headed the Belgorod rank. In 1658 and 1659 participated in hostilities against the traitor Hetman Vyhovsky and the Crimean Tatars, besieged Varva and fought near Konotop (Romodanovsky’s troops withstood a heavy battle at the crossing of the Kukolka River). In 1664, he played a decisive role in repelling the invasion of the Polish king’s 70 thousand army into Left Bank Ukraine, inflicting a number of sensitive blows on it. In 1665 he was made a boyar. In 1670 he acted against the Razins - he defeated the detachment of the chieftain's brother, Frol. The crowning achievement of Romodanovsky's military activity was the war with the Ottoman Empire. In 1677 and 1678 troops under his leadership inflicted heavy defeats on the Ottomans. An interesting point: both main figures in the Battle of Vienna in 1683 were defeated by G.G. Romodanovsky: Sobieski with his king in 1664 and Kara Mustafa in 1678
The prince died on May 15, 1682 during the Streltsy uprising in Moscow.

Vorotynsky Mikhail Ivanovich

“Drafter of the statutes of the watchdog and border service” is, of course, good. For some reason, we have forgotten the Battle of YOUTH from July 29 to August 2, 1572. But it was precisely with this victory that Moscow’s right to many things was recognized. They recaptured a lot of things for the Ottomans, the thousands of destroyed Janissaries sobered them up, and unfortunately they also helped Europe. The Battle of YOUTH is very difficult to overestimate

Osterman-Tolstoy Alexander Ivanovich

One of the brightest "field" generals of the early 19th century. Hero of the battles of Preussisch-Eylau, Ostrovno and Kulm.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russian-Persian War of 1804-1813.
"Meteor General" and "Caucasian Suvorov".
He fought not with numbers, but with skill - first, 450 Russian soldiers attacked 1,200 Persian Sardars in the Migri fortress and took it, then 500 of our soldiers and Cossacks attacked 5,000 askers at the crossing of the Araks. They destroyed more than 700 enemies; only 2,500 Persian soldiers managed to escape from ours.
In both cases, our losses were less than 50 killed and up to 100 wounded.
Further, in the war against the Turks, with a swift attack, 1,000 Russian soldiers defeated the 2,000-strong garrison of the Akhalkalaki fortress.
Then again, in the Persian direction, he cleared Karabakh of the enemy, and then, with 2,200 soldiers, he defeated Abbas Mirza with a 30,000-strong army at Aslanduz, a village near the Araks River. In two battles, he destroyed more than 10,000 enemies, including English advisers and artillerymen.
As usual, Russian losses amounted to 30 killed and 100 wounded.
Kotlyarevsky won most of his victories in night assaults on fortresses and enemy camps, not allowing the enemies to come to their senses.
The last campaign - 2000 Russians against 7000 Persians to the Lenkoran fortress, where Kotlyarevsky almost died during the assault, lost consciousness at times from loss of blood and pain from wounds, but still commanded the troops until the final victory, as soon as he regained consciousness, and then was forced take a long time to heal and retire from military affairs.
His exploits for the glory of Russia are much greater than the “300 Spartans” - for our commanders and warriors more than once defeated an enemy 10 times superior, and suffered minimal losses, saving Russian lives.

Dzhugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich

Assembled and coordinated the actions of a team of talented military leaders

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

One of the most talented and successful commanders of the First World War. Coming from a poor family, he made a brilliant military career, relying solely on his own virtues. Member of the RYAV, WWI, graduate of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. He fully realized his talent while commanding the legendary “Iron” brigade, which was then expanded into a division. Participant and one of the main characters of the Brusilov breakthrough. He remained a man of honor even after the collapse of the army, a Bykhov prisoner. Member of the ice campaign and commander of the AFSR. For more than a year and a half, possessing very modest resources and much inferior in numbers to the Bolsheviks, he won victory after victory, liberating a vast territory.
Also, do not forget that Anton Ivanovich is a wonderful and very successful publicist, and his books are still very popular. An extraordinary, talented commander, an honest Russian man in difficult times for the Motherland, who was not afraid to light a torch of hope.

Yulaev Salavat

Commander of the Pugachev era (1773-1775). Together with Pugachev, he organized an uprising and tried to change the position of peasants in society. He won several victories over the troops of Catherine II.

Kuznetsov Nikolay Gerasimovich

He made a great contribution to strengthening the fleet before the war; conducted a number of major exercises, initiated the opening of new maritime schools and maritime special schools (later the Nakhimov schools). On the eve of Germany's surprise attack on the USSR, he took effective measures to increase the combat readiness of the fleets, and on the night of June 22, he gave the order to bring them to full combat readiness, which made it possible to avoid losses of ships and naval aviation.

