Where is TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev. Evgeny Kiselev journalist. Relation to the existing government

Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev is a Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter. He was one of the founders of the NTV company, and also led several Russian TV channels and other media. The journalist is known for his opposition views, which forced him to leave his homeland and settle in Ukraine. Kiselev is open to everything new and today is ready to expand his professional niche using new media resources.

Childhood and youth

Evgeniy was born in Moscow in the family of a metallurgist, laureate Stalin Prize Alexey Alexandrovich Kiselev. The boy did well at school with in-depth study English language. Zhenya was equally attracted to geography, history, foreign languages, literature, economics and politics.


After school, the young man entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, from which he graduated with honors.

Evgeniy traveled around Asian countries during his studies, when he completed an internship in Iran. And after graduating from high school, he was called up for military service and sent to Afghanistan as a translator in the Group of Soviet Military Advisors.

After the army, Evgeny Kiselev became a teacher of Persian at the KGB Higher School and taught lectures until 1984.

Already in his youth, Evgeniy became interested in journalism, and he plunged headlong into the world of television, which predetermined the further development of his biography.


Evgeny Kiselev appeared on television in 1984. At first the journalist was not the presenter. The first responsibility was editing texts intended for broadcasting to the countries of the Near and Middle East.

The man got into the leading chair with the beginning of perestroika. At first Evgeniy was in charge actor program "90 minutes", and after the collapse Soviet Union became the announcer of the news programs “Vremya” and “Vesti”. In 1992, Evgeniy organized an information analytical program“Itogi”, which brought widespread fame.


When a change in leadership began at NTV, a number of employees left the channel in protest. Kiselev turned out to be one of them. First of all, Evgeniy moved to TNT and TV-6, in 2002 he became editor-in-chief of Channel Six (TVS).

Soon, Evgeny Kiselev was invited to the position of editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper, where the journalist worked until 2005. Evgeniy devoted four years to the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, where he initially took up the position of presenter of the program “Debriefing”, and then the program “Power with Evgeniy Kiselyov” and the project “Our Everything”.

In 2008, the journalist moved to Kyiv to work as a consulting editor for the Ukrainian TV channel. A year later, Kiselev began hosting the socio-political show “Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselev” on the central channel “Inter”. Then the journalist replaced the presenter Oleg Panyuta in the Sunday program “Details of the Week.”

In addition to collaborating with Ukrainian television channels, Evgeniy Kiselev remains a columnist for Russian publications GQ, Forbes, The New Times and The Moscow Times, and continues to work on the Ekho Moskvy radio. The journalist also publishes in the online publication Gazeta.ru. Thanks to his passion for collecting expensive alcohol, Evgeny Kiselev acts as an expert in the magazine “Wine Mania”.


In 2016, the television journalist made an official request to the Ukrainian presidential administration for political asylum, since in Russia a case was opened against Kiselev under Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Evgeniy spoke out against accusations of calls for terrorism, for which he himself came under persecution.

At the beginning of 2017, Kiselev teamed up with producer Alexey Semenov and TV presenter to create a new media resource. The plan was realized only by the end of summer, when the information channel “Direct” was launched, where Evgeny Kiselev took the place of TV presenter. With his participation, the programs “Results of the Day”, “Results of the Week”, “Kiselev. Copyright" and MEM. The channel has become one of the mouthpieces of the current president's propaganda.

Personal life

The TV presenter does not comment on his personal life. In September 1973, Evgeny Kiselev married former classmate Marina Shakhova. The wife is also a journalist, known as the presenter under the pseudonym Masha Shakhova of the educational program “Summer Residents,” for which she received the prestigious “TEFI” award in 2002.

Global Sib

Kiselev and Shakhova had a son, Alexey, in 1983. There are no other children in the family. The man did not follow in his parents' footsteps. He went to receive higher education in London, from where he later transferred to the USA. Together with his first wife, he founded a fashion brand, then went into the restaurant business and producing. Evgeniy is already a grandfather; his son gave his father a grandson, George, and a daughter, Anna, from his third marriage to actress Maria Fomina. Family photos The Kiselevs do not appear often, but they appear in the media.

