Where was Viktor Vasnetsov born? Viktor Vasnetsov (artist). The life path and work of the most famous Russian artist of the 19th century. Viktor Vasnetsov - master of historical painting

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich was born on May 3, 1848 in the village of Lopyal, Vyatka province, into the family of a priest. Due to his origin, the future painter received his education at a theological school, and later continued it at a theological seminary. During his studies, the gifted young man began taking drawing lessons from the gymnasium teacher N.G. Chernysheva. Even Victor’s father noted his ability to draw and allowed him to leave the seminary in his last year to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. There the painter’s style was fully formed and honed, the foundations of which were laid back in art school, where the young man studied with I.N. Kramskoy.

The beginning of a creative journey

Even while studying at the academy, the paintings of the young artist Vasnetsov began to be exhibited. They were first presented in 1869, first at the Academy, and later in other galleries thanks to the artist’s collaboration with a traveling exhibition partnership. Already in early work The artist’s signature style and his penchant for the Art Nouveau style were noticeable.

Features of creativity

Since 1893, as it says short biography Vasnetsov, he becomes a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts. He also collaborated with the Union of the Russian People, participating in the illustration of monarchist publications, the most famous of which is the “Book of Russian Sorrow.”

At the early stage of Viktor Mikhailovich’s work, a search for plots and motives is noted. His early paintings typical everyday subjects, reflected in the canvases “War Telegram”, “Booths in Paris”, “From Apartment to Apartment”, “Book Shop”.

Range of creative interests outstanding artist consisted of historical, folklore, and later religious themes. One of the most famous paintings of the great Russian painter are paintings based on epics and works for children: “Bogatyrs”, “Alyonushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray wolf", "Koschei the Immortal", "Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych."

The religious themes of Vasnetsov’s heritage were reflected in examples of wall painting in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, the Church of the Resurrection (Savior on Spilled Blood) in St. Petersburg, and the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on Presnya. Vasnetsov’s talent manifested itself not only in creating paintings and wall paintings in churches and cathedrals, but also in developing projects architectural structures, in particular, the mansion of I.E. Tsvetkov, the extension of the main entrance of the hall to the building Tretyakov Gallery, St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Moscow and other buildings.

Death. In memory of the artist

The creative heritage of the great Russian artist Vasnetsov, the biography of whom ends on July 23, 1926 in Moscow, occupies a significant place in the history of the national artistic arts. The memory of the artist is preserved thanks to the opening and functioning of four museums: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kirov and the village of Ryabovo Kirov region. The latter also houses a monument to Victor and Appolinary Vasnetsov, outstanding figures of Russian artistic art.

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Kramskoy Ivan Nikolaevich. Portrait of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, 1874.

Brief biography of Viktor Vasnetsov

The birthplace of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is the Vyatka province (modern Kirov region). The village of Lopyal, in which he was born on May 15 (new style), 1848, has been known since 1740. In the old days, the village had two names: Lopial - according to the zemstvo register and Epiphany - after the village Church of the Epiphany. The life of Viktor Vasnetsov turned out to be closely connected with Orthodoxy.

His father, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was a priest, like many of his ancestors. So, back in 1678 there is information about the psalm-reader Tryphon, the son of Vasnetsov. “The whole family was spiritual,” Mikhail, the third son of Viktor Vasnetsov, would later write.

The parents of the future artist had six children, all sons. Victor was the second oldest. Mother's name was Apollinaria Ivanovna. In 1850, the head of the family was transferred to the village of Ryabovo, whose inhabitants at that time were only priests. The family lived in the village for 20 years. Vasnetsov spent his childhood years here and his parents are buried here. Now there is a branch of the Vasnetsov brothers museum in Ryabovo. It was in these Vyatka places that the future painter’s love for Russian antiquity, for centuries-old folk traditions. “I have always lived only in Russia,” is the artist’s confession.

Vasnetsov drew sketches of his house-workshop (now a museum), the interiors of which were designed in the Russian style.

