Where was Katy Perry born? The best katy perry songs

Katy Perry (née Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, born October 25, 1984) American singer and songwriter. She gained popularity thanks to her single "I Kissed a Girl", which topped the charts in more than 20 countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland and the USA.

Perry has repeatedly stated in the press that “only thanks to such singers and songwriters as Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen, more female artists have the opportunity to conquer the music charts." She also believes that they were the ones who finally “introduced America to great music.” Katie is known for her unique style of dressing, often humorous, bright colors, using accessories in the form of juicy fruits such as watermelon. Note that the singer has a contralto voice.

Perry was born in Santa Barbara, California. The middle child of two pastors, she grew up surrounded church music, and of course, like many American children, she sang in the church choir. She graduated from Dos Pueblos High School in Goleta, California, and immediately moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18.

After Steve Thomas and Jennifer Knapp signed Perry to Red Hill Records, she released her debut album, Katy Hudson, in 2001 with Christian overtones. However, further creative search led the singer in a radically opposite direction: the image of a scandalous girl singing about everything that worries young minds today. Her singles “Ur So Gay” and “I Kissed a Girl” have already made a lot of noise and attracted the attention of sexual minorities, as well as parents concerned that their children are listening to such obscene songs in their opinion. Thanks to this, the release of Katy Perry's debut mainstream album One Of The Boys became a real sensation, and today everyone can't wait to hear all the material.

Katie claimed that as a teenager she was greatly influenced by the music of Queen. Also among her childhood hobbies are Alanis Morissette, Heart, and Joni Mitchell, and the Incubus album “Morning View”. She also liked rock-pop artists such as Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, and Shirley Manson.

She changed her last name to Perry because her real name, Katy Hudson, was "too similar to actress Kate Hudson." Perry is her mother's maiden name.

In 2004, the Matrix record label, which had already recorded such stars as Avril Lavigne, Liz Phair, Hilary Duff, Skye Sweetnam, Korn and Britney Spears. But she was lured to Capitol Records, and together with producer Glen Ballard, the singer began recording her next album, hoping to make it the first commercially successful for the mainstream.

Its developing music career was featured in Blender Magazine, where in October 2004 the singer was named “The Next Big Thing.” Although Perry was raised strictly Christian, she claims that she "wasn't your typical religious and devout girl" and instead "did a lot of crappy things" as a teenager.

In 2005, Perry collaborated with Ballard to record Simple's soundtrack for the film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. A year later, the singer recorded vocals for the single of the legendary Christian group of our time, P.O.D Goodbye for Now.

She freely talks about the ups and downs of the music industry, such as how she was put down by her record label early in her career. Katie's work attracted the attention of Jason Flom of Virgin Records, head of Capitol Music Group, and she signed a new contract in early 2007. Now the starlet is regularly featured on channels such as MTV and VH1. She recently appeared at the MTV VMA Awards and performed Madonna's hit Like a Virgin.

After signing a new contract, Perry began work on her first mainstream album, One of the Boys, which was released on June 17, 2008 in America. The singer then went on the 2008 Vans Warped Tour in support of the record.

Twelve excellent compositions, each of which claims to become a hit that's what it is album One Of The Boys. The album opens with the title track, an infectious composition with rock elements, as well as the single I Kissed a Girl, which tells about the unusual experience of the heroine, which she was very pleased with. The song about a successful party, Waking Up in Vegas, pleases with a catchy melody, while the ballad Thinking of You is full of emotions, sounding both in Katie’s vocals and in the powerful drums and guitars. The song Mannequin at first seems vulnerable and soulful, but gradually turns into a desperate rebuke to a guy who did not live up to the performer’s hopes.