Rurikovich (Grozny) Ivan Vasilievich

In the diversity of perceptions of Ivan the Terrible, one often forgets about his unconditional talent and achievements as a commander. He personally led the capture of Kazan and organized military reform, leading a country that was simultaneously fighting 2-3 wars on different fronts.

Prophetic Oleg

Your shield is on the gates of Constantinople.
A.S. Pushkin.

Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich

October 3, 2013 marks the 80th anniversary of the death in the French city of Cannes of the Russian military leader, commander of the Caucasian Front, hero of Mukden, Sarykamysh, Van, Erzurum (thanks to the complete defeat of the 90,000-strong Turkish army, Constantinople and the Bosporus with the Dardanelles retreated to Russia), the savior of the Armenian people from the complete Turkish genocide, holder of three orders of George and the highest order of France, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor, General Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich.

Peter I the Great

Emperor of All Russia (1721-1725), before that the Tsar of All Rus'. He won the Northern War (1700-1721). This victory finally opened up free access to the Baltic Sea. Under his rule, Russia (Russian Empire) became a Great Power.

Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich

One of the most successful generals in Russia during the First World War. The Erzurum and Sarakamysh operations carried out by him on the Caucasian front, carried out in extremely unfavorable conditions for Russian troops, and ending in victories, I believe, deserve to be included among the brightest victories of Russian weapons. In addition, Nikolai Nikolaevich stood out for his modesty and decency, lived and died as an honest Russian officer, and remained faithful to the oath to the end.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Under his leadership, the Red Army crushed fascism.

Antonov Alexey Innokentievich

He became famous as a talented staff officer. He participated in the development of almost all significant operations of the Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War since December 1942.
The only one of all Soviet military leaders awarded the Order of Victory with the rank of army general, and the only Soviet holder of the order who was not awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

A talented commander who distinguished himself during the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century. In 1608, Skopin-Shuisky was sent by Tsar Vasily Shuisky to negotiate with the Swedes in Novgorod the Great. He managed to negotiate Swedish assistance to Russia in the fight against False Dmitry II. The Swedes recognized Skopin-Shuisky as their undisputed leader. In 1609, he and the Russian-Swedish army came to the rescue of the capital, which was under siege by False Dmitry II. He defeated detachments of adherents of the impostor in the battles of Torzhok, Tver and Dmitrov, and liberated the Volga region from them. He lifted the blockade from Moscow and entered it in March 1610.

Kondratenko Roman Isidorovich

A warrior of honor without fear or reproach, the soul of the defense of Port Arthur.

Yuri Vsevolodovich

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail Vasilievich

In the conditions of the disintegration of the Russian state during the Time of Troubles, with minimal material and personnel resources, he created an army that defeated the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists and liberated most of the Russian state.

Antonov Alexey Inokentievich

Chief strategist of the USSR in 1943-45, practically unknown to society
"Kutuzov" World War II

Humble and committed. Victorious. Author of all operations since the spring of 1943 and the victory itself. Others gained fame - Stalin and the front commanders.

Voronov Nikolay Nikolaevich

N.N. Voronov is the commander of artillery of the USSR Armed Forces. For outstanding services to the Motherland, N.N. Voronov. the first in the Soviet Union to be awarded the military ranks of “Marshal of Artillery” (1943) and “Chief Marshal of Artillery” (1944).
...carried out general management of the liquidation of the Nazi group surrounded at Stalingrad.

Ridiger Fedor Vasilievich

Adjutant General, Cavalry General, Adjutant General... He had three Golden sabers with the inscription: “For bravery”... In 1849, Ridiger took part in a campaign in Hungary to suppress the unrest that arose there, being appointed head of the right column. On May 9, Russian troops entered the Austrian Empire. He pursued the rebel army until August 1, forcing them to lay down their arms in front of Russian troops near Vilyagosh. On August 5, the troops entrusted to him occupied the Arad fortress. During the trip of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich to Warsaw, Count Ridiger commanded the troops located in Hungary and Transylvania... On February 21, 1854, during the absence of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich in the Kingdom of Poland, Count Ridiger commanded all troops located in the area of ​​​​the active army - as a commander separate corps and at the same time served as head of the Kingdom of Poland. After the return of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich to Warsaw, from August 3, 1854, he served as Warsaw military governor.

Loris-Melikov Mikhail Tarielovich

Known mainly as one of the minor characters in the story “Hadji Murad” by L.N. Tolstoy, Mikhail Tarielovich Loris-Melikov went through all the Caucasian and Turkish campaigns of the second half of the mid-19th century.