Personal life and family of Viktor Vasnetsov

Viktor Mikhailovich lived for 49 years with his wife, daughter of the merchant Ryazantsev, Alexandra Vladimirovna. He and his wife had one daughter and four sons: Tatyana (1879–1961), Boris (1880–1919), Alexey (1882–1949), Mikhail (1884–1972), Vladimir (1889–1953).

Victor Mikhailovich's younger brother, Apollinary Mikhailovich, also became a painter under Victor's leadership. The artistic dynasty was continued by Andrei Vladimirovich Vasnetsov, his grandson.

It is interesting that the son Mikhail, who was named after his grandfather, a parish priest, also became a minister of the church. True, this happened not in Russia, but in Czechoslovakia.

Viktor Vasnetsov died in his workshop on July 23, 1926. At first he was buried at the Moscow Lazarevskoye cemetery in Maryina Roshcha, but after its liquidation in 1937, the artist’s ashes had to be transferred to Vvedenskoye.

Paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov

When it comes to artists who worked on “reviving” epics, fairy tales and legends, Vasnetsov is one of the first to come to mind. A biography for children will traditionally begin with the birth of a talented master and his childhood.

How was the childhood of the future artist?

And Viktor Mikhailovich was born on May 15, 1848 in a village called Lopyal, near Vyatka. His father, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was a local priest. After the birth of his son, he was forced to move to another place - the village of Ryabovo. The future artist’s mother, Apollinaria Ivanovna, raised six sons (Victor himself was the second).

The life of the Vasnetsov family could not be called particularly rich. In their house, there were at the same time customs and ways of life characteristic of both rural and urban life. After the death of his wife, the father of the family, Mikhail Vasnetsov, remained in charge. The biography for children, telling about the main moments in the life of the future artist, continues. Mikhail Vasilievich was smart and good educated person, therefore, I tried to instill in all my sons inquisitiveness, observation, to give them knowledge of the most different areas. But my grandmother taught the children to draw. Despite poverty, adults always found money to buy interesting scientific journals, paints, brushes and other supplies for creativity and study. Viktor Vasnetsov, already in childhood, showed an extraordinary penchant for drawing: his first sketches contain picturesque village landscapes, as well as scenes of rural life.

Viktor Vasnetsov perceived other residents of the village as his good friends and listened with pleasure to the fairy tales and songs that they told during gatherings in dim light and the crackle of a splinter.

Vasnetsov could not imagine his life without drawing from an early age

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich, whose biography is the topic of our conversation today, began drawing very early. But in those days it was customary for a son to follow in his father’s footsteps, so he first went to study at a theological school, and then to a seminary in Vyatka. As a seminarian, Vasnetsov constantly studied chronicles, lives of saints, chronographs, and various documents. A special attention attracted Old Russian literature- she further strengthened the love for Russian antiquity, for which Vasnetsov was already distinguished. Biography for children dedicated to this amazing artist, I must also mention that it was at the seminary that Vasnetsov received deep knowledge in the field of Orthodox symbolism, which later came in handy while working on

Studying at the seminary did not prevent Viktor Mikhailovich from diligently studying painting. In 1866-1867 75 wonderful drawings came out of his hands, which ultimately served as illustrations for N. Trapitsin’s “Collection of Russian Proverbs.”

Vasnetsov was greatly impressed by his acquaintance with E. Andrioli, a Polish artist who was in exile. Andrioli tells his young friend about the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Vasnetsov immediately became eager to enroll there. The artist’s father did not object, but immediately warned that he would not be able to help financially.

Start of independent life in St. Petersburg

However, Vasnetsov was not left without support. Andrioli and his friend Bishop Adam Krasinsky talked with Governor Kampaneyshchikov, and he helped them sell the paintings “The Milkmaid” and “The Reaper”, which Vasnetsov painted. A biography for children should include several more interesting moments related to this. Vasnetsov received 60 rubles for the paintings sold, and with this amount he went to St. Petersburg. The young man’s modesty and uncertainty did not allow him to even look at the list of those enrolled in the academy after passing the exams. Viktor, through his friends, was able to get a job as a draftsman to earn a living. Later, Vasnetsov finds something he likes and begins to draw illustrations for magazines and books. Then he entered the school of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, where he met I. Kramskoy, who was yet to play an important role in the life of the young artist.