The hit Ur So Gay is one of the most popular songs in the USA today, liked even by Madonna, an example of how well guitars, piano, whistling and excellent vocals can sound. The song is addressed to a metrosexual ex-boyfriend and is permeated with such deep disappointment that one can only sympathize with the singer. The dance track "Hot n Cold" features Katy's strong vocals, while the most boastful is "If You Can Afford Me" with an infectious rhythm and a catchy chorus. Standing apart from the rest of the material are the slow and soulful ballads Lost, performed, it seems, by someone else, Perry is so soft and innocent here and the light Im Still Breathing, dedicated to classic theme a breakup that she had difficulty getting over. However, the ending of the Fingerprints album eloquently suggests that Katie prefers caustic expressions and frankly daring confessions to all sentiment.

On April 29, 2008, her first official single, I Kissed a Girl, debuted on the iTunes store, staying at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for a long time. As an actress, she appeared twice in cameo roles in the videos Carbon Leaf “Learn to Fly” and Gym Class Heroes “Cupids Chokehold”. In the latest video, she played the girlfriend of her real-life boyfriend Travis McCoy, the vocalist of the band Gym Class Heroes.

The second single, Hot N Cold, was released on September 9, which also achieved success on the American charts even before being released on physical media.

And in the current period of time, the talented American Katy Perry continues to be active creative work, confident that the real success is ahead of her. Most likely, this will be the case, because the musical performer is at the peak of her professional career and is ready to achieve the most significant peaks. In addition, Katie has many other interests besides music, and she devotes a good part of her time to them.

Katherine Elizabeth Hudson (b. 1984) is an American singer and actress, songwriter and composer. He is a UN Goodwill Ambassador.


Katherine was born on October 25, 1984 in the Californian town of Santa Barbara. Her parents, Maurice Hudson and Mary Christine Perry, served as preachers in the Evangelical Church. In total, three children were born in the family: in addition to Katherine, there was also an older girl, Angela, and a younger boy, David, who also made attempts to break into music world show business.

Katie isn't the only family member to achieve fame. Sibling her mother, Frank Perry, became famous as a film and theater director. He is the author of many films, one of which, the tragicomedy “Compromising Poses,” was wildly popular at one time.

Due to the profession of the parents, the family often moved to a new place of residence. The children were raised in religious strictness; they were all required to sing in the church choir. Here for the first time they appeared musical abilities Katie.

Contemporary music she was not welcomed into the family, but the girl was able to meet her thanks to her school friends. She really liked such performers as Joni Mitchell, Alanis Morissette, the groups Heart, Incubus and Nirvana. And when Katie first heard the musical compositions of the Queen group, she realized that she wanted to become a singer in the future.

One day at Katie's school, the teacher gave the children homework– select magazine clippings and make a collage out of them that would reflect their dreams, goals and aspirations. It was 1993 when latin singer Selena won the Grammy Award for Best Mexican-American Performance. Katie was so inspired by this event that her entire collage consisted of a photo of Selena holding a gold Grammy statuette in her hands.

The beginning of a musical career

Katie was fifteen years old when rock musicians from the South American city of Nashville drew attention to the girl singing in the church choir and her stunning contralto. She received an offer to further develop her musical abilities at a professional level. And then Katie, who dreamed of becoming a singer, decided to leave school and devote her life to music.

She attended the Nashville Academy of Music, where she took a short course in Italian opera. She also took private vocal and guitar lessons from country musicians and made demo recordings of her own musical compositions. This was followed by a contract with Red Hill Records, which specialized in recording Christian music.

In February 2001, the sixteen-year-old singer released her first album, which was called “Katy Hudson” (at that time she was still performing under her real name and surname). All compositions on this disc belonged mainly to the gospel genre (Christian spiritual music). The disc was not a success, but critics did not attack the new talent, but treated the young singer condescendingly.

Soon the studio with which Katie worked went bankrupt, and the girl decided to move to Los Angeles in search of new prospects. At the same time, she took a pseudonym. Her paternal last name was Hudson, and if she had kept the name Katie Hudson, it would have been too similar to the famous American actress and director Kate Hudson. The aspiring singer had enough ambitions to prevent such comparisons and confusion, so she took maiden name mothers - Perry.