Having shown himself excellently during the Caucasian War, during the Kars campaign of the Crimean War, Loris-Melikov led reconnaissance, and then successfully served as commander-in-chief during the difficult Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, winning a number of important victories over the united Turkish forces and in the third once he captured Kars, which by that time was considered impregnable.

Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Pyotr Alexandrovich

Key author of Russia's successes in the Seven Years' War (battle of Kunersdorf and Gross-Jägersdorf, capture of Kolberg).
The great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career (more than 60 battles), one of the founders of Russian military art.
Prince of Italy (1799), Count of Rymnik (1789), Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, Grandee of the Kingdom of Sardinia and Prince of the Royal Blood (with the title "King's cousin"), Knight of all Russian orders of their time, awarded to men, as well as many foreign military orders.

Makhno Nestor Ivanovich

Over the mountains, over the valleys
I've been waiting for my blue ones for a long time
Father is wise, Father is glorious,
Our good father - Makhno...

(peasant song from the Civil War)

He was able to create an army and conducted successful military operations against the Austro-Germans and against Denikin.

And for * carts * even if he was not awarded the Order of the Red Banner, it should be done now

Tsarevich and Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich

Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, the second son of Emperor Paul I, received the title of Tsesarevich in 1799 for his participation in the Swiss campaign of A.V. Suvorov, and retained it until 1831. In the Battle of Austrlitz he commanded the Guards Reserve of the Russian Army, took part in the Patriotic War of 1812, and distinguished himself in the foreign campaigns of the Russian Army. For the “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig in 1813 he received the “golden weapon” “For bravery!” Inspector General of the Russian Cavalry, since 1826 Viceroy of the Kingdom of Poland.

Markov Sergey Leonidovich

One of the main heroes of the early stage of the Russian-Soviet war.
Veteran of the Russian-Japanese, First World War and Civil War. Knight of the Order of St. George 4th class, Order of St. Vladimir 3rd class and 4th class with swords and bow, Order of St. Anne 2nd, 3rd and 4th class, Order of St. Stanislaus 2nd and 3rd th degrees. Holder of the St. George's Arms. Outstanding military theorist. Member of the Ice Campaign. An officer's son. Hereditary nobleman of the Moscow Province. He graduated from the General Staff Academy and served in the Life Guards of the 2nd Artillery Brigade. One of the commanders of the Volunteer Army at the first stage. He died the death of the brave.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

“There is a city in vast Russia to which my heart is given, it went down in history as STALINGRAD...” V.I. Chuikov

Chapaev Vasily Ivanovich

01/28/1887 - 09/05/1919 life. Head of the Red Army division, participant in the First World War and the Civil War.
Recipient of three St. George's Crosses and the St. George's Medal. Knight of the Order of the Red Banner.
On his account:
- Organization of the district Red Guard of 14 detachments.
- Participation in the campaign against General Kaledin (near Tsaritsyn).
- Participation in the campaign of the Special Army to Uralsk.
- Initiative to reorganize the Red Guard units into two Red Army regiments: them. Stepan Razin and them. Pugachev, united in the Pugachev brigade under the command of Chapaev.
- Participation in battles with the Czechoslovaks and the People's Army, from whom Nikolaevsk was recaptured, renamed Pugachevsk in honor of the brigade.
- Since September 19, 1918, commander of the 2nd Nikolaev Division.
- Since February 1919 - Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the Nikolaev district.
- Since May 1919 - brigade commander of the Special Alexandrovo-Gai Brigade.
- Since June - head of the 25th Infantry Division, which participated in the Bugulma and Belebeyevskaya operations against Kolchak’s army.
- Capture of Ufa by the forces of his division on June 9, 1919.
- Capture of Uralsk.
- A deep raid of a Cossack detachment with an attack on the well-guarded (about 1000 bayonets) and located in the deep rear of the city of Lbischensk (now the village of Chapaev, West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan), where the headquarters of the 25th division was located.

Peter the Great

Because he not only conquered the lands of his fathers, but also established the status of Russia as a power!

Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail Vasilievich

I beg the military historical society to correct the extreme historical injustice and include in the list of the 100 best commanders, the leader of the northern militia who did not lose a single battle, who played an outstanding role in the liberation of Russia from the Polish yoke and unrest. And apparently poisoned for his talent and skill.

Linevich Nikolai Petrovich

Nikolai Petrovich Linevich (December 24, 1838 - April 10, 1908) - a prominent Russian military figure, infantry general (1903), adjutant general (1905); general who took Beijing by storm.

Govorov Leonid Alexandrovich

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

A commander who has not lost a single battle in his career. He took the impregnable fortress of Ishmael the first time.