Studying at the Academy of Arts and later life artist

In 1868, Vasnetsov again made an attempt to enter the St. Petersburg Academy. And he finds out that last time he still managed to successfully pass the exams.

His time at the academy gave Viktor Mikhailovich many new interesting acquaintances. Here he becomes close and begins to be friends with Repin, Polenov, Kuindzhi, Surikov, Maximov, the Prakhov brothers, Antokolsky, Chistyakov.

Already during the first year of study, Vasnetsov received a silver medal, and then two more small medals for a sketch from life and the drawing “Two Nude Models.” Two years later, teachers awarded him for the drawing “Christ and Pilate before the people,” this time with a large silver medal.

This period became very difficult for Vasnetsov. In 1870, the artist’s father died, and he began to take care of his maternal uncle, who also dreams of the glory of a talented artist and is looking for an opportunity to earn money. Beginning in 1871, Vasnetsov appeared at the academy less and less, mainly due to lack of time and deteriorating health. However, he still worked fruitfully: during this time he completed more than 200 illustrations for the “Soldier's ABC”, “People's ABC”, “Russian ABC for Children” (Vodovozov). The artist illustrates the fairy tales “The Firebird”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and some others. Vasnetsov also manages to draw for himself - as a rule, these were drawings on everyday topics.

1875 was the year of dramatic changes in the life of Viktor Mikhailovich. He leaves the academy because the need to earn money comes first for him, and also because he wants to independently develop his talent. His painting “Tea Party in a Tavern” appears at the exhibition of the Itinerants, and work on “Beggar Singers” is also being completed. In 1876, he presented the paintings “Book Shop” and “From Apartment to Apartment.”

In the same year, Vasnetsov had the opportunity to visit Paris. The visit to France strikes the artist’s imagination, and under the impression of it he writes the famous “Balagans in the vicinity of Paris” (1877).

A year later, the artist returns to his homeland, gets married to Alexandra Ryazantseva and moves with his new wife to Moscow.

Painting the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv is the most important work in Vasnetsov’s life

In 1885, A. Prakhov invites Vasnetsov to participate in the painting of the recently erected building. After some thought, the artist agrees. He had already gained minimal experience working on the Abramtsevo Church of the Savior and epic canvases. Being a deeply religious person, it is in the painting of churches that Vasnetsov begins to see his true calling.

Vasnetsov worked on the painting in the Vladimir Cathedral for more than ten (!) years. After all, he was commissioned to paint both the main nave and the apse. The artist skillfully depicted important scenes from the New and Russian saints, and ennobled the vaults with the help of amazing ornaments. In the history of art everything XIX century The scale of the work carried out is unparalleled. After all, during this time, Viktor Mikhailovich created over four hundred sketches, and the total painting area occupies more than 2 thousand square meters. m.!

The work was interesting, but also very difficult. After all, V.M. Vasnetsov, whose biography is the topic of our conversation, carefully studied the topic with which he had to work. For this purpose, he became acquainted with the monuments of early Christianity preserved in Italy, the frescoes and mosaics that existed in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, and the paintings of the St. Michael's and St. Kirill's monasteries. Vasnetsov also paid close attention to the study of related areas of art: folk art, ancient Russian book miniatures. In many ways, when working, he was guided by Moscow. In addition, Vasnetsov always checked whether his work was sufficiently consistent with the spirit of the Church. The artist was forced to discard many sketches due to the fact that he himself considered his works insufficiently ecclesiastical, or because the Church Council did not give consent to them.

Vasnetsov himself believed that his work in the cathedral was his personal “path to the light”, to understanding great values. Sometimes it was very difficult for him due to the fact that he could not depict this or that plot exactly as he saw it in his thoughts.

One of the most beloved images was the Mother of God Vasnetsova, depicted for the first time “with warmth, courage and sincerity.” In many Russian houses of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. one could find reproductions of it.