In Los Angeles, Katie began working with famous musician, composer and producer Glen Ballard. In 2005, they recorded the song “Simple”, which became the soundtrack for the film “Talisman Jeans”.

Star Trek

But Perry's real break came in 2006. One of the largest recording studios, Virgin Records, was located in active search a performer who could be promoted and made a star. The chairman of the record company at the time was Jackson Flom, and Perry was presented to him for consideration. The reaction from his colleagues was mixed. However, he himself was able to discern in the girl the makings of a star who could make a real breakthrough in the future.

As a result, a contract was concluded between singer Katy Perry and the newly formed record company Capitol Music Group. Immediately the first songs were born, in which there was nothing left in common with Christian music.

In the fall of 2007, a video for the song “Ur So Gay” was released, in which a completely new Katie appeared. This single ridiculed gay people, and Perry was initially criticized for being homophobic. Despite this, the song still became a new hit; even Madonna herself praised it. The wheel of show business began to spin with furious force, and intensive work began on the singer’s image and an advertising campaign.

In the summer of 2008, Katy Perry's debut album “One of the Boys” was released, which brought her to the world level. The composition “I Kissed a Girl” from this album became the leader of all the charts. The disc was subsequently certified platinum, its worldwide sales exceeded five million copies, and another song, “Hot N Cold,” conquered the charts in Canada, Russia, Germany and Denmark. At the MTV Video Music Awards in 2008, the singer received five nominations.

2009 began for the singer with a large-scale tour, and her composition “I Kissed a Girl” was nominated for a Grammy.

In 2010, the singer’s second mega-popular disc entitled “Teenage Dream” was released. Five singles from this album reached the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in America.

2013 was marked by the release of the fourth album “Prism”, which topped the American Billboard 200 album chart in the first seven days of sale.
Perry has many awards and has been nominated for a Grammy alone thirteen times.

In 2012, the music publication Billboard named Katy Perry Woman of the Year.
She is the only artist who spent 69 weeks in a row in top ten Billboard Hot 100 chart.

According to statistics from the Recording Industry Association of America, Perry is the third best artist of the digital era.

In 2012, the autobiographical film “Katy Perry: Part of Me” was released.

Personal life

The singer's first serious relationship was with the lead singer of the American group Gym Class Heroes, Travis McCoy. They were a very romantic couple, Katie even starred in the group’s video for the song “Cupid’s Chokehold.” But in 2008 the couple broke up.

In 2009, a new love came into her life - British comedian Russell Brand. In India, on New Year's Eve of the coming 2010, their engagement took place. The couple was married there in the fall of 2010. The day before they visited a safari. At the wedding ceremony itself, Katie wore the national Indian women's dress - a sari. Instead of a limousine, the newlyweds had two elephants, Mala and Lakshmi. They invited only their closest people to the wedding.

Fourteen months later, in December 2011, Russell filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. Most likely, he was simply tired of constant touring and his wife’s eternal busyness. He didn’t even claim a share of the property; they parted peacefully. In July 2012, Katie and Russell officially divorced.

A new romantic relationship connected Perry with the famous heartthrob, guitarist and vocalist John Mayer. They worked together, recording compositions, and spent all their free time. The couple lived together for almost three years (from 2012 to 2015), everyone thought that a new union was about to be formed. Nevertheless, disagreements still arose between them; three times during this period they separated and united again. In the summer of 2015, John and Katie ended their relationship, but remained good friends.

In February 2016, at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards, Perry met British actor Orlando Bloom. The handsome guy is known for his roles in the film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” and in the adventure film “Pirates” Caribbean Sea" Soon a serious relationship began between them, they spent a lot of time together and supported each other. Katie even managed to meet and like Orlando's mother.

They seemed so happy, but, unfortunately, this romance lasted only a year. They did not officially announce the reason for the breakup, but all that is known is that Katie has long been ripe for creating a full-fledged family and having children. While Orlando isn't ready for another child, he already has a son with an Australian model. Despite the fact that Bloom was very dear and close to Perry, she decided to leave her beloved because he was slowing down the course of her life.