Evgeny Kiselev is a workaholic. The TV journalist rarely rests, but if this happens, he prefers walking or watching a match of his favorite sport - tennis. The man is also considered a gourmet and connoisseur of world cuisines.

Evgeny Kiselev now

In August 2019, Kiselev announced that he was ending his career on the Direct information channel. So far, the journalist has accepted an offer to collaborate with Radio NV, where he became the host of an analytical program. Now Evgeniy Alekseevich’s plans include working on his own literary work.

Nowadays, journalist Dmitry Kiselev has increasingly begun to appear on television in various programs and on various channels as a presenter. Over the many years of his work on radio and television, he has established himself as a rather courageous person, whose judgment is distinguished by independence and inflexibility. He is not used to taking other people’s opinions into account, so he always expresses his point of view, sometimes radically different from existing stereotypes. Many people want to know who this person is, what his biography is, where he studied, whether he has a family or children.

Childhood and education

The biography of the future journalist Dmitry Kiselev began on April 26, 1954 in the capital city of Moscow. I was brought up in a fairly intelligent family. For example, his uncle is the composer Shaporin, who had a great influence on Dmitry so much that he went to music school to study guitar. Dima's parents also loved music and knew how to play different instruments. But they did not want to see their son as a musician.

Childhood and education

When Dmitry graduated from school, he entered medical school. He did this at the insistence of his parents, because they wanted to see their son as a doctor. Kiselev did not particularly like medicine, so after graduating from the educational institution he submits documents to the Leningrad state university named after Zhdanov to the Faculty of Philology, and chose a rather rare and unusual department - Scandinavian philology.

Start of a career

After successfully completing his studies at the university, Dmitry began his career at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. He broadcasts foreign programs in Polish and Norwegian. Since 1998, Kiselev has been working on the Central Channel. There he first tried himself as a correspondent, but in 1991 he left the channel.

Kiselev works on the Central Channel

After the armed coup in Russia in 1991, Dmitry began hosting the “Television News Service” program on the same Central Channel. In 1992-1994, he continued his career as a correspondent and began hosting the “Window to Europe” program, but in 1996 he stopped hosting it. In 1994, the journalist became a TV star thanks to his participation in the show “Rush Hour”.

In 1997, he took charge of the talk show “National Interest”, which aired on such channels as Ren-TV, RTR, TNT and soon switched to Ukrainian television. At the beginning of the 21st century, Dmitry hosts the popular program “In detail with Dmitry Kiselev,” where he gained fame, and in 2006 he left the show. After working on Ukrainian television, Dmitry is accused of distorting information during his news broadcast and, after some time, Kiselev is fired from the Ukrainian television channel ICTV.

Presenter on "Russia - 1"

On the Rossiya-1 TV channel, Dmitry gained real fame. At first, Kiselev worked in the “Morning Conversation” and “Authority” programs. Afterwards, until 2008, he hosted the Vesti + program, and left it because he became deputy general director of VGTRK. After this, he continued his career in the “News of the Week” program, and also took part in the “Knowledge is Power” program.

On the TV channel "Russia - 1"

"Russia Today"

In 2013, the Russian News Agency announced the launch of a new project “Russia Today” under the direction of journalist Dmitry Kiselev. The project covers the main issues of Russia to residents abroad. After the success of the project, the biography of the presenter began to interest many.

In 2016, hackers hacked the TV presenter’s mailboxes and correspondence in social networks. As a result of the hack, some facts about Russia Today were discovered, aspects of the biography of journalist Dmitry Kiselev, as well as information about the purchase of scientific articles and thesis for his wife, which Valentina Fedotova, an employee of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote to him for money.


After the start of the crisis in Ukraine, Dmitry Kiselev was added to the second sanctions list of the European Union, and Dmitry was prohibited from entering the United States. Public figures were outraged by the addition of the journalist to the list of sanctions and called this action cowardice on the part of the European Union. Kiselyov himself suspected some Russian oppositionists of drawing up sanctions against him.

Dmitry Kiselev was added to the second sanctions list of the European Union

The journalist was also included in the Ukrainian sanctions list and does not have the right to enter Moldova.