Karyagin Pavel Mikhailovich

Colonel, chief of the 17th Jaeger Regiment. He showed himself most clearly in the Persian Company of 1805; when, with a detachment of 500 people, surrounded by a 20,000-strong Persian army, he resisted it for three weeks, not only repelling the attacks of the Persians with honor, but taking fortresses himself, and finally, with a detachment of 100 people, he made his way to Tsitsianov, who was coming to his aid.

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

To a person to whom this name means nothing, there is no need to explain and it is useless. To the one to whom it says something, everything is clear.
Twice hero of the Soviet Union. Commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front. The youngest front commander. Counts,. that he was an army general - but just before his death (February 18, 1945) he received the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union.
Liberated three of the six capitals of the Union Republics captured by the Nazis: Kyiv, Minsk. Vilnius. Decided the fate of Kenicksberg.
One of the few who drove back the Germans on June 23, 1941.
He held the front in Valdai. In many ways, he determined the fate of repelling the German offensive on Leningrad. Voronezh held. Liberated Kursk.
He successfully advanced until the summer of 1943, forming with his army the top of the Kursk Bulge. Liberated the Left Bank of Ukraine. I took Kyiv. He repulsed Manstein's counterattack. Liberated Western Ukraine.
Carried out Operation Bagration. Surrounded and taken prisoner by his offensive in the summer of 1944, the Germans then humiliatedly walked through the streets of Moscow. Belarus. Lithuania. Neman. East Prussia.

Minikh Christopher Antonovich

Due to the ambiguous attitude towards the period of Anna Ioannovna’s reign, she is a largely underrated commander, who was the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops throughout her reign.

Commander of Russian troops during the War of the Polish Succession and architect of the victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish War of 1735-1739.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

The Soviet people, as the most talented, have a large number of outstanding military leaders, but the main one is Stalin. Without him, many of them might not have existed as military men.

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich

Comrade Stalin, in addition to the atomic and missile projects, together with Army General Alexei Innokentievich Antonov, participated in the development and implementation of almost all significant operations of the Soviet troops in the Second World War, and brilliantly organized the work of the rear, even in the first difficult years of the war.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1787-1791, F. F. Ushakov made a serious contribution to the development of sailing fleet tactics. Relying on the entire set of principles for training naval forces and military art, incorporating all the accumulated tactical experience, F. F. Ushakov acted creatively, based on the specific situation and common sense. His actions were distinguished by decisiveness and extraordinary courage. Without hesitation, he reorganized the fleet into a battle formation even when approaching the enemy directly, minimizing the time of tactical deployment. Despite the established tactical rule of placing the commander in the middle of the battle formation, Ushakov, implementing the principle of concentration of forces, boldly placed his ship in the forefront and occupied the most dangerous positions, encouraging his commanders with his own courage. He was distinguished by a quick assessment of the situation, an accurate calculation of all success factors and a decisive attack aimed at achieving complete victory over the enemy. In this regard, Admiral F. F. Ushakov can rightfully be considered the founder of the Russian tactical school in naval art.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

The greatest Russian commander! He has more than 60 victories and not a single defeat. Thanks to his talent for victory, the whole world learned the power of Russian weapons

Rurik Svyatoslav Igorevich

Year of birth 942 date of death 972 Expansion of state borders. 965 conquest of the Khazars, 963 march south to the Kuban region, capture of Tmutarakan, 969 conquest of the Volga Bulgars, 971 conquest of the Bulgarian kingdom, 968 founding of Pereyaslavets on the Danube (the new capital of Rus'), 969 defeat of the Pechenegs in the defense of Kyiv.

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich

The armies under his command defeated Persia in the war of 1826-1828 and completely defeated Turkish troops in Transcaucasia in the war of 1828-1829.

Generals of Ancient Rus'

...Ivan III (capture of Novgorod, Kazan), Vasily III (capture of Smolensk), Ivan IV the Terrible (capture of Kazan, Livonian campaigns), M.I. Vorotynsky (battle of Molodi with Devlet-Girey), Tsar V.I. Shuisky (battle of Dobrynichi, capture of Tula), M.V. Skopin-Shuisky (liberation of Moscow from False Dmitry II), F.I. Sheremetev (liberation of the Volga region from False Dmitry II), F.I. Mstislavsky (many different campaigns, repulse Kazy-Girey), There were many commanders during the Time of Troubles.

My choice is Marshal I.S. Konev!

Active participant in the First World War and civil wars. Trench General. He spent the entire war from Vyazma to Moscow and from Moscow to Prague in the most difficult and responsible position of front commander. Winner in many decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War. Liberator of a number of countries in Eastern Europe, participant in the storming of Berlin. Underestimated, unfairly left in the shadow of Marshal Zhukov.