Off stage

Katie loves everything bright, often because of her outfits she topped the ratings of poorly dressed stars. However, this does not upset her at all; according to the singer, she loves to play with images and enjoys it. She especially often experiments with the color of her hair: it was pink, green, blue, blue.

She has her own line of perfumes. In 2015, Katie launched another perfume, Mad Potion, which she sold through the Twitter social network. She is a supporter of newfangled technologies and does not hide the fact that the Internet and social networks help her connect with people around the world.

Katie, like many people besides musical Olympus, in which she has already achieved everything, sets ordinary life goals for herself. For example, on her list of things that the singer would like to learn is conquering the top of the Machu Picchu mountain range, where the ancient American city is located, called the “city in the sky” and awarded the title of New Wonder of the World in 2007. Katie also plans to master Spanish and learn to crochet.

Katie has a favorite teddy bear, her talisman, without it she does not go on any trip or go to bed.

The singer loves cats. A cat girl, Kitty Perry (almost the namesake of her owner), lives with her.

Perry believes in aliens and is convinced that they built Egyptian pyramids.

Katy Perry is a very cheerful, interesting, bright and incredibly talented modern star, an American singer and composer who was born on October 25, 1984 in Santa Barbara, California. Katherine Elizabeth Hudson (real name Katy Perry, Perry is her mother's maiden name) was raised in a family of pastors and was the middle child in the family. At the age of 19, Katie came to live in Los Angeles.

In 2001, Katy released her first CD, Katy Hudson, which was recorded in the Christian gospel genre. In 2004, Katie joined The Matrix team. Matrix had plans to record a joint album with Katy, but this project was subsequently shelved. Ultimately, in 2007, Katy Perry was offered a contract with Columbia and accepted. The debut single "Ur So Gay" was accused of homophobia through its lyrics and video. The star's first full-length album, One of the Boys, was released on June 17, 2008. In April 2008, the first official single from the new album, "I Kissed a Girl", debuted in the iTunes Store. The video for this single was released on My Space on May 21, 2008. In September 2008, Katy Perry released the single "Hot n Cold". In May 2010, Perry released the single "California Gurls" with rapper Snoop Dogg. The song became an incredible hit and has sold over 8,000,000 digital downloads worldwide. In July of the same year, the second single from the album was released, which topped the American chart and was able to stay in first place for two weeks. Following the release of the singles, Katie released her third album, Teenage Dream, in August. To support the album, Katy embarked on the California Dreams Tour. Afterwards, the single from the album “Firework” was released. Merits are young, but talented star, Katy Perry, have been awarded 60 awards and 190 nominations, including “Favorite Singer”, “International Singer”, “Breakthrough of the Year”, “International Album of the Year”, “Best female video", "Top Hot 100 Artist", "Top Digital Songs", "Hit of the Year", "Favorite Pop Artist", "Best Female Video".

As for her personal life, at one time Katie had a relationship with the vocalist of the group “Gym Class Heroes” Travis McCoy, but at the end of 2008 the couple broke up. In 2009, the singer began dating the famous comedian Russell Brand, whose engagement took place in India in a magical atmosphere New Year's Eve. On October 23, 2010, the couple arranged a wedding, which, like the engagement, was celebrated in India.

Katherine Elizabeth Hudson, much better known as Katy Perry, is an American singer who performs mostly her own songs. The hit “I Kissed a Girl” made the artist world famous, and the singer was subsequently nominated for a Grammy Award 13 times. Katy Perry is at the peak of her popularity and is one of the three most successful musicians from a financial point of view.

Katherine was born in California, in the town of Santa Barbara, in the family of Maurice Hudson and his wife Mary Christine Perry. Both parents were preachers of the Evangelical Church. In addition to Katie, the family had an eldest daughter, Angela, and a younger brother, David, who also tried his hand at the world of recording. By the way, Katy Perry is not the first famous person in the family. Mother's brother Frank Perry was a theater and film director, the author of many films, including the successful tragicomedy Compromising Poses.