The work was completed in 1896, and the cathedral was solemnly consecrated in the presence of the Tsar's family. Vasnetsov's painting was a huge success, and already in the same year the artist received many proposals from all sides for the design of St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Darmstadt and other churches. The pinnacle of Vasnetsov’s creativity as a monumental decorator was his canvas “The Last Judgment.”

Vasnetsov is an experimenter who combines centuries-old traditions and living force in his work

While painting the Kyiv Cathedral, Vasnetsov does not stop working in other genres in his free time. In particular, at this time he created a whole cycle of historical and epic paintings.

Viktor Mikhailovich devoted some time to creating theatrical scenery.

In 1875-1883. Vasnetsov is instructed to paint a picture that is atypical for him “ Stone Age", which was supposed to decorate the soon-opening Historical Museum Moscow.

But the artist worked on one of his most famous paintings, “Bogatyrs,” for several decades, and finished his work in 1898. Vasnetsov himself called this painting his “obligation to his native people.” And in April of the same year, he happily took this painting so that it would forever become one of the most striking exhibits in his gallery.

Vasnetsov's paintings never left people indifferent, although fierce disputes often developed around them. Some people worshiped and admired them, others criticized them. But amazing, “alive” and soulful works could not go unnoticed.

Vasnetsov died on July 23, 1926 at the age of 79 due to heart problems. However, the traditions that he initiated continued and continue to live in the works of artists of subsequent generations.

Artist Viktor Vasnetsov is an artist and painter. Creative direction artist mostly associated with historical and fairy tale themes, Russian epics. Vasnetsov very skillfully used his talent and skills to clearly demonstrate his understanding folk tales, took inspiration from the rich folklore images. Thanks to his ability to accurately implement his plans, he soon became recognizable. The public immediately appreciated and loved his work.

Biography - Viktor Vasnetsov was born into the family of a poor priest M.V. Vasnetsov, Vyatka province, village of Ryabovo on May 15, 1848. WITH early childhood it was noticed that he gravitated toward drawing; the main subjects of his sketches were local landscapes and scenes of village life. Later, Vasnetsov was accepted to study at a theological school in 1858, and a little later he entered the theological seminary in the city of Vyatka.

In Vyatka, the young artist develops his drawing abilities; the main theme of his drawings was the themes of Russian folk proverbs, fairy tales, and sayings. While studying at the seminary, he met the exiled Polish artist Andrioli E, who enlightened the young artist Vasnetsov about the art of painting; subsequently, Vasnetsov decided, in order to avoid leaving the last course of the seminary, and enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, in which the artist Andrioli actually helped him , introducing Vasnetsov to Bishop A. Krasinsky, who persuaded Governor Kampaneyshchikov to organize a lottery promotion to sell Vasnetsov's pictures The Milkmaid and the Reaper, thus earning some money, plus a little help from his father,

Vasnetsov went to St. Petersburg in 1867. In the city of Petra, he enters the academy after passing the exams; without learning about his enrollment in the academy, he is faced with a difficult financial situation while looking for a place to live. In his difficult situation, the brother of Vyatsky’s teacher Krasovsky helps, placing Vasnetsov in a cartographic organization; later the artist drew illustrations for books and various magazines, while simultaneously attending the drawing school of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, where an important acquaintance in his life with the artist Ivan Kramskoy took place.

In 1868, he again tries to enter the academy, being surprised to learn that he was admitted to the academy last year. At the academy he met Repin and many other artists and teachers, including Pavel Chistyakov. While studying at the academy, the artist Vasnetsov creates hundreds of different illustrations for various children's alphabet books and fairy tales. He draws townspeople and everyday scenes from city life.

Having not completed his studies at the academy, he left it, the reason was this: Vasnetsov wanted to paint pictures on free topic, one can say where the soul was going with the themes of Russian epics and fairy tales, which was accordingly prohibited at the Academy of Arts.

On your own creative path Artist Viktor Vasnetsov created large number unique paintings including famous paintings, such as Ivan the Terrible, After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians - the first serious work in the Russian epic direction written in 1878, then in 1882, Knight at the Crossroads, The Battle of the Russians with the Scythians, “Flying Carpet, Three Princesses underground kingdom, Alyonushka’s painting is very remarkable; this painting is painted in a national rhythm with a deep poetic touch. His very famous painting The Bogatyrs of 1898, which Pavel Tretyakov acquired for his collection.