In 2016, Dmitry appealed to the European Court regarding the lifting of sanctions, since adding him to this list is a direct violation of freedom of opinion and speech. But the court rejected the journalist’s application and Kiselev still remains on this list.

Accusations of homophobia and xenophobia

During one episode of the “Historical Process” program, Dmitry stated that the hearts of homosexuals who died in accidents should be buried in the ground or even burned. This statement was received negatively and some well-known bloggers sent a statement to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General's Office to consider and accuse Dmitry Kiselyov of extremism. These authorities rejected the bloggers' application. Kiselev explained his statement by saying that he simply recommends the kind of treatment of dead homosexuals that is used in a number of countries such as the USA, Japan and the European Union.

"News of the week"

Dmitry often mentions that he is not homophobic and does not dislike members of the LGBT community.

During the “News of the Week” program, journalist Dmitry Kiselev criticized the biography of the writer Viktor Shenderovich, using an argument when accusing Jewish nationality Victor. This accusation has attracted the attention of many public figures, and Dmitry gained a reputation as a xenophobe and anti-Semite.


Some critics have a negative attitude towards Dmitry Kiselev. Some believe that the journalist is guilty of inciting hatred towards the United States and various minorities, despite the fact that Kiselyov often refutes these assessments, using his biography as arguments. So one day Dmitry cited as evidence a photo where he was sitting in a company with friends, among whom there was a homosexual, but rumors about homophobia do not stop.

Relation to the existing government

Dmitry Kiselev has repeatedly spoken out against the present government. At the same time, he quite boldly allowed himself to compare the current president with Stalin. However, this statement was by no means a condemnation of Vladimir Vladimirovich. On the contrary, Kiselev noted how quickly the country rose from a state of complete ruin with Putin's rise to power.

Under this president, salaries and pensions have increased significantly, the army is growing stronger, the territory has been preserved, and the country has become free like no other ruler. What Putin has in common with the bloody leader, according to the journalist, is only purposefulness and authority, in in a good way this word.

Personal life

Journalist Dmitry Kiselev is married to Maria Kiselyova, who is his seventh wife; the biography of his ex-wives is not disclosed in detail by the presenters. Also, Dmitry has three children from different marriages.

Dmitry Kiselev is married to Maria Kiselev

The personal life of a journalist is quite varied. Kiselev entered into his first marriage quite early: at the age of seventeen. Alena, his first wife, studied with him in the same year at medical school. An interesting fact is that the newlyweds had the same year and birthday, it’s simply phenomenal that they found each other! However, the first marriage was not destined to last long.

When moving to St. Petersburg, the young man quickly forgot his first wife and fell in love again with his classmate. The second wife was a girl from the university named Natalya. But the second marriage was short-lived; a year later the newlyweds divorced.

Dmitry's third wife was a student of the same university named. Soon the couple also separated.

The fourth marriage took place after graduating from university when entering the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Elena, the fourth wife, gave birth to Dmitry's son, who was named Gleb. A year later, Dmitry divorced his wife because he fell in love with a woman named Natalya. She became his fifth wife.

In 1995, Dmitry Kiselev faced a big setback: his car fell into the river at full speed with him at the wheel. The poor guy ended up in the hospital with a broken spine. However, he was very lucky: sometimes people with similar injuries could no longer get out of bed and remained disabled for life. But Dmitry was able to recover, get back on his feet and even resume his Don Juan adventures.

After an injury, the man decided to start his own stable because he became interested in horse riding. Two years later, he divorced his wife and fell in love with a foreigner, Kelly. Soon he proposed to her, and she became his sixth wife.

In 2005, Dmitry had an unusual meeting. In Koktebel, he sailed on a boat to the shore, on which stood a pretty beautiful woman and looked into the distance. Dmitry thought that she looked like Assol, who was waiting for him on the shore. It turned out that the woman’s name was Maria, they met, then began dating, and a year later they got married.

Maria turned out to be a smart woman; she graduated from three universities with honors! And he is currently receiving his fourth degree, planning to become a psychotherapist in the future. By the time she married Kiselev, she already had a son, Fedya.

Dmitry and Maria had a son, Konstantin, and later a daughter, Varvara.