Before the girl turned 11 years old, the family constantly traveled around the country, which was associated with the profession of her parents. The children were brought up in religious strictness. Also, Katie and her brother and sister constantly sang in the church choir.

Modern music was not encouraged in the family, but the girl became acquainted with this trend in adolescence thanks to school friends. Favorite performers included Alanis Morissette and Joni Mitchell, as well as the groups Queen, Nirvana and Heart. At 15, Katie leaves school and decides to become a singer. The girl took a short course in Italian opera at the Academy of Music in Nashville, took lessons from country musicians and began making demo recordings of her own songs.


The beginning of the singer's career was not very successful. The first singles “Trust In Me” and “Search Me” were not particularly successful, as was the debut album “Katy Hudson”, recorded in the gospel style, although critics responded very positively to this work. A few years later, the singer wrote the soundtrack “Simple” for the film “Talisman Jeans.”

At that moment, the girl takes her mother’s maiden name as a pseudonym and becomes Katy Perry. As the singer later explained, her native name Katie Hudson was similar to the name of the actress, and the girl did not want associations.

Katie's main breakthrough came in 2008. The song “I Kissed a Girl” became a real event in world popular music. The popularity of the single was also supported by the full-length album “One of the Boys”, which went platinum based on sales results. Another big hit from this record was the song "Hot n Cold". Soon the world heard the duet composition “If We Ever Meet Again,” which Perry sang along with rapper Timbaland.

“California Gurls” becomes the new world hit of the outrageous performer. This song topped the charts in all English-speaking countries for almost two months. The next disc, “Teenage Dream,” contained four more big hits: “Last Friday Night,” “E.T.”, “Teenage Dream” and “Firework.” Thus, Katie was able to repeat her success, since five songs from one album immediately became number one in the charts.

In the wake of the singer’s success, the musical film “Katy Perry: Part of Me” was released, which told about the artist’s biography, from childhood to the present. Pop stars and Perry's colleagues appeared in the film.

Katy Perry's solo album Prism was released in 2013 and contained the popular songs "Unconditionally" and "This is How We Do". Another achievement of Perry is overcoming the billionth threshold of views of two videos on the VEVO music channel of YouTube hosting. This is a video for hits from the 2013 album “Roar” and “Dark Horse”. In the winter of 2015, the singer performed songs from her latest disc during the halftime break of the final American football game, and this mini-concert is considered the most successful in the history of such matches.

In 2015, Forbes included Katy Perry in the list of highly paid performers with an income of $135 million. The singer’s popularity in the Billboard Hot 100 ranking was ranked 24th. In addition to her musical achievements, the artist signed a contract with the Moschino brand and became its official spokesperson.

In mid-summer 2016, Katie announced new composition"Rise", which was named the official anthem of the Summer Olympic Games 2016.

Personal life

At one time, Katy Perry dated Travis McCoy, the lead singer of the American group Gym Class Heroes, and even appeared in their video for the song “Cupid’s Chokehold.” But at the end of 2008 the musicians broke up. Soon the girl began dating a British comedian, and on the eve of 2010, an engagement was announced.

Katy Perry and Russell Brand got married on October 23, 2010 in India. But this union did not last long, and on the penultimate day of 2011, the couple filed for divorce. It is interesting that Brand did not claim a share of his wife’s property, as he was entitled to by law.

The superstar's next boyfriend was musician John Mayer, with whom Katie was for exactly three years. But since February 2016, the public has steadily linked the name Katy Perry with the British actor. The young people met at the Golden Globe Awards ceremony and subsequently appeared together many times.

In the spring of 2017, the young people ended their relationship, seemingly forever. But less than a year later, the artists resumed their romance, first going to the Maldives. In March 2018, Daily Mail reporters caught the lovers in the Czech Republic.