After writing the heroes, Vasnetsov was thinking about his personal exhibition, which he decided to organize in the spring of 1899 in the halls of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. The artist put on display about 38 of his best works.

Most noticeable painting at this exhibition, of course, there was a painting of the Bogatyri about which there were many flattering statements from contemporaries.

According to Stasov, this painting is simply a leader among other works of artists and deserves everyone’s attention and approval.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Vasnetsov worked with paintings on religious themes, and also continued to work with epic and fairy-tale themes.

From under his brush come the paintings Bayan, The Frog Princess, The Sleeping Princess, Kashchei the Immortal and The Princess of the Unsmey

The artist’s creativity in his life’s journey was very rich, many painting masterpieces were written, the subject matter of which is simply unique and unsurpassed. The artist’s creative energy was truly inexhaustible, yet many of his plans were not destined to come true. In 1926, in the summer of July 23, Vasnetsov died unexpectedly while painting a portrait of his colleague Nesterov.

    Victor Vasnetsov Self-portrait. 1873 Date of birth: May 3 (15), 1848 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    Painter; genus. in 1848; was educated at the Vyatka Theological Seminary, from where, in 1868, he became a student of the Emperor. Academy of Arts, where he stayed until 1875 and received two small and one large silver medals for success in drawing and for sketches from life... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Russian painter. He studied in St. Petersburg at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts (1867‒68) with I. N. Kramskoy and at the Academy of Arts (1868‒75), of which he became a full member in... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (1848 1926) Russian painter. Brother of A. M. Vasnetsov. Wanderer. Genre paintings (From Apartment to Apartment, 1876), lyrical or monumentally epic paintings on themes of Russian history, folk epics and fairy tales (After the massacre, 1880,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1848 1926), Russian painter. Brother of A. M. Vasnetsov. He studied in St. Petersburg at the Drawing School of the College of Arts (1867-68) with I. N. Kramskoy and at the Academy of Arts (1868-75). Member of the TPHV (since 1876; see Wanderers). Visited France (1876) and Italy (1885). Lived in St. Petersburg... Art encyclopedia

    - (1848 1926), Russian. artist. Brother of A.M. Vasnetsov. Member T va Peredvizhniki. Into Russian history. lawsuit va entered as the creator of paintings based on scenes from folklore. epic In 1880, S. I. Mamontov, the owner of Abramtsev, invited V. D. Polenov and V. to paint a picture based on the plot... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    An outstanding Russian painter. Born in 1848 in Vyatka, he received his education at the local theological seminary, in 1868 73 he studied at the Academy of Arts, after which he traveled abroad. He began exhibiting in 1869, first at academic,... ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (1848 1926), painter. Brother of A. M. Vasnetsov. Wanderer. Genre paintings (“From Apartment to Apartment,” 1876), lyrical or monumentally epic paintings on themes of Russian history, folk epics and fairy tales (“After the Massacre,” 1880, “Alyonushka,” 1881... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    VASNETSOV Viktor Mikhailovich- (05/15/1848 07/10/1926), great Russian artist, participant in the right of the monarchical movement, one of the authors of the Icon of the Monarchical Intercession, member of the editorial commission of the “Book of Russian Sorrow”. Born into the family of a rural priest in the village. Lopyal of Vyatka province. IN… … Black Hundred. Historical Encyclopedia 1900–1917

    V. M. Vasnetsov. Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich (1848, village of Lopyal, now in the Kirov region 1926, Moscow), painter, brother. Studied in St. Petersburg at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists under I.N. Kramskoy (186768) and at the Academy... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)


  • Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. publication of the Commission on the Organization of General Educational Readings for Factory Workers in Moscow, A. I. Uspensky. If before Peter the Great Russian painting was predominantly Byzantine in character, then since his time Western influence has predominated. - The works of Russian artists are largely...