Now the family lives quite happily, they have their own house in the Moscow region. The owner is also building a new home in the Scandinavian style. They even have a small mill in their yard, adding to the overall landscape. The wife, a native Muscovite, eventually got used to rural life, and she even liked it.

The owner of the family, unfortunately, is rarely at home, and does not communicate with the children as often as he would like. Dmitry does not like driving a car after the accident; he often goes to work on a motorcycle.

Dmitry sometimes communicates with his son Gleb, who has already grown up. The young man often comes home to his father, where a special room is always waiting for him.


Kiselev has several well-deserved awards:

  • Medal in memory of January 13, awarded on January 11, 1994 for his contribution to the recognition of the Republic of Lithuania as a state. In 2014, Dmitry was deprived of the award by decision of the President of Lithuania.
  • Order of Friendship, awarded in 2011 for merits in the development of domestic television, radio broadcasting and culture.
  • Order of the IV degree "For services to the Fatherland". The order was awarded in 2014 for many years of activity for the development of the socio-economic sphere Russian Federation, for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree, awarded in 2014 by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry Kiselev owns several foreign languages: English, French, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic.

Advantages of Kiselev as a journalist and presenter

His manner of conducting a conversation on television programs is interesting: his weighty word is like the blow of a hammer, does not leave the last word to the opponent and always turns out to be final. This interesting quality distinguishes Kiselev from others talk show hosts. Dmitry also has extraordinary charisma; he does not strive to please anyone, but always has his own point of view.

Dmitry has an unyielding character, strong will and courage. After all, only a brave person in our difficult times can not be afraid to publicly express his point of view, different from the majority.

In the era of information warfare, which has no analogues in the history of states of past centuries, when slander and lies began to be voiced simultaneously from the channels of a number of states quite professionally, one has to defend the information space of one’s country with heavyweights of speech. Some professional journalists know how to express ideas accurately in simple words, using the laws of undeniable logic, morality and spirituality. Kiselev can be classified as one of these ten professionals.

Evgeny Kiselev is a famous Russian and Ukrainian journalist, political analyst, creator of the commercial independent television company NTV. In addition, he has received many awards and honors. The most significant of them: 1996, 2000 - “TEFI”, 1995 - “For Freedom of the Press”, 1999 - “Telegrand”.

Evgeny Kiselev. Biography

The famous journalist was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956, into a family of engineers. He studied at the Institute of African and Asian Countries at Moscow State University and successfully mastered the specialty of “historian-orientalist”. His classmates were famous writer Boris Grigory) and brother Alexey.

In 1977-78, Kiselev was on an internship in Tehran. There he worked as a translator and was satisfied with his work. The outbreak of the Islamic revolution forced young man return to your homeland. Everything that happened left an indelible impression. As the journalist himself claims, if not for the war, he would still be working on Iran today. After graduating from the institute, Evgeny Kiselev went to there. He served as an officer-translator from 1979 to 1981. He was an eyewitness to the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. He finished his service with the rank of captain. Returning home, he went to work as a Persian language teacher at the prestigious Red Banner Institute High school KGB.


Today Evgeniy Alekseevich Kiselev is better known as an outstanding journalist and political figure.

In 1984, he began working for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 1987 he went to the international department of the TV program “Vremya”. His special reports began to appear in the “International Program”, the programs “Before and After Midnight”, and “Vglyad”. He became the first journalist to show viewers Israel from a completely new, unknown side. Kiselev became the host of the Morning and 90 Minutes programs in 1990. In addition, he was one of the first to become the host of the popular Vesti program.

Own projects

Together with Oleg Drobyshev in 1992, Kiselev created the analytical program “Itogi”. It was the first program in the style of a political show. In 1993, together with Alexey Tsyvarev and Igor Malashenko, he created the commercial independent television company NTV. The co-founder is the Most Group, under the management of the NTV television company, quickly gaining a worthy place and becoming one of the most popular on Russian television. In 1997, journalist Evgeny Kiselev was appointed to the post of chairman of the board of directors of OJSC NTV Television Company. After Dobrodeev, who held the position of general director, left in 2000, Kiselev took his place.

Leaving NTV

In 2001, Kiselev had to leave his post and part with his favorite channel. Everything happened due to the reorganization of the TV channel. Resigned with him large number journalists and workers. At the same time, the general director of the TV-6 channel appointed Kiselev as the general director of MNVK TV-6 Moscow. Journalists from NTV also came to work here with him. In September of the same year, the city Arbitration Court made a decision to liquidate the television company according to the claim of one of the shareholders. “Team Kiselyov,” led by the journalist himself, created Channel Six CJSC in March 2002. The TV channel began operating in 2002. It was given the name TVS. But in June 2003, the TV channel was taken off the air by order of the Ministry of Press.

"Moscow News"

Evgeny Kiselev, whose biography is so interesting, was not left idle. Within three months, he took the place of editor-in-chief of the popular newspaper Moscow News. Soon a conflict began between him and the newspaper journalists. The reason was the team's disagreement with its editorial policy. A letter was sent to the General Director. It outlined all the complaints, as well as a proposal to resign.

However, it was not possible to remove Kiselev. Moreover, he soon became the general director of the Moscow News publishing house, and decisively fired all those who disagreed. In 2005, all shares of the Moscow News company were purchased. By this time, Evgeny Kiselev had already lost his post. These events did not break the active and purposeful person. He began working on the Ekho Moskvy radio. In addition, he frequently gave interviews as a political analyst. At the beginning of 2004, Kiselev began vigorous activity directed against President Putin. He organized the group "Committee 2008". In June 2008, the journalist headed the Ukrainian TV channel TVI. In the same year, he became the host of the program “Big Politics with Evgeny Kiselev.” In October 2009, completely unexpectedly for everyone, he resigned from his post and closed the program.


In 1998, Evgeny Kiselev, according to Kommersant, became one of the richest and famous people Russia. In 2009, he published the book “Without Putin.” Its co-author was the former prime minister. The journalist is known not only as a presenter, but also as an author documentaries: “Afghan Trap”, “Tehran-99”, “Mysterious Secretary General”, “The Mystery of the Death of K-129”, “President of All Rus'”, “Spartacus”, “The Most Humane Man”, “Knight of the Oval Office”, “The Pope ", "Taganka with and without the Master."

Kiselyov is reluctant to talk about his personal life. According to him, he rarely has free time. He likes to spend it watching TV shows, reading memoirs, or walking to his favorite places. The journalist loves delicious food. He is always eager to try something new and unusual. In addition, Kiselev loves to play tennis. However, there is often not enough time for this. He is married and has an adult son, Alexei. His wife, Maria Shakhova, was his classmate and first love. She is also far from the last figure in Moscow. Shakhova is the producer of the TV show “Fazenda” on Channel One. In the recent past, she served as press secretary for NTV and hosted the popular program “Summer Residents.” For her merits she received several exhibitions as a designer at the Small Manege. Their son runs a business with his wife. They created their own clothing line and their own ready-to-wear brand. Kiselev has a beloved grandson, Georgy.

Famous Russian TV presenter and journalist was born in Moscow in 1954 in musical family. IN school years studied at music school playing the guitar. After graduating from school, he entered medical school. Next educational institution Kiselev became Leningrad State University, where he studied Scandinavian philology at the Faculty of Philology.

Start of a career

The TV presenter's career began at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he worked for 10 years and covered life in foreign countries. In 1988, the journalist became a correspondent for the Vremya program. Subsequently, he was the host of various projects such as “Vesti”, “Panorama”, “Window to Europe”, “Rush Hour”, “National Interest”, “Event” and others. Currently, Kiselev heads the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.

Dmitry's wives

Today Dmitry is married and happy in his family life, but before that he was married seven times. He met his first wife Alena at medical school, they were 17 years old. Family life it didn’t work out and they soon broke up. The second time he married while studying in Leningrad was student Natalya. A year later, the couple decided to divorce. Another year later, Dmitry led his next chosen one, Tatyana, down the aisle, but this marriage also came to a quick end. While working at Gosteleradio, Dmitry married his colleague Alena for the fourth time.

Very soon the couple's son Gleb is born. When the child was one year old, the leader left the family to new lover Natalia, who became his fifth wife. Dmitry did not stop communicating with his son, and now they support him good relationship. In 1998, Kelly Richdale became the TV presenter’s sixth wife, and a few months later they divorced. Dmitry's seventh wife's name was Olga.

Meeting with destiny

Being married, the presenter built his own mansion in Crimea and very often spent time there. He was even able to found a jazz festival in 2003 called “Jazz Koktebel”. In Koktebel, Dmitry loved to ride on his own boat, and on one of these walks he met his real wife Masha.

Dmitry Kiselev with his wife

At that time she was a student at the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Masha already had a son, Fyodor, from a previous relationship. A year after their first meeting, the lovers had a magnificent wedding. In 2007, the world saw their common son Kostya, and three years later they became the happy parents of their daughter Varvara. Masha has three higher education degrees and is getting her fourth. In the future she wants to work as a psychotherapist.

Now Dmitry Kiselev has a wife who fully supports him, is successful in his career and happy in his personal life.

Dmitry Kiselev is a journalist, news presenter, one of the most recognizable TV presenters on Russian television. In his programs he covers political and economic news, current events of today, and world problems. Until 2006 he worked on well-known Ukrainian channels. Holds a senior position in the All-Russian State and Television Broadcasting Company. Kiselev’s categorical statements and political point of view are a frequent subject for criticism, controversy and discussion.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Kiselev

Today Kiselev is a fairly well-known journalist and TV presenter throughout Russia. In June, the media reported that Dmitry Kiselev had been appointed Russian Ambassador to the United States. Whether there were prerequisites for this and where this information came from is not clear. Official page The journalist does not confirm this appointment. On the Internet you can find various information about a man, his biography, public and personal life, as well as about his hobbies, interests and parameters such as height, weight, age. It won’t be difficult to find out how old Dmitry Kiselev is. Kiselev is 63 years old, his height is 177 cm.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry was born in 1954 in Moscow. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a doctor, so immediately after school he entered medical school. However, having received a secondary specialized education, the future presenter realized that he would not connect his life with medicine after all and entered a higher education institution in St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Philology. Dmitry has a good ability for languages, so today he speaks four foreign languages. Kiselev learned Swedish and Norwegian at the university in the Scandinavian department, and mastered English and French himself. After receiving his diploma, the former student got a job at the USSR state television and radio, then worked on Soviet television as a correspondent on Scandinavian countries.

After the collapse of the Union, Dmitry Kiselev became the host of a news program, and worked on several channels at once, including the Ukrainian TSN, and the Russian channels ORT and First. In his programs he covered business news, countries, economic innovations and the current political situation in countries around the world. After the death of Vladislav Listyev, he became the host of the “Rush Hour” program. Speaking many languages, during this time Dmitry often worked abroad as a news correspondent.

Dmitry Kiselev is also the general director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency. The journalist’s statements on the country’s federal channels made him persona non grata in many countries. As is known, Dmitry Kiselev supports the presidential regime in everything related to foreign and domestic policy, which is why his broadcasts in the opposition media were often called propaganda. Criticism of the regimes of other countries, support for the annexation of Crimea, and statements towards political oppositionists were not always to the taste of users. Also, Dmitry Kiselev earned the name of a television homophobe after some of his statements addressed to LGBT communities. The journalist himself does not comment on this point of view, but today he is a popular meme on the Internet.

Some time ago, information appeared online that the journalist had resigned from the leadership position of general director and left VGTRK. However, the press service of the television company denied this statement.

Dmitry Kiselev has private real estate in Koktebel, in 2003 he was one of the founders jazz festival"Koktebel", held in the Crimea. Also, since 2012, he has his own winery and is engaged in growing grapes and selling wine. A few months ago, after a vacation at his home, Dmitry Kiselev returned from a trip to Crimea with a broken face. Information immediately began to appear online that the presenter and journalist had been beaten for his political position activists. However, Kiselev himself denied this information, saying that he scratched his face after falling at his dacha while planting olives in the beds. According to the journalist, he fell on the gravel and hit his face hard on the ground.

Not only the biography and personal life of Dmitry Kiselev are of interest to the public. After all, the presenter has been married seven times already! The man first got married while still a student at a medical school, where he met his wife Alena. This marriage was too early to last long and the young people divorced. At the institute, Dmitry married for the second time, again to his classmate, whose name was Natalya. But a year later, a third stamp appeared in the philologist’s passport - he married his friend, Tatyana.

Either Dmitry was such a flighty young man, or he fell in love again, but while working at state radio, he married again. This time the marriage lasted a little longer; wife Elena gave birth to the presenter’s son, Gleb. True, when the boy was not yet a year old, his father left the family for another woman. Her name was Natalya, and it was she who became Kiselev’s fifth wife. But not the last. The womanizer's next chosen one was a businesswoman from England, her name was Kelly, and Dmitry met her while on a business trip. The woman lived with Dmitry for a year until he finally met his true fate.

Family and children of Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry was born into a family of musicians. His parents played masterfully in the orchestra, and the boy himself received a good music education. Today, playing the guitar is one of the journalist's hobbies. When the whole family and children of Dmitry Kiselev gather in their country house, they enjoy spending time together, which the presenter practically does not have due to his busy filming schedule and business trips.

In addition to the winery, Dmitry also at one time had a stable, but sold the horses after he fell unsuccessfully while riding a horse and broke his spine. Such an injury promised the journalist a long rehabilitation, and he realized that out of fear he would never ride a horse again. True, after Kiselev began to recover, his former injury does not prevent him from riding a motorcycle. Dmitry Kiselev has been happily married for 18 years, and in his marriage the couple’s two children are growing up, as well as his wife’s son from his first marriage.

Son of Dmitry Kiselev - Gleb Kiselev

The son of Dmitry Kiselev, Gleb Kiselev, was born in 1986 in the journalist’s fourth marriage. Gleb's mother, Elena, met Dmitry Kiselev in 1984, soon got married and gave birth to a son. After divorcing a woman, the journalist did not see his offspring for a long time. I was busy with my career and new romantic interests.

Father and son were able to establish a relationship only when Gleb was already an adult. The guy loved horses very much, rode well and began to often appear at his father’s house in the Moscow region, where he has his own room. Today Gleb is already 31 years old, he lives in Moscow and works in the IT field, but maintains contact with his father and his family.

Son of Dmitry Kiselev - Konstantin Kiselev

Son of Dmitry Kiselev - Konstantin Kiselev the first joint child Dmitry and his last wife. Kostya was born in 2007 to a boy blonde hair And brown eyes like mom's. Already from early age the child enjoyed swinging on a toy horse, who knows, maybe Kostya will fall in love with equestrian sports and Dmitry will have to return the stable to the family farm.

Today Kostya is already 10 years old, he goes to school and enjoys playing football in the yard. Is it true, famous journalist the child does not see often. When Dmitry leaves for work, the children are still sleeping, and when he returns home, his mother has already put them to bed.

Daughter of Dmitry Kiselev - Varvara Kiselev

Dmitry Kiselev’s daughter, Varvara Kiselyova, is the second child in the journalist’s marriage, and the only daughter in his family. Varya was born in 2010, and in September the girl will start school. The youngest daughter of a journalist loves to draw and wants to learn how to play musical instruments like her grandparents and father.

Despite the fact that Varya is the youngest in the family, the girl is not spoiled at all, she happily helps her mother around the house, knows how to handle household appliances, and promises her dad only straight A's in school.

Dmitry Kiselev's wife - Maria Kiseleva

Maria and Dmitry met in 2005 in Koktebel. Kiselev came on vacation to his country dacha and that day went boating. The girl was sunbathing on the pier, where the journalist arrived after a boat trip. The man immediately liked Masha, and he decided to meet her. Dmitry Kiselev's wife, Maria Kiselev, is 22 years younger than her husband; she has 3 higher education, is a certified geography teacher, economist and psychologist. From her first marriage, Maria has a son, Fyodor, who lives with his spouse in the Moscow region.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Kiselev

Several years ago, immediately after registering on social networks, the presenter closed his Instagram page within a couple of hours. Both Dmitry Kiselev’s Wikipedia and his Twitter are still working. According to media reports, the journalist created pages on the social networks Facebook and Instagram in 2015, posted his photographs and warned users that the page was his official one. However, within a few hours, the feed on the journalist’s pages was filled with huge amount angry and negative comments, which, naturally, he did not like and the accounts were deleted.