Katy Perry is the author of her own perfume line, which has produced perfumes for women such as Purr, Meow and Killer Queen. The singer spends a lot of money on charity. In the spring of 2016, the artist donated $1 million to the Donors Choose donor organization.

Katy Perry now

Katy Perry continues to hold her position as a successful pop singer. The tabloids are full of references to the singer. At the beginning of 2017, the single “Chained To The Rhythm” was released, which was then heard by guests at the 59th Grammy Awards, at the BRIT Awards and at the iHeart Radio Music Awards.

Soon the public heard the single “Bon Appétit”, which preceded the new disc, as well as the song “Swish Swish”, for which she was invited to record. Later, the second song was performed at the MTV Video Music Awards. In the summer, a presentation of the hit “Roulette” took place on the VEVO music channel.

The release of the new album “Witness” took place in the summer immediately from the first position of the national chart. Katie's premiere was accompanied by a reality show that aired daily life artists. The audience of the program, which lasted three days, was 190 countries. In September, the singer went on a concert world tour in support of the album. At the end of the year, the singer on the song “Hey Hey Hey”.

Besides solo performances, Perry participates in collaborative work with colleagues. The public heard Katie's voice in musical composition"Feels".

At the beginning of 2018, the 16th season of the music show “American Idol” started on the American television channel FOX, where Katy Perry became a member of the panel of judges. The singer was accompanied at the jury tables by country singer Luke Bryan and a star of the American pop scene of the 80s. The girl notes the bright moments of the show with videos on the page in “ Instagram" Significant photos for the singer also appear there.

Now the artist’s name has become involved in a controversial incident. In 2017, Katy Perry began the process of concluding an agreement with the church diocese regarding the purchase of a former convent building located in Los Angeles. The elderly nuns still living there reacted negatively to this. Court proceedings began, during which a decree was made to sell the monastery building to Katy Perry. During the court hearings, one of the nuns died from her experiences.


  • 2001 – Katy Hudson
  • 2007 – Ur So Gay
  • 2008 – One of the Boys
  • 2010 – Teenage Dream
  • 2013 – Prism
  • 2017 – Witness

Katherine Hudson (Katy Perry) is an American singer, musician, songwriter and actress. Known for her eye-popping outfits, quirky stage props and catchy songs, she became a pop sensation.

Conservative upbringing

Katherine was born on October 25, 1984 in Santa Barbara, California. Fans may be surprised to learn that the singer, who talks about her sexual experiences in the song I Kissed a Girl, grew up in a very conservative family. Her parents were pastors and forbade her to listen to rock and popular music. According to Perry, the only thing she was allowed to do was the soundtrack for the film Sister Act. She and her brother and sister were also not allowed to watch cable channels such as MTV and VH1.

Katy Perry (photo later in the article) began taking singing lessons at age 9 and learned to play guitar when she was 13. Around the same time, she began rebelling against her strict upbringing by getting her nose pierced. She soon became interested in a musical career. Perry made several trips to Nashville with her mother to record a gospel album, which was released in 2001. According to the singer, no more than 100 people managed to hear it, after which the label went bankrupt.

Early musical influences

As a teenager, Katy Perry was interested in a variety of musical directions. A friend introduced her to the music of Queen, which remained one of her favorites. Perry was very inspired by Freddie Mercury and how flamboyant and theatrical he was. In high school, she strived to be herself, not limited to one social group. According to Katie, she hung out with rockabilly fans, guys who were trying to be rappers and just fun kids.

First attempts

Focusing on music, Perry graduated and moved to Los Angeles to work with producer and songwriter Glen Ballard, who has collaborated with stars such as Christina Aguilera and Alanis Morissette. Katie was only 17 years old and independent life turned out to be very difficult. She lived in Los Angeles for 5 years with no money, writing bad checks, selling clothes to pay rent, and living on borrowed money. Perry experienced a series of disappointments before her breakthrough occurred. She and Ballard were unable to find a record label willing to accept them, and her 2004 collaboration with music producers The Matrix failed shortly before the project's scheduled release. After 3 unsuccessful attempts, Katy Perry finally signed a contract with Capitol in 2007.

Debut album

That same year, Katy Perry released her first single, Ur So Gay. Pop superstar Madonna became a fan, calling the song one of her favorites at the time. Katy Perry's song evoked another singer known for her quirky, sassy lyrics. The singer admitted that the single was inspired by emo guys with lined eyes who use hair straighteners. However, her career had yet to take off until her next single, I Kissed a Girl, hit the top of the charts in the summer of 2008. Thanks to the success of this song, One of the Boys' debut album entered the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and its performer received a Grammy Award for Best Female Vocal Performance.

Katy Perry has also become famous for her theatricality. During the concert tour, she performed the hit with a giant tube of lip balm, thus illustrating a line from the song. The performer jumped into a huge cake and appeared on stage in a variety of wild outfits. She called her style "Lucille Ball meets Bob Mackie" - a joke that should be understood by everyone, but it should be thought about at least for a minute.

"Teenage Dream"

In 2009, Katy Perry performed on MTV. The show's soundtrack appeared around the same time. That same year, the singer made tabloid headlines for her relationship with British comedian Russell Brand. The couple got engaged during the New Year holidays, which they spent in India. And on October 23, 2010, during a traditional Hindu ceremony, they registered their marriage in India. According to The Times of India, the wedding was accompanied by a procession of camels, elephants and horses, as well as performances by fire jugglers, snake charmers, dancers and musicians. Perry previously dated Gym Class Heroes member Travis McCoy.

The young pop star had big plans for the future. According to the singer, her desire was to equalize her name with Madonna. Her album Teenage Dreams was released in August 2010. On the Billboard charts, the single California Gurls quickly rose to number 1. Other hits soon followed, including the title track and "Fireworks."

The union with her did not last long - the Briton filed for divorce in December 2011. On the professional front, things were much better for Perry. With the success of Teenage Dreams, she became one of the country's top pop stars.

Katy Perry: new records

In 2012, the singer released a new version of her hit album Teenage Dream. It featured several new tracks, including the successful singles Wide Awake and Part of Me.

The music chart dominance continued with the release of the 2013 album Prism. Katy Perry's Roar video climbed to number one. The song "Dark Horse", the result of the singer's collaboration with Juicy J, also showed impressive results. The hit spent several weeks at the top of the charts, helping Perry break the record set by Mariah Carey, whose singles stayed at number one for 45 weeks.

Katy returned to the spotlight in 2014 with her song This Is How We Do, which featured Riff Raff.

In 2014, the pop star founded her own label, Metamorphosis Music, as part of the record company Capitol Records.

On February 1, 2015, Katy Perry made history by performing during the halftime show of Super Bowl XLIX, which also featured special guests - and - and two dancers dressed in shark costumes, which became a social media sensation. The performance was watched by 118.5 million viewers, making it the most watched in NFL history, according to Guinness World Records.

"Chained to the Rhythm"

Two years later in February 2017, Perry released the first single, Chained to the Rytm, from her new album Witness, which was released on June 9. A world tour in support of it began in September.

The singer has received many awards. She has been awarded the American Music Award 5 times, the Billboard Music Award 6 times, the European MTV Awards 6 times and the MTV Video Music Award 5 times.

Katy Perry collaborates with many charities such as UNICEF, Musicares, Children's Health Fund, Keep A Breast Foundation, and helps those fighting cancer and AIDS.

The singer is an advocate for gay rights and believes that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, deserve equal treatment.

Perry has repeatedly been included in the list of the highest paid representatives of the music industry, and her fortune in 2016 was estimated at $125 million.

In addition to music, Katy starred in the film Zoolander, which premiered in February 2016, hosted the MTV Video Music Awards, and signed a $25 million contract with ABC to serve as a judge on American Idol. which will begin in March 